175A Avg. (275 RMS) are MeL UTA CHAT AL | SCR Up to 1200 Volts aoe Aen) 10-50 ps S Inches Millimeters ymbol yin Max. Min. Max. A 7.750 8100 196.85 205.74 A, 7.750 8100 196.85 205.74 B 063.172 1.60 4.37 # ae oD 980 1.090 2489 27.69 : a E 1.212 1.250 30.78 31.75 F 250 630 6.35 16.00 Cath Pot J 3.25 82.55 ae M 530 755 1346 19.18 conta N 1.040 1.077 2642 27.36 re Q 2.250 57.15 oT 260 290 6.60 7.37 Zz 340 8.64 ow %-16 UNF-2A Creep Distance.75 in. min. (19.05 mm). Strike Distance.69 in. min. (17.63 mm). (in accordance with NEMA standards.) Finish--Nickel Plate. < Approx. Weight8 oz, (227 g). s 1. Complete threads to extend to within IN Ton cecial nS 2% threads of seating plane. 2. Angular orientation of terminals is undefined. 3. Pitch diameter of %-16 UNF-2A (coated) threads (ASA B1.1--1960). 4. Dimension J denotes seated height Features: with leads bent at right angles. @ Center fire, di/namic gate @ High di/dt with soft gate control e High frequency operation e Sinusoidal waveform operation to 20 KHz alana sean Conforms to TO-93 Outline Applications: e Inverters for e Rectangular waveform operation to 20 KHz UPS e@ Low dynamic forward voltage drop AC motor control e Low switching losses at high frequency Induction heating @ Westinghouse Lifetime Guarantee Cycloconverters Oo e Choppers Zo cand te a Ordering Information > = > Ri rT Current Turn-off (eryCROngeciare 5 ro ve IT av) (A) 175 Example Obtain optimum device performance for your application by a ava) Gate + Lr rohy selecting proper Order Code. Voltage | Current | oe | Current Type T607 rated at175A average with Vorm = 1000V, Igt = 150 ma, tq = 30 usec and standard flex lead order as *for 10 usec turn-off, consult factory 275SHOLSIYAHL ONIHOLIMS LSV4 175A Avg. (275 RMS) Up to 1200 Volts 10-50 us Fast Switching 1 Ol 5 T607__18 Voltage Blocking State Maximums @ (Ty = 125C} Symbol _ : ; - Repetitive peak forward blocking voltage ,V -- Vpay, | 100{ 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600] 700 | 800 | 800 11000 ]1100 1200 Repetitive peak reverse voltage ,V>......... VarM 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700'| 800 | 900 [1000 |1100 | 1200 Non-repetitive transient peak reverse voltage, tS 5.0m Sec, V -.. eee eee eee eens Vasm | 200 | 300 | 400 | S00 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 |1100 |1200 | 1300 Forward leakage current, mA peak .......... lprm < 25 > Reverse leakage current, MA peak ........... IRRM < 25 > Current Conducting State Maximums (Ty = 125C} Symbol T607_. 18 RMS forward current, A......... IT(rms) 275 Ave. forward current, A ......... ITeay} 175 One-half cycle surge current, A .. '+sm 4500 12t for fusing (for times > 8.3 ms), A2-sec. ~ ft, 84,000 Forward voltage drop at itm = 625A and Ty = 26C, Vow... Vim 1.85 Min. repetitive di/dtO@@ . A/usec ... di/dt 300 Switching Maximum Forward Voltage VS. Forward Current (Ty = 28C) Symbol g 7 * Ss Max. turn-off time, {7 =150A, . > Ty = 125C, dip/dt = 12.5 s 6 A/usec, reapplied dv/dt = & _ 20V/ 4 sec linear to .8V DRM, ysec@@. tq 10 to 50 T Jz1 Typ. turn-on-time, [T = 100A S 5 Vos 100VQ, usec 6... ton 3.5 Oo Min. critical dv/dt, exponential to V, : o T) = 125C, ViusecO@...... DRM" av/dt 300 g 4 Min. di/dt non-repetitive, so O@@, A/usec ........0.,.... di/dt 800 > 3 7607. 18 0 & 3 Gate g 5 Maximum Parameters (Ty = 25C} Symbol E 1 Gate current to trigger at Vp = 12V, mA 'oT 150 & Gate voltage to trigger at Vp =12V,V... Vet 3 3 Non-triggering gate voltage, Ty == 125C, 1 100 1000 10,000 and rated Vopay. Vo... eee VGpM 0.16 Peak forward gate current, A .........., 1GT 4 Forward Current, ITM, Peak Amperes Peak reverse gate voltage, V........... Vorm 5 Transient Thermal Impedance VS. Time Peak gate power, Watts ............... Pam 16 re ee re ee Average gate power, Watts ............ PGiav} 3 3 Thermal and Mechanical 9 Symboi - Min., Max. oper. junction temp., C ...... Tj 40 to +125 3 Min., Max. storage temp.,C ........... Tstg ~40to +150 Max. mounting torque, in Ib.@......... 300 2 Max. Thermal resistance @ 8 Junction to case, C/Watt......... Resc 13 S Case to sink, lubricated, C/Watt...... R ecs 08 3 - Es =s as. Consult recommended mounting procedures. EY? @ Applies for zero or negative gate bias. =. @ Per JEDEC RS-397, .2.2.1. 2 With recommended gate drive. 8 2 Higher dv/dt ratings available, consult factory. Per JEDEC standard RS-397, @ For operation with antiparallel diode, consult factory. 276 0001 attstiT 4 1 10 100 Time,t, SecondsFast Switching SCR T607_-18 175A Avg. (275 RMS) Up to 1200 Volts 10-50 us Sinusoidal Current Data 10.0 64 Sine Wave 4 2 4000 Amps 1.0 6 4 3 2 1000 Amps 10 Amps 06 400 Amps 04 03 02 Tygtl Vp = 800V, 2022, 25 VRS50V Energy Loss Joules/Pulse 01 10 ? 3 4 6 1 00 ? a 4 6 1 K 2K Pulse Width Microseconds ENERGY PER PULSE FOR SINUSOIDAL PULSES 10K 20 Te = 66C Vp = 600V. 2047.25 uf VR S50v 10 2 3 4 6 100 2 3 4 6 K 2K Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 65C) Peak Operating Current Amperes 10K 6K 4k 3K 2k 100 20 Te 2 90C Vg = 600V. 204) 25 Vas sov 10 2 3 4 6 100 2 3 4 6 1K 2K Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (Tc = 90C) Peak Operating Current Amperes Trapezoidal Wave Current Data 10.0 Square Wave 6 ovat = Ro wd w kh 10 06 03 02 Ty Vip = 800V, 2047.25 uf Vas5ov 10 2 344 6 100 2 3.4 6 1K 2 304 6 10K Pulse Width Microseconds ENERGY PER PULSE FOR TRAPEZOIDAL PULSES (di/dt = 50A/usec) 10.0 Energy Loss Joules/Pulse 01 Square Wave nN yn wk oO 10 06 04 o2 Ty= Vp = 600V. 20/2,.25 uf Vassov 10 2 3.4 6 100 2 304 6 1K 2 304 6 10K Pulse Width Microseconds ENERGY PER PULSE FOR TRAPEZOIDAL PULSES (di/dt = 100A/usec) Energy Loss Joules/Pulse 01 10.0 Square Wave 10 06 04 03 02 Ty = 126C Vip = 600V, 204?,.25 uf Va ssov Energy Loss Joules/Pulse 01 10 2 34 6 400 2 34 6 4K 2 34 6 Pulse Width Microseconds ENERGY PER PULSE FOR TRAPEZOIDAL PULSES (di/dt = 200A /usec) 277 FAST SWITCHING THYRISTORSSHOLSIHAHL ONIHOLIMS LSV4 278 ia We Pia iy) Up to 1200 Volts 10-50 us Trapezoidal Wave Current Data {Tc = 65C) 10K 6K] di/dt = 50A/usec 8. = Te: Vp = 600V. 204? ,.25 ut Va ssov Peak Operating Current Amperes = o 2 #34 6 2 #34 6 10 2 4 6 100 Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 50A/usec) 1K 10K 1 Square 6K = 4k 3K 2K xz 8 8 300 8 g 8 2 3 we as Te Vp = 600V, 2047 25 uf VR <s0v 10 203 4 6 100 23 1K 2 64 Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 100A/usec) Peak Operating Current Amperes 5 = o 10K 6k 4k 3K 2K xz 83 8 y s 5 2 8 ws 60 Te 7 65C Vp = 600V. 2047. 25 ut Va ssov n 3 Peak Operating Current Amperes S 10 7 34 6 100 27 3 4 6 4K 2 3 4 6 10K Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 200A /usec) Fast Switching Tei T607__18 Trapezoidal Wave Current Data (Te = 90C) 10K 6K ak 3K 2K = x 8 3 8 8 8 2 3 we oo y 3 Te = 90C Vp = 600V, 2047 ,.25 ut Vv 50V 10,27 34 6 4 1K 10K Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 50A/usec) Peak Operating Current Amperes = 10K Square Wave 6KIE dizdt = 4k 3K 2k 1K 600 400 300 200 100 60 40 30 20 Te + 90C Vo = 600V. 2042, 25 ut Vpssov Peak Operating Current Amperes 10 6 10 2 4 100 1 Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 100A/usec) 1K 10K Square @ 8 8 w 3 3 ny 3 5 8 ra 3 yw s 666 Peak Operating Current Amperes = O 10 2.34 6 100 2.3 1K 1 Pulse Width Microseconds MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs. PULSE WIDTH (di/dt = 200A/usec)K DIA. HOLE H DIA. ae Np sBTEeF NTIAL QO RED WHITE Y J a Lit E OLA, = i ti | r f ~ | MARKING c B f | en a ' 4 1.245 / 31.62 MM A ACROSS FLATS | ! i | 7 me .750-16 UNF - 2A THD. ep CASE NUMBER T60 NOMINAL DIMENSIONS STRIKE DISTANCE = .65 INCH / 16.5 MM MIN. CREEPAGE DISTANCE = .65 INCH / 16.5 MM MIN. SYM. A B C D E F G H J K INCHES || 1.06 55 1.50 2.25 1.07 7.91 63 281 7.91 146 MM 26.9 14.0 38.1 57.2 27.2_| 200.9 | 16.0 7.14. | 200.9 | 3.71 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE REFERENCE