LiteMax LD1001
Sunlight Readable 10.4" LCD Display
Preliminary Product Document
Rev: 0.3
Date: Jan 4, 2001
LiteMax Electronics Inc.
No.8, Lane 89, Sec. 3, Chung-yang Rd.,
Tucheng City, Taipei County, Taiwan
Tel: 886-2-2267-6766
Fax: 886-2-2267-6779
Homepage: w
General Introduction
The Lite Max model LD1001 is a 10.4" sunlight readable color TFT-LCD
product. It consists of TFT LCD panel module (NE1001), LCD controller
board (LCN101) and backlight inverter (LI2001).
By applying the Lite Max of very high brightness (VHB) technical to the
LD1001, it has a big improved quality on display. Basically, there are three
major advantages for VHB application and they are described below:
1. Brightness
For a traditional LCDs in the market now, the brightness are measured to
be around 200 ~ 350 nits under a regular sunny day. However, the
brightness of LD1001 can be up to 1189 nits. A better enhancement of
picture quality can be shown on the screen in the indoor or outdoor
2. Viewing Angle
View A n g le (deg ree) -70 -50 -30 -10 0 10 30 50 70
Brightness (nits) 87.66 417.2 946.5 1149 1189 1168 976.8 469.7 98.74
From above measured data, the LD1001 has a wider viewing angle. It
means the viewing angle for LD1001 is closer to 180 degree than a
traditional LCD on the same brightness of viewing angle position.
3.Contrast Ratio
The definition of Contrast Ratio: ON (White) luminance / OFF (Black)
luminance. Luminance of LCD screen in white is Y (w)
Luminance of LCD screen in black is Y (b)
In the dark ambient, the LCD1001 screen in white is 1189 nits and in black
is 7.38 nits. Then
Contrast Ratio: 1189/7.38=161.1
LiteMax Confidential 2
However, the Contrast Ratio drops significantly in the bright ambient for
the real application. The reason is due to the reflections and glare at the
surface of LCD. Hence, the contrast ratio should be modified as below:
The Ambient Contrast Ratio: [Y (w)+Y (g)]/[Y (b)+Y (g)]
Where Y (g) is the background luminance Y (g) caused by light scattering
or reflection at the LCD front surface.
In the bright ambient of temperature 25 degree C and indoor, the
background luminance Y (g) of LCD1001 is <= 10 nits, then
The Min of Contrast Ratio: (1189+10)/(7.38+10)= 68.98
We know the max brightness usually is under 300 nits for a traditional LCD
application. Under the same bright ambient compared with LD1001, the Min
of contrast ratio of traditional LCD will be less than 30 for a real application.
Hence, we can make a conclusion that LD1001 can perform a better qual ity
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A. LCD Panel Module (NE1001)
1. Introduction
NE1001 is a 10.4", high efficiency sunlight readable LCD panel module.
This module consists of NEC NL6448CC33-30 TFT color LCD and a Lite
Max very high brightness (VHB) backlight mounted onto the back of the
LCD. The entire is about 19.1 mm thick without encasing and has the same
footprint as the original NEC NL6448CC33-30 LCD.
The NE1001 LCD is a high contrast, wide view-angle LCD and a wider
operating temperature range. In the normal mode operation, the NE1001
module delivers 1189 Cd/m² (nits) LCD screen brightness at a backlight
power of 21.6 Watts. With a dimming inverter, the module can be operated
in a reduced brightness mode with lower power consumption and longer
lamp life. In both modes, the display is highly readable under direct
sunlight. In addition, the color tone of 'white' displayed on the LCD screen
is closely matched to the color of normal sunlight.
With a wide dimming range of Lite Max inverter, the NE1001 LCD panel
module presents a surperb color image over ambient illumination levels
from full bright sunshine to total darkness, making it highly suitable for
various outdoor applications.
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2. LCD Panel Module Optical Performance
The typical NE1001 LCD panel module screen luminance is shown in the
figures below:
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Viewing Angle
The LCD screen luminance is measured with the LCD in the 'Off' state (i.e.
the pixels are not energized). This is the 'White' state with maximum
luminance. Quite often, this 'Off' state is brighter than the 'White' displayed
on the screen after the LCD is turned on. The difference may be caused by
the graphics card and/or on the LCD controller card driving this display.
When the LCD is driven properly, the luminance difference between the
'Off' state and the 'White' color should be less than 10 %.
LiteMax Confidential 5
-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Viewing A ngle
Contrast Ratio
The inherent contrast ratio (CR) of the LCD is the luminance ratio between
the 'White' and the 'Black' states measured in a dark room. In outdoor
environments, the contrast ratio of the display drops significantly due to
the surface reflections and glare caused by the ambient illumination at the
front surface of the LCD and other surfaces such as touch screen or the
protective window.
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3. Characteristics
Parameters Value Units Condition
LC D Screen Lum inance 1189 Cd/m ² W hite (LC D in off state)
Lum inance Uniform ity 20% or better Note 2
LC D C ontrast R atio 161.1 W h ite vs B lack
68.98(Min) w ith 10 nits background Y(g)
Screen D im m ing Ratio 200:1 W ith LI2201 inverter
LCD Screen Chromaticity
W hite ( LCD in off state ) x=0.3446, y=0.3749 M easured at norm al direction
Red x=0.5989, y=0.3604 M easured at norm al direction
Green x=0.3228, y=0.5684 M easured at norm al direction
Blue x=0.1656, y=0.1835 M easured at norm al direction
Viewing A ngle
3:00 to 9:00 direction +/- 40 degrees C ontrast R ation >=10
6:00 to 12:00 direction +/- 50 degrees C ontrast R ation >=10
3:00 to 9:00 direction +/- 65 degrees Screen lum inance >= 100 nits
6:00 to 12:00 direction -80 ~ +45 degrees Screen luminance >= 100nits
Backlight Pow er Consum ption 21.6 W atts E xcluding inverter losses
LC D M odule W eight 1720 G ram s with encasing
Number of CCFLs 8
Note 1: All data are measured at 25-º C± 2 º C ambie nt temperature.
Note 2: Uniformity = (Lmax – Lmin)/(Lmax – Lmin).
Lmax (Lmin) is the maximum (mininum) luminance measured with a 10 mm diameter
meter aperture over the LCD active area except the last 10 mm area from the edge.
3. Optical specification, Signal Timing Specification and Signal
Timing Wave Form
In addition to the data described on characteristic, please refer to NEC
NL6448CC33-30 for other information.
LiteMax Confidential 7
4. Interface connection
5.1 Electrical Interface Connection
Please refer to NEC NL6448CC33-30.
5.2 Backlight Lamp Connections
The very high brightness (VHB) backlight in the NE1001 module uses a
total of 8 cold cathode fluorescent lamps to achieve the required luminance.
The lamps are electrically connected in two separate groups. Group 1
contains lamps #1, #3, #5, #7 and Group 2 contains lamps #2, #4, #6, #8.
The lamps are oriented in the horizontal direction with the #1 lamp at the
topside of the LCD.
The lead wires connecting the lamps are terminated with two 11-pins
connectors. The following are the connector pin out assignments.
Pin # Group 1 Connector Group 2 Connector
3 Lamp#1 Lamp#2
5 Lamp#3 Lamp#4
7 Lamp#5 Lamp#6
9 Lamp#7 Lamp#8
10 NC NC
11 Common Common
LiteMax Confidential 8
6. Backlight Lamp Driving Specification
It is recommended to use an inverter with a 1200 Vrms starting voltage to
run the VHB backlight in the NE1001 LCD panel module. At the maximum
LCD screen luminance, the lamp voltage and current are listed below:
Operating Voltage 400 Vrms
Lamp Current ***** mArms
At this driving condition, the backlight delivers the specified maximum LCD
screen brightness with power consumption about 21.6 Watts. Since most
inverters used to driver CCFLs have efficiency between 75 % - 80 %, the
total DC power input to the inverter is about 28.8 Watts. When the backlight
is dimmed down, the pow er consumption decreases.
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7. Mechanical Characteristics
7.1 Encasing
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7.2 Without Encasing
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B. LiteMax LI2001 inverter
1. Introduction
LI2001 is a CCFL inverter to operate LiteMax very high brightness (VHB)
backlights includes the sunlight readable LCD modules. The inverter has
an on-board pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming circuit for extremely
wide range luminance adjustment. Over the entire dimming range, there is
no noticeable lamp flickering and the uniformity of the backlight is well
maintained. When using LI2001 with LiteMax sunlight readable LCD
modules, it is not necessary to synchronize the PWM circuit to vertical
sync signal of the LCD.
2. Dimming Control
The LI2001 accepts a 0-5V analog voltage for dimming control. It has a
pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming circuit for luminance adjustment.
As the dimming voltage Vd decrease from +5V, the lamp current waveform
is pulse width modulated at a repetition rate high enough to prevent LCD
flicker. Within each PWM, the lamps in the backlight are turned fully 'ON'
for a fraction of the cycle time. The human eyes, being very slow with
respect to the PWM rate, respond to the average light produced over the
PWM cycle. As a result, the luminance of the backlight and/or the LCD
screen is approximately to the duty cycle of the PWM waveform.
The lamp current waveform with the PWM circuit
Set at less than 100%
LiteMax Confidential 12
In general, inverters with PWM dimming have a very wide luminance
adjustment range. For most practical cases, the LI2001 inverter can achieve
a dimming ratio up to 200:1. Hence, the luminance of the backlight or LCD
screen can be adjusted from 100% to 0.5%.
The 0- 5V dimming voltage can be generated simply by a potentiometer, by
a digitally controlled UP/DOWN counter or a digital potentiometer. The
inverter provides a regulated +5V supply to power the dimming circuit.
However, the maximum current drain from this source should be kept less
than 5 mA.
At a Vd input about 0.34V and less, the duty cycle of the PWM waveform is
0% and thus, the lamps are 'OFF'. In order to fully utilize the available
dimming voltage, Vd should be biased to about 0.32V and then ramping up
to 5.0V.
3. Electrical Characteristics
The LI2001 inverter operates at 12V DC input and can drive up to 8 lamps
for a maximum output power about 22 Watts. In addition, the inverter has a
regulated +5V output serving as a voltage source for the dimming control
Electrical Characteristics
Parameters Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Input Vpltage (Vin) 11.5 12 12.5
Input current (I) 2.1 Vin=12, Vd=5 V
Lamp Starting Voltage (Vst) 1300 Vrms Vin=12, Vd=5 V
Frequency (f) 50 53 58 Khz
ON/OFF Control -OFF 0 0.2
-ON Floating
Dimming Voltage(Vd)
@ 100% Duty Cycle 4.9 5 Vdc Max brightness
@ 0% Duty Cycle 0.3 0.34 Vdc Zero brightness
5V Output (+5VOUT) 4.85 5 5.3 Vdc 11.5<Vin<12.5V
5V Output Source Current 5
LiteMax Confidential 13
A bs o lu te Ma ximu m R a tin g
Parameters Min Max Units
Inverter Input Voltage (Vin) 11 13 Vdc
O perating Tem perature Range 0 50 C
Storage Tem perature Range -20 80 C
4. Interface Connector
Input Connector (CN1)
Pin# Function
1 5V Output
2 12V Input
3 12V Input
4 Dimming Control
5 Ground
6 Ground
7 ON/OFF Control
Output Connector (CN2 & CN3)
PIN # Function
3, 5, 7, 9 Lam p C on nections
11 Lamp Common
1,2,4,6,8,10 N o conn ection
LiteMax Confidential 14
LiteMax Confidential 15
5. Mechanical Characteristics
LiteMax Electronics Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this docume nt and the
product, which it describes without notice. LiteMax Electronics Inc. also shall not be
liable for technical or editorial errors or om issions made herein; nor for incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance , or use of this
product. In addition, LiteMax Electronics Inc. takes no responsibility for dama ge caused
by improper use of this product, which does not meet the conditions for u se spe cified in
this specification sh eet.