PRELIMINARY TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE PRECISION WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS wCOILSwDELAY LINES TCR'S FROM +80 TO +6000 PPM ATB SERIES - AXIAL LEAD, EPOXY ENCASED ATS SERIES - AXIAL LEAD, SILICONE COATED PTB SERIES - RADIAL LEAD, EPOXY ENCASED r Available on exclusive SWIFT TM delivery program! r Additional sizes available--most popular shown below r Standard temperature coefficients per Table 1 ATB SERIES 175C RATING ATS SERIES 350C RATING RCD ATS Series resistors offer precision wirewound resistor performance at economical pricing. Ceramic core and silicone coating result in the high operating temperature range. The coating provides maximum protection from environmental and mechanical damage (environmental performance per MIL-R-26). RCD Type Body Body Lead Max. Watts Length Diameter Diameter 4500ppm @ 25C .031 [.787] .015 [.381] (Max.) Resistance RCD ATB Series resistors offer wirewound reliability and precision performance in all types of temperature sensing or compensating circuits. ATB sensors are wound with various alloys of temperature sensitive resistance wire and encapsulated in moisture-proof epoxy. ATB sensors meet the environmental requirements of MIL-R-93. Operating temperature range is -55C to +175C. Standard resistance tolerances are 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%. RCD Type Body Length .031 Body Diameter .015 Lead Diameter (Max.) Watts @ 25C Max. 4500ppm Resistance ATS110 .250 [6.35] .093 [2.36] .020 [.51] .5 300 ATB200 .250 [6.35] .100 [2.54] .020 [.51] .05 3K ATS125 .406 [10.3] .093 [2.36] .020 [.51] 1.0 1K ATB202 .250 [6.35] .125 [3.18] .025 [.635] .10 5K ATS135 .500 [12.7] .188 [4.78] .032 [.81] 3.0 1.5K ATB204 .375 [9.53] .142 [3.60] .025 [.635] .12 8K ATS145 .812 [20.6] .188 [4.78] .032 [.81] 3.5 3K ATB206 .375 [9.53] .187 [4.75] .025 [.635] .15 15K ATS150 .500 [12.7] .218 [5.54] .040 [1.02] 3.5 2K ATB100 .350 [8.89] .250 [6.35] .032 [.81] .25 20K ATS155 .625 [15.9] .250 [6.35] .040 [1.02] 4.0 3K ATB101 .500 [12.7] .250 [6.35] .032 [.81] .33 30K ATS160 .875 [22.2] .312 [7.92] .040 [1.02] 5.0 4K ATB102 .750 [19.1] .250 [6.35] .032 [.81] .50 76K ATS170 1.220 [31.0] .312 [7.92] .040 [1.02] 7.0 5K ATB104 .750 [19.1] .375 [9.53] .032 [.81] .60 114K ATS175 1.780 [45.2] .375 [9.53] .040 [1.02] 10.0 10K PTB SERIES 175C RATING TABLE 1. RESISTANCE RANGE RCD PTB Series temperature sensitive resistors offer the same reliability and precision performance as the ATB series except in a radial lead design. RCD Type Body Body Lead Lead Max. Length Diameter Spacing Watts Diameter 4500ppm .031 .015 .015 @ 25C (Max.) Resistance [.787] [.381] [.381] .312 PTB401 [7.92] .500 PTB406 [12.7] .250 [6.35] .375 [9.53] P/N DESIGNATION: .025 [.635] .032 [.813] .200 [5.08] .200 [5.08] .25 15K .33 40K ATS135 - 1000 - F RCD Type 4-Digit Resis.Code @ 25C: 3 signif. digits & multiplier (1R00=1, 1000 =100, 1001=1K, 1003=100K) Tolerance @ 25C: J=5%, H=3%, G=2%, F=1%, D=0.5%, C=0.25%, B=0.1% Packaging: B = Bulk, T = Tape & Reel (axial lead only) Temperature Coefficient: (80 = 80ppm, 100 = 100ppm, 4500 = 4500 ppm, etc) B 4500ppm Temp. Coef. ppm/C T.C. Tolerance ppm/C Resis. Range Multiplier +80 20 5.3 +100 20 5.3 +140 40 5.0 +180 40 2.0 +400 40 4.5 +650 50 2.0 +1000 100 3.0 +1400 200 3.2 +2600 200 3.3 +3200 200 2.0 +3500 300 2.7 +3850 80 (Platinum) .4 +3900 300 (Copper) .083 +4500 300 (NiFe) 1.00 +6000 400 (Nickel) .33 In order to determine the m a xim u m r es is tan ce ava ilable, please u se the m uliplier lis te d in Table 1 in comparison to the m aximum 4500 ppm resistance range listed for each size. Example: a resistor with a TC of +3200 ppm can be manufactured with a resistance value twice as hi gh as t he same r e si sto r with a TC o f 4500 ppm . A resistor with a TC of +6000 ppm can only reach a third of th e r e s is tan c e v al ue available with 4500 ppm wire. RCD Components Inc., 520 E. Industrial Park Dr., Manchester, NH USA 03109 Tel: (603) 669-0054 Fax:(603) 669-5455 E-mail: FAXXX specifications subject to change without notice