Eval Kit Manual DN[Document ID] CCS811 Standard Board CCS811-LG_EK_ST ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 1 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board Content Guide 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3 2 General Description ............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 USB to I2C Board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) ................................................................................... 3 2.2 CCS811 Sensor Board (ENS-CCS811-SB) ......................................................................... 4 3 Software Installation ............................................................................................................. 5 4 Board Interface and Test Points .......................................................................................... 6 4.1 Board Interface..................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Test Points ........................................................................................................................... 6 5 Schematic, PCB Layout and Bill of Materials ...................................................................... 7 5.1 Schematic Design ................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Bill of Materials (BOM) ......................................................................................................... 7 5.2.1 USB to I2C Board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) ................................................................................... 7 5.2.2 CCS811 Sensor Board (ENS-CCS811-SB) ......................................................................... 7 6 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 8 7 Ordering & Contact Information ........................................................................................... 9 8 Copyrights & Disclaimer ..................................................................................................... 10 9 Revision Information .......................................................................................................... 11 ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 2 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 1 Introduction The document provides an overview of the CCS811 evaluation kit and covers the following topics: evaluation kit general description, software installation, board interface, test points, schematics, PCB layout and bill of materials (BOM). 2 General Description The CCS811 evaluation kit comes with the following components: ENS-USB-I2CIO : USB to I2C board ENS-CCS811-SB : CCS811 sensor board Thanks Card containing URL to download related software and documentation USB 2.0 A Male to Micro B cable USB to I2C Board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) 2.1 The USB to I2C board refer to as ENS-USB-I2CIO, as shown in Figure 1, allows control and measurement of the CCS811 sensor board using the ENS Dashboard. By default the USB to I2C board provides a 3.3 V supply to the CCS811 sensor board. Figure 1 USB to I2C Board The USB to I2C board has the following key features: Silicon Labs CP2112 device which provides a simple solution for controlling I2C slave, the nWAKE and nRESET signals and monitors the nINT signal Board dimensions 42mm length x 18mm width Standard micro USB connector and board interface with power (VDD, GND) and I 2C Signal (SCL, SDA). Supports Standard I2C mode (100 kHz) and Fast I2C mode (400 kHz) ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 3 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 2.2 CCS811 Sensor Board (ENS-CCS811-SB) The CCS811 sensor board refer to as ENS-CCS811-SB, as shown in Figure 2, is an evaluation platform for the CCS811 device. It contains a CCS811 digital VOC gas sensor with an ENS210 relative humidity and temperature sensor and has I2C interface which is compatible with the USB to I2C board for USB connection to PC / laptop Figure 2 CCS811 Sensor Board The sensor board has the following key features: CCS811 ultra-low power digital gas sensor for monitoring indoor air quality ENS210 relative humidity and temperature sensor with I2C Interface used to compensate for environmental changes Board dimensions 25mm length x 18mm width Board interface with power (VDD, GND) and I2C Signal (SCL, SDA). Sensor chips support standard I2C mode (100 kHz) and fast I2C mode (400 kHz) Sensor board supports 1.8 V to 3.6 V By plugging the CCS811 sensor board into the USB to I2C board as shown in Figure 3, direct connection to PC is enabled via USB. Figure 3 CCS811 Sensor Board with USB to I2C board ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 4 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board A block diagram of the CCS811-LG_EK_ST which illustrates the end-to-end connection between the PC via USB to I2C board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) and CCS811 sensor board (ENS-CCS811-SB) is shown in Figure 4 below. Figure 4 Block Diagram of CCS811-LG_EK_ST VDD VDD SCK SCK SDA SDA ADDR ADDR GPIOx nWAKECCS811 CP2112 USB HID to I2C bridge CCS811 Digital VOC sensor GND GND ENS-USB-I2CIO VDD SCK USB SDA ENS210 RH + T Sensor GND ENS-CCS811-SB Relative humidity and temperature data from ENS210 can be read on the I2C bus and this information can be written to CCS811 to compensate for temperature and humidity changes for indoor air quality monitoring. 3 Software Installation Quick steps: Connect CCS811 sensor board (ENS-CCS811-SB) into USB to I2C board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) Connect USB to I2C board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) via USB cable to Windows PC Install Windows PC ENS dashboard application available at http://ens.ams.com/ The ENS Dashboard application setup wizard will be launched and guide you through the installation, please refer to the ENS Dashboard user manual. ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 5 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 4 4.1 Board Interface and Test Points Board Interface The signal labels and pin designators for the interface are shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 Board Interface 4.2 in (s) Label Description 1 VDD Supply voltage 2 SDA I2C data 3 SCL I2C clock 4 nWAKE 5 nINT 6 nRESET 7 GND Wake up pin. Active low Optional interrupt pin. Active low Optional reset pin. Active low Ground Test Points There are 3 test points for I2C address, GND and PWM as shown below on the CCS811 sensor board (ENS-CCS811-SB). Figure 6 CCS811 Sensor Board Test Points Ground ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Address PWM Page 6 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 5 Schematic, PCB Layout and Bill of Materials The schematic design, PCB layout and bill of materials (BOM) for CCS811-LG_EK_ST is documented in the following sections. 5.1 Schematic Design The schematic design for USB to I2C board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) and the CCS811 sensor board (ENSCCS811-SB) is documented at the end of the document. 5.2 Bill of Materials (BOM) The bill of materials (BOM) for the USB to I2C board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) and CCS811 sensor board (ENS-CCS811-SB) are shown in the following sections. 5.2.1 USB to I2C Board (ENS-USB-I2CIO) Figure 7 Bill of Materials (BOM) for the USB to I2C Board Label Description I2C bridge QFN24 Part Number Manufacturer CP2112 Silicon labs U1 IC - USB to U3 ESD Protection Device SOT-14 SP0503BAHTG LITTLEFUSE R1 330K Resistor 0402 CRG0402J330K TE CONNECTIVITY R2 0R Jumper Resistor 0402 ERJ-2GE0R00X PANASONIC ELECTRONIC R4, R5 1K Resistor 0402 ASC0402-1K0FT10 WELWYN R6, R7, R8 4K7 Resistor 0402 CRG0402F4K7 TE CONNECTIVITY L1 Inductor 0402-N 742843122 WURTH ELEKTRONIK C1,C6,C7 100nF Capacitor 0402 MC0402X104K100CT MULTICOMP C2, C3, C4 4.7uF Capacitor 0402 GRM188R61A475KE15D Murata C5 10nF Capacitor 0402-N MCCA000077 MULTICOMP LED1-TX Chip LED 0603 150060GS75000 WURTH ELEKTRONIK LED2-RX Chip LED 0603 150060YS75000 WURTH ELEKTRONIK USB USB_MICROBOUT 47346-0001 Molex X1 Board-To-Board Connector 38-00-1337 Molex 5.2.2 CCS811 Sensor Board (ENS-CCS811-SB) Figure 8 Bill of Materials (BOM) for the CCS811 sensor Board Label Description Part Number Manufacturer S1 CCS811B Digital gas sensor for indoor air quality monitoring CCS811B-JOPR ams AG ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 7 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board Label Description Part Number Manufacturer S2 Relative Humidity and Temperature ENS210-LQFM ams AG Sensor with IC Interface X1 Connector 7pin 2.54mm 22-28-6070 Molex C1 100nF Capacitor 0402 MC0402X104K100CT MULTICOMP C2 4.7uF Capacitor 0402 GRM188R61A475KE15D Murata R1 100K Resistor 0402 MCWR04X1003FTL MULTICOMP R2(8-4) 100k NTC Thermistor 0402-N NCP15WF104F03RC Murata 6 Summary This document describes the CCS811 evaluation kit about what it is and how to use it from the user point of view. ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 8 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 7 Ordering & Contact Information Ordering Code Description CCS811-LG_EK_ST CCS811 Eval Kit Standard Board Technical Support is available at: www.ams.com/Technical-Support Provide feedback about this document at: www.ams.com/Document-Feedback For further information and requests, e-mail us at: ams_sales@ams.com For sales offices, distributors and representatives, please visit: www.ams/com/contact Headquarters ams AG Tobelbader Strasse 30 8141 Premstaetten Austria, Europe Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Website: www.ams.com ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 9 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 8 Copyrights & Disclaimer Copyright ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Premstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs are provided to recipient on an "as is" basis for demonstration and evaluation purposes only and are not considered to be finished end-products intended and fit for general consumer use, commercial applications and applications with special requirements such as but not limited to medical equipment or automotive applications. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs have not been tested for compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards and directives, unless otherwise specified. Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs shall be used by qualified personnel only. ams AG reserves the right to change functionality and price of Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs at any time and without notice. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. Any claims and demands and any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages arising from the inadequacy of the provided Demo Kits, Evaluation Kits and Reference Designs or incurred losses of any kind (e.g. loss of use, data or profits or business interruption however caused) as a consequence of their use are excluded. ams AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of ams AG rendering of technical or other services. ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 10 Document Feedback CCS811 Standard Board 9 Revision Information Changes from previous version to current revision 1-01 (2017-Jan-16) Page Minor updates only Note: Page numbers for the previous version may differ from page numbers in the current revision. Correction of typographical errors is not explicitly mentioned. ams Eval Kit Manual [v1-01] 2017-Jan-16 Page 11 Document Feedback 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ENS-CCS811-SB A A S1 VDD I2C_SDA I2C_SCL NWAKE NINT NRESET X1-7 X1-6 X1-5 X1-4 X1-3 X1-2 X1-1 2 3 7 NRESET NINT NWAKE VDD AUX I2C_SDA I2C_SCL ADDR 9 10 1 SDA SCL SENSE PWM ADDR 22-23-2071 B GND 6 VDD 8 AUX 5 4 PWM PWM NRESET NINT NWAKE PAD B CCS811 GND GND ADDR ADDR VDD VDD VDD C R3 100k 4K7 R1 R2 C 4K7 PGND NRESET C1 4.7uF AUX GND GND R4 NTC (100k) GND PWM Relative Humidity + Temperature Sensor D VDD ENS210 VDD P5 C2 100n VSS1 VSS2 SDA SCL P4 P3 P2 I2C_SDA I2C_SCL D VDD P1 S2 ENS-CCS811-SB - V1 GND E Design Date: 26 / 10 / 2016 GND Copyright AMS 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E X1 S1 C1 S2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ENS-USB-I2CIO A A L1 DD+ USB_5V H C1 R2 GND C2 100n >=1V8 OUT IN RESISTOR-DOUBLE VBUS 1 2 3 4 5 U2 N.C. 4.7uF LDO output must >= 1V8 and <= 3V6 GND GND GND GND D+ B R2 - Power Selector Fit 1 position only; 3V3 by default DUT_VDD C3 C6 4.7uF 100n B D- DUT_VDD GND GND VPP GND GND C DUT_VDD 7 8 USB_5V 4K7 D- 4 D+ 3 RST 9 SDA SCL VREGIN VBUS U1 CP2112 DD+ -RESET 4K7 16 4.7uF VPP 6 VDD GND VIO 2 VBUS 5 C7 100n GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 GPIO4 GPIO5 GPIO6 GPIO7 1 24 SDA0 SCL0 23 22 21 20 15 14 13 12 LED1 LED2 NWAKE NINT NRESET R8 C4 R7 4K7 SL_3V3 3 4 DUT_VDD 1 R1 330k U3 SP0503BAHTG SL_3V3 C5 10n DUT_VDD SDA0 SCL0 NWAKE NINT NRESET GND 22-23-2071 X1-1 X1-2 X1-3 X1-4 X1-5 X1-6 X1-7 C GND R6 D LED1 GND 1k R4 TX green R5 E RX yellow 11 17 1k GND SUSPEND -SUSPEND EXP 2 GND-PAD DUT_VDD D ENS-USB-I2CIO LED2 E Design Date: 26 / 10 / 2016 Copyright AMS 2016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 USB R1 U2 U3 C5 L1 C3 C1 C2 U1 C4 TX RX C C A A X1