Measurement Best Selection Sensor Communications Units E3NX-FA Series E3NW A 38 Page A 62 Page New release of the long-awaited M4 model Addition of Infrared models, Analog output models and Communications models with wired outputs. 2 Page 6 Page 14 Page 20 Page 34 Page 38 Page 48 Page 58 Page 62 Page Smart Fiber Amplifier Units NEW 92 Page Oil-resistant Fiber Unit E32-T11NFS 100 Page New Product Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Model Index Guide and Communications Installation Information Precautions Unit, and Accessories Applications Environmental Immunity Transparent Objects Easily select the most reliable Fiber Unit for your detection conditions. Beam Improvements Start with Smart! Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Fiber Sensor Best Selection Catalog 4 Page Fiber Sensor Features Detection Selection Guide Presence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esk-top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election Guide Selection by Category Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 04 Beam Improvements Select a category. Fiber Unit Index Select a model. Category Pages 06 to 61 05 Page Select Accessories of Fiber Amplifier Unit Page Page 65,81 Page Threaded Cylindrical Before Selecting Fiber Units Flat Sleeved Small Spot The Fiber Units specifications give the sensing distance when the Fiber Unit and Fiber Amplifier Unit is combined. Check the Fiber Amplifier Unit series for easier selection. Fiber Amplifier Unit Series High Power E3X-HD Series E3NX-FA Series Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Heatresistant Output 1 output 1 or 2 outputs (depending on the model) External input Not supported Supported or not supported (depending on the model) VV VPVPV 'HIDXOWV VV VPVPV 'HIDXOWV 2,000 mm 3,000 mm 840 mm PP PGLD PGLD EtherCAT (E3X-ECT) CompoNet (E3X-CRT) EtherCAT (E3NW-ECT) CompoNet (E3NW-CRT) CC-Link (E3NW-CCL) Applicable Sensors Fiber Sensor (E3X-HD0) Fiber Sensor (E3X-MDA0) Laser Photoelectric Sensor (E3C-LDA0) Proximity Sensor (E2C-EDA0) )LEHU6HQVRU(1;)$)$)$)$+ Laser Sensors (E3NC-LA0, E3NC-SA0) Contact-Type Sensor (E9NC-TA0)* Ordering Information 80 Page 3DJH Ratings and Specifications 82 Page 3DJH Dimensions 82 Page 70 Page Fiber Response time Amplifier Unit specifications Sensing distance E32-T11R (Giga-power mode) E32-D11R Minimum sensing object Bending Area Detection Applications Select a Fiber Amplifier Unit and Communications Unit. 62 Select a Fiber Unit. Sensor Communications Unit application E32-T11R Communications method (Sensor Communications Unit model) Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Page listings * E3NW-CRT Sensor Communications Units (CompoNet) cannot be used. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 04 Selection by Model Search for the page in the model index. 100 Page Search for the model on the corresponding pages. Each Page Fiber Unit Index Cylindrical Models Flat Models Sleeve Models (Close-range Detection) 06 Page Ideal for installation in narrow spaces. The Fiber Unit is secured with a set screw. 10 Page Mount directly in limited spaces without using special mounting brackets. 14 Page Suitable for close-range detection. Ideal for detecting minute objects in areas with limited space. 16 Page Beam Improvements Small-Spot, Reflective (Minute Object Detection) Threaded Cylindrical High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Narrow View Detection without Background Interference (Detection Across Clearance) Flat Sleeved Saving Space Standard screw-type installation. The Fiber Units is mounted into a drilled hole and secured with nuts. Standard Installation Fiber Units Threaded Models Saving Space Selection Guide Standard Installation 05 Fiber Sensor Features Selection Guide 24 Page The Fiber Unit emit a non-spreading beam to prevent false detection of light reflected off surrounding objects. 30 Page Detect only objects in the sensing range, and not in the background. 32 Narrow view Transparent Object Detection Retro-reflective High Power Page BGS Limited-reflective (Glass Detection) Retroreflective Limitedreflective Detect transparent objects reliably because the beam passes through the object twice, resulting in greater light interruption. 34 Page The limited-reflective optical system provides stable detection of specular reflective glass. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 36 Bending Page Heatresistant Environmental Immunity Chemical-resistant, Oil-resistant Bending-resistant, Disconnection-resistant Heat-resistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum 38 Page Resistant to repeated bending on moving parts and breaking from snagging or shock. 40 Page Can be used in high-temperature environments at up to 400C. FPD, Semi, Solar 44 Page Installation Information Special Applications Area Beam (Area Detection) Detect across areas for meandering materials or falling workpieces whose position vary. 48 Page Liquid-level Detection Vacuum-resistant Detect only liquid when being mounted on tubes or in liquid. Can be used under high vacuums of up to 10-5 Pa. 50 Page FPD, Semiconductors, and Solar Cells 52 Page Designed specifically to reliably detect glass substrates and wafers. 54 Page Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Made from materials that are resistant to various oils and chemicals. Transparent Objects Suitable for detection on large equipment, of large objects, and in environments with airborne particles. Environmental Immunity 20 Page Applications Small-spot to accurately detect small objects. Beam Improvements Small Spot 05 Standard Installation Threaded Models Fiber Sensor Features 06 Selection Guide Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Beam Improvements Reflective 08 Page * Standard configuration. These Fiber Units are mounted into a hole drilled in a bracket and secured with nuts. * The Right-angle Model prevents snagging on the cable because the cable runs along the mounting surface. Top-view Type Threaded Hex-shaped Fiber Units with Build-in Lenses have been added to the series. (They have a right-angle shape like that of the E32-T11N shown below.) 98 Page Right-angle Type Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot High Power Narrow view Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Sensing direction (Aperture angle) Size Rightangle Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant E3X-HD GIGA Top-view Flexible, R1 14 (Approx. 60) M4 M4 2,000 700 Models 07 Page Dimensions No. ST : 1,000 SHS: 280 3,000 1,050 ST : 1,500 E32-T11N 2M 07-A SHS: 280 E32-T11R 2M 07-B 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 * 4,000 R25 Top-view HS Other modes Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) M4 IP67 Limitedreflective Sensing distance (mm) 14.7 (Approx. 60) Retroreflective Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) BGS ST : 2,700 SHS: * 4,000 1,080 * 4,000 ST : * 4,000 * 4,000 SHS: 1,080 15 (Approx. 15) * 4,000 M4 Flexible, R1 Bending ST : 3,500 2,300 SHS: 920 * 4,000 ST : * 4,000 3,450 SHS: 920 E32-LT11 2M 2.3 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) 07-C E32-LT11R 2M IP50 Heatresistant Area Detection Applications Through-beam This Page Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 06 * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Threaded Models Dimensions Installation Information 59, 60 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 8.4 dia. Model display tube 7 Selection Guide 07-A E32-T11N 2M (Free Cutting) 07 Fiber Sensor Features Standard Installation 2.2 dia. 7 5.5 2,000 4.7 (45) M4 nuts (Nickel-plated brass) and washers (Nickel-plated iron) provided (4 of each). 07-B E32-T11R 2M (Free Cutting) Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washers (Nickel-plated iron) Sensing surface 1 dia. 3.2 Threaded M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) M2.6x0.45 Cylindrical 2.2 dia. Flat 3 14 2,000 Sleeved 07-C E32-LT11 2M (Free Cutting) Standard Installation M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) M2.6x0.45 Sensing surface 1 dia. Saving Space 3 Fiber Units 14.7 10 E32-LT11R 2M (Free Cutting) Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washers (Nickel-plated iron) High Power 2.2 dia. Sensing surface 2.3 dia. Narrow view 10 3.2 15 2,000 Beam Improvements Small Spot M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) Lens (PMMA) Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects BGS - Reference Information for Model Selection - Liquid-level What Are Fiber Units with Build-in Lenses? Features of the Right-angle Type * Cable is less prone to snagging. * Cable runs along the mounting surface for less space compared with Top-view Fiber Units. * The nut is attached to the Fiber Unit to reduce installation work. These Fiber Units have built-in lenses. They feature high-power beams. You don't have to worry about the lens falling off and getting lost. Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar The flexible fiber has a small bending radius for easy routing without easily breaking. It is easy to use because the cable can be bent without significantly reducing light intensity. Cores Cladding And Long-distance Sensing Applications A separate Lens Unit can be attached to extend the sensing distance. 26 Page Structure which has a cladding around a large number of ultrafine cores. Breaking Due to Snagging or Shock The Fiber Unit can be protected from breaking with stainless steel spiral tube. 40 Page (Excluding the E32-T11N 2M.) Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information What Is "Flexible" Fiber? 07 Standard Installation Threaded Models Fiber Sensor Features 08 Selection Guide Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Beam Improvements Top-view Type Cylindrical Flat Sleeved High Power Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Sensing direction (Aperture angle) Size Appearance (mm) Coaxial Narrow view 50 SHS: 14 ST : 350 SHS: 100 ST : 60 SHS: 16 160 69 ST : 75 SHS: 14 ST : 520 SHS: 100 ST : 90 SHS: 16 Models 09 Page Dimensions No. E32-C31N 2M 09-A E32-C91N 2M 09-B E32-D21R 2M 09-C E32-C31 2M 09-D E32-C31M 1M 09-E E32-D211R 2M 09-F E32-D11R 2M 09-G E32-CC200 2M 09-H 1,170 780 220 340 IP67 11 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Flexible, R1 M3 140 40 210 60 IP67 Coaxial M3 Bending 25 R25 M3 Heatresistant 330 IP67 Coaxial 100 11 Top-view 140 40 M4 IP67 Vacuum Installation Information 490 150 ST : 220 SHS: 44 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) ST : 60 SHS: 16 ST : 350 SHS: 100 ST : 600 SHS: 180 ST : 360 210 60 ST : 90 SHS: 16 ST : 520 SHS: 100 ST : 900 SHS: 180 ST : 540 SHS: 110 ST : 520 SHS: 100 1,260 840 240 M6 M6 44 Flexible, R1 17 FPD, Semi, Solar 150 SHS: IP67 15 M4 ST : R10 M3 (Approx. 60) Liquid-level Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories ST : Flexible, R4 M6 Limitedreflective 08 HS Other modes GIGA 110 24 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) E3X-HD 46 IP67 Coaxial M6 Retroreflective Area Detection 20.5 M3 Rightangle Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable M3 (Approx. 60) Transparent Objects Hex-shaped Fiber Units have been added to the series. (They have a right-angle shape like that of the E32-C31N shown below.) 98 Page Right-angle Type BGS Environmental Immunity Reflective This Page * Standard configuration. These Fiber Units are mounted into a hole drilled in a bracket and secured with nuts. * The Right-angle Model prevents snagging on the cable because the cable runs along the mounting surface. Threaded Small Spot Applications Through-beam 06 Page 360 IP67 Coaxial 2,100 1,400 23 R25 M6 400 600 IP67 1,290 R25 23 Top-view (Approx. 15) M6 860 250 SHS: 110 ST : 350 SHS: 100 370 M6 1,260 Flexible, R1 840 240 360 E32-LD11 2M (1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) 09-I E32-LD11R 2M IP50 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. (The sensing distance for the E32-LD11 2M / E32-LD11R 2M are for glossy white paper.) 4. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Threaded Models Dimensions Installation Information 58, 59 Page Reflective Fiber Units (45) Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. * The Fiber Attachments that are provided were specially designed for this Fiber Unit. E39-F9 cannot be attached. Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. M3 nuts (Nickel-plated brass) Washers (Nickel-plated brass) provided (2 of each) 09-B E32-C91N 2M (Free Cutting) M4x0.7 (SUS303) 9.75 (5.6) Threaded 09-F E32-D211R 2M (Free Cutting) Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 1 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. Cylindrical 9.75 2,000 (standard length) 3.2 (45) 6 24 15 2,000 09-G E32-D11R 2M (Free Cutting) Toothed washer (nickel-plated iron) 18 Hexagonal nut, Opposite side:10, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) 3 Sensing head, M6 x 0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) Optical fibers: Two, 2.2 dia. Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 09-C E32-D21R 2M (Free Cutting) 17 Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. 2.5 dia. Two, 1 dia. 5.2 E39-F9: Provided 2,000 23 2,000 Sixteen, 0.265 dia. receiver fibers Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 09-I 09-D E32-C31 2M (Free Cutting) M3x0.5 (SUS303) E32-LD11 2M (Free Cutting) E32-LD11R 2M (Free Cutting) Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) Heat-shrinkable Two, 1 dia. tube M6x0.75 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) Sensing surface Two, 1.5 dia. 20 2.5 25 12 Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) E39-F9: Provided 2,000 Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 15 5 23 2,000 - Reference Information for Model Selection And These Fiber Units offer better detection of small objects at close distances (of 2 mm or less) than Standard Reflective Fiber Units. They also detect glossy surfaces more reliably than Standard Reflective Fiber Units, even if the surface is tilted. Emitter Fiber The receiver fibers are arranged around Receiver Fibers the emitter fiber as shown below. * Cable is less prone to snagging. * Cable runs along the mounting surface for less space compared with Top-view Fiber Units. * The nut is attached to the Fiber Unit to reduce installation work. Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Features of Coaxial Reflective Type Features of the Right-angle Type Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Two, 2.2 dia. Four, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers BGS Retroreflective 3 0.5 dia. emitter fiber Narrow view M6x0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) 1 dia. emitter fiber Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) 11 2,000 09-H E32-CC200 2M (Free Cutting) M3x0.5 (SUS304) Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. Small Spot High Power 3 4.8 Sixteen 0.265-dia. receiver fibers 2.5 Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. 4 dia. Model display tube Sleeved M6x0.75 (ZDC) Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. 2.5 dia. 1 dia. emitter fiber (PMMA) Flat E39-F9: Provided 3 Breaking Due to Snagging or Shock The Fiber Unit can be protected from breaking with stainless steel spiral tube. 42 Page The flexible fiber has a small bending radius for easy routing without easily breaking. It is easy to use because the cable can be bent without significantly reducing light intensity. Cladding What Are Fiber Units with Build-in Lenses? These Fiber Units have built-in lenses. They feature high-power beams. You don't have to worry about the lens falling off and getting lost. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information What Is "Flexible" Fiber? Cores Vacuum Structure which has a cladding around a large number of ultrafine cores. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 9.75 Beam Improvements 5 Fiber attachment * 1,000 5.5 6.5 dia. 11 Transparent Objects 2.5 7 Environmental Immunity 13.5 1.25 dia. reception fibers Model display tube Nine, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers Applications 20.5 E39-F9: Provided Standard Installation 0.5 dia. emitter fiber 2,000 M3x0.5 (Nickel-plated brass) Saving Space Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) 1 dia. emission fibers (45) Fiber Units Model display tube Four, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers Sensing head M3x0.5 (SUS303) Two, 1 dia. Selection Guide 09-E E32-C31M 1M (Free Cutting) 09-A E32-C31N 2M (Free Cutting) 0.5 dia. emitter fiber 09 Fiber Sensor Features Standard Installation 09 Standard Installation Cylindrical Models Fiber Sensor Features 10 Through-beam This Page * Inserted where space is limited. (Secured using a set screw.) * Ultramate space-saving by micro-fiber head. (1 dia. x 10 mm) Selection Guide secured with a set screw Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units 1 dia. Threaded * Side-view models can be mounted where there is limited depth. Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements High Power Narrow view Size Sensing direction 1 dia. Transparent Objects Retroreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 10 Flexible, R1 10 1 dia. Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 450 150 ST : 250 SHS: 60 ST : 400 SHS: 90 ST : 1,000 SHS: 280 ST : 450 SHS: 100 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) 670 220 ST : 370 SHS: 60 ST : 600 SHS: 90 ST : 1,500 SHS: 280 ST : 670 SHS: 100 IP67 1,020 1.5 dia. Top-view Bendresistant, R4 10 1.5 dia. 680 220 330 Models 11 Page Dimensions No. E32-T223R 2M 11-A E32-T22B 2M 11-B E32-T12R 2M 11-C E32-T14LR 2M 11-D 0.5 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) BGS Environmental Immunity 10 E32-T223R Small Spot Applications Reflective 12 Page 2,000 14 3 dia. 3 dia. 700 IP67 35 Side-view 1,050 Flexible, R1 1,120 750 3 dia. 3,000 260 390 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Cylindrical Models Dimensions Installation Information 60 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 1 dia. (Stainless steel) Sensing surface 0.5 dia. Selection Guide 11-A E32-T223R 2M (Free Cutting) 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided 10 11 Fiber Sensor Features Standard Installation Fiber Units 2,000 11-B E32-T22B 2M (Free Cutting) 1.5 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) Threaded E39-F9: Provided 10 2,000 Cylindrical 11-C E32-T12R 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface 1 dia. 2.4 dia. Flat 3 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) 2.2 dia. Sleeved 11 3 14 Standard Installation 1 dia. Saving Space Sensing surface 4-0.25 dia. 2,000 11-D E32-T14LR 2M (Free Cutting) High Power 2.2 dia. Heat-shrinkable tube Narrow view 2.8 2 12 30 35 BGS 2,000 Sensing surface Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects 3 dia. Environmental Immunity 3 dia. (SUS303) Beam Improvements Small Spot Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar - Reference Information for Model Selection Recommended Mounting Hole Dimensions The recommended mounting-hole dimensions for Cylindrical Fiber Units are given below. F (Unit: mm) Outer diameter of Fiber Unit Dimension F 1 dia. 1.5 dia. 3 dia. +0.5 0 +0.5 0 +0.5 0 1.2 dia. 1.7 dia. 3.2 dia. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 11 Standard Installation Cylindrical Models Through-beam 10 Page Fiber Sensor Features 12 Reflective This Page * Inserted where space is limited. (Secured using a set screw.) Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide secured with a set screw Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Size Sensing direction 1.5 dia. 1.5 dia. Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity 1.5 dia. + 0.5 dia. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 3 dia. Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 12 GIGA HS 140 E3NX-FA GIGA Other modes ST : 60 40 SHS: 16 28 ST : 12 8 SHS: 4 ST : 60 SHS: 16 HS 210 60 ST : 90 SHS: 16 Models 13 Page Dimensions No. E32-D22B 2M 13-A 42 12 ST : 18 SHS: 4 E32-D43M 1M 13-B ST : 90 SHS: 16 E32-D22R 2M 13-C E32-D221B 2M 13-D E32-D32L 2M 13-E E32-D33 2M 13-F IP67 Flexible, R1 3 dia. Top-view 140 40 210 60 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 Bendresistant, R4 15 3 dia. 300 90 ST : 140 SHS: 40 ST : 300 SHS: 90 ST : 30 SHS: 8 450 130 ST : 210 SHS: 40 ST : 450 SHS: 90 ST : 45 SHS: 8 IP67 Heatresistant Liquid-level R4 15 Coaxial 700 15 200 3 dia. Area Detection Applications 1.5 dia. 0.5 dia. E3X-HD Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing Other modes object) IP67 The sleeve cannot 15 be bent. 3 Limitedreflective Bending Bendresistant, R4 15 BGS Retroreflective Appearance (mm) Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable IP67 3 dia. + 0.8 dia. The sleeve cannot be bent. 15 3 dia. 0.8 dia. 300 R25 70 20 1,050 20 100 30 IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Cylindrical Models Installation Information 58, 59 Page Reflective Fiber Units Fiber Attachment* 15 15 3 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) 2,000 E39-F9: Provided 2,000 15 100 Two, 1 dia. *Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Enlarged View of Sensing Surface Emitter fiber: two, 0.25 dia. Receiber fibers: two, 0.25 dia. 13-B E32-D43M 1M (No Cutting) Stainless-steel tube 0.5 dia. 1.5 dia. (SUS303) Sensing surface Four, 0.125 dia. Protective tube 2.1 dia. 3 15 15 Brancher 3.5: dia. 15 1,000 Brancher (heat-resistant, ABS, black): 6 dia. Emitter fiber: 1 dia. 0.9 dia. Model display tube 5 Threaded 13-E E32-D32L 2M (Free Cutting) Receiver fibers: Sixteen, 0.265 dia. Two, 2.2 dia. 3 dia. (SUS304) 15 400 1,570 15 125 Note: There is a yellow dotted line on the Emitter fiber. * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Sensing surface 2.7 dia. Two, 0.5 dia. 3 15 3 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided 2,000 Flat 2,000 Fiber Attachment* 13-C E32-D22R 2M (Free Cutting) Cylindrical 13-F E32-D33 2M (Free Cutting) Stainless-steel tube 0.8 dia. 3 dia. (SUS303) Sensing surface Two, 0.25 dia. 15 15 Sleeved Standard Installation Sensing surface Two, four, 0.25 dia. Brancher (ABS): 3.5 dia. Selection Guide 1 dia. Fiber Units 1.5 dia. (SUS304) Sensing surface Four, 0.25 dia. 13-D E32-D221B 2M (Free Cutting) Saving Space 13-A E32-D22B 2M (No Cutting) Small Spot Heat-shrinkable tube Two, 1 dia. 12 High Power E39-F9: Provided 2,000 35 Narrow view Beam Improvements Dimensions 13 Fiber Sensor Features Standard Installation Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects BGS Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar - Reference Information for Model Selection - These Fiber Units offer better detection of small objects at close distances (of 2 mm or less) than Standard Reflective Fiber Units. They also detect glossy surfaces more reliably than Standard Reflective Fiber Units, even if the surface is tilted. The receiver fibers are arranged around the emitter fiber as shown below. Emitter fiber Receiver fibers Recommended Mounting Hole Dimensions The recommended mounting-hole dimensions for Cylindrical Fiber Units are given below. F (Unit: mm) Outer diameter of Fiber Unit Dimension F 1.5 dia. 3 dia. +0.5 0 +0.5 0 1.7 dia. 3.2 dia. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Features of Coaxial Reflective Type Installation Information 13 Saving Space Flat Models * Thin profile for mounting in limited spaces. * Mounts directly without using special mounting brackets. Flat-View Type Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 14 Top-View Type Threaded Cylindrical Side-View Type Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Appearance (mm) Sensing direction Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 2,000 Top-view 700 3 15 SHS: ST : 1,500 1,050 280 SHS: 280 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Side-view 3 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) 1,120 8 15 12 450 SHS: 100 390 2,400 8.5 ST : 670 SHS: 100 3,600 ST : 3 E32-T15YR 2M 15-B E32-T15ZR 2M 15-C 800 SHS: ST : 1,800 1,200 1,200 300 SHS: 300 3 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-LT35Z 2M 15-D Models 15 Page Dimensions No. E32-D15XR 2M 15-E E32-D15YR 2M 15-F E32-D15ZR 2M 15-G IP40 Reflective Fiber Units Sensing direction Appearance (mm) Vacuum Bending radius of cable Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) 1,260 840 15 Top-view 3 10 Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 15-A IP67 Flat-view Liquid-level 14 E32-T15XR 2M 3 Heatresistant FPD, Semi, Solar 260 ST : 8 Bending Area Detection 750 Flexible, R1 IP67 Limitedreflective 15 Page Dimensions No. IP67 15 Retroreflective Models 3,000 ST : 1,000 8 BGS Applications Bending radius of cable Side-view 240 15 IP67 100 360 ST : 520 SHS: 100 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) 200 52 10 3 SHS: Flexible, R1 15 Flat-view 350 IP67 3 10 ST : ST : 100 SHS: 24 300 78 ST : 150 SHS: 24 IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Reflective Fiber Units 15-A E32-T15XR 2M (Free Cutting) 15-E E32-D15XR 2M (Free Cutting) 5.5 8 1.5 2.5 3 15 2,000 7.5 3 Note: 1. Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. 2. Four, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. 15-B E32-T15YR 2M (Free Cutting) 2.5 2,000 15-F E32-D15YR 2M (Free Cutting) 2.8 3 Threaded 2.4 3 Sensing surface Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides Model display tube (Aluminum) Sensing surface Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides 2.2 dia. Two, 2.2 dia. 5.5 8 (45) 7.5 2.5 10 15 Sensing surface 3 Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides (Aluminum) Model display tube 1.5 4 2.2 dia. 3 2,000 Note: 1. Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. 2. Four, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. E32-LT35Z 2M (Free Cutting) 12 11 8.5 1.75 7.50.1 6.3 Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides Two, 2.2-dia. mounting holes Two, 3.7-dia., countersinks on one side Model display tube 5.5 Fiber Attachment E39-F9W13 2.2 1.4 7.5 High Power 4 Model display tube 10 2.5 7.5 15 (45) 2,000 Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant (45) (Polycarbonate) Small Spot Two, 2.2 dia. Note: Two, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. 2,000 2.4 Sensing surface: 3 dia. (Aluminum) (45) 7.5 15 1.5 2,000 Sensing surface 2.5 Sleeved 15 15-G E32-D15ZR 2M (Free Cutting) 5.5 3 (45) 7.5 2.5 Note: Two, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. 15-C E32-T15ZR 2M (Free Cutting) 8 Flat Model display tube 7.5 Cylindrical 2,000 Note: 1. Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. 2. Four, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. 1.3 dia. Bending (SUS303) Note: 1. Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. 2. Four, M2 x 8 stainless-steel, pan-head mounting screws, four spring washers, four flat washers, and four nuts are provided. Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 15-D (45) 15 Note: Two, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. (Aluminum) 4 Two, 2.2 dia. Model display tube 7.5 10 2.5 (45) 7.5 Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides (Aluminum) Beam Improvements Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. Transparent Objects Sensing surface 1 dia. Environmental Immunity Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on both sides (Aluminum) Model display tube 2.2 dia. Standard Installation Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) Saving Space Installation Information 58 Page Applications Installation Information 60 Page Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 15 Selection Guide Flat Models Fiber Units Saving Space 15 Saving Space Sleeve Models (Close-range Detection) Fiber Sensor Features 16 Through-beam This Page Reflective 18 Page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Sleeve Fiber Units allow detection away from the point of installation for stable close-range detection of small objects. * The shape of sleeve can be changed freely. (Refer to the sleeve bending specifications in the Appearance column of the specifications table.) Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Side-view Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 16 Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) The sleeve cannot 20 be bent. 15 2 dia. 1 dia. Narrow view BGS Applications Sensing direction Top-view The sleeve cannot 15 be bent. 15 2.5 dia. 0.81 dia. The sleeve cannot be bent. 40 15 0.5 dia. 3 dia. The sleeve cannot be bent. 15 15 0.82 dia. M3 Sleeve bending radius: 5 mm 90 11 1.2 dia. M4 Flexible, R1 Sensing distance (mm) GIGA HS Other modes 170 ST : 100 SHS: 20 ST : 250 150 SHS: 60 150 ST : 90 SHS: 20 ST : 300 SHS: 68 50 Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing HS Other modes object) E3NX-FA E3X-HD GIGA 250 75 ST : 150 SHS: 20 IP67 450 670 ST : 370 220 SHS: 60 220 ST : 130 SHS: 20 ST : 450 SHS: 68 Models 17 Page Dimensions No. E32-T24R 2M 17-A E32-T24E 2M 17-B 0.25 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-T33 1M 17-C 0.5 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-T21-S1 2M 17-D 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-TC200BR 2M 17-E 0.5 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 R10 50 75 IP67 510 170 IP67 2,000 Flexible, R1 700 ST : 1,000 SHS: 280 760 250 3,000 ST : 1,500 1,050 SHS: 280 IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Sleeve Models (Close-range Detection) Dimensions Installation Information 60, 61 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) Selection Guide 17-A E32-T24R 2M (Free Cutting) Stainless-steel tube 1 dia. Heat-shrinkable tube 1 dia. 1.4 dia. 15 Fiber Units E39-F9: Provided 15 12 35 2,000 17-B E32-T24E 2M (Free Cutting) Stainless-steel tube 0.81 dia. 2.5 dia. (SUS304) Sensing surface 1 dia. 15 Cylindrical E39-F9: Provided (45) 0.6 15 2,000 Flat 17-C E32-T33 1M (Free Cutting) Sleeved 3 dia. (SUS303) Sensing surface 0.25 dia. Heat-shrinkable tube 1 dia. 12 Small Spot E39-F9: Provided 55 High Power 1,000 Narrow view 17-D E32-T21-S1 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface 0.5 dia. M3x0.5 (Nickel-plated brass) Stainless-steel tube 0.82 dia. 2.5 15 BGS Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) 1 dia. 15 E39-F9: Provided Retroreflective 2,000 Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 17-E E32-TC200BR 2M (Free Cutting) M4x0.7 (coarse thread) (Nickel-plated brass) Sensing surface 1 dia. Stainless-steel tube 1.2 dia. max. (SUS304) 3.2 90 Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Bending 2.2 dia. 11 Beam Improvements 10 40 2,000 Heatresistant Transparent Objects 0.5 dia. Environmental Immunity 2.5 dia Threaded Model display tube 2.3 Saving Space Sensing surface 1.25 Standard Installation 2 dia. (SUS304) 17 Fiber Sensor Features Saving Space Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar In case of bending sleeve The E32-TC200BR has a bendable sleeve. Use the Sleeve Bender to bend them. Sleeve Bender (sold separately) Appearance Uses for the bending of the sleeve. Applicable Fiber Units Model E32-TC200BR E39-F11 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information - Reference Information for Model Selection - 17 Saving Space Sleeve Models (Close-range Detection) Fiber Sensor Features 18 Through-beam 16 Page Reflective This Page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Sleeve Fiber Units allow detection away from the point of installation for stable close-range detection of small objects. * The shape of sleeve can be changed freely. (Refer to the sleeve bending specifications in the Appearance column of the specifications table.) Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Sensing direction Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Side-view Sleeve bending radius: 65 25 mm The sleeve cannot be bent. 15 8 ST : 53 SHS: 14 ST : 12 8 SHS: 4 14 ST : 6 SHS: 2 ST : 30 SHS: 8 ST : 27 SHS: 7 15 120 R25 4.8 dia. 2.1 dia. 45 28 IP67 30 ST : 45 SHS: 8 ST : 79 SHS: 14 ST : 18 SHS: 4 ST : 9 SHS: 2 ST : 45 SHS: 8 ST : 40 SHS: 7 E32-D24R 2M 19-A E32-D24-S2 2M 19-B E32-D43M 1M 19-C E32-D331 2M 19-D E32-D33 2M 19-E E32-D32-S1 0.5M 19-F E32-D31-S1 0.5M 19-G E32-DC200F4R 2M 19-H E32-D22-S1 2M 19-I E32-D21-S3 2M 19-J E32-DC200BR 2M 19-K E32-D25-S3 2M 19-L 180 67 42 12 R4 4 20 R25 3 dia. 0.8 dia. The sleeve cannot 5 be bent. 21 6 The sleeve cannot 15 be bent. 20 100 30 IP67 IP67 15 R4 63 18 94 27 M3 0.82 dia. Top-view 70 15 3 dia. 0.82 dia. Liquid-level Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories SHS: 20 100 IP67 Area Detection 18 30 19 Page Dimensions No. IP67 1.5 dia. 0.5 dia. The sleeve cannot 15 be bent. 15 2 dia. 0.5 dia. Heatresistant Installation Information ST : The sleeve cannot be bent. 15 3 Bending FPD, Semi, Solar HS Other modes 70 Models IP67 Limitedreflective Vacuum GIGA Flexible, R1 3 dia. Optical axis diameter E3NX-FA (minimum sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) E3X-HD 20 2 dia. BGS Applications Appearance (mm) The sleeve cannot be bent. 15 Narrow view Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable Sleeve bending 11 radius: 5 mm 40 IP67 140 Flexible, R1 M3 1.2 dia. The sleeve cannot 22 be bent. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) 40 210 ST : 60 SHS: 16 ST : 110 SHS: 30 60 ST : 90 SHS: 16 ST : 160 SHS: 30 IP67 15 4 dia. 250 1.65 dia. Sleeve bending 16 radius: 10 mm 67 IP67 72 IP67 840 17 2.5 dia. Sleeve bending radius: 67 10 mm 100 M4 1.65 dia. The sleeve cannot be bent. 90 R10 370 Flexible, R1 M6 15 1.65 dia. ST : 240 SHS: 350 100 1,260 360 ST : 520 SHS: 100 ST : 160 SHS: 30 IP67 10 3 IP67 250 R10 72 ST : 110 SHS: 30 370 100 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ models. The distances for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models are different. Stainless-steel tube 0.82 dia. M3x0.5 (Nickel-plated brass) Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Optical fiber 1.2 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.265 dia. E39-F9: Provided 15 15 12 35 Sensing surface Light baffle Brancher: 3.5 dia. Fiber Attachment * 2,000 15 2.5 19-B E32-D24-S2 2M (Free Cutting) 15 500 15 100 *Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 19-H E32-DC200F4R 2M (Free Cutting) 4.8 dia. (SUS304) Stainless-steel tube 2.1 dia. Threaded M3x0.5 (SUS304) Stainless-steel tube 1.2 dia. max. (SUS304) Two, 2.2 dia. Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 1 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. Cylindrical Sensing surface 65 15 2,000 E39-F9: Provided 2.5 19-C E32-D43M 1M (No Cutting) 1.5 dia. (SUS303) 0.9 dia. 4 dia. Stainless-steel tube 1.65 dia. di a. Brancher: 3.5 dia. 1. 3 Protective tube 2.1 dia. Flat 2,000 E32-D22-S1 2M (Free Cutting) 19-I Stainless-steel tube 0.5 dia. Sensing surface Four, 0.125 dia. 11 40 (SUS303) Sleeved Optical fiber Two, 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided Model display tube Small Spot 2 5 15 3 15 15 22 Fiber Attachment * 1,000 15 2000 Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. 125 High Power *Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 19-D E32-D331 2M (No Cutting) Sensing surface Two, 0.125 dia. E32-D21-S3 2M (Free Cutting) 19-J Stainless-steel tube 0.5 dia. M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 1.2 dia. Irrax tube 2 dia. (SUS303) Brancher: 3.5 dia. Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. 1.3 . dia Stainless-steel tube 1.65 dia. E39-F9: Provided 15 2,000 Retroreflective 2 100 3.2 Fiber Attachment * 67 15 2000 *Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 19-E E32-D33 2M (Free Cutting) 15 15 Heat-shrinkable tube Two, 1 dia. 12 Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) (fine thread) Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. 3 di a. *Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 3 1. 100 3 15 500 2 Heatresistant Two, 1 dia. 10 9.5 15 E39-F9: Provided Liquid-level Vacuum 3 2000 FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information - Reference Information for Model Selection - In case of bending sleeve The E32-DC200F4R , E32-D21-S3 and E32-D25-S3 have bendable sleeves. Use the Sleeve Bender to bend them. Sleeve Bender (sold separately) Uses for the bending of the sleeve. Bending (Nickel-plated brass) 2.75 67 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Area Detection Stainless-steel tube 1.65 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. Appearance 2,000 19-L E32-D25-S3 2M (Free Cutting) . s dia le 4 ho 3. g o, ntin Tw ou m Sensing surface Two, 0.265 dia. 17 Brancher: 3.5 dia. Fiber Attachment * 1.2 dia. 15 90 5.2 Stainless-steel tube 0.82 dia. 5 M6x0.75 E39-F9: Provided 19-F E32-D32-S1 0.5M (No Cutting) (SUS303) Stainless-steel tube 2.5 dia. max. (SUS304) 2,000 35 3 dia. Limitedreflective 19-K E32-DC200BR 2M (Free Cutting) Stainless-steel tube 0.8 dia. 3 dia. (SUS303) Sensing surface Two, 0.25 dia. BGS Optical fiber Two, 1 dia. 15 15 Narrow view Applicable Fiber Units Model E32-DC200F4R E32-D21-S3 E32-D25-S3 E39-F11 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 3.55 Beam Improvements 1.25 Transparent Objects 3 dia. (SUS304) 19-G E32-D31-S1 0.5M (No Cutting) Heat-shrinkable tube Two, 1 dia. Environmental Immunity Stainless-steel tube 2 dia. Applications 19-A E32-D24R 2M (Free Cutting) Standard Installation Reflective Fiber Units Saving Space Installation Information 58, 59 Page Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 19 Selection Guide Sleeve Models (Close-range Detection) Fiber Units Saving Space 19 Beam Improvements Small-Spot, Reflective (Minute Object Detection) Fiber Sensor Features Small-spot Lens Unit 22 Page Selection Guide * Small-spot is ideal for detecting minute objects. Select the Fiber Unit that is best suited for the workpiece size and installation distance. (Refer to Reference Information for Model Selection) E39-F3A + E32-C42 Withdrew length: Short Threaded Withdrew length: Long Focal distance: Short Cylindrical Spot: Small 16 E39-F17 + E32-C42 : Spot diameter (mm) 14 12 0.22 0.17 0.13 10 8 0.10 6 l 4 2 Focal distance: Long Fiber 0 Withdrew length: Short 0.08 Withdrew length: Long d I: Withdrew length d: Focal distance 4 8 12 16 20 Withdrew length I (mm) Spot: Large Focal distance: Short Spot: Small Focal distance d (mm) * Available with a variable-spot Lens Unit to change the spot diameter without replacing the fiber. The spot diameter can be adjusted according to the size of the workpiece by changing the withdrew length and sensing distance. Refer to the following graph, which shows the relation between the withdrew length, focal distance, and spot diameter. Fiber Units Standard Installation Variable-spot, Parallel-light-spot, Integrated lens This Page Focal distance d (mm) 20 40 35 30 0.9 25 0.6 20 15 10 Focal distance: Long : Spot diameter (mm) 1.6 5 0 0 Spot: Large l 0.3 d Fiber I: Withdrew length d: Focal distance 2 4 6 Saving Space * Withdrew length: Approx. 1.3 to 5.8 mm Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Variable-spot types Lens Units + Fiber Unit Type Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Heatresistant Center distance (mm) Lens Units 0.1 to 0.6 dia. 6 to 15 E39-F3A Lens Units + Fiber Units Models Appearance (mm) E39-F17 Center distance (mm) Lens Units Applications Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 20 21-B 2 dia. 6 dia. Parallel-light-spot types Lens Units + Fiber Unit Type Spot diameter Lens Units + Fiber Units Model 10.9 Parallel light 4 dia. 0 to 20 Models 21 Page Dimensions No. E32-C31 2M 21-C Flexible, R2 E32-C21N 2M 21-D Bending radius of cable Models 21 Page Dimensions No. E32-C42S 1M 21-E E32-L15 2M 21-F R25 M3 5 dia. E39-F3C Fiber Unit Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) 10.9 5 dia. Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar E32-C42 1M 22.2 10 to 30 21 Page Dimensions No. 21-A 2 dia. 6 dia. R25 0.3 to 1.6 dia. Model 23 Area Detection Liquid-level Fiber Unit Bending radius of cable Variable spot Limitedreflective Bending Spot diameter M3 Small-spot types Integrated Lens Type Spot diameter Center distance (mm) Short-distance, Small-spot 0.1 dia. 5 Appearance (mm) 18 3 dia. Lens: unnecessary Long-distance, Small-spot 6 dia. 50 IP50 11.6 Lens: unnecessary 25.6 R25 29 IP50 * The spot diameter and the center distance are the same when using with E3X-HD series or E3NX-FA@ series. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. 8 Withdrew length I (mm) Small-Spot, Reflective (Minute Object Detection) Installation Information 58, 59 and 61 Page Reflective Fiber Units E39-F3A M2x2 Allen-head set screw (for securing the fiber) 2.6 dia. 6 dia. 23 13 6 dia. Fiber Attachment* 0 to 9 3 Lens surface (lens diameter: 3.7 dia.) 1,000 * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 23 Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens. Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. 21-B E32-C42 1M (No Cutting) + E39-F17 9.5 to 14 4 dia. 2.1 dia. 13 Note: This is the Lens Unit for the E32-C42. E39-F17 2 dia. (SUS303) 6 dia. Two, 1.2 dia. 2.6 dia. 6 dia. Threaded 5 dia. Lens surface (lens diameter: 5.4 dia.) 7.3 14 Cylindrical 22.2 14 Fiber Attachment* 22.2 Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens. 1,000 * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Flat Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. 21-C E32-C31 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3C Sleeved E39-F3C Standard Installation Two, 1.2 dia. Saving Space 2 dia. (SUS303) Selection Guide 21-A E32-C42 1M (No Cutting) + E39-F3A Fiber Units Dimensions 21 Fiber Sensor Features Beam Improvements Straight knurling M3x0.5 (SUS303) Two, 1 dia. 5.8 10.9 E39-F9: Provided 27.5 32.5 10.9 Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens. 2,000 Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. Small Spot M3x0.5 Effective screw length: 3 5.8 Lens surface (lens diameter: 3.7 dia.) High Power Note: This is the Lens Unit for the E32-C31 and E32-C31N. Narrow view 21-D E32-C21N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3C 2,000 Two, 1.3 dia. Beam Improvements 5 dia. 4.3 dia. 5 dia. BGS Fiber Attachment (E39-F9W13) provided Retroreflective Limitedreflective 5 dia. Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 21-E E32-C42S 1M (No Cutting) Sensing surface Lens: 2.4 dia. 3 dia. (Aluminum) White marks: Emitter side (heat-shrinkable tube) Two, 1.2 dia. 1.5 dia. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 21-F E32-L15 2M (Free Cutting) Brancher (ABS resin): 3.5 dia. Mounting hole dimensions 11.50.1 Sensing surface (10x24.5) 15 (100) 11.6 Emitter 14 29 Two, M3 11.5 Model display tube Fiber Attachment* 18 1,000 10.9 * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. 6.9 Bending Optic axis 13.6 Two, 2.2 dia. 25.6 Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. Sensing surface Two, 9 dia. lenses. 5.6 Receiver Sensing head (Polyarylate) (Unit: mm) Model Selection Tips * Select the best model by following these steps. 1. Select the model based on the spot diameter suitable for the workpiece size. * The Variable-spot Type is useful if there are different sensing object sizes. Center distance Spot diameter Spot diameter Center distance Optical axis diameter Models * * * Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Optical axis diameter 2. Select the model based on the allowable installation distance and center distance. Area Detection Liquid-level Two, 3.2 dia., mounting holes Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. - Reference Information for Model Selection - Heatresistant Environmental Immunity (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 5.8 Applications M3x0.5 10.9 * 0.1 dia. 5 2.4 0.1 dia. 7 3.7 0.2 dia. 17 4.8 0.5 dia. 7 3.7 0.5 dia. 17 4.8 3 dia. 50 9.4 4 dia. 0 to 20 3.7 6 dia. 50 10 E32-C42S E39-F3A-5 + E32-C41 E39-F3B + E32-C41 E39-F3A-5 + E32-C31 E32-C21N E39-F3B + E32-C31 E32-C21N E39-F18 + E32-CC200 E32-C91N E39-F3C + E32-C31 E32-C21N E32-L15 * Refer to page 22 for details. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 20 Transparent Objects 6 21 Beam Improvements Small-Spot, Reflective (Minute Object Detection) Fiber Sensor Features 22 Variable-spot, Parallel-light-spot, Integrated lens 20 Page Small-spot Lens Unit This Page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Small-spot is ideal for detecting minute objects. Select the Fiber Unit that is best suited for the workpiece size and installation distance. (Refer to Reference Information for Model Selection) Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Small-spot Models Lens Units + Fiber Units Type Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Center distance (mm) Lens Units Models Lens Units + Fiber Units Appearance(mm) 7 E39-F3A-5 23-A E32-C31 2M 23-B E32-C21N 2M 23-C E32-C41 1M 23-D E32-C31 2M 23-E Flexible, R2 E32-C21N 2M 23-F R25 E32-CC200 2M 23-G Flexible, R4 E32-C91N 2M 23-H 16.5 M3 5 dia. 16.5 Flexible, R2 5 dia. M3 25.2 0.2 dia. 6 dia. M3 R25 Mediumdistance, small-spot 17 25.2 E39-F3B 6 dia. M3 0.5 dia. 25.2 Vacuum 6 dia. M3 FPD, Semi, Solar 30 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories E32-C41 1M M3 5 dia. 0.5 dia. Liquid-level 22 Models 23 Page Dimensions No. R25 Shortdistance, small-spot Heatresistant Installation Information Fiber Units Bending radius of cable 16.5 0.1 dia. Bending Area Detection Applications Spot diameter M6 Longdistance, small-spot 10 dia. 3 dia. 50 E39-F18 30 M6 10 dia. * The spot diameter and the center distance are the same when using with E3X-HD series or E3NX-FA@ series. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Small-Spot, Reflective (Minute Object Detection) Installation Information 58, 61 Page Reflective Fiber Units Lens surface (lens diameter: 3.7 dia.) Fiber Attachment* 34 16.5 Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens M3x0.5 Effective screw length: 3 6.5 Note: This is a Lens Unit for the E32-C41, E32-C31 and E32-C31N. 1,000 * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. 23-B E32-C31 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3A-5 5 dia. 6 E39-F9: Provided 37 2,000 Two, 1.3 dia. M3x0.5 (SUS303) Two, 1 dia. 6.5 16.5 32 23-C E32-C21N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3A-5 M3x0.5 24.5 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 6.5 Threaded Fiber Attachment (E39-F9W13) provided 16.5 Cylindrical 2,000 Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 6 dia. 5.5 dia. Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 1.2 dia. Irrax tube: 2.6 dia. White marks: Emitter side 42.8 25.2 Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens Fiber Attachment* 37.8 Sleeved M3x0.5 Depth: 4.4 24.1 Lens surface (lens diameter: 4.8 dia.) 25.2 Small Spot Note: This is a Lens Unit for the E32-C41, E32-C31 and E32-C31N. 1,000 * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Note: There is a white tube on the emitter fiber. Narrow view 2,000 Two, 1.3 dia. M3x0.5 (SUS303) High Power 23-F E32-C21N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3B 23-E E32-C31 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F3B 6 dia. Flat E39-F3B Brancher (ABS resin): 3.5 dia. M3x0.5 (SUS303) 6 dia. Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 5 dia. 23-D E32-C41 1M (No Cutting) + E39-F3B 6 Two, 1 dia. M3x0.5 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 33.3 25.2 40.8 E39-F9: Provided 45.8 Fiber Attachment (E39-F9W13) provided BGS 25.2 Retroreflective 2,000 Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. 6 dia. 23-G E32-CC200 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F18 E39-F18 8 M6x0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 2.2 dia. 10 dia. 10 dia. 8 Lens surface (lens diameter: 9.4 dia.) 30 46.1 2,000 Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. Standard Installation Two, 1.2 dia. Saving Space 6.5 16.5 29 2.1 dia. 5 dia. 4 dia. White marks: Emitter side Material: Aluminum for body and optical glass for lens 5.5 30 Beam Improvements 5 dia. Straight knurling M6x0.75 Depth: 3.9 Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Note: This is a Lens Unit for the E32-C91N and E32-CC200. Heatresistant 23-H E32-C91N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F18 Two, 2.2 dia. Transparent Objects Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) Irrax tube: 2.6 dia. E39-F3A-5 Brancher (ABS resin): 3.5 dia. Environmental Immunity M3x0.5 (SUS303) Selection Guide 23-A E32-C41 1M (No Cutting) + E39-F3A-5 Fiber Units Dimensions 23 Fiber Sensor Features Beam Improvements 6 Area Detection M6x0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) 30 Liquid-level Vacuum Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. - Reference Information for Model Selection - (Unit: mm) * Model Selection Tips Select the best model by following these steps. 1. Select the model based on the spot diameter suitable for the workpiece size. * The Variable-spot Type is useful if there are different sensing object sizes. 2. Select the model based on the allowable installation distance and center distance. Spot diameter Center distance Optical axis diameter Models Optical axis diameter Center distance Spot diameter * * 0.1 dia. 5 2.4 0.1 dia. 7 3.7 0.2 dia. 17 4.8 0.5 dia. 7 3.7 0.5 dia. 17 4.8 3 dia. 50 9.4 4 dia. 0 to 20 3.7 6 dia. 50 10 E32-C42S E39-F3A-5 + E32-C41 E39-F3B + E32-C41 E39-F3A-5 + E32-C31 E32-C21N E39-F3B + E32-C31 E32-C21N E39-F18 + E32-CC200 E32-C91N E39-F3C + E32-C31 E32-C21N E32-L15 * Refer to page 20 for details. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 2,000 10 dia. Applications 41.1 23 Beam Improvements High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Fiber Sensor Features 24 Fiber only This Page Lens ( to 70C) 26 Page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Maximum sensing distance without attaching a Lens: 20 m (E32-T17L) Suitable for detection of large objects and for use in large-scale installations. * Powerful enough to resist the influences of dust and dirt. (Refer to the comparisons of incident level on the Reference Information for Model Selection.) * In addition to the products listed on this page, Lenses are available to extend the sensing distance. ( 26 to 29 pages) Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Sensing Aperture angle direction Appearance (mm) 14.4 Rightangle 15 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective M4 IP50 10 Liquid-level Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 2,300 IP67 2,700 15 15 M4 Flexible, R1 30 4,000 *1 R25 36.4 8 4,000 *1 2,300 10.5 Side-view ST : 3,500 SHS: 920 ST : *2 20,000 SHS: 8,000 ST : *1 4,000 SHS: 1,080 ST : 3,500 SHS: 920 ST : *1 4,000 R25 Top-view 4,000 *1 SHS: 1,800 4,000 *1 3,450 20,000 *2 20,000 *2 4,000 *1 4,000 *1 4,000 *1 3,450 4,000 *1 ST : *1 4,000 SHS: 920 ST : *2 20,000 SHS: 8,000 ST : *1 4,000 SHS: 1,080 ST : 4,000 SHS: 920 ST : *1 4,000 SHS: 1,800 Models 25 Page Dimensions No. 2.3 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-LT11N 2M 25-A 10 dia. E32-T17L 10M 25-B E32-LT11 2M 2.3 dia. (0.1 dia./ *1 0.03 dia.) 25-C E32-LT11R 2M 4 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T14 2M Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Model 4,000 *1 25-D IP67 *1 The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. *2 The optical fiber is 10 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 20,000 mm. Note. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Reflective Fiber Units FPD, Semi, Solar 24 HS Other modes 4,000 *1 Vacuum Installation Information GIGA 20,000 *2 M14 IP50 Heatresistant E3X-HD 20,000 *2 42 Bending Area Detection Applications Flexible, R2 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) 4,000 *1 BGS Retroreflective Bending radius of cable Sensing Aperture angle direction Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) 4 Bendresistant, R4 9 17.5 E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 40 to 2,800 22 Top-view Sensing distance (mm) 40 to 900 ST : 40 to 1,400 SHS: 40 to 480 40 to 4,000 40 to 1,350 ST : 40 to 2,100 SHS: 40 to 480 - E32-D16 2M 25 Page Dimensions No. 25-E IP40 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Dimensions Installation Information 59, 60 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 25-A E32-LT11N 2M (Free Cutting) 25-C E32-LT11 2M (Free Cutting) E32-LT11R 2M (Free Cutting) 2,000 (45) M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 4.4 Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washers (Nickel-plated iron) 2.2 dia. Model display tube 10 15 3.2 2.2 dia. 2,000 7 Threaded 25-B E32-T17L 10M (Free Cutting) 25-D E32-T14 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Lens (PMMA) 4.4 dia. M14x1 (ABS) Sensing surface lens diameter: 10 dia. (PMMA) Opposite side 19, Thickness 5 (Aluminum) Heat-resistant ABS Nitrile rubber 8.2 Flat 8 2.2 dia. Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes R3.5 10.5 8 2.2 dia. 7 23 42 Cylindrical 100.2 2.5 9.2 10,000 16 11.2 2,000 Sleeved Small Spot 25.2 High Power Installation Information 58 Page Reflective Fiber Units 25-E E32-D16 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Lens Two, 5.8 dia lenses Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes Two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Retroreflective Two, 2.2 dia. Limitedreflective 17.5 8.5 Narrow view BGS (Aluminum) 9 Standard Installation 3.2 Sensing surface 2.3 dia. (Methacrylate resin) Sensing surface 2.3 dia. Saving Space M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) Beam Improvements Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 6.5 11 22 2,000 Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects 10 Lens (PMMA) Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) Fiber Units 14.4 Environmental Immunity (8.1) 25 Fiber Sensor Features High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Lens ( to 200C) 28 Page Selection Guide Beam Improvements Liquid-level Vacuum - Reference Information for Model Selection - FPD, Semi, Solar Comparisons of incident level Comparisons of incident level (Reflective) Comparisons of incident level (Through-beam) E32-LT11N 2M 24 page E32-LT11R 2M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F2 26 page E32-T11R 2M (Reference) x1700 x160 x60 E32-D16 2M x17 x50 x40 x10 x10 x0.8 Reference (x1) E32-D11R 2M (Reference) Reference (x1) Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information Select the model based on the comparisons of incident level against Standard Fiber Units. E32-T17L 10M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F16 26 page E32-T11NF 2M 38 page E32-T11R + E39-F1 26 page E32-T14 2M 24 page Applications Area Detection 25 26 Beam Improvements Fiber Sensor Features Specifications High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Type Selection Guide Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space High-power (incident level: 50 times) Ultra-high-power (incident level: 160 times) E39-F1 Models Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing object) Fiber Units 26-C Approx. 6 Approx. 60 4 dia. (0.1 dia.) 7.2 dia. 3 dia. (0.1 dia.) Sensing distance (mm) Other GIGA HS modes E32-T11N 2M M4 E32-T11R 2M Sleeved Other GIGA HS modes * ST : 4,000 * 4,000* ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 2,000 4,000* SHS: 2,000 4,000* SHS: 3,600 4,000* SHS: 3,600 * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 2,000 * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 1,860 4,000* * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 2,000 4,000* * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 3,600 4,000* * ST : 4,000 1,450 4,000* SHS: 3,600 500 27-E 4,000* * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 1,860 4,000* * ST : 4,000 * 4,000* SHS: 4,000 27-C M4 E3NX-FA E3X-HD Other GIGA HS modes Other GIGA HS modes 27-D 27-B 14 Other GIGA HS modes 4,000* M4 E32-T11 2M Other GIGA HS modes 27-A 14 E3NX-FA E3X-HD * 4,000* ST : 4,000 4,000* Flat E3NX-FA * ST : 4,000 4,000* 14.7 4,000* 27-F ST : 800 SHS: 200 2,170 ST : 1,200 750 SHS: * ST : 4,000 * 4,000* SHS: 4,000 4,000* 2,300 860 ST : 1.320 SHS: 320 3,450 ST : 1,980 1,290 SHS: Transparent Objects * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. BGS Retroreflective Dimensions Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Applications Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 26 320 27-H Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Narrow view 200 27-G Environmental Immunity Beam Improvements 26-B Approx. 12 E3X-HD Appearance (mm) Threaded High Power E39-F2 26-A Aperture angle Side-View (incident level: 0.8 times) E39-F16 Appearance Models Small Spot Lens ( to 70C) This Page Through-beam Fiber Units Lens Units Cylindrical Fiber only 24 Page Installation Information 61 Page Lens Units (Set of 2) 26-A E39-F1 M2.6x0.45 Effective depth: 3.8 countersinking depth: 0.9 4 dia. 8.9 26-C E39-F2 Material: Brass for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note: Two per set. 26-B E39-F16 7.8 dia. 22.5 5 M4x0.7 Depth: 6 Material: SUS303 for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note: Two per set. 2.8 dia. 4 dia. 5.7 9.2 M2.6x0.45 Effective depth: 3.2 countersinking depth: 0.9 Material: Brass for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note: Two per set. Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 27-G E32-T11R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F2 27-A E32-T11N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F1 4.7 4 dia. M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 2.2 dia. M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 8.9 5.7 9.2 2,000 4 dia. 20.2 2,000 27-B E32-T11R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F1 M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 4 dia. 27-H E32-T11 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F2 2.2 dia. M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 4 dia. 2.2 dia. 8.9 19.9 2,000 5.7 27-C E32-T11 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F1 9.2 20 M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 4 dia. Threaded 2,000 Cylindrical 2.2 dia. Flat 8.9 19.6 2,000 Sleeved Saving Space 15.9 2.2 dia. Standard Installation Installation Information 60, 61 Page Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 27 Selection Guide High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Lens ( to 200C) 28 Page Fiber Units Beam Improvements 27-D E32-T11N 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F16 2.2 dia. Small Spot M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) High Power 22.5 7.8 dia. Narrow view 2,000 27-E E32-T11R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F16 BGS 2.2 dia. Retroreflective 22.5 30.5 27-F Limitedreflective 2,000 E32-T11 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F16 7.8 dia. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 2.2 dia. Bending 22.5 30.5 2,000 Heatresistant Transparent Objects M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 7.8 dia. Environmental Immunity 26.5 Beam Improvements 4.7 Liquid-level Vacuum - Reference Information for Model Selection - FPD, Semi, Solar Select the model based on the comparisons of incident level against Standard Fiber Units. Comparisons of incident level (Through-beam) E32-LT11N 2M 24 page E32-LT11R 2M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F2 26 page E32-T11R 2M (Reference) x1700 x160 x60 x50 x40 x10 x10 x0.8 Reference (x1) Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Comparisons of incident level E32-T17L 10M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F16 26 page E32-T11NF 2M 38 page E32-T11R + E39-F1 26 page E32-T14 2M 24 page Applications Area Detection 27 28 Beam Improvements Fiber Sensor Features Specifications High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Type Selection Guide Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Beam Improvements High-power (incident level: 50 times) Ultra-high-power (incident level: 160 times) Side-View (incident level: 0.8 times) E39-F1 Models Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing object) Fiber Units 4,000* 14 E32-T51R 2M 3,900 30 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity 4,000* 20 2,700 M4 Sleeved 7.2 dia. 3 dia. (0.1 dia.) 30 E32-T61-S 2M E3X-HD Other GIGA HS modes 4,000* * ST : 4,000 * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 1,500 SHS: 1,500 4,000* 20 4,000* E3X-HD Other GIGA HS modes * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 4,000* 4,000* Other GIGA HS modes * ST : 4,000 1,400 4,000* SHS: 4,000* 500 ST : 720 4,000* * ST : 4,000 * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 1,000 SHS: 1,000 4,000* 4,000* * ST : 4,000 * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 1,800 4,000* SHS: 1,800 4,000* 2,100 ST : 1,080 200 ST : 550 1,500 ST : 820 SHS: 140 SHS: 140 750 4,000* * ST : 4,000 1,000 4,000* SHS: 1,800 360 540 29-H * ST : 4,000 4,000* SHS: 3,100 29-C Other GIGA HS modes 29-G 29-E * ST : 4,000 E3NX-FA SHS: SHS: 200 29-D 4,000* SHS: 1,800 M4 E3NX-FA Other GIGA HS modes 4,000* * ST : 4,000 1,680 4,000* SHS: 3,100 600 29-F ST : 900 SHS: 240 29-I 2,520 900 ST : 1,350 SHS: 240 * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The ambient temperature of E32-T61-S must be between -40 to 200C when using it with E39-F1 or E39-F2 Lens Unit. The ambient temperature of E32-T61-S must be between -40 to 350C when using it with E39-F16 Lens Unit. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Lens Units Type High-power (incident level: 50 times) Ultra-high-power (incident level: 160 times) E39-F1-33 Models E39-F16 Appearance 28-D Aperture angle Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing object) Fiber Units 28-B Approx. 12 Approx. 6 4 dia. (0.1 dia.) 7.2 dia. Sensing distance (mm) Heatresistant Area Detection Models Appearance (mm) E3X-HD Other GIGA HS modes Heat-resistant up to 150C 17 E32-T51 2M Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 28 E3NX-FA E3NX-FA E3X-HD Other GIGA HS modes Other GIGA HS modes Other GIGA HS modes 4,000* ST : 4,000* 4,000* ST : 4,000* 4,000* * ST : 4,000 4,000* * ST : 4,000 2,300 SHS: 1,400 3,450 SHS: 1,400 4,000* * SHS: 4,000 4,000* * SHS: 4,000 M4 Applications E3NX-FA 29-B Heat-resistant up to 350C (200C) (See Note 3) Limitedreflective Bending 4 dia. (0.1 dia.) 29-A Heat-resistant up to 200C E32-T81R-S 2M Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Approx. 60 Other GIGA HS modes Flat Retroreflective 28-C Approx. 6 Sensing distance (mm) M4 BGS 28-B Approx. 12 E3X-HD Appearance (mm) Heat-resistant up to 100C Narrow view E39-F2 28-A Aperture angle Threaded High Power E39-F16 Appearance Models Small Spot Lens ( to 70C) 26 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Heat-resistant) Lens Units Cylindrical Fiber only 24 Page 29-J 29-K * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Dimensions Installation Information 61 Page Lens Units (Set of 2) 28-A E39-F1 M2.6x0.45 Effective depth: 3.8 countersinking depth: 0.9 4 dia. 8.9 28-C E39-F2 2.8 dia. Material: Brass for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. 4 dia. 5.7 9.2 Note: Two per set. 28-B E39-F16 M2.6x0.45 Effective depth: 3.2 countersinking depth: 0.9 Material: Brass for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note: Two per set. 28-D E39-F1-33 7.8 dia. 22.5 5 M4x0.7 Depth: 6 Material: SUS303 for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note: Two per set. 6 dia. 4 dia. 11 5 M4x0.7 Effective screw length: 3.1 Material: Brass for the body and optical glass for the lens itself. Note 1: Two per set. Note 2: This is the Lens Unit for the E32-T51. High-power Beam (Long-distance Installation, Dust-resistant) Lens ( to 200C) This Page Dimensions Installation Information 60, 61 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 29-A E32-T51R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F1 4 dia. M4x0.7 (SUS303) 2.2 dia. Selection Guide 29-G E32-T51R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F2 M4x0.7 (SUS303) 2.2 dia. 8.9 2,000 5.7 8.9 29-H E32-T81R-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F2 2 dia. M4x0.7 (SUS303) 4 dia. (75) 25.9 2,000 10 29-C E32-T61-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F1 29-I 26.2 10 2,000 Cylindrical E32-T61-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F2 4 dia. M4x0.7 (SUS303) M4x0.7 (SUS303) 4 dia. Threaded (75) 5.7 9.2 2.8 dia. Flat 2.8 dia. Sleeved 5.7 8.9 25.9 9.2 2,000 10 29-D E32-T51R 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F16 29-J 26.2 10 2.2 dia. 22.5 30.5 6 dia. 2,000 5 11 22.9 29-E E32-T81R-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F16 7.8 dia. M4x0.7 (SUS303) 22.5 2,000 M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 10 Narrow view 2,000 BGS 29-K E32-T51 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F16 2 dia. 7.8 dia. M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) 2.2 dia. 22.5 2,000 33.5 2,000 Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant E32-T61-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F16 7.8 dia. High Power 2.2 dia. (75) 36.5 Small Spot E32-T51 2M (Free Cutting) + E39-F1-33 M4x0.7 (SUS303) 7.8 dia. 29-F 2 dia. M4x0.7 (SUS303) 2.8 dia. Bending 22.5 36.5 10 Heatresistant 2,000 Standard Installation M4x0.7 (SUS303) 4 dia. Beam Improvements 29-B E32-T81R-S 2M (No Cutting) + E39-F1 2,000 Saving Space 20.2 Fiber Units 9.2 Transparent Objects 19.9 Environmental Immunity 4 dia. 29 Fiber Sensor Features Beam Improvements Liquid-level Vacuum - Reference Information for Model Selection - FPD, Semi, Solar Select the model based on the comparisons of incident level against Standard Fiber Units. Comparisons of incident level (Through-beam) E32-LT11N 2M 24 page E32-LT11R 2M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F2 26 page E32-T11R 2M (Reference) x1700 x160 x60 x50 x40 x10 x10 x0.8 Reference (x1) Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Comparisons of incident level E32-T17L 10M 24 page E32-T11R + E39-F16 26 page E32-T11NF 2M 38 page E32-T11R + E39-F1 26 page E32-T14 2M 24 page Applications Area Detection 29 Beam Improvements Narrow View (Detection Across clearance) Fiber Sensor Features 30 Selection Guide * The fine beam prevents false detection of light that is reflected off surrounding objects. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units E32-T24S Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Sensing Aperture direction angle Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective 1.5 Appearance (mm) Side-view Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 30 4,000* 1,200 Models 31 Page Dimensions No. 1,280 450 Thickness: 2 mm ST : 1,780 SHS: 500 ST : 680 2,670 SHS: 500 SHS: 200 ST : 2,200 SHS: 580 ST : 2,600 SHS: 700 ST : SHS: 1,920 ST : 1,020 SHS: 200 E32-A03 2M 31-A E32-A03-1 2M 31-B E32-A04 2M 31-C E32-T24SR 2M 31-D E32-T24S 2M 31-E E32-T22S 2M 31-F 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) ST : 3,300 SHS: 580 ST : 3,900 SHS: 700 3,800 ST : * 4,000 1,000 3,750 SHS: 1,000 670 1.2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) IP50 4,000* Flexible, R1 20.5 1,460 3.5 dia. 4,000* 1,740 IP50 R10 15 4,000* 2,500 2,190 4,000* 4,000* 4 Top-view 1,800 ST : R10 3.4 3 dia. Installation Information GIGA HS Other modes 3,220 10 IP50 Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar E3X-HD IP50 24.5 20.5 Heatresistant Vacuum Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) Flexible, R1 Thickness: 3 mm Thickness: 3 mm Bending Liquid-level Bending radius of cable 20.5 BGS Applications Approx. 4 Approx. 60 (standard) 2,610 4,000* 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) 1.7 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) IP50 * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Installation Information 58, 60 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 31-D E32-T24SR 2M (Free Cutting) 3.4 3.2 10 2 Mounting Brackets: E39-L83 (SUS) / provided 3.2 (SUS303) 3.4 2.2 dia. 10 Mounting Brackets: E39-L83 (SUS) / provided 20.5 2,000 1.5 Sensing surface 1.7 dia. 2 Sensing surface 1.7 dia. Threaded Note: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. 31-B E32-A03-1 2M (Free Cutting) 4.5 10 3.5 6.5 3 Engraved mark: 1 dia. E39-F9: Two, 3.4 dia. Provided mounting holes 24.5 13 3.4 2,000 Mounting Brackets: E39-L83 (SUS) / provided 10 20.5 31-C E32-A04 2M (Free Cutting) 2 31-F Engraved mark: 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided 1 dia. Sensing surface 1.7 dia. Sleeved Small Spot Sensing surface 1.7 dia. 3 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) 15 2,000 High Power Narrow view E32-T22S 2M (Free Cutting) 4 20.5 2,000 Flat 1.5 Note 1: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. Note 2: Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. 2 3.2 (SUS303) 2 dia. (SUS303) 2.2 dia. 11 3.2 17.6 12.5 Sensing surface 1.7 dia. 2 (SUS303) 3.5 dia. 3 2 1.8 0.4 1 dia. 2.95 dia. Cylindrical 31-E E32-T24S 2M (Free Cutting) 2.2 dia. 2,000 BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Sensing surface 1.2 dia. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Note: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. Standard Installation 4.3 11 2.95 dia. 17.6 (SUS303) 11 3.2 17.6 Saving Space 6 3.5 dia. E39-F9: Provided 3.5 dia. Beam Improvements Engraved mark: 3.2 1 dia. 1.8 0.4 2,000 1.8 Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects 20.5 0.4 Environmental Immunity 31-A E32-A03 2M (Free Cutting) Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 31 Selection Guide Narrow View (Detection Across clearance) Fiber Units Beam Improvements Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar - Reference Information for Model Selection Aperture angle and Optical Axis Diameter The Aperture angle is the output angle of the emitted beam, and the optical axis diameter is the core diameter of the emitter fiber. A fiber with a narrow view has a larger optical axis diameter than standard fibers, but the aperture angle is smaller so it is not influenced by surrounding objects. Optical axis diameter Aperture angle Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 31 Beam Improvements Detection without Background Interference Fiber Sensor Features 32 Selection Guide * These Fiber Units detect only objects in the sensing range. Objects in the background that are located beyond a certain point are not detected. They are not easily affected by the material or color of the sensing object. Stable detection Saving Space Standard Installation Digital incident level Fiber Units Background is not detected Beam Improvements 9999 8000 E32-L25L + E3NX-FA21 6000 White paper Black paper Glass, t = 0.7 SUS304 4000 Threaded 2000 0 Cylindrical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Distance (mm) Flat Sleeved Specifications Limited-reflective Fiber Units Small Spot High Power Sensing direction Narrow view Appearance (mm) Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 32 Bending radius of cable Standard sensing object E3NX-FA (minimum sensing Other modes GIGA HS object) Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 0 to 15 20.5 14 Flat-view 14 Side-view ST : 0 to 15 0 to 15 SHS: 0 to 12 SHS: 0 to 12 IP40 2.5 11 0 to 15 IP50 18 4 16 IP50 0 to 4 ST : 0 to 4 0 to 4 ST : 0 to 4 0 to 4 SHS: 0 to 4 0 to 4 SHS: 0 to 4 R10 5.4 to 9 ST : 5.4 to 9 5.4 to 9 ST : 5.4 to 9 5.4 to 9 SHS: 5.4 to 9 5.4 to 9 SHS: 5.4 to 9 (Center 7.2) Models 33 Page Dimensions No. E32-L16-N 2M 33-A E32-L24S 2M 33-B E32-L25L 2M 33-C 0 to 15 ST : 0 to 15 R25 3.8 BGS Applications Sensing E32-L25L + E3NX-FA21 range (Center 7.2) (Center 7.2) Soda glass with reflection factor of 7% (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) (Center 7.2) Note 1. If operation is affected by the background, perform power tuning or use the ECO Mode to decrease the incident light level. 2. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 3. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 4. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 5. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Detection without Background Interference Dimensions Installation Information 59 Page Limited-reflective Fiber Units Selection Guide 33-A E32-L16-N 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.2 dia.mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Two, 2.2 dia. (45) 7 6.8 20.5 2,000 3.8 (PVC) Threaded 33-B E32-L24S 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.5 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Cylindrical (ABS) Flat Two, 1 dia. 3.5 2 Sensing surface 3.5 2 7 14 Sleeved 2,000 E39-F9: Provided 2.5 High Power 33-C E32-L25L 2M (Free Cutting) Narrow view Sensing surface Two, 3.2 dia. Sensing distance 18 4 BGS 6 16 Beam Improvements Small Spot E39-F9: Provided 6.5 Two, 1 dia. Retroreflective (Polycarbonate) Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Limitedreflective 2,000 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects 11 Environmental Immunity 2.7 Standard Installation 0.95 Fiber Units Model display tube 14 10.6 Saving Space Sensing surface 33 Fiber Sensor Features Beam Improvements Liquid-level Vacuum - Reference Information for Model Selection - FPD, Semi, Solar Sensing Distance vs. Digital Value E32-L16-N 8000 6000 4000 9999 9999 Digital value 9999 9999 Digital value Digital value E32-L25L Sensing range E32-L25L + E3NX-FA21 E32-L24S + E3NX-FA21 9999 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 0 E32-L24S Sensing range E32-L16-N + E3NX-FA21 5 10 15 20 Distance (mm) 25 30 2000 0 0 Installation Information White paper Black paper Glass, t = 0.7 SUS304 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 5 10 Distance (mm) 15 00 0 -20000 5 10 5 Distance (mm) 10 15 15 * E3NX-FA21 used in high-speed (HS) mode Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories The following graphs show how the digital value is high within the sensing range and small outside. This explains why false detection does not occur outside the sensing range, even against common metal backgrounds, such as stainless steel. Sensing range Applications Area Detection 33 Transparent Object Detection Retro-reflective Fiber Sensor Features 34 * Retro-reflective Fiber Units are ideal for detecting transparent objects. The light beam passes through the object twice, this model interrupts light more than Through-beam model. Selection Guide Attenuation 11% Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Before Beam Improvements Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Applications Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 34 Low Attenuation Using E32-LR11NP High Attenuation Dramatically increases attenuation by cutting distorted light caused by double refraction. Fiber Fiber Using E32-LR11NP Film * Installation distance: 200 mm, Sensing object: Multilayered polyolefin film, Sensing object position: Middle Film Reflector Special polarizing Reflector filters Specifications Retro-reflective Fiber Units (With M.S.R. Function) Type Small Spot BGS Attenuation 20% Before Interrupted light level 80% Interrupted light level 18% Sleeved Narrow view High Attenuation * Excellent detection performance with transparent films. (E32-LR11NP + E39-RP1) The specially designed filter eliminates undesirable light, which allows significantly more light to be interrupted for stable detection of films. Cylindrical High Power Threaded Flat Retro-reflective This page Limited-reflective 36 page Features Film detection * Size Appearance (mm) 8.5 M6 Bending radius of cable Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing object) GIGA HS Other modes Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes Models 35 Page Dimensions No. E32-LR11NP 2M + E39-RP1 35-A (0.2 dia./ 0.07 dia.) E32-R16 2M 35-B (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-R21 2M 35-C 44 15.8 Flexible, R2 80 M6 1,350 1,000 ST : 1,200 SHS: 550 2,020 ST : 1,800 1,500 SHS: - 550 IP50 40.3 Square 150 to 1,500 59.9 42 R25 150 to 1,500 ST : 150 to 1,500 150 to 1,500 21.5 SHS: 150 to 1,500 ST : 150 to 1,500 150 to 1,500 SHS: 150 to 1,500 IP66 10 22.5 Threaded Models M6 38 27.8 M6 R10 10 to 250 ST : 10 to 250 10 to 370 ST : 10 to 370 10 to 250 SHS: 10 to 250 10 to 370 SHS: 10 to 250 IP67 * This effect may not be as strong for some films. Check suitability beforehand. Note 1. Objects with a high reflection factor may cause the Fiber Sensor to detect reflected light as incident light. Also, stable detection may not be possible for transparent objects. Check suitability beforehand. 2. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 3. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Retro-reflective Installation Information 58, 59 and 61 Page Retro-reflective Fiber Units (With M.S.R. Function) E39-RP1 2,000 8.5 44 3 (45) 4.8 0.2 Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) Fiber Units Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 10, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) M6x0.75 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 72 80 Sensing surface Two, 1.5 dia. (optical filter) Model display tube Material: 10 E32-R16 2M (Free Cutting) E39-R1 (Provided) 27 15 34 Sensing surface Lens (PMMA) (6) Sleeved 16 (ABS) 59.9 21.5 15.2 8 17 52 Material: 8 Mounting bracket (Zinc-plated iron) provided 35-C 2.7 1.6 E32-R21 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Lens (PMMA) Small Spot Two, 2.2 dia. Standard length: 2 m Two, M3 set screws: (Nickel-plated zinc) (provided) 22.5 21 E39-R3 (Provided) (ABS) 6 4.5 3.4 M6x0.75 Opposite side 10, thickness 3 (Polyacetal) Washer (Nitrile rubber) Silicon tube 29 2.2 11 17.8 Two, M3 set screws: (Nickel-plated iron) (provided) 2,000 27.8 11 34.8 3.2 1.2 2.6 1.2 Limitedreflective 34 Material: Methacrylate resin ABS Mounting bracket: 10 Stainless steel (SUS304) Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant - Reference Information for Model Selection Performance Comparison of Transparent Object Detection For detecting transparent objects, consider using following products together: E32-LR11NP 2M + E39-RP1. * This configuration features a special built-in optical filter that ensures stable detection of double-refractive materials, such as films and PET bottles. * The retro-reflective model is suitable for detecting glass. Sensing object Film wrapper on cigarette PET bottles packs Models 0.2 Two, 3.2 dia. R25.4 38 Retroreflective 0.2 Adhesive tape side 16 19.3 41.8 25.4 10.1 20 22.5 Narrow view BGS 18.45 E39-F9: Provided 14 High Power 14 13.7 22.9 5 dia. Methacrylate resin ABS 3.4 R20 7 Two, 1 dia. 2.8 Flat 7.5 7 13 7.2 Cylindrical 40.3 Two, 3.5 dia. 7 10 Threaded Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Glass bottles Plate glass, t: 0.7 E32-LR11NP 2M + E39-RP1 E32-R16 2M Beam Improvements 35-B Methacrylate resin ABS Two, 3.5 dia Two, 2.2 dia. Transparent Objects 2.35 63.6 Environmental Immunity 5 Applications 15.8 11 Standard Installation (11.5) Selection Guide E32-LR11NP 2M (Free Cutting) FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information E32-R21 2M E32-LR11NP Usage in Combination with a Sheet Reflector Reference values of sensing distance are provided in the following table. Reflector shape (mm) Sensing distance (mm) (reference values) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 550 ST : 500 820 ST : 750 430 SHS: 250 640 SHS: 250 50 12 13.7 23 E3NX-FA GIGA HS Other modes 210 ST : 190 310 ST : 280 160 - 240 - Models E39-RSP1 E39-RP37 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 35-A Saving Space Dimensions 35 Fiber Sensor Features Transparent Object Detection 35 Transparent Object Detection Limited-reflective (Glass Detection) Fiber Sensor Features 36 Retro-reflective 34 page Limited-reflective This page Selection Guide * These Fiber Units are based on a limited-reflective optical system where the emitting light and receiving light axes intersect at the same angle. This allows for stable detection of glass because the Fiber Units receives the specular reflection of the glass when the glass is in the sensing range. Stable Detection of Glass Saving Space Digital incident level Standard Installation Fiber Units Background is not detected. Sensing range E32-L25L + E3NX-FA21 Threaded Beam Improvements Transparent Objects E32-L25L+E3NX-FA21 6000 Glass, t = 0.7 4000 SUS304 2000 Cylindrical Distance (mm) Flat Sleeved Specifications Limited-reflective Fiber Units High Power Narrow view Type Detection Features direction Small size Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) 14 2.5 11 R10 Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes E3NX-FA GIGA HS Other modes 0 to 4 ST : 0 to 4 0 to 4 ST : 0 to 4 0 to 4 SHS: 0 to 4 0 to 4 SHS: 0 to 4 Standard sensing object (minimum sensing object) Models 37 Page Dimensions No. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-L24S 2M 37-A E32-L16-N 2M 37-B E32-A08 2M * 37-C E32-A12 2M 37-D (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-L25L 2M 37-E End surface of soda glass with reflection factor of 7% (t = 0.7 mm, rounded edges) E32-A09 2M 37-F IP50 BGS Environmental Immunity 8000 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Small Spot Applications 9999 20.5 Standard Glasssubstrate alignment, 70C 3.8 14 Flatview Standard long distance 14 ST : 0 to 15 0 to 15 ST : 0 to 15 SHS: 0 to 12 0 to 15 SHS: 0 to 12 IP40 24.5 5 0 to 15 0 to 15 R25 10 to 20 ST : 10 to 20 10 to 20 ST : 10 to 20 10 to 20 SHS: - 10 to 20 SHS: - IP40 24.5 5 Side View form Sideview Glasssubstrate Mapping, 70C Topview 14 4 16 12 to 30 ST : 12 to 30 12 to 30 SHS: - 12 to 30 SHS: - IP40 18 R10 IP50 23 R25 9 20 12 to 30 ST : 12 to 30 Soda glass with reflection factor of 7% IP40 5.4 to 9 5.4 to 9 (Center 7.2) ST : 5.4 to 9 SHS: 5.4 to 9 (Center 7.2) 5.4 to 9 5.4 to 9 (Center 7.2) 15 to 38 15 to 38 15 to 38 ST : 15 to 38 (Center 25) 15 to 38 SHS: - (Center 25) (Center 25) ST : 5.4 to 9 SHS: 5.4 to 9 (Center 7.2) ST : 15 to 38 (Center 25) SHS: - * If operation is affected by the background, perform power tuning to decrease the incident light level. Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 36 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Limited-reflective (Glass Detection) Dimensions Installation Information 58, 59 Page Limited-reflective Fiber Units (ABS) 1.1 Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. Countersinks on both sides 2 24.5 7 14 3.5 2,000 2,000 5 E39-F9: Provided 2.5 E32-L16-N 2M (Free Cutting) 37-E E32-L25L 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.2 dia.mounting holes with two, 6 dia. Countersinks on both sides Sensing surface Sensing surface Two, 3.2 dia. 14 10.6 Model display tube 0.95 7 2.7 6.8 E39-F9: Provided 6.5 Two, 1 dia. Cylindrical (Polycarbonate) Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides 2,000 20.5 6 16 (45) Threaded Sensing distance 18 4 Two, 2.2 dia. 2,000 Flat 3.8 (PVC) 37-C E32-A08 2M (Free Cutting) 10.7 6.5 3.8 37-F Two, 2.2 dia. (ABS) Sleeved E32-A09 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface (Aluminum) 5.8 dia. Lenses 9 Small Spot 14 12 1.1 Sensing surface Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. Countersinks on both sides 24.5 20 8.9 Two, 2.2 dia. 2,000 12 5 High Power Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on one side 7 Standard Installation Sensing surface 2 Two, 2.2 dia. 14 12 Two, 1 dia. Sensing surface 37-B 10.7 6.5 Saving Space 3.8 3.5 11 E32-A12 2M (Free Cutting) 23 Narrow view 2,000 Beam Improvements 37-D (ABS) Selection Guide E32-L24S 2M (Free Cutting) Fiber Units 37-A Two, 3.5 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. Countersinks on both sides 37 Fiber Sensor Features Transparent Object Detection Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Sensing Distance vs. Digital Value Heatresistant Limited-reflective Fiber Unit can keep high digital value within the sensing area for glass. The digital value gets lower out of the sensing area for metals, including SUS (common as background). E32-L24S E32-A08 4000 2000 Digital value Digital value Digital value 6000 8000 6000 4000 5 10 15 0 20 0 10 Distance (mm) E32-L16-N 30 0 40 4000 2000 30 40 15 20 9999 6000 4000 2000 20 10 E32-A09 8000 0 0 5 Sensing range Digital value 6000 Distance (mm) 0 Distance (mm) 9999 Digital value Digital value 20 E32-A12 8000 10 4000 Sensing range 9999 0 FPD, Semi, Solar 6000 Distance (mm) Sensing range 0 Vacuum 8000 2000 2000 8000 6000 4000 2000 10 20 30 40 Distance (mm) 50 60 0 Area Detection Liquid-level 9999 9999 8000 0 0 E32-L25L Sensing range Sensing range 9999 SUS304 0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance (mm) * E3NX-FA21 used in high-speed (HS) mode. Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Sensing range Glass, t = 0.7 Applications - Reference Information for Model Selection - Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects BGS 37 Environmental Immunity Chemical-resistant, Oil-resistant Fiber Sensor Features 38 * These Fiber Units are made from fluororesin for resistance to chemicals. Chemical-resistant Data for Fluororesin (Reference) Material Selection Guide Chemical ABS Polycarbonate Polyethylene PVC Sodium hydroxide Methyl alcohol Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Beam Improvements Acryl Sulfuric acid Acetone Toluene Benzene Note: Results depend on concentration. Threaded Cylindrical Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Flat Sleeved Sensing direction Type High Power Appearance (mm) Bending radius of cable Rightangle Oilresistant E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 4,000 *1 Flexible, R1 *3 M8 4,000 *1 16 M4 Flexible, R1 *3 2,200 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Bending Heatresistant Area Detection 20 730 SHS: FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 38 R40 5 dia. Top-view Chemical/ oil resistant *1 ST : 4,000 SHS: 2,200 3,300 270 1,100 ST : 1,600 SHS: 270 4,000 *1 4,000 *1 *1 ST : 4,000 4,000 *1 SHS: 1,600 SHS: 1,600 IP67 35 R4 7.2 dia. Side-view 4,000 *1 *1 ST : 4,000 4,000 *1 *1 ST : 4,000 2,600 SHS: 1,000 3,900 SHS: 1,000 1,400 5 dia. 500 R40 1,800 5 dia. ST : 800 SHS: 200 ST : 1,200 2,100 SHS: 750 4,000 *1 20 Top-view 39 Page Dimensions No. 4 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T11NF 2M 39-A 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T11NFS 2M 39-A2 E32-T12F 2M 39-B E32-T11F 2M 39-C 3 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T14F 2M 39-D 4 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T51F 2M 39-E 4 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) IP67 IP67 Chemical/ oil resistant 150C *2 Models *1 ST : 4,000 21 4,000 *1 200 ST : 2,800 *1 ST : 4,000 SHS: SHS: 700 2,700 700 IP67 *1 The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. *2 For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 and 130C. *3. The IP68G is the degree of protection which is defined according to the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards). The IP68 indicates the same level of protection as defined by the IEC, and the G indicates that a device has resistance to oil. Passed OMRON's Oil-resistant Component Evaluation Standards (OMRON's own durability evaluation standards) (Cutting oil type: specified in JIS K 2241:2000; Temperature: 35C max.) Note. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Reflective Fiber Units Liquid-level Vacuum SHS: 2,200 ST : 1,100 4,000 *1 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 4,000 *1 IP68G BGS Limitedreflective 4,000 *1 *1 ST : 4,000 IP68G Narrow view Retroreflective Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) 19.1 Small Spot Applications Fluororesin Hydrochloric acid Type Sensing direction Semiconductors: Cleaning, developing, and etching, 60C Semiconductors: Resist stripping, 85C Chemical/ oil resistant Only cable: chemical resistant Appearance (mm) 14 Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA 40 IP67 Mounting holes A 38.5 17.5 HS Other modes GIGA HS Other modes R40 32 to 44 mm from center of mounting hole A (Recommended sensing distance: 35 mm) GIGA - 130 ST : 190 GIGA - ST : 280 190 SHS: 60 ST : 520 SHS: 100 SHS: 60 ST : 350 SHS: 100 IP67 17 R4 M6 Standard sensing object (minimum sensing object) 840 240 1,260 360 Models 39 Page Dimensions No. E32-L11FP 2M 39-F E32-L11FS 2M 39-G E32-D12F 2M 39-H E32-D11U 2M 39-I Glass (t=0.7 mm) 8 to 20 mm from tip of lens (Recommended sensing distance: 11 mm) IP67 16 6 dia. E3NX-FA 8 to 20 mm from tip of lens (Recommended sensing distance: 11 mm) 19 to 31 mm from center of mounting hole A (Recommended sensing distance: 22 mm) Mounting holes A 20 Top-view Bending radius of cable (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Installation Information 58, 59 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) Reflective Fiber Units 39-F E32-L11FP 2M (Free Cutting) 39-A E32-T11NF 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing object (Glass) 40 Type indicated tube 13 14 (PFA) 10 (Heat-resistant PVC) 22 13 2.2 dia. (fluororesin) 27 12 2,000 (5.4) 7.5 Mounting hole: Two, 4.2 dia. (PFA) (45) Opposite side: 13 Thickness: 5 (SUS XM7), Washer(SUS304) Threaded Two, 4 dia. (t=0.5) (PTFE) length: 2 m M8x1 Cylindrical 39-A2 E32-T11NFS 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 2.2 dia. Type indicated tube 7 Flat 6 dia. 7 (12) (16) 39-G E32-L11FS 2M (Free Cutting) 2,000 10 Optical fiber 2.2 dia. (Fluororesin) 5 10 M4x0.7 Small Spot (PFA) Toothed lock washer (SUS) Hexagonal nut opposite side 7 thickness 2.4 (SUS304) Sensing head M4x0.7 (SUS303) 2.2 35 SUS316L Detecting surface 2 dia. (Glass) High Power 39 39-B E32-T12F 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Lens 4 dia. Sleeved Sensing object (Glass) 38.5 17.5 6 Narrow view 12 5 dia. (Fluororesin) 4 dia. 2.2 dia. BGS (PFA) 20 Mounting hole: Two, 4.2 dia. Two, 4 dia. (t=0.5) (PTFE) length: 2 m 100 2,000 Retroreflective 39-C E32-T11F 2M (Free Cutting) Lens 3.7 dia. Nut (PFA) 7.2 dia. (PFA) Limitedreflective Two, 2.2 dia. 2.2 dia. (Fluororesin) Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 10 39-H E32-D12F 2M (Free Cutting) R3.6 19.8 (10 .7) 35 3 10 2,000 6 dia. (Fluororesin) 5 dia. Two, 2.2 dia. 39-D E32-T14F 2M (Free Cutting) 5 dia. (Fluororesin) 4 dia. 16 2.2 dia. 2,000 39-I 4.5 21 (Nickel-plated brass) 5 dia. (Fluororesin) 4 dia. Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. 1,800 Heatresistant Liquid-level Vacuum 2.2 dia. 15 5.2 20 Bending Area Detection M6x0.75 39-E E32-T51F 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Lens 3.7 dia. 100 E32-D11U 2M (Free Cutting) 100 2,000 17 200 Saving Space Sensing surface 4 dia.(Glass) Beam Improvements 10.7 Transparent Objects 19.1 Environmental Immunity (23) Protective tube 2,000 Applications Sensing head (SUS303) Standard Installation Installation Information 60 Page Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 39 Selection Guide Chemical-resistant, Oil-resistant Fiber Units Environmental Immunity FPD, Semi, Solar - Reference Information for Model Selection Oil-resistance performance of the E32-T11NF Mechanical Seal Structure Fluororesin Outer Cable Sheath The fluororesin that covers the entire surface of the cable sheath (fiber covering) prevents the penetration of cutting oil. Aluminum ring bushing Mechanical Seal Structure An aluminum ring bushing is compressed and deformed by a set screw to seal the structure by pressing against the fluororesin part of the fiber core. This prevents the ingress of cutting oil from the joined surfaces. Set screw (2) Sealed with high pressure. Blocked. Cutting oil Structure Around Sensing Surface Also Resists Cutting Oil and Cutting Chips Shape that prevents accumulation of oil drops and cutting chips (1) Screw is turned for pressure-fitting. Fluororesin Fiber core Spherical glass lens resists oils adhered Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 39 Environmental Immunity Bending-resistant, Disconnection-resistant Fiber Sensor Features 40 Through-beam This page Selection Guide * Capable of withstanding one million repeated bends. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Degree of bend: Bending radius: Weight: Bending rate: Beam Improvements 180 4 mm 50 g 30 times/minute Weight * A large number of independent fine fibers ensures good flexibility. Suitable for use on moving parts without easily breaking. Threaded * Protective Stainless Spiral Tube is available for covering the fiber cable to protect it from accidental breaking due to snagging or shock. Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Small Spot High Power Narrow view Size 1.5 dia. Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum 680 IP67 220 M3 M4 IP67 Bendresistant, R4 Other modes 1,020 ST : 400 SHS: 90 330 ST : 600 SHS: 90 ST : 1,350 M4 Square 3,750 2,500 14 41 Page Dimensions No. E32-T22B 2M 41-A E32-T21 2M 41-B 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-T11 2M 41-C 0.5 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-T25XB 2M 41-D 0.5 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) 900 SHS: 360 ST : 300 SHS: 70 ST : 2,020 1,350 SHS: 360 ST : 450 SHS: 70 IP67 500 7 12 2 170 750 250 IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Protective Stainless Spiral Tube (Sold separately) Insert the fiber cable into the protective tube to prevent breaking by snagging or shock. Applicable Fiber Units Installation Information E32-T11R 2M/E32-T11 2M/ E32-LT11 2M/E32-LT11R 2M/ E32-T51R 2M/E32-T51 2M Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories HS GIGA Models 11 FPD, Semi, Solar 40 E3X-HD 10 1.5 dia. M3 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing object) GIGA HS Other modes Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) BGS Applications Reflective 42 page Model Quantity 41 Page Dimensions No. E39-F32C 1M 2 pieces 41-E * This Tube cannot be used if a Lens Unit is being used. Bending-resistant, Disconnection-resistant Installation Information 60, 61 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 41-D E32-T25XB 2M (Free Cutting) 1 dia. 4.5 E39-F9: Provided 12 2,000 Note 1: Set of two symmetrically shaped Fiber Units. Note 2: Four, M2 x 8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. 41-E E39-F32C 1M 41-B E32-T21 2M (Free Cutting) Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) M3x0.5 (Nickel-plated brass) Protective tube 1 dia. Head connector (Nickel-plated brass) 7 dia. 7 dia. 11 2.5 E39-F9: Provided 2,000 Sensing surface: 0.5 dia. Protective tube M2.6x0.45 3.2 3.3 14 2.2 dia. Cylindrical 1,000 Flat Small Spot High Power 15 Sensing surface: 1 dia. 12 Sleeved Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) (Nickel-plated brass) Tube 5.6 dia. (SUS304) Note: Saddles (four, trivalent chromate-plated iron) are provided. 41-C E32-T11 2M (Free Cutting) M4x0.7 Threaded 4 dia. 12 15 End cap (Nickel-plated brass) M4x0.7 Depth: 4 2,000 Standard Installation 5 2.5 Saving Space 2 Narrow view Beam Improvements 7 1 2,000 BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects E39-F9: Provided 10 Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on one side (Aluminum) Environmental Immunity Sensing surface 0.5 dia. 1 dia. Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Applications 1.5 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Sensing surface: 4-0.25 dia. Selection Guide 41-A E32-T22B 2M (Free Cutting) Fiber Units Dimensions 41 Fiber Sensor Features Environmental Immunity 41 Environmental Immunity Bending-resistant, Disconnection-resistant Fiber Sensor Features 42 Through-beam 40 page Selection Guide * Capable of withstanding one million repeated bends. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Degree of bend: Bending radius: Weight: Bending rate: Beam Improvements 180 4 mm 50 g 30 times/minute Weight * A large number of independent fine fibers ensures good flexibility. Suitable for use on moving parts without easily breaking. Threaded * Protective Stainless Spiral Tube is available for covering the fiber cable to protect it from accidental breaking due to snagging or shock. Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Small Spot High Power Narrow view Size 1.5 dia. Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 42 E3NX-FA E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes GIGA HS Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing Other modes object) 15 1.5 dia. 140 IP67 40 11 M3 ST : 60 SHS: 16 210 60 ST : 90 SHS: 16 Models 43 Page Dimensions No. E32-D22B 2M 43-A E32-D21 2M 43-B E32-D221B 2M 43-C E32-D21B 2M 43-D E32-D11 2M 43-E E32-D25XB 2M 43-F M3 IP67 3 dia. 15 3 dia. IP67 Bendresistant, R4 300 90 ST : 140 SHS: 40 15 M4 450 130 ST : 210 SHS: 40 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) M4 IP67 M6 Square 8 ST : 350 ST : 520 240 SHS: 100 360 SHS: 100 240 ST : 100 360 ST : 150 SHS: 30 SHS: 30 IP67 12 2 1,260 840 17 M6 Area Detection Liquid-level Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) BGS Applications Reflective This page 60 90 IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. 3. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Protective Stainless Spiral Tube (Sold separately) Insert the fiber cable into the protective tube to prevent breaking by snagging or shock. Applicable Fiber Units Models Quantity E32-D21R 2M/E32-C31 2M/ E32-D21 2M E39-F32A 1M 1 piece E32-D211R 2M/E32-D21B 2M E39-F32C 1M 2 pieces E32-D11R 2M/E32-CC200 2M/ E32-D11 2M/E32-D51R 2M/ E32-D51 2M E39-F32D 1M 1 piece * This Tube cannot be used if a Lens Unit is being used. 43 Page Dimensions No. 43-G Bending-resistant, Disconnection-resistant Installation Information 58, 59 and 61 Page Limited-reflective Fiber Units M6x0.75 Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. Fiber Attachment* 100 Fiber Units * Attached with adhesive and cannot be removed. Two, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers 17 Two, 1 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) Opposite side 5.5, thickness 1.8 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 1 dia. 15 Threaded Two, 2.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 4.4 dia. countersinks on one side (Aluminum) M3x0.5 2.5 2,000 43-F E32-D25XB 2M (Free Cutting) 43-B E32-D21 2M (Free Cutting) Sensing surface Four, 0.25 dia. Protective tube 15 5.2 Two 0.25 dia. emitter fibers 2 Protective tube 11 2.5 Flat 5 2,000 12 Note: Two, M2x8 stainless steel countersunk mounting screws are provided. E39-F9: Provided 2,000 Enlarged View of Sensing Surface Cylindrical E39-F9: Provided 5.5 8 1.5 43-G E39-F32A 1M/E39-F32C 1M/E39-F32D 1M Two 0.25 dia. emitter fibers Head connector (Nickel-plated brass) End cap (Nickel-plated brass) A Two, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers High Power C 12 Tube D (SUS304) 12 1,000 Sensing surface Two, four, 0.25 dia. 3 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) Two, 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided 15 2,000 Small Spot B C 43-C E32-D221B 2M (Free Cutting) Sleeved Models A B C D E39-F32A 1M M3x0.5 Depth: 4 3 dia. 6 dia. (4.6 dia.) E39-F32C 1M M4x0.7 Depth: 4 4 dia. 7 dia. (5.6 dia.) E39-F32D 1M M6x0.75 Depth: 4 5 dia. 8.5 dia. (7 dia.) Note: Saddles (two (four for the E39-F32C 1M), trivalent chromate-plated iron) are provided. Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective M4x0.7 (SUS303) Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 1 dia. Sensing surface Two, 0.5 dia. 3.2 E39-F9: Provided 3 15 2,000 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 43-D E32-D21B 2M (Free Cutting) Beam Improvements Enlarged View of Sensing Surface Transparent Objects 2,000 Standard Installation Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. 15 15 (Nickel-plated brass) Brancher (ABS): 3.5 dia. Environmental Immunity 1 dia. Applications 1.5 dia. (SUS304) Sensing surface Four, 0.25 dia. 43-E E32-D11 2M (Free Cutting) Selection Guide 43-A E32-D22B 2M (No Cutting) Saving Space Dimensions 43 Fiber Sensor Features Environmental Immunity 43 Environmental Immunity Heat-resistant Through-beam This page Fiber Sensor Features 44 Reflective 46 page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Wide product variety for temperatures from 100 to 350C. Select the model according to heat-resistant temperature. Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Heatresistant temperature Appearance (mm) Flexible, R2 14 100C *1 M4 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant HS 1,600 560 Other modes GIGA 150C *2 ST : 800 SHS: 225 ST : 1,200 840 R35 30 Bending 45 Page Dimensions No. 1 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-T51R 2M 45-A ST : 2,250 1.5 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) 1,000 SHS: 400 1,500 SHS: 400 E32-T51 2M 45-B 1,000 ST : 550 1,500 ST : 820 0.7 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) SHS: 140 SHS: 140 E32-T81R-S 2M 45-C ST : 900 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) SHS: 240 E32-T61-S 2M 45-D IP67 20 R10 M4 350C *4 225 4,000*5 ST : 1,500 M4 30 SHS: Models IP50 17 200C *3 HS Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing object) Other modes 2,400 2,800 Limitedreflective 360 540 IP67 2,520 1,680 20 R25 M4 600 ST : 1,350 900 SHS: 240 IP67 Heatresistant Area Detection Applications E3NX-FA E3X-HD GIGA Narrow view Retroreflective Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 44 70C *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 Standard Fiber Units can be used. --- For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 90C. For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 130C. The heat-resistant rating is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. The ambient operating temperature for the E32-T61-S 2M is -60 to 350C. The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 45-C E32-T81R-S 2M (No Cutting) M2.6x0.45 2.2 dia. 3 3.2 M4x0.7 (SUS303) Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Sensing surface 1 dia. 14 2,000 Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (SUS304) Washer (SUS) M2.6x0.45 Sensing surface 0.7 dia. 3 Protective tube 4 dia. 2.2 dia. Fluororesin tube 2 dia. (75) 4 dia. 20 10 * 2,000 30 (B) A Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 200C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 45-D E32-T61-S 2M (No Cutting) 45-B E32-T51 2M (Free Cutting) M4x0.7 (Nickel-plated brass) Sensing surface 1.5 dia. 2.85 dia. 1 Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) 2.2 dia. Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (SUS304) Washer (SUS) 17 2,000 Fluororesin tube 2.8 dia. (SUS304) 20 10 2.2 dia. 4 dia. 4 dia. 3 15 Cylindrical M4x0.7 (SUS303) M2.6x0.45 Sensing surface 1 dia. Threaded 30 * Flat Sleeved 2,000 A Saving Space M4x0.7 (SUS303) 25 (B) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 350C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. Small Spot High Power Narrow view Beam Improvements 45-A E32-T51R 2M (Free Cutting) Standard Installation Installation Information 60 Page Fiber Sensor Features Dimensions 45 Selection Guide Heat-resistant Fiber Units Environmental Immunity Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects BGS Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar Long-distance Sensing Applications A separate Lens Unit can be attached to extend the sensing distance. 28 page Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories - Reference Information for Model Selection - 45 Environmental Immunity Heat-resistant Through-beam 44 page Fiber Sensor Features 46 Reflective This page Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide * Wide product variety for temperatures from 100 to 400C. Select the model according to heat-resistant temperature. Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Reflective Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Heatresistant temperature Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Appearance (mm) Narrow view 17.5 100C *1 BGS Flexible, R2 M6 Sensing distance (mm) E3NX-FA E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 670 190 HS Other modes GIGA R35 150C *2 M6 Limitedreflective 320 47 Page Dimensions No. ST : 280 SHS: 80 ST : 450 SHS: 144 ST : 180 280 ST : 420 SHS: 80 ST : 670 SHS: 144 ST : 270 SHS: 54 E32-D51R 2M 47-A E32-D51 2M 47-B E32-D81R-S 2M 47-C 420 200C *3 R10 M6 5 300C Heatresistant 480 Soda glass with reflection factor of 7% E32-A08H2 2M 47-D End surface of soda glass with eflection factor of 7% (t = 0.7 mm, rounded edges) E32-A09H2 2M 47-E E32-D611-S 2M 47-F E32-D61-S 2M 47-G E32-D73-S 2M 47-H (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) 630 180 120 SHS: 10 to 20 ST : 10 to 20 10 to 20 ST : 10 to 20 10 to 20 SHS: 10 to 20 SHS: 20 to 30 ST : 20 to 30 20 to 30 ST : 20 to 30 20 to 30 SHS: 20 to 30 SHS: 420 ST : 180 SHS: 54 54 IP67 26 Bending 1,680 IP67 25 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 18 - - IP30 30 9 24 - - IP40 28 R25 Liquid-level M4 IP67 350 *3 120 25 Vacuum 630 180 ST : 270 SHS: 54 M6 FPD, Semi, Solar 400C *3 Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Models 1,000 1,120 17 Retroreflective 46 Standard sensing object (minimum sensing object) IP50 Area Detection Applications Bending radius of cable Sleeve bending radius : 10 mm 60 1.65 30 280 M4 80 ST : 120 SHS: 36 420 120 70 *1 *2 *3 ST : 180 SHS: 36 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) Standard Fiber Units can be used. - For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 90C. For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 130C. The heat-resistant rating is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Fiber Units are for white paper. 4. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Heat-resistant Installation Information 58, 59 Page Reflective Fiber Units Two, 2.8 dia. flexible tubes (SUS304) 4 dia. 12 7 3.5 5.2 2,000 A 2,000 28 (B) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 300C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 47-B E32-D51 2M (Free Cutting) 47-F E32-D611-S 2M (No Cutting) Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Two, 2.2 dia. Cylindrical Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (SUS) Washer (SUS) Sensing surface 1 dia. Flat SUS flexible tube 2.9 dia. 2.2 dia. 4.9 8.5 3 3.1 2.4 13 17 Threaded M4x0.7 (SUS304) M6x0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) Sensing surface Two, 1.5 dia. * 5 30 17.5 2.2 dia. 2,000 20 4.5 4 dia. 28 A 25 (B) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 350C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 47-G E32-D61-S 2M (No Cutting) 47-C E32-D81R-S 2M (No Cutting) M4x0.7 M6x0.75 (SUS303) Protective tube Fluororesin tube 2.2 dia. 2 20 5 A 2,000 25 (B) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 200C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 20 Retroreflective 25 (B) A *2. The diameter is 6 dia. if the fiber length exceeds 10 m. *3. The length is 10 if the fiber length exceeds 10 m. Two, 3.4 dia. mounting holes with two, 6.3 dia. countersinks on one side 1.5 Sleeve (Aluminum) (5) 4 dia. 4 dia. 8.6 Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 350C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *1) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 2.2 dia. Sensing surface 1 dia. Opposite side 7, thickness 2.4 (SUS304) Washer (SUS) SUS flexible tube 2.8 dia. 2.2 dia. 4 dia. Stainless-steel tube 1.25 dia. 2.5 1.65 dia. dia. 4.5 8.5 4 Flexible tube: Two, 2.9 dia (Stainless steel) (SUS303) 10.7 5 6.5 60 5 A 26 2,000 A Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 300C and 110C, respectively. 30 (B) Two, M3 6.50.1 Mounting holes 20 Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending M4x0.7 (SUS303) 18 Sensing surface 5 *3 *1 2,000 5 47-H E32-D73-S 2M (No Cutting) 47-D E32-A08H2 2M (No Cutting) 5 2 5 * (70) 3 High Power BGS 4.5 8.5 4.5 8.5 3 Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (SUS303) Washer (SUS) SUS flexible tube 3.5 dia. 2.2 dia. 5 dia. *2 M4x 0.7 Sensing surface 1.4 dia. Small Spot Narrow view M6x0.75 (SUS303) Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (SUS303) Washer (SUS) Sensing surface 1.2 dia. Sleeved 5 * 2,000 10 * 2,000 B Standard Installation 24 8.9 Saving Space Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides (SUS303) Beam Improvements 9 Heatresistant Transparent Objects Two, 2.2 dia. 4 dia. Sensing surface Lenses 5.8 dia. Environmental Immunity Opposite side 10, thickness 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) Area Detection 5 25 (C) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A, B, and C are 400C, 300C, and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. Liquid-level Vacuum Applications M6x0.75 (SUS303) Sensing surface Two, 1 dia. Selection Guide 47-E E32-A09H2 2M (No Cutting) Fiber Units 47-A E32-D51R 2M (Free Cutting) FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Dimensions 47 Fiber Sensor Features Environmental Immunity 47 Special Applications Area Beam (Area Detection) Detection of falling workpieces * Area beams are optimum for detecting workpieces presented in inconsistent positions, such as falling workpieces, or for meander detection, or for detecting workpieces with holes. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units * This Fiber Unit is ideal for meander detectin because it outputs the digital value in a linear relation to the interrupted light distance. Beam Improvements 9999 Sensing distance: 300 mm Passing distance of workpiece Light interruption distance 7500 5000 2500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Light interruption distance (mm) E32-T16PR+E3NX-FA21 Threaded Cylindrical Detection of workpieces with holes Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Small Spot Type High Power Sensing width Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Appearance (mm) 11 mm Area 1,120 4 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 960 ST : 1,500 SHS: SHS: 440 ST : 2,250 1,440 380 4,000 *1 SHS: E32-T16PR 2M 49-A E32-T16JR 2M 49-B E32-T16WR 2M 49-C E32-G16 2M 49-D *2 (0.2 dia./ 0.07 dia.) 380 4,000 *1 ST : 2,600 69 1,700 5 SHS: 680 10 ST : 10 10 SHS: 10 ST : 3,900 2,550 SHS: 680 10 ST : 10 10 SHS: 10 *2 (0.3 dia./ 0.1 dia.) IP50 32 R5 7 11 dia. IP50 The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. The values for the minimum sensing object were obtained for detection in the sensing area with the sensing distance set to 300 mm. (The values are for a stationary sensing object.) The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. Note. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. *1 *2 Reflective Fiber Units Type FPD, Semi, Solar 48 49 Page Dimensions No. IP50 23 Liquid-level Installation Information ST : 2,550 1,680 440 4,000 *1 2,750 Flexible, R1 27 10 mm SHS: IP50 17.8 Array ST : 1,700 4 30 mm Models 4,000 *1 20 Vacuum HS Other modes GIGA 27 Bending Area Detection E3X-HD 3,100 Limitedreflective Heatresistant Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing object) GIGA HS Other modes Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable 14.5 Narrow view BGS Applications Digital lincident level Characteristics of Light Interruption (Reference Value) Meander detection Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 48 Sensing width Appearance (mm) 15 Array 11 mm Bending radius of cable Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes Model 49 Page Dimensions No. E32-D36P1 2M 49-E 5 Bendresistant, R4 25 700 200 ST : 300 SHS: 90 1,050 300 ST : 450 SHS: 90 (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) IP67 Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Installation Information 60 Page Installation Information 59 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 49-A E32-T16PR 2M (Free Cutting) 49-E E32-D36P1 2M (Free Cutting) 25 4 10.7 4 10 7 Sensing surface (2x11) (PMMA) 27 19 2,000 5 Two, 2.2 dia. 15 2.5 Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes (Heat-resistant ABS) 2,000 2 2.2 dia. 49-B E32-T16JR 2M (Free Cutting) Receiver Emitter 3.3 2 4 (Nickel-plated brass) Threaded Cylindrical Sensing surface (2x11) (PMMA) 17.8 Sensing surface: 32 x 0.265 dia. array (emitter and receiver fibers in alternating arrangement) 5 * Stickers with slits of widths 0.5 and 1 mm (2 of each) provided. 14.5 10.7 10.85 Flat Sleeved 4 Standard Installation 14.5 Saving Space Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Fiber Units Dimensions 49 Fiber Sensor Features Area Beam (Area Detection) Selection Guide Special Applications 7 High Power (ABS) Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides 2.2 dia. Narrow view 2,000 Beam Improvements Small Spot 27 19 Retroreflective 23 18 (3x30) (PMMA) Limitedreflective 12 18.5 45 65 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 69 Bending (ABS) 2,000 2.2 dia. Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Area Detection 49-D E32-G16 Sensing surface, Sixteen, 0.265 dia. Liquid-level 15.9 Vacuum Cross-section A-A 32 28.4 10 20 A 2,000 (standard length) 8.4 Two, 3.2 dia. Model display tube 12 A 45 Sensing head (ABS) Protective cover (PVC) Optical fiber: 2.2 dia. 7 FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 10 Heatresistant Applications 5 Sensing surface Environmental Immunity 49-C E32-T16WR 2M (Free Cutting) Transparent Objects BGS 49 Special Applications Liquid-level Detection Fiber Sensor Features 50 * Fiber Units for detecting liquid levels are available in two types: for tube mounting and liquid contact. Tube-mounting Types Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Detect the liquid level inside transparent tubes. Strap the Fiber Unit to a tube with band. Detect the liquid level by direct contact with the liquid. This model has excellent chemical-resistance because the Fiber Unit is covered in fluororesin. Threaded Reflective= Light incident Air Liquid Radiation Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot Beam Improvements Liquid-contact Type Specifications Detection scheme Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Features Tubemounting 8 to 10 dia. Ideal for mounting at multilevels Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) 19.9 3.2, 6.4 * Resistant to bubbles and droplets and * Residual quantity 9.5 dia. detection High Power Narrow view Tube diameter 27 IP50 Liquid contact (heat-resistant up to 200C) --- --- 51 Page Dimensions No. --- E32-A01 5M 51-A R10 Applicable tube: Transparent tube with a diameter of 8 to 10 dia. and a recommended wall thickness of 1 mm --- E32-L25T 2M 51-B R4 Applicable tube: Transparent tube (no restrictions on diameter) --- E32-D36T 2M 51-C R40 R25 *3 Liquid-contact Type *1 --- E32-D82F1 4M 51-D 16 IP50 * Usable on large No diameter tubes restrictions * Resistant to bubbles and droplets Models Applicable tube: Transparent Bend- tube with a diameter of 3.2, 6.4, resistant, or 9.5 dia. and a recommended R4 wall thickness of 1 mm 18 10 Optical axis diameter (minimum sensing object) Applicable range 5 23.45 15 IP67 6 dia. IP68 *1 If you want to change the amount of received light, please Refer to the Instruction Sheet of the Fiber Amplifier used. *2 The applicable range is the same whether an E3X-HD series or E3NX-FA series is used. This does not include E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. When using a Fiber Amplifier Unit in giga-power mode, level detection may not work depending on the tube diameter. Make sure to confirm operation with the actual tube. *3 The bending radius of the sensing section (except for the unbendable section) is 40 mm, and the bending radius of the fiber is 25 mm. Applications Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 50 - Reference Information for Model Selection Determining the Best Model for Tube-mounted Types Mounting and conditions Recommended Unit Features This is a Through-beam Model, so the incident light will differ greatly between with and without of liquid. It also uses an area beam, which is less prone to false detection by bubbles and droplets. With liquid Without liquid When bubbles and the water droplets are generated E32-A01 Multilevel installation in limited space E32-L25T Light interrupted Light incident This model is suitable for mounting at multilevels because of the thin type (height: 10 mm). This model has no restrictions on the tube diameter, so it can be mounted on many different tube sizes. It also uses an area beam, which is less prone to false detection by bubbles and droplets. Without liquid With liquid Mounting on large diameter tubes E32-D36T Air Reflective= Light incident Tube Liquid Radiation Dimensions Installation Information 58, 59 Page 51-A E32-A01 5M (Free Cutting) (Heat-resistant ABS) M3x8 * Band holes 20 * Mount the holder at the appropriate position based on the actual tube diameter (1/8, 1/4, 3/8 inch). Receiver 3 Note: Two nylon bands are provided. Threaded 51-B E32-L25T 2M (Free Cutting) Cylindrical Sensing surface Lens two, 3.2 dia. (PC) 2.8 Standard Installation 5,000 Fiber Units 27 4.2 19.9 3 Two, 2.2 dia. 14 Sensing surface (2 x 11) (PMMA) Emitter Model display tube (45) 1.3 Optical axis Tube holder (PBT) Tube-mounting Examples 51 Fiber Sensor Features Liquid-level Detection Selection Guide Special Applications E39-F9: Provided (13) 15.2 Sleeved 6 (PC) 18 2,000 Note: Two nylon bands and one anti-reflector are provided. 51-C E32-D36T 2M (Free Cutting) Enlarged View of Sensing Surface Emitter: Sixteen, 0.265 dia. 4 2 5 Eight, R0.5 5 BGS 11.4 20.4 23.45 2,000 Receiver: Sixteen, 0.265 dia. 13.25 5 4.4 Sensing surface Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Fiber connector 9 dia. (Nickel-plated brass) 6 dia. (Fluororesin) Two, 2.2 dia. * 8 dia. To the Amplifier Unit Length of unbendable section: 150 Retroreflective Limitedreflective 51-D E32-D82F1 4M (Free Cutting) 7.2 Narrow view Bending 27 42 2,000 A 1,500 mm from the tip Heatresistant 2,000 B * The 2-m section of optical fiber on the Amplifier unit side is plastic and therefore allows free cutting. Note: The maximum allowable temperature is 200C for section A and 85C for section B. Area Detection Liquid-level And Vacuum The E32-A01 Fiber Unit is designed to default to the same output as for liquid absent in the event of a failure, such as when the fiber breaks. This makes it suitable for residual quantity detection. Trouble (disconnection) Light interrupted With liquid Light interrupted Without liquid Light incident If the failure goes unnoticed, this failsafe design will prevent false detection of liquid when there is no liquid present. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Designed for Safe Residual quantity detection (E32-A01 only) Transparent Objects 15 High Power Two, 2.2 dia. Two, Band holes (ABS) Environmental Immunity R10 Small Spot Beam Improvements Band hole 6 10 Flat Two, 1 dia. Applications 16 Saving Space 1.2 51 Special Applications Vacuum-resistant Fiber Sensor Features 52 * Can be used under high vacuums of up to 10-5 Pa. * Available in models with heat resistant up to 120 or 200C. Selection Guide Configuration Example for using under vacuum Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units (Lens Units) Fiber Units on vacuum side Beam Improvements Flange Atmospheric pressure side Fiber Amplifier unit Fiber Units on atmospheric pressure side Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Small Spot High Power Type Heatresistant temperature Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Vacuum side Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level E3X-HD GIGA 2,000* 1,360 4 dia. 30 1,760 3 dia. 640 FPD, Semi, Solar 70 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 100 1,080 390 ST : 600 SHS: 100 1.2 dia. (10 m dia./ 4 m dia.) E32-T51V 1M 53-A ST : 2,000 2,000* * ST : 2,000 4 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) SHS: 520 2,000* SHS: ST : 950 2,000* ST : 1,420 SHS: 260 960 SHS: 520 E32-T51V 1M + E39-F1V 53-B 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) 260 E32-T84SV 1M 53-C ST : - ST : - SHS: - SHS: - E32-T10V 2M 53-D * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Appearance Type Models 53 Page Dimensions No. 4-channel flange E32-VF4 53-E 1-channel flange E32-VF1 53-F Installation Information 52 400 SHS: 53 Page Dimensions No. R25 Atmospheric pressure side Flange Vacuum ST : Models R30 35.9 200 HS Other modes 720 120 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) 260 M4 Limitedreflective Bending Appearance (mm) Bending radius of cable 30 BGS Applications Vacuum chamber Vacuum side Vacuum-resistant Dimensions Installation Information 60, 61 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) Opposite side 8 (SUS304) Washer (SUS304) 3 2.2 dia. Connected to flange (vacuum side) 26 20 (30) 1,000 53-B E32-T51V 1M (No Cutting) + E39-F1V 4 dia. M4x0.7 E39-F1V 0.5 dia. hole 3 dia. 8.9 4 dia. 6 25.9 1,000 (35.9) Flat 53-C E32-T84SV 1M (No Cutting) Sensing surface: 2 dia. Sleeved 12 12 1,000 3.5 dia. max.30 6 3 dia. Flexible tube: (Stainless steel) 2.9 dia. 90 Small Spot Connected to flange (vacuum side) 4 dia. 4 dia. 2.2 dia. High Power 26 Narrow view R5 53-D E32-T10V 2M (Free Cutting) BGS 2.2 dia. Retroreflective 2,000 53-E E32-VF4 Four, 10 dia. 49 24 8 36 dia. Limitedreflective 80 70 dia. 44 dia. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 45 80 Bending Flange Flange V40 O-ring Beam Improvements 14.2 90 dia. Note 1. Mount the Flange so that the V40 O-ring is on the atmospheric-pressure side of the vacuum chamber wall. 2. Mounting-hole dimensions: 38 dia. 0.5 mm 3. The maximum tightening torque is 9.8 N*m. 4. A V40 O-ring is provided. Heatresistant Area Detection 53-F E32-VF1 (96) (63) 22 M14x2 10 5 (23) 22 30 19 Liquid-level 20 dia. Vacuum 6 (33.53) One nut Two, connectors One spring washer V15 O-ring Note 1. Mount the Flange so that the V15 O-ring is on the atmospheric-pressure side of the vacuum chamber wall. 2. Mounting-hole dimensions: 14.5 dia. 0.2 mm 3. The maximum tightening torque is 14.7 N*m for the clamp nut and 1.5 N*m for the connector. 4. A V15 O-ring, nut, spring washer, two connectors, and four O-rings for the fibers are provided. - Reference Information for Model Selection What Is a Vacuum-resistant Fiber Unit? * The Flange is designed to create an air-tight seal on the vacuum side. * The fibers and Flange on the vacuum side are made of non-outgassing materials. These parts are inspected, cleaned, and sealed in an air-tight package in a clean room prior to shipment. Glass Stainles steel No outgassing Fluoro-resin Applications (SUS304) FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 3 dia. Cylindrical Transparent Objects 8.9 Threaded M2.6x0.45 Effective depth: 3.8 countersinking depth: 0.9 Environmental Immunity Sensing surface 1.15 dia. 4 dia. 3 dia. Standard Installation 4 dia. M2.6x0.45 Fiber Units (Aluminum) Saving Space M4x0.7 Selection Guide 53-A E32-T51V 1M (No Cutting) 53 Fiber Sensor Features Special Applications 53 Special Applications FPD, Semiconductors, and Solar Cells Detection position accuracy: 0.2 mm max. No variation in detection positions even if the sensing distance changes. Tilting workpiece does not affect detection. 10 to 20mm Selection Guide Digital value Stable detection is possible even for difficult-todetect curved surfaces. Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Beam Improvements Detection position accuracy: 0.2 mm max. * Glass-substrate Mapping 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 Glass-substrate Alignment E32-A08 E32-A08H2 Distance Stable detection Raw glass (t = 0.7 mm, rounded edges) E32-A09 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Distance (mm) Spherical heads eliminate liquid build up. * Glass Presence Detection in Wet Processes Threaded Cylindrical Liquid builds up on flat head. Water droplet Stable non-contact detection even with warped glass. The spherical heads ensure stable detection without being influenced by liquid. Flat Sleeved Specifications Limited-reflective Fiber Units Small Spot High Power Narrow view BGS Ambient Application temperature Glass presence detection Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective 20.5 3.8 14 Glasssubstrate Alignment Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 54 E3X-HD GIGA E3NX-FA HS Other modes HS Other modes GIGA 0 to 15 ST : 0 to 15 0 to 15 ST : 0 to 15 0 to 15 SHS: 0 to 12 0 to 15 SHS: 0 to 12 Standard sensing object (minimum sensing object) 14 IP40 5 18 5 70 IP30 14 Wet processes (Resist stripping) 85 *1 *2 10 to 20 ST : 10 to 20 10 to 20 SHS: 10 to 20 SHS: - - 12 to 30 ST : 12 to 30 12 to 30 ST : 12 to 30 12 to 30 SHS: 12 to 30 SHS: - SHS: - 15 to 38 (Center 25) (Center 25) IP40 E32-A08 2M *1 55-B E32-A08H2 2M *1 55-C E32-A12 2M 55-D E32-A09 2M 55-E E32-A09H2 2M 55-F E32-L11FP 2M 55-G E32-L11FS 2M 55-H Soda glass with reflection factor of 7% - ST : 15 to 38 SHS: ST : 20 to 30 9 SHS: IP40 40 IP67 Mounting hole A 17.5 IP67 ST : 20 to 30 SHS: - 20 to 30 (Center 25) (Center 25) 8 to 20 mm from tip of lens (Recommended sensing distance: 11 mm) 19 to 31 mm from center of mounting hole A (Recommended sensing distance: 22 mm) Mounting hole A 20 - 20 to 30 (Center 25) (Center 25) 14 - 15 to 38 (Center 25) (Center 25) 20 to 30 20 to 30 30 38.5 55-A 15 to 38 ST : 15 to 38 24 60 ST : 10 to 20 15 to 38 20 Wet processes (Cleaning, Resist developing, and etching) E32-L16-N 2M *1 IP40 9 300C *2 55 Page Dimensions No. R25 23 Mapping of glass substrates 10 to 20 26 300 Models IP40 24.5 Heatresistant Liquid-level Sensing distance (mm) 24.5 5 Bending Area Detection Bending radius of cable Appearance (mm) 70 Retroreflective Applications Limited-reflective This page Through-beam 56 page * Glass-substrate Alignment Fiber Sensor Features 54 R40 8 to 20 mm from tip of lens (Recommended sensing distance: 11 mm) 32 to 44 mm from center of mounting hole A (Recommended sensing distance: 35 mm) End surface of soda glass with reflection factor of 7% (t = 0.7 mm, rounded edges) Glass (t=0.7mm) If operation is affected by the background, perform power tuning to decrease the incident light level. The maximum allowable temperature is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. Must not be repeatedly subject to rapid temperature changes. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. FPD, Semiconductors, and Solar Cells Installation Information 58, 59 Page Limited-reflective Fiber Units Two, 2.2 dia. 7 23 2,000 3.8 55-F (PVC) 10.7 6.5 E32-A09H2 2M (No Cutting) 9 Sensing surface Lenses 5.8 dia. 55-B E32-A08 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides (SUS303) Two, 2.8 dia. flexible tubes (SUS304) 24 8.9 Two, 2.2 dia. (ABS) 2,000 4 dia. 12 7 14 12 Sensing surface 1.1 24.5 A 2,000 28 (B) Note: The maximum allowable temperatures for sections A and B are 300C and 110C, respectively. The section inserted into the Amplifier Unit (indicated by *) must be maintained within the Amplifier Unit's operating temperature range. 2,000 5 55-G E32-L11FP 2M (Free Cutting) 55-C E32-A08H2 2M (No Cutting) Two, 3.4 dia. mounting holes with two, 6.3 dia. countersinks on one side Sensing object (Glass) 40 14 (PFA) (Heat-resistant PVC) 22 1.5 5 Sleeve (Aluminum) (5) 4 dia. 8.6 2.2 dia. 4 dia. 12 27 18 Sensing surface 4 (SUS303) 10.7 26 (PFA) 30 (B) Two, M3 Note: The maximum allowable temperatures is 300C for sections A and 110C for section B (section inserted into Amplifier Unit). Model display tube Optical axis Mounting holes 3.8 10.7 24.5 Narrow view Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 55-H E32-L11FS 2M (Free Cutting) 17.5 Optical fiber Two, 2.2 dia. 38.5 10 Sensing object (Glass) Bending Heatresistant (PFA) 35 6.50.2 SUS316L Two, M3 1.1 High Power Limitedreflective Two, 2.2 dia. Mounting holes 14 12 Small Spot Retroreflective Two, 4 dia, (t=0.5) (PTFE) 2 m 6.50.1 55-D E32-A12 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with four, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides Sleeved Two, 4.2 dia. mounting holes 2,000 A Flat BGS Flexible tube: Two, 2.9 dia. (Stainless steel) 6.5 Cylindrical * 5 30 Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides 2.2 dia. Threaded Transparent Objects 20.5 Standard Installation 12 6.8 3.8 Two, 3.2 dia. mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on one side (45) 7 2.7 8.9 Environmental Immunity 0.95 20 Saving Space Model display tube (Aluminum) 6.5 39 Area Detection 2,000 Liquid-level 12 5 (PFA) Two, 4.2 dia. mounting holes Two, 4 dia, (t=0.5) (PTFE) 2 m Two, 2.2 dia. Vacuum Applications 14 10.6 Sensing surface Lenses 5.8 dia. 9 Two, 2.2 dia. Selection Guide 55-E E32-A09 2M (Free Cutting) Two, 3.2 dia.mounting holes with two, 6 dia. countersinks on both sides FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Sensing surface Fiber Units 55-A E32-L16-N 2M (Free Cutting) Beam Improvements Dimensions 55 Fiber Sensor Features Special Applications 55 Special Applications FPD, Semiconductors, and Solar Cells Fiber Sensor Features Limited-reflective 54 page Through-beam This page * Wafer Mapping E32-A04+E3NX-FA21 Mapping Characteristics -10 Selection Guide (E32-A04, High-speed mode) 2 wafers 10 mm Detection positions (mm) 56 -5 Detection 0 12-inch silicon wafer Detection 5 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units 150 mm 10 Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Specifications Through-beam Fiber Units Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Ambient Aperture Application temperature angle Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 56 Appearance (mm) Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes Flexible, R1 1.5 Thickness: 3 mm 24.5 IP50 1,200 IP50 20.5 Wafer Mapping 70C 4,000 * 3,220 10 Thickness: 3 mm Models 57 Page Dimensions No. SHS: 1,280 450 Thickness: 2 mm 500 ST : 680 1,800 SHS: 500 E32-A03 2M 57-A E32-A03-1 2M 57-B 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) SHS: 200 1,920 670 ST : 1,020 SHS: 200 1.2 dia. (0.1 dia./ E32-A04 2M 0.03 dia.) 57-C IP50 4,000 * Flexible, R1 20.5 4 ST : 2,670 ST : 1,780 R10 3.4 Bending Heatresistant Bending radius of cable 20.5 BGS Applications 2500 5000 7500 9999 Digital value Thin-profile design enables easy mounting on robot arms. Easy to adjust optical axis. (Typical alignment error between mechanical and optical axes is only 0.1.) Reliably wafer detection, even when stacked closely together. Wafer Mapping Threaded 0 3.5 dia. 4,000 * ST : 2,200 1,460 SHS: 580 4,000 * ST : 3,300 2,190 1,740 580 4,000 * ST : 2,600 R10 SHS: SHS: 700 ST : 3,900 2,610 SHS: 700 E32-T24SR 2M 57-D E32-T24S 2M 57-E 2 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) IP50 * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Dimensions Installation Information 58, 60 Page Through-beam Fiber Units (Set of 2) 57-A E32-A03 2M (Free Cutting) 20.5 0.4 2,000 1.8 Engraved mark: E39-F9: 3.2 1 dia. Provided 6 3.5 17.6 dia. 57 Fiber Sensor Features FPD, Semiconductors, and Solar Cells Selection Guide Special Applications Sensing surface: 1.7 dia. Note: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. 57-B E32-A03-1 2M (Free Cutting) Cylindrical 1 dia. 2.95 dia. 10 4.5 3.5 3 Engraved mark: 1 dia. 6.5 3 E39-F9: Provided Mounting holes Two, 3.4 dia 12.5 24.5 Sensing surface: 1.7 dia. (SUS303) 13 57-C E32-A04 2M (Free Cutting) Engraved mark: 1 dia. E39-F9: Provided 2 dia. (SUS303) High Power Narrow view BGS Sensing surface: 1.2 dia. 1.8 (SUS303) 11 2.2 dia. 3.2 3.4 E39-L83 Mounting Bracket (SUS) (provided) 3.2 10 20.5 Sensing surface: 1.7 dia. Liquid-level Vacuum 57-E E32-T24S 2M (Free Cutting) 1.8 0.4 (SUS303) 3.5 dia. 11 2.2 dia. 3.2 3.4 E39-L83 Mounting Bracket (SUS) (provided) 3.2 Heatresistant Area Detection 2,000 1.5 2 Bending FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information 10 20.5 1.5 2 Sensing surface: 1.7 dia. 2,000 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 3.5 dia. Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 57-D E32-T24SR 2M (Free Cutting) 0.4 Retroreflective Environmental Immunity 2,000 Applications 20.5 Transparent Objects 4 2 2 17.6 Small Spot 1 dia. Note: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. 17.6 Flat Sleeved 2,000 Note1: Use the engraved surface and its opposing surface as installation (reference) surfaces. 2. Set of two symmetrical parts. 2 Threaded Standard Installation 3.2 10 2 Saving Space 3.4 Beam Improvements (SUS303) E39-L83 Mounting Bracket (SUS) (provided) Fiber Units 4.3 11 2.95 dia. 57 Installation Information Installation Tightening Mounting Bending Unbendable Tensile Ambient torque hole radius length*1 strength temperature Cable Sheath material Core material Emitter/receiver differentiation Weight (packed state) (g) Demensions Page No. -40 to 70C 0.03N * m - R4 10 9.8N Fluororesin Plastic None 200 51 Page 51-A E32-A03 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 31 Page 31-A 57 Page 57-A E32-A03-1 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 50 31 Page 31-B 57 Page 57-B E32-A04 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 2.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 31 Page 31-C 57 Page 57-C E32-A08 2M -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 37 Page 37-C 55 Page 55-B -40 to 300C *2 0.53N * m - R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 240 47 Page 47-D 55 Page 55-C -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 37 Page 37-F 55 Page 55-E -40 to 300C *2, *3 0.53N * m - R25 10 9.8N SUS Glass None 230 47 Page 47-E 55 Page 55-F E32-A12 2M -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 37 Page 37-D 55 Page 55-D E32-C21N 2M -40 to 70C +0.5 0.29N * m 3.2 0 dia. *4 R2 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 30 99 Page 99-D E32-C31 2M -40 to 70C +0.5 0.78N * m 3.2 0 dia. *4 R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 40 09 Page 09-D E32-C31M 1M -40 to 70C +0.5 0.78N * m 3.2 0 dia. *4 R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 40 09 Page 09-E 09 Page 09-A Saving Space Standard Installation E32-A01 5M Selection Guide Models Fiber Units Fiber Sensor Features 58 E32-A08H2 2M Threaded E32-A09 2M Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view E32-A09H2 2M E32-C31N 2M E32-C41 1M E32-C42 1M -40 to 70C -40 to 70C -40 to 70C +0.5 0 dia. *4 R4 0 9.8N PVC and Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 40 +0.5 0 dia. *4 R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic White tube on emitter cable 30 Plastic White tube on emitter cable 30 21 Page 21-A , 21-B 30 21 Page 21-E 0.29N * m 3.2 0.78N * m 3.2 +0.5 0 0.29N * m 2.2 dia. R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene E32-C42S 1M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 4N Polyolefin Plastic White tube on emitter cable Transparent Objects 23-D Retroreflective E32-CC200 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 40 09 Page 09-H Limitedreflective E32-C91N 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic White line on emitter cable 36 09 Page 09-B 99 Page 99-F Environmental Immunity BGS 23 Page 23-A , Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant E32-D11 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 29.4N PVC Plastic None 50 43 Page 43-E E32-D11R 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 50 09 Page 09-G Bending E32-D11U 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 60 39 Page 39-I Heatresistant E32-D12F 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 6.5+0.5 0 dia. R40 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 190 39 Page 39-H E32-D15XR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-E E32-D15YR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-F E32-D15ZR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-G E32-D16 2M -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R4 10 29.4N PVC Plastic None 70 25 Page 25-E E32-D21 2M -40 to 70C +0.5 0.78N * m 3.2 0 dia. *4 R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 20 43 Page 43-B E32-D211R 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 09 Page 09-F E32-D21B 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 40 43 Page 43-D E32-D21N 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 30 99 Page 99-E E32-D21R 2M -40 to 70C +0.5 0.78N * m 3.2 0 dia. *4 R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 20 09 Page 09-C E32-D21-S3 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 50 19 Page 19-J E32-D221B 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 40 13 Page 13-D 43 Page 43-C E32-D22B 2M -40 to 70C 0.2N * m 1.7+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 30 13 Page 13-A 43 Page 43-A Applications Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 58 *1 Unbendable length of cable from fiber head. Do not bend the cable for at least 20 mm from where the cable inserts into the Fiber Amplifier Unit. *2 The heat-resistant rating is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. *3 Avoid rapid temperature changes. *4 For embedded mounting, prepare a hole with a diameter of 2.6 mm. Weight (packed state) (g) Demensions Page No. E32-D22R 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 13 Page 13-C E32-D22-S1 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 45 19 Page 19-I E32-D24R 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 19 Page 19-A E32-D24-S2 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 5+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 19.6N Polyethylene Plastic None 55 19 Page 19-B E32-D25XB 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 40 43 Page 43-F E32-D25-S3 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 50 19 Page 19-L R4 10 9.8N Polyolefin Plastic None 35 19 Page 19-G 50 13 Page 13-E 0.78N * m 3.2 dia. *2 E32-D32L 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2 dia. R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic Yellow dotted line on emitter cable E32-D32-S1 0.5M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N Polyolefin Plastic None 35 19 Page 19-F E32-D33 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 13 Page 13-F 19 Page 19-E E32-D331 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 2.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 30 19 Page 19-D E32-D36P1 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m - R4 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 49 Page 49-E E32-D36T 2M -40 to 70C - - R4 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 190 51 Page 51-C E32-D43M 1M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 1.7+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 30 13 Page 13-B 19 Page 19-C E32-D51 2M -40 to 150C *3 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R35 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 60 47 Page 47-B E32-D51R 2M -40 to 100C *4 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 29.4N Polyurethane Plastic None 60 47 Page 47-A E32-D61-S 2M -60 to 350C *5 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 190 47 Page 47-G E32-D611-S 2M -60 to 350C *5 0.98N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 170 47 Page 47-F E32-D73-S 2M -40 to 400C *5 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 170 47 Page 47-H E32-D81R-S 2M -40 to 200C *5 0.78N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Fluororesin Glass None 70 47 Page 47-C E32-D82F1 4M -40 to 200C 0.29N * m 6.5+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 450 51 Page 51-D E32-DC200BR 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 19 Page 19-K R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 19 Page 19-H E32-DC200F4R 2M -40 to 70C +0.5 0 Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot High Power Narrow view +0.5 0 0.78N * m 3.2 dia. *2 Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant E32-G16 2M -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R5 0 *6 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic - 51 49 Page 49-D E32-L11FP 2M -10 to 60C 0.78N * m - R40 10 9.8N Fluororesin Plastic None 310 39 Page 39-F 55 Page 55-G Area Detection E32-L11FS 2M -10 to 85C 0.78N * m - R40 10 9.8N Fluororesin Plastic None 310 39 Page 39-G 55 Page 55-H Liquid-level E32-L15 2M -40 to 70C 0.53N * m - R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic White tube on emitter cable 60 21 Page 21-F -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 E32-L24S 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 33 Page 33-B 37 Page 37-A E32-L25L 2M -40 to 105C *4 0.29N * m - R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 33 Page 33-C 37 Page 37-E E32-L25T 2M -40 to 70C - - R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 51 Page 51-B E32-LD11 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m - R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 09 Page 09-I E32-LD11N 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 99 Page 99-C E32-LD11R 2M -40 to 70C 0.98N * m R1 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 09 Page 09-I - *1 Unbendable length of cable from fiber head. Do not bend the cable for at least 20 mm from where the cable inserts into the Fiber Amplifier Unit. *2 For embedded mounting, prepare a hole with a diameter of 2.6 mm. *3 For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 130C. *4 For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 90C. *5 The heat-resistant rating is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. *6 The bending radius of the protective cover (PVC, 25 mm) is 10 mm min. Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories E32-L16-N 2M 33 Page 33-A 37 Page 37-B 55 Page 55-A Transparent Objects BGS Environmental Immunity -40 to 70C Applications E32-D31-S1 0.5M +0.5 0 Standard Installation Emitter/receiver differentiation Saving Space Core material Beam Improvements Cable Sheath material Fiber Sensor Features Installation Tightening Mounting Bending Unbendable Tensile Ambient torque hole radius length*1 strength temperature Selection Guide Models 59 Fiber Units Installation Information 59 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 60 Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Models E32-LR11NP 2M Installation Tightening Mounting Bending Unbendable Tensile Ambient torque hole radius length*1 strength temperature -40 to 70C *2 Cable Sheath material Core material Emitter/receiver differentiation Weight (packed state) (g) Demensions Page No. 0.98N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 35 Page 35-A 99 Page 99-G R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 07 Page 07-C 25 Page 25-C E32-LT11 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m E32-LT11N 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 25 Page 25-A 99 Page 99-A E32-LT11R 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m - R1 0 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 07 Page 07-C 25 Page 25-C E32-LT35Z 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 25 15 Page 15-D E32-R16 2M -25 to 55C 0.54N * m - R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 220 (E39-R1 included.) 35 Page 35-B E32-R21 2M -40 to 70C 0.39N * m 6.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 70 (E39-R3 included.) 35 Page 35-C E32-T10V 2M -25 to 70C 0.3N * m R25 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 170 53 Page 53-D E32-T11 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 29.4N PVC Plastic None 40 41 Page 41-C E32-T11F 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m R4 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 60 39 Page 39-C E32-T11N 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 70 07 Page 07-A E32-T11NF 2M -25 to 70C 8.5+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 80 39 Page 39-A E32-T11NFS 2M -25 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 70 39 Page 39-A2 E32-T11R 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 50 07 Page 07-B E32-T12F 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 5.5+0.5 0 dia. R40 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 210 39 Page 39-B E32-T12R 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 11 Page 11-C R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 60 25 Page 25-D - - -40 to 70C 0.49N * m Retroreflective E32-T14F 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 5.5+0.5 0 dia. R40 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 220 39 Page 39-D Limitedreflective E32-T14LR 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 11 Page 11-D Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant E32-T15XR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-A E32-T15YR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-B Bending E32-T15ZR 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 15 Page 15-C Heatresistant E32-T16JR 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 49 Page 49-B Applications E32-T14 2M Transparent Objects 12N * m - Environmental Immunity BGS Installation Information - E32-T16PR 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R1 0 9.8N PVC Plastic None 60 49 Page 49-A Area Detection E32-T16WR 2M -25 to 55C 0.29N * m - R1 0 9.8N PVC Plastic None 60 49 Page 49-C Liquid-level E32-T17L 10M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 14.5+10 dia. R25 10 29.4N Polyethylene Plastic None 240 25 Page 25-B E32-T21 2M -40 to 70C Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 60 +0.5 0 dia. *3 R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 30 41 Page 41-B +0.5 0 0.78N * m 3.2 E32-T21-S1 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 3.2 dia. *3 R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 45 17 Page 17-D E32-T223R 2M -40 to 70C 0.20N * m 1.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 20 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 11 Page 11-A E32-T22B 2M -40 to 70C 0.20N * m 1.7+0.5 0 dia. R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 40 11 Page 11-B 41 Page 41-A E32-T22S 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 31 Page 31-F E32-T24E 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 2.7+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 17 Page 17-B E32-T24R 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 2.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 17 Page 17-A E32-T24S 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R10 10 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 31 Page 31-E 57 Page 57-E E32-T24SR 2M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m - R1 0 9.8N PVC Plastic None 60 31 Page 31-D 57 Page 57-D E32-T25XB 2M -40 to 70C 0.15N * m - R4 10 9.8N PVC Plastic None 40 41 Page 41-D *1 Unbendable length of cable from fiber head. Do not bend the cable for at least 20 mm from where the cable inserts into the Fiber Amplifier Unit. *2 Ambient operating temperature of the recommended reflector (E39-RP1) is -40 to 60C. *3 For embedded mounting, prepare a hole with a diameter of 2.6 mm. Weight (packed state) (g) Demensions Page No. E32-T33 1M -40 to 70C 0.29N * m 3.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Polyethylene Plastic None 40 17 Page 17-C E32-T51 2M -40 to 150C *2 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R35 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 70 45 Page 45-B E32-T51F 2M -40 to 150C *2 0.78N * m 5.5+0.5 0 dia. R40 10 29.4N Fluororesin Plastic None 220 39 Page 39-E E32-T51R 2M -40 to 100C *3 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R2 0 29.4N Polyurethane Plastic None 60 45 Page 45-A E32-T51V 1M -25 to 120C 0.29N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R30 10 29.4N Fluororesin Glass None 160 53 Page 53-A E32-T61-S 2M -60 to 350C *4 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 200 45 Page 45-D E32-T81R-S 2M -40 to 200C *4 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R10 10 9.8N Fluororesin Glass None 60 45 Page 45-C E32-T84SV 1M -25 to 200C 0.29N * m 4.5 dia. R25 10 29.4N SUS Glass None 190 53 Page 53-C E32-TC200BR 2M -40 to 70C 0.78N * m 4.2+0.5 0 dia. R1 0 29.4N PVC Plastic None 60 17 Page 17-E E32-VF1 -25 to 70C - - - - - - - - 240 53 Page 53-F E32-VF4 -25 to 70C - - - - - - - - 280 53 Page 53-E Threaded Cylindrical E39-F11 E39-F16 - - - - - - - - 2 to 27-C 28-A -40 to 200C - - - - - - - - 3 28 Page 28-D - - - - - - - - - 30 - 15 26 Page 26-B 27 Page 27-D to 27-F 28 Page 28-B 29 Page 29-D to 29-F , 29-K -40 to 350C - - - - - - - - Small Spot to 29-C E39-F17 -25 to 70C - - - - - - - - 10 E39-F18 -40 to 70C - - - - - - - - 5 E39-F1V -25 to 120C - - - - - - - - 3 53 Page 53-B High Power Narrow view BGS Retroreflective 21 Page 21-B 23 Page 23-G Limitedreflective , 23-H Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant E39-F2 -40 to 200C - - - - - - - - 2 26 Page 26-C 27 Page 27-G , 27-H 28 Page 28-C 29 Page 29-G to 29-I E39-F32A 1M -40 to 150C - - R30 - - - - - 70 43 Page 43-G E39-F32C 1M -40 to 150C - - R30 - - - - - 110 41 Page 41-E 43 Page 43-G Area Detection E39-F32D 1M -40 to 150C - - R30 - - - - - 80 43 Page 43-G Liquid-level E39-F3A -40 to 70C - - - - - - - - 2 21 Page 21-A E39-F3A-5 -40 to 70C - - - - - - - - 1 -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 2 23-A , 23-B , 23-C 23 Page 23-D , 23-E , 23-F 21 Page E39-F3C -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 1 E39-R1 -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 20 35 Page 35-B E39-R3 -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 20 35 Page 35-C E39-RP1 -40 to 60C - - - - - - - - 25 35 Page 35-A 99 Page 99-G E39-RP37 -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 4 - E39-RSP1 -25 to 55C - - - - - - - - 4 - *1 Unbendable length of cable from fiber head. Do not bend the cable for at least 20 mm from where the cable inserts into the Fiber Amplifier Unit. *2 For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 130C. *3 For continuous operation, use the Fiber Unit between -40 to 90C. *4 The heat-resistant rating is not the same for all parts of the Fiber Unit. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. 21-C , 21-D Bending Heatresistant Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories E39-F3B 23 Page Beam Improvements E39-F1-33 -40 to 200C Sleeved 26-A Transparent Objects E39-F1 26 Page 27 Page 27-A 28 Page 29 Page 29-A Flat Environmental Immunity +0.5 0 Standard Installation Emitter/receiver differentiation Saving Space Core material Applications Cable Sheath material Fiber Sensor Features Installation Tightening Mounting Bending Unbendable Tensile Ambient torque hole radius length*1 strength temperature Selection Guide Models 61 Fiber Units Installation Information 61 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 62 Threaded Cylindrical Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Main Features Smart Fiber Amplifier Units E3NX-FA Series NEW A Smart Fiber Amplifier Unit with Ultra-stable Detection and Ultra-easy Setup inccrea reased se the range of of application for stable detection. de Improvements in the sensing distance and minimum sensing object have increased Flat 1.5 Times the Sensing Distance* 1/10th the Minimum Sensing Object* 6 Sleeved Small Spot Beam Improvements Page P Advanced Basic Performance 0.3 m dia. m For E32-LT11 Fiber Unit with a fiber length of 3.5 m High Power Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Typical example of actual measurements with E32-D11R Fiber Unit. *Compared to E3X-HD. Achieve Easy Detection in Many Applications Advanced Smart Tuning Just press the TUNE button once with a workpiece and once without a workpiece to automatically set the optimum incident level and threshold. Consistent settings are achieved for all users with this ultra-easy procedure. Press the TUNE button once with a workpiece and once without a workpiece Automatic Setting of Optimum Values Incident Threshold + Level ST Limitedreflective 5000 Set to the intermediate value between the incident levels with and without a workpiece. Optimum Light Intensity Adjustment from Transparent Objects to Black Workpieces The incident level is optimized to enable stable detection even for saturated or insufficient incident levels. x1/2000 Light Intensity Adjustment Range of 40,000 Times x1 Excessive Incident Level Incident light reduced. x20 increas Incident light increased. 9999 Incident level adjustment with and without a workpiece Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Applications 64 Expanded Application Response Capabilities Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, chnical Technical Communications Modell Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 62 Sensor Communications Units for E3NX-FA E3NW Series NEW The Next-generation E3NW Sensor Network Units Revolutionize On-site Sensing 64 Page The Sensor Communications Unit with a master function and the Distributed bu Sensor Units with slave functions enable N-Smart Sensors communication ation over open networks. ne Controller Greatly Reduced Machine Manufacturing Costs Master Sensor Communications Units There is no need to change the current distributed installation to introduce a network n without increasing costs. Open Network Greatly Reduced Re Machine Commissioning Time All of the setting settings can be made at the same time from a Touch Panel. Slaves Distributed Sensor Units Network between Units Greatly Improved Machine Productivity Greatl Realtime monitoring lets you perform maintenance before malfunctions occur. Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 63 Fiber Sensor Features Main Features Selection Guide Smart Fiber Amplifier Units E3X-HD Series Threaded Cylindrical Sensor Communications Units for E3X-HD Flat E3X-ECT / E3X-CRT Sleeved Sensor Communications Units for CompoNet and EtherCAT High Power Retroreflective E3X-HD Series Limitedreflective 1 output External input Supported or not supported (depending on the model) Not supported 30 s (32 s)/250 s/1 ms/16 ms (Default: 250 s) 50 s (55 s)/250 s/1 ms/16 ms (Default: 250 s) 3,000 mm 2,000 mm 1,260 mm 840 mm 2 m dia. 5 m dia. EtherCAT (E3NW-ECT) CompoNet (E3NW-CRT) CC-Link (E3NW-CCL) EtherCAT (E3X-ECT) CompoNet (E3X-CRT) Fiber Sensor (E3NX-FA0/FA10/FA40/FAH0) Laser Sensors (E3NC-LA0, E3NC-SA0) Contact-Type Sensor (E9NC-TA0) * Fiber Sensor (E3X-HD0) Fiber Sensor (E3X-MDA0) Laser Photoelectric Sensor (E3C-LDA0) Proximity Sensor (E2C-EDA0) Ordering Information 64 Page 80 Page Ratings and Specifications 66 Page 82 Page Dimensions 70 Page 82 Page Fiber Response time Amplifier Unit E32-T11R specifications Sensing distance (Giga-power mode) E32-D11R Minimum sensing object E32-T11R Communications method Sensor (Sensor Communications Unit model) Communications Unit application Applicable Sensors Page listings Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information * E3NW-CRT Sensor Communications Units (CompoNet) cannot be used. Note. The sensing distances for the E3NX-FA are values for E3NX-FA@ devices. The distance for E3NX-FAH@ infrared models varies. Fiber Amplifier Unit Accessories Applications 1 or 2 outputs (depending on the model) 65, 81 Page Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Output Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Transparent Objects BGS Environmental Immunity Page Narrow view Beam Improvements Small Spot 80 E3NX-FA Series Saving Space 80 Page Standard Installation Fiber Units Affordable Amplifier Units with Simple Operation and Stable Detection Capabilities 63 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 64 E3NX-FA Series Products E3NX-FA Fiber Amplifier Units and Related Products Fiber Amplifier Units E3NX-FA Series Type Appearance Connecting method Inputs/ outputs Pre-wired (2 m) 1 output Models NPN output PNP output E3NX-FA11 2M E3NX-FA11-5 2M Standard models Ratings and Specifications Dimensions E3NX-FA41 2M *1 Page 70 70-A -- Threaded Wire-saving Connector 1 output E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA8 Pre-wired (2 m) 2 outputs + 1 input E3NX-FA21 2M E3NX-FA51 2M 1 output + 1 input E3NX-FA7 E3NX-FA9 2 outputs E3NX-FA7TW E3NX-FA9TW 1 output + 1 input E3NX-FA24 E3NX-FA54 2 outputs -- E3NX-FA54TW Pre-wired (2 m) 1 output E3NX-FAH11 2M E3NX-FAH41 2M Wire-saving Connector 1 output E3NX-FAH6 E3NX-FAH8 Pre-wired (2 m) 2 output E3NX-FA11AN 2M E3NX-FA41AN 2M Page 70 70-B Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot Beam Improvements Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Advanced models Wire-saving Connector High Power M8 Connector Narrow view Page 70 70-A Page 66 Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 71-A Applications Analog output models Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 64 70-A Model for Sensor Communications *2 Unit Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Pre-wired (2 m) Page 70 70-B Page 70 70-A E3NX-FA0 Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Page 70 Infrared models Limitedreflective Bending 70-B Page 71 BGS Retroreflective Page 70 Page 68 E3NX-FAH0 1 output E3NX-FA10 2M 71-B Sensor Communications Unit Sensor Communications Unit Appearance Applicable Fiber Amplifier Model EtherCAT CompoNet E3NW-ECT E3NX-FA0 E3NX-FA10 E3NX-FA40 E3NX-FAH0 CC-Link *1. For details, refer to your OMRON website. Model Page 79 79-A E3NW-CRT *2 *1 E3NW-CCL *2. E3NX-FAH0 can not be connected. Ratings and Dimensions Specifications Page 78 71-B Page 71 E3NX-FA40 2M *1. This type can prevent mutual interference for two units in the SHS2 mode. *2. A Sensor Communications Unit is required if you want to use the Fiber Amplifier Unit on a network. Note. The sensing distances for E3NX-FA in this catalog are values for E3NX-FA models. The distances for E3NX-FAH infrared models are different. Communication method Page 71 *1 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Distributed Sensor Unit Page 79 79-B Manufacturer Model ESVC 0.5X2C, black BANDO DENSEN Co., Ltd. Threaded Accessories (sold separately) Wire-saving connectors (Required for models for Wire-saving Connectors.) Cylindrical Connectors are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately. * Protective stickers: provided. Type Appearance Cable length Number of Applicable Fiber conductors Amplifier Units Master Connector 4 Slave Connector 2 E3NX-FA7 E3NX-FA7TW E3NX-FA9 E3NX-FA9TW Ratings, Specifications and Dimensions Models Flat Page 90 E3X-CN21 Sleeved 90-A Small Spot Page 90 E3X-CN22 90-B High Power 2m Master Connector 3 Slave Connector 1 Page 90 E3X-CN11 E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA8 E3NX-FAH6 E3NX-FAH8 Narrow view 90-A Page 90 E3X-CN12 BGS 90-B Retroreflective Sensor I/O Connectors (Required for models with M8 Connectors.) Connectors are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately. * Protective stickers: provided. Appearance Straight Number of Cable length conductors XS3F-M421-402-A 2m L-shaped Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Page 90 90-C XS3F-M421-405-A 5m Limitedreflective Ratings and Specifications Dimensions Models 4 Page 90 2m XS3F-M422-402-A 5m XS3F-M422-405-A Bending Page 90 90-D Heatresistant Mounting Bracket A Mounting Bracket is not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Appearance Model Quantity Area Detection Dimensions 1 E39-L143 Liquid-level Page 91 91-A Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar DIN Track A Din Track is not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Type Models Shallow type, total length: 1 m Shallow type, total length: 0.5 m PFP-100N PFP-50N Deep type, total length: 1 m Two End Plates are provided with the Sensor Communications Unit. End Plates are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Model Quantity PFP-M 1 Dimensions Page 91 91-D Dimensions Installation Information Page 91 91-B 1 Page 91 PFP-100N2 End Plate Appearance Quantity 91-C Cover Attach these Covers to Amplifier Units. Order a Cover when required, e.g., if you lose the covers. Appearance Model Quantity E39-G25 FOR E3NX-FA 1 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Appearance Standard Installation Item Communication cable Fiber Units Note. The Distributed Sensor Unit can be connected to any of the Sensor Communications Units. Use the following DS-Bus communication cable (recommended) when connecting a sensor communications unit and a distributed sensor unit. Saving Space Page 78 Beam Improvements E3NW-DS Transparent Objects E3NX-FA0 Ratings and Dimensions Specifications Environmental Immunity Model Applications Applicable Fiber Amplifier Model Selection Guide Appearance 65 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA Series Products 65 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features Ratings and Specifications Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide 66 Cylindrical Type Item Inputs/ outputs Advanced models Infrared models E3NX-FA11 E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA11-5 *1 E3NX-FA21 E3NX-FA7 E3NX-FA7TW E3NX-FA24 PNP output E3NX-FA41 E3NX-FA8 E3NX-FA9 E3NX-FA9TW E3NX-FA54 E3NX-FA54TW E3NX-FAH41 E3NX-FAH8 Connecting method Outputs --- E3NX-FA51 Wire-saving Pre-wired Pre-wired Connector 1 output External inputs --- Pre-wired Wire-saving Connector M8 Connector Power supply voltage 1 output 2 outputs 1 output 2 outputs 1 outputs 1 input --- 1 input --- --Infrared LED (870nm) At Power supply voltage of 24 VDC Standard Models: Normal mode : 840 mW max. (Current consumption at 35 mA max.) Eco function ON : 650 mW max. (Current consumption at 27 mA max.) Eco function LO : 750 mW max. (Current consumption at 31 mA max.) Power consumption *2 Advanced Models or Model for Sensor Communications Unit: Normal mode : 920 mW max. (Current consumption at 38 mA max.) Eco function ON : 680 mW max. (Current consumption at 28 mA max.) Eco function LO : 800 mW max. (Current consumption at 33 mA max.) Infrared models: Normal mode : 1,080 mW max. (Current consumption at 45 mA max.) Eco function ON : 920 mW max. (Current consumption at 38 mA max.) Eco function LO : 1020 mW max. (Current consumption at 42 mA max.) Load power supply voltage: 30 VDC max., open-collector output (depends on the NPN/PNP output format) Load current: Groups of 1 to 3 Amplifier Units: 100 mA max., Groups of 4 to 30 Amplifier Units: 20 mA max. (Residual voltage: At load current of less than 10 mA: 1 V max., At load current of 10 to 100 mA: 2 V max.) OFF current: 0.1 mA max. Control output Indicators BGS Protection circuits Transparent Objects Narrow view Bending Wire-saving Connector 10 to 30 VDC, including 10% ripple (p-p) --- Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Pre-wired 1 input 7-segment displays (Sub digital display: green, Main digital display: white) Display direction: Switchable between normal and reversed. OUT indicator (orange), L/D indicator (orange), ST indicator (blue), DPC indicator (green), and OUT selection indicator (orange, only on models with 2 outputs) Limitedreflective E3NX-FAH11 E3NX-FAH6 2 outputs External inputs Retroreflective --- Light source (wavelength) Red, 4-element LED (625 nm) Sleeved High Power Standard models NPN output Flat Environmental Immunity Beam Improvements Standard models/ Advanced models/ Infrared models Threaded Small Spot Super-highspeed mode (SHS) High-speed Response mode (HS) time Standard mode (Stnd) Giga-power mode (GIGA) Sensitivity adjustment Refer to *3. --- Refer to *3. --- Power supply reverse polarity protection, output short-circuit protection, and output reve rse polarity protection Operate or reset for model with 1 output: 30 s (Super High Speed mode (SHS2) of E3NX-FA11-5 is 60 ms each), with 2 outputs: 32 s Operate or reset: 250 ms Operate or reset: 1 ms Operate or reset: 16 ms Smart Tuning (2-point tuning, full auto tuning, position tuning, maximum sensitivity tuning, power tuning, or percentage tuning (-99% to 99%)) or manual adjustment Maximum connectable Units 30 Heatresistant Area Detection Applications E3NX-FA Liquid-level Super-highspeed mode No. of Units (SHS) for mutual High-speed interference mode (HS) prevention Standard *4 mode (Stnd) Giga-power mode (GIGA) Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 66 0 Note: 2 units when the detection mode is set to Super High Speed mode (SHS2), and for other models, the mutual interference prevention function is disabled. 10 10 10 *1. This type can prevent mutual interference for two units in the SHS2 mode. *2. At Power supply voltage of 10 to 30 VDC Standard Models: Normal mode : 990 mW max. (Current consumption: 33 mA max. at 30 VDC, 65 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function ON: 780 mW max. (Current consumption: 26 mA max. at 30 VDC, 42 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function LO : 840 mW max. (Current consumption: 28 mA max. at 30 VDC, 45 mA max. at 10 VDC) Advanced Models: Normal mode : 1,020 mW max. (Current consumption: 34 mA max. at 30 VDC, 67 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function ON: 810 mW max. (Current consumption: 27 mA max. at 30 VDC, 44 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function LO : 870 mW max. (Current consumption: 29 mA max. at 30 VDC, 48 mA max. at 10 VDC) Infrared models: Normal mode : 1,260 mW max. (Current consumption: 42 mA max. at 30 VDC, 80 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function ON: 1,050 mW max. (Current consumption: 35 mA max. at 30 VDC, 60 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function LO : 1,140 mW max. (Current consumption: 38 mA max. at 30 VDC, 70 mA max. at 10 VDC) *3. The following details apply to the input. Contact input (relay or switch) NPN ON: Shorted to 0 V (Sourcing current: 1 mA max.). OFF: Open or shorted to Vcc. PNP ON: Shorted to Vcc (Sinking current: 3 mA max.). OFF: Open or shorted to 0 V. Non-contact input (transistor) Input time *3-1 ON: 1.5 V max. (Sourcing current: 1 mA max.) OFF: Vcc - 1.5 V to Vcc (Leakage current: 0.1 mA max.) ON: 9 ms min. OFF: 20 ms min. ON: Vcc - 1.5 V to Vcc (Sinking current: 3 mA max.) OFF: 1.5 V max. (Leakage current: 0.1 mA max.) *3-1. Input time is 25 ms (ON)/(OFF) only when (in tUnE) or (in PtUn) input is selected. *4. The tuning will not change the number of units. The least unit count among the mutual interference prevention units of E3NX and E3NC. Check the mutual interference prevention unit count and response speed of each model. Advanced models Infrared models E3NX-FA11 E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA11-5 *1 E3NX-FA21 E3NX-FA7 E3NX-FA7TW E3NX-FA24 PNP output E3NX-FA41 E3NX-FA8 E3NX-FA9 E3NX-FA9TW E3NX-FA54 E3NX-FA54TW E3NX-FAH41 E3NX-FAH8 M8 Connector Pre-wired Wire-saving Connector Fiber Units Automatic power Always enabled. control (APC) Dynamic power Provided control (DPC) Timer Select from timer disabled, OFF-delay, ON-delay, one-shot, or ON-delay + OFF-delay timer: 1 to 9,999 ms Zero reset Negative values can be displayed. (Threshold value is shifted.) Resetting settings *5 Select from initial reset (factory defaults) or user reset (saved settings). Eco mode *6 Select from OFF (digital display lit), Eco ON (digital display not lit), and Eco LO (digital display dimmed). Threaded Bank switching Select from banks 1 to 4. Power tuning Select from ON, OFF or Execution on power-up. Select from ON or OFF. Output 1 Select from normal detection mode, area detection mode or differential detection mode. Select from normal detection mode or area detection mode. Functions Output 2 --- External input --- Select from normal detection mode, alarm output --mode, error output mode or differential detection mode. Select from normal detection mode, alarm output --mode, error output mode or differential detection mode. Select from input OFF, tuning, power tuning, --emission OFF, zero reset, or bank switching. Select from input OFF, tuning, power tuning, emission OFF, zero reset, or bank switching. Select from normal detection mode, alarm output --mode, error output mode or differential detection mode. Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot High Power Narrow view BGS --- Retroreflective Limitedreflective Hysteresis width Select from standard setting or user setting. For a user setting, the hysteresis width can be set from 0 to 9,999. Incandescent lamp: 20,000 lx max., Sunlight: 30,000 lx max. Ambient temperature range *7 Operating: Groups of 1 or 2 Amplifier Units: -25 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: -25 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: -25 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifier Units: -25 to 40C Storage: -30 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Ambient humidity range Operating and storage: 35 to 85% (with no condensation) within the surrounding air temperature range shown above Altitude 2,000 m max. Installation environment Pollution degree 3 Insulation resistance 20 M min. (at 500 VDC) Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC at 50/60 Hz for 1 min Vibration resistance (destruction) 10 to 55 Hz with a 1.5-mm double amplitude for 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance (destruction) 500 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions Weight (packed state/ Sensor only) Approx. 115 g/ Approx. 60g/ Approx. 115 g/ Approx. 115 g/ Approx. 60g/approx. 20g approx. 75 g approx. 20g approx. 75 g approx. 75 g Case Materials Cover Cable Accessories Polycarbonate (PC) Polycarbonate (PC) PVC Instruction Manual *5. The bank is not reset by the user reset function or saved by the user save function. *6. Eco LO is supported for Amplifier Units manufactured in July 2014 or later. *7. When the number of connected units is 11 or more, the ambient temperature is less than 50C. Area Detection Liquid-level Approx. 115 g/ Approx. 60g/ Approx. 65 g/approx. 25 g approx. 75 g approx. 20g Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Ambient illumination (Receiver side) Standard Installation Wire-saving Connector Saving Space Pre-wired Beam Improvements E3NX-FA51 E3NX-FAH11 E3NX-FAH6 Transparent Objects --- Wire-saving Pre-wired Pre-wired Connector --- Environmental Immunity Connecting method Item Standard models NPN output Applications Type 67 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA Selection Guide Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 67 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 68 E3NX-FA Analog output models/ Model for Sensor Communications Unit Type Item Inputs/ outputs Cylindrical E3NX-FA10 PNP output E3NX-FA41AN E3NX-FA40 Connecting method Pre-wired Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Pre-wired Outputs 2 outputs 1 output External inputs --- --- Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity Applications Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending 10 to 30 VDC, including 10% ripple (p-p) Power consumption *2 At Power supply voltage of 24 VDC Normal mode : 960 mW max. At Power supply voltage of 24 VDC (Current consumption at 40 mA Normal mode : 920 mW max. max.) (Current consumption at 38 mA max.) Eco function ON: 770 mW max. Eco function ON: 680 mW max. (Current consumption at 32 mA (Current consumption at 26 mA max.) max.) Eco function LO : 800 mW max. Eco function LO : 870 mW max. (Current consumption at 33 mA max.) (Current consumption at 36 mA max.) Control output Load power supply voltage: 30 VDC max., open-collector output (depends on the NPN/PNP output format) Load current: Groups of 1 to 3 Amplifier Units: 100 mA max., Groups of 4 to 30 Amplifier Units:20 mA max. (Residual voltage: At load current of less than 10 mA: 1 V max. At load current of 10 to 100 mA: 2 V max.) OFF current: 0.1 mA max. Analog output (reference value) Voltage output: 1-5 VDC (10 kW or more connected load), --temperature characteristics: 0.3% F.S. / C Indicators 7-segment displays (Sub digital display: green, Main digital display: white) Display direction: Switchable between normal and reversed. OUT indicator (orange), L/D indicator (orange), ST indicator (blue), DPC indicator (green), and OUT selection indicator (orange, only on models with 2 outputs) Protection circuits Power supply reverse polarity protection, output short-circuit protection, and output reverse polarity protection Control output Response time Heatresistant Operate or reset: 32 ms High-speed mode Operate or reset: 250ms (HS) Operate or reset: 250 ms Standard mode (Stnd) Operate or reset: 1 ms Operate or reset: 1 ms Giga-power mode Operate or reset: 16 ms (GIGA) Liquid-level Maximum connectable Units 30 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 68 No. of Units for mutual interference prevention *3 At Power supply voltage of 24 VDC Normal mode : 1,080 mW max. (Current consumption at 45 mA max.) Eco function ON: 920 mW max. (Current consumption at 38 mA max.) Eco function LO : 1,020 mW max. (Current consumption at 42 mA max.) --- Power supply reverse polarity protection and output short-circuit protection Operate or reset: 16 ms Smart Tuning (2-point tuning, full auto tuning, position tuning, maximum sensitivity tuning, power tuning, percentage tuning (-99% to 99%)) or manual adjustment Sensitivity adjustment Vacuum Infrared LED (870nm) Supplied from the connector through the communication units. Super-high-speed Operate or reset: 80 ms mode (SHS) Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar --- *1 Red, 4-element LED (625 nm) BGS E3NX-FAH0 Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Power supply voltage High Power Limitedreflective E3NX-FA0 Light source (wavelength) Sleeved Retroreflective Model for Sensor Communications Unit E3NX-FA11AN Flat Narrow view Analog output models NPN output Threaded Small Spot Beam Improvements Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 16 With E3NW-ECT: 30 units (When connected to an OMRON NJ-series Controller.) With E3NW-CRT: 16 units (Note: E3NX-FAH0 can not be connected.) With E3NW-CCL: 16 units Super-high-speed 0 (The mutual interference prevention function is disabled if the detection mode is set to super-high-speed mode.) mode (SHS) High-speed mode 10 (HS) Standard mode (Stnd) 10 Giga-power mode 10 (GIGA) *1. Two sensor outputs are allocated in the programmable logic controller PLC I/O table. PLC operation via Communications Unit enables reading detected values and changing settings. *2. At Power supply voltage of 10 to 30 VDC Analog output models: Normal mode : 1,080 mW max. (Current consumption: 36 mA max. at 30 VDC, 75 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function ON: 840 mW max. (Current consumption: 28 mA max. at 30 VDC, 55 mA max. at 10 VDC) Eco function LO: 960 mW max. (Current consumption: 32 mA max. at 30 VDC, 65 mA max. at 10 VDC) *3. The tuning will not change the number of units. The least unit count among the mutual interference prevention units of E3NX and E3NC. Check the mutual interference prevention unit count and response speed of each model. Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Pre-wired Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Automatic power control (APC) Always enabled. Dynamic power control (DPC) Provided Timer Select from timer disabled, OFF-delay, ON-delay, one-shot, or ON-delay + OFF-delay timer: 1 to 9,999 ms Zero reset Negative values can be displayed. (Threshold value is shifted.) Threaded Resetting settings Select from initial reset (factory defaults) or user reset (saved settings). *4 Eco mode Select from OFF (digital display lit), Eco ON (digital display not lit), and Eco LO (digital display dimmed). Bank switching Select from banks 1 to 4. Power tuning Select from ON or OFF. Output 1 Select from normal detection mode, area detection mode or differential detection mode (E3NX-FA10/40 only). Output 2 Select from Analog scaling or Analog offset. Hysteresis width Select from standard setting or user setting. For a user setting, the hysteresis width can be set from 0 to 9,999. Ambient illumination (Receiver side) --- Select from normal detection mode, alarm output mode, error output mode or differential detection mode (E3NX-FA0 only). Incandescent lamp: 20,000 lx max., Sunlight: 30,000 lx max. Operating: Groups of 1 or 2 Amplifier Units: -25 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: -25 to 50C, Ambient temperature range Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier *5 Units: -25 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifier Units: -25 to 40C Storage: -30 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Operating: Groups of 1 or 2 Amplifier Units: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: 0 to 45C Storage: -30 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Operating: Groups of 1 or 2 Amplifier Units: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: 0 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifier Units: 0 to 40C Storage: -30 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Operating and storage: 35 to 85% (with no condensation) within the surrounding air temperature range shown above Altitude 2,000 m max. Installation environment Pollution degree 3 Insulation resistance 20 M min. (at 500 VDC) Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC at 50/60 Hz for 1 min Vibration resistance (destruction) 10 to 55 Hz with a 1.5-mm double amplitude for 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance (destruction) 500 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, 150 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions and Z directions Weight (packed state/Sensor only) Approx. 115 g/approx. 75 g Case Cable Accessories Flat Sleeved Small Spot Ambient humidity range Materials Cover Cylindrical High Power Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Approx. 95 g/approx. 45 g Standard Installation Pre-wired E3NX-FAH0 Saving Space Connecting method E3NX-FA0 Approx. 65 g/approx. 25 g Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Approx. 65 g/approx. 25 g Beam Improvements E3NX-FA40 Heatresistant Transparent Objects E3NX-FA41AN Environmental Immunity PNP output Selection Guide E3NX-FA10 Polycarbonate (PC) Polycarbonate (PC) PVC Instruction Manual *4. The bank is not reset by the user reset function or saved by the user save function. *5. When the number of connected units is 11 or more, the ambient temperature is less than 50C. Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Functions Model for Sensor Communications Unit E3NX-FA11AN Fiber Units Item Analog output models NPN output FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Type 69 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA 69 Fiber Sensor Features 70 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3NX-FA (Unit: mm) Tolerance class IT16 applies to demmensions in this date sheet unless otherwise specified. Dimensions Pre-wired Amplifier Units Selection Guide 70-A E3NX-FA@1(-5) E3NX-FAH@1 E3NX-FA@AN E3NX-FA11(-5)/FA41/ FAH@1/FA@1AN L/D indicator DPC indicator Standard Installation Fiber Units 21.7 *Cable Specifications E3NX-FA21/FA51 ST indicator 21 27.1 Outer No. of Others Model diameter conductors E3NX-FA11(-5) E3NX-FA41 Conductor cross-section: 0.2 mm2 4.0 dia. 3 E3NX-FAH@1 Insulator dia.: 0.9 mm E3NX-FA@1AN Standard cable length: 2 m E3NX-FA21 Minimum bending radius: 12 mm 4.0 dia. 5 E3NX-FA51 L/D indicator DPC indicator ST indicator OUT2 selection indicator 27.8 OUT2 indicator OUT1 indicator OUT1 selection indicator OUT indicator Incident level (white, digital) Threshold level (green, digital) Threaded Incident level (white, digital) With Mounting Braket Attached Mounted to DIN Track 10 Cylindrical Threshold level (green, digital) 5.1 5.1 147.1 (max. value with cover open) 71.8 Saving Space 170 (max. value with cover open) Flat Sleeved 104.8 (max. value with cover open) Two, 2.4-dia. fiber unit holes 4.5 33.5 33.5 (16.5) (37) 3.4 Beam Improvements 5.7 (37.9) 4.3 Two, 3.2 dia. (mounting holes) (20.3) Optical communications (9.4) 20.5 71.8 Narrow view PFP-@N DIN Track (sold separately) 16 4.4 Mounting Holes E39-L143 Mounting Bracket (sold separately, SUS304) 3.4 Two, M3 holes Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending (29.9) 16 16 Amplifier Units with Wire-saving Connectors 70-B E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA7(TW) E3NX-FA8 E3NX-FA9(TW) E3NX-FAH6 E3NX-FAH8 E3NX-FA6/FA7(TW)/FA8 /FA9(TW)/FAH6/FAH8 DPC indicator L/D indicator Heatresistant E3NX-FA7TW/FA9TW ST indicator L/D indicator OUT2 selection indicator DPC indicator 21.7 21 27.1 *Cable Specifications 27.8 ST indicator OUT2 indicator Area Detection OUT indicator No. of conductors 2.6 dia. 1 2 4.0 dia. 3 4 E3X-CN21 Threshold level (green, digital) Incident level (white, digital) Outer diameter E3X-CN11 OUT1 selection indicator Threshold level (green, digital) Model E3X-CN12 E3X-CN22 OUT1 indicator Applications 12.7 * Optical communications 20.5 Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached 3.4 12.7 * Small Spot High Power (16.5) (37) Incident level (white, digital) Liquid-level Vacuum Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 70 With Mounting Braket Attached Mounted to DIN Track 10 FPD, Semi, Solar 147.1 (max. value with cover open) 5.1 (75.3) 5.1 170 (max. value with cover open) 104.8 (max. value with cover open) 4.5 Two, 2.4-dia. fiber unit holes 33.5 33.5 (16.5) (16.5) (37) (37) 3.4 * 5.7 With Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached (13) * 4.3 Optical communications 20.5 (37.9) (23.8) (75.3) 3.4 Two, 3.2 dia. (mounting holes) Wire-saving Connector (sold separately) 20.5 PFP-@N DIN Track (sold separately) (9.4) 16 4.4 3.4 Mounting Holes Two, M3 holes (29.9) 16 16 (13) Wire-saving Connector (sold separately) Optical communications E39-L143 Mounting Bracket (sold separately, SUS304) Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories L/D indicator 21.7 E3NX-FA54TW ST indicator DPC indicator 27.1 21 27.8 OUT2 indicator 4.2 6.9 5.2 OUT indicator Threshold level (green, digital) 10 ST indicator 2 4 1 3 OUT1 indicator Incident level (white, digital) OUT1 selection indicator Incident level (white, digital) Threshold level (green, digital) Threaded With Mounting Bracket Attached Mounted to DIN Track 5.1 Connector pin arrangement L/D indicator DPC indicator OUT2 selection indicator 147.1 (max. value with cover open) 5.1 71.8 170 (max. value with cover open) Cylindrical Standard Installation E3NX-FA24/FA54 Fiber Units E3NX-FA24 E3NX-FA54 E3NX-FA54TW Selection Guide Amplifier Units with M8 Connector 71-A 71 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA Flat Sleeved 4.9 12.7 3.4 5.7 4.8 20.5 (37.9) (20.3) Small Spot 16 (37.9) Two, 3.2 dia. (mounting holes) 71.8 4.3 (9.4) 20.5 M8 Connector (20.5) High Power E39-L143 Mounting Bracket (sold separately, SUS304) PFP- N DIN Track (sold separately) Optical communications 4.4 3.4 Narrow view Mounting Holes Two, M3 holes (29.9) 16 BGS 16 Retroreflective Amplifier Unit with Connector for Sensor Communications Unit 71-B Limitedreflective E3NX-FA0/FA10/FA40 OUT2 selection indicator L/D indicator Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant DPC indicator ST indicator OUT2 indicator 21 27.8 Bending OUT1 indicator Heatresistant OUT1 selection indicator Threshold level (green, digital) Incident level (white, digital) Area Detection Mounted to DIN Track 13.8 E3NX-FA0/FAH0 11.5 10 E3NX-FA10/FA40 5.1 5.1 Liquid-level 140 (max. value with cover open) 140 (max. value with cover open) 152 (max. value with cover open) 152 (max. value with cover open) Vacuum 4.5 5.7 Two, 2.4-dia. fiber unit holes 33.5 (37) 33.5 (16.5) 26 (29.9) 3.4 With Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached Optical communications (39.3) 20.5 (37.9) (37) (5.7) 3.4 With Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached FPD, Semi, Solar (9) 26 (29.9) 20.5 (37.9) PFP-@N DIN Track (sold separately) (45.4) 96.9 90.8 PFP-@N DIN Track (sold separately) 101.4 Optical communications Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 104.8 (max. value with cover open) Beam Improvements (16.5) (5.7) 3.4 Transparent Objects (37) Environmental Immunity 4.5 33.5 Applications Two, 2.4-dia. fiber unit holes Saving Space 104.8 (max. value with cover open) 71 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features I/O Circuit Diagrams Selection Guide 72 E3NX-FA NPN Output Models Operation mode Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Light-ON Threaded Dark-ON Cylindrical Flat Light-ON Sleeved Small Spot Beam Improvements E3NX-FA11 E3NX-FA6 E3NX-FA11-5 E3NX-FAH11 E3NX-FAH6 Dark-ON Narrow view Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Light-ON E3NX-FA7 E3NX-FA24 Dark-ON Bending Heatresistant Applications Area Detection Light-ON Liquid-level Vacuum Dark-ON Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) ch1/ Incident light ch2 No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset Incident light ch1/ No incident light ch2 Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) ch1/ Incident light ch2 No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset E3NX-FA7TW FPD, Semi, Solar 72 Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) E3NX-FA21 High Power Retroreflective Timing chart Light-ON E3NX-FA11AN Dark-ON Incident light ch1/ No incident light ch2 Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) L/D indicators L lit. Output circuit Display OUT indicator (orange) Brown Black (Between brown and black leads) Load Control output Photoelectric Sensor main circuit 10 to 30 VDC D lit. Blue (Between brown and black leads) L lit. Display OUT1 indicator (orange) OUT2 indicator (orange) Brown Black (Between brown and black (orange) leads) Load Control output Load ch1 Orange Photoelectric Sensor main circuit Control output ch2 Pink External intput Blue D lit. 10 to 30 VDC (Between brown and black (orange) leads) Display OUT indicator (orange) 1 L lit. 4 Photoelectric Sensor main circuit (Between brown and black leads) Black Load Control output 10 to 30 VDC 2 3 D lit. Brown % M8 Connector Pin Arrangement 2 1 Orange External intput Blue 4 3 (Between brown and black leads) L lit. Display OUT1 indicator (orange) OUT2 indicator (orange) Brown Black (Between brown and black (orange) leads) Photoelectric Sensor main circuit Load Control output Load ch1 Orange Control output ch2 10 to 30 VDC Blue D lit. (Between brown and black (orange) leads) Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Operate Load (e.g., relay) Reset (Between brown and black leads) Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Operate Load (e.g., relay) Reset (Between brown and black leads) L lit. Display OUT indicator (orange) Brown Black Photoelectric sensor main circuit D lit. Load Control output Orange Analog output Load 10k1min. Blue 10 to 30 VDC Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories PNP Output E3NX-FA51 Dark-ON Light-ON E3NX-FA9 E3NX-FA54 Dark-ON Light-ON E3NX-FA9TW E3NX-FA54TW Dark-ON Light-ON Incident light ch1/ No incident light ch2 Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) ch1/ Incident light ch2 No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset Incident light ch1/ No incident light ch2 Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Operate Load (e.g., relay) Reset E3NX-FA41AN Dark-ON Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Operate Load (e.g., relay) Reset Selection Guide 10 to 30 VDC Load Threaded Blue D lit. Cylindrical (Between blue and black leads) Flat L lit. Display OUT1 indicator OUT2 indicator (orange) (orange) Brown Sleeved External intput Pink (Between blue and black (orange) leads) Control output Black ch1 Photoelectric Sensor main circuit Control output Orange ch2 Small Spot Load High Power Load Blue D lit. 10 to 30 VDC Standard Installation Control Black output Photoelectric Sensor main circuit Saving Space Brown Narrow view (Between blue and black (orange) leads) Beam Improvements Light-ON ch1/ Incident light ch2 No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset (Between blue and black leads) Display OUT indicator (orange) BGS Display OUT indicator (orange) 1 L lit. 2 Photoelectric Sensor main circuit (Between blue and black leads) 4 Orange Retroreflective External intput Control Black output 10 to 30 VDC Load 3 D lit. Brown % M8 Connector Pin Arrangement 2 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Blue Bending 4 1 3 (Between blue and black leads) Heatresistant Display OUT1 indicator OUT2 indicator (orange) (orange) 1 Brown Area Detection L lit. Photoelectric Sensor main circuit (Between blue and black (orange) leads) 4 2 3 D lit. % M8 Connector Pin Arrangement 2 1 Control output Black ch1 Control output Orange ch2 10 to 30 VDC Load Blue Liquid-level Load Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar 4 3 Installation Information (Between blue and black (orange) leads) L lit. Display OUT indicator (orange) Brown Orange (Between blue and black leads) Photoelectric sensor main circuit Analog output 10 to 30 VDC Black Control output Load D lit. (Between blue and black leads) Limitedreflective Transparent Objects Dark-ON Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) L lit. Output circuit Environmental Immunity E3NX-FA41 E3NX-FA8 E3NX-FAH41 E3NX-FAH8 Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator Not lit (orange) ON Output OFF transistor Set Load Reset (e.g., relay) L/D indicators Applications Light-ON Timing chart Fiber Units Operation mode Blue Load 10k1min. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Models 73 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA 73 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3NX-FA Plug (Sensor I/O Connector) Terminal number Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 74 Threaded Cylindrical Flat 4 2 1 3 Wire color Brown White Blue Black 1 2 3 4 XS3F-M421-402-A XS3F-M421-405-A XS3F-M422-402-A XS3F-M422-405-A E3NX-FA11/FA41/FA6/FA8/FA7/FA9/ FA24/FA54/FA11-5/FAH11/FAH41/ FAH6/FAH8/FA11AN/FA41AN [L/D Indicator] Indicates the setting status: Light-ON (L) or Dark-ON (D). Beam Improvements Tune Button] Executes Smart Tuning. [ MODE Button] Use to switch between Detection Mode and Setting Mode. [+ i83'2:1%XWWRQ] Used to fine-tune the threshold or change set values. Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity BGS Area Detection 2 External input / Output Blue 3 Power supply (0 V) Black 4 Output [DPC Indicator] Turns ON when Dynamic Power Control is effective. [OUT1 Indicator/ OUT2 Indicator] Turns ON when OUT1 or OUT2 is ON. * [ [ Heatresistant White [ L/D Button] Use to switch between Light-ON (L) and Dark-ON (D). [ST Indicator] Turns ON when Smart Tuning is in progress. Threshold Level Incident Level White digital display Green digital display Narrow view Bending Power supply (+V) [L/D Indicator] Indicates the setting status: Light-ON (L) or Dark-ON (D). [DPC Indicator] Turns ON when Dynamic Power Control is effective. [OUT Indicator] Turns ON when the output is ON. High Power Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Application 1 E3NX-FA21/FA51/FA7TW/FA9TW/FA54TW/ FA10/FA40/FA0/FAH0 Small Spot Limitedreflective Connection pin Brown Nomenclature Sleeved Retroreflective Wire color Tune Button] Executes Smart Tuning. [ST Indicator] Turns ON when Smart Tuning is in progress. Threshold Level Green digital display Applications FPD, Semi, Solar Operating Procedures Basic Settings Output switching 1. Press (2) Enhance Durability of the Fiber Head against Dust and Dirt % Maximum Sensitivity Tuning button. L/D 1. Through-beam: Set to "Dark ON" to turn the output ON with a workpiece in the detection area. [L/D Indicator] turns D ON. Hold Workpiece button for 3 seconds or longer with/without workpiece as shown below. Release the button when [ full] is displayed. Through-beam: Workpiece is present Reflective: Set to "Light ON" to turn the output ON with a workpiece in the detection area. [L/D Indicator] turns L ON. Workpiece Smart Tuning [Easy Sensitivity Setting] Press button with a workpiece in the detection area. TUNE 1pnt 9999 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 0 The green digital display changes [1pnt]A[ full] Release the button when [ full] is displayed. Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The incident level in Step 1 is adjusted to "0". Threshold setting: The value is set to approx. 7% of the incident light level of 1. % 2-point Tuning 1. full Hold for 3 seconds or longer Workpiece Installation Information 74 [ MODE Button] Use to switch between Detection Mode and Setting Mode, and use to switch between OUT1 and OUT2. (2 outputs) * Only OUT1 turns ON for output. (1) Detect for Workpiece Presence/Absence Vacuum Incident Level White digital display [OUT1 Selection Indicator/OUT2 Selection Indicator] The indicator for the selected output channel is lit. * [+ i83'2:1%XWWRQ] Used to fine-tune the threshold or change set values. Reflective: Workpiece is absent Liquid-level [ L/D Button] Use to switch between Light-ON (L) and Dark-ON (D). However, the Sensor becomes more susceptible to the influence of background objects. (3) Adjust for Moving Workpiece without Stopping Line % Full Auto Tuning 2. Press button again without a workpiece in the detection area. TUNE Release the button when [2pnt] is displayed. 2pnt 2500 Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The larger incident level of the Step 1 and 2 values is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Set to the middle between the Step 1 and 2 incident light levels. 1. Hold the button without the presence of a workpiece, and pass the workpiece through while [1pnt]A[ full]A[ aut,] is displayed in green digital. (Keep holding the button while the workpiece passes through, and hold 7 seconds or longer until [aut,] is displayed in green digital. After the workpiece passes through, release your finger from the button.) aut,1500 Workpiecet Step 1 and Step 2 can be reversed. Hold for 7 seconds or longer Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: Adjust the max. incident light level on Step 1 as the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Set to the middle between max. and min. incident light levels on Step 1. Basic Settings Channel switching Turn ON power tuning in SET mode. 2. Press Refer to "Detailed Settings" button without a workpiece in the area. 1pnt 9999 Place the workpiece at the desired position and hold OUT selection indicator (OUT1) [Output 1] button. Press the MODE button for 1 second in detection mode. OUT selection indicator (OUT2) [Output 2] p,5 9999 Threaded Hold for 3 seconds or longer In the detailed settings, the OUT selection indicators will each light whenever the output (OUT1/OUT2) is set. The green digital display changes [2pnt]A[p,s]. Cylindrical Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The Step 3 incident level is adjusted to half the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Set to the same value as the Step 3 incident level. Minute Adjustment of Threshold Level 1. Press (5) Detect Transparent or Small Workpiece button to adjust the threshold level. The threshold level becomes higher. Flat The threshold level becomes lower. (Set Threshold by incident light level percentage) Sleeved % Percentage Tuning Hold the key for high-speed level adjustment. button without a workpiece in the area. Refer to "Detailed Settings" per 1500 (1) Stable Detection Regardless of Incident Level Change due to Dust and Dirt Function (Use of the function with Through-beam % DPC model or Retro-reflective model is recommended) Hold for 1 sec. or longer 1. Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The Step 2 incident light level is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Set to the value obtained by [Incident Level at Step 2 x (1 + Percentage Tuning Level)]. Perform Smart Tuning. 2. and ptun1500 Stabilizes the displayed incident level by correcting internal incident level changes. Displayed incident Light Level buttons for 1 second or longer without a workpiece in the area. Internal Incident Light Level Threshold Level Time % Setting is Completed 1. Hold button and then hold button for 3 seconds or longer. rst Perform the procedure with a workpiece in the area for reflective model setting. If the setting is made after position tuning, set both the through-beam model and reflective model with a workpiece. Hold both for 3 sec. or longer 2. Select [rst] in 3. Select [rst and press UP/DOWN Refer to " * Smart Tuning Error " for error displays. The light level difference between Points 1 and 2 are extremely small. Over Error All Incident light level is too high. Low Error Incident light level is too low. Tuning other than Maximum Sensitivity Tuning emitter and receiver. (Through-beam) * Place the Fiber Head closer to the sensing object. (Reflective) * Use a thin-diameter fiber. * Widen the emitter and receiver distance. (Through-beam) * Distance the Fiber Head from the sensing object. (Reflective) * Reduce the distance between the emitter and receiver. (Through-beam) * Place the Fiber Head closer to the sensing object. (Reflective) Refer to " Detailed Settings " to change the power tuning level. Hold and press button and then hold Vacuum button. MODE FPD, Semi, Solar button for 3 seconds or longer. L/D % User Save Function % User Reset Function Saves the current settings. Select [ saVe] in press button. Reads out the saved settings. and 2. UP/DOWN Select [ rst] in and UP/DOWN press MODE 3. button. MODE 3. Select [ saVe yes] in and press button. UP/DOWN Select [ rst user] in and press MODE button. MODE (4) Prevent Mistake-operation % Key Lock Function Disables all button operations. [ l\c button is pressed. Enable/Cancel (This procedure) Area Detection MODE ] in TUNE 2. Heatresistant Liquid-level (3) Save or Read Settings 1. Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant button. UP/DOWN Error / Display / Cause Error Origin Tuning Type Remedy * Change the detection function mode Near Error 2-point Tuning to a slower response time mode. * Reduce the distance between the Full Auto Tuning Limitedreflective Bending Setting Reset Initializes all the settings by returning them to the factory defaults. Incident light level setting: The Step 1 incident level is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Not changed. % Smart Tuning Error The displayed incident level decreases and the DPC indicator starts blinking when incident level correction is not possible. (2) Reset Settings Hold both for 1 sec. or longer Narrow view Retroreflective Incident Light Level % Power Tuning High Power BGS Set the DPC function ON in SET mode. Refer to "Detailed Settings" . (6) Restore from the Incident Level Changed due to Dust and Dirt Hold The DPC indicator turns ON when the DPC function is effective. Refer to "Smart Tuning" Refer to "Power Tuning" No Smart Tuning other than Power Tuning can be used if Percentage Tuning is set. 1. Small Spot Convenient Setting Features Beam Improvements Press Transparent Objects 2. Environmental Immunity Turn ON Percentage Tuning in SET mode. ] is displayed when the l\c Hold both for 3 sec. or longer * Press either of UP/DOWN. UP/DOWN Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 1. Applications 3. 1. Press button for 1 second. 2. The OUT selection indicators (OUT1/OUT2) switch. Standard Installation 1. Models with 2 Outputs: E3NX-FA21,E3NX-FA51,E3NX-FA7TW, E3NX-FA9TW and E3NX-FA54TW The OUT selection indicators and the settings will change. Saving Space % Position Tuning Fiber Units (4) Determine Workpiece Position 75 Fiber Sensor Features E3NX-FA Selection Guide Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 75 Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 76 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3NX-FA Convenient Setting Features (5) Reset Incident Light Level to "0" Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space 1. 2. Sleeved Beam Improvements Hi at least 3 seconds to leave the SET mode. Lo Press button in [Detection Mode] Press A func dflt (a) (Incident Light Level Example) 500 hs (b) Light-ON ON control output OFF Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant button for the high and low thresholds to execute Press ,ff 3. 4. Send a workpiece past the Fiber Unit. t,ff ---(a) 2000 1000 (b) Immediately After Passing (8) Determining If the Workpiece Can Be Detected % 1. Press button and * The communication and mutual interference prevention functions are disabled when the detection mode is set to super-high-speed mode. The response time for models with 2 outputs is 32 V Refer to "Convenient Setting Features" UP/DOWN 10 ,n-d n-d 10 sh\t 10 ,n,f---,ffd and 2. 3. 4. Off-delay Timer Holds the output for detection (a) ON by PLC when the detection time is too short. Incident light No incident light L-ON Incident light No incident light L-ON ON OFF detection. T T ON D-ON OFF One-shot Timer Keeps the output ON for a specified time regardless of the workpiece size variations. Incident light No incident light T L-ON ON OFF D-ON L-ON ON OFF OFF-delay timers. T ON OFF Incident light No incident light (d) ON-delay and 3DVVLQJWLPHPVRUV T ON D-ON OFF On-delay Timer (c) T ON OFF the (b) Delays output ON after ON/OFF-delay Timer Sets both threshold Incident level V 0.25 times Smart Tuning is canceled if the detection mode is changed. UP/DOWN button together for 3 seconds or longer to set [s,lu ,n]. To clear the setting, press button D-ON ON OFF Ta Tb Ta Tb A timer value can be set after pressing button together for 3 seconds button when a timer menu (other MODE or longer to set [s,lu ,ff]. Send a workpiece past the Fiber Unit. display than "----") is displayed. Displaying the Passing Time and Difference in Incident Levels. (1 to 9999 ms in 1 ms steps; the initial value: 10 ms) Use button to set the time. UP/DOWN Press button and button together for 3 seconds or longer to leave SET mode. 0m Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories (d) Solution Viewer Liquid-level 76 Super-high(d) SHS speed mode* (Settings are displayed for both outputs for models with 2 outputs.) MODE Before Passing 1 time 8 times Setting Output Timer The maximum and minimum incident levels will be displayed for 0.5 seconds when the workpiece passes. 2000 9999 1ms 16ms ,n MODE (c) Installation Information (c) GIGA Giga mode Stable Detection Regardless of Incident Light Level Change 3. DPC Function 4. Timer Function button for 3 seconds or longer to leave the SET mode. V 1(Standard) (b) STND Standard mode The incident light level in SET mode is a reference value. It may be changed when switched to detection mode. The maximum value and minimum value are displayed with Light-ON and Dark-ON respectively. Select [SET Mode]A[Digital Display] to set [d sp cfdr]. 2. Bending FPD, Semi, Solar Detection Function Response Time Light Level 500 4000 shs 125 (d) Changing Light Level and Response Time (a) HS High-speed mode stnd (c) Dark-ON ON control output OFF % Change Finder Limitedreflective Vacuum [dflt]: Functions 1. to 5. can be set [,pt]: Functions 1. to 16. can be set. func 2. Detection Function (7) Monitoring the Incident Level for Sensing Objects Passing at High Speed Retroreflective Area Detection Changing Functions to Set in SET mode smart tuning. High Power Heatresistant Description Percentage Tuning: The thresholds are set as follows: High: Incident level from step 3 + Incident level from step 3 x Percentage tuning level /RZ,QFLGHQWOHYHOIURPVWHSi,QFLGHQWOHYHOIURPVWHS3HUFHQWDJHWXQLQJOHYHO 1. Transparent Objects 6HOHFW>6(70RGH@i>2870RGH@i [Area Detection Mode]. Press button for to display OUT1 HIGH and OUT 1 LOW. "HIGH" and "LOW" will appear on the green digital display. 3. Environmental Immunity 1. Function Selection Hold both for 3 sec. or longer Area Detection Mode Small Spot Applications Function Setting (6) Producing an Output When the Incident Level Is within an Area Flat BGS SET mode provides the function settings described hereafter. The initial display shown after transition from one function to another represents the factory default. 6000 4000 0 Hold both for 3 sec. or longer % The OUT selection indicators shows items for output 1 or output 2 individually for each output. button for 3 seconds or longer to enter SET mode. MODE The threshould level is also shifted accordingly. 7KHORZHUOLPLWRIWKHWKUHVKROGLVi Cancel Enable Cylindrical Narrow view Hold Zero Reset Function % Changes the incident light level to "0". 2000 Threaded Detailed Settings 0 Passing time and Incident level 500m 63 Passing time and Incident level Changing the Target Incident Light Level (Power Tuning Level) 5. Power Tuning Level Use button to set the power UP/DOWN tuning level. p-lV 9999 [100 to 9999 in 1 steps; the initial value: 9999] Refer to "Convenient Setting Features" MODE Function A Selection: [ dflt] Function Selection: [,pt] 6.BANK Switching Saving Settings in Each Bank 1 UP/DOWN BANK1 2 MODE A BANK2 3 BANK3 4 BANK4 E3NX-FA B Detecting Transparent or Small Workpiece ,ff per Press UP/DOWN MODE MODE Saving Power Consumption ,ff ec\ button in [per ,n] menu, then use ,n per 14. Eco Function button to set the ,n l, ec\ UP/DOWN percentage tuning level. UP/DOWN MODE (<99% to 99% in 1% steps; the initial value: <10%) ec\ Refer to "Smart Tuning" 9. Output 1 Mode std ,ut Normal Detection Mode ,ut MODE Changing the Output Mode for Output 1 15. Hysteresis width area User Setting Area Detection Mode MODE User Setting (Displayed for models with 2 outputs.) Changing the Output Mode for Output 2 std ,ut Normal Detection Mode ,ut err 11.External Input Press Tuning MODE Power Tuning Iaser OFF Zero Reset BANK Switching OFF : 1, ON : 2 The closed-circuit input time for tuning is the same as the key input time. UP/DOWN tune ptun l,ff 0rst bank 2-point Tuning First point Second point Less than Less than 3 seconds 3 seconds 3 seconds min. Maximum Sensitivity Tuning Less than 7 seconds 7.0 s or Full Auto Tuning longer Position Tuning Less than 3 seconds 3 seconds or longer Power/ percentage tuning 25 ms min. Zero reset Enable Cancel Less than 3 seconds 3 seconds min. Changing Digital Display in RUN Mode for Specific Purpose std MODE (b) (c) (d) Threshold Light Level The ratio of the incident Ratio light level to the threshold per (a) 2000 150p Threshold using a Small or p-b Setting Fast Moving Workpiece bar is displayed in white digital figures. Holds and displays the (b) Peak Light Bottom minimum value of the Level Light Level peak of the light incident 8000 2000 and the maximum value of the bottom of the light interruption. Setting for Intuitive Analog Display (e) (f) cfdr (c) 120% Threshold Displays the current 100% 80% level in the 80 to 120% range against the threshold value (100%). Adjusting Optical Axis (d) Peak Light Light Level Holds the peak incident Level 3500 3000 light level and displays it in green digital figures. Checking the Channel No. in Group Mounting Ch. No. Light Level (e) 3000 Checking the Channel No. in Group Mounting. Checking the Light Level of Fast Moving Workpiece Light level when the B UP/DOWN Turning ON and OFF Writing to EEPROM ,n ON OFF UP/DOWN ,ff Sleeved Small Spot The settings thathave been changed by an external input with [,ff] will not be overwritten to prevent EEPROM from reaching its lifespan (1,000,000 writings). High Power Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective A Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Checking a Margin Against Threshold UP/DOWN (a) button. (0 to 9999) 16. Using the External Input to Write to EEPROM Flat Enable/Cancel of Zero reset is the timing when input is turned off. 12.Digital Display width with MODE Cylindrical button with [husr] MODE Changing the Type of External Input ,ff Be sure to check the stability of outputs as there is a possibility of chattering. displayed and then set the hysteresis alarm output level with button. UP/DOWN (0 to 100 P in 1-P increments, default: 50 P) ON-delay of 300 ms is applied. Error Output Mode: An output is made when a DPC error, EEPROM error, or Load short circuit detection error occurs. Error Output Mode Input-OFF husr MODE alrm ,ut 32 37 husr Alarm Output Mode: Press button and then set the UP/DOWN Alarm Output Mode MODE The hysteresis width is set to a default value. The hysteresis width is set so that the judgement output is stable near the threshold value. UP/DOWN Standard Setting 10.Output 2 Mode Threaded Changing the Hysteresis Width 32 hstd UP/DOWN ECo on Indicators (Green and White digital displays) turn OFF in approx. 10 seconds after a key operation. ECo Lo Indicators (Green and White digital displays) turn ON with low brightness in approx. 10 seconds after a key operation. (f) Thereshold workpiece passes 2000 9999 Light level when the workpiece passes is displayed in white digital figures for 0.5 seconds. Standard Installation 8. Percentage Tuning Saving Space MODE Power Tuning OFF Setting MODE Beam Improvements ,ff ptun Inverts the display upside down. The digital display shows the threshold value in green, and light incident level in white. UP/DOWN Transparent Objects UP/DOWN Environmental Immunity reV ,ff V, ,n ptun Power Tuning ON Setting Mounting Amplifier in Inverted Direction Vacuum Applications 13. Inverted Display Selection Guide Setting ON or OFF Incident Level Adjustment when Tuning A Description FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 7. Power Tuning ON/OFF Setting Function Setting Description Fiber Units Function Setting 77 Fiber Sensor Features Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 77 Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 78 Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Environmental Immunity Transparent Objects BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Applications Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 78 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3NW Ratings and Specifications Item Models E3NW-ECT E3NW-DS Connectable Sensor Amplifier Units N-Smart Smart Fiber Amplifier Unit: Smart Fiber Amplifier Unit (Infrared models): Color Fiber Amplifier Unit: Smart Laser Amplifier Unit: Smart Laser Amplifier Unit (CMOS type): Contact-Type Smart Amplifier Unit: Power supply voltage 24VDC (20.4 to 26.4 VDC) Power and current consumption 2.4 W max. (Not including the power supplied to Sensor.) 2 W max. (Not including the power supplied to Sensor.) 100 mA max. (Not including the current supplied to Sensor.) 80 mA max. (Not including the current supplied to Sensor.) Indicators L/A IN Indicator (Green), L/A OUT Indicator (Green), RUN Indicator (Green), PWR Indicator (Green), RUN Indicator (Green), ERROR and SS (Sensor Status) indicator (Green/Red) Indicator (Red),and SS (Sensor Status) indicator (Green/Red) Vibration resistance (destruction) 10 to 60 Hz with a 0.7-mm double amplitude, 60 to 150 Hz 50 m/s2 for 1.5 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance (destruction) Destruction: 150 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions Ambient temperature range Operating: 0 to 55C, *36WRUDJHiWR&ZLWKQRLFLQJRUFRQGHQVDWLRQ Ambient humidity range Operating and storage: 25% to 85% (with no condensation) Maximum connectable Sensors 30 *4 10 Maximum connectable Distributed Sensor units 8 E3NX-FA0/FA10/FA40 E3NX-FAH0 E3NX-CA0 *1 E3NC-LA0 E3NC-SA0 E9NC-TA0 *2 Insulation resistance 0PLQDW9'& Dielectric strength 500 VAC 50/60Hz 1 min Mounting method 35-mm DIN track-mounting Weight (packed state/unit only) Approx. 185 g/Approx. 95 g Materials Polycarbonate Accessories Power supply connector,Communications connector for E3NW-DS, Power supply/communications connector, DIN Track End Plates (2), Ferrite cores (2) and Instruction manual DIN Track End Plates (2) and Instruction manual Approx. 160 g/Approx. 40 g *1. The E3NX-CA0 is supported for firmware version 1.06 or higher (Sensor Communications Units manufactured in June 2016 or later). *2. The E9NC-TA0 is supported for firmware version 1.03 or higher (Sensor Communications Units manufactured in July 2014 or later). *3. Temperature Limitations Based on Number of Connected Amplifier Units: Groups of 1 or 2 Amplifiers: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifiers: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifiers: 0 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifiers: 0 to 40C *4. A maximum total of 30 Sensors can be connected to a Sensor Communications Unit and Distributed Sensor Units. Communications Specifications Item Specifications Protocol EtherCAT Modulation Baseband Baud rate 100 Mbps Physical layer 100Base-TX (IEEE802.3u) Topology Daisy chain Communications media STP category 5 or higher Communications distance 100 m max. between nodes Noise immunity Compliant with IEC 61000-4-4, 1 kV min. Node address setting method Set the decimal rotary switches or software *1 Node address range 000 to 192 *2 *1. The software setting is used when the node address setting switches are set to 0. *2. The range depend on the EtherCAT master that is used. Refer to the E3NW-ECT EtherCAT Sensor Communications Unit Operation Manual for details. CompoNet-compatible and CC-Link-compatible products are also available. Refer to your OMRON website for details. E3NW (Unit: mm) Tolerance class IT16 applies to demmensions in this date sheet unless otherwise specified. 79-A Output communications connector Input communications connector E3NW-ECT Selection Guide Sensor Communications Unit 41 18 (36.7) 15.4 32.2 (49.8) 60.9 64.5 86.6 Fiber Units Dimensions 79 Fiber Sensor Features Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Threaded 10 Cylindrical 10 PFP- N DIN Track (sold separately) 38.8 13.5 Connector cover (provided) (E39-G27) 9.5 Sleeved 32.5 Communications Connector (provided) (FK-MCP 1,5/2-STF-3,5 AU) Small Spot Power Supply Connector (provided) (FK-MCP 1,5/2-STF-3,5 AU) High Power Narrow view Beam Improvements (43) Flat Saving Space 105.1 Standard Installation 102.5 Distributed Sensor Unit Limitedreflective 20 E3NW-DS (34.3) Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 25.4 (42.9) 49 Bending 69 Heatresistant 95.7 Liquid-level Connector: Provided. (FK-MCP 1,5/4-STF-3,5 AU) Connector cover (provided) (E39-G27) Vacuum 30.4 (44.5) DIN Track (sold separately) (PFP- N) Applications Area Detection FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 79-B Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects BGS 79 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3NW E3X-HD Fiber Amplifier Units and Related Products Fiber Amplifier Units E3X-HD Series Type Appearance Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 80 Connecting method Pre-wired (2 m) Models NPN output PNP output E3X-HD11 2M E3X-HD41 2M E3X-HD6 E3X-HD8 Ratings and Dimensions Specifications Page 82 82-A Threaded Cylindrical Standard models Wire-saving Connector Flat Page 83 83-A Page 82 Sleeved M8 Connector E3X-HD14 Connector for Sensor Communications Unit E3X-HD0 Page 83 E3X-HD44 83-B Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Narrow view Model for Sensor Communications Unit Page 83 83-C Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Communication method Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 80 Appearance Applicable Fiber Amplifier Model Models E3X-HD0 E3X-MDA0 EtherCAT Ratings and Dimensions Specifications Page 89 E3X-CRT CompoNet Heatresistant Area Detection Applications Sensor Communications Unit 89-A Page 88 E3X-ECT Page 89 89-B Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Models 3 E3X-CN11 Dimensions Page 90 90-A 2m Page 90 Page 90 E3X-CN12 1 90-B Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sensor I/O Connectors (Required for models with M8 Connectors.) Connectors are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately. * Protective stickers: provided. Straight Number of Cable length conductors Ratings and Specifications Dimensions Models Small Spot XS3F-M421-402-A 2m Sleeved Page 90 90-C XS3F-M421-405-A 5m 4 L-shaped Page 90 2m XS3F-M422-402-A 5m XS3F-M422-405-A Page 90 90-D High Power Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Mounting Bracket A Mounting Bracket is not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Appearance Model Quantity E39-L143 1 Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Dimensions Bending Page 91 91-A Heatresistant Area Detection DIN Track A Din Track is not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Type Shallow type, total length: 1 m Shallow type, total length: 0.5 m Deep type, total length: 1 m Models Quantity Vacuum PFP-100N Page 91 91-B PFP-50N 1 Page 91 PFP-100N2 91-C End Plate Two End Plates are provided with the Sensor Communications Unit. End Plates are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately as required. Appearance Model Quantity PFP-M 1 Liquid-level Dimensions Dimensions Page 91 91-D FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Appearance Applications Appearance Beam Improvements Slave Connector Transparent Objects Master Connector Ratings and Specifications Standard Installation Number of conductors Environmental Immunity Cable length Appearance Saving Space Connectors are not provided with the Fiber Amplifier Unit and must be ordered separately. * Protective stickers: provided. Selection Guide Wire-saving connectors (Required for models for Wire-saving Connectors.) Fiber Units Accessories (sold separately) Type 81 Fiber Sensor Features E3NW 81 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features Ratings and Specifications Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide 82 Threaded Cylindrical Type Item Light source (wavelength) Sleeved Standard E3X-HD11 E3X-HD6 E3X-HD14 PNP output E3X-HD41 E3X-HD8 E3X-HD44 Pre-wired Wire-saving Connector *2 M8 Connector Connecting method E3X-HD0 Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Red, 4-element LED (625 nm) Supplied from the connector through the Sensor Communications Unit 12 to 24 VDC 10%, ripple (P-P) 10% max. 720 mW max. (Current consumption: 30 mA max. at 24 VDC, 60 mA max. at 12 DVC) 530 mW max. (Current consumption: 22 mA max. at 24 VDC, 44 mA max. at 12 VDC) 640 mW max. (Current consumption: 26 mA max. at 24 VDC, 53 mA max. at 12 VDC) -Load power supply voltage: 26.4 VDC max., open-collector output Load current: Groups of 1 to 3 Amplifier Units: 100mA max., Groups of 4 to 16 Amplifier Units: 20mA max. -Residual voltage: At load current of less than 10 mA: 1 V max., At load current of 10 to 100 mA: 2 V max. OFF current: 0.1mA max. Control output Power supply reverse polarity protection, output short-circuit protection and output reverse polarity protection Protection circuits Response time Model for Sensor Communications Unit *1 NPN output Power supply voltage Normal mode Power consumption Eco ON Eco LO Flat Small Spot Super-high-speed mode (SHS) *4 131RXWSXWV2SHUDWHRUUHVHWV 313RXWSXWV2SHUDWHRUUHVHWV High-speed mode (HS) 2SHUDWHRUUHVHWVGHIDXOWVHWWLQJ Standard mode (Stnd) Operate or reset: 1 ms Power supply reverse polarity protection and output short-circuit protection -- Giga-power mode (GIGA) Operate or reset: 16 ms with E3X-CRT: 16 units with E3X-ECT: 30 units *3 Maximum connectable Units 16 units Mutual interference prevention Possible for up to 10 units (optical communications sync) *4 Auto power control (APC) Other functions Always ON Ambient Illumination (Receiver side) Incandescent lamp: 20,000 lx max., Sunlight: 30,000 lx max. Operating: *URXSVRIWR$PSOLILHU8QLWViWR& *URXSVRIWR$PSOLILHU8QLWViWR& *URXSVRIWR$PSOLILHU8QLWViWR& 6WRUDJHiWR&ZLWKQRLFLQJRUFRQGHQVDWLRQ Power tuning, differential detection, DPC, timer (OFF-delay, ON-delay, or one-shot), zero reset, resetting settings, and Eco mode High Power Ambient temperature range Ambient humidity range Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation) Insulation resistance 0PLQDW9'& Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC at 50/60 Hz for 1 min Transparent Objects Narrow view Operating: Groups of 1 to 2 Amplifier Units: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: 0 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifier Units: 0 to 40C 6WRUDJHiWR&ZLWKQRLFLQJRUFRQGHQVDWLRQ Retroreflective Vibration resistance (destruction) 10 to 55 Hz with a 1.5-mm double amplitude for 2 hours each in X, Y, and Z directions 10 to 150 Hz with a 0.7-mm double amplitude for 80 minutes each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance (destruction) 500 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions 150 m/s2 for 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions Limitedreflective Degree of protection IEC 60529 IP50 (with Protective Cover attached) Weight (packed state/unit only) Approx. 105 g/Approx. 65 g Environmental Immunity Beam Improvements E3X-HD Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant BGS Polycarbonate (PC) Cover Polycarbonate (PC) Cable PVC Bending Heatresistant Liquid-level Heat-resistant ABS (connector: PBT) (Unit: mm) Tolerance class IT16 applies to demmensions in this date sheet unless otherwise specified. Dimensions Pre-wired Amplifier Units 82-A E3X-HD11 E3X-HD41 DPC indicator L/D indicator 21.7 FPD, Semi, Solar ST indicator 27.1 Vinyl-insulated round cable, 4 dia., 3 conductors (conductor cross-section: 0.2 mm2, insulation diameter: 1.1 mm), standard cable length: 2 m Minimum bending radius: 12 mm Incident level red digital display OUT indicator Threshold level green digital display 10 Installation Information DIN track mounting 5.1 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Approx. 65 g/Approx. 25 g *1.The E3X-ECT EtherCAT Sensor Communications Unit and the E3X-CRT CompoNet Sensor Communications Unit can be used. *2. Use either the E3X-CN11 (master connector, 3 conductors) or the E3X-CN12 (slave connector, 1 conductor). *3. When connected to an OMRON NJ-series Controller. *4. The communications function and matual interference prevention function are disabled when the detection mode is set to Super-high-speed mode (SHS). When including E3X-DA-S with activated power tuning the maximum number of mutual interference prevention is up to 6. When including E3X-MDA with activated power tuning the maximum number of mutual interference prevention is up to 5. Vacuum 82 -Approx. 70 g/Approx. 25 g Instruction Manual Accessories Area Detection Applications Materials Case Approx. 60 g/Approx. 20 g With Mounting Braket Attached 146.9 170 (max. value with cover open) 104.8 5.1 (max. value with cover open) 4.5 Two, 2.4 dia. 49.2 33.5 33.5 (16.5) 3.4 5.65 Note: When using E39-L143 Mounting Brackets, there will be small gaps between the Amplifier Units if they are mounted side by side. 20.5 (37.9) (20.3) (16.5) 3.4 12.7 12.7 Two, 3.2 dia. Holes Optical communications 20.5 71.8 4.3 (9.4) E39-L143 Mounting Bracket (sold separately, SUS304) Mouting Holes PFP- N DIN Track (sold separately) Optical communications 16 71.8 Two-M3 3.4 Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached 4.4 10.3 16 29.9 16 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Amplifier Units with Wire-saving Connectors E3X-HD6 E3X-HD8 Selection Guide DPC indicator ST indicator 27.1 Fiber Units Incident level red digital display OUT indicator Threshold level green digital display 10 DIN track mounting With Mounting Braket Attached 146.9 5.1 Note: When using E39-L143 Mounting Brackets, there will be small gaps between the Amplifier Units if they are mounted side by side. 170(max. value with cover open) 104.8 5.1 (max. value with cover open) 4.5 Threaded Cylindrical Two, 2.4 dia. 49.2 A* 33.5 33.5 (16.5) 3.4 20.5 (37.9) 5.65 (16.5) (13) Two, 3.2 dia. Holes (20.3) 71.8 A* 3.4 (13) Standard Installation 21.7 4.3 (9.4) 20.5 Optical communications Flat Sleeved 16 Saving Space L/D indicator 71.8 PFP- N DIN Track (sold separately) E39-L143 Mounting Bracket (sold separately, SUS304) Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached Mouting Holes Small Spot 3.4 4.4 Two-M3 10.3 29.9 16 High Power 16 * The cable diameters are as follows: Narrow view E3X-CN11 (3 conductors) 4.0 dia. E3X-CN12 (1 conductor) 2.6 dia. Beam Improvements 83-A 83 Fiber Sensor Features E3X-HD BGS Limitedreflective M8 connector 12.7 The dimensions are the same as the E3X-HD6/8, except for the connector. 11.2 Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant L/D indicator ST indicator 21.7 27.1 E3X-HD0 Liquid-level OUT indicator Incident level red digital display Threshold level green digital display Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar DIN track mounting 13.8 11.5 10 Installation Information 100(max. value with cover open) 103.5 104.8 5.1 (max. value with cover open) 4.5 Two, 2.4 dia. 33.5 71.8 (16.5) 3.4 5.65 9.9 20.5 (37.9) (39.3) 90.8 3.4 Optical communications PFP- Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) attached N DIN Track (sold separately) Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 83-C Area Detection DPC indicator Amplifier Unit with Connector for Sensor Communications Unit Environmental Immunity Retroreflective E3X-HD14 E3X-HD44 Applications 83-B Transparent Objects Amplifier Units with M8 Connectors 83 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features I/O Circuit Diagrams Selection Guide 84 E3X-HD NPN Output Operation mode Models Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator (orange) Not lit ON Output transistor OFF Set Load (e.g., relay) Reset Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Light-ON E3X-HD11 E3X-HD6 E3X-HD14 Threaded Dark-ON Cylindrical Beam Improvements Output circuit OUT indicator (orange) Display 1 L lit. 4 Photoelectric Sensor main circuit (Between brown and black leads) Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset D lit. Brown Load Black Control output 12 to 24 VDC 3 % M8 Connector Pin Arrangement 2 Blue 4 1 3 Note: Pin 2 is not used. (Between brown and black leads) Flat PNP Output Sleeved Operation mode Models Small Spot High Power Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Light-ON E3X-HD41 E3X-HD8 E3X-HD44 Incident light No incident light OUT indicator Lit (orange) Not lit Output ON transistor OFF Load Set (e.g., relay) Reset Dark-ON Limitedreflective Bending ON delay Area Detection Output circuit Display OUT indicator (orange) 1 Photoelectric Sensor main circuit (Between blue and black leads) D lit. Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 84 Black 2 1 Blue 4 3 Plug (Sensor I/O Connector) One-shot Terminal number No incident light No incident light T ON Light-ON Light-ON OFF Incident light No incident light T T OFF Dark-ON 4 3 T 2 1 ON Light-ON T ON ON Dark-ON OFF Brown White Blue Black XS3F-M421-402-A XS3F-M421-405-A OFF Wire color Brown White Blue Black Note: Timing Charts for Timer Settings (T: Set Time) Connection pin 1 2 3 4 Note: Pin 2 is not used. Nomenclature [L/D Indicator] [DPC Indicator] Indicates the setting status: Turns ON when Dynamic Power Control Light-ON (L) or Dark-ON (D). is effective. [OUT Indicator] Turns ON when the output is ON. [ [ L/D Button] Use to switch between Light-ON (L) and Dark-ON (D). [ST Indicator] Turns ON when Smart Tuning is in progress. Threshold Level Green digital display TUNE Button] Automatically sets the emitter power and set values. Incident Level Red digital display Wire color 1 2 3 4 T ON Dark-ON OFF 12 to 24 VDC Note: Pin 2 is not used. (Between blue and black leads) Incident light Incident light Control output Load % M8 Connector Pin Arrangement Vacuum Installation Information 4 3 Liquid-level FPD, Semi, Solar Brown L lit. OFF delay ON Heatresistant L/D indicators Timing chart Incident light No incident light Lit OUT indicator (orange) Not lit ON Output transistor OFF Set Load (e.g., relay) Reset OFF Applications L/D indicators Timing chart [ MODE Button] Use to switch between Detection Mode and Setting Mode. [+ oUP/DOWN Button] Used to fine-tune the threshold or change set values. XS3F-M422-402-A XS3F-M422-405-A Application Power supply (+V) --Power supply (0 V) Output Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3X-HD Fiber Sensor Features Operating Procedures Basic Settings Press button without a workpiece in the area. TUNE st1pnt Reflective: Set to "Light ON" to turn the output ON with a workpiece in the detection area. [L/D Indicator] turns L ON. Workpiece 2. Place the workpiece at the desired position and hold Smart Tuning [Easy Sensitivity Setting] st (1) Detect for Workpiece Presence/Absence p,5 Hold for 3 seconds or longer % 2-point Tuning Setting is Completed button with a workpiece in the detection area. Incident light level setting: The Step 2 incident level is adjusted to half the power tuning level. Threshold setting:Set to the same value as the Step 2 incident level. (5) Detect Transparent or Small Workpiece button again without a workpiece in the detection (Set Threshold by incident light level percentage) % Percentage Tuning TUNE 1. Setting is Completed 2. Incident light level setting: The larger incident level of the Step 1 and 2 values is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting:Set to the middle between the Step 1 and 2 incident light levels. Small Spot Turn ON Percentage Tuning in SET mode. Refer to "Detailed Settings". Press button without a workpiece in the area. TUNE st Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The Step 2 incident light level is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting:Set to the value obtained by [Incident Level at Step 2 x Percentage Tuning Level + Incident Level at Step 2]. Maximum Sensitivity Tuning Hold button for 3 seconds or longer with/without workpiece TUNE as shown below. Release the button when [ st full] is displayed. Through-beam: Workpiece is present No Smart Tuning other than Power Tuning can be used if Percentage Tuning is set. % Smart Tuning Error Workpiece Error / Display / Cause Error Origin Tuning Type Hold for 3 seconds or longer Near Error The red digital display changes [1pnt] A[ full] Reflective: Workpiece is absent The light level difference between Points 1 and 2 are extremely small. Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The incident level in Step 1 is adjusted to "0". Threshold setting: The value is set to approx. 7% of the incident light level of 1. If the incident light level of 1 is smaller during long distance detection, the minimum value by which an output is correctly turned ON will be set. Over Error Incident light level is too low. button without the presence of a workpiece, and pass the workpiece through while [ 1pnt ] A [ full] A [ aut,] is displayed in red digital. (Keep holding the button while the TUNE Remedy * Change the detection function mode to a slower response time mode. * Reduce the distance between the light emitting and light receiving surfaces. (Through-beam) * Place the Fiber Head closer to the sensing object. (Reflective) * Enhance the power tuning level. * Use a thin-diameter fiber. * Widen the emitter and receiver distance (Through-beam) * Distance the Fiber Head from the sensing object(Reflective) * Decrease the power tuning level. Tuning other than * Reduce the distance between the light Maximum Sensitivity emitting and light receiving surfaces. Tuning (Through-beam) * Place the Fiber Head closer to the sensing object. (Reflective) The adjustment range of smart tuning is approx. 20 to 1/100 times. When selecting giga mode as detection function, the range will be approx. 2 to 1/100 times due to the large initial value. TUNE workpiece passes through, and hold 7 seconds or longer until [ aut,] is displayed in red digital. After the workpiece passes through, release your finger from the button.) All Low Error % Full Auto Tuning TUNE 2-point Tuning Full Auto Tuning Positioning Tuning Incident light level is too high. (3) Adjust for Moving Workpiece without Stopping Line 1. Hold the Narrow view BGS (2) Enhance Durability of the Fiber Head against Dust and Stain 1. High Power per Step 1 and Step 2 can be reversed. % Sleeved Refer to "Detailed Settings" to change the power tuning level. Minute Adjustment of Threshold Level 1. Press button to adjust the threshold level. UP/DOWN Workpiece The threshold level becomes higher. Hold for 7 seconds or longer Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: Adjust the max. incident light level on Step 1 as the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Set to the middle between max. and min. incident light levels on Step 1. Hold the key for high-speed level adjustment. The threshold level becomes lower. Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects area. Flat Environmental Immunity Press Cylindrical The red digital display changes [2pnt] A [p,s]. TUNE 2. Threaded Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Press button. TUNE Standard Installation 1. Workpiece Beam Improvements Through-beam: Set to "Dark ON" to turn the output ON with a workpiece in the detection area. [L/D Indicator] turns D ON. Saving Space % Position Tuning L/D 1. Selection Guide (4) Determine Workpiece Position button. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Press Fiber Units Output switching 1. 85 85 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories E3X-HD Convenient Setting Features (1) Restore from the Incident Level Changed due to Dust and Dirt % Power Tuning 1. Standard Installation Saving Space Perform the procedure with a workpiece in the area for reflective model setting. If the setting is made after position tuning, set both the through-beam model and reflective model with a workpiece. (2) Stable Detection Regardless of Incident Level Change due to Dust and Dirt % DPC Function (Use of the function with Through-beam Transparent Objects Environmental Immunity 2. Select [ saVe] in press 1. The DPC indicator turns ON when the DPC function is effective. Refer to "Smart Tuning" Refer to "Power Tuning" 2. Refer to "Detailed Settings". Stabilizes the displayed incident level by correcting internal incident level changes. Displayed incident Light Level Incident Light Level Internal The displayed incident Incident Light level decreases and the Level DPC indicator starts Threshold Level (3) Reset Settings % Setting Reset Initializes all the settings by returning them to the factory defaults. Hold button and then hold button for 3 seconds or longer. L/D Vacuum Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 86 blinking when incident level correction is not possible. Time TUNE FPD, Semi, Solar rst Hold both for 3 sec. or longer 2. Select [rst] in and press UP/DOWN 3. and UP/DOWN button. MODE 3. Select [ saVe yes] in and press button. UP/DOWN Select [ rst user] in and press MODE button. UP/DOWN MODE Caution is required; the output is inverted if pressed first. button is L/D (5) Prevent Mistake-operation Disables all button operations. [ is pressed. Enable/Cancel (This procedure) ] is displayed when the button Hold both for 3 sec. or longer * Press either of UP/DOWN. (6) Reset Incident Light Level to "0" Changes the incident light level to "0". The threshold level is also shifted accordingly. * Steps 1 and 2 can be reversed. * The DPC function will be disabled when a smart tuning error occurs, differential function with maximum sensitivity tuning is performed, or the first incident light level of the positioning tuning is low. * The incident light level is corrected to the power tuning level to maintain stable threshold and incident light levels. This provides stable detection regardless of the incident level changes caused by dirty sensor head, position error, or temperature changes. 1. Select [ rst] in press % Zero Reset Function Set the DPC function ON in SET mode. Heatresistant Liquid-level 2. UP/DOWN MODE 3. Enable Select [rst button. MODE ] in and press UP/DOWN Item button. MODE Initial Value Threshold Value 55 Control Output L-ON * Settings for other functions are returned to the detailed setting initial values. User-saved settings are retained. Smart Tuning is canceled. Caution is required; the output is inverted if pressed first. button is L/D -1999 0 Hold both for 3 sec. or longer Cancel Area Detection Reads out the saved settings. Perform Smart Tuning. Limitedreflective Bending button. % User Reset Function and model or Retro-reflective model is recommended) High Power Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant User Save Function % Saves the current settings. % Key Lock Function % button for 3 seconds or longer. L/D Setting is Completed Incident light level setting: The Step 1 incident level is adjusted to the power tuning level. Threshold setting: Not changed. If the value is low, it will be set to the minimum value in which an output is turned ON/OFF correctly. Flat Retroreflective button and then hold TUNE Hold both for 1 sec. or longer BGS Applications MODE Refer to " Smart Tuning Error" for error displays. Narrow view Hold buttons for 1 second or longer without a st ptun Cylindrical Sleeved (4) Save or Read Settings 1. and TUNE Threaded Small Spot Beam Improvements Hold workpiece in the area. Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 86 2000 4000 Hold both for 3 sec. or longer The zero reset function is canceled when either of the DPC function/differential function/Smart Tuning is performed. Detecting Incident Light Level Change ,ff A Changing Functions to Set in SET Mode 1. Function Selection dflt MODE 1 2 3 4 5 [dflt]: Functions 1. to 5. can be set [,pt]: Functions 1. to 10. can be set. UP/DOWN MODE 2. Detection Function (a) (Incident Light Level Example) 500 hs Detects if the absolute value of the incident light level change of the set response time is larger than the threshold value. The display shows the change of the incident light level of the set response time in red. UP/DOWN (b) MODE (c) (d) Changing Light Level and Response Time Detection Function UP/DOWN 500 6000 shs 125 stnd (a) (b) Response Time HS High-speed mode STND Standard mode V (c) GIGA Giga mode (d) SHS Super-highspeed mode* Light Level 1 (Standard) 1 ms 1 time 16 ms 12 times NPN V PNP V * The communication and mutual interference prevention functions are disabled when the detection mode is set to super-high-speed mode. The incident light level in SET mode is a reference value. It may be changed when switched to detection mode. MODE per p-b bar (b) (c) (a) MODE (b) ,ffd ,n-d n-d (c) UP/DOWN Checking a Margin Against Threshold Threshold (a) 10 10 10 On-delay Timer Delays the (b) output ON after detection. ON OFF ON OFF Incident light No incident light L-ON ON OFF D-ON One-shot Timer Keeps the output Incident light No incident light L-ON ON OFF the workpiece size variations. D-ON is displayed in red digital figures. Holds and displays the Peak Light Bottom minimum value of the Level Light Level peak of the light incident and the maximum value of the bottom of the light interruption. 8000 2000 T (c) Threshold 120% 100% 80% T Displays the current level in the 80 to 120% range against the threshold value (100%). Adjusting Optical Axis T T ON OFF for a specified (c) ON time regardless of 2000 150p Setting for Intuitive Analog Display Incident light No incident light L-ON Light Level The ratio of the incident Ratio light level to the threshold Setting Threshold using a Small or Fast Moving Workpiece (b) D-ON (d) Peak Light Level Light Level Holds the peak incident 3500 3000 light level and displays it in green digital figures. Checking the Channel No. in Group Mounting T T ON OFF Ch. No. (e) A timer value can be set after pressing Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot High Power Setting Output Timer t,ff ---- 100 ms button to specify the UP/DOWN (a) Threaded UP/DOWN (d) Off-delay Timer Holds the output ON for detection (a) by PLC when the detection time is too short. 10 ms response time. When the differential function is enabled, the detection function setting is disabled. Smart tunings except power tuning are disabled. The adjustment range of power tuning is approx. 1 to 1/100 times. (e) 4. Timer Function 1 ms 4 std ,n MODE V 3 Changing Digital Display in RUN Mode for Specific Purpose Refer to "Convenient Setting Features" UP/DOWN V 2 5 8. Digital Display Stable Detection Regardless of Incident Light Level Change ,ff Response Time 1 Use 0.25 times Smart Tuning is canceled if the detection mode is changed. 3. DPC Function Differential Setting Light Level 3000 Narrow view BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Checking the Channel No. in Group Mounting. button when a timer menu (other Liquid-level MODE display than "----") is displayed. button to set the time. UP/DOWN (1 to 9999 ms in 1 ms steps; the initial value: 10 ms) Changing the Target Incident Light Level (Power Tuning Level) 5. Power Tuning Level Use Function Selection: [ dflt] reV ,ff tuning level. [100 to 9999 in 1 steps; the initial value: 9999] MODE V, MODE 10. Eco Function ,ff MODE Function Selection: [,pt] A Detecting Transparent or Small Workpiece ,ff per per MODE B Press UP/DOWN ,n Inverts the display upside down. The digital display shows the threshold value in red, and light incident level in green. Saving Power Consumption Refer to "Convenient Setting Features" A 6. Percentage Tuning UP/DOWN button to set the power UP/DOWN p-lV 9999 Mounting Amplifier in Inverted Direction 9. Inverted Display button in [per ,n] menu, MODE then use button to set the UP/DOWN percentage tuning level. (<99% to 99% in 1% steps; the initial value: <10%) Refer to "Smart Tuning" UP/DOWN ,n l, Eco on Indicators (Green and Red digital displays) turn OFF in approx. 10 seconds after a key operation. Eco Lo Indicators (Green and Red digital displays) turn ON with low brightness in approx. 10 seconds after a key operation. Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Use Standard Installation Description Saving Space Function Setting B 7. Differential Function Beam Improvements SET mode provides the function settings described hereafter. The initial display shown after transition from one function to another represents the factory default. Transparent Objects Description Environmental Immunity Function Setting button for 3 seconds or longer to enter SET mode. MODE Applications Hold Fiber Sensor Features Detailed Settings 87 Selection Guide E3X-HD Fiber Units Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 87 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features Ratings and Specifications Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide 88 E3X-CRT Item CompoNet Communications Connectable Sensors Fiber Sensors: E3X-HD0 and E3X-MDA0 Laser Sensor Head with Separate Digital Amplifier: E3C-LDA0 Proximity Sensor with Separate Amplifier: E2C-EDA0 Communications power supply voltage 14 to 26.4 VDC (Communications Unit draws power from the communications power supply.) Power and current consumption 2.4 W max. (Not including the power supplied to Sensor.) 100 mA max. at 24 VDC (Not including the current supplied to Sensor.) Functions I/O communications, message communications, and Sensor error output Indicators MS Indicator (Green/Red), NS indicator (Green/Red), and SS (Sensor Status) indicator (Green/Red) Vibration resistance 10 to 150 Hz with double amplitude of 0.7 mm, or 50 m/s2 80 min each in X, Y, and Z directions Shock resistance 150 m/s2 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions Cylindrical Dielectric strength 500 VAC 50/60Hz 1 min Insulation resistance 0PLQ Flat Ambient operating temperature 0 to 55C (with no icing or condensation) * The temperature is limited by the number of connected Fiber Amplifier Units. Ambient operating humidity 25% to 85% (with no icing or condensation) Storage temperature Sleeved <30 to 70C (with no icing or condensation) Storage humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation) Mounting method 35-mm DIN track-mounting Weight (packed state/unit only) Approx. 220 g/Approx. 95 g Accessories High Power Connector cover, DIN track End Plates and Instruction manual Narrow view Note. The E3X-CRT has two operating modes: I/O mode 1 and I/O mode 2. The following table gives the differences between these modes. I/O classification Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Number of allocated points Read the User's Manual for precautions on using this Unit. (E412) Maximum number of interconnected I/O mode 1 Input Unit Input: 32 15 I/O mode 2 I/O Unit Input: 64 Output: 64 16 * Temperature Limitations Based on Number of Connected Fiber Amplifier Units: Groups of 1 to 2 Amplifier Units: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: 0 to 45C Limitedreflective E3X-ECT Item Specifications Communication method EtherCAT Connectable Sensors Fiber Sensor E3X-HD0 and E3X-MDA0 Laser Sensor Head with Separate Digital Amplifier: E3C-LDA0 Proximity Sensor with Separate Amplifier: E2C-EDA0 Power supply voltage 20.4 to 26.4 VDC Power and current consumption 2.4 W max. (Not including power the supplied to Sensor.) 100 mA max. at 24 VDC (Not including the current supplied to Sensor.) Functions DC (synchronous) mode, Free run mode, PDO communications,* 1 SDO communications, Sensor error output Indicators L/A IN indicator (Yellow), L/A OUT indicator (Yellow), PWR indicator (Green), RUN indicator (Green), ERROR indicator (Red), and SS (Sensor Status) indicator (Green/Red) Vacuum Vibration resistance 10 to 150 Hz with double amplitude of 0.7 mm, or 50 m/s2 80 min each in X, Y, and Z directions FPD, Semi, Solar Shock resistance 150 m/s2 3 times each in X, Y, and Z directions Dielectric strength 500 VAC 50/60 Hz 1 min Insulation resistance 0PLQ Ambient operating temperature 0 to 55C (with no icing or condensation) * The temperature is limited by the number of connected Fiber Amplifier Units. Ambient operating humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation) Storage temperature iWR&ZLWKQRLFLQJRUFRQGHQVDWLRQ Storage humidity 25% to 85% (with no condensation) Mounting method 35-mm DIN track-mounting Weight (packed state/unit only) Approx. 220 g/Approx. 95 g Accessories Power supply connector, connector cover, DIN track End Plates and Instruction manual Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Applications Specifications Communication method Threaded Small Spot Beam Improvements E3X-CRT and ECT Liquid-level Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 88 *1. *2. Data Size Assignable to the PDO (Process Data Object): There is a maximum data size that can be assigned. The maximum size is 36 bytes. Temperature Limitations Based on Number of Connected Fiber Amplifier Units: Groups of 1 to 2 Amplifier Units: 0 to 55C, Groups of 3 to 10 Amplifier Units: 0 to 50C, Groups of 11 to 16 Amplifier Units: 0 to 45C, Groups of 17 to 30 Amplifier Units: 0 to 40C Read the User's Manual for precautions on using this Unit. (E413) (Unit: mm) Tolerance class IT16 applies to demmensions in this date sheet unless otherwise specified. Dimensions 89-A E3X-CRT 3.4 41 31.9 (49.5) 76.4 89 Fiber Sensor Features E3X-CRT and ECT Selection Guide Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories (24) DIN Track (sold separately) (PFP- N) 32.4 10.5 (36.3) Threaded Cylindrical 18.8 Flat E3X-ECT Sleeved Communications Connector (IN) 41 18 Communications Connector (OUT) (36.3) (30.7) 26.8 Small Spot 12.8 High Power 31.9 (49.5) Narrow view 102.5 BGS (31.7) 32.4 DIN Track (sold separately) (PFP- N) Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Applications Power supply connector: Provided. (FK-MCP 1,5/2-STF-3,5 AU) Environmental Immunity Retroreflective Transparent Objects (53) FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 89-B Beam Improvements Communications Connector Saving Space (53) Standard Installation Fiber Units 102.5 89 90 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories Fiber Sensor Features Ratings and Specifications Accessories (sold separately) Wire-saving Connectors Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Item Type Cylindrical Master Connector Models E3X-CN21 Number of conductors 4 Slave Connector E3X-CN11 E3X-CN22 3 2 Diameter of cable 4 dia. Item Models XS3F-M42 -40 -A Number of conductors 4 E3X-CN12 1 Diameter of cable 4 dia. 2.6 dia. Rated current $ Rated current $ Rated voltage 9'& Rated voltage 9'& Contact resistance PPD[ P9'&PD[P$PD[ PPD[P9'&PD[P$PD[ Contact resistance 7KHDERYHILJXUHLVIRUFRQQHFWLRQWRWKH$PSOLILHU8QLWDQGWKHDGMDFHQW&RQQHFWRU ,WGRHVQRWLQFOXGHWKHFRQGXFWRUUHVLVWDQFHRIWKHFDEOH Number of insertions Threaded Sensor I/O Connectors Material 'HVWUXFWLRQWLPHVIRUFRQQHFWLRQWRWKH$PSOLILHU8QLWDQGWKHDGMDFHQW&RQQHFWRU Housing 3RO\EXW\OHQHWHUHSKWKDODWH3%7 Contact 3KRVSKRUEURQ]HJROGSODWHGQLFNHO Weight (packed state) Number of insertions 'HVWUXFWLRQWLPHV $SSUR[J $SSUR[J Flat Sleeved 8QLWPP 7ROHUDQFHFODVV,7DSSOLHVWRGHPPHQVLRQVLQWKLVGDWHVKHHWXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHVSHFLILHG Dimensions Wire-saving Connectors (for Models with Wire-saving Connectors) Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Master Connector 90-A E3X-CN21 E3X-CN11 (GJHRIDPSOLILHU Narrow view See note Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Note:(;&14 dia. FDEOH4FRQGXFWRUV6WDQGDUGOHQJWKP &RQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQPP2$:* ,QVXODWRUGLDPHWHUPP (;&14 dia. FDEOH3FRQGXFWRUV6WDQGDUGOHQJWKP &RQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQPP2$:* ,QVXODWRUGLDPHWHUPP Limitedreflective Slave Connector 90-B E3X-CN22 E3X-CN12 +500 (GJHRIDPSOLILHU (7) Bending Heatresistant See note Area Detection Applications 50 0 (7) Note: (;&14 dia.FDEOH2FRQGXFWRUV6WDQGDUGOHQJWKP &RQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQPP2$:* ,QVXODWRUGLDPHWHUPP (;&12.6 dia.FDEOH1FRQGXFWRU6WDQGDUGOHQJWKP &RQGXFWRUFURVVVHFWLRQPP2$:* ,QVXODWRUGLDPHWHUPP Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Sensor I/O Connectors (for Models with M8 Connectors) 90-C XS3F-M421-402-A XS3F-M421-405-A Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 4 2 3 1 12.9 4 dia. 9 dia. 1.95 0.5 Installation Information 90 2.15 M8 21.5 3.4 30 5 50 31.4 L 90-D XS3F-M422-402-A XS3F-M422-405-A 50 L 23.1 20.5 30 5 4 dia. 9 dia. 3.4 2.15 0.5 1.95 Models Cable length L (m) XS3F-M42 -402-A 2 XS3F-M42 -405-A 5 Fiber Amplifiers, Communications Unit and Accessories 34.8 22 2.5 3 16 Mounting Holes 7.3 Two-M3 26.8 Two-3.2 dia. 3 16 7 160.1 3 Four-R1.7 3.4 10.3 10 max. 7 0DWHULDO6WDLQOHVVVWHHO686 Threaded 1 3.4 1 Cylindrical DIN track 91-B Flat PFP-100N PFP-50N Sleeved 7.3 0.15 Standard Installation 5.3 Saving Space (10.3) Selection Guide E39-L143 Fiber Units Mounting Brackets 91-A 91 Fiber Sensor Features Accessories (sold separately) 4.5 27 0.15 35 0.3 25 (See note) 10 25 15 (5) (See note) 1 Note:7KHILJXUHVLQSDUHQWKHVVHVDUHIRUWKH3)31 0DWHULDO$OXPLQXP Narrow view PFP-100N2 BGS 16 4.5 35 0.3 27 15 25 10 25 25 10 15 29.2 1 1.5 Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant 0DWHULDO$OXPLQXP End Plate 91-D 25 24 Bending PFP-M 11.5 Heatresistant 50 M4 x 8 panhead screw Area Detection 10 Liquid-level M4 spring washer 4.8 6.2 1 1.3 1.8 35.3 FPD, Semi, Solar 1.8 Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 35.5 0DWHULDO,URQ]LQFSODWLQJ Vacuum 10 Applications 91-C High Power Transparent Objects 25 10 Environmental Immunity 25 Beam Improvements Small Spot 15 91 Beam Improvements Influence of Fiber Cable Length The sensing distance listed in the Fiber Units specifications are based on the fiber cable lengths found in the suffix of the model number. The sensing distance will change if the fiber cable is cut or extended. The following graph shows the percentage change of the various fiber cable length, where 100% is the sensing distance for a fiber cable with a length of 2 m. Use this as a guideline for installation distances. Keep in mind that extending the cable with a fiber connector will result in even shorter sensing distances than the value given in the graph. 120 100 80 60 40 Cylindrical 20 0 Flat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fiber Cable Length (m) 9 10 11 * The 100% value is for a fiber cable with a length of 2 m (same for Through-beam and Reflective Models). Sleeved Reflective Models: Sensing Distance Ratios by Workpiece Materials Small Spot High Power Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Applications Reference Information for Fiber Units Sensing distance (%) Threaded Technical Guide Liquid-level Vacuum The following graph shows the percentage change of the various workpieces, where 100% is the sensing distance for white paper, the standard sensing object. Refer to the value of the material that looks like your workpiece. Sensing distance (%) Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 92 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 White paper Glass t0.7 Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 92 Material Green Anodized rubber mat aluminum (black) * White paper is 100%. Types of Fiber Cables This section describes the features of different types of fiber cables. (This is given in the Fiber Unit specifications as either Flexible or Bend-resistant for the cable bending radius, and Coaxial for the appearance. If no difinition is given, a standard cable is used.) * Flexible Fibers The flexible fiber has a small bending radius for easy routing without easily breaking. It is easy to use because the cable can be bent without significantly reducing light intensity. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information SUS304 Bakelite * Break-resistant Fibers Structure which has a cladding around a large number of ultrafine cores. Core Cladding * Standard Fibers This fiber have a large bending radius compared with bend-resistant or flexible fiber. Use this fiber where the bending radius is large, or on non-moving parts. Structure only of one fiber * Coaxial Reflective Fibers These fibers are suitable for sensing small objects at close range. Emitter fiber Receiver fibers The receiver fibers are arranged around the emitter fiber. This fiber is resistant to repeated bends for use on moving parts. Structure where the multiple fine fibers has been independent. Fiber Units Sleeved High Power What size must the hole be to mount a Threaded or Cylindrical Fiber Unit? Refer to the recommended mounting hole dimensions given on pages 58 to 61. Narrow view Are Fiber Cables available in different lengths? Some models are available with either 5-m or 10-m cable. Ask your OMRON representative for details. Are there any differences between the Fiber Units that are used for emitter and receiver? The aperture angle is the angle at which the emitter beam spreads out. Aperture angle Are these Fiber Units CE certified? Fiber Units do not have any electrical components and therefore are exempt from CE certification. Can these Fiber Units be used in explosionproof areas? The Fiber Units can be used in an explosion-proof area. Install only the Fiber Unit in the explosion-proof area and install the Fiber Amplifier Unit outside the explosion-proof area. Standard Installation Saving Space Flat With Through-beam Fiber Units, there is no difference between emitter fibers and receiver fibers. With Reflective Fiber Units, the emitter fibers and receiver fibers are different on Coaxial Reflective Models. Emitter fiber cables have identification marks. Refer to the individual dimensions diagrams of Fiber Units for details. What is the aperture angle? Fiber Amplifier Units Cylindrical Small Spot Beam Improvements Optical axis diameter BGS Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending What the Fiber Units with built-in lenses? These highly recommended Fiber Units have built-in lenses that achieve stable detection with high-power beams. Heatresistant Can the Fiber Amplifier Units be linked with other models? The E3X-HD Series can be connected only with the E3X-DA-S and MDA Series. Area Detection Can the Fiber Amplifier Unit be operated from a mobile console? Mobile consoles cannot be used with either the E3NX-FA Series or the E3X-HD Series. Liquid-level Can a Sensor Communications Unit be used? If you use E3NX-FA0 Amplifier Units, you can use the E3NW-ECT(EtherCAT), E3NW-CRT(CompoNet) or E3NW-CCL (CC-Link). If you use E3X-HD0 Amplifier Units, you can use the E3X-CRT (CompoNet) or E3X-ECT (EtherCAT). Vacuum Transparent Objects Beam spread of 60 Threaded Environmental Immunity The optical axis diameter is the beam size that the Through-beam Fiber Unit uses for detection. If you are detecting objects larger than the optical axis diameter, you can expect stable detection performance because the object will block all of the beams of light that are used for detection. The incident level may fluctuate, however, if the workpiece passes the beam at high speed. In this case, it is best to select a Fiber Unit with a smaller optical axis diameter, or change the response time of the Fiber Amplifier Unit to High-speed mode or to Super-high-speed mode setting. Applications How do I interpret the optical axis diameter in the Fiber Unit specifications? Answer Fiber Sensor Features Question FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Category Selection Guide Q&A 93 Fiber Units Technical Guide 93 Safety Precautions Fiber Sensor Features For common precautions, refer to Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide 94 Threaded Beam Improvements Warning This product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons either directly or indirectly. Do not use it for such purposes. Do not use the product with voltage in excess of the rated voltage. Excess voltage may result in malfunction or fire. Never use the product with AC power supply. Otherwise, explosion may result. Precautions for Correct Use (1) Be sure to mount the unit to the DIN track until it clicks. (2) When using Amplifier Units with Wire-saving Connectors, attach the protective stickers (provided with E3X-CN-series Connectors) on the unused power pins to prevent electrical shock and short circuiting. When using Amplifier Units with Connectors for Communications Units, attach the protective caps (provided with Sensor Communications Unit). Amplifier Unit with Wire-saving Connector Amplifier Unit with Connector for Communications Unit Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Small Spot High Power Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Applications Fiber Amplifier Unit Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 94 Precautions for Safe Use The following precautions must be observed to ensure safe operation of the product. Doing so may cause damage or fire. (1) Do not install the product in the following locations. * Locations subject to direct sunlight * Locations subject to condensation due to high humidity * Locations subject to corrosive gas * Locations subject to vibration or mechanical shocks exceeding the rated values * Locations subject to exposure to water, oil, chemicals * Locations subject to stream * Locations subjected to strong magnetic field or electric field (2) Do not use the product in environments subject to flammable or explosive gases. (3) Do not use the product in any atmosphere or environment that exceeds the ratings. (4) To secure the safety of operation and maintenance, do not install the product close to high-voltage devices and power devices. (5) High-Voltage lines and power lines must be wired separately from this product. Wiring them together or placing them in the same duct may cause induction, resulting in malfunction or damage. (6) Do not apply load exceeding the ratings. Otherwise, damage or fire may result. (7) Do not short the load. Otherwise, damage or fire may result. (8) Connect the load correctly. (9) Do not miswire such as the polarity of the power supply. (10) To use this device as connecting with each other, be sure to connect with the same power supply and turn ON the power simultaneously. Using a separate power supply will influence the functions when connecting the devices to use them. (11) Do not use the product if the case is damaged. (12) Burn injury may occur. The product surface temperature rises depending on application conditions, such as the ambient temperature and the power supply voltage. Attention must be paid during operation or cleaning. (13) When setting the Sensor, be sure to check safety, such as by stopping the equipment. (14) Be sure to turn off the power supply before connecting or disconnecting wires. (15) Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, or modify the product Unit in any way. (16) When disposing of the product, treat it as industrial waste. (17) Do not use the Sensor in water, rain, or outdoors. Protective Sticker Power Supply Connecting Terminal Protective Cap (3) The length for the cable extension must be 30 m or less (or less than 10 m for S-mark certified models). Be sure to use a cable of at least 0.3 mm2 for extension. The power voltage must be 24 to 30 V when connecting amplifier units with extension cable and wire-saving connector. The length for the cable extension must be 100 m or less. Be sure to use a cable of at least 0.3 mm2 for extension. (4) Do not apply the forces on the cord exceeding the following limits: Pull: 40N; torque: 0.1N*m; pressure: 20N; bending: 29.4N (5) Do not apply excessive force such as tension, compression or torsion to the Amplifier Unit with the Fiber Unit fixed to the Amplifier Unit. (6) Always keep the protective cover in place when using the Amplifier Unit. Not doing so may cause malfunction. (7) It may take time until the received light intensity and measured value become stable immediately after the power is turned on depending on use environment. (8) The product is ready to operate 200 ms after the power supply is turned ON. (9) The Mobile Console E3X-MC11, E3X-MC11-SV2 and E3X-MC11-S cannot be connected. (10) Mutual interference prevention on the E3NX-FA Series does not function among the E3X-HD, E3X-DA-S, E3X-DA-N, E3X-SD, or E3X-NA Fiber Amplifier Units. Mutual interference prevention on the E3X-HD Series does not function among the E3NX-FA, E3X-DA-N, E3X-SD, or E3X-NA Fiber Amplifier Units. Mutual interference prevention on the E3X-HD Series does function among the E3X-DA-S and E3X-MDA Fiber Amplifier Units. (11) If the unit receives excessive sensor light, the mutual interference prevention function may not work properly, resulting in malfunction of the unit. In such case, increase the threshold. (12) The E3NW-ECT Sensor Communications Unit can be used with the E3NX-FA0, but the E3X-DRT21-S, E3X-CRT, and E3X-ECT Sensor Communications Units cannot be used. The E3X-CRT and E3X-ECT Sensor Communications Unit can be used with the E3X-HD0, but the E3X-DRT21-S and E3NW-ECT Sensor Communications Units cannot be used. (13) If you notice an abnormal condition such as a strange odor, extreme heating of the unit, or smoke immediately stop using the product, turn off the power, and consult your dealer. (14) Do not use thinner, benzine, acetone, and lamp oil for cleaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mounting Amplifier Units in Group (Wire-saving Connector Type Models) DIN Track Mount the Fiber Amplifier units one at a time onto the DIN track and push them until they click. (2) Adjust the fiber to the desired length and fully tighten. (3) Insert the Fiber Unit into E39-F4 and cut it. 2 10 mm Threaded Cylindrical Flat Fiber Cutter E39-F4 Thin-diameter Fiber Unit Hole x 2 Sleeved Small Spot About 0.5 mm Use End Plates (PFP-M: separately sold) at the both ends of the grouped Fiber Amplifier units to prevent them from separating due to vibration or other cause. (4) Finished state. (Correctly cut end) High Power Insertion direction Note: The insertion direction into the Fiber Amplifier Unit is shown in the above figure. 4 3 Tighten the screw on the End Plates using a driver. Tighten the screw while pressing the End Plate. * Under environments such as vibration, use an end plates even with a single Fiber Amplifier Unit. * The maximum numbers of connectable Amplifier Units are given in the following table. 1. 2. 3. 4. Maximum Maximum of mutual number of number interference interconnected prevention E3X-HD series standard models* (E3X-HD11/HD41/HD6/HD8) With E3X-ECT E3X-HD0 With E3X-CRT 25 mm Standard Fiber Unit Hole (dia. 2.2 mm) x 3 Slide the Fiber Amplifier units in the direction 2. E3NX-FA series* Loosely tighten. 30 10 16 10 30 10 16 10 * If Units are to be connected, the ambient temperature will change with the number of Units that are connected. Check the Ratings and Characteristics specifications. * Always turn OFF the power before connecting or disconnecting Units. * The mutual interference prevention function cannot be used if the detection mode is set to super-high-speed mode (SHS). Raise the lock lever. Insert the Fiber Unit in the fiber unit hole to the bottom. Return the lock lever to the original position and fix the Fiber Unit. Narrow view BGS Mount Fiber Unit Open the protective cover. Standard Installation Refer to "I/O Circuit Diagrams" or check the side of the unit for wire color and role indications. 11.7 mm Saving Space (1) 1 Thin Fiber Attachment (E39-F9) Beam Improvements 2 The fiber is shipped loosely tightened as shown in the figure at the right Lock Lever 4 Lock Release 2 1 Protective Cover 3 Fiber Unit * When mounting a coaxial Single Core reflective Fiber Unit, insert Multi Core the single-core Fiber Unit to the upper hole (Emitter side) and the multi-core Fiber Unit to the lower hole (Receiver side). The cables for the Single-core Fiber Units (Emitters) have identification marks. Refer to the dimensions diagrams for details. * When removing the Fiber Unit, follow the above steps in reverse order. To maintain the characteristics of the Fiber Unit, make sure the lock is released before removing the Fiber Unit. Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Bending Heatresistant Transparent Objects Push the unit in the direction 1. Lift it up in the direction 2. Fiber Unit Connection Side Hook Environmental Immunity Removing from DIN Track Use Fiber Cutter Cut a thin fiber as follows. For standard fibers, insert to the desired cutting position and cut. Selection Guide Let the hook on the Amplifier Unit's Fiber Unit connection side catch the track and push the unit until it clicks. Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum Applications 1. 2. Mounting on DIN Track FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 1. Mounting Fiber Units Fiber Units Mounting the Fiber Amplifier Units 95 Fiber Sensor Features Safety Precautions 95 Safety Precautions Fiber Sensor Features Fiber Units Warning This product is not designed or rated for ensuring safety of persons either directly or indirectly. Do not use it for such purposes. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Selection Guide 96 Precautions for Correct Use Threaded Do not use the Fiber Unit in atmospheres or environments that exceed product ratings. Cylindrical * Mounting Flat Refer to pages 58 to 61 for the tightening torque to apply when mounting a Fiber Unit. Sleeved Set screw (flat head or sunken head) (M3 max.) Toothed washer Beam Improvements Small Spot High Power Use a proper-sized wrench for the nut. Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Limitedreflective Area Detection Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 96 Stainless steel tube 10 mm 10 mm Heat-resistant Fiber Units (E32-D51(R) and E32-T51(R)) The fibers of these Units cannot be extended using the E39-F10 Fiber Connector. E32-T14 These Units may enter the light-ON state if there are reflective objects at the end of the lenses. If reflection is a problem, attach the black stickers provided to the ends of the lenses. Sensing head The following method is recommended for mounting Fiber Units with fluororesin-covered sensing heads (E32-TF and E32-DF) to prevent from cracking the fluororesin case. If you use a set screw to secure the Fiber Unit, tighten it with care to prevent from cracking the case. Sensing head of Fiber Unit Provided slit To use the provided slit, peel off the backing sheet, align the slit with the edges of the sensing surface, and attach it to the sensing head. Use the slit in applications where saturation occurs (i.e., changes in incident level cannot be detected) due to short sensing distances. Vacuum-resistant Fiber Units (E32- V) Although the Flanges, the Fiber Units on the vacuum side, and the Lens Units have been cleaned, as an extra precaution, clean these with alcohol before using them in high-vacuum environments to ensure that they are properly degreased. Bending Heatresistant 90 max. E32-T16PR Narrow view BGS Applications Nuts (Provided.) * The bending radius of the stainless steel tube should be as large as possible. The smaller the bending radius is, the shorter the 1.2 mm dia. max. sensing distance will be. 1.3 mm dia.min. * Insert the tip of the stainless R10 mm steel tube in the Sleeve Bender R12.5 mm R5 mm and slowly bend the tube R7.5 mm along the curve of the Sleeve Fiber tip position mark Bender. Do not bend here. Tightening Force Mounting panel Sleeve Bender (E39-F11) Connections * Do not subject the Fiber Unit to excessive force, such as tension or compression. Refer to pages 58 to 61 for tensile strengths. * Make sure any bend in the Fiber Unit is larger than the allowable bending radius. Refer to pages 58 to 61 for bending radius ratings and length of unbendable sections at the base of the Fiber Unit. * Do not compress or place heavy loads on the fibers. Fiber Units Nylon wireholder * The method shown below is an effective way to prevent the Fiber Unit from breaking due to vibration. Forming one-turn loop will reduce vibration Tape Liquid-level Detection Fiber Unit (E32-D82F1) * Secure the Fiber Unit using the unbendable section. Otherwise, the liquid-level detection position may be displaced. * For applications in hazardous environments, install the Fiber Unit in the hazardous environment but install the Amplifier Unit in a safe environment. Liquid-level Detection Fiber Units (Tube-mounting Models) * Make sure that the tube is not deformed when using a band to secure the Fiber Unit. * Operation may become unstable in the following cases: 1. Bubbles stick to the cone of the sensing head. 2. Solute deposits on the cone of the sensing head. 3. The liquid has a high viscosity. * There are some liquids, such as milky white liquids, for which detection is not possible. * Do not let the end of the fluororesin section bump into other objects. Damage to or deformation of the sensing head may cause unstable operation. * The product shall be used in the following conditions. Ambient pressure: -50 to +500 kPa * To use one-point teach mode (without object) Please carry out teaching where the detecting head is sunk into liquid. The sensitivity is set to 10% upper to the incident level in the liquid. This setting method is effective in high degree of viscosity, because it becomes stable to the fluctuation of incident level when the liquid drops from the tip. * To use two-point teach mode (with/without object) Please teach where the detecting head is pulled up from liquid and next teach where it is sunk into liquid. This setting method is effective to a liquid which is easy to bubble at high temperature. * Don't use maximum sensitivity mode because a liquid may be undetectable. Chemical and Oil-resistant, Liquid-level Detection Fiber Unit (E32-D82F1) Fluororesin shows strong chemical-resistant properties but is permeable if exposed to atmospheres with gaseous chemicals or water vapors, resulting in failure or damage. Confirm applicability sufficiently before using the Fiber Unit in these environments. 3. Secure the Protective Spiral Tube to the mounting panel with the provided nuts. Protective Spiral Tube Fiber Unit Cylindrical Protective Spiral Tube Fiber Unit Sleeved Mounting panel Hexagonal nuts Saddle End cap 2 Fiber Unit Fiber Unit Retention clip Retention clip Fiber Unit Retroreflective Limitedreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Attach the Fiber Connecter as shown in the following figures. 1. Insert the Fiber Unit in the retention clip. 2. Insert the retention clip into the splice. Splice Narrow view BGS Tube Attaching the E39-F10 Fiber Connector 1 Small Spot High Power Fiber Unit Toothed washers Protective Spiral Tube 4. Use the provided saddle to secure the end cap of the Protective Spiral Tube. (To secure the Protective Spiral Tube at a position other than the end cap, apply tape to the tube so that the portion becomes thicker in diameter.) Flat Standard Installation 2. Push the fiber into the Protective Spiral Tube. The tube must be straight so that the fiber enters without twisting. Turn the Protective Spiral Tube, not the fiber. Threaded Saving Space Liquid-level Detection Fiber Unit (E32-D82F1) 1.Insert the Fiber Unit into the Protective Spiral Tube from the head connector (threaded). Beam Improvements Other Precautions Mounting method of Disconnection-resistant Protective Spiral Tubes (E39-F32@) Bending Heatresistant Area Detection Liquid-level Fiber Unit * The Fiber Units should be as close as possible when they are connected. The sensing distance is reduced by approximately 25% when Fiber Units are extended by the connector. * Only 2.2-mm-diameter fibers can be connected. Transparent Objects 5.2 2 mm (from the end of the fluororesin section) Environmental Immunity * Liquid-level detection position 1. Use detergent to remove any dust or oil from the surfaces where tape is applied. Adhesive tape will not be attached properly if oil or dust remains on the surface. 2. The E39-R3 cannot be used in areas that are exposed to oil or chemicals. Vacuum Applications The liquid-level detection position is 5.2 2 mm from the end of the fluororesin section. (Refer to the diagram on the right.) The liquid-level detection position varies with the surface tension of the liquid and the degree of wetness at the Fiber Unit's detection position. Accessories Use of E39-R3 Reflector Provided with E32-R21 Fiber Sensor Features Detection Position for Liquid-level Detection Fiber Unit (E32-D82F1) Selection Guide Adjustment FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories * 97 Fiber Units Safety Precautions 97 New Product Information (New Products: Indicated by Selection Guide * You can easily mount these Fiber Units by making a hole in the bracket and tightening just one nut. * The cable follows the wall, so extra space is not required, and the cable will not get caught on other objects. Saving Space Standard Installation Fiber Units Cable remains out of the way. Tightened with two nuts. * Threaded Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Beam Improvements Narrow view Transparent Objects Retroreflective Environmental Immunity BGS Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Aperture angle Appearance (mm) 14.4 Approx. 15 M4 Approx. 60 M4 Aperture angle Approx. 15 Size 4,000* ST : 3,500 SHS: 2,300 2,000 Flexible, R1 4,000* ST : 4,000* 920 3,450 3,000 ST : 1,000 SHS: 700 IP67 Appearance (mm) 280 1,050 SHS: 920 ST : 1,500 SHS: 280 Models 99 Page Dimensions No. 2.3 dia. (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-LT11N 2M 99-A 1 dia. (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) E32-T11N 2M 99-B Models 99 Page Dimensions No. M6 E3X-HD GIGA HS Other modes 240 IP50 18.5 M3 IP67 13.5 Flexible, R2 290 90 840 M4 M4 Coaxial Sensing distance (mm) 840 M6 M3 Approx. 60 Bending radius of cable 15.8 Coaxial 240 IP67 24 M6 FPD, Semi, Solar M6 IP67 Flexible, R4 780 220 ST : 350 SHS: 100 ST : 130 SHS: 39 ST : 350 SHS: 100 ST : 350 SHS: 100 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing object) GIGA HS Other modes 1,260 360 440 130 1,260 360 1,170 340 ST : 520 SHS: 100 ST : 190 SHS: 39 ST : 520 SHS: 100 ST : 520 SHS: 100 (0.1 dia./ 0.03 dia.) E32-LD11N 2M 99-C E32-C21N 2M 99-D E32-D21N 2M 99-E E32-C91N 2M 99-F (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) (5 m dia./ 2 m dia.) Retro-reflective Fiber Units (With M.S.R. Function) Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories HS Other modes GIGA IP50 14.7 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing GIGA HS Other modes object) E3X-HD Flexible, R2 M4 Vacuum 98 Sensing distance (mm) Bending radius of cable Reflective Fiber Units Area Detection Applications Size Bending Liquid-level A Fiber Unit with Build-in Lens is the new standard in fiber units. We recommend this new standard Fiber Unit that achieves stable detection with a high-power beam. You don' t have to worry about the lens falling off and getting lost. Through-beam Flat Fiber Units are also available. ( 14 page) Through-beam Fiber Units Limitedreflective Heatresistant Tighten nut at only one place. Specifications Small Spot High Power in the following table.) Hex-shaped Models Fiber Sensor Features 98 Aperture angle Size Appearance (mm) 8.5 Approx. 15 M6 15.8 Bending radius of cable 44 Sensing distance (mm) E3X-HD GIGA 1,350 Flexible, R2 80 M6 1,000 HS Other modes ST : 1,200 SHS: 550 Optical axis diameter (minimum E3NX-FA sensing object) GIGA HS Other modes 2,020 1,500 ST : 1,800 SHS: 550 Models E32-LR11NP 2M + E39-RP1 99 Page Dimensions No. 99-G IP50 * The optical fiber is 2 m long on each side, so the sensing distance is 4,000 mm. Note 1. The following mode names and response times apply to the modes given in the Sensing distance column. [E3X-HD] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (NPN output: 50 s, PNP output: 55 s) [E3NX-FA] GIGA: Giga-power mode (16 ms), HS: High-speed mode (250 s), ST: Standard mode (1 ms), and SHS: Super-high-speed mode (30 s) 2. The values for the minimum sensing object are reference values that indicate values obtained in standard mode with the sensing distance and sensitivity set to the optimum values. The first value is for the E3X-HD and the second value is for the E3NX-FA. 3. The sensing distances for Reflective Sensors are for white paper. (The sensing distances for the E32-LD11N 2M are for glossy white paper). 4. With Retro-reflective Models, objects with a high reflection factor may cause the Fiber Sensor to detect reflected light as incident light. Also, stable detection may not be possible for transparent objects. Check suitability beforehand. Hex-shaped Models Dimensions Installation Information 58, 59, 60, 61 Page Through-beam Fiber Units 8.4 dia. 2.2 dia. 7 2.2 dia. Reflective Fiber Units (11.5) 15.8 (8.1) 2,000 (45) 13.5 10 Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) 3 dia. Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 10, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) 3 5 Sensing surface Two, 1.5 dia (Methacrylate resin) Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Fiber attachment (E39-F9W13) provided * Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) 9.75 M3x0.5 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 7 Narrow view 2,000 (standard length) (45) 2.2 dia. 24 4.5 Nine, 0.25 dia. receiver fibers BGS 6 Model display tube Two, 1.3 dia. 4 Toothed washer (nickel-plated iron) 18 3 Hexagonal nut, Opposite side:10, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Sensing head, M6 x 0.75 (Nickel-plated brass) 2.5 dia. 13 1 dia. emitter fiber (PMMA) Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. * Applicable Fiber Amplifier Units: E3NX-FA, E3NX-CA, E3X-HD, and E3X-DA-S. Use the enclosed E39-F9-7 Fiber Attachment for other models, such as the E3X-MDA with two channels, and for the E3X-SD, E3X-NA, and other models that have an 8-mm space between the emitter and receiver fiber insertion holes. Model display tube Optical fibers: Two, 2.2 dia. Sixteen 0.265-dia. receiver fibers E39-RP1 E32-LR11NP 2M (Free Cutting) (11.5) 44 2,000 Heatresistant Area Detection Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 10, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) M6x0.75 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 5 2.35 3 0.2 4.8 11 Sensing surface Two, 1.5 dia (optical filters) 80 72 63.6 Liquid-level Model display tube Material: 10 Two, 3.5 dia Two, 2.2 dia. Methacrylate resin ABS - Reference Information for Model Selection Features of Coaxial Reflective Type Transparent Object Detection These Fiber Units offer better detection of small objects at close distances (of 2 mm or less) than Standard Reflective Fiber Units. They also detect glossy surfaces more reliably than Standard Reflective Fiber Units, even if the surface is tilted. Emitter Fiber The receiver fibers are arranged around Receiver Fibers the emitter fiber as shown below. What Is "Flexible" Fiber? Retro-reflective Models are ideal for detection of transparent objects. 35 Page: Performance Comparison of Transparent Object Detection And The flexible fiber has a small bending radius for easy routing without easily breaking. It is easy to use because the cable can be bent without significantly reducing light intensity. Cores Cladding Limitedreflective Bending 8.5 (45) 15.8 Retroreflective Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant Note: There is a white line on the emitter fiber. Retro-reflective Fiber Units (With M.S.R. Function) 99-G Small Spot High Power 9.75 Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 5.5, Thickness: 1.7 (Nickel-plated brass) Sleeved 13 9.75 (5.6) 6 0.5 dia. emitter fibers Two, 1.3 dia. 99-F E32-C91N 2M (Free Cutting) 2,000 (45) 2.4 4.5 4 * Applicable Fiber Amplifier Units: E3NX-FA, E3NX-CA, E3X-HD, and E3X-DA-S. Use the enclosed E39-F9-7 Fiber Attachment for other models, such as the E3X-MDA with two channels, and for the E3X-SD, E3X-NA, and other models that have an 8-mm space between the emitter and receiver fiber insertion holes. 99-D E32-C21N 2M (Free Cutting) 12.5 2.2 dia. Sensing surface Two, 1 dia (Methacrylate resin) Two, 2.2 dia. 18.5 Model display tube 7 Model display tube Flat M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 3.2 10 (8.1) Cylindrical Fiber attachment (E39-F9W13) provided * Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) M6x0.75 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) 2.35 2,000 (45) 3.5 4.8 11 Threaded 99-E E32-D21N 2M (Free Cutting) 99-C E32-LD11N 2M (Free Cutting) Structure which has a cladding around a large number of ultrafine cores. Long-distance Sensing Applications with the E32-T11N A separate Lens Unit can be attached to extend the sensing distance. 26 Page Vacuum Applications Model display tube 7 Standard Installation M4 nuts (Nickel-plated brass) M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) Washer (Nickel-plated iron) M2.6x0.45 provided (4 of each) 3 Sensing surface 1 dia. FPD, Semi, Solar Installation Information Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories 3.2 (45) Saving Space 14.7 10 M4x0.7 (Trivalent chrome-plated zinc alloy) Sensing surface 2.3 dia. (Methacrylate resin) 2,000 4.7 Hexagonal nut Opposite side: 7, Thickness: 2.4 (Nickel-plated brass) Beam Improvements Toothed washer (Nickel-plated iron) 10 Transparent Objects 4.4 14.4 Model display tube 5.5 Environmental Immunity (45) Fiber Units 2,000 7 (8.1) Selection Guide 99-B E32-T11N 2M (Free Cutting) 99-A E32-LT11N 2M (Free Cutting) 99 Fiber Sensor Features Standard Installation 99 Selection Guide Fiber Sensor Features 100 Model Index Selection by Model Models Fiber Units Standard Installation Saving Space Cylindrical Flat Sleeved Dimensions E32-A Models E32-D331 2M Beam Improvements Narrow view P.18 E32-T16JR 2M Specifications Dimensions Models P.48 P.49 49-B E39-L E39-L143 E32-D36P1 2M P.48 P.49 49-E E32-T16PR 2M P.48 P.49 49-A P.50 P.51 51-C E32-T16WR 2M P.48 P.49 49-C E3NW P.56 P.57 57-A E32-D43M 1M P.12 P.13 13-B E32-T17L 10M P.24 P.25 25-B E3NW-DS P.78 P.79 79-B E32-A03-1 2M P.30 P.31 31-B P.18 P.19 19-C E32-T21 2M E3NW-ECT P.78 P.79 79-A E32-A08 2M E32-A08H2 2M E32-A09 2M E32-A09H2 2M E32-A12 2M E32-C31 2M E32-D51 2M P.46 P.47 47-B E32-T21-S1 2M P.16 P.17 17-D E3NX-FA P.30 P.31 31-C E32-D51R 2M P.46 P.47 47-A E32-T223R 2M P.10 P.11 11-A E3NX-FA0 P.68 P.71 71-B P.56 P.57 57-C E32-D61-S 2M P.46 P.47 47-G E32-T22B 2M P.10 P.11 11-B E3NX-FA10 2M P.68 P.71 71-B P.36 P.37 37-C E32-D611-S 2M P.40 P.41 41-A E3NX-FA11 2M P.66 P.70 70-A P.54 P.55 55-B E32-D73-S 2M P.46 P.47 47-H E32-T22S 2M P.30 P.31 31-F E3NX-FA11-5 2M P.66 P.70 70-A P.46 P.47 47-D E32-D81R-S 2M P.46 P.47 47-C E32-T24E 2M P.16 P.17 17-B E3NX-FA11AN 2M P.68 P.70 70-A P.54 P.55 55-C E32-D82F1 4M P.50 P.51 51-D E32-T24R 2M P.16 P.17 17-A E3NX-FA21 2M P.66 P.70 70-A P.36 P.37 37-F E32-DC200BR 2M P.18 P.19 19-K E32-T24S 2M P.30 P.31 31-E E3NX-FA24 P.66 P.71 71-A P.54 P.55 55-E E32-DC200F4R 2M P.18 P.19 19-H P.56 P.57 57-E E3NX-FA40 2M P.68 P.71 71-B P.46 P.47 47-E E32-G P.31 31-D E3NX-FA41 2M P.66 P.70 70-A P.54 P.55 55-F E32-G16 2M P.56 P.57 57-D E3NX-FA41AN 2M P.68 P.70 70-A P.36 P.37 37-D E32-L E32-T25XB 2M P.40 P.41 41-D E3NX-FA51 2M P.66 P.70 70-A P.54 P.55 55-D E32-L11FP 2M P.38 P.39 39-F E32-T33 1M P.16 P.17 17-C E3NX-FA54 P.66 P.71 71-A P.54 P.55 55-G E32-T51 2M P.44 P.45 45-B E3NX-FA54TW P.66 P.71 71-A (P.29) E3NX-FA6 P.66 P.70 70-B P.98 P.99 99-D P.08 P.09 09-D P.46 P.47 47-F E32-T24SR 2M P.30 P.48 P.49 49-D E32-L11FS 2M P.38 P.39 39-G E32-L15 2M (P.28) P.54 P.55 55-H E32-T51F 2M P.38 P.39 39-E E3NX-FA7 P.66 P.70 70-B P.20 P.21 21-F E32-T51R 2M P.44 P.45 45-A E3NX-FA7TW P.66 P.70 70-B (P.28) (P.29) E3NX-FA8 P.66 P.70 70-B P.52 P.53 53-A E3NX-FA9 P.66 P.70 70-B E3NX-FA9TW P.66 P.70 70-B E3NX-FAH0 P.68 P.71 71-B E3NX-FAH11 2M P.66 P.70 70-A E3NX-FAH41 2M P.66 P.70 70-A E32-L16-N 2M P.32 P.33 33-A E32-C31M 1M P.08 P.09 09-E P.36 P.37 37-B E32-T51V 1M E32-C31N 2M P.08 P.09 09-A P.54 P.55 55-A E32-C41 1M P.22 P.23 23-A E32-T61-S 2M P.44 P.45 45-D E32-L24S 2M P.20 P.21 21-A P.32 P.33 33-B P.36 P.37 37-A 23-D E32-C42 1M E32-L25L 2M P.32 P.33 33-C (P.28) (P.29) E32-T81R-S 2M P.44 P.45 45-C (P.28) (P.29) P.36 P.37 37-E E32-T84SV 1M P.52 P.53 53-C E3NX-FAH6 P.66 P.70 70-B P.66 P.70 70-B Transparent Objects 21-B Retroreflective P.50 P.51 51-B E32-TC200BR 2M P.16 P.17 17-E E3NX-FAH8 E32-CC200 2M P.08 P.09 09-H E32-LD11 2M P.08 P.09 09-I E32-V E3X-CN Limitedreflective E32-C91N 2M Chemicalresistant, Oil-resistant (P.23) E32-LD11N 2M P.98 P.99 99-C E32-VF1 P.52 P.53 53-F E3X-CN11 P.90 P.90 90-A P.08 P.09 09-B E32-LD11R 2M P.08 P.09 09-I E32-VF4 P.53 53-E E3X-CN12 P.90 P.90 90-B P.98 P.99 99-F E32-LR11NP 2M P.34 P.35 35-A E39-F E3X-CN21 P.90 P.90 90-A E3X-CN22 P.90 P.90 90-B (P.22) Area Detection Applications E32-C42S 1M Liquid-level Vacuum FPD, Semi, Solar Fiber Amplifiers, Technical Communications Model Index Guide and Unit, and Precautions Accessories Installation Information 100 P.91 91-A P.56 P.57 57-B E32-C E32-C21N 2M P.40 P.41 41-B E32-L25T 2M Heatresistant Dimensions E32-D36T 2M P.20 P.21 21-E Bending Specifications P.30 P.31 31-A Environmental Immunity BGS Models P.19 19-D P.50 P.51 51-A (P.20, 22) (P.21, 23) High Power Dimensions E32-A03 2M (P.20, 22) (P.21, 23) Small Spot Specifications E32-A01 5M E32-A04 2M Threaded Specifications E32-D P.98 P.99 99-G E39-F1 P.06 P.07 07-C E39-F1-33 P.52 P.26, 28 P.26 26-A P.28 P.28 28-D E3X-CRT P.17 E3X-CRT E32-D11 2M P.42 P.43 43-E E32-D11R 2M P.08 P.09 09-G P.24 P.25 25-C E39-F11 E32-D11U 2M P.38 P.39 39-I E32-LT11N 2M P.24 P.25 25-A E39-F16 P.26, 28 P.26 26-B E32-D12F 2M E32-LT11 2M P.38 P.39 39-H P.98 P.99 99-A E39-F17 P.20 P.21 21-B E32-D15XR 2M P.14 P.15 15-E E32-LT11R 2M P.06 P.07 07-C E39-F18 P.22 P.23 23-G E32-D15YR 2M P.14 P.15 15-F P.24 P.25 25-C E32-D15ZR 2M P.14 P.15 15-G E32-LT35Z 2M P.14 P.15 15-D E39-F1V E32-D16 2M P.24 P.25 25-E E32-R E39-F2 E32-D21 2M P.42 P.43 43-B E32-R16 2M P.34 P.35 35-B E39-F32A 1M E32-D211R 2M P.08 P.09 09-F E32-R21 2M P.34 P.35 35-C E39-F32C 1M E32-D21B 2M P.42 P.43 43-D E32-T E32-D21N 2M P.98 P.99 99-E E32-T10V 2M P.52 P.53 53-D E32-D21R 2M P.08 P.09 09-C E32-T11 2M E32-D21-S3 2M P.18 P.19 19-J P.88 P.89 89-A E3X-ECT E3X-ECT P.88 P.89 89-B E3X-HD E3X-HD0 P.82 P.83 83-C E3X-HD11 2M P.82 P.82 82-A E3X-HD14 P.82 P.83 83-B P.42 P.43 43-G E3X-HD41 2M P.82 P.82 82-A P.40 P.41 41-E E3X-HD44 P.82 P.83 83-B P.42 P.43 43-G E3X-HD6 P.82 P.83 83-A E39-F32D 1M P.42 P.43 43-G E3X-HD8 P.82 P.83 83-A P.40 P.41 41-C E39-F3A P.20 P.21 21-A PFP (P.26) E39-F3A-5 P.22 P.23 23-A (P.27) 23-H P.52 P.53 53-B P.26, 28 P.26 26-C PFP-100N P.91 91-B E32-D221B 2M P.12 P.13 13-D E32-T11F 2M P.38 P.39 39-C 23-B PFP-100N2 P.91 91-C P.42 P.43 43-C E32-T11N 2M P.06 P.07 07-A 23-C PFP-50N P.91 91-B PFP-M P.91 91-D E32-D22B 2M P.12 P.13 13-A P.42 P.43 43-A (P.26) (P.27) E39-F3B P.22 P.23 23-D E32-T11NF 2M P.38 P.39 39-A 23-E XS3F E32-D22R 2M P.12 P.13 13-C E32-T11NFS 2M P.38 P.39 39-A2 E32-D22-S1 2M P.18 P.19 19-I E32-T11R 2M E32-D24R 2M P.18 P.19 19-A E32-D24-S2 2M P.18 P.19 19-B E32-T12F 2M P.38 P.39 39-B E39-R E32-D25XB 2M P.42 P.43 43-F E32-T12R 2M P.10 P.11 11-C E39-R1 E32-D25-S3 2M P.18 P.19 19-L E32-T14 2M P.24 P.25 25-D E39-R3 E32-D31-S1 0.5M P.18 P.19 19-G E32-T14F 2M P.38 P.39 39-D E39-RP1 P.34 P.35 35-A E32-D32L 2M E32-T14LR 2M P.10 P.11 11-D P.12 P.13 13-E P.06 P.07 07-B E39-F3C 23-F XS3F-M421-402-A P.90 P.90 90-C P.20 P.21 21-C XS3F-M421-405-A P.90 P.90 90-C 21-D XS3F-M422-402-A P.90 P.90 90-D XS3F-M422-405-A P.90 P.90 90-D (P.24) (P.25, 26) P.35 35-B P.35 35-C P.98 P.99 99-G E32-D32-S1 0.5M P.18 P.19 19-F E32-T15XR 2M P.14 P.15 15-A E39-RP37 P.35 E32-D33 2M P.12 P.13 13-F E32-T15YR 2M P.14 P.15 15-B E39-RSP1 P.35 P.18 P.19 19-E E32-T15ZR 2M P.14 P.15 15-C 101 MEMO 101 102 MEMO 102 Terms and Conditions Agreement Read and understand this catalog. Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments. Warranties. (a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron's exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied. (b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Omron's sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron's election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron's analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty. See or contact your Omron representative for published information. Limitation on Liability; Etc. OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted. Suitability of Use. Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer's application or use of the Product. At Buyer's request, Omron will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer's application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases. NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM. Programmable Products. Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof. Performance Data. Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron's test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron's Warranty and Limitations of Liability. Change in Specifications. Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron's representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product. Errors and Omissions. Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions. Introduction to the N-Smart Series The IoT platform that enables you to see, complete a lineup, and deliver E3NX-CA Color Fiber Amplifier Units E3NX-FA Fiber Amplifier Units E E3NC S Smart Laser S Sensors Cat. No. Y216 Stable Detection with the No. 1 Performance* Winner of the Good Design Award Cat. No. E427 High Color Discrimination Capability Cat. No. E426 From Minute Workpieces to Long-distance Detection N-Smart Amplifier Units s Easy application with consistent operating procedures. E9 E9NC-T Co ont Contact-Type Sm ma Sensors Smart E3NX-MA mplifier Units Smart Fiber Amplifier dels) (2-channel models) Cat. No. E433 Handles Advanced Measurement Applications Cat. No. E466 Space-saving and high performance Presence E3NW Sensor ons Communications Units Cat. No. E428 Detection Measurement E2NC Smart Proximity Sensors Applications with Many Sensors: Cat. No. E473 More convenience and even lower costs with a network. High-precision sensitivity setting is easy. E9NC-AA/VA IoT Status Monitoring Amplifiers Cat. No. E474 Various condition-monitoring sensors are connected. * For performance (sensing distance and minimum sensing object) based on November 2017 OMRON investigation. NEW Introducing New Fiber Sensor Products E3NX-FA Series 62 Page Oil resistant types E32-T11NF@ 38 Page Addition of Infrared models, Analog output models and Communications models with wired outputs. Smart Fiber Amplifier Units E3NX-FA Cat. No. E426 Oil-resistant Fiber Units E32-T11NF@ ( EtherCAT(R) is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany. CompoNet is a registered trademark of the ODVA. CC-Link is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. The trademark is managed by the CC-Link Partner Association. OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation Company Authorized Distributor: Kyoto, JAPAN Contact: Regional Headquarters OMRON EUROPE B.V. Sensor Business Unit Carl-Benz-Str. 4, D-71154 Nufringen, Germany Tel: (49) 7032-811-0/Fax: (49) 7032-811-199 OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC 2895 Greenspoint Parkway, Suite 200 Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 U.S.A. Tel: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787 OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lobby 2), Alexandra Technopark, Singapore 119967 Tel: (65) 6835-3011/Fax: (65) 6835-2711 OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD. Room 2211, Bank of China Tower, 200 Yin Cheng Zhong Road, PuDong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China Tel: (86) 21-5037-2222/Fax: (86) 21-5037-2200 (c) OMRON Corporation 2012-2018 All Rights Reserved. In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. CSM_17_5_0419 Cat. No. E418-E1-07 0718 (0212)