Part Number Details
ittPartNo DEBS-9
Global Mfg Part No. 980-2001-489
line D Sub
series D SUB
category D Sub
brand Cannon
rohsCompliantFlag CONSULT FACTORY
rohsCompliantString material restrictions of lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, mercury, poly bromated biphenyl ether (PBB) and poly
bromide diphenyl ether (PBDE) according to directive 2011/65/EU
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Part Number Distributor Qty Location
980-2001-489 Arrow Electronics 2147 United States
980-2001-489 Newark element14 2260 United States
980-2001-489 PEI-Genesis, Inc. 2260 United States
980-2001-489 PEI-Genesis, Inc. 2260 United Kingdom
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ittPartNo: DEBS-9; globalManufPartNo: 980-2001-489; line: D Sub
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