SLR-342 series LED, flat disk type, direct mount The SLR-342 series LEDs are small, reflecting, high brightness single color LEDs. Features height as single LED per package diameter of lens = 3.1 mm low as 5.2mm mounting pitch as small as 2.5 mm available in red, orange, yellow and green with choice of tinted diffused or Dimensions (Units : mm) tinted non-diffused lens s . : (0.4 3 * available on tape for mounting by an - a automatic machine _ CATHODE Selection guide Part no. SLR-342VR SLR-342DU SLR-342YY SLR-342MG Color & wavelength | Red, 650 nm Orange, 610 nm Yellow, 585 nm Green, 563 nm Lens Tinted diffused Tinted diffused Tinted diffused Tinted diffused Availability standard standard standard standard Part no. SLR-342VC SLR-342DC SLR-342YC SLR-342MC Color & wavelength | Red, 650 nm Orange, 610 nm Yellow, 585 nm Green, 563 nm Lens Availability Tinted non-diffused standard Tinted non-diffused standard Tinted non-diffused standard Tinted non-diffused standard Absolute maximum ratings (T, = 25C) Parameter Symbol Limits Unit Conditions MG & MC type 75 mW Power dissipation Py All others 60 mw MG & MC type 25 mA Forward current le Ail others 20 mA Peak forward current lep 60 mA_ |Puise width 1 ms, duty 20% Reverse voltage Vr 3 Vv Operating temperature Topr -25 ~ +85 C Storage temperature Tstg ~30 ~ +100 C 166 Light Emitting DiodesDirect-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type SLR-342 series Electro-optical characteristics (T, = 25C) Parameter Symbol| Min Typical Max Unit Conditions Forward Orange 20 voltage Vellow Ve 3.0 Vo |ip=10mA Green 21 Reverse current Ip 10 HA |V_=3V Red 650 Peak wavelength Ap orange 610 nm |ie=10mA Green 563 Spectral half-width AX 40 nm jilp=10mA Emission Non-diffused 40 power half 201 deg angle Diffused 40 Figure 1 Luminous intensity vs wavelength \ i [cons [\w ; | VA 10] ] oO wo oa a ~ t { { Axial Luminous intensity b_| - > TT 500 550 600 650 700 750 Wavelength : ap (nm) Luminous intensity Part no. Color Ap Min |Typical| Max Unit Conditions SLR-342VR 3.6 10.0 med Red 650 SLR-342VC 6.6 16.0 med SLR-342DU 3.6 10.0 med Orange 610 SLR-342DC 5.6 16.0 med For Ip = 1OmA SLR-342YY 2.2 6.3 med Yellow 585 SLR-342YC 5.6 16.0 med SLR-342MG 5.6 16.0 med Green 563 SLR-342MC 9.0 25.0 med Light Emitting Diodes ROHM 167SLR-342 series Direct-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type Electrical characteristic curves 1 (Red) RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY FORWARD CURRENT : IF (mA) RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY 1.4 50 Ta=25C 20 1.2 10 E \ 50 E 1.0 z 4, 20 ; \ NN 1.0 wy 08 05 3 06 IN 0.2 oA 04 1.0 15 2.0 25 3.0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 FORWARD VOLTAGE : Ve (} CASE TEMPERATURE : Tc (C) Figure 2 Figure 3 + ~ 6 my Ta=25C / al, ! = 4 5 E g gale 218 28 5 3 pe c d3 82 ay a 3 Be 231 01 02 O58 1 2 10 2 50 100 @e 1 10 10 10; 10" 10 FORWARD CURRENT : IF (mA) PULSE DURATION : Tw (,28} Figure 4 Figure 5 3.0 | oc | DF=50% f f=tkHz i | / 90 25 | f+ 7 = 2.0 fh L : / / B 2 /\ 15 / y N N\ A ; Z| 15% z= 10 I ae 40 10% , 5% |e 0 0 20 x 40 50 60 70 80 9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 PEAK FORWARD CURRENT: [Fpeak (mA) Figure 6 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta (C) Figure 7 168 Light Emitting DiodesDirect-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type SLR-342 series ? 4, SLR - 342VR \ Ne RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY (%) Figure 8 Directional pattern (red) Electrical characteristic curves 2 (Orange) 14 50 Ta=25C 20 > 1.2 = a ~ a ~ Eo 2 10 IN | = 3 5 20 = 2 10 @ 08 ~ 5 2 0s # 0.6} -- 0.2 0.1 04 10 15 20 25 40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 FORWARD VOLTAGE : VF (V} CASE TEMPERATURE Te ('C) Figure 9 Figure 10 qT | i i 5 5 B Pell gal TT ZO. c 8 5) x as i EB 3 3 aie 7 iH 2 Ze g i | | a 3 4S | | w #8 2 Hh > Wy 4]|. 5 oa 2 a | /! ; =o : 35 23 bth | ss i i 28 LU tl dU | O01 02 #05 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 feo 1 10 10 103 10 108 FORWARD CURRENT : IF (mA) PULSE DURATION : Tw (28) Figure 11 Figure 12 Light Emitting Diodes RONM 169SLR-342 series Direct-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type 3.0 oc f DF=50% 7 f= 1kHz f i 30 25 a _ & 20 4 = 2 / Z 20 > /| & 2 15 20% 3 NN 2 / | & N w 15% = & 10 A yo 2 4 = . rs a 2 0.5 +f " 5% 3 0 0 2 3 4 50 6 70 8 W 9 10 20 30 40 5060 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta (C) PEAK FORWARD CURRENT : lFpeak (mA) Figure 13 Figure 14 RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY () Figure 15 Directional pattern (orange) Electrical characteristic curves 3 (Yellow) 50 20 10 5.0 20 10 FORWARD CURRENT : IF (mA) 05 0.2 0.4 Ta=25'C a 1.2 E ~ & zy 0 ~~ 7 g Ss = 3 g 0.8 < # 0.6} ---- | 04 | 15 20 26 3.0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 FORWARD VOLTAGE : VF (V) CASE TEMPERATURE : Tc (C) Figure 16 Figure 17 170 ROM Light Emitting DiodesDirect-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type SLR-342 series 5 Ta=25C a, gs 2 is 5 ' =e 4 & 05 & 5 Me aig te S18 ere g 02 2. 24 2 01 ae : ze = 0.05 ao a zs * 0.02 36 001 33 | og ' 01 02 08 1 2 5 10 2 50 10 2 5 10 2 50 12 108 104 FORWARD CURRENT : Ir (mA) PULSE DURATION : Tw (48) Figure 18 Figure 19 3.0 pe DF=50% 7" f=1kHz ; / 28 ? Yo 30 5 f /| & & 20 / i 3 / B20 = 15 20% & : J % : \ & 10 J 12 z" g * 50 5 g ' aw S 20 3 o = 2 3 = 10 w 28 ~ = z 2 05 a oc 06; -- 0.2 O41 04 10 15 20 25 3.0 -20 0 20 40 60 80 FORWARD VOLTAGE : VF (V) CASE TEMPERATURE : Tc(C) Figure 23 Figure 24 5 us T r TTT il. i Al [! 2 a 5 my rt a [|i |! [ 1 oo 4 T ; aN fe 05 | : B 3B sHye+ se tat ede te te+ BH z - Tilelaeg gel all 3 0.2 e. 24 4 ir 5 ud \ 5 04 ge a 2 = 0.05 zo a ee Ah * 9.02 zt 0.01 23 = 1 eg 0102 05 1 2 10 20 50 100 2 0 0 0 1 10 104 FORWARD CURRENT ' IF (mA) PULSE DURATION : Tw {128} Figure 25 Figure 26 3.0 bo DF=50% f f=1kHz , : : / 25 / -3 zg * ; / i | ia _ _ _ | & z 5 N\ 8 = 20 N 2 - 20% 3 N 3 & N 3 1 = g Ls 5 & i i iL NN, ag a ( z 10 NI om = me i S 5% n | aren 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 #30 64006 (80 Oitii (iti PEAK FORWARD CURRENT. iF peak (mA) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta (C) Figure 27 Figure 28 172 RBM Light Emitting DiodesDirect-mount LED lamps, flat disk and reflector type SLR-342 series a NP Aue 0 RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY (%) Figure 29 Directional pattern (green) Light Emitting Diodes RoOnMm 173