2013 Microchip Technology Inc. Preliminary DS20005002D-page 15
SST38VF6401B / SST38VF6402B / SST38VF6403B / SST38VF6404B
SST38VF6403B/6404B devices, each of the two 4
KWord blocks in the 8 KWord boot area has it's own
After using the Volatile Block Protection Mode Entry
command to enter the Volatile Block Protection mode,
individual VPBs can be set or reset with VPB Set/Clear,
or be read with VPB Status Read. If the VPB is ‘0’, then
the block is protected from Program and Erase. If the
VPB is ‘1’, then the block is unprotected. The Volatile
Block Protection Exit command must be issued to exit
Volatile Block Protection mode. See Table 5-2 for fur-
ther details on the commands and Figure 6-26 for a
flow chart.
If the device experiences a hardware reset or a power
cycle, all the VPBs return to their default state as deter-
mined by user-programmable bit DQ4 in the PSR. If
DQ4 is ‘0’, then all VPBs default to ‘0’ (protected). If
DQ4 is ‘1’, then all VPBs default to ‘1’ (unprotected).
The Non-Volatile Block Protection feature provides
protection to individual blocks using Non-Volatile Pro-
tection Bits (NVPBs). Each block has it’s own Non-Vol-
atile Protection Bit. In the SST38VF6401B/2, the 32
KWord boot block also has a it's own NVPB. In the
SST38VF6403B/6404B, each 4 KWord block in the
8KWord boot area has it's own NVPB. All NVPBs come
from the factory set to ‘1’, the unprotected state.
Use the Non-Volatile Block Protection Mode Entry
command to enter the Non-Volatile Block Protection
mode. Once in this mode, the NVPB Program com-
mand can be used to protect individual blocks by set-
ting individual NVPBs to ‘0’. The time needed to
program an NVPB is two times TBP, which is a maxi-
mum of 20μs. The NVPB Status Read command can
be used to check the protection state of an individual
To change an NVPB to ‘1’, the unprotected state, the
NVPB must be erased using NVPBs Erase command.
This command erases all NVPBs to ‘1’ and can take up
to 25 ms to complete. NVPB Program should be used
to set the NVPBs of any blocks that are to be protected
before exiting the Non-Volatile Block Protection mode.
See Table 5-2 and Figure 6-27 for further details.
Upon a power cycle or hardware reset, the NVPBs
retain their states. Memory areas that are protected
using Non-Volatile Block Protection remain protected.
The NVPB Program and NVPBs Erase commands are
permanently disabled once the Irreversible Block Lock
command is issued. See “Irreversible Block Locking”
on page 16 for further information.
4.16 Advanced Protection
The SST38VF6401B/6402B/6403B/6404B provide
Advanced Protection features that allow users to imple-
ment conditional access to the NVPBs. Specifically,
Advanced Protection uses the Global Lock Bit to pro-
tect the NVPBs. If the Global Lock bit is ‘0’ then all the
NVPBs states are frozen and cannot be modified in any
mode. If the Global Lock bit is ‘1’, then all the NVPBs
can be modified in Non-Volatile Block Protection mode.
After using the Global Lock of NVPBs Entry command
to enter the Global Lock of NVPBs mode, the Global
Lock Bit can be activated by issuing a Set Global Lock
Bit command, which sets the Global Lock Bit to ‘0’. The
Global Lock bit cannot be set to ‘1’ with this command.
The status of the bit can be read with the Global Lock
Bit Status command. Use the Global Lock of NVPBs
Exit command to exit Global Lock of NVPBs mode. See
Table 5-2 and Figure 6-28 for further details.
The steps used to change the Global Lock Bit from '0'
to'1,' to allow access to the NVPBs, depend on whether
the device has been set to use Pass-Through or Pass-
word mode. When using Advanced Protection, select
either Pass-Through only mode or Password only
mode by programming the DQ2 and DQ1 bits in the
PSR. Although the factory default is Pass-Through
mode (DQ2 = 1, DQ1 = 1), the user should explicitly
chose either Pass-Through only mode (DQ2 = 1, DQ1
= 0), or Password only mode (DQ2 = 0, DQ1 = 1). Keep-
ing the SST38VF6401B/6402B/6403B/6404B in the
factory default Pass-Through mode leaves the device
open to unauthorized changes of DQ2 and DQ1 in the
PSR. See “Protection Settings Register (PSR)” on
page 14. for more information about the PSR.
4.16.1 PASS-THROUGH MODE (DQ2, DQ1 = 1,0)
The Pass-Through Mode allows the Global Lock Bit
state to be cleared to ‘1’ by a power-down power-up
sequence or a hardware reset (RST# pin = 0). No pass-
word is required in Pass-Through mode.
To set the Global Lock Bit to ‘0’, use the Set Global
Lock Bit command while in the Global Lock of NVPBs
mode. Select the Pass-Through only mode by pro-
gramming PSR bit DQ2 = 1 and DQ1 = 0.
4.16.2 PASSWORD MODE (DQ2, DQ1 = 0,1)
In the Password Mode, the Global Lock Bit is set to ‘0’
by the Set Global Lock Bit command, a power-down
power-up sequence, or a hardware reset (RST# pin =
0). Select the Password only mode by programming
PSR bit DQ2 = 0 and DQ1 = 1. Note that when the PSR
Program command is issued in Password mode, the
Global Lock bit is automatically set to ‘0’.
In contrast to the Pass-Through Mode, in the Password
mode, the only way to clear the Global Lock Bit to ‘1’ is
to submit the correct 64-bit password using the Submit
Password command in Password Commands Mode.
The words of the password can be submitted in any
order as long as each 16 bit section of the password is
matched with its correct address. After the entire 64 bit
password is submitted, the device takes approximately
1 μs to verify the password. A subsequent Submit
Password command cannot be issued until this verifi-
cation time has elapsed.