Serial Interface
The MAX7301 communicates through an SPI-compati-
ble 4-wire serial interface. The interface has three
inputs, Clock (SCLK), Chip Select (CS), and Data In
(DIN), and one output, Data Out (DOUT). CS must be
low to clock data into or out of the device, and DIN
must be stable when sampled on the rising edge of
SCLK. DOUT provides a copy of the bit that was input
15.5 clocks earlier, or upon a query it outputs internal
register data, and is stable on the rising edge of SCLK.
Note that the SPI protocol expects DOUT to be high
impedance when the MAX7301 is not being accessed;
DOUT on the MAX7301 is never high impedance.
Refer to Application Note 1879: Using Maxim SPI-
compatible Display Drivers with other SPI Peripherals
for ways to convert DOUT to tri-state, if required.
SCLK and DIN may be used to transmit data to other
peripherals, so the MAX7301 ignores all activity on
SCLK and DIN except between the fall and subsequent
rise of CS.
Control and Operation Using the
4-Wire Interface
Controlling the MAX7301 requires sending a 16-bit
word. The first byte, D15 through D8, is the command
address (Table 3), and the second byte, D7 through D0,
is the data byte (Table 4 through Table 8).
Connecting Multiple MAX7301s
to the 4-Wire Bus
Multiple MAX7301s may be daisy-chained by connect-
ing the DOUT of one device to the DIN of the next, and
driving SCLK and CS lines in parallel (Figure 3). Data at
DIN propagates through the internal shift registers and
appears at DOUT 15.5 clock cycles later, clocked out on
the falling edge of SCLK. When sending commands to
multiple MAX7301s, all devices are accessed at the same
time. An access requires (16 × n) clock cycles, where n is
the number of MAX7301s connected together. To update
just one device in a daisy-chain, the user can send the
No-Op command (0x00) to the others.
Writing Device Registers
The MAX7301 contains a 16-bit shift register into which
DIN data are clocked on the rising edge of SCLK, when
CS is low. When CS is high, transitions on SCLK have
no effect. When CS goes high, the 16 bits in the Shift
register are parallel loaded into a 16-bit latch. The
16 bits in the latch are then decoded and executed.
Table 2. Port Configuration Matrix
Table 1. Port Configuration Map
DO NOT USE THIS SETTING 0x09 to 0x0F 0 0
Output GPIO Output Register bit = 0 Active-low logic output 0x09 to 0x0F 0 1
Register bit = 1 Active-high logic output
Input GPIO Input
Without Pullup Register bit =
input logic level
Schmitt logic input 0x09 to 0x0F 1 0
Input GPIO Input with Pullup Schmitt logic input with pullup 0x09 to 0x0F 1 1
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Port Configuration for P7, P6, P5, P4 0x09 P7 P6 P5 P4
Port Configuration for P11, P10, P9, P8 0x0A P11 P10 P9 P8
Port Configuration for P15, P14, P13, P12 0x0B P15 P14 P13 P12
Port Configuration for P19, P18, P17, P16 0x0C P19 P18 P17 P16
Port Configuration for P23, P22, P21, P20 0x0D P23 P22 P21 P20
Port Configuration for P27, P26, P25, P24 0x0E P27 P26 P25 P24
Port Configuration for P31, P30, P29, P28 0x0F P31 P30 P29 P28
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated
MAX7301 4-Wire-Interfaced, 2.5V to 5.5V,
20-Port and 28-Port I/O Expander