Tyco Electronics Corp. 13
Data Sheet
September 2000 18 Vdc to 36 Vdc Inputs; 5 W
MC005-Series Power Modules; dc-dc Converters:
Design Considerations
Input Source Impedance
The power module should be connected to a low ac-
impedance input source. Source impedances greater
than 12 µH can aff ect the stability of the pow er module.
When the source impedance exceeds 12 µH, mount a
33 µF electrolytic capacitor (ESR < 0.7 Ω at 100 kHz)
close to the module input pins. This is also recom-
mended to minimize reflected-ripple current as well as
conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference
Output Ripple
If lower output ripples are needed, external L-C filters
across the module output terminals are recommended.
A 3.9 µH, 50 mΩ inductor and a 47 µF capacitor with its
impedance less than 1.5 Ω at 100 kHz will reduce the
output ripple by at least 50%.
Output V oltage Reversal
CAUTION: Applying a reverse voltage across the
module output forward biases an inter-
nal diode. Attempting to start the mod-
ule under this condition can damage
the module.
Safety Considerations
For safety-agency approval of the system in which the
power module is used, the power module must be
installed in compliance with the spacing and separation
requirements of the end-use safety agency standard,
C22.2 No. 950-95, and
(EN60950, IEC950).
For the converter output to be considered meeting the
requirements of safety extra-low voltage (SELV), the
input must meet SELV requirements.
The power module has extra-low v oltage (ELV) outputs
when all inputs are ELV.
The input to these units is to be provided with a maxi-
mum 5 A normal-blow fuse in the ungrounded lead.
Feature Descriptions
Output Overvoltage Protection
The output overvoltage clamp consists of control cir-
cuitry, which is independent of the primary regulation
loop, that monitors the voltage on the output terminals.
The control loop of the clamp has a higher voltage set
point than the primary loop (see Feature Specifications
table). This provides a redundant voltage control that
reduces the risk of output overvoltage.
Overcurrent Protection
To provide protection in a fault (output overload) condi-
tion, the unit is equipped with internal current-limiting
circuitry and can endure current limiting for an unlim-
ited duration. At the point of current-limit inception, the
unit shifts from voltage control to current control. If the
output voltage is pulled very low during a severe fault,
the current-limit circuit can e xhibit either foldback or tai-
lout characteristics (output current decrease or
increase). The unit operates normally once the output
current is brought back into its specified range.
Thermal Considerations
Although the power module is designed for an 85 °C
maximum operating ambient temperature, the charac-
terization of the local thermal environment becomes
more critical as temperatures exceed 70 °C. The maxi-
mum operating ambient temperature for the module is
based on the maximum safe operating temperature of
the devices contained inside it. Variations in local tem-
perature and airflow, as well as the methods and loca-
tion of measurement for these parameters, can affect
the resulting internal temperature rises for a given
ambient temperature. For ambient temperatures
exceeding 70 °C, call technical support for application