M67204E 4 K 9 CMOS Parallel FIFO Rad Tolerant Introduction The M67204E implement a first-in first-out algorithm, featuring asynchronous read/write operations. The FULL and EMPTY flags prevent data overflow and underflow. The Expansion logic allows unlimited expansion in word size and depth with no timing penalties. Twin address pointers automatically generate internal read and write addresses, and no external address information are required for the TEMIC FIFOs. Address pointers are automatically incremented with the write pin and read pin. The 9 bits wide data are used in data communications applications where a parity bit for error checking is necessary. The Retransmit pin resets the Read pointer to zero without affecting the write pointer. This is very useful for retransmitting data when an error is detected in the system. Using an array of eigh transistors (8 T) memory cell, the M67204E combine an extremely low standby supply current (typ = 1.0 A) with a fast access time at 40 ns over the full temperature range. All versions offer battery backup data retention capability with a typical power consumption at less than 2 W. The M67204E is processed according to the methods of the latest revision of the MIL STD 883 (class B or S), ESA SCC 9000 and QML. Features D D D D First-in first-out dual port memory 4096 x 9 organisation Fast access time: 40, 50 ns Wide temperature range : - 55 C to + 125 C Rev. G - June 5, 2000 D D D D D D D D D Fully expandable by word width or depth Asynchronous read/write operations Empty, full and half flags in single device mode Retransmit capability Bi-directional applications Battery back-up operation 2 V data retention TTL compatible Single 5 V 10 % power supply High performance SCMOS technology 1 M67204E Interface Block Diagram Pin Configuration DIL ceramic 28 pin 300 mils FP 28 pin 400 mils (top view) W I8 I3 I2 I1 I0 XI FF Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q8 GND 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 VCC I4 I5 I6 I7 FL/RT RS EF XO/HF Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 R Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E Pin Names NAMES DESCRIPTION I0-8 Inputs Q0-8 Outputs NAMES FF XO/HF DESCRIPTION Full Flag Expansion Out/Half-Full Flag W Write Enable XI Expansion IN R Read Enable FL/RT RS Reset VCC Power Supply EF Empty Flag GND Ground First Load/Retransmit Signal Description Data In (I0 - I8) Data inputs for 9-bit data Reset (RS) Reset occurs whenever the Reset (RS) input is taken to a low state. Reset returns both internal read and write pointers to the first location. A reset is required after power-up before a write operation can be enabled. Both the Read Enable (R) and Write Enable (W) inputs must be in the high state during the period shown in figure 1 (i.e. tRSS before the rising edge of RS) and should not change until tRSR after the rising edge of RS. The Half-Full Flag (HF) will be reset to high after Reset (RS). Figure 1. Reset. Notes : 1. EF, FF and HF may change status during reset, but flags will be valid at tRSC. 2. W and R = VIH around the rising edge of RS. Write Enable (W) A write cycle is initiated on the falling edge of this input if the Full Flag (FF) is not set. Data set-up and hold times must be maintained in the rise time of the leading edge of the Write Enable (W). Data is stored sequentially in the Ram array, regardless of any current read operation. Once half of the memory is filled, and during the falling edge of the next write operation, the Half-Full Flag (HF) will be set to low and remain in this state until the difference between the write and read pointers is less than Rev. G - June 5, 2000 or equal to half of the total available memory in the device. The Half-Full Flag (HF) is then reset by the rising edge of the read operation. To prevent data overflow, the Full Flag (FF) will go low, inhibiting further write operations. On completion of a valid read operation, the Full Flag (FF) will go high after TRFF, allowing a valid write to begin. When the FIFO stack is full, the internal write pointer is blocked from W, so that external changes to W will have no effect on the full FIFO stack. 3 M67204E Read Enable (R) Expansion In (XI) A read cycle is initiated on the falling edge of the Read Enable (R) provided that the Empty Flag (EF) is not set. The data is accessed on a first in/first out basis, not with standing any current write operations. After Read Enable (R) goes high, the Data Outputs (Q0 - Q8) will return to a high impedance state until the next Read operation. When all the data in the FIFO stack has been read, the Empty Flag (EF) will go low, allowing the "final" read cycle, but inhibiting further read operations whilst the data outputs remain in a high impedance state. Once a valid write operation has been completed, the Empty Flag (EF) will go high after tWEF and a valid read may then be initiated. When the FIFO stack is empty, the internal read pointer is blocked from R, so that external changes to R will have no effect on the empty FIFO stack. This input is a dual-purpose pin. Expansion In (XI )is connected to GND to indicate an operation in the single device mode. Expansion In (XI) is connected to Expansion Out (XO) of the previous device in the Depth Expansion or Daisy Chain modes. First Load/Retransmit (FL/RT) This is a dual-purpose input. In the Depth Expansion Mode, this pin is connected to ground to indicate that it is the first loaded (see Operating Modes). In the Single Device Mode, this pin acts as the retransmit input. The Single Device Mode is initiated by connecting the Expansion In (XI) to ground. The M67204E can be made to retransmit data when the Retransmit Enable Control (RT) input is pulsed low. A retransmit operation will set the internal read point to the first location and will not affect the write pointer. Read Enable (R) and Write Enable (W) must be in the high state during retransmit. The retransmit feature is intended for use when a number of writes equals to or less than the depth of the FIFO have occured since the last RS cycle. The retransmit feature is not compatible with the Depth Expansion Mode and will affect the Half-Full Flag (HF), in accordance with the relative locations of the read and write pointers. 4 Full Flag (FF) The Full Flag (FF) will go low, inhibiting further write operations when the write pointer is one location less than the read pointer, indicating that the device is full. If the read pointer is not moved after Reset (RS), the Full Flag (FF) will go low after 4096 writes. Empty Flag (EF) The Empty Flag (EF) will go low, inhibiting further read operations when the read pointer is equal to the write pointer, indicating that the device is empty. Expansion Out/Half-full Flag (XO/HF) This is a dual-purpose output. In the single device mode, when Expansion In (XI) is connected to ground, this output acts as an indication of a half-full memory. After half the memory is filled and on the falling edge of the next write operation, the Half-Full Flag (HF) will be set to low and will remain set until the difference between the write and read pointers is less than or equal to half of the total memory of the device. The Half-Full Flag (HF) is then reset by the rising edge of the read operation. In the Depth Expansion Mode, Expansion In (XI) is connected to Expansion Out (XO) of the previous device. This output acts as a signal to the next device in the Daisy Chain by providing a pulse to the next device when the previous device reaches the last memory location. Data Output (Q0 - Q8) DATA output for 9-bit wide data. This data is in a high impedance condition whenever Read (R) is in a high state. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E Functional Description Operating Modes in a Single Device Configuration when the Expansion In (XI) control input is grounded (see Figure 2). In this mode the Half-Full Flag (HF), which is an active low output, is shared with Expansion Out (XO). Single Device Mode A single M67204E may be used when the application requirements are for 4096 words or less. The M67204E is Figure 2. Block Diagram of Single 4K x 9 FIFO. HF (HALF-FULL FLAG) (W) WRITE (R) 9 DATAIN READ 9 M (I) DATAOUT (Q) 67204E FULL FLAG (FF) (EF) EMPTY FLAG (RS) (RT) RETRANSMIT RESET EXPANSION IN (XI) Width Expansion Mode Word width may be increased simply by connecting the corresponding input control signals of multiple devices. Status flags (EF, FF and HF) can be detected from any device. Figure 3 demonstrates an 18-bit word width by using two M67204E. Any word width can be attained by adding additional M67204E. Figure 3. Block Diagram of 4096 x 18 FIFO Memory Used in Width Expansion Mode. HF HF 18 9 9 DATAIN (I) (R) READ WRITE FULL FLAG (W) (FF) M M 67204E 67204E (EF) EMPTY FLAG (RT) RETRANSMIT RESET 9 (RS) 9 XI XI 18 (Q) DATAOUT Note : 3. Flag detection is accomplished by monitoring the FF, EF and the HF signals on either (any) device used in the width expansion configuration. Do not connect any output control signals together. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 5 M67204E Table 1 : Reset and retransmit Single Device Configuration/Width Expansion Mode INPUTS MODE INTERNAL STATUS RS RT XI Reset 0 X 0 Location Zero Retransmit 1 0 0 0 Read/Write 1 1 Read Pointer OUTPUTS Write Pointer EF FF HF Location Zero 0 1 1 Location Zero Unchanged X X X Increment(4) Increment(4) X X X Note : 4. Pointer will increment if flag is high. Table 2 : Reset and First Load Truth Table Depth Expansion/Compound Expansion Mode INPUTS MODE INTERNAL STATUS OUTPUTS RS FL XI Read Pointer Write Pointer EF FF Reset First Device 0 0 (5) Location Zero Location Zero 0 1 Reset All Other Devices 0 1 (5) Location Zero Location Zero 0 1 Read/Write 1 X (5) X X X X Note : 5. XI is connected to XO of previous device. See fig. 5. Depth Expansion (Daisy Chain) Mode Compound Expansion Module The M67204E can be easily adapted for applications which require more than 4096 words. Figure 4 demonstrates Depth Expansion using three M67204E. Any depth can be achieved by adding additional M67204E. It is quite simple to apply the two expansion techniques described above together to create large FIFO arrays (see figure 5). The M67204E operate in the Depth Expansion configuration if the following conditions are met : 1. The first device must be designated by connecting the First Load (FL) control input to ground. 2. All other devices must have FL in the high state. 3. The Expansion Out (XO) pin of each device must be connected to the Expansion In (XI) pin of the next device. See figure 4. 4. External logic is needed to generate a composite Full Flag (FF) and Empty Flag (EF). This requires that all EF's and all FFs be ORed (i.e. all must be set to generate the correct composite FF or EF). See figure 4. 5. The Retransmit (RT) function and Half-Full Flag (HF) are not available in the Depth Expansion Mode. 6 Bidirectional Mode Applications which require data buffering between two systems (each system being capable of Read and Write operations) can be created by coupling M67204E as shown in figure 6. Care must be taken to ensure that the appropriate flag is monitored by each system (i.e. FF is monitored on the device on which W is in use ; EF is monitored on the device on which R is in use). Both Depth Expansion and Width Expansion may be used in this mode. Data Flow - Through Modes Two types of flow-through modes are permitted : a read flow-through and a write flow-through mode. In the read flow-through mode (figure 17) the FIFO stack allows a Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E single word to be read after one word has been written to an empty FIFO stack. The data is enabled on the bus at (tWEF + tA) ns after the leading edge of W which is known as the first write edge and remains on the bus until the R line is raised from low to high, after which the bus will go into a three-state mode after tRHZ ns. The EF line will show a pulse indicating temporary reset and then will be set. In the interval in which R is low, more words may be written to the FIFO stack (the subsequent writes after the first write edge will reset the Empty Flag) ; however, the same word (written on the first write edge) presented to the output bus as the read pointer will not be incremented if R is low. On toggling R, the remaining words written to the FIFO will appear on the output bus in accordance with the read cycle timings. In the write flow-through mode (figure 18), the FIFO stack allows a single word of data to be written immediately after a single word of data has been read from a full FIFO stack. The R line causes the FF to be reset, but the W line, being low, causes it to be set again in anticipation of a new data word. The new word is loaded into the FIFO stack on the leading edge of W. The W line must be toggled when FF is not set in order to write new data into the FIFO stack and to increment the write pointer. Figure 4. Block Diagram of 12288 x 9 FIFO Memory (Depth expansion). XO W R 6 FF 9 9 EF M 67204E 9 Q FL FULL FF 9 VCC EMPTY EF M 67204E FL FF 9 EF M 67204E RS FL XI Figure 5. Compound FIFO Expansion. Q0 - Q8 Q0 - Q8 R . W . RS M67204E DEPTH EXPANSION BLOCK Q(N-8) - QN Q9 - Q17 Q(N-8) - QN M67204E DEPTH EXPANSION BLOCK I0 - I8 I0 - I8 Q9 - Q17 M67204E DEPTH EXPANSION BLOCK I9 - I17 I9 - I17 I(N-8) - IN I(N-8) - IN Notes : 6. For depth expansion block see section on Depth Expansion and Figure 4. 7. For Flag detection see section on Width Expansion and Figure 3. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 7 M67204E Figure 6. Bidirectional FIFO Mode. WA RB M FFA EFB HFB 67204 IA 0-8 QB 0-8 SYSTEM A SYSTEM B QA 0-8 RA HFA EFA M IB 0-8 67204 WB FFB Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply voltage (VCC - GND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7.0 V Input or Output voltage applied : . . . . (GND - 0.3 V) to (Vcc + 0.3 V) Storage temperature : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 65 C to + 150 C 8 OPERATING RANGE OPERATING SUPPLY VOLTAGE OPERATING TEMPERATURE Military Vcc = 5 V 10 % - 55 C to + 125 C Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E DC Parameters Parameter M67204E M67204E - 40 - 50 Description UNIT VALUE ICCOP (8) Operating supply current 135 125 mA Max ICCSB (9) Standby supply current 1.5 1.5 mA Max ICCPD (10) Power down current 200 200 A Max Notes : 8. Icc measurements are made with outputs open. F = F max 9. R = W = RS = FL/RT = VIH. 10. All input = Vcc. PARAMETER DESCRIPTION M67204E UNIT VALUE ILI (11) Input leakage current 1 A Max ILO (12) Output leakage current 1 A Max VIL (13) Input low voltage 0.8 V Max VIH (13) Input high voltage 2.2 V Min VOL (14) Output low voltage 0.4 V Max VOH (14) Output high voltage 2.4 V Min C IN (15) Input capacitance 8 pF Max C OUT (15) Output capacitance 8 pF Max Notes : 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 0.4 Vin Vcc. R = VIH, 0.4 VOUT VCC. VIH max = Vcc + 0.3 V. VIL min = -0.3 V or -1 V pulse width 50 ns Vcc min, IOL = 8 mA, IOH = -2 mA. Guaranteed but not tested AC Test Conditions Input pulse levels Input rise/Fall times : 5 ns Input timing reference levels Output reference levels Output load Figure 7. Output Load. 5V : Gnd to 3.0 V : 1.5 V : 1.5 V : See figure 7 500 TO OUTPUT PIN 333 * includes jig and scope capacitance Rev. G - June 5, 2000 30 pF* or equivalent circuit 9 M67204E SYMBOL (16) SYMBOL (17) PARAMETER (18) (22) M67204E - 40 MIN. M67204E - 50 MAX. MIN. UNIT MAX. READ CYCLE TRLRL tRC Read cycle time 50 - 65 - ns TRLQV tA Access time - 40 - 50 ns TRHRL tRR Read recovery time 10 - 15 - ns TRLRH tRPW Read pulse width (19) 40 - 50 - ns TRLQX tRLZ Read low to data low Z (20) 5 - 10 - ns TWHQX tWLZ Write low to data low Z (20, 21) 10 - 15 - ns TRHQX tDV Data valid from read high 5 - 5 - ns TRHQZ tRHZ Read high to data high Z (20) - 25 - 30 ns TWLWL tWC Write cycle time 50 - 65 - ns TWLWH tWPW Write pulse width (19) 40 - 50 - ns TWHWL tWR Write recovery time 10 - 15 - ns TDVWH tDS Data set-up time 20 - 30 - ns TWHDX tDH Data hold time 0 - 0 - ns TRSLWL tRSC Reset cycle time 50 - 65 - ns TRSLRSH tRS Reset pulse width (19) 40 - 50 - ns TWHRSH tRSS Reset set-up time 40 - 50 - ns TRSHWL tRSR Reset recovery time 10 - 15 - ns WRITE CYCLE RESET CYCLE RETRANSMIT CYCLE TRTLWL tRTC Retransmit cycle time 50 - 65 - ns TRTLRTH tRT Retransmit pulse width (19) 40 - 50 - ns TWHRTH tRTS Retransmit set-up time (20) 40 - 50 - ns TRTHWL tRTR Retransmit recovery time 10 - 15 - ns TRSLEFL tEFL Reset to EF low - 50 - 60 ns TRSLFFH tHFH, tFFH Reset to HF/FF high - 50 - 60 ns TRLEFL tREF Read low to EF low - 35 - 45 ns TRHFFH tRFF Read high to FF high - 35 - 45 ns TEFHRH tRPE Read width after EF high 40 - 50 - ns TWHEFH tWEF Write high to EF high - 35 - 45 ns TWLFFL tWFF Write low to FF low - 35 - 45 ns TWLHFL tWHF Write low to HF low - 50 - 60 ns TRHHFH tRHF Read high to HF high - 50 - 60 ns TFFHWH tWPF Write width after FF high 40 - 50 - ns FLAGS 10 Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E SYMBOL (16) SYMBOL (17) PARAMETER (18) (22) M67204E - 40 MIN. EXPANSION MAX. M67204E - 50 MIN. MAX. UNIT PREVIEW TWLXOL tXOL Read/Write to XO low - 40 - 50 ns TWHXOH tXOH Read/Write to XO high - 40 - 50 ns TXILXIH tXI XI pulse width 40 - 50 - ns TXIHXIL tXIR XI recovery time 10 - 10 - ns TXILRL tXIS XI set-up time 10 - 15 - ns Notes : 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. STD symbol. ALT symbol. Timings referenced as in ac test conditions. Pulse widths less than minimam value are not allowed. Values guaranteed by design, not currently tested. Only applies to read data flow-through mode. All parameters tested only. Figure 8. Asynchronous Write and Read Operation. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 11 M67204E Figure 9. Full Flag from Last Write to First Read. Figure 10. Empty Flag from Last Read to First Write. Figure 11. Retransmit. Notes : 23. EF, FF and HF may change status during Retransmit, but flags will be valid at tRTC. 12 Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E Figure 12. Empty Flag Timing Figure 13. Full Flag Timing Figure 14. Half-Full Flag Timing. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 13 M67204E Figure 15. Expansion Out. Figure 16. Expansion In. Figure 17. Read Data Flow - Through Mode. 14 Rev. G - June 5, 2000 M67204E Figure 18. Write Data Flow - Through Mode. Ordering Information TEMPERATURE RANGE M PACKAGE M DP DEVICE SPEED 67204EV 40 FLOW* /883 M = 5 V version DP = 28 pin FP 400 mils CP = Side brazed 28 pins 300 mils 0 = Dice form M = Military S = Space -55 to +125C -55 to +125C 40 ns 50 ns blank /883 SB/SC = MHS standards = MIL STD 883 Class B or S = SCC 9000 level B/C 67204E = 4096 x 9 FIFO EV = Very low power Rad Tolerant * For ordering in QML quality level, use the QML PIN according to SMD no 5962-89568. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed by TEMIC for using this publication and/or circuits described herein : nor for any possible infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. Rev. G - June 5, 2000 15