XDSL2TM SDSL, HDSL2, and SHDSL - ILD2 Data Sheet June 25, 2002
GlobespanVirata, Inc. — Proprietary
Use pursuant to Company Instructions2DO-009643-DS, Issue 2
The GlobespanVirata DSL chip sets support
applications ranging from remote network access,
digital pair gain, video conferencing, and cellular base
station land-line connectivity, for T1/E1 services. Up to
36 voice circuits may be provisioned over a single
copper pair.
Example Applications
•Compatibility with voice/data pair gain systems
•Cellular and microcellular systems
•T1/E1 and fractional T1/E1 DSL transceiver
•Wireless base station c onnec tivity
Related Material s
To accelerate time-to-market, GlobespanVirata offers
our customers a comprehensive Design Guide which
includes details on planning, layout, testing, debugging,
and expert tips and recommendations for building a
successful DSL product. The Design Guide is
distributed as part of a Design Package which includes
firmware, transceiver schemati cs, sample code,
transceiver layout Gerber files, and Bill of Materials.
For rapid prototyping, Quick Kits are available. These
Quick Kits contain all transceiver design BOM
components in kit form so there’s no component lead
time delay.
The Super GlobespanVirata Development System
(SGDSTM), an easy-to-use evaluation and development
platform designed to support all GlobespanVirata xDSL
transceiver solutions, is also available for early product
The SGDS also provides an interface to the
GlobespanVirata Microsoft® Windo ws® - based Host
Interface Program (WHIP). When the SGDS is teamed
with WHIP, product evaluation, testing and debugging is
achieved with the click of a mouse.
GlobespanVirata Transceiver System
•The GlobespanVira ta XDSL2™ DSL ch ip se ts con-
sist of a dual-channel DSP with an on-chip framer,
and two single-channel AFEs (with ILD2).
•The single-channel ILD2s filter and digitize the sig-
nal received on the telephone line and for the trans-
mit side, generate analog signals from the digital
data and filter the analog signals to create the
2B1Q, CAP or PAM transmit signal (depending on
the line code).
•The GlobespanVirata Windows-based Host Inter-
face Program (WHIP) is offered as part of the
GlobespanVirata transceiver system development
package for SDSL 2B1Q, HDSL2, and SHDSL
applications. WHIP allows you to test and debug
your product design with the click of a mouse. This
graphical interface allows you to send commands,
perform trace and debug procedures, and initiate a
startup on both the CO and CP units. WHIP offers
complete flexibility and modularity - you can rear-
range windows and toolbars to suit your prefer-
ences and design requirements.
•SDSL CAP applications are offered the Globespan-
Virata Host Interface Program (HIP) software as
part of the Gl obespanVirata transceiver system
development package. The PC-based HIP software
provides a PC interface to the host. HIP allows the
host to run scripts to obtain and manipulate data,
test performance, and debug the software. No addi-
tional software or special PC hardware or tools are
required. Customers who use HIP with their host
processor receive the benefits of faster diagnosis
and specialized assistance from the GlobespanVi-
rata staff.