International [xer|Rectifier SERIES IRK.L131/132 FAST RECOVERY DIODES Features g Fast recovery time characteristics m Electrically isolated base plate g Industrial standard package m Simplified mechanical designs, rapid assembly m High surge capability m Large creepage distances ww UL recognised m 3000 V_.,, isolating voltage Hf Beryllium oxide substrate Mf Also available with aluminum nitrade substrate Description The IRK.L132 Series of INT-A-pak uses fast recov- ery power diodes in four basic configurations. The semiconductors are electrically isolated from the metal base, allowing common heatsinks and com- pact assemblies to be built. Application includes power supplies, battery chargers, welders, motor controls and general industrial current rectifica- tion. These modules are intended for those appli- cations where fast recovery characteristics are re- quired. Major Ratings and Characteristics NEW INT-A-pak Power Modules 140A Parameter IRK.L131/132 | Units ley 140 (130) A @ Ty 100 (105) C lems) 220 A lesm @ 50Hz 3000 A @ 60Hz 3100 A [t @ 50Hz 44.2 kAs @ 60Hz 40.3 kA?s Varn range 400 to 1400 v T, -40 to 150 C D243 Bulletin 127095IRK.L131/132 Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Type number | Voltage t Vanm maximum repetitive | V,.,,, maximum non-repetitive leran Code Code peak reverse voltage peak reverse voltage max. Vv Vv mA 04 $10/S20 400 500 40 06 $10/S20 600 700 40 IRK.L1391/132 08 $10/S20 800 900 40 10 $10/S20 1000 1100 40 12 $20 4200 1300 40 14 $20 1400 1500 40 Forward Conduction Parameter IRK.L131/132 | Units Conditions lecayy Max. average forward current 140 (130) A _|180* conduction, half sine wave @ Case temperature 100 (105) C lems) Max. RMS forward current 220 A jas AC switch lesm Max. peak, one-cycle forward, 3000 A it=10ms | No voltage non-repetitive surge current 3100 A it=8.3ms| reapplied Sinusoidal half wave, 2500 A [t=T0ms [100% Vegy | Initial T, = T, max 2600 A {t= 8.3ms| reapplied rt Maximum lt for fusing 44.2 kAs_ |t = 10ms | No voitage 40.3 kA?s_ |t = 8.3ms| reapplied Sinusoidal half wave, 31.2 kAs [t= 10ms | 100% Vogy| Initial T, = T, max 28.5 kAs_ |t = 8.3ms| reapplied Vt Maximum Vt for fusing 442 KA" |t = 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied Vecroyt Low level value of threshold 9 voltage 1.12 Vv (16.7% xm X lea <1< 0X lean) Ty=Ty max Vecroya High level value of threshold voltage 1.51 Vi |X bey << 20x 2X logy) Ty, =T,max "q Low level value of forward o slope resistance 1.52 mo (16.7% X& Xbeiay <1 < 0X lean) Ty = T, max t High level value of forward 2 = slope resistance 0.71 ma EX bara << 20x 2x bea) Ty =T, max tem =KX Teay Ty = 25C Ven Max. forward voltage drop 1.68 V_|Av. power = Vero) x lea) +4X (leasy) Thermal and Mechanical Specifications Ty Max. junction operating temp. -40to 150 sO} Ta Max. storage temperature range -40to 150 C Rave Max. internal thermal resistance 0.20 ~ K/W | IRKDL/CL/JL Perjunction, DC operation junctiontocase 0.20 K/W | IRKEL Perjunction, DC operation Rinc-g Thermatresistance, case 0.035 KIW Mounting surface flat, smooth and greased to heatsink Permodute T Mounting INT-A-pak to 4to6 Nm_ | Amounting compoundis recommended and the torque should torque t10% heatsink be dafter a period of about 3 hours to allow forthe Busbar to INT-A-pak 4to6 Nm | spreadofthe compound wt Approximate weight 00 (17.8) g (oz) Case style INT-A-pak D244IRK.L131/132 Series Blocking lean Max. peak reverse leakage current 40 mA T,=150C Ving RMS isolation voltage 3000 Vv 50Hz, circuit to base, all terminals shorted, t = 1s AR Conduction (per Junction) (The following table shows the increment of thermal resistence R,,,, when devices operate at different conduction angles than DC) Conduction angle | Sinusoidal conduction | Rectangular conduction | Units Conditions 180 0.015 0.011 K/W T,=T, max. 120 0.018 0.019 K/W Per junction 90 0.024 0.026 KIW 60 0.035 0.037 K/w 30 0.059 0.060 K/W Recovery Characteristics Testconditions Typ. values @T,= 150C Code lok difdt v, Q, I i | IFM tr (A) | Alus)| (uC) @) S10 | soo | 100 | 50 38 70 \ X. " \/ QAR S20 " " " 68 95 qInM (REC) Ordering Information Table Device Code Module type Circuit configuration (See Outiline Table) L = Fast recovery diode Current rating Recovery Characteristics Table 1 = option with spacers and longer terminal screws $20- 2000 hn : 2 = option with standard terminal screws El Voltage code: Code x 100 * VRRM (See Voltage Ratings Table) trr code (See Recovery Characteristics Table) Ed) None = Standard devices (beryllium oxide) N= Aluminum Nitrade substrate (contact factory) D245IRK.L131/132 Series (SEE TABLE) A A - All dimensions in millimeters (inches) - Dimensions are nominal _ - Full engineering drawings are available on request - ULidentification number for cathode wire: UL 1385 UL identification number for package: UL 94V0 8(0.32) 94(3.70) Zz, 80(3.15) (0.27 3 Screws M6 x 1 CONTAINS BERYLLIUM OXIDE CERAMIC 34 @ Moy contain Beryllium Oxide i 2 HOLES 26.5 Ceromic, and under normal circumstances is non hozordous. Do not open, cut or grind. Unserviceoble ports must be disposed of as harmful waste. For all types A 8 Cc oD E IRK...5 25(0.98) === = 41(1.6) {47(1.85) HARMFUL IRK...6 23(0.91) | 30(1.18) | 36(1.42) Se eee IRKDL... 2 A IRKEL.., IRKCL.. IRKWL... Cc a o C 1 | T IRK.L132..510/S20 IRK.L132..510/S20 150 Rthjc (DC) = 0.20 K/w Rthje (DC) = 0.20 ae {\ Ld @ N a 130 \ Conduction angles 120 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE ~* MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE 110 30 60 100 20 4} 120 180 ie 90 | | i 0 30 60 90 420 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT - A AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT A Fig, 1 - Current Ratings Characteristics Fig. 2- Current Ratings Characteristics D246IRK.L131/132 Series MAXIMUM AVERAGE FORWARD POWER LOSS ~ W PEAK HALF SINE WAVE FORWARD CURRENT - A A 2 2 8 oS INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD CURRENT 250 180 120 200 20 0 Wy jf 150 100 L, Y YG YY Conduction angle 50 t + RMS LIMIT! ~Lodt Y IRK.L132..510/S20 Ty = 150C PER JUNCTION 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT A Fig. 3- Forward Power Loss Characteristics 3000 AT RA RATEO VRRM FOLLOWING SURGE. INITIAL Td = 150C 60 Hz 0.0083 s 2500 @ 50 Hz 0.0100 s 2000 1500 1000 IRK.L13 PER J 500 1 10 100 NUMBER OF EQUAL AMPLITUDE HALF CYCLE CURRENT PULSES - N Fig. 5- Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Qo Qo oa 2 oO 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Fig. 7 - Forward VoltageDrop Characteristics MAXIMUM AVERAGE FORWARD POWER LOSS - W PEAK HALF SINE WAVE FORWARD CURRENT - A MAXIMUM TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE ~ K/W | L132..510/820 Ty = 150C PER JUNCTION 9 40 80 120 160 200 240 AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT - A Fig. 4 - Forward Power Loss Characteristics VERSUS PULSE TRAIN DURATION. MAY NOT BE MAINTAINED. INITIAL Td = 150 C VOLTAGE REAPPLIED RM 1 10 PER JUNCTION 01 a 1 PULSE TRAIN DURATION - s Fig. 6 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current STEADY STATE VALUE RTHJ-C = 0.20 K/W (DC OPERATION) cull RN E-3 1E-4 1-3 1-2 1E-1 160 161 1&2 SQUARE WAVE PULSE DURATION s Fig. 8 - Thermal Impedance ZthJC Characteristics D247PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - A IRK. L131/132 Series MAXIMUM REVERSE RECOVERY CHARGE Qrr pC ow Oo 40 30 20 1 $10 TJ = 150 'C MAXIMUM REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT Irr - A o 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 RATE OF FALL OF FORWARD CURRENT di/dt A/us RATE OF FALL OF FORWARD CURRENT di/dt - A/us Fig. 9 - Reverse Recovery Charge Characteristics Fig. 10- Reverse Recovery Current Characteristics 1 MAXIMUM REVERSE RECOVERY CHARGE Qrr ~ aC RAT! 14 1E3 1E2 461 1E0 1E1 00 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 L132. 20 Ty = 150C IRK.L132. 90 |-Td = 150 C 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 MAXIMUM REVERSE RECOVERY CURRENT Irr A 10 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 OF FALL OF FORWARD CURRENT di/dt - A/us RATE OF FALL OF FORWARD CURRENT di/dt - A/us Fig. 11 - Reverse Recovery Charge Characteristics Fig. 12 - Reverse Recovery Current Characteristics 1 10 Sinusoidal Trapezoidal Ty 150 C TJ 150 * 1E2 1E3 164 11 1E2 1E3 14 PULSE BASEWIDTH us PULSE BASEWIDTH us Fig. 13 - Maximum Forward Energy Power Loss Characteristics D248PEAK FORWARD CURRENT ~ A PEAK FORWARD CURRENT A IRK.L131/132 Series 1E5 TE4 1E3 1E2 161 m ow mi ane m Ww 1E2 161 1 1 Sinusoidal 4 10 Sinusoidal TC 100 C 1E2 1E3 1E4 161 1E2 1E3 1E4 PULSE BASEWIDTH ~ ps PULSE BASEWIDTH us Fig. 14- Frequency Characteristics 1 1 Trapezoidal TC 60 C L 1 Trapezoidal C 100 1E2 TES 1E4 161 12 ES 1E4 PULSE BASEWIDTH - ys PULSE BASEWIDTH - ys Fig. 15- Frequency Characteristics D249