Alle Rechte vorbehalten/ Ald rights reserved 5 d, 3 2 | 1 RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS FOR REAR MOUNTING +0.15 3,05 9:95 42,5 40,13 7 10 | 1S Ceeiecccyn y PFGE HEEHHH + 11,4 40,13 Values are taken from the q s| 2 x3 CECC 75 301-802 | | 47 20,13 a in| wo A al a 53,09 20,25 3h 08 47 20,13 63, 120,05 S - 11 RECOMMENDED PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS 38,14 FOR FRONT MOUNTING 9 - 47 20,13 | _ - x I] bxR2, 120,03 F meqreqeey olo ~ * tl \ A) | Aooooooo . L | 4xR0,81 maxi Dimples 20,80 pre-crimping position 18,35 after cimping position 1.27 mm pitch flat cable stranded, wire sizes : AWG 26 to 28 09 66 328 7700 PL3 Dat. law Wabstab/ 09 66 328 6700 PL2 C03837 [23-SEP-11] BH | detail. [03-Jut-01] SH EO D-sub, male, 29 poles, cale EC01902 |21-HAY-10/ SC | insp. [23-SEP-11/ JB | AlvOim inm through holes 1:1 29771 |16-APR-02] CV | Stand. Orig. Size INA g 29756 | 19-MAR-02 CV Blatt/ Page part number per formance 29692 |03-JUL-01) SH HARTING EURL fore TB 09 66 328 x 700 level Med. tat. lane F-93972 Paris ub. AA