1.0 Product Description Bt8110/8110B
1.2 Pin Descriptions High-Capacity ADPCM Processor
1-10 Conexant 100060C
Table 1-4. Bt8110/8110B Hardware Signal Definitions (1 of 2)
Pin Label Signal Name I/O Definition
Clock I and Serial Interface
CLOCK Clock I The system clock provided to the Bt8110/8110B. Maximum clock
frequency is 16.5 MHz, and it must have minimum high and low
periods of 27 ns (duty cycle of 45% to 55% at 16.5 MHz, or 22%
to 78% at 8.192 MHz).
SYNC Synchronization I Provides input and output synchronization.
RESET(1) Reset I Selects the algorithm reset function per ANSI T1.303-1989 and
ITU-T G.726.
ADPCM_STB ADPCM Strobe O Active when the parallel ADPCM inputs and outputs are enabled in
interleaved mode, and is active for both PCM inputs and ADPCM
outputs in encoder mode. This pin is disabled in decoder mode.
PCM_STB PCM Strobe O Active when the parallel PCM inputs and outputs are enabled in
interleaved mode, and is active for both ADPCM inputs and PCM
outputs in decoder mode. This pin is disabled in encoder mode.
SERIAL_IN Serial Data Input I This pin has multiplexed PCM and ADPCM signals in interleaved
mode; PCM signals for encoder mode, and ADPCM signals for
decoder mode.
SERIAL_OUT Serial Data Output O This pin has multiplexed PCM and ADPCM signals in interleaved
mode; ADPCM signals for encoder mode, and PCM signals for
decoder mode.
Parallel Interface
PSIGEN Parallel Signal Enable I A control signal that enables parallel inputs. Does not affect parallel
outputs (D[7:0]), which are always available. On the Bt8110B, this
signal has extra functionality (see note in Section
PSIG[7:0] Parallel Signal Input I The parallel input data bus. The most significant bit (sign bit for
PCM, I1 for ADPCM) appears on PSIG[7]. This input bus is also
used to indicate ADPCM word length when embedded decoding is
performed. When serial inputs are used, these inputs should be left
unconnected (internal pull-down resistors included) except as
required for embedded decoding.
D[7:0] Parallel Signal Output/
ROM Data Input
I/O On the Bt8110, these signals are inputs, accepting data from the
external lookup table ROM. The data on these pins also provides
parallel PCM and ADPCM output functionality for the Bt8110. On
the Bt8110B, these signals are outputs when internal ROM is used.
D[7] is the most significant bit of the PCM and ADPCM data.
Microprocessor Interface
MICREN(1) Microprocessor Enable I Active high input that selects per-channel control via a
microprocessor interface.
CS(1) Chip Select I Active high input that enables write operations to the
Bt8110/8110B. In hardware mode this pin enables transparent
WR*(1) Write* I Active low input that performs the write operation to the
Bt8110/8110B. In hardware mode this pin enables A-law PCM
coding (low for µ-law).
ALE(1) µP Address Latch
I ALE is a microprocessor-generated signal that causes the
Bt8110/8110B to latch in the address on the address/data bus. ALE
is active high with the address being latched on the falling edge of
the signal. In hardware mode this pin becomes an optional code
AD[6:0] µP Address/Data Bus I Microprocessor 7-bit address and data bus.