DA14580 Low Power Bluetooth Smart SoC
© 2014 Dialog Semiconductor 9 Final - January 29, 2015 v3.1
3. System overview
The DA14580 contains the following internal blocks:
The Cortex-M0 processor is a 32-bit Reduced Instruc-
tion Set Computing (RISC) processor with a von Neu-
mann architecture (single bus interface). It uses an
instruction set called Thumb, which was first supported
in the ARM7TDMI processor; however, several newer
instructions from the ARMv6 architecture and a few
instructions from the Thumb-2 technology are also
included. Thumb-2 technology extended the previous
Thumb instruction set to allow all operations to be car-
ried out in one CPU state. The instruction set in
Thumb-2 includes both 16-bit and 32-bit instructions;
most instructions generated by the C compiler use the
16-bit instructions, and the 32-bit instructions are used
when the 16-bit version cannot carry out the required
operations. This results in high code density and
avoids the overhead of switching between two instruc-
tion sets.
In total, the Cortex-M0 processor supports only 56
base instructions, although some instructions can have
more than one form. Although the instruction set is
small, the Cortex-M0 processor is highly capable
because the Thumb instruction set is highly optimized.
Academically, the Cortex-M0 processor is classified as
load-store architecture, as it has separate instructions
for reading and writing to memory, and instructions for
arithmetic or logical operations that use registers.
• Thumb instruction set. Highly efficient, high code
density and able to execute all Thumb instructions
from the ARM7TDMI processor.
• High performance. Up to 0.9 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrys-
tone 2.1) with fast multiplier.
• Built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
This makes interrupt configuration and coding of
exception handlers easy. When an interrupt request
is taken, the corresponding interrupt handler is exe-
cuted automatically without the need to determine
the exception vector in software.
• Interrupts can have four different programmable pri-
ority levels. The NVIC automatically handles nested
• The design is configured to respond to exceptions
(e.g. interrupts) as soon as possible (minimum 16
clock cycles).
• Non maskable interrupt (NMI) input for safety critical
• Easy to use and C friendly. There are only two
modes (Thread mode and Handler mode). The
whole application, including exception handlers, can
be written in C without any assembler.
• Built-in System Tick timer for OS support. A 24-bit
timer with a dedicated exception type is included in
the architecture, which the OS can use as a tick
timer or as a general timer in other applications with-
out an OS.
• SuperVisor Call (SVC) instruction with a dedicated
SVC exception and PendSV (Pendable SuperVisor
service) to support various operations in an embed-
ded OS.
• Architecturally defined sleep modes and instructions
to enter sleep. The sleep features allow power con-
sumption to be reduced dramatically. Defining sleep
modes as an architectural feature makes porting of
software easier because sleep is entered by a spe-
cific instruction rather than implementation defined
control registers.
• Fault handling exception to catch various sources of
errors in the system.
• Support for 24 interrupts.
• Little endian memory support.
• Wake up Interrupt Controller (WIC) to allow the pro-
cessor to be powered down during sleep, while still
allowing interrupt sources to wake up the system.
• Halt mode debug. Allows the processor activity to
stop completely so that register values can be
accessed and modified. No overhead in code size
and stack memory size.
• CoreSight technology. Allows memories and periph-
erals to be accessed from the debugger without halt-
ing the processor.
• Supports Serial Wire Debug (SWD) connections.
The serial wire debug protocol can handle the same
debug features as the JTAG, but it only requires two
wires and is already supported by a number of
debug solutions from various tools vendors.
• Four (4) hardware breakpoints and two (2) watch
• Breakpoint instruction support for an unlimited num-
ber of software breakpoints.
• Programmer’s model similar to the ARM7TDMI pro-
cessor. Most existing Thumb code for the
ARM7TDMI processor can be reused. This also
makes it easy for ARM7TDMI users, as there is no
need to learn a new instruction set.
3.2.1 BLE Core
The BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) core is a qualified
Bluetooth baseband controller compatible with the
Bluetooth Smart specification and it is in charge of
packet encoding/decoding and frame scheduling.
• All device classes support (Broadcaster, Central,
Observer, Peripheral)