126 MHz SAW Filter
32 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number SF0126BA03086S
Spectrum Microwave
400 Nickerson Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA Phone 1-508-251-6400 Fax 1-508-251-6401
DSSF0126BA03086S Rev A 22-Feb-2010
ECN 36650 Page 1 of 3
126 MHz SAW bandpass filter with 32 MHz bandwidth.
9 x 7 mm ceramic LCC package.
RoHS compliant.
Horizontal: Frequency : 12 MHz/div
Vertical: Relative Magnitude : 10 dB/div
Relative Magnitude : 1 dB/div
Phase Linearity : 10 deg/div
Group Delay : 50 ns/div
S11 (66-186 MHz) S22 (66-186 MHz)
126 MHz SAW Filter
32 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number SF0126BA03086S
Spectrum Microwave
400 Nickerson Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA Phone 1-508-251-6400 Fax 1-508-251-6401
DSSF0126BA03086S Rev A 22-Feb-2010
ECN 36650 Page 2 of 3
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Center Frequency, FC 1 - 126 - MHz
Insertion Loss 2 - 11.5 13 dB
Lower 1 dB Frequency - 106.4 110 MHz
Upper 1 dB Frequency 142 144.6 - MHz
Passband Ripple 3 - 0.7 1.5 dB p-p
Phase Deviation from Linear 5,6 - 4 5 deg p-p
Lower 40 dB Frequency 90 103.1 - MHz
Upper 40 dB Frequency - 152.2 158 MHz
Absolute Delay - 0.69 1 us
Temperature Coefficient of frequency (Tc) 4 - -90 - ppm/˚C
Source and Load Impedance 50 ohms
Ambient Temperature (Tref) - 25 - ˚C
Notes: 1. Average of lower and upper 3 dB frequencies.
2. Average over 110 to 142 MHz.
3. Evaluated over 110 to 142 MHz.
4. Typical change of filter frequency response with temperature is f = (T-Tref)*Tc*Fc
5. Response is time gated 0.2~1.2 us for evaluation of phase deviation
6. Specified over each of these frequency bands:
Band 1: 116 to 133 MHz
Band 2: 110 to 119 MHz
Band 3: 130 to 139 MHz
Band 4: 119 to 136 MHz
Band 5: 113 to 122 MHz
Band 6: 133 to 142 MHz
Band 7: 115 to 132 MHz
Parameter Min Max Units
Storage Temperature Range -40 85 ˚C
Input Power Level - 13 dBm
Typical Component values: Lp1 = 91 nH Lp2 = 68 nH
Ls1 = 82 nH Ls2 = 82 nH
Recommend 2% or better tolerance matching components. Typical inductor Q=40.
Optimum values may change depending on board layout. Values shown are intended as a guide only.
Single ended
Single ended
126 MHz SAW Filter
32 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number SF0126BA03086S
Spectrum Microwave
400 Nickerson Road, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA Phone 1-508-251-6400 Fax 1-508-251-6401
DSSF0126BA03086S Rev A 22-Feb-2010
ECN 36650 Page 3 of 3
All specifications are believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Spectrum Microwave reserves the right to make changes without notice.
© 2010 All rights reserved.
ISO 9001
Package Material:
Body: Al2O3 ceramic
Lid: Kovar, Ni plated
Terminations: Au plating 1 µm min,
over a 1.3-8.9 µm Ni plating
Units: mm
Tolerances are ±0.15 mm except
where indicated.
Pad Configuration:
Input: 9
Output: 4
Ground: all other pads