PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Input voltage up to 80 V DC Single output of 5.1 to 36 V DC No input to output isolation * High efficiency up to 96% * Wide input voltage range * Low input to output differential voltage * Very good dynamic properties * Input undervoltage lock-out * External output voltage adjustment and inhibit * 2 temperature ranges 32 1.3" 69 2.7" * Continuous no-load and short-circuit proof 106 4.2" * No derating Safety according to IEC/EN 60950 Summary The PSB series of positive switching regulators is designed as power supply modules for electronic systems. Their major advantages include a high level of efficiency that remains virtually constant over the entire input range, high reliability, low ripple and excellent dynamic response. Mod- ules with input voltages up to 80 V are specially designed for secondary switched and battery driven applications. The case design allows operation at nominal load up to 71C without additional cooling. Model Selection and Key Data Table 1: Type survey 1 2 Output voltage Vo nom [V] Output current Io nom [A] Input voltage range Vi [V] 1 Input voltage Vi nom [V] 5.1 7 7 - 40 20 5.1 6 8 - 80 40 12 5 15 - 80 40 15 5 19 - 80 40 24 5 29 - 80 36 5 42 - 80 Efficiency 2 Type designation Options Superseded old type (phased-out) 84 PSB 5A7-7iR -9, L, P, C PSR 57-7 79 81 PSB 5A6-7iR PSR 55-7 89 90 PSB 125-7iR PSR 124-7 90 92 PSB 155-7iR PSR 154-7 50 93 95 PSB 245-7iR PSR 244-7 60 95 96 PSB 365-7iR PSR 364-7 h min [%] h typ [%] 83 See: Electrical Input Data: DVio min (min. differential voltage Vi - Vo). Efficiency at Vi nom and Io nom. Non standard input/output configurations or special custom adaptions are available on request. See also: Commercial Information: Inquiry Form for Customized Power Supply. Table of Contents Page Page Summary .......................................................................... 1 Model Selection and Key Data ........................................ 1 Part Number Description ................................................. 2 Functional Description ..................................................... 2 Electrical Input Data ......................................................... 3 Electrical Output Data ...................................................... 4 Auxiliary Functions ........................................................... 6 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) .............................. 7 Immunity to Environmental Conditions ............................ 8 Mechanical Data .............................................................. 9 Safety and Installation Instructions ................................ 10 Description of Options ................................................... 11 Accessories ................................................................... 12 EC Declaration of Conformity ........................................ 13 REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 1 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Part Number Description PSB 12 5 -7 L i R P C Positive switching regulator in case B02 ................... PSB Nominal output voltage in volt (5A for 5.1 V) ........ 5A, ...36 Nominal output current in ampere .......................... 5, 6, 7 Operational ambient temperature range TA -25 to 71C ......................................................... -7 -40 to 71C (option) ........................................... -9 Input filter (option) ............................................................ L Inhibit input ....................................................................... i Control input for output voltage adjustment 1 ................. R Potentiometer 1 (option) ................................................... P Thyristor crowbar (option) .............................................. C 1 Feature R excludes option P and vice versa. Example: PSB 125-7LiPC = A positive switching regulator with a 12 V, 5 A output, ambient temperature range of -25 to 71C, input filter, inhibit input, potentiometer and thyristor crowbar. Functional Description The switching regulators are designed using the buck converter topology. See also: Technical Information: Topologies. The input is not electrically isolated from the output. During the on period of the switching transistor, current is transferred to the output and energy is stored in the output choke. During the off period, this energy forces the current to continue flowing through the output choke to the load and back through the freewheeling diode. Regulation is accomplished by varying the on/off duty ratio of the power switch. These regulators are ideal for a wide range of applications, where input to output isolation is not necessary, or where already provided by an external front end (e.g. a transformer with rectifier). To optimise customer's needs, additional options and accessories are available. 03011 Io Ii Option C Vo+ Input Filter Option L Vi+ i Control circuit Vi Vo Option C R G Go- Gi- Option P Fig. 1 Block diagram REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 2 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Electrical Input Data General Conditions: TA = 25C, unless TC is specified Table 2a: Input data Input PSB 5A7 Characteristics Conditions Vi Io = 0 - Io nom TC min - TC max Operating input voltage DVio min Min. diff. voltage (Vi - Vo) 1 min typ 7 PSB 5A6 max min 40 8 typ 1.9 PSB 125 max min 80 15 typ max Unit 80 V DC 2.9 3 Vi UVL Undervoltage lock-out Ii NL No load input current Iinr p 75 tinr r Peak value of inrush current Vi nom without option L Rise time 5 tinr h Time to half-value 40 Iinr p Peak value of inrush current Vi nom with option L Rise time 100 180 180 A tinr r 15 15 15 s tinr h Time to half-value 100 100 100 ui RFI Input RFI level, EN 55011/22 Vi nom, Io nom 0.15 - 30 MHz with option L 6.3 7.3 Io = 0, Vi min - Vi max 45 7.3 40 35 150 mA 150 A 5 5 s 40 40 B B B Table 2b: Input data Input PSB 155 Characteristics Conditions Vi Io = 0 - Io nom TC min - TC max Operating input voltage DVio min Min. diff. voltage Vi - Vo 1 1 min typ 19 PSB 245 max min 80 29 typ 4 PSB 365 max min 80 42 typ max Unit 80 V DC 61 5 Vi o Undervoltage lock-out Ii 0 No load input current Iinr p tinr r Peak value of inrush current Vi nom without option L Rise time tinr h Time to half-value 40 40 40 Iinr p 180 180 180 A tinr r Peak value of inrush current Vi nom with option L Rise time 15 15 15 s tinr h Time to half-value 100 100 100 ui RFI Input RFI level, EN 55011/22 Vi nom, Io nom 0.15 - 30 MHz with option L 7.3 12 Io = 0, Vi min - Vi max 35 19 35 40 150 150 150 A 5 5 5 s B B B The minimum differential voltage DVio min between input and output increases linearly by 0 to 1 V between TA = 46C and 71C (TC = 70C and 95C) External Input Circuitry 04016 The sum of the lengths of the supply lines to the source or to the nearest capacitor 100 F (a + b) should not exceed 5 m unless option L is fitted. This option is recommended in order to prevent power line oscillations and reduce superimposed interference voltages. See also: Technical Information: Application Notes. REV. OCT 17, 2003 mA + Vi+ Vo+ Gi- Go- a b Fig. 2 Switching regulator with long supply lines. Page 3 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Electrical Output Data General Conditions: - TA = 25C, unless TC is specified - R pin not connected, with opt. P, Vo adjusted to Vo nom at Io nom Table 3a: Output data Output PSB 5A7 Characteristics Vo Output voltage 1 Io Output current IoL Output current limitation response 1 uo Output voltage noise Vo d td aVo typ PSB 5A6 min Vi nom, Io nom 5.07 Vi min - Vi max TC min - TC max 0 7.0 0 6.0 7.0 9.1 6.0 7.8 Switching freq. Vi nom, Io nom IEC/EN 61204 2 Total BW = 20 MHz max min 5.13 5.07 typ PSB 125 Conditions max min typ max Unit 5.13 11.93 12.07 V 0 5.0 A 5.0 6.5 15 25 15 35 25 45 19 29 19 39 29 49 Static line regulation Vi min - Vi max, Io nom 25 45 25 45 25 50 Static load regulation Vi nom, Io = 0 - Io nom 10 25 10 25 20 35 Dynamic load regulation Voltage deviat. Vi nom I 1/3 Io nom Recovery time o nom IEC/EN 61204 2 Temperature coefficient DVo/DTC (TC min - TC max) 120 100 100 40 50 60 Vi min - Vi max Io = 0 - Io nom mVpp mV s 1 1 2 mV/K 0.02 0.02 0.02 %/K Table 3b: Output data Output PSB 155 Characteristics Vo Output current IoL Output current limitation response 1 uo Output voltage noise td Vo 2 1 Io Vo d 1 Output voltage Conditions min Vi nom, Io nom Vi min - Vi max TC min - TC max Switching freq. Vi nom, Io nom IEC/EN 61204 2 Total BW = 20 MHz typ PSB 245 typ PSB 365 max min max min 14.91 15.09 23.86 24.14 35.78 0 5.0 0 5.0 5.0 6.5 5.0 6.5 typ max Unit 36.22 V 0 5.0 A 5.0 6.5 40 70 45 120 70 180 44 74 50 125 75 185 Static line regulation Vi min - Vi max, Io nom 40 75 70 150 100 200 Static load regulation Vi nom, Io = 0 - Io nom 30 65 70 120 120 160 Dynamic load regulation Voltage deviat. Vi nom I 1/3 Io nom Recovery time o nom IEC/EN 61204 2 Temperature coefficient Vo/TC (TC min-TC max) 100 120 180 60 80 100 Vi min - Vi max Io = 0 - Io nom See also: Thermal Considerations. See: Technical Information: Measuring and Testing. REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 4 of 13 mVpp mV s 3 5 8 mV/K 0.02 0.02 0.02 %/K PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Vo 05010 DVo I Vod DVo I Vod td td t I o/I o nom 1 0 t 10 s 10 s Fig. 3 Dynamic load regulation. Thermal Considerations Parallel and Series Connection When a switching regulator is located in free, quasi-stationary air (convection cooling) at a temperature TA = 71C and is operated at its nominal output current Io nom, the case temperature TC will be about 95C after the warm-up phase, measured at the Measuring point of case temperature TC (see: Mechanical Data). Outputs of equal nominal voltages can be parallel-connected. However, the use of a single unit with higher output power, because of its power dissipation, is always a better solution. Under practical operating conditions, the ambient temperature TA may exceed 71C, provided additional measures (heat sink, fan, etc.) are taken to ensure that the case temperature TC does not exceed its maximum value of 95 C. Example: Sufficient forced cooling allows TA max = 85C. A simple check of the case temperature TC (TC 95C) at full load correct operation of the system. Io /Iensures o nom Forced cooling Short Circuit Behaviour Convection cooling Io nom 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Outputs can be series-connected with any other module. In series-connection the maximum output current is limited by the lowest current limitation. Electrically separated source voltages are needed for each module! A constant current limitation circuit holds the output current almost constant whenever an overload or a short circuit is applied to the regulator's output. It acts self-protecting and recovers - in contrary to the fold back method - automatically after removal of the overload or short circuit condition. 05031 1.0 In parallel-connected operation, one or several outputs may operate continuously at their current limit knee-point which will cause an increase of the heat generation. Consequently, the max. ambient temperature value should be reduced by 10 K. Vo /Vo nom TC max 1.2 05043 1.0 0.8 TA min 50 60 70 80 90 100 TA [C] 0.4 Fig. 4 Output current derating versus temperature 0.2 0 Output Protection A voltage suppressor diode which in worst case conditions fails into a short circuit, (or a thyristor crowbar, option C) protects the output against an internally generated overvoltage. Such an overvoltage could occur due to a failure of either the control circuit or the switching transistor. The output protection is not designed to withstand externally applied overvoltages. The user should ensure that systems with Power-One power supplies, in the event of a failure, do not result in an unsafe condition (fail-safe). REV. OCT 17, 2003 Io L 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Fig. 5 Overload, short-circuit behaviour Vo versus Io Page 5 of 13 1.4 Io /Io nom PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Auxiliary Functions i Inhibit for Remote On and Off Note: With open i-input, output is enabled (Vo = on) The inhibit input allows the switching regulator output to be disabled via a control signal. In systems with several units, this feature can be used, for example, to control the activation sequence of the regulators by a logic signal (TTL, CMOS, etc.). An output voltage overshoot will not occur when switching on or off. Iinh [mA] 06009 Vo+ Vi+ I inh i Vinh Go- Gi- Fig. 7 Definition of Iinh and Vinh 06034 4 3 0.1 0 2 Vo on 1 Vo off 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 06001 Vo /Vo nom 1 Vinh = 2.4 V Vinh = 0.8 V 5 10 30 20 tf tr t Inhibit 1 40 50 Vinh [V] Fig. 6 Typical inhibit current Iinh versus inhibit voltage Vinh t 0 Fig. 8 Output response as a function of inhibit signal Table 4: Inhibit characteristics Characteristics Vinh Vo = on Inhibit input voltage to keep regulator output voltage- Vo = off tr Switch-on time after inhibit command tf Ii inh Conditions min Vi min - Vi max TC min - TC max typ max Unit -50 +0.8 V DC +2.4 +50 Switch-off time after inhibit command Vi = Vi nom RL = Vo nom /Io nom 10 Input current when inhibited Vi = Vi nom 10 R Control for Output Voltage Adjustment Note: With open R input, Vo Vo nom. R excludes option P. The output voltage Vo can either be adjusted with an external voltage (Vext) or with an external resistor (R1 or R2). The adjustment range is 0 - 108% Vo nom. The minimum differential voltage DVio min between input and output (see: Electrical Input Data) should be maintained. Undervoltage lockout = Minimum input voltage. Vo+ R + Vext ms mA Caution: To prevent damage Vext should not exceed 20 V, nor be negative and R2 should never be less than 47 k. Vo+ R 06035 06036 Vref 4000 R2 Vref 4000 + - R1 + - G Go- Fig. 10 Voltage adjustment with external resistor R1 or R2 G Go - Fig. 9 Voltage adjustment with Vext between R and G (Go-) a) Vo = 0-108% Vo nom, using Vext between R and G (Go-) Vo Vext Vext 2.5 V * ----- Vo Vo nom * ----- Vo nom 2.5 V REV. OCT 17, 2003 5 Page 6 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) LED Output Voltage Indicator b) Vo = 0 -100% Vo nom, using R1 between R and G (Go-): 4000 * Vo R1 ----------- Vo nom - Vo Vo nom * R1 Vo ----------- R1 + 4000 A yellow output indicator LED shines when the output voltage is higher than approx. 3 V. c) Vo = 100% - 108% Vo nom, using R2 between R and Vo+: Vo max = Vo nom + 8% 4000 * Vo * (Vo nom - 2.5 V) R2 ------------------------ 2.5 V * (Vo - Vo nom) Vo nom * 2.5 V * R2 Vo -------------------------------- 2.5 V * (R2 + 4000 ) - Vo nom * 4000 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Electromagnetic Immunity General condition: Case not earthed. Table 5: Immunity type tests Standard 1 MHz burst disturbance IEC 60255-22-1 Voltage surge IEC 60571-1 4 Coupling mode 2 Value applied Waveform Source Imped. Test procedure III i/o, i/c, o/c 2500 Vp 200 +i/-i, +o/-o 1000 Vp 400 damped 1 MHz waves/s 2 s per coupling mode 100 i/c, +i/-i 800 Vp 100 s 1500 Vp 50 s 3000 Vp 5 s 4000 Vp 1 s 7000 Vp 100 ns 3 contact discharge to case 6000 Vp 1/50 ns Electromagnetic IEC/EN field 61000-4-3 2 antenna 3 V/m AM 80% 1 kHz Electrical fast transient/burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4 3 i/c, +i/-i Surge IEC/EN 61000-4-5 2 IEC/EN 61000-4-6 3 Conducted disturbances 3 Class Level IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge 1 1 Phenomenon yes A5 yes B 10 positive and 10 negative discharges yes B45 80 - 1000 MHz yes A 60s positive 60s negative bursts per coupling mode yes A4 yes A4 2 5 pos. and 5 neg. surges per coupling mode 150 0.15-80 MHz yes A 1 pos. and 1 neg. voltage surge per coupling mode 330 2000 Vp bursts of 5/50 ns 5 kHz rep. rate 4000 Vp transients with 15 ms burst duration and a 300 ms period 50 i/c 1000 Vp 12 +i/-i 500 Vp i, o, signal wires 140 dBV (10 VAC) 4 1.2/50 s AM 80% 1 kHz For related and previous standards see: Technical Information: Safety & EMC. 2 i = input, o = output, c = case. A = Normal operation, no deviation from specifications, B = Normal operation, temporary deviation from specs possible. Option L neccessary. 5 With option C, manual reset might be necessary. REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 7 of 13 In Peroper. form. 3 B45 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Electromagnetic Emission For emission levels refer to: Electrical Input Data. [dBV] 90 07008 80 EN 55022 A 70 EN 55022 B 60 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 MHz 0.02 0.01 0 Fig. 11 Typical disturbance voltage (quasi-peak) at the input according to EN 55011/22 measured at Vi nom and Io nom. Immunity to Environmental Conditions Table 6: Mechanical stress Test Method Standard Test Conditions Status Damp heat steady state IEC/DIN IEC 60068-2-3 MIL-STD-810D section 507.2 Temperature: Relative humidity: Duration: 40 2 C Ea Shock (half-sinusoidal) IEC/EN/DIN EN 60068-2-27 MIL-STD-810D section 516.3 Acceleration amplitude: Bump duration: Number of bumps: 100 gn = 981 m/s2 6 ms 18 (3 each direction) Unit operating Eb Bump (half-sinusoidal) IEC/EN/DIN EN 60068-2-29 MIL-STD-810D section 516.3 Acceleration amplitude: Bump duration: Number of bumps: 40 gn = 392 m/s2 6 ms 6000 (1000 each direction) Unit operating Fc Vibration (sinusoidal) IEC/EN/DIN EN 60068-2-6 MIL-STD-810D section 514.3 Acceleration amplitude: Unit operating Frequency (1 Oct/min): Test duration: 0.35 mm (10-60 Hz) 5 gn = 49 m/s2 (60-2000 Hz) 10-2000 Hz 7.5 h (2.5 h each axis) Ca 93 +2/-3 % 56 days Unit not operating Fda Random vibration wide band Reproducibility high IEC 60068-2-35 DIN 40046 part 23 Acceleration spectral density: Frequency band: Acceleration magnitude: Test duration: 0.05 g 2/Hz 20-500 Hz 4.9 grms 3 h (1 h each axis) Unit operating Kb Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride NaCl solution) IEC/EN/DIN IEC 60068-2-52 Concentration: Duration: Storage: Storage duration: Number of cycles: 5% (30C) 2 h per cycle 40C, 93% rel. humidity 22 h per cycle 3 Unit not operating REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 8 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Table 7: Temperature specifications, valid for air pressure of 800 - 1200 hPa (800 - 1200 mbar) Temperature 1 Standard -7 Option -9 Characteristics Conditions min max min max Unit TA Ambient temperature Operational 1 -25 71 -40 71 C TC Case temperature -25 95 -40 95 TS Storage temperature -40 100 -55 100 Non operational See: Thermal Considerations Table 8: MTBF and device hours MTBF Ground Benign MTBF acc. to MIL-HDBK-217F 1 Ground Fixed Ground Mobile TC = 40C TC = 40C TC = 70C TC = 50C 624 000 207 000 h 96 000 h 46 000 h Device Hours 1 13 000 000 h Statistical values, based on an average of 4300 working hours per year and in general field use Mechanical Data European Projection Dimensions in mm. Tolerances 0.3 mm unless otherwise specified. Gi- Go- 09013 Vo + Uo Uo G i R 8.1 1 106 1 6.35 1 32.2 0.5 V i+ Potentiometer (option P) 2.8 x 0.8 6.3 x 0.8 Yellow output voltage LED indicator 101(for M3 mounting screws) Fig. 12 Case B02, weight 230 g Aluminium, black finish and self cooling REV. OCT 17, 2003 (4.7) 12.5 1 35 Page 9 of 13 10.6 20 (4.7) 10 10 (13.5) min. 6 10 2 7 2 36.5 1 3.1 69 1 (32.5) 5 0.5 Measuring point of case temperature TC PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Safety and Installation Instructions Installation Instruction Installation of the switching regulators must strictly follow the national safety regulations in compliance with the enclosure, mounting, creepage, clearance, casualty, markings and segregation requirements of the end-use application. Check for hazardous voltages before altering any connections. Connections can be made using fast-on or soldering technique. The units have been evaluated for: * Building in, * Operational insulation from input to output and input/output to case, * The use in an overvoltage category II environment, * The use in a pollution degree 2 environment. The switching regulators are subject to manufacturing surveillance in accordance with the above mentioned UL and CSA and with ISO 9001 standards. Isolation The input and the output circuit are not separated, i.e. the negative path is internally interconnected! Electric strength test voltage between input interconnected with output and case: 750 VDC, 1 s. The units should be connected to a secondary circuit. This test is performed as factory test in accordance with IEC/EN 60950 and UL 1950 and should not be repeated in the field. Power-One will not honour any guarantee claims resulting from electric strength field tests. Do not open the module. Ensure that a unit failure (e.g. by an internal short-circuit) does not result in a hazardous condition. See also: Safety of operator accessible output circuit. Cleaning Agents In order to avoid possible damage, any penetration of cleaning fluids is to be prevented, since the power supplies are not hermetically sealed. Protection Degree The protection degree is IP 20. Standards and Approvals All switching regulators are UL recognized according to UL 1950, UL 1012 and EN 60950 and UL recognized for Canada to CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 234-M90. REV. OCT 17, 2003 Safety of Operator Accessible Output Circuit If the output circuit of a switching regulator is operator-accessible, it shall be an SELV circuit according to IEC/EN 60950 related safety standards The following table shows some possible installation configurations, compliance with which causes the output circuit of the switching regulator to be an SELV circuit according to IEC/EN 60950 up to a nominal output voltage of 30 V, or 48 V if option C is fitted. However, it is the sole responsibility of the installer or user to assure the compliance with the relevant and applicable safety regulations. More information is given in: Technical Information: Safety & EMC. Page 10 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) Table 9: Insulation concept leading to an SELV output circuit Conditions Front end Supply voltage Minimum required grade of isolation, to be provided by the AC-DC front end, including mains supplied battery charger Battery Double or Reinforced supply, considered as secondary circuit Mains -250 V AC Basic Double or reinforced 1 2 3 4 5 Switching regulator Result Maximum DC output voltage from the front end 1 Minimum required safety status of the front end output circuit Measures to achieve the specified safety status of the output circuit Safety status of the switching regulator output circuit 60 V SELV circuit None SELV circuit >60 V 60 V 3 Earthed hazardous voltage Input fuse and non secondary circuit 2 accessible case 5 Earthed SELV circuit Unearthed hazardous voltage secondary circuit 5 Input fuse 3 and unearthed, non accessible case 5 Hazardous voltage secondary circuit Input fuse 3 and earthed output Earthed SELV circuit 4 and non accessible circuit case 5 Earthed SELV circuit 4 None ELV circuit Input fuse 3 and earthed output circuit 4 and non accessbile case 5 >60 V Hazardous voltage secondary circuit 60 V SELV circuit >60 V Double or reinforced insu- Input fuse 3 and unearthed lated unearthed hazardous and non accessible case 5 voltage secondary circuit 5 None Unearthed SELV circuit SELV circuit Unearthed SELV circuit The front end output voltage should match the specified input voltage range of the switching regulator. The conductor to the Gi- terminal of the switching regulator has to be connected to earth by the installer according to the relevant safety standard, e.g. IEC/EN 60950. The installer shall provide an approved fuse (slow blow type with the lowest current rating suitable for the application, max. 12.5 A) in a non-earthed input conductor directly at the input of the switching regulator. If Vo+ is earthed, insert the fuse in the Gi- line. For UL's purpose, the fuse needs to be UL-listed. If option C is fitted, a suitable fuse is already built-in in the Vi+ line. The earth connection has to be provided by the installer according to the relevant safety standard, e.g. IEC/EN 60950. Has to be insulated from earth by double or reinforced insulation according to the relevant safety standard, based on the maximum output voltage from the front end. Description of Options -9 Extended Temperature Range The operational ambient temperature range is extended to TA = -40 to 71C. (TC = -40 to 95C, TS = -55 to 100C.) P Potentiometer be achieved by insertion of a capacitor across the input (e.g. plastic foil between Vi+ and Gi-). The input impedance of the switching regulator at 120 kHz is about 17 . The harmonics are small in comparison with the fundamental wave. See also Electrical Input Data: RFI. Option P excludes the R-function. The output voltage Vo can be adjusted with a screwdriver in the range 92 - 108% Vo nom. With option L, the maximum permissible additionally superimposed ripple ui of the input voltage (rectifier mode) at a specified input frequency f i has the following values: However, the minimum differential voltage DVi o min between input and output voltages as specified in Electrical Input Data should be maintained. Units with max input voltage 40 V: ui max = 12 Vpp at 100 Hz or Vpp = 1200 Hz/ fi * 1V L Input Filter Units with max input voltage 80 V: ui max = 22 Vpp at 100 Hz or Vpp = 2200 Hz/ fi * 1V Option L is recommended to reduce superimposed interference voltages and to prevent oscillations, if input lines exceed approx. 5 m in total length. The fundamental wave (approx. 120 kHz) of the reduced interference voltage between Vi+ and Gi- has, with an input line inductance of 5 H, a maximum magnitude of 60 mVAC. A reduction can REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 11 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) C Thyristor Crowbar Note: As a central overvoltage protection device, the crowbar is usually connected to the external load via distributed inductance of the lines. For this reason, the overvoltage at the load can temporarily exceed the trigger voltage Vo c. Depending on the application, further decentralized overvoltage protection elements may have to be used additionally. For further information see: Technical Information: Application Notes. This option is recommended to protect the load against power supply malfunction, but it is not designed to sink external currents. A fixed-value monitoring circuit checks the output voltage Vo . When the trigger voltage Vo c is reached, the thyristor crowbar triggers and disables the output. It may be deactivated by removal of the input voltage. In case of a switching transistor defect, an internal fuse prevents excessive current. Table 10: Crowbar trigger levels Characteristics Conditions Vo c Trigger voltage ts Delay time Vi min-Vi max Io = 0-Io nom TC min-TC max 5.1 V 12 V min max min max 5.8 6.8 13.5 16 1.5 1.5 15 V min max 16.5 19 1.5 24 V min max 27 31 1.5 36 V Unit min max 40 45.5 V 1.5 s Accessories A variety of electrical and mechanical accessories are available including: - PCB-tags and isolation pads for easy and safe PCBmounting. - Ring core chockes for ripple and interference reduction. For more detailed information please refer to: Accessory Products on the Power-One homepage. NUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Power-One products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems without the express written consent of the respective divisional president of Power-One, Inc. TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice. REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 12 of 13 PSB Series Extended Data Sheet Positive Switching Regulator (Industrial) EC Declaration of Conformity We Power-One AG Ackerstrasse 56 CH-8610 Uster declare under our sole responsibility that all PSx Series switching regulators carrying the CE-mark are in conformity with the provisions of the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/ EEC of the European Communities. Conformity with the directive is presumed by conformity wih the following harmonized standards: * EN 61204: 1995 (= IEC 61204: 1993, modified) Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output - Perfomance characteristics and safety requirements * EN 60950: 1992 + A1: 1993 + A2 (= IEC 950 second edition 1991 + A1: 1992 + A2: 1993) Safety of information technology equipment The installation instructions given in the corresponding data sheet describe correct installation leading to the presumption of conformity of the end product with the LVD. All PSx Series Switching Regulators are components, intended exclusively for inclusion within other equipment by an industrial assembly operation or by professional installers. They must not be operated as stand alone products. Hence conformity with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) needs not to be declared. Nevertheless, guidance is provided in most product application notes on how conformity of the end product with the indicated EMC standards under the responsibility of the installer can be achieved, from which conformity with the EMC directive can be presumed. Uster, 14 Oct. 2003 Power-One AG Rolf Baldauf Director Engineering REV. OCT 17, 2003 Page 13 of 13 Johann Milavec Director Projects and IP