PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: * Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. * Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. * There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. * Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip's code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights unless otherwise stated. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2009 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Company's quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC(R) MCUs and dsPIC(R) DSCs, KEELOQ(R) code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip's quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFIED BY DNV Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, AnyRate, AVR, AVR logo, AVR Freaks, BeaconThings, BitCloud, CryptoMemory, CryptoRF, dsPIC, FlashFlex, flexPWR, Heldo, JukeBlox, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, Kleer, LANCheck, LINK MD, maXStylus, maXTouch, MediaLB, megaAVR, MOST, MOST logo, MPLAB, OptoLyzer, PIC, picoPower, PICSTART, PIC32 logo, Prochip Designer, QTouch, RightTouch, SAM-BA, SpyNIC, SST, SST Logo, SuperFlash, tinyAVR, UNI/O, and XMEGA are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. ClockWorks, The Embedded Control Solutions Company, EtherSynch, Hyper Speed Control, HyperLight Load, IntelliMOS, mTouch, Precision Edge, and Quiet-Wire are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Adjacent Key Suppression, AKS, Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Any Capacitor, AnyIn, AnyOut, BodyCom, chipKIT, chipKIT logo, CodeGuard, CryptoAuthentication, CryptoCompanion, CryptoController, dsPICDEM, dsPICDEM.net, Dynamic Average Matching, DAM, ECAN, EtherGREEN, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, Inter-Chip Connectivity, JitterBlocker, KleerNet, KleerNet logo, Mindi, MiWi, motorBench, MPASM, MPF, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, MultiTRAK, NetDetach, Omniscient Code Generation, PICDEM, PICDEM.net, PICkit, PICtail, PureSilicon, QMatrix, RightTouch logo, REAL ICE, Ripple Blocker, SAM-ICE, Serial Quad I/O, SMART-I.S., SQI, SuperSwitcher, SuperSwitcher II, Total Endurance, TSHARC, USBCheck, VariSense, ViewSpan, WiperLock, Wireless DNA, and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Silicon Storage Technology is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc. in other countries. GestIC is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG, a subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc., in other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. (c) 2017, Microchip Technology Incorporated, All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 978-1-5224-1679-1 == ISO/TS 16949 == DS70005311A-page 2 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Object of Declaration: PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide EU Declaration of Conformity This declaration of conformity is issued by the manufacturer. The development/evaluation tool is designed to be used for research and development in a laboratory environment. This development/evaluation tool is not a Finished Appliance, nor is it intended for incorporation into Finished Appliances that are made commercially available as single functional units to end users under EU EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and as supported by the European Commission's Guide for the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC (8th February 2010). This development/evaluation tool complies with EU RoHS2 Directive 2011/65/EU. This development/evaluation tool, when incorporating wireless and radio-telecom functionality, is in compliance with the essential requirement and other relevant provisions of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC and the FCC rules as stated in the declaration of conformity provided in the module datasheet and the module product page available at www.microchip.com. For information regarding the exclusive, limited warranties applicable to Microchip products, please see Microchip's standard terms and conditions of sale, which are printed on our sales documentation and available at www.microchip.com. Signed for and on behalf of Microchip Technology Inc. at Chandler, Arizona, USA. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 3 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide NOTES: DS70005311A-page 4 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ DA FAMILY STARTER KIT USER'S GUIDE Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Kit Contents .................................................................................................. 14 1.2 Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 14 1.3 Starter Kit Functionality and Features .......................................................... 15 Chapter 2. Hardware 2.1 Hardware Features ....................................................................................... 23 Appendix A. Schematics A.1 Schematics .................................................................................................. 27 Appendix B. Bill of Materials B.1 PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card Bill of Materials ................................ 41 B.2 PIC32MZ2064DAx169 Daughter Card Bill of Materials ................................ 43 B.3 PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board Bill of Materials .............................................. 44 B.4 LAN8740A PHY Daughter Board Bill of Materials ....................................... 47 Worldwide Sales and Service .................................................................................... 48 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 5 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide NOTES: DS70005311A-page 6 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ DA FAMILY STARTER KIT USER'S GUIDE Preface NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site (www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available. Documents are identified with a "DS" number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is "DSXXXXXXXXA", where "XXXXXXXX" is the document number and "A" is the revision level of the document. For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB(R) X IDE online help. Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files. INTRODUCTION This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit. Items discussed in this chapter include: * * * * * * * Document Layout Conventions Used in this Guide Recommended Reading The Microchip Web Site Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service Customer Support Document Revision History DOCUMENT LAYOUT This document describes how to use the PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit (also referred to as "starter kit") as a development tool to emulate and debug firmware on a target board. This user's guide is composed of the following chapters: * Chapter 1. "Introduction" provides a brief overview of the starter kit, highlighting its features and uses. * Chapter 2. "Hardware" provides the hardware descriptions of the starter kit. * Appendix A. "Schematics" provides a block diagram, board layouts, and detailed schematics of the starter kit. * Appendix B. "Bill of Materials" provides the bill of materials for the components used in the design and manufacture of the starter kit. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 7 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE This manual uses the following documentation conventions: DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS Description Examples Italic characters Referenced books Emphasized text ...is the only compiler... Initial caps A window the Output window A dialog the Settings dialog A menu selection select Enable Programmer Quotes A field name in a window or dialog "Save project before build" Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket A menu path File > Save Bold characters A dialog button Click OK A tab Click the Power tab Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press , Plain Courier New Sample source code #define START Filenames autoexec.bat File paths c:\mcc18\h Keywords _asm, _endasm, static Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa- Bit values 0, 1 Constants 0xFF, `A' Italic Courier New A variable argument file.o, where file can be any valid filename Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mcc18 [options] file [options] Curly brackets and pipe character: { | } Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection errorlevel {0|1} Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [, var_name...] Represents code supplied by user void main (void) { ... } Notes DS70005311A-page 8 Represents A Note presents information that we want to re-emphasize, either to help you avoid a common pitfall or to make you aware of operating differences between some device family members. A Note can be in a box, or when used in a table or figure, it is located at the bottom of the table or figure. MPLAB X IDE User's Guide Note: This is a standard note box. CAUTION This is a caution note. Note 1: This is a note used in a table. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface RECOMMENDED READING This user's guide describes how to use the PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources. PIC32MZ Graphics DA Family Data Sheet (DS60001361) Refer to this document for detailed information on PIC32MZ DA family of devices. Reference information found in this data sheet includes: * * * * Device memory maps Device pinout and packaging details Device electrical specifications List of peripherals included on the devices MPLAB(R) XC32 C/C++ Compiler User's Guide (DS50001686) This document details the use of Microchip's MPLAB XC32 C/C++ compiler to develop an application. MPLAB(R) X IDE User's Guide (DS50002027) Refer to this document for more information pertaining to the installation and implementation of the MPLAB X IDE software, as well as the MPLAB SIM Simulator software that is included with it. Universal Serial Bus Specification and Associated Documents The Universal Serial Bus is defined by the USB 2.0 specification and its associated supplements and class-specific documents. These documents are available from the USB Implementers Forum, see their web site at: http://www.usb.org. THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE Microchip provides online support via our web site at http://www.microchip.com. This web site makes files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by most Internet browsers, the web site contains the following information: * Product Support - Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user's guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software * General Technical Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listings * Business of Microchip - Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listings of seminars and events; and listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 9 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS CUSTOMER CHANGE NOTIFICATION SERVICE Microchip's customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of interest. To register, access the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com, click on Customer Change Notification and follow the registration instructions. The Development Systems product group categories are: * Compilers - The latest information on Microchip C compilers and other language tools * Emulators - The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit emulator, MPLAB REAL ICETM * In-Circuit Debuggers - The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit debugger, MPLAB ICD 3 * MPLAB X IDE - The latest information on Microchip MPLAB X IDE, the Windows(R) Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools * Programmers - The latest information on Microchip programmers including the PICkitTM 3 development programmer CUSTOMER SUPPORT Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: * * * * Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the web site at: http://support.microchip.com. DS70005311A-page 10 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Revision A (May 2017) This is the initial released version of this user's guide. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 11 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide NOTES: DS70005311A-page 12 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ DA FAMILY STARTER KIT USER'S GUIDE Chapter 1. Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Microchip Technology PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit. This starter kit provides a low-cost modular development system for Microchip's line of 32-bit microcontrollers. The starter kit is available in four versions: * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with External DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (P/N: DM320008) * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with External DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (Crypto) (P/N: DM320008-C) * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (P/N: DM320010) * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (Crypto) (P/N: DM320010-C) The four versions of the starter kit which are facilitated through a common base board (referred to as PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board) and four different CPU Daughter Cards (referred to as PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card and PIC32MZ2064DAx169 Daughter Card) are given below: * * * * DM320008 comes with PIC32MZ2064DAA288 Daughter Card DM320008-C comes with PIC32MZ2064DAB288 Daughter Card DM320010 comes with PIC32MZ2064DAG169 Daughter Card DM320010-C has PIC32MZ2064DAH169 Daughter Card Any configuration of the PIC32 Embedded Graphics Starter Kit can be used in conjunction with Multimedia Expansion Board II (MEB-II) at http://www.microchip.com/meb2 to exercise the embedded graphics features. For a free Microchip demonstration code and additional information, please visit the MPLAB Harmony page at: http://www.microchip.com/MPLABHarmony. The MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software Framework includes several demonstrations that have configurations for the PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit. These demonstrations are available in the /apps folder of the MPLAB Harmony installation, where is either C:/microchip/harmony/ (for Windows OS) or ~/microchip/harmony/ (for MAC or Linux OS). For additional information on demonstrations and building/running steps, refer to the documents available in the /doc folder. This chapter covers the following topics: * Kit Contents * Starter Kit Functionality and Features 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 13 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide 1.1 KIT CONTENTS The PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit contains the following items: * One PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics (DA) Starter Kit * One LAN8740A Ethernet PHY Daughter Board * One Type-A male to Micro-B USB cable (to communicate with the PIC32 DEBUG port) * One ETH cable * Information sheet Note: 1.2 If you are missing any part of the kit, contact a Microchip sales office for assistance. A list of Microchip offices for sales and service is provided on the last page of this document. BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 1-1 illustrates the high-level block diagram of the PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit. FIGURE 1-1: HIGH-LEVEL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE PIC32MZ DA STARTER KIT +5V_EXT (J3) +5V_CPU (J4) VBUS_PKOB (J19) VBUS_OTG (J6) +3.3V Power VDDIO, AVDD +1.8V Power Supply Supply +3.3V (U2) (U4) VDDCORE, VDDR1V8 USB OTG (J6) +1.8V Micro-SD Slot (J10) USB Host (J7) +5V SQI-Flash (U5) +3.3V Device/OTG (Type micro-A/B) Host (Type- A) +1.8V PIC32MZ2064DAxNNN (1) Daughter Card Device (Type micro-A/B) PIC32MZ2064DAH169 (Crypto and internal DDR) USB-to-UART/I2C Circuit (MCP2221-I/MQ) +5V_EXT PIC32MZ2064DAA288 (non-Crypto and external DDR) PIC32MZ2064DAB288 (non-Crypto and external DDR) Debug (Type micro-A/B) Debugger Circuit (PIC24FJ256GB106) DDR2-SDRAM (2) Application Board Connector (J3) PIC32MZ2064DAG169 (non-Crypto and internal DDR) MEB II for Graphics, Audio etc., Switches (SW1, SW2 and SW3) LEDs (D6, D7 and D8) 40-pin Expansion Connector (J15) Ethernet PHY Daughter Board 10/100 Jack Note 1: NNN=169/288 2: Only applicable to external DRAM version (DM320008 and DM320008-C) of the PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit DS70005311A-page 14 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Introduction 1.3 STARTER KIT FUNCTIONALITY AND FEATURES 1.3.1 Development Board Representations of the layout of the development board included in the PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit are shown in Figure 1-2 through Figure 1-7. The top assembly of the PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-2. 1. USB Micro-B power supply connector (J4). 2. Headers to connect PIC32MZ2064DAx288/PIC32MZ2064DAx169 CPU Daughter Cards (J2, J3). 3. Micro-SD slot (J10). 4. Headers for flexible Ethernet PHY options (J9). 5. USB Type-A connector for PIC32 USB host based applications (J7). 6. USB Micro-B connector for USB-to-UART communication (J5). 7. Three push button switches for user-defined inputs (S1, S2, and S3). 8. Three user-defined indicator LEDs (D3, D4, and D5). 9. Jumper for using or disconnecting the on-board debugger (J17). 10. Connector for an external debugger, such as MPLAB(R) REAL ICE or MPLAB ICD 3 (J12). 11. 40-pin expansion connector for adding external boards (J15). Note: When running self-powered USB device applications, open the jumper JP1 to prevent possibly back-feeding voltage onto the VBUS from one port on the host to another (or from one host to another). For details on these features, refer to Chapter 2. "Hardware". FIGURE 1-2: PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) 1 4 6 4 11 7 2 2 3 8 5 10 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. 9 DS70005311A-page 15 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide The bottom assembly of the PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-3. 1. USB Micro-B connector for on-board debugger (J19). 2. USB Type Micro-AB receptacle for OTG and USB device connectivity for PIC32 OTG/Device-based applications (J6). 3. PIC24FJ256GB106 USB microcontroller for on-board debugging (U7). 4. SST26VF032B SQI-Flash Memory (U5). 5. 50 MHz Ethernet PHY oscillator (Y1). 6. 168-pin Hirose connector for various application boards, such as MEB-II (J3). FIGURE 1-3: PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) 5 6 1 3 4 DS70005311A-page 16 2 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Introduction The top assembly of the PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-4. 1. PIC32MZ2064DAA288 (DM320008) or PIC32MZ2064DAB288 (DM320008-C) (U1). 2. Micron 1 Gbit DDR2-SDRAM (MT47H64M16NF-25E) (U3). 3. 24 MHz oscillator (Y1). 4. 24 MHz crystal (Y3) and 32.768 kHz clock (Y2). Note: Y2 and Y3 are `Do Not Populate' (DNP). 5. 1.8V Regulator (power supply for DDR2-SDRAM, VDDR1V8 and VDDCORE) (MIC69101) (J7). 6. 3.3V Power LED (LD2). FIGURE 1-4: 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ2064DAx288 DAUGHTER CARD LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) DS70005311A-page 17 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide The bottom assembly of the PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-5. 1. Headers to connect the PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board Daughter Cards. FIGURE 1-5: DS70005311A-page 18 PIC32MZ2064DAx288 DAUGHTER CARD LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Introduction The top assembly of the PIC32MZ2064DAx169 Daughter Card includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-6: 1. PIC32MZ2064DAA169 (DM320010) or PIC32MZ2064DAB169 (DM320010-C) (U1). 2. 24 MHz oscillator (Y2). 3. 24 MHz crystal (Y3). Note: Y3 is `Do Not Populate' (DNP). 4. 32.768 kHz crystal (Y1) Note: Y1 is `Do Not Populate' (DNP). 5. 1.8V Regulator (power supply for DDR2-SDRAM, VDDR1V8 and VDDCORE) (MIC69101) (J7). 6. 3.3V Power LED (LD2). FIGURE 1-6: 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ2064DAx169 DAUGHTER CARD LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) DS70005311A-page 19 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide The bottom assembly of the PIC32MZ2064DAx169 Daughter Card includes these key features, as indicated in Figure 1-7. 1. Headers to connect the PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board Daughter Cards. FIGURE 1-7: DS70005311A-page 20 PIC32MZ2064DAx169 DAUGHTER CARD LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Introduction 1.3.2 LAN8740A PHY Daughter Board Representation of the layout of the daughter board included in the PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit is shown in Figure 1-8 and Figure 1-9. FIGURE 1-8: DAUGHTER BOARD LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) FIGURE 1-9: DAUGHTER BOARD LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 21 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide NOTES: DS70005311A-page 22 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ DA FAMILY STARTER KIT USER'S GUIDE Chapter 2. Hardware This chapter describes the hardware features of the PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit. 2.1 HARDWARE FEATURES The following key features of the starter kit are presented in the order given in Section 1.3 "Starter Kit Functionality and Features". You can refer to Figure 1-2 through Figure 1-7 for their locations on the development board. 2.1.1 Processor Support Depending on the starter kit that you have purchased, the development board comes with a CPU Daughter Card containing a permanently mounted (i.e., soldered) processor as given below: * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics External DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (DM320008): PIC32MZ2064DAA288 * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics External DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (Crypto) (DM320008-C): PIC32MZ2064DAB288 * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (DM320010): PIC32MZ2064DAG169 * PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (Crypto) (DM320010-C): PIC32MZ2064DAA169 2.1.2 Power Supply There are four ways to supply power to the starter kit: * Through USB Micro-B connector (J4) - This enables using a wall adapter to supply more power than traditional USB as needed by the most applications (preferred). * Through USB Micro-B DEBUG connector (J19). This connector supports debugging/programming by MPLAB tools through PKOB(R) interface. * Through USB Micro-USB connector (J6). * An external application board with a regulated DC power supply that provides +5V can be connected to the application board connector that is provided on the bottom side of the board (J3). One green LED (LD2) on the PIC32MZ2064DAx288 or PIC32MZ2064DAx169 CPU Daughter Card is provided to indicate the power supply to the PIC32 device. 2.1.3 Graphics Connectivity Multimedia Expansion Board II (MEB-II) is required to exercise embedded graphics features on the PIC32MZ DA devices. MEB-II comes with a 4.3" WQVGA (480" x 272") PCAP display to showcase graphics. In addition, there is one 5.0" WVGA PACP Display Board that can be used to exercise higher resolution (800" x 480") graphics. Both of these boards provide 24-bit color. PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics Starter Kit has been designed with a 168-pin modular expansion interface, which allows the extendibility to MEB-II. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 23 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide 2.1.4 Debug USB Connectivity The starter kit includes a PIC24FJ256GB106 USB microcontroller that provides debugger connectivity over USB. The PIC24FJ256GB106 MCU is hard-wired to the PIC32 device to provide protocol translation through the I/O pins of the PIC24FJ256GB106 MCU to the In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSPTM) pins of the PIC32 device. If an external debugger, such as MPLAB REAL ICE or MPLAB ICD3 are used with the starter kit, it is necessary to disconnect the on-board debugger from the PIC32 device, by removing the JP17 jumper. When the on-board debugger is required, replace the JP17 jumper. When the JP17 jumper is installed, pin 1 must be connected to pin 3, and pin 2 must be connected to pin 4. 2.1.5 PIC32 USB Connectivity Users can connect to the PIC32 USB microcontroller using anyone of the following modes: * Host Mode - Connect the device to the Type-A connector J7, which is located on the top of the starter kit. Using this method, a maximum of 400 mA can be supplied from the debug USB port to the host port. If full 500 mA supply is needed, an external supply must be connected to the application board. * Device Mode - Connect the debug Mini-B USB cable to port J6, and then connect the starter kit to the host by using a cable with a Type-B micro-connector to the starter kit's Micro-A/B port J6, which can be located on the bottom of the board. The other end of the cable must have a Type-A connector, to connect it to a USB host. * OTG Mode - Connect the starter kit to the OTG device by using an OTG MicroA/B cable to the Micro-A/B port J6, which is located on the bottom of the board. 2.1.6 External Memory Connectivity The following three external memory interfaces are available through hardware: * DDR2-SDRAM - 128 MB of DDR2-SDRAM is mounted on the PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card for the External DRAM version of the starter kits (DM320008, DM320008-C). Whereas 32 MB of DDR2-SDRAM is available within the package for the stacked DRAM version of the starter kits (DM320010, DM320010-C). * Micro-SD slot - Supports SD, SDHC, and SDXC cards at default speed (12.5 MB/s) and high speed (25 MB/s). * SQI Flash - 4 MB of SST26VF032B Serial Quad Flash is mounted on the bottom of the PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board. 2.1.7 Switches Push-button switches provide the following functionalities: * SW1: Active-low switch connected to RB13 * SW2: Active-low switch connected to RB12 * SW3: Active-low switch connected to RB14 The push-button switches do not have any debounce circuitry and require the use of internal pull-up resistors. This enables the user to investigate software debounce techniques. When Idle, the switches are pulled high (+3.3V), and when pressed, they are grounded. DS70005311A-page 24 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Hardware 2.1.8 LEDs The LEDs, RH0 through RH2, are connected to PORTH of the processor. The LATH pins are set high to light the LEDs. 2.1.9 Oscillator Options A 24 MHz oscillator circuit is connected to the on-board microcontroller and this oscillator circuit functions as the controller's primary oscillator. Depending on which is populated on the starter kit board, a 24 MHz crystal may be used instead of the 24 MHz oscillator circuit. Use of an external crystal is required to develop USB applications. The USB-specification dictates a frequency tolerance of 0.25% for high speed, and non-USB applications can use the internal oscillators. The starter kit also has provisions for an external secondary 32 kHz oscillator; however, it is not populated. A suitable oscillator, ECS-3X8, can be obtained from Digi-Key: P/N-X801-ND CMR200TB32.768KDZFTR. The PIC24FJ256GB106 is independently clocked and has its own 12 MHz crystal. 2.1.10 168-pin Modular Expansion Connector The PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit has been designed with a 168-pin modular expansion interface, which allows the board to provide basic generic functionality and easy extendability to new technologies as they become available. Refer to Table 2-1 for starter kit connector part numbers. TABLE 2-1: STARTER KIT CONNECTOR PART NUMBERS Connector HIROSE Electric PN Starter Kit Connector Application Board Connector FX10A-168P-SV1(71) FX10A-168S-SV 2.1.11 Ethernet PHY The Microchip LAN8740A PHY Daughter Board is populated with a low-power, smallfootprint, 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN8740A PHY, which features Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE 802.3az) and Wake-on-LAN functionality. This daughter board is designed for easy development of RMII Ethernet control applications when it is connected into a compatible PIC32 starter kit. To use a different Ethernet PHY, other than what is offered, visit the microchipDIRECT website (www.microchipdirect.com) for a list of alternate options. 2.1.12 USB-to-UART/I2C Communication To facilitate application debug and development, a MCP2221 USB-to-UART/I2C device (U1) is available. The MCP2221 creates a virtual COM port on the personal computer when a mini-USB cable is connected between J11 and the host computer. To download the driver for the MCP2221, visit the MCP2221 product page (www.microchip.com/MCP2221). 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 25 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide Table 2-2 lists the MCP2221 UART and I2C pins that are connected to the PIC32MZ DA device. TABLE 2-2: MCP2221 UART PIN CONNECTIONS MCP2221 (Note 1) Pin # Function Pin # Full Pin Name PIC32MZ Device UART/I2C Function 4 RX 61 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 U2TX 5 TX 14 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 U2RX 9 SCL 16 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 SCL3 10 SDA 15 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 SDA3 Note 1: 2.1.13 PIC32MZ DA Device The CTS and RTS functions are not required, but are available if desired. The MCP2221 configuration utility can be used to turn those functions on and off. 40-pin Expansion Connector On the back of the starter kit is a 40-pin (2 x 20) header (J15) which can be used to add expansion boards to the starter kit. The header provides 2-pin UART (through UART4 or UART6), I2C (through I2C2), SPI (through SPI1) and GPIO capabilities. Table 2-3 provides the pins and the functions available through them. TABLE 2-3: Function 1 DS70005311A-page 26 J15 CONNECTIONS Function 2 Pin # Pin # Function 2 Function 1 -- +3V3 1 2 +5V -- RF2 SDA2 3 4 +5V -- RF8 SCL2 5 6 GND -- RE4 GPIO 7 8 UxTX RC3 -- GND 9 10 UxRX RE8 RH3 RE7 GPIO 11 12 GPIO RB8 GPIO 13 14 GND -- RA9 GPIO 15 16 GPIO RB4 -- +3V3 17 18 GPIO RH4 RG8 MOSI 19 20 GND -- RD7 MISO 21 22 GPIO RH6 RG6/SCK2 SCLK 23 24 CE0 RD0 -- GND 25 26 CE1 RD14 RB2 GPIO 27 28 No Connect -- RK1 GPIO 29 30 GND -- RK2 GPIO 31 32 GPIO RJ2 RG9 GPIO 33 34 GND -- RB0 GPIO 35 36 GPIO RB15 RH7 GPIO 37 38 GPIO RH12 -- GND 39 40 GPIO RD15 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematics Appendix A. Schematics A.1 SCHEMATICS The PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit schematics are as follows: * * * * PIC32MZ2064DAx288 Daughter Card (Figure A-1 through Figure A-4) PIC32MZ2064DAx169 Daughter Card (Figure A-5 through Figure A-7) PIC32MZ DA SK Base Board (Figure A-8 through Figure A-12) LAN8740 PHY Daughter Card (Figure A-13) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 27 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide FIGURE A-1: PIC32MZ2064DAX288 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (1 OF 4) +3.3V C2 0.1F 4 SOSCI/RC13 +3.3V OSCI/SCKI/RC12 3 VDD EN OUT GND 1 32.768 kHz TC25L5I32K7680 C1 0.1F 2 2 OUTGND Y2 Y1 4 1 VDD EN 3 +3.3V DNP 24MHz OSCO/CLKO/RC15 C3 8.0pF Only Oscillator or Crystal Configuration +3.3V Please check PCB/BOM to determine C4 which configuration is populated 8.0pF +3.3V R2 10k NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC MCLR# TCK/AN24/RA1 SCL2/RA2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 AN8/RPB3/RB3 AN2/C1INB/RB4 AN45/RPB5/RB5 PGEC2/RPB6/RB6 PGED2/C1INA/AN46/RPB7/RB7 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 EBIA7/AN47/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 CVREFO/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN49/RB11 AN6/RB12 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 AN29/SCK3/RB14 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 OSCI/CLKI/RC12 OSCO/CLKO/RC15 SOSCI/RPC13/RC13 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 SCK1/RD1 SCK4/RD10 AN22/RPD14/RD14 AN33/SCK6/RD15 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 EBID1/AN39/PMD1/RE1 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 AN25/RPE8/RE8 AN26/RPE9/RE9 R5 H16 U18 U17 B18 A17 C15 T16 U16 D18 A14 C17 A16 B17 E17 B14 D17 A15 E16 E18 C14 C18 B15 J17 B16 A12 C13 B13 A13 G17 G18 H17 H18 V5 M4 V6 J18 J16 B7 D8 V10 T9 B6 K3 C11 B11 C10 B10 MCLR TCK/AN24/RA1 SCL2/RA2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 AN8/RPB3/RB3 AN2/C1INB/RB4 RPB5/RB5 PGEC2/RB6 PGED2/RB7 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN49/RB11 AN6/RB12 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 AN29/SCK3/RB14 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 OSCI/SCKI/RC12 OSCO/CLKO/RC15 SOSCI/RC13 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 AN21/RG15 AN35/RH3 AN20/RH4 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 INT0/RH14 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 A7 P4 A11 A10 A9 D9 C9 B9 A8 P18 B8 N15 P17 A6 K16 N17 R18 R17 6 8 USB_N 10 USB_P SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 11 12 VBUS SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 13 14 USBID SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 15 16 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 17 18 SCK1/RD1 19 20 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 21 22 INT0/RH14 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 23 24 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 25 26 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 27 28 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 AN21/RG15 29 30 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 31 32 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 AN26/RPE9/RE9 43 44 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 45 46 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 47 48 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 49 50 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 51 52 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 53 54 PGEC2/RB6 56 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 58 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 55 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 57 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 59 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 SCK1/RD1 SCK4/RD10 AN22/RPD14/RD14 AN33/SCK6/RD15 61 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 63 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 1V8_PWRGD EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 AN25/RPE8/RE8 AN26/RPE9/RE9 65 EBID1/AN39/PMD1/RE1 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 60 62 64 66 67 68 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 AN8/RPB3/RB3 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 AN2/C1INB/RB4 69 70 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 71 72 AN6/RB12 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 SDWP/RH2 85 86 AN33/SCK6/RD15 87 88 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 89 90 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 91 92 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 93 94 95 96 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN35/RH3 AN20/RH4 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 INT0/RH14 AN20/RH4 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 PGED2/RB7 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 AN21/RG15 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J 4 5 9 RPB5/RB5 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 3 TMS/SDCD/RA0 AN25/RPE8/RE8 i Crystal 2 7 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 1 SQICS1/CS/RD5 U1A A1 A18 B1 B12 C8 C12 D6 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 F5 F14 F17 F18 G5 G14 G16 H5 H14 J2 J5 J14 K5 K14 L5 L14 M5 M14 N5 N14 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 T5 T14 V1 V18 +3.3V J1 should be populated. Y3 24MHz DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) R1 1M 97 98 99 100 +3.3V R14 1.5k Drawn By: Serban Morea Engineer: EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 R15 2.2k Purnachander Mangu PartNumber: Project Title 10492 PIC32MZ DA 288 CPU Card Designed with Sheet Title CLK - IO - CONN Size DS70005311A-page 28 Sch #:03-10492 Date: 3/29/2017 10:23:38 AM 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ2064DAX288 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (2 OF 4) +3.3V J2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1V8_PWRGD 13 14 AN49/RB11 15 16 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 17 18 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 TP1 +5V TP TAB Silver U1B ERXCLK/RJ11 ECOL/RH10 ERXERR/RPF3/RF3 ECRS/RH12 EMDIO/RJ1 EMDC/RPD11/RD11 ERXDV/RH13 ETXERR/RJ0 ETXEN/RPD6/RD6 ETXD0/RJ8 ETXD1/RJ9 ETXD2/RH0 ETXD3/RH1 ERXD0/RH8 ERXD1/RH5 ERXD2/RH6 ERXD3/RH9 ETXCLK/RPD7 U13 ERXCLK/RJ11 T11 ECOL/RH10 U8 ERXERR/RPF3 U11 ECRS/RH12 U14 EMDIO/RJ1 U15 EMDC/RPD11 i ETH 20 21 22 SCK4/RD10 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 23 24 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 25 26 MCLR 27 28 29 30 31 32 SCL2/RA2 V11 ERXDV/RH13 V15 ETXERR/RJ0 V16 ETXEN/RPD6 ERXERR/RPF3 V14 ETXD0/RJ8 ECOL/RH10 T13 ETXD1/RJ9 V13 ETXD2/RH0 ERXD2/RH6 T12 ETXD3/RH1 ERXD1/RH5 U12 ERXD0/RH8 ECRS/RH12 U10 ERXD1/RH5 ERXDV/RH13 T10 ERXD2/RH6 V12 ERXD3/RH9 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 TRCLK/SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 TRD3/SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 TRD1/SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 TRD0/SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 SDCMD/SQICS0/RPD4/RD4 TRD2/SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 SDWP/EBIRP/RH2 TMS/SDCD/RA0 L4 E4 F4 G4 H4 K4 J4 N16 D4 SQICS1/CS/RD5 SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 SDWP/RH2 TMS/SDCD/RA0 DD+ VUSB3V3 41 43 ERXD0/RH8 SQICS1/CS/RD5 ERXCLK/RJ11 SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 ETXD2/RH0 EMDIO/RJ1 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 ETXD0/RJ8 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 EMDC/RPD11 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 ETXERR/RJ0 TMS/SDCD/RA0 DS70005311A-page 29 PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J VBUS A4 USB_N B4 ETXCLK/RPD7 VBUS ETXD1/RJ9 USB_N USB_P USB_P C4 C6 ETXEN/RPD6 +3.3V EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 USBID USBID D5 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 65 58 62 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 AN22/RPD14/RD14 91 92 TCK/AN24/RA1 93 94 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 95 96 97 98 99 100 AN29/SCK3/RB14 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 L18 GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 L16 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 M16 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 V17 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 U6 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 V9 GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 T8 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 U7 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 V7 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 U5 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 N18 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 M17 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 R6 GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 T6 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 R16 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 P15 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 R15 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 T18 GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 60 83 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 AN35/RH3 i USB 44 48 63 ETXD3/RH1 42 K18 GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 L17 40 47 61 SDWP/RH2 38 46 59 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 36 45 57 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 34 VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 T7 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 U9 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 M18 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 T17 GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 K17 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 V8 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 N4 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 P16 VSYNC/EBICS0/RJ4 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 GCLK/EBICS2/RJ6 GEN/EBICS3/RJ7 GD0/EBID13/PMD13/RJ13 GD1/EBID14/PMD14/RA4 GD2/EBID15/RPD9/PMD15/RD9 GD3/EBIA8/RPG0/PMA8/RG0 GD4/EBIA9/RPG1/PMA9/RG1 GD5/EBIA10/RPF1/PMA10/RF1 GD6/EBIA11/RPF0/PMA11/RF0 GD7/EBIA12/RPD12/PMA12/RD12 GD8/EBID11/PMD11/RJ14 GD9/EBIBS0/RJ12 GD10/EBIA14/RPD2/PMA14/PMCS1/RD2 GD11/EBIA15/RPD3/PMA15/PMCS2/RD3 GD12/EBIA17/RK3 GD13/EBIA18/RK4 GD14/EBIA19/RK5 GD15/EBIA20/RK6 GD16/EBID8/RPF5/SCL5/PMD8/RF5 GD17/EBID9/RPF4/SDA5/PMD9/RF4 GD18/EBIBS1/RJ10 GD19/EBIA21/RK7 GD20/EBIA22/RJ3 GD21/EBIA23/RH15 GD22/EBIA13/PMA13/RD13 GD23/EBIA16/RK0 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J LCD i GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 Drawn By VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 Serban M Engineer: Purnach PartNumb 10492 Sheet Titl ETH - Schematics USBID VUSB3V3 C5 35 39 i SQI/SD VBUS 33 37 ERXD3/RH9 SQICS1/RPD5/RD5 U1C 19 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) ETXCLK/RPD7/RD7 T15 +5V C Size 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE A-2: PIC32MZ2064DAX288 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (3 OF 4) DDR Address i U1D U3A NC NC +3.3V 7 C5 R3 R7 R8 2 4 5 8 U2 NC NC NC NC 6 VIN VOUT EN SNS FLG PAD 2.2uF GND 3 RFU RFU RFU +1.8V 9 1A 10 1 TP5 TP6 R3 C6 4.7uF 100k 11 TP10 TP11 MIC69101-1.8YML-TR 100R DDR2_LDM DDR2_UDM F3 B3 DDR2_LDQS_N DDR2_LDQS_P E8 F7 DDR2_UDQS_N DDR2_UDQS_P A8 B7 TP14 4 DDR2_ODT K9 TP15 5 TP16 6 DDR2_nRAS DDR2_nWE K7 K3 R5 DDR2_CK_P DDR2_CK_N R12 DDR2_CKE TP17 7 LDM UDM LDQS LDQS UDQS UDQS ODT TP18 8 TP19 9 DDR2_nCS DDR2_nCAS TP20 0 TP21 TP22 2 DDR2_BA1 DDR2_BA0 DDR2_BA2 L3 L2 L1 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 RAS WE K2 J8 K8 L8 L7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 CKE CK CK CS CAS 0R DDR_GND +1.8V +1.8V C8 R6 VddQ C10 C11 M8 M3 M7 N2 N8 N3 N7 P2 P8 P3 M2 P7 R2 R1 L3 N3 R2 P3 T1 U1 T2 U2 R3 P1 V2 T3 U3 T4 V3 TP4 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 T 1 TP12 12 2 TP13F1 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 DQ8 DQ9 DQ10 DQ11 DQ12 DQ13 DQ14 DQ15 DDR Data TP23 i G8 G G2 H7 H3 H1 H9 F1 F9 C8 C2 D7 D3 D1 D9 B1 B9 MT47H64M16HR-3:H TR 0R C9 BA1 BA0 BA2 E2 A2 J3 H1 G1 G2 H2 H3 F2 C1 C3 D2 F3 E3 D1 B3 C2 DDRA0 DDRA1 DDRA2 DDRA3 DDRA4 DDRA5 DDRA6 DDRA7 DDRA8 DDRA9 DDRA10 DDRA11 DDRA12 DDRA13 DDRA14 DDRA15 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF H6 H7 H8 J6 J7 J8 K6 K7 K8 L6 L7 L8 U3B DDR_GND C15 0.1uF C16 0.1uF C17 0.1uF C18 0.1uF C19 C20 0.1uF 0.1uF See Technical DDR2 Note for Best Routing A1 E1 J9 M9 R1 C21 VddQ 0.1uF VssQ 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. R8 1k +1.8V C23 0.1uF 0.1uF C25 0.1uF C26 0.1uF C27 0.1uF C28 0.1uF C29 0.1uF C30 0.1uF C31 0.1uF C32 C97 +1.8V 0.1uF Vref C24 DDRLDQS Q DDRLDQS DDRCK DDRCK DDRCKE DDR2_nCS DDR2_nCAS DDR2_nRAS M2 M3 U4 DDR2_BA0 DDR2_BA1 DDR2_BA2 A3 G3 DDR2_UDM DDR2_LDM B2 A2 DDR2_UDQS_P DDR2_UDQS_N E1 E2 DDR2_LDQS_P DDR2_LDQS_N K1 K2 L2 DDR2_CK_N DDR2_CK_P DDR2_CKE J1 DDRVREF R9 1k 0.1uF C22 A9 C1 C3 C7 E9 G1 G3 G7 G9 C9 J1 J2 Vdd Vdd Vdd Vdd Vdd Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VddQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VssQ VddL VREF VssDL MT47H64M16HR-3:H TR A3 E3 J3 N1 P9 A7 B2 B8 D2 D8 E7 F2 F8 H2 H8 DDR_GND +1.8V C7 0.01uF C36 0.01uF D7 D14 R11 V4 C60 0.1F VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE VDDCORE J7 VssQ DDR_GND D3 F6 F7 F8 G6 G7 G8 G9 H9 K9 L9 M6 M7 M8 M9 N6 N7 N8 N9 R4 J9 DDR_GND PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J 0R +1.8V DDR_GND 0.1uF 0.01uF DDR_GND VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 R10 C61 DDR_GND VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 +1.8V C35 0.1F C62 0.1F Drawn By: Serban Morea DDR_GND Engineer: DDR_GND Purnachander Mangu PartNumber: R13 0R +1.8V VssQ VddQ 0.1uF DDRUDQS DDRUDQS N2 P2 M1 U1E 0.1uF +1.8V C14 DDRDM1 DDRDM0 DDR2_ODT DDR2_nWE PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J i DDR CTRL 0R 0.1uF DDRBA0 DDRBA1 DDRBA2 N1 L1 C12 DDR_GND C13 DDRCS0 DDRCAS DDRRAS DDRDQ0 DDRDQ1 DDRDQ2 DDRDQ3 DDRDQ4 DDRDQ5 DDRDQ6 DDRDQ7 DDRDQ8 DDRDQ9 DDRDQ10 DDRDQ11 DDRDQ12 DDRDQ13 DDRDQ14 DDRDQ15 R7 0.1uF DDRODT DDRWEN Project Title Vref PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide DS70005311A-page 30 FIGURE A-3: Schematics FIGURE A-4: PIC32MZ2064DAX288 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (4 OF 4) U1F +3.3V C16 D15 D16 E15 F11 F15 G11 G15 H11 H12 H13 H15 J10 J15 K10 L11 L12 M12 M13 M15 N12 N13 R9 R10 R12 R13 R14 BLM15HB121SN1D L1 F16 F13 G13 C33 0.1F VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss Vss VBAT AVss AVss AVdd AVdd A5 B5 C7 D10 D11 D12 D13 F9 F10 G10 H10 J11 J12 J13 K11 K12 K13 K15 L10 L13 L15 M10 M11 N10 N11 R7 R8 G12 F12 PIC32MZ2064DAx288-I/4J C34 0.01uF +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V TP24 +3.3V LD2 GREEN C47 0.01uF C37 0.1F C48 0.01uF C38 0.1F C49 0.01uF C39 0.1F C50 0.01uF C40 0.1F C51 0.01uF C41 0.1F R11 470R TP25 +3.3V C52 0.01uF +3.3V C42 0.1F C53 0.01uF +3.3V C43 0.1F C54 0.01uF +3.3V C44 0.1F C55 0.01uF +3.3V C45 0.1F C56 0.01uF C46 0.1F 16V +3.3V C67 0.01uF +3.3V C57 0.1F C69 0.01uF C59 0.1F Drawn By: Serban Morea Engineer: Purnachander M 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 31 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide FIGURE A-5: PIC32MZ2064DAX169 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (1 OF 3) +3.3V C2 0.1uF 4 SOSCI/RC13 +3.3V 3 OSCI/SCKI/RC12 Vdd 3 nc Out Gnd OSCO/CLKO/RC15 Y2 TC25L5I32K7680 0.1uF 2 DNP 24MHz 1M 50V 8pF Y3 Only Oscillator or Crystal Configuration +3.3V 24MHz C4 Please check PCB/BOM to determine 8pF which configuration is populated +3.3V R2 10k MCLR TCK/AN24/RA1 SCL2/RA2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 AN1/C2INB/RB2 AN8/RPB3/RB3 AN2/C1INB/RB4 AN45/RPB5/RB5 PGEC2/RPB6/RB6 PGED2/C1INA/AN46/RPB7/RB7 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 EBIA7/AN47/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN49/RB11 AN6/RB12 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 AN29/SCK3/RB14 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 OSC1/CLKI/RC12 OSC2/CLKO/RC15 SOSCI/RPC13/RC13 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 SCK1/RD1 SCK4/RD10 AN22/RPD14/RD14 AN33/SCK6/RD15 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 EBID1/AN39/PMD1/RE1 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID7/AN15/PMPD7/RE7 AN25/RPE8/RE8 AN26/RPE9/RE9 K1 E11 L12 N12 A11 B11 C10 M11 N11 C12 B9 A13 A10 A12 D11 D7 D12 A9 B12 C11 E7 B13 F7 E10 B10 B7 A8 A7 B8 E12 E13 C13 D13 H3 G1 H2 E9 F11 C4 A4 N3 M3 B3 F3 F6 C7 E6 D6 MCLR TCK/AN24/RA1 SCL2/RA2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 AN8/RPB3/RB3 AN2/C1INB/RB4 RPB5/RB5 PGEC2/RB6 PGED2/RB7 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN49/RB11 AN6/RB12 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 AN29/SCK3/RB14 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 OSCI/SCKI/RC12 OSCO/CLKO/RC15 SOSCI/RC13 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 AN21/RG15 AN35/RH3 AN20/RH4 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 INT0/RH14 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/RK1 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 A3 J3 C6 A6 E5 D5 B5 C5 A5 J13 D4 J12 K13 C3 F10 H13 J11 H11 4 5 6 8 USB_N 9 10 USB_P SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 11 12 VBUS SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 13 14 USBID SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 15 16 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 17 18 SCK1/RD1 19 20 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 21 22 INT0/RH14 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 23 24 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 25 26 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 27 28 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 AN21/RG15 29 30 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 31 32 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 AN26/RPE9/RE9 43 44 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 45 46 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 47 48 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 49 50 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 51 52 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 53 54 PGEC2/RB6 56 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 58 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 AN25/RPE8/RE8 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 55 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 i Crystal 57 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 59 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 SCK1/RD1 SCK4/RD10 AN22/RPD14/RD14 AN33/SCK6/RD15 61 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 63 65 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 1V8_PWRGD EBID1/AN39/PMD1/RE1 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 AN25/RPE8/RE8 AN26/RPE9/RE9 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 AN35/RH3 AN20/RH4 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 INT0/RH14 AN20/RH4 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 60 62 64 66 67 68 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 AN8/RPB3/RB3 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 AN2/C1INB/RB4 69 70 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 PGED2/RB7 71 72 AN6/RB12 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 AN33/SCK6/RD15 87 88 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 89 90 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 91 92 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 93 94 95 96 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 AN21/RG15 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 ETXD3/RH1 ETXD3/RH1 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 PIC32MZ2064DAB169_Rev2 3 TMS/SDCD/RA0 RPB5/RB5 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 2 7 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4 EBIO OE E/AN19/RPC4 4 1 SQICS1/CS/RD5 U1A NC NC +3.3V J1 should be populated. 50V DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) C3 R1 A1 N13 32.768 kHz C1 1 2 OUTGND +3.3V Y1 4 1 VDD EN 97 98 99 100 +3.3V R14 1.5k Drawn By: Serban Morea Engineer: EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 R15 2.2k Purnachander Mangu PartNumber: Project Title 10626 PIC32MZ DA 169pin CPU DC Designed with Sheet Title CLK - IO - CONN B Size DS70005311A-page 32 Sch #:03-10626 Date: 3/29/2017 11:08:41 AM 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ2064DAX169 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (2 OF 3) J2 +1.8V 0R +5V ERXCLK/EREFCLK/RJ11 ECOL/RH10 ERXERR/RPF3/RF3 ECRS/RH12 EMDIO/RJ1 EMDC/RPD11/RD11 ERXDV/ECRSDV/RH13 EXTERR/RJ0 ETXEN/RPD6/RD6 ETXD0/RJ8 ETXD1/RJ9 ETXD2/RH0 ETXD3/RH1 ERXD0/RH8 ERXD1/RH5 ERXD2/RH6 ERXD3/RH9 M10 ETXCLK/RPD7 N8 ERXCLK/RJ11 M6 ECOL/RH10 M1 ERXERR/RPF3 N5 ECRS/RH12 K10 EMDIO/RJ1 N10 EMDC/RPD11 M5 ERXDV/RH13 L10 ETXERR/RJ0 i ETH SQICS1/RPD5/RD5 TRD3/SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 14 16 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 17 18 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 20 21 22 SCK4/RD10 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 23 24 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 25 26 MCLR 27 28 29 30 31 32 SCL2/RA2 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 M9 ETXD1/RJ9 M8 ETXD2/RH0 ERXD2/RH6 M7 ETXD3/RH1 ERXD1/RH5 N7 ERXD0/RH8 ECRS/RH12 M4 ERXD1/RH5 ERXDV/RH13 N4 ERXD2/RH6 N6 ERXD3/RH9 TRD1/SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 TRDO/SSDATA0/SQID0/RG13 SDCMD/SQICS0/RPD4/RD4 TRD2/SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 SDWP/EBIRP/RH2 TMS/SDCD/RA0 E3 E2 F1 E1 H12 D2 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 41 43 45 51 DD+ VBUS3V3 ERXCLK/RJ11 SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 ETXD2/RH0 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 EMDIO/RJ1 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 ETXD0/RJ8 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 EMDC/RPD11 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 ETXERR/RJ0 SDWP/RH2 VBUS B1 USB_N C1 USB_P ETXCLK/RPD7 VBUS ETXD1/RJ9 USB_N USB_P +3.3V B2 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 USBID USBID DS70005311A-page 33 DDRVREF PIC32MZ2064DAB169_Rev2 +1.8V R8 1k R9 1k DDR_GND 36 38 F13 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 F12 GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 G11 GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 G13 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 G12 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 L11 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 H1 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 N2 GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 M2 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 K3 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 L1 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 J1 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 G10 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 F9 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 G2 GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 G3 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 L13 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 H10 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 J10 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 M13 GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 AN35/RH3 85 86 AN29/SCK3/RB14 87 88 89 90 AN22/RPD14/RD14 91 92 TCK/AN24/RA1 93 94 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 95 96 97 98 99 100 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 i USB F4 ETXEN/RPD6 34 VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 K2 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 L3 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 F8 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 M12 GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 E8 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 L2 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 J2 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 K12 VSYNC/EBICS0/RJ4 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 GCLK/EBICS2/RJ6 GEN/EBICS3/RJ7 GD0/EBID13/PMPD13/RJ13 GD1/EBID14/PMD14/RA4 GD2/EBIS15/RPD9/PMPD15/RD9 GD3/EBIA8/RPG0/PMA9/RG0 GD4/EBIA9/RPG1/PMA9/RG1 GD5/EBIA10/RPF1/PMA10/RF1 GD6/EBIA11/RPF0/PMA11/RF0 GD7/EBIA12/RPD12/PMPA12/RD12 GD8/EBID11/PMPD11/RJ14 GD9/EBIBS0/RJ12 GD10/EBIA14/RPD2/PMA14/PMCS1/RD2 GD11/EBIA15/RPD3/PMA14/PMCS2/RD3 GD12/EBIA17/RK3 GD13/EBIA18/RK4 GD14/EBIA19/RK5 GD15/EBIA29/RK6 GD16/EBID8/RPF5/SCL5/PMD8/RF5 GD17/EBID9/RPF4/SDA5/PMD9/RF4 GD18/EBIBS1/RJ10 GD19/EBIA21/RK7 GD20/EBIA22/RJ3 GD21/EBIA23/RH15 GD22/EBIA13/PMPA13/RD13 GD23/EBIA16/RK0 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 PIC32MZ2064DAB169_Rev2 LCD i GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 Schematics USBID A2 D3 53 SQICS1/CS/RD5 i SQI/SD VBUS 47 49 ERXD0/RH8 TMS/SDCD/RA0 TMS/SDCD/RA0 35 37 SDWP/RH2 SDWP/RH2 33 39 ETXD3/RH1 U1C 19 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 ECOL/RH10 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 10 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 ERXERR/RPF3 D1 9 +5V 12 ETXD0/RJ8 SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 8 15 ETXEN/RPD6 E4 6 7 13 ERXD3/RH9 TRCLK/SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 4 5 AN49/RB11 K11 SQICS1/CS/RD5 3 11 N9 F2 2 1V8_PWRGD U1B ETXCLK/RD7/RD7 +3.3V 1 R17 DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE A-6: PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide FIGURE A-7: PIC32MZ2064DAX169 DAUGHTER CARD SCHEMATICS (3 OF 3) U1E +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V C48 C38 C49 C39 C50 C40 C51 C41 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF B6 G9 H9 J9 K9 L6 L7 L9 L1 VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS 100 Ohm +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V D10 +3.3V D9 C52 C42 C53 C43 C54 C44 C56 C46 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF C33 C34 0.1uF 0.01uF VBAT AVDD AVSS AVSS C2 F5 G5 G6 G7 G8 H7 H8 J7 J8 K7 K8 +3.3V TP24 LD2 GREEN R11 C8 D8 470R TP25 PIC32MZ2064DAB169_Rev2 +3.3V C67 C57 0.01uF 0.1uF VDDR1V8 C8 C9 0.1uF C10 0.1uF C11 0.1uF 0.1uF C12 0.1uF +1.8V C13 VDDR1V8 H5 H6 J5 J6 K5 K6 100 Ohm +1.8V C6 TP1 DDR_GND +1.8V +1.8V 2.2uF TP2 DDR_GND DDR_GND VDD1V8 VDD1V8 VDD1V8 U1D L2 0.1uF VDD1V8 L3 100 Ohm +3.3V C58 C60 C47 C37 C55 C45 C59 C61 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF 0.01uF 0.1uF L4 DNP 100 Ohm VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VDDR1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 VSS1V8 L5 L4 K4 J4 H4 G4 VDD1V8 C9 B4 L8 N1 VDD1V8 VDD1V8 VDD1V8 VDD1V8 DDR_GND PIC32MZ2064DAB169_Rev2 R12 0R DDR_GND DS70005311A-page 34 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. POWER IN (+5V, 1A min) +5V_EXT D3 +3.3V U2 +5V_CPU VBUS DD+ ID GND 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 VIN VIN SENSE SHDN CDELAY 3 C3 5 2.2uF 10V VOUT PWRGD 7 7 6 6 C5 C6 2.2uF 0.1uF MCP1727/3.3V D4 C17 GREEN 2.2uF VIN EN GND R6 2 NC NC NC NC +3.3V 8 4 GND +3.3V 5 8 TP2 +5V 4 U4 TP1 MBR230LSFT1G 430mV @ 2A J4 0 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD SCHEMATICS (1 OF 5) FIGURE A-8: 3 +1.8V 1A 9 VOUT 10 1 SNS FLG PAD R3 C30 4.7uF 100k 11 MIC69101-1.8YML-TR 330R USB2.0 MICRO-B FEMALE GND TP3 2 1 J8 D13 MBR230LSFT1G 430mV @ 2A HDR-2.54 Male 1x2 OTG Host PWR Jumper VBUS_OTG +5V_CPU U6 0.1uF 2 +5V_CPU USB_N USB_P USBID 3 R10 100k 6 C7 10uF 4 10k NC7SB3157P6X 0.1uF U1 4.7k U11 +5V_CPU 1 USB_N USB_P 0 C1 C10 C9 100uF 100uF 2 3 OUT IN 5 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C15 GND OC 4 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 UART_USB_P UART_USB_N RPF8/SCL3/RF8 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 C2 0.1uF MCP2221 0.1uF EN VDD VSS GP0 D+ GP1 DRST VUSB UART RX SCL UART TX SDA GP2 GP3 USB to UART/I2C Bridge R83 10k TPS2041 DS70005311A-page 35 Drawn By: VBUS_OTG Serban Morea Engineer: EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 Purnachander Mangu MH1 PartNumber: Project Title 10491 PIC32MZ DA - Base Board Sheet Title Schematics HOST TYPE - TYPE A VBUS DD+ ID GND USB2.0 MICRO-B FEMALE +3.3V_UART 10k USB-A Female 1uF 1 2 3 4 5 R2 J7 1 2 3 4 C4 1 PIC32_VBUS R9 VBUS DD+ GND UART_USB_N UART_USB_P B0 SEL GND R67 +3.3V U9 B1 VCC A 3 0 1 USB_N USB_P USBID VOUT VIN GND 2 1 2 3 4 5 J5 MCP1700/3.3V C16 5 J6 VBUS DD+ ID GND 0 TYPE MICRO A/B DEVICE/OTG PORT USB2.0 MICRO-B FEMALE U5 SI/SIO0 R33 8 VDD +3.3V J9 0R C11 2 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 SO/SIO1 3 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 SIO2 6 SCK 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 17 6 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 ETXD0/RJ8 0.1uF 4 VSS ETXD1/RJ9 SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 R68 SIO3 T-PAD 7 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 10k 1 CE# R11 SQICS1/CS/RD5 +3.3V DNP 0R 9 CLK_IN C12 SST26VF032BT-104I/MF Y1 1 4 Stby Vdd 2 3 Gnd Out C13 33R R14 0.1uF C14 100uF 0.1uF R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R30 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 12 CLK_IN 33R R15 50.000MHz ERXCLK/RJ11 +3.3V C32 +3.3V 0.01uF ERXD1/RH5 ERXD0/RH8 ERXERR/RPF3 ERXDV/RH13 EMDC/RPD11 EMDIO/RJ1 R12 0R AN49/RB11 R13 0R PHY_RST EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 24 30 29 28 SQI Memory 2 HDR/MB 1 ETXEN/RPD6 E TXEN/RPD6 27 26 25 5 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 J3011G21DNL i PHY CLK Phy Daughter Board HDR PHY i J10 DAT2 CD/DAT3 CMD VDD CLK microSDTM VSS DAT0 DAT1 DET POL SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 +3.3V D6 R16 2 330R SW2 D7 R28 R88 LED2 330R 5 SW1 D8 R29 R89 LED3 330R 7 SW3 S3 10k YELLOW SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 8 S2 10k GREEN SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 6 S1 10k RED SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 4 R69 LED1 SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 3 SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 9 SDCD USER LED'S USER'S SWITCH 10 GND +3.3V +3.3V 0 GND 0 GND 0 0 GND 1 J12 R22 MCLR SD/SQI i SD CARD R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 1.5k 1.5k 1.5k 1.5k 1.5k D11 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 1.5k J11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PGED2/RB7 PGEC2/RB6 R70 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 ICSP HDR 33R TMS/SDCD/RA0 TMS Drawn By: 9 10 TCK/AN24/RA1 Serban Morea R71 MCLR SDCD SDCD/RA0 R84 R87 0R 0R TMS/RA0 11 12 JTAG_nRST 33R 13 14 TMS DNP SD CD/JTAG TMS Selection SLIDER Lauterbach JTAG - DNP +3.3V Engineer: Purnachander Mangu PartNumber: Project Title 10491 PIC32MZ DA - Base Board Designed with Sheet Title SQI/ETH/SD/LED/SW/JTAG/ICSP B Size 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sch #:03-10491 Revision: 2.0 Date: 3/29/2017 9:47:11 AM Sheet 2 of 5 Altium.com PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide DS70005311A-page 36 PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD SCHEMATICS (2 OF 5) FIGURE A-9: Schematics PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD SCHEMATICS (3 OF 5) FIGURE A-10: J1 +3.3V J3 1 2 3 4 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 5 6 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 SQICS1/CS/RD5 7 8 USB_N TMS/SDCD/RA0 9 10 USB_P GCLK EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 LCD_HSYNC SDCK/SQICLK/RA6 11 12 PIC32_VBUS SDDATA3/SQID3/RA7 13 14 USBID SDDATA1/SQID1/RG12 15 16 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 SDDATA0/SQID0/RG13 17 18 SCK1/RD1 19 20 SDDATA2/SQID2/RG14 21 22 INT0/RH14 SDCMD/SQICS0/RD4 23 24 EBID4/AN18/PMD4/RE4 25 26 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 27 28 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 +3.3V C8 +5V_EXT 0.1uF MCLR 8 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 7 6 AN33/SCK6/RD15 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 5 VCC IN/OUT1 CONT1 OUT/IN1 OUT/IN2 CONT2 IN/OUT2 GND 1 2 I/O2 TC7W66FU,LF AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 41 42 AN26/RPE9/RE9 43 44 TDO/AN31/RPF12/RF12 47 48 EBID5/AN12/RPC1/PMD5/RC1 49 50 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51) 46 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 54 PGEC2/RB6 56 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 58 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 63 64 65 66 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 USB_168_P 0R 57 58 USB_168_N 0R 59 60 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 61 62 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 63 64 67 68 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 65 66 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 67 68 69 70 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 AN8/RPB3/RB3 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 AN2/C1INB/RB4 69 70 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 71 72 AN6/RB12 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 RPB5/RB5 81 82 83 84 SDWP/RH2 85 86 AN33/SCK6/RD15 87 88 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 89 90 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 LCD_RESET 0R +5V_CPU 1 2 3 4 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 91 92 5 EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 93 94 7 8 95 96 9 10 100 EBID1/AN39/PMD1/RE1 AN49/RB11 EBID3/RPE3/PMD3/RE3 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 AN21/RG15 12 14 16 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 17 18 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 19 20 21 22 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ERXERR/RPF3 35 36 ECOL/RH10 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ERXD1/RH5 ECRS/RH12 ERXDV/RH13 ERXD0/RH8 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ERXD3/RH9 53 ERXCLK/RJ11 55 ETXD2/RH0 57 59 EMDIO/RJ1 61 52 54 56 58 62 63 64 33R EMDC/RPD11 65 66 ETXERR/RJ0 67 68 ETXD3/RH1 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 R4 ETXEN/RPD6 33R ETXCLK/RPD7 R32 ETXD1/RJ9 AN26/RPE9/RE9 +3.3V_EXT GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 LCD_DE SCK4/RD10 EBIOE/AN19/RPC4/PMRD/RC4 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 LCD_VSYNC MCLR GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 LEDs EBIA0/PMA0/RJ15 EBID0/PMD0/RE0 RPB5/RB5 AN49/RB11 R78 0R GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 BUTTONS +3.3V_EXT LCD_R0 LCD_R1 LCD_R2 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 LCD_R3 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 LCD_R4 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 LCD_R5 Graphics GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 LCD_R6 LCD_R7 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 LCD_G0 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 LCD_G1 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 LCD_G2 LCD_G3 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 79 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 AN22/RPD14/RD14 91 92 TCK/AN24/RA1 93 94 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 95 96 97 98 99 100 AN35/RH3 AN29/SCK3/RB14 ECOL/RH10 132 GD23/B7/EBIA16/RK0 134 GD22/B6/EBIA13/RD13 3 135 136 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 5 GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 137 138 GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 GD4/R4/EBIA9/RG1 139 140 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 141 142 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 0 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 143 144 GD17/B1/EBID9/RF4 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 145 146 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 147 148 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 149 150 GD14/G6/EBIA19/RK5 GD10/G2/EBIA14/RD2 151 152 GD13/G5/EBIA18/RK4 GD11/G3/EBIA15/RD3 153 154 GD12/G4/EBIA17/RK3 160 162 164 165 166 167 168 AN29/SCK3/RB14 RPB5/RB5 SPI_SCLK 4.7k ERXD3/RH9 133 163 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 4.7k RPF8/SCL3/RF8 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 161 R86 R85 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 GD1/R1/EBID14/RA4 159 GD18/B2/EBIBS1/RJ10 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 131 GD8/G0/EBID11/RJ14 +3.3V +3.3V_EXT 130 GD0/R0/EBID13/RJ13 SPI_SD I/O16 AN33/SCK6/RD15 128 158 SW3 SPI_CE1_N 126 157 GD9/G1/EBIBS0/RJ12 I/O12 ERXD2/RH6 AN22/RPD14/RD14 129 GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 I/O14 AN3/C2INA/RPB15/OCFB/RB15 127 +5V_EXT 80 RXD0 125 33R EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 I/O13 AN25/RPE8/RE8 124 156 GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 EBIRDY3/AN32/RJ2 123 155 LCD_PCLK I/O15 EBIRDY2/AN37/RH11 122 +3.3V_EXT GD3/R3/EBIA8/RG0 I/O11 ECRS/RH12 EBIRDY1/SDA2/RA3 121 GD16/B0/EBID8/RF5 GD21/B5/EBIA23/RH15 I/O10 AN20/RH4 120 GD6/R6/EBIA11/RF0 GD5/R5/EBIA10/RF1 AN2/C1INB/RB4 119 AN8/RPB3/RB3 I/O7 PGED1/AN0/RPB0/CTED2/RB0 118 AN6/RB12 LED2 I/O9 116 EBIA5/AN7/PMA5/RA5 USBID RH2 SDWP/RH2 AN35/RH3 117 ETXD3/RH1 SW1 0R RH1 115 ETXD2/RH0 USB_N R81 i USB_168 114 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 USB_P R80 112 LED3 PIC32_VBUS R79 111 LED1 GD7/R7/EBIA12/RD12 SW2 AN48/CTPLS/RB13 RH0 113 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 GD2/R2/EBID15/RD9 60 R31 ETXD0/RJ8 SOSCO/RPC14/T1CK/RC14 15 24 ERXD2/RH6 RTCC/RPD0/RD0 EBIWE/AN34/RPC3/PMWR/RC3 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 13 23 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 TXD0 PGEC1/AN9/RPB1/CTED1/RB1 11 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 SCL2/RA2 SPI_CE0_N +5V_CPU 6 DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51) 98 99 71 GD19/B3/EBIA21/RK7 +3.3V R82 +3.3V_EXT 0R +3.3V R1 97 +3.3V_EXT GD15/G7/EBIA20/RK6 J2 +1.8V 26 36 60 62 24 39 EBIA7/LVDIN/RPB9/PMA7/RB9 52 22 34 +3.3V_EXT 45 20 37 EBIA4/AN36/PMA4/RH7 TDI/AN17/SCK5/RF13 40 61 Debug INT0/RH14 32 EBIA3/AN11/PMA3/RK2 I/O8 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 PGED2/RB7 CVREFOUT/AN5/RPB10/RB10 I/O5 AN14/C1IND/SCK2/RG6 39 59 18 35 34 57 16 17 30 33 55 14 15 33 AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 VREF+/CVREF+/AN28/RA10 13 PGC2 +5V_EXT 31 EBIA2/AN23/C2INC/RPG9/PMA2/RG9 53 12 PGD2 PGEC2/RB6 28 EBIA1/AN38/PMA1/PSPA1/RK1 I/O6 51 11 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 29 I/O4 AN20/RH4 EBID12/AN10/RPC2/PMD12/RC2 10 I/O1 EBID7/AN15/PMD7/RE7 PGED2/RB7 27 AN21/RG15 38 8 9 25 32 36 7 23 VREF-/CVREF-/AN27/RA9 30 37 6 21 I/O3 31 35 4 5 19 EBID10/AN4/RPB8/PMD10/RB8 3 4 29 AN25/RPE8/RE8 2 3 U3 AN13/C1INC/RPG7/SDA4/RG7 EBID6/AN16/PMD6/RE6 1 FX10A-168P-SV1(71) +3.3V SCL2/RA2 SCK4/RD10 EBID2/PMD2/RE2 SCK1/RD1 ETXERR/RJ0 EBIA6/RPE5/PMA6/RE5 RPA14/SCL1/RA14 RPA15/SDA1/RA15 +3.3V_EXT +5V_EXT LCD_B7 LCD_B6 LCD_B5 LCD_B4 LCD_B3 LCD_B2 LCD_B1 LCD_G6 LCD_G5 LCD_G4 i Graphics AN30/C2IND/RPG8/SCL4/RG8 ETXCLK/RPD7 Graphics LCD_B0 LCD_G7 SPI_MOSI SPI_SD SPI_MISO GCLK/CLKIN/EBICS2/RJ6 HSYNC/EBICS1/RJ5 GEN/DEN/EBICS3/RJ7 VSYNC/EBISC0/RJ4 Drawn By: GD20/B4/EBIA22/RJ3 Serban Morea Engineer: Purnachander Mangu PartNumber: 10491 Project Title PIC32MZ DA - Base Board Designed with Sheet Title 168 MEB2 Conn / CPU DB HDR C Size 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Sch #:03-10491 Revision: 2 0 Date: 3/29/2017 9:47:11 AM Sheet 3 of 5 Altium com DS70005311A-page 37 R35 SDO +3.3V_PKOB 330R R36 R37 R38 +3.3V_PKOB J18 1 2 3 4 5 6 ICSP_MCLR_VPP_PICKIT3 PGD_PKOB PGC_PKOB SDI C18 PGD2 J17 4.7k 10k 330R 1 2 3 4 PGC2 10uF R39 SCK TARGET_POWER_ENABLE 330R UTIL_WP R40 4.7k UTIL_CS R41 SDO 200K SDI SCK JP17 Jumper Positions 49 VCPCON/RD1 V 51 50 DHP/RD2 PMBE/RD3 53 54 55 56 52 PMWR/RD4 PMRD/RD5 RD6 RD7 Vcap/VDDCORE Vcap a /VDDCORE 58 59 60 61 62 57 ENVREG RF0 RF1 PMPD0/RE0 PMPD1/RE1 63 Vusb 17 PMA8/SCL2/RF5 PMA9/SDA2/RF4 0.1uF +3.3V_PKOB USBID/RF3 48 R44 ASSEMBLY_ID_1 47 pins 1-2: Shorted pins 1-2: Open pins 3-4: Shorted pins 3-4: Open 10k ASSEMBLY_ID_0 46 +3.3V_PKOB UTIL_SDO 45 UTIL_SDI 44 43 C19 C20 C21 C22 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 8.2pF 41 (Local Vdd/Vss bypass/decoupling.) Y2 40 12MHz +3.3V_PKOB 39 +3.3V_PKOB 38 37 USB2_N 36 USB2_P C26 USB_D+ +3.3V_PKOB USB_D- 35 34 33 8.2pF R48 3.92k R47 R49 10k 100k 2 VDD_SENSE MMBT3906 R51 3 R52 VBUS_PKOB 100R R53 R54 2.2k 2.2k 10k R55 0R MCLR 3 R57 1 VPP_ON 10k R59 Q3 R58 MMBT3904 100R 2 DNP 3 MMBT3904 R61 DNP POWER_GOOD_PICKIT3 R62 10k D14 R90 330R 3 Q1 1 MMBT2222 2 +3.3V_PKOB D9 0 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. +3.3V J19 VBUS_PKOB USB_DUSB_D+ YELLOW GREEN C31 0.1uF R66 330R PKOB USB INTERFACE (BUS POWERED) 1uF 0.1uF +3.3V_PKOB USB2.0 MICRO-B FEMALE 1 2 3 4 5 C29 +5V_CPU MBR230LSFT1G 430mV @ 2A VBUS DD+ ID GND C28 Q4 1 10k +3.3V_PKOB Q2 1 VPP_SENSE VPP_GND PGD_PKOB 0.1uF UTIL_SCK R60 PGC_PKOB C23 C25 42 32 AN0/RB0 C27 Vbus 31 AN1/RB1 PMA0/AN15/RB15 PMA0/AN A 15/RB15 AN2/RB2 30 16 D-/RG3 AN6/RB6 A AN 6/RB6 VREF_2.5V R56 3.16k AN3/RB3 PMA1/AN14/RB14 PMA1/AN A 14/RB14 15 D+/RG2 29 1k 14 VDD USBOENAN4/RB4 PMA10/AN13/RB13 PMA10/AN A 13/RB13 VDD_SENSE AN5/RB5 PMA11/AN12/RB12 PMA11/AN A 12/RB12 R50 13 OSC1/CLKIN/RC12 28 VPP_SENSE VDD VDD +3.3V_PKOB OSC2/CLKO/RC15 VSS 12 VSS VSS 27 11 SERIAL EEPROM (25LC256) PMA2/RG9 26 10 RTCC/RD8 25 +3.3V_PKOB MCLR PMA12/AN11/RB11 PMA12/AN A 11/RB11 9 SDA1/RD9 PMA13/AN10/RB10 PMA13/AN A 10/RB10 8 SCL1/PMCS2/RD10 PMA3/RG8 24 330R PMA4/RG7 PMA7/AN9/RB9 PMA7/AN A 9/RB9 ICSP_MCLR_VPP_PICKIT3 7 23 4 R46 PMCS1/RD11 22 6 1uF INT0/RD0 PMA5/RG6 AN8/RB8 A AN 8/RB8 5 C24 2.2k PMD7/SDA3/RE7 21 4 AVSS UTIL_SDI R42 10k SOSCI/RC13 AVDD HOLD R45 3 2 REAL ICE Mode PKOB Mode U7 SOSCO/RC14 PMD6/SCL3/RE6 20 SO WP 2 PMD5/CN63/RE5 AN7/RB7 A AN 7/RB7 7 SCK CS 1 19 3 VCC 1 UTIL_CS UTIL_WP VPP_GND VSS 6 UTIL_SCK SI 8 U8 5 UTIL_SDO VPP_ON PMPD2/RE2 25LC256 10k 18 R43 PMPD4/RE4 +3.3V_PKOB PMPD3/RE3 64 VBUS_DEVICE_SWITCHED_SENSE 2 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide DS70005311A-page 38 PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD SCHEMATICS (4 OF 5) FIGURE A-11: Schematics FIGURE A-12: PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD SCHEMATICS (5 OF 5) J15 +5V GCLK +3.3V I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SCLK AN1/CTCMP/C2INB/RPB2/RB2 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 I/O8 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 RPF2/SDA3/RF2 RPF8/SCL3/RF8 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 1 +3.3V TXD0 RXD0 I/O9 I/O10 I/O11 I/O12 SPI_CE0_N SPI_CE1_N I/O13 I/O14 I/O15 I/O16 HDR-2.54 Male 2x20 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 39 LAN8740 PHY DAUGHTER CARD +3.3V VDDA FB1 C4 C3 1.0uF 0.1uF C5 0.1uF C7 1.0uF RMII EN +3.3V C1 1.0uF 8 Place close to U1 RXD1 RXD0 CRS_DV 9 R12 33R 10 R13 33R 11 R11 33R 26 7 R14 13 RX_ER MDIO MDC RXD3/PHYAD2 49.9R 49.9R 49.9R 6 J2 TXP 29 TX_P 28 TX_N TXP TXP TXN TXN 3 RXD1/MODE1 TXN RXD0/MODE0 RXP 31 RX_P 30 RX_N 20 R8 RXN TX_EN 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K TXD0 TXD1 PHYAD[2:0] = 000 Default 21 22 23 24 25 15 14 19 nRST CLK_IN CLK_IN 5 TXD1 LED1/nINT/nPME/REGOFF TXD3 LED2/nINT/nPME/nINTSEL 3 2 C13 12pF J7 1000pF 2KV J8 12 11 LED_ACT 2 REGOFF=0 +3.3V R22 249R SHIELD Yel SHIELD 13 14 J3011G21DNL (Regulator ON) CRS Grn 1 LED_LINK LED_ACT COL/CRS_DV/MODE2 R16 10K nRST XTAL1/CLKIN XTAL2 10 J6 NC EGND For EMI Purposes (DNP) LED_LINK VDDA R21 249R C12 12pF C11 12pF TXD0 nINT/TXER/TXD4 33 4 C10 12pF TXEN TXD2 9 C14 0.022uF TXCLK PAD R6 J5 8 33R R4 J4 6 RXN RXN J3 7 RXP RXCLK/PHYAD1 RXER/RXD4/PHYAD0 J2 4 RXP RXDV J1 5 RXD2/nPME/RMIISEL 4 X 75e 17 MDC 49.9R 16 MDIO VDDCR U1 1.5K 27 R7 1 R5 10K VDD1A R3 C9 470pF R17 R18 R19 R20 12 R2 4.7K 4.7K 4.7K VDDA C8 1.0uF VDDIO R1 Default C2 0.1uF VDD2A +3.3V MODE[2:0] = 111 RBIAS R23 18 nINT 12.1k J1 TXD0 TXD1 1 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 5 17 6 18 7 19 8 20 9 21 10 22 11 23 RXD1 RXD0 RX_ER CRS_DV MDC MDIO nINT EGND 12 2 HDR/DB S9014E-12-ND nRST R24 (DNP) 24 25 0.1uF EGND +3.3V C6 25 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. CLK_IN around RJ-45 Conn EGND *SMSC LAN8740 TX_EN Create EGND copper pour 0R R15 32 EGND Titl EGND PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide DS70005311A-page 40 FIGURE A-13: PIC32MZ DA FAMILY STARTER KIT USER'S GUIDE Appendix B. Bill of Materials B.1 PIC32MZ2064DAx288 DAUGHTER CARD BILL OF MATERIALS TABLE B-1: PIC32MZ2064DAx288 DAUGHTER CARD BILL OF MATERIALS Quantity Reference Description 44 C1, C2, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C29, C30, C31, C32, C33, C35, C37, C38, C39, C40, C41, C42, C43, C44, C45, C46, C57, C59, C60, C62, C97 CAP CER 0.1uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 Murata GRM155R71C104KA88D 16 C7, C34, C36, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51, C52, C53, C54, C55, C56, C61, C67, C69 CAP CER 0.01uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 C0402C103K4RACTU 1 C6 CAP CER 4.7uF 6.3V 20% X5R SMD 0402 Murata GRM155R60J475ME47D 1 C5 CAP CER 2.2uF 10V 10% X5R 0402 Murata GRM155R60J475ME47D 1 L1 FILTER CHIP 120 OHM 300MA 0402 Murata BLM15HB121SN1D 1 LD2 DIO LED GREEN 1.7V 20mA SMD 0603 OSRAM LG L29K-G2J1-24-Z 1 R2 RES TKF 10k 5% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ103X 1 R3 RES TKF 100k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1003X 1 R5 RES TKF 100R 5% 1/16W SMD 0402 Yageo RC0402JR-07100RL 5 R6, R7, R10, R12, R13 RES TKF 0R SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GE0R00X 2 R8, R9 RES SMD 1K OHM 1% 1/16W 0402 Stackpole Inc. RMCF0402FT1K00 1 R11 RES 470 OHM 1/16W 1% 0402 SMD Rohm Semiconductor MCR01MRTF4700 1 R14 RES TKF 1.5k 5% 1/16W SMD 0402 Rohm Semiconductor MCR01MRTJ152 1 R15 RES TKF 2.2k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF2201X 1 Y1 ASDMB-24.000MHZ-LC-T Abracon LLC ASDMB-24.000MHZ-LC-T 1 U2 IC REG LDO 1.8V 1A 10MLF Microchip Technology MIC69101-1.8YML-TR 1 TP24 TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D RED Keystone Electronics 5000 1 TP25 TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D BLACK Keystone Electronics 5001 1 TP1 CON TP TAB Silver Mini 3.8x2.03 SMD Keystone Electronics 5019 2 J1, J2 CONN RCPT 100POS 0.4MM SMD GOLD Hirose Electric Co Ltd DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) 1 U3 IC DDR2 SDRAM 1GBIT 3NS 84FBGA Micron Technology MT47H64M16HR-3:H TR 1 U1 288 pin PIC32 BGA Non-Crypto Microchip Technology PIC32MZ2064DAB288-I/4J 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Manufacturer KEMET Part No. DS70005311A-page 41 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide TABLE B-1: PIC32MZ2064DAx288 DAUGHTER CARD BILL OF MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Quantity Reference DNP TP4, TP5, TP6, TP10, TP11, TP12, TP13, TP14, TP15, TP16, TP17, TP18, TP19, TP20, TP21, TP22, TP23 DNP C3, C4 CAP CER 8PF 50V NP0 0603 TDK Corporation C1608C0G1H080D080AA DNP R1 RES SMD 1M OHM 1% 1/10W 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1004X DNP Y3 CRYSTAL 24.000MHZ 8PF SMD AVX Corp/Kyocera Corp CX3225GA24000D0PTVZ1 DNP Y2 OSCILLATOR 32.768KHZ 3.3V SMD CTS-Frequency Controls TC25L5I32K7680 DS70005311A-page 42 Description Manufacturer Part No. 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Bill of Materials B.2 PIC32MZ2064DAx169 DAUGHTER CARD BILL OF MATERIALS TABLE B-2: Quantity PIC32MZ2064DAx169 DAUGHTER CARD BILL OF MATERIALS Reference Description Manufacturer Part No. 22 C1, C2, C8, CAP CER 0.1uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C33, C37, C38, C39, C40, C41, C42, C43, C44, C45, C46, C57, C60, C61 Murata GRM155R71C104KA88D 14 C34, C47, C48, CAP CER 0.01uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 C49, C50, C51, C52, C53, C54, C55, C56, C58, C59, C67 KEMET C0402C103K4RACTU 1 C6 CAP CER 2.2uF 10V 10% X5R SMD 0402 Murata GRM155R61A225KE95D 2 J1, J2 100 pin Recpt, Center Strip SMD (P0.4mm) Hirose Electric Co Ltd DF40HC(3.0)-100DS-0.4V(58) 3 L1, L2, L3 FERRITE CHIP 100 OHM 2A 0603 TDK Corporation MPZ1608Y101B 1 LD2 DIO LED GREEN 1.7V 20mA SMD 0603 OSRAM LG L29K-G2J1-24-Z 1 R2 RES TKF 10k 5% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ103X-T 2 R8, R9 RES SMD 1K OHM 1% 1/16W 0402 Stackpole Inc. RMCF0402FT1K00 1 R11 RES TKF 470R 5% 1/16W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ471X 2 R12, R17 RES TKF 0R SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GE0R00X 1 R14 RES TKF 1.5k 5% 1/16W SMD 0402 Rohm Semiconductor MCR01MRTJ152 1 R15 RES TKF 2.2k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF2201X 1 Y1 OSC MEMS 24.000 MHZ SMD Abracon Corporation ASDMB-24.000MHZ-LC-T 1 U1 PIC32MZ 169BGA Non-crptyo Microchip Technology PIC32MZ2064DAH169-I/BG DNP C3, C4 CAP CER 8pF 50V 0.5pF C0G SMD 0603 Murata GRM1885C1H8R0DZ01D DNP L4 FERRITE CHIP 100 OHM 2A 0603 TDK Corporation MPZ1608Y101B DNP R1 RES TKF 1M 1% 1/16W SMD 0402 Yageo RC0402FR-071ML DNP Y3 CRYSTAL 24MHz 18pF SMD ABM7 Abracon LLC ABM7-24.000MHZ-D2Y-T DNP TP24 TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D RED Keystone Electronics 5000 DNP TP25 TEST POINT PC MINI .040"D BLACK Keystone Electronics 5001 DNP Y2 OSC XO 32.768KHZ CMOS SMD CTS-Frequency Controls TC25L5I32K7680 DNP TP1, TP2 CON TP TAB Silver Mini 3.8x2.03 SMD Keystone Electronics 5019 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 43 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide B.3 PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS TABLE B-3: Quantity PIC32MZ DA SK BASE BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS Reference Description Manufacturer Part No. 1 C12 CAP CER 0.01uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 KEMET C0402C103K4RACTU 17 C1, C2, C6, C8, C11, C13, C14, C15, C16, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C27, C29, C31 CAP CER 0.1uF 16V 10% X7R SMD 0402 Murata GRM155R71C104KA88D 3 C4, C24, C28 CAP CER 1uF 10V 10% X5R 0402 Murata GRM155R61A105KE15D 2 C7, C18 CAP CER 10uF 10V 20% X5R SMD 0603 Panasonic ECJ-1VB1A106M 3 C9, C10, C32 CAP CER 100uF 10V 20% X5R SMD 1206 TDK Corporation C3216X5R1A107M160AC 1 C30 CAP CER 4.7uF 6.3V 20% X5R SMD 0402 Murata GRM155R60J475ME47D 3 C3, C5, C17 CAP CER 2.2uF 10V 10% X5R 0402 Murata GRM155R61A225KE95D 2 C25, C26 CAP CER 8.2pF 50V 0.25pF NP0 0402 Johanson Technology Inc 500R07S8R2CV4T 2 J1, J2 CONN HDR 100POS 0.4MM SMD GOLD Hirose Electric Co Ltd DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51) 1 J3 CONN HEADER 168POS W/POST SMD Hirose Electric Co Ltd FX10A-168P-SV1(71) 4 J4, J5, J6, J19 CON USB2.0 MICRO-B FEMALE TH/SMD R/A FCI 10118194-0001LF 1 J7 CON USB USB-A Female SMD R/A ASSMANN Electronic AU-Y1006-R 1 J8 CON HDR-2.54 Male 1x2 Gold 5.84MH TH VERT FCI 77311-118-02LF 2 J9 MOD LAN8740 PHY Daughter Board Sullins Connector Solutions LPPB121NFFN-RC 2 @J9 3 Position Header Connector 0.050" (1.27mm) Through Hole Gold Sullins Connector Solutions LPPB031NFFN-RC 1 J10 MICRO SD PUSH/PUSH SMALL 8C Molex, LLC 5033981892 1 J17 HDR_JMPR_2X2_TH_0.05" Samtec FTS-102-01-F-D 1 @J17 CONN JUMPER SHORTING 1.27MM GOLD Sullins Connector Solutions NPB02DVFN-RC 3 D4, D7, D9 DIO LED GREEN 2.1V 20mA 2.4mcd Diffuse SMD 0603 Stanley Electric Co BG1111C-TR 1 D8 DIO LED YELLOW 2.2V 25mA 3.4mcd Diffuse SMD 0603 Stanley Electric Co AY1111C-TR 1 D6 DIO LED RED 1.7V 25mA 11.7mcd Diffuse SMD 0603 Stanley Electric Co BR1111C-TR 3 D3, D13, D14 DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V 2A SOD123L ON Semiconductor MBR230LSFT1G 3 S1, S2, S3 SWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 12V C&K Components PTS635SK25SMTR LFS 1 TP3 MISC, TEST POINT MULTI PURPOSE MINI BLACK Keystone 5001 2 TP1, TP2 MISC, TEST POINT MULTI PURPOSE MINI RED Keystone 5000 1 Y2 CRYSTAL 12MHz 8pF SMD NX3225SA NDK NX3225SA-12.000000MHZ 1 Y1 OSC MEMS 50.000 MHz_1.8V~3.3V SMD Abracon Corporation ASEMB-50.000MHZ-LC-T 3 R3, R10, R49 RES TKF 100k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1003X 1 R50 RES TKF 1k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1001X 3 R45, R53, R54 RES TKF 2.2k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF2201X DS70005311A-page 44 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Bill of Materials Quantity Reference Description Manufacturer Part No. 10 R6, R16, R28, R29, R35, R38, R39, R46, R66, R90 RES TKF 330R 5% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ331X 1 R41 RES TKF 200k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF2003X 5 R4, R14, R15, R31, R32 RES TKF 33R 1% 1/16W SMD 0402 Rohm Semiconductor MCR01MRTF33R0 5 R2, R36, R40, R85, R86 RES TKF 4.7k 5% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ472X 22 R9, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, R30, R37, R42, R43, R44, R47, R52, R57, R60, R62, R68, R69, R67, R83, R88, R89 RES TKF 10k 1% 1/10W SMD 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF1002X 2 R51, R58 RES TKF 100R 5% 1/16W SMD 0402 Yageo RC0402JR-07100RL 11 R1, R12, R13, R33, R55, R78, R79, R80, R81, R82, R84 RES TKF 0R 1/16W SMD 0402 Yageo RC0402JR-070RL 1 R56 RES SMD 3.16K OHM 1% 1/10W 0402 Panasonic ERJ-2RKF3161X 1 R48 RES TKF 3.92K 1% 1/16W SMD 0402 Yageo RC0402FR-073K92L 1 U3 IC BILATERAL SWITCH DUAL SM8 Toshiba +E14 1 U9 IC SWITCH SPDT SC70-6 Fairchild Semiconduc- NC7SB3157P6X tor 1 U11 IC PWR DIST SWITCH SNGL SOT23-5 Texas Instruments TPS2041BDBVRG4 2 Q3, Q4 TRANS BJT NPN MMBT3904 40V 200mA 310mW SOT-23-3 Diodes Incorporated MMBT3904-7 1 Q2 TRANS BJT PNP MMBT3906 -40V -200mA Central Semiconduc300mW SOT-23-3 tor 1 Q1 TRANS BJT NPN MMBT2222 30V 600mA 350mW SOT-23-3 Fairchild Semiconduc- MMBT2222 tor 1 Rubber Foot BUMPER SQUARE BLK (L10.5xW10.5xH2.5mm) 3M 1 U8 MCHP MEMORY SERIAL EEPROM 256k SPI 25LC256-I/SN SOIC-8 Microchip Technology 25LC256T-I/SN 1 U6 MCHP ANALOG LDO 3.3V MCP1700T-3302E/TT SOT-23-3 Microchip Technology MCP1700T-3302E/TT 1 U2 MCHP ANALOG LDO 3.3V MCP1727-3302E/SN SOIC-8 Microchip Technology MCP1727-3302E/SN 1 U5 IC FLASH 32MBIT 8QFN_Modified Pads Microchip Technology SST26VF032BT-104I/SM 1 U7 PIC(R) IC 16-Bit 32MHz 256KB 64-TQFP (10x10) Microchip Technology PIC24FJ256GB106-I/PT 1 U4 LDO 1.8V 1A_10MLF (3x3) Microchip Technology MIC69101-1.8YML-TR 1 U1 MCHP INTERFACE USB I2C UART MCP2221-I/ST TSSOP-14 Microchip Technology MCP2221-I/ST DNP R11, R59, R61, R87, R70, R84, R71 DNP R22, R23, R24, R25, R26, R27 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. CMPT3906-PST-LEADFREE SJ-5007 DS70005311A-page 45 PIC32MZ DA Family Starter Kit User's Guide Quantity Reference Description DNP D11 DIODE GEN PURP 75V 150MA 0402 DNP J11 Terminal Strip, Dual Row Horizontal, Surface Mount, 0.100" Pitch, 14 Pins DNP J15 CON HDR-2.54 Male 2x20 Gold 5.84MH TH VERT DNP J12, J18 DS70005311A-page 46 Manufacturer Part No. Comchip Technology CDSQR4148-HF Samtec TSW-120-07-G-D CON HDR-1.27 Female 1x6 Gold TH VERT Samtec SLM-106-01-G-S 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. Bill of Materials B.4 LAN8740A PHY DAUGHTER BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS TABLE B-4: Quantity LAN8740A PHY DAUGHTER BOARD BILL OF MATERIALS Reference Description Manufacturer Part No. 4 C1, C3, C7, C8 Cap, Ceramic, 1 F, 16V X5R TDK Corporation C1608X5R1C105K 4 C2, C4, C5, C6 Cap, Ceramic, 0.1 F, 50V X7R TDK Corporation C1608X7R1H104M 1 C9 CAP 470 F 50V CERAMIC X7R 0603 Yageo CC0603KRX7R9BB471 1 C14 CAP CER 0.022 F 50V 20% X7R 0603 Murata GRM188R71H223MA01D 1 FB1 FERRITE CHIP 600 OHM 500 mA 0805 TDK Corporation MMZ2012Y601B 2 J1 TWO CONN HEADER .050" 12 POS PCB GOLD Sullins Connector GRPB121VWVN-RC 2 @J1 TWO CONN HEADER .050" 3 POS PCB GOLD Sullins Connector GRPB031VWVN-RC 1 J2 CONN MAGJACK 1 PORT 100 BASE-TX Pulse J3011G21DNL 6 R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, R8 RES 4.70K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-3EKF4701V 2 R5, R16 RES 10K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Stackpole Inc. RMCF0603FT10K0 1 R7 RES 1.50K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Vishay Dale CRCW06031K50FKEA 4 R11, R12, R13, R14 RES 33 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Stackpole Inc. RMCF0603FT33R0 1 R15 RES 12.1K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD Stackpole Inc. RMCF0603FT12K1 4 R17, R18, R19, R20 RES TF 1/10W 49.9 OHM 1% 0603 Stackpole Inc. RMCF0603FG49R9 2 R21, R22 RES TF 1/10W 249 OHM 1% 0603 Stackpole Inc. RMCF0603FG249R 1 R23 RES 0.0 OHM 1/4W 0805 SMD Yageo RC0805JR-070RL 1 U1 TX/RX Ethernet 32-pin QFN Microchip Technology LAN8740A-EN DNP C10, C11, C12, C13 CAP CER 12 F 50V 5% NPO 0603 Yageo CC0603JRNPO9BN120 DNP R24 DNP (0603 pads) 2017 Microchip Technology Inc. DS70005311A-page 47 Worldwide Sales and Service AMERICAS ASIA/PACIFIC ASIA/PACIFIC EUROPE Corporate Office 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tel: 480-792-7200 Fax: 480-792-7277 Technical Support: http://www.microchip.com/ support Web Address: www.microchip.com Asia Pacific Office Suites 3707-14, 37th Floor Tower 6, The Gateway Harbour City, Kowloon Asia Pacific Office Suites 3707-14, 37th Floor Tower 6, The Gateway Harbour City, Kowloon Austria - Wels Tel: 43-7242-2244-39 Fax: 43-7242-2244-393 Hong Kong Tel: 852-2943-5100 Fax: 852-2401-3431 Hong Kong Tel: 852-2943-5100 Fax: 852-2401-3431 Australia - Sydney Tel: 61-2-9868-6733 Fax: 61-2-9868-6755 Australia - Sydney Tel: 61-2-9868-6733 Fax: 61-2-9868-6755 China - Beijing Tel: 86-10-8569-7000 Fax: 86-10-8528-2104 China - Beijing Tel: 86-10-8569-7000 Fax: 86-10-8528-2104 China - Chengdu Tel: 86-28-8665-5511 Fax: 86-28-8665-7889 China - Chengdu Tel: 86-28-8665-5511 Fax: 86-28-8665-7889 China - Chongqing Tel: 86-23-8980-9588 Fax: 86-23-8980-9500 China - Chongqing Tel: 86-23-8980-9588 Fax: 86-23-8980-9500 Chicago Itasca, IL Tel: 630-285-0071 Fax: 630-285-0075 China - Dongguan Tel: 86-769-8702-9880 China - Dongguan Tel: 86-769-8702-9880 Germany - Karlsruhe Tel: 49-721-625370 China - Guangzhou Tel: 86-20-8755-8029 China - Guangzhou Tel: 86-20-8755-8029 Cleveland Independence, OH Tel: 216-447-0464 Fax: 216-447-0643 China - Hangzhou Tel: 86-571-8792-8115 Fax: 86-571-8792-8116 China - Hangzhou Tel: 86-571-8792-8115 Fax: 86-571-8792-8116 Germany - Munich Tel: 49-89-627-144-0 Fax: 49-89-627-144-44 China - Hong Kong SAR Tel: 852-2943-5100 Fax: 852-2401-3431 China - Hong Kong SAR Tel: 852-2943-5100 Fax: 852-2401-3431 China - Nanjing Tel: 86-25-8473-2460 Fax: 86-25-8473-2470 China - Nanjing Tel: 86-25-8473-2460 Fax: 86-25-8473-2470 China - Qingdao Tel: 86-532-8502-7355 Fax: 86-532-8502-7205 China - Qingdao Tel: 86-532-8502-7355 Fax: 86-532-8502-7205 China - Shanghai Tel: 86-21-3326-8000 Fax: 86-21-3326-8021 China - Shanghai Tel: 86-21-3326-8000 Fax: 86-21-3326-8021 China - Shenyang Tel: 86-24-2334-2829 Fax: 86-24-2334-2393 China - Shenyang Tel: 86-24-2334-2829 Fax: 86-24-2334-2393 China - Shenzhen Tel: 86-755-8864-2200 Fax: 86-755-8203-1760 China - Shenzhen Tel: 86-755-8864-2200 Fax: 86-755-8203-1760 China - Wuhan Tel: 86-27-5980-5300 Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 China - Wuhan Tel: 86-27-5980-5300 Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 China - Xian Tel: 86-29-8833-7252 Fax: 86-29-8833-7256 China - Xian Tel: 86-29-8833-7252 Fax: 86-29-8833-7256 Atlanta Duluth, GA Tel: 678-957-9614 Fax: 678-957-1455 Austin, TX Tel: 512-257-3370 Boston Westborough, MA Tel: 774-760-0087 Fax: 774-760-0088 Dallas Addison, TX Tel: 972-818-7423 Fax: 972-818-2924 Detroit Novi, MI Tel: 248-848-4000 Houston, TX Tel: 281-894-5983 Indianapolis Noblesville, IN Tel: 317-773-8323 Fax: 317-773-5453 Los Angeles Mission Viejo, CA Tel: 949-462-9523 Fax: 949-462-9608 New York, NY Tel: 631-435-6000 San Jose, CA Tel: 408-735-9110 Canada - Toronto Tel: 905-673-0699 Fax: 905-673-6509 Denmark - Copenhagen Tel: 45-4450-2828 Fax: 45-4485-2829 Finland - Espoo Tel: 358-9-4520-820 France - Paris Tel: 33-1-69-53-63-20 Fax: 33-1-69-30-90-79 France - Saint Cloud Tel: 33-1-30-60-70-00 Germany - Garching Tel: 49-8931-9700 Germany - Haan Tel: 49-2129-3766400 Germany - Heilbronn Tel: 49-7131-67-3636 Germany - Rosenheim Tel: 49-8031-354-560 Israel - Ra'anana Tel: 972-9-744-7705 Italy - Milan Tel: 39-0331-742611 Fax: 39-0331-466781 Italy - Padova Tel: 39-049-7625286 Netherlands - Drunen Tel: 31-416-690399 Fax: 31-416-690340 Norway - Trondheim Tel: 47-7289-7561 Poland - Warsaw Tel: 48-22-3325737 Romania - Bucharest Tel: 40-21-407-87-50 Spain - Madrid Tel: 34-91-708-08-90 Fax: 34-91-708-08-91 Sweden - Gothenberg Tel: 46-31-704-60-40 Sweden - Stockholm Tel: 46-8-5090-4654 UK - Wokingham Tel: 44-118-921-5800 Fax: 44-118-921-5820 11/07/16 DS70005311A-page 48 2017 Microchip Technology Inc.