22355 Abracon CORX 2-29.qxd 3/6/00 6:54 AM Page 48 TTL / CMOS * FULL-SIZE DIP * 5 Vdc or 3.3 Vdc VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS ACVX1222 and ACVX1222L FEATURES: * 14-Pin DIP 5 Vdc or 3.3 Vdc / 5mm Height. * Tight Symmetry (45/55%) Available. * Large Frequency Deviation Available. * Good Linearity (10%). APPLICATIONS: * Phase Locked Loops (PLLs). * Reference Signal Tracking. * Clock Recovery. * Synthesizers. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETERS ACV X 1222 (Fo) Frequency Range Operating Temperature (TOPR) Storage Temperature (TSTO) Frequency Stability -vs- Temp. -vs- Aging -vs- Vdd Supply Voltage 1 MHz - 200 MHz 0C to + 70C (See Options) -40C to +85C 100 ppm max. (See Options) 5 ppm / year max. 5 ppm max. (Vdd) Input Current (Idd) Duty Cycle or Symmetry Rise and Fall Times (TR / TF) Output Load Output Voltage (VOH) (VOL) Transfer Function Voltage Control (Vc) Center Voltage Frequency Deviation Linearity Start-up Time ACV X 1222 L 5 Vdc 5% 3.3 Vdc 5% _ 26 MHz 60 mA max. for F < _ 70 MHz 25 mA max. for F < _ 45 MHz 90 mA max. for F < _ 200 MHz 30 mA max. for F < 40 / 60% max. @ 1/2 Vdd (See Options) 10 ns max. TTL / CMOS (15 pF or 10 TT L gate) 0.9 * Vdd min. 0.4 Vdc max. Positive 0.5 Vdc to 4.5 Vdc 0.3 Vdc to 3 Vdc 2.5 Vdc 0.5 Vdc 1.5 Vdc 0.25 V 100 ppm min. (See Options) 10% max. (TOSC) 10 ms max. Please Inquire factory for higher frequencies, other pulling specs., control voltage range or linearity. For test circuit, waveforms, please see page 67. Environmental and mechanical specifications on page 68, Group 1. Marking, see page 79. TYPICAL PHASE NOISE OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) PHASE NOISE (dBc / Hz) 10 100 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz -70 -100 -125 -150 -160 ORDERING OPTIONS ACVX1222 X - Frequency - Temperature - Stability - Duty Cycle - Pulling - Value Added Blank or L XX.XXXXX MHz -D for -10C -E for -20C -F for -30C -N for -30C -L for -40C to + 60C to + 70C to + 70C to + 85C to + 85C ABRACON - 48 - -J -R -K -H -C for 20 ppm max for 25 ppm max for 30 ppm max for 35 ppm max for 50 ppm max -N15 -N20 -N25 -N30 150 ppm min 200 ppm min (**) 250 ppm min (**) 300 ppm min (**) -S for 45 / 55% @ 1/ 2 Vdd -S1 for 45 / 55% @ 1.4 Vdc (R) C O R P O R AT I O N (**) ACVX 1222 only PIN No. -G Gull Wing* -QXX (Trimmed Leads) * * Found on Page 73. 1 Voltage Control Vc 7 GND / Case 8 Output 14 Vdd NOTE: Left blank if standard * All specifications and markings subject to change without notice 29 Journey * Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 * USA (949) 448-7070 * F AX : (949) 448-8484 E-MAIL: abinfo @ abracon.com * INTERNET ADDRESS: www.abracon.com FUNCTION ABRACON IS ISO 9001 / QS 9000 CERTIFIED