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More and more organizations are using the Internet to send data
to branch offices. But because the Internet is a public network, security
is an issue, so sensitive data must be encrypted.
EncrypTight™ is an encryption solution that overcomes the limitations
associated with IPsec VPN tunnels. It brings you air-tight encryption
across any WAN — even the Internet — without the hassle of setting up
a VPN tunnel for each connection. Layer 4 encryption capability leaves
packet headers intact, making encrypted data far more compatible
with network operations. Plus, EncrypTight doesn’t add latency to
bog down network operations — it’s totally transparent.
The not-so-private MPLS WAN
Many organizations don’t encrypt their data because it’s traveling
on a “safe” MPLS network. Although MPLS networks provide more
reliable connections than the Internet and aren’t as public, they cannot
be counted upon to be private — they’re still vulnerable to attack.
MPLS is technically a VPN that mimics privacy by logically separating
data with labels. Although the data traffic is kept separate from other
traffic, it can still be easily intercepted at any node.
When vendors say MPLS is secure, what they mean is that the
traffic is kept separate from other traffic, that they have processes in
place to prevent unauthorized data snooping, and that their employees
probably aren’t going to snoop either. In fact, your data probably
won’t be stolen on an MPLS network, but you have no way of being
sure and no way to tell if your data has been breached.
In fact, the only way to ensure data security over an MPLS
network is by encrypting data as it travels across the WAN.
Solid security with versatility and scalability.
• EncryptsatOSILayer2,3,or4.
• Workswithallkindsofnetworktraffic,includingVoIP.
• WorksontheInternetoronprivateWANs.
• NoneedforVPNtunnels.
• Nodelays,nojitter,nolatency.
• Transparenttonetworkoperationandapplications.
• ✦✦
— 1 Year
Breaking out of the tunnel
Although IPsec VPN tunnels are fairly simple to set up between
only two points, when remote sites multiply, the number of tunnels
increases exponentially. A tunnel is needed between each pair of sites,
leading to administrative hassles every time a remote site is added.
EncrypTight eliminates the need to establish point-to-point tunnels
between each pair of remote sites, freeing network administrators
for other tasks. With EncrypTight, every network on your WAN can
establish an instant encrypted connection to every other network
equipped with an EncrypTight appliance.
Layer 4 encryption
In addition to Layer 2 Ethernet frame encryptions and Layer 3 IP
packet encryption, EncrypTight offers a Layer 4 payload-only encryption
option. Layer 4 encryption offers many advantages, including:
• AbilitytopassencrypteddatathroughNATdevices.VPNtunnels,
which encapsulate the Layer 3 address, often don’t work with NAT.
• Compatibilitywithpolicy-basedroutingandloadbalancing
that require Layer 3 addresses to be intact.
• Layer4encryptionleavesLayer3headersintact,makingitpossible
to troubleshoot a network without turning off encryption.
• Becauseheadersareintact,datalooksunencrypted,makingit
possible to use within countries that restrict encrypted data.
Central management
Manage all your EncrypTight appliances with EncrypTight
Management Software. The simple drag-and-drop interface scales
seamlessly and enables you to set encryption policies based on IP
addresses, port numbers, protocol IDs, or VLAN tags. You can quickly
change policies across the entire WAN without interrupting network
traffic. EncrypTight Management Software generates, and securely
pushes, encryption keys and policies to appliances throughout the
WAN. Logging and auditing functions enable you to collect
and monitor important criteria such as enforcement point status,
as well as policy, password, and device configuration changes.