From Table 1 it can be seen that in addition to offering three different
DCR values and tolerances the FP0705 has better performance over
the traditional FP2 inductor. The FP0705 also has greater core loss
stability over a wide temperature range, which is a consideration that
is often overlooked during converter design. Almost all inductor
specifications show room temperature values. However, the effects of
increased temperature need to be accounted for as peak current
ratings are reduced and losses increased at elevated temperatures.
The Cooper Bussmann Coiltronics®Flat-Pac™ Series of DCR current
sensing inductors is available in footprints of 7 x 7mm, 7 x 8mm,
10 x 7mm, 10 x 8mm and 11 x 8mm with many inductance value
CCooiillttrroonniiccssCCoorreeNNoommiinnaallIIrrmmssIIppkkDDCCRRCCoorree LLoossssHHeeiigghhtt
PPaarrtt NNoo..MMaatteerriiaallIInndduuccttaannccee((AA))11((AA))22((mmΩΩ))((mmWW))33((mmmm))
FP2-V150-R Ferrite 150nH 37 23 0.28 50 5
FP0705R1-R15-R Ferrite 150nH 43 30 0.25 ± 10% 10 5
FP0705R2-R15-R Ferrite 150nH 38 30 0.32 ± 9.4% 10 5
FP0705R3-R15-R Ferrite 150nH 32 30 0.46 ± 6.5% 10 5
1. DC current for an approximate ΔT of 40°C
2. Peak current for approximately 20% roll off at 25°C
3. Losses at 500kHz, applied volt-second of 0.75V-µs
Table 2 - High Frequency Inductor Selection Matrix
Table 1 – DCR Current Sense Inductor Performance
ranges and DCR tolerances. All parts exhibit low DCR, high peak
current ratings and very low high frequency core losses that remain
stable over a wide temperature range. The Flat-Pac™ inductors are
also RoHS compliant and Halogen Free. The combination of these
characteristics make the new Flat-Pac™ inductors ideal for high
frequency, high efficiency voltage regulation modules used in
computer core power applications.
See Table 2 for a detail reference of the new core power inductor
solutions available from Cooper Bussmann.
Inductor Coiltronics Dimension OCL Isat(A)@ Irms(A) xx1= DCR(mΩ) xx1=
Series Part Number (mm) (nH) 25°C 125°C R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 R3
FP0705xx-R07-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 72 65 50 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0705xx-R10-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 105 44 36 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0705 FP0705xx-R12-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 120 37 30 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0705xx-R15-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 150 30 24 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0705xx-R18-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 180 25 20 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0705xx-R22-R 7 x 7 x 4.95 220 20 16 43 38 32 0.25±10% 0.32±9.4% 0.46±6.5%
FP0708xx-R07-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 72 90 72 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0708xx-R09-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 90 75 60 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0708 FP0708xx-R10-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 105 68 54 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0708xx-R12-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 120 59 47 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0708xx-R15-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 150 47 37 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0708xx-R19-R 8.5 x 7.0 x 7.2 190 37 29 44 - - 0.35±8.6% - -
FP0805xx-R03-R 7.49 x 7.62 x 4.96 32 110 95 65 - - 0.17±17% - -
FP0805xx-R06-R 7.49 x 7.62 x 4.96 58 83 61 65 - - 0.17±17% - -
FP0805 FP0805xx-R07-R 7.49 x 7.62 x 4.96 72 67 49 65 - - 0.17±17% - -
FP0805xx-R10-R 7.49 x 7.62 x 4.96 100 50 35 65 - - 0.17±17% - -
FP0805xx-R20-R 7.49 x 7.62 x 4.96 200 20 16 65 - - 0.17±17% - -
FP0807xx-R07-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 70 108 79 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807xx-R10-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 100 77 55 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807xx-R12-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 120 66 48 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807 FP0807xx-R16-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 160 48 36 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807xx-R18-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 180 42 32 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807xx-R20-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 200 38 28 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
FP0807xx-R22-R 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0 220 35 25 49 - - 0.50±6% - -
1. DCR Indicator.