ICs for Communications IPAC, HSCX-TE, ISAC-S TE PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Application Hints for passive ISDN-PC-Cards Application Note 08.97 DS 1 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Revision History: Current Version: 08.97 Previous Version: none Page Page (in previous (in new Version) Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision) Edition 08.97 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, HL TS Balanstr. 73# 81541 Munchen (c) Siemens AG 1997. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Semiconductor Group Offices in Germany or the Siemens Companies and Representatives worldwide (see address list). Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Siemens Office, Semiconductor Group. Siemens AG is an approved CECC manufacturer. Packing Please use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you - get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred. Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components1 of the Semiconductor Group of Siemens AG, may only be used in life-support devices or systems2 with the express written approval of the Semiconductor Group of Siemens AG. 1 A critical component is a component used in a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system. 2Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered. PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Table of Contents Page 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 From PSB 21525/PSB 2186 to PSB 2115 Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 3.1 3.2 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plug and Play Configuration Information for TL16PNP200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 IPAC Reference Board with TL16PNP200 (schematic) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 4.1 4.2 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic . . . . . . . . . . 14 Plug and Play Configuration Information for NM95MS16 PnP . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Schematics for SIPB71525 Reference Board with simple glue logic . . . . . . 17 Semiconductor Group 3 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Overview 1 Overview Chapter 2 describes how the software for the current PSB 21525 and PSB 2186 solutions can be adapted to the integrated PSB 2115 solution. Chapter 3 shows how the Texas Instruments Plug'n Play controller TL16PNP200 can be used for the Siemens ISDN PC cards. Chapter 4 contains a schematic for the well known SIB 71525 Reference Board to reduce the glue logic on that board. Semiconductor Group 4 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 From PSB 21525/PSB 2186 to PSB 2115 Solutions 2 From PSB 21525/PSB 2186 to PSB 2115 Solutions HSCX-TE S Reference Board V1.1 HSCX-TE/ HSCX ISAC-S TE/ ISAC-S PSB 21525/ SAB 82525 PSB2186/ PEB 2086 IPAC Reference Board S0 only V1.0 AUX interface IPAC PSB 2115 Glue Logic PnP controller PnP controller Figure 1 To adapt the software written for PSB 21525/PSB 2186 (HSCX-TE/ISAC-S TE) solutions to the PSB 2115 (IPAC, ISDN PC Adapter circuit) solution, some small changes have to be performed. Only the low-level routines are affected. The software should be changed with the help of the information listed below. The described changes are dedicated for the SIPB71525 and SIPB 72115 Reference Boards but they are also useful for other designs. 1. For each hardware access, change the address offset of the components: HSCX-TE software module: (old HSCX Address) -> (IPAC Base Address) + 00h ISAC-S TE software module: (old ISAC Address) -> (IPAC Base Address) + 80h 2. The HSCX-TE/ISAC-S FIFO size is 20h/20h. Change the software to support the IPAC B- and D-channel with a FIFO size of 40h and 20h, respectively. 3. The central interrupt handling can service the ISAC- and HSCX- part one after the other as it used to be. 4. The ISAC-S interrupt service routine needs not to be changed, i.e. the C/I-channel state machine is always the same and ISTAD/EXIRD are still at the ISAC-S address. Note: The state machine for unconditional transitions (e.g. test loop) is different. Therefore the number of C/I-codes has been increased compared to the ISAC-S TE (see fig. 93/p.195 and p.314 of the IPAC Preliminary Data Sheet 03.97). Semiconductor Group 5 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 From PSB 21525/PSB 2186 to PSB 2115 Solutions 1. The HSCX-TE interrupt service routine requires some small changes: Old: After the HSCX-TE has indicated an interrupt via /INT-pin the CPU must first read the ISTA register of channel B and check the state of these bits in order to determine which interrupt source(s) of which channel(s) has caused the interrupt. New: The IPAC interrupt structure is described in chapter 2.6.4 of the IPAC Preliminary Data Sheet (03.97). The general ISTA register collects all interrupt sources. The D- and B-channel status bits are directly derived from the corresponding ISTAD/B and EXIRD/B registers. If one of them is read out (i.e. serviced) the corresponding bit in the general ISTA is automatically cleared. Therefore: 1. check ISTAB channel A for interrupt and service if present 2. check EXIRB channel A ... 3. check ISTAB channel B ... 4. check EXIRB channel B ... Semiconductor Group 6 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) 3 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) Most of SIEMENS' ISDN Reference Boards (e.g. SIPB71525, SIPB72115,...) are equipped with a Plug and Play Controller. These reference designs use the NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR NM95MS16 PnP controller. A schematic with this PnP controller is available in chapter 3 of this document. Section 2.1 describes the use of the TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TL 16PNP200 PnP controller with the SIEMENS IPAC Reference Board (SIPB72115). Note: The standard IPAC Reference Board is equipped with the NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR PnP controller. 3.1 Plug and Play Configuration Information for TL16PNP200 The following Plug and Play resource data file is programmed into the Plug and Play controller's EEPROM (e.g. ST93C56 from SGS Thomson). It should be used as an example for PNP configuration. With this information the IPAC Reference Board (SIPB72115) will get the required resources during the arbitration process. Steps to use: 1. 2. 3. 4. Assemble the file below Link it to an EXE file Use EXE2BIN.EXE to create a BIN file Program this binary data file to the external EEPROM of the PNP controller. The checksums should be calculated within the programming utility. irq_desc_without_flags irq_desc_withflags df_start df_start_with_priority df_end ioport_desc ioport_fixed_desc end_tag equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ 022h 023h 030h 031h 038h 047h 04Bh 079h data segment dw dw dw dw 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h ;LD0 ;LD1 ;LD0 ;LD1 Memory Memory Memory Memory dw dw dw dw dw 0100h 0110h 0120h 0130h 0140h ;LD0 ;LD1 ;LD2 ;LD3 ;LD4 I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O dw 2492h Base Base Base Base Base ;Bits 15-13 ;Bits 12-10 ;Bits 9-7 Semiconductor Group base adress bits 23-8 (Note1) base adress bits 23-8 (Note1) upper adress bits 23-8 (Note1) upper adress bits 23-8 (Note1) address address address address address bits bits bits bits bits 15-0 15-0 15-0 (Note 2) 15-0 (Note 2) 15-0 (Note 2) :LD0 I/O block size :LD1 I/O block size :LD2 I/O block size 7 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) ;Bits 6-4 ;Bits 3-1 :LD3 I/O block size :LD4 I/O block size dw 5346h ;Bits ;Bits ;Bits ;Bits :LD0 :LD1 :LD2 :LD3 dw 72c0h ;Bits 15-12 ;Bits 11-9 ;Bits 8-6 :LD4 IRQ level :LD0 DMA channel :LD1 DMA channel (Note 5) dw 0010h ;Bit 15 ;Bit 14 ;Bit 13 ;Bit 12 ;Bit 11 ;Bits 10-8 ;Bits 7-5 ;Bit 4 :LD0 active :LD1 active :LD2 active :LD3 active :LD4 active :/OEN0 configuration :/OEN1 configuration :mode (Note 6) mode 1 is used -> no memory support! dw 0000h ;Bits ;Bits ;Bits ;Bits ;Bits :DMA :DMA :DMA :DMA :DMA 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0 14-12 11-9 8-6 5-3 2-0 IRQ IRQ IRQ IRQ 4 3 2 1 0 level level level level (Note 4) mapping mapping mapping mapping mapping (Note 7) ;---Begin of pnp header mfg and device id ;SIE0012 db 4dh ; Vendor byte 0 db 25h ; Vendor byte 1 db 00h ; Vendor byte 2 db 12h ; Vendor byte 3 dw 0001h ; Serial Number byte 0 ( 01234567 -- serial ID ) dw 0000h ; Serial Number byte 1 db 00h ; ----- placeholder for checksum------ ; Point 1. Plug and Play version number type ;---- begin of pnp Version db 0ah db 10h db 01h ; Small item, item name = 0x1, len = 2 ; Plug and Play version 1.0 ; Vendor specific version number ; Point 2. indentifier string resource type ;------------------ Ansi Id string ---------------db 82h ; Large item, Type Identifier string(ANSI) db 21h ; length of the string (lower byte) db 00h ; length of the string (upper byte) db Siemens IPAC Reference Board V1.0" ; String itself ;Point 3. logical device ID resource type ;----------------------- logical device ID ;SIE0012 db 15h ; len = 5 Semiconductor Group 8 ---- 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) db db db db db 4dh 25h 00h 12h 02h ; ; ; ; ; Indicates I/O range check option is implemented. db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 00100h ; dw 00210h ; db 002h ; db 002h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 00220h ; dw 00270h ; db 002h ; db 002h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 00300h ; dw 00330h ; db 002h ; db 002h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* Semiconductor Group 9 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 Using the TI PnP Controller with IPAC (SIPB72115) db db dw dw db db ioport_desc 001h; 003a0h ; 003b0h ; 002h ; 002h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 003e0h ; dw 003f0h ; db 002h ; db 002h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_end; ; Point 4. End tag resource type to indicate the end of resources ;------------------- END of TAG ------db end_tag db 00h ; -- placeholder for data checksum data ends end 0.1 IPAC Reference Board with TL16PNP200 (schematic) On the following pages the the schematic for the IPAC Reference Board TL16PNP200 is appended. Semiconductor Group 10 with 08.97 1 A A ISA-PnP ISA-PnP PCA[7..0] PCA[7..0] IRQOutQ IPAC IOCSQ RESDRV RESDRV IRQInQ IOWRQ IOCSQ IORDQ PCD[7..0] PCA[7..0] IOWRQ PCD[7..0] IORDQ PCD[7..0] IPAC B B C C D D Date: Size C E Tuesday, August 05, 1997 Document Root Number Sheet of 1 3 1 Rev {RevCode} Title IPAC-Reference Board V1.0, for TL16PNP200 Plug and Play Controller Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS E A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SBUC1 TCH2 TCH1 TCH2 TCH1 TCH2 TCH1 RCH2 RCH1 RCH2 RCH1 B 4 SEC 3 PRI 5 RCH3 5 2 4 5 10 4 SEC 3 PRI 5 2 2kV mounting options 4700p / 2kV- C11 4700p / 2kV- C10 PULSE PE-64995 6 1 TRAFO4 VAC 3-L4021-X066 2 4 7 9 6 TCH4 TCH3 TCH3 TCH4 TCH4 TRAFO3 1 TCH3 RCH4 VCC TRAFO2 1 RCH3 VAC 3-L4021-X066 10 7 9 6 GND RCH4 2kV mounting options PULSE PE-64995 6 2 PCD[7..0] VCC GND 1 TRAFO1 4k7 R6 IC2 PSB2115 AUX1 AUX0 DACKB DACKA DRQRB DRQTB VDD A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 VSS D101 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 D4 8k2 R11 8k2 R9 D5 VCC D6 Remark: Every part with a number higher than 100 (e.g. D101) has become necessary and h a s no layout counterpart. VCC PCD7 16 PCD6 15 PCD5 14 PCD4 13 12 PCD3 11 PCD2 10 9 PCD1 8 PCD0 7 6 RDQ 5 WRQ 4 IPACCSQ 3 2 IPACINTQ 1 1 IPACINTQ VCC VDD BCL/SCLK DU DD FSC DCL VSS MODE0 MODE1/EAW ACL SDS AUX7 AUX6 AUX5 AUX4 AUX3 GND D12 D10 D8 D2 C D13 D11 0R D9 D7 D3 GND GND This part was formerly a LL4851 diode and is n ow replaced by a 0R resistor R7 27R 1k8 R12 1k8 R10 R8 C9 GND X1 GND C7 18p 7.68MHz XTAL2 D Mounting option, up to 47pF. Mount as close as possible to IPAC. GND SR2 47p C8 47p SR1 SX2 SX1 GND 27R This resistor value h as to be changed from 27R to 24R if the Pulse trafo is used. AMODE*= high : indirect address mode ALE*= low : Siemens/Intel mode non multiplexed MODE0*= low : TE-mode (MODE1*= low) PCA0 In indirect addressing mode the higher address lines (A1..7) have to be connected to either VCC or GND. VCC GND VCC C6 18p XTAL1 GND GND GND VCC AUX3 ACLQ DU DD 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 GND VCC GND VCC VDD BCL/SCLK DU DD FSC DCL VSS MODE0 MODE1/EAW ACL SDS AUX7 AUX6 AUX5 AUX4 AUX3 IC1 PSB2115 GND VCC Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS footprint-mounting option 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 PCA0 GND VCC GND VCC Date: Size C E Tuesday, August 05, 1997 Document IPAC Number Sheet of 2 3 1 Rev {RevCode} Title IPAC-Reference Board V1.0, for TL16PNP200 Plug and Play Controller VCC GND E AUX1 AUX0 DACKB DACKA DRQRB DRQTB VDD A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 VSS PCD7 16 PCD6 15 PCD5 14 13 PCD4 12 11 PCD3 PCD2 10 PCD1 9 PCD0 8 7 RDQ 6 WRQ 5 4 IPACCSQ 3 2 IPACINTQ 1 IRQOutQ IPACCSQ R5 AUX3 VCC AD7/D7 AD6/D6 AD5/D5 AD4/D4 VDD AD3/D3 AD2/D2 AD1/D1 AD0/D0 VSS RD/DS WR/R/W CS ALE INT VDD IOCSQ 4k7 4k7 R4 ACLQ GND AD7/D7 AD6/D6 AD5/D5 AD4/D4 VDD AD3/D3 AD2/D2 AD1/D1 AD0/D0 VSS RD/DS WR/R/W CS ALE INT VDD This two resistors are exclusive mounting options, i.e. only one of this resistors is mounted either or. VCC: The 4700p/2kV capacitors used istead of trafo. GND: Trafo is used for receive direction. VCC GND LED SX1 SX2 AUX2 RES AMODE RESV RESV RESV VSS C768 XTAL1 XTAL2 VDDA SR2 SR1 VSSA SX1 SX2 GND GND GND SR2 SR1 4k7 R2 VCC XTAL1 XTAL2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 D1 DU DD 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 GND P36 P37 P38 P39 IPACRES 1k8 R3 VCC VCC VCC 4k7 R1 C5 100n IPACRES RESDRV VCC C4 100n D SX1 SX2 WRQ PCA7 PCA6 PCA5 PCA4 PCA3 PCA2 PCA1 PCA0 C3 100n Each C near VDD/VDDA pin of PSB2115. C2 100n C SR2 SR1 AUX2 RES AMODE RESV RESV RESV VSS C768 XTAL1 XTAL2 VDDA SR2 SR1 VSSA SX1 SX2 IOWRQ PCD7 PCD6 PCD5 PCD4 PCD3 PCD2 PCD1 PCD0 C1 100n B XTAL1 XTAL2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RDQ PCD[7..0] GND VCC Bypass Capacitors P36 P37 P38 P39 IORDQ PCD[7..0] PCA[7..0] PCA[7..0] A IPACRES 1 PCB_D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 J2B1 PCB_B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PCB_A J1B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 J1A1 GND +5V IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ15 IRQ14 GND RESDRV +5V IRQ2 -5V DRQ2 -12V SRDY +12V GND -MEMW -MEMR -IOWR -IORD -DACK3 DRQ3 -DACK1 DRQ1 -DACK0 SYSCLK IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 -DACK2 TC BUSALE +5V OSC GND -IOCHK PCD7 PCD6 PCD5 PCD4 PCD3 PCD2 PCD1 PCD0 IORDY AEN PCA19 PCA18 PCA17 PCA16 PCA15 PCA14 PCA13 PCA12 PCA11 PCA10 PCA9 PCA8 PCA7 PCA6 PCA5 PCA4 PCA3 PCA2 PCA1 PCA0 A GND VCC GND VCC GND VCC GND A GND 38 39 -IORD -IOWR 41 42 OSC 47 48 49 RESDRV IRQ15 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 43 44 45 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ7 40 AEN 80 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 PCD7 PCD6 PCD5 PCD4 PCD3 PCD2 PCD1 PCD0 PCA15 PCA14 PCA13 PCA12 PCA11 PCA10 PCA9 PCA8 PCA7 PCA6 PCA5 PCA4 PCA3 PCA2 PCA1 PCA0 7 8 9 5 6 3 4 2 TL16PNP200 CLK RESET CDRQ2 CDRQ1 CDRQ0 CDACK2# CDACK1# CDACK0# IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ6 IRQ7 IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ14 IRQ15 AEN BALE/OEN1# IOW# IOR# D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 A18/INTR4 A17/INTR3 A16/INTR2 A20/CDACK4# A19/CDACK3# A22/CDRQ4 A21/CDRQ3 A23/IOCS4# IC3 GND + C13 10u C14 100n B Nevertheless the OSC line has to be as short as possible. This Cs have to be placed near power supply pins of the TL16PNP200. +5V GND In mode1 output. In mode1 output, OEN1#. R13 2k IOCS0# IOCS1# SROM_BUSY SIO SCS SCLK PNP_BUSY VCC VCC VCC VCC GND GND GND GND GND INTR0 INTR1 DMA_RQ0 DMA_RQ1 DMA_ACK0# DMA_ACK1# OEN0# MCS1#/IOCS2# MCS0#/IOCS3# This line has to be embedded between two GND lines on the left and right VCC B 74 61 37 27 1 73 72 71 70 67 66 79 INT OSC GND GND GND GND IOCS0 In mode1 output, IOCS3#, IOCS4#. 77 78 GND VCC 75 76 69 62 64 63 65 10 32 46 68 2k R14 C C 4 3 1 2 VSS ORG DU VCC ATTENTION: Do not use a 93CS56 ST93C56 Q D S C IC4 5 6 7 8 VCC GND C12 100n D D GND Q1 BCR148 R15 4k7 PCD7 PCD6 PCD5 PCD4 PCD3 PCD2 PCD1 PCD0 NOTE: The BCR148 is a NPN Silicon Digital Transistor, i.e. a transistor with a 47k serial base resistor and a 47k emitter-base resistor. INT VCC PCA7 PCA6 PCA5 PCA4 PCA3 PCA2 PCA1 PCA0 PCA[7..0] Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS IRQInQ IOCSQ RESDRV IOWRQ IORDQ PCD[7..0] PCA[7..0] Date: E Tuesday, August 05, 1997 Document ISA-BUS & PnP Number Sheet of 3 3 1 Rev {RevCode} IPAC-Reference Board V1.0, for TL16PNP200 Plug and Play Controller Size C Title INT: active high! IOCS0 RESDRV -IOWR -IORD PCD[7..0] E PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic 4 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic On the HSCX-TE S only Reference Board Design (SIPB71525) a standard Lattice FPGA and a Plug and Play controller (NM95MS16 PnP) are placed on the board in addition to the ISDN components. The FPGA and the PnP controller represent the interface to the PC's ISA-bus. A cost reduction of the complete board can be performed if the FPGA is exchanged by simple glue logic. The equations and the corresponding schematics are located on the next pages. 4.1 Plug and Play Configuration Information for NM95MS16 PnP The following Plug and Play resource data file is programmed into the on-chip EEPROM of the NATIONAL Plug and Play controller. It should be used as an example for PNP configuration. With this information the HSCX-TE Reference Board (SIPB71525) will get the required resources during the arbitration process. Steps to use: 1. Assemble the file below 2. Link it to an EXE file 3. Use EXE2BIN.EXE to create a BIN file 4. Program this binary data file to EEPROM of the PNP controller. The checksums should be calculated within the programming utility. irq_desc_without_flags irq_desc_withflags df_start df_start_with_priority df_end ioport_desc ioport_fixed_desc end_tag data segment db 00h equ equ equ equ equ equ equ equ 022h 023h 030h 031h 038h 047h 04Bh 079h db 01h dw 0000h ;I/O Decode Qualification Register ; chip selects are qualified by read/write only ; Extended Interrupt / Chip-select expansion mode ; DMA level select bits dw 7543h ; Interrupt level selection - A ( IRQs 3,4,5 & 7) dw 0bacfh ; Interrupt level selection - B ( IRQs 10,11,12 & 15 ) dw dw dw dw 0003h 0000h 0000h 0000h Semiconductor Group ; ; ; ; chipselect chipselect chipselect chipselect 0 1 2 3 decode decode decode decode 14 size size size size ( ( ( ( Range Range Range Don't of 0x80 bytes ) ISAR of 0x40 bytes ) ISAC of 0x01 bytes ) REG care ) IECQ 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic ; Following 8 words are reserved for future use. dw dw dw dw dw dw dw dw 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h ;---db db db db dw dw db ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved for for for for for for for for future future future future future future future future Begin of pnp header mfg and device id 4dh 25h 00h 04h 0001h 0000h 06Eh ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Vendor byte 0 Vendor byte 1 Vendor byte 2 Vendor byte 3 Serial Number byte 0 ( 01234567 -- serial ID ) Serial Number byte 1 ----- placeholder for checksum------ ; Point 1. Plug and Play version number type ;---- begin of pnp Version db 0ah db 10h db 00h ; Small item, item name = 0x1, len = 2 ; Plug and Play version 1.0 ; Vendor specific version number ; Point 2. indentifier string resource type ;------------------ Ansi Id string ---------------db 82h db 29h db 00h ; Large item, Type Identifier string(ANSI) ; length of the string (lower byte) ; length of the string (upper byte) db Siemens HSCX TE - S0 Reference Board V1.1" ;Point 3. logical device ID resource type ;----------------------- logical device ID db db db db db db 15h 4dh 25h 00h 04h 02h ; String itself ---- ; len = 5 ; ; ; ; ; Indicates I/O range check option is implemented. db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; Semiconductor Group 15 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic dw dw db db 00100h 00210h 004h 004h ; ; ; ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 00220h ; dw 00270h ; db 004h ; db 004h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 00300h ; dw 00330h ; db 004h ; db 004h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc db 001h; dw 003a0h ; dw 003b0h ; db 004h ; db 004h ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_start ; ;************************* ; ADDRESS, DATA, Control ;************************* db ioport_desc Semiconductor Group 16 08.97 PSB 2115, PSB 21525, PSB 2186 PC-card with PSB21525/PSB2186 and Simple Glue Logic db dw dw db db 001h; 003e0h 003f0h 004h 004h ; ; ; ; db irq_desc_without_flags db 0b8h ;Request for one IRQ out of 3,4,5,7 db 09ch ;Request for one IRQ out of 10,11,12,15 db df_end; ; Point 4. End tag resource type to indicate the end of resources ;------------------- END of TAG ------db end_tag db 00h ; -- placeholder for data checksum data ends end 4.2 Schematics for SIPB71525 Reference Board with Simple Glue Logic On the following pages the schematics for the SIPB71525 Reference Board with simple glue logic are appended. Semiconductor Group 17 08.97 4 3 J1A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A PCD7 -IOCHK PCD6 PCD5 PCD4 PCD3 PCD2 PCD1 PCD0 IORDY IC1 B 12 11 GND VCC C1 100n 10 IOCS2 9 8 7 6 -IORD -IOWR IOCS0 5 4 3 IOCS1 2 RESDRV 1 GND IOCS2 SA15 VCC IORW IORD IOCS0 IOCS1 IRQOUT4 SD4 SD5 SD6 SD7 SA10 IRQOUT3 SD3 RSTDRV IRQOUT2 SA14 IRQOUT1 SD2 IRQIN0 IRQOUT0 SD1 DI DO AEN OSC SD0 TQFP 48 IRQOUT6 NM95MS16VBH IRQOUT7 SK CS SA13 SA12 IRQOUT5 16 PCA15 NM95MS16VBH 17 PCA14 PCA18 PCA19 AEN PCA17 PCA16 PCA15 PCA14 PCA13 18 13 19 14 IRQ4 20 15 PCA10 IRQ10 IRQ3 21 IRQ7 PCA9 IRQ11 IRQ15 PCA8 PCA12 IRQ5 PCA7 PCA13 22 23 24 SA0 Body Size: 7.0 mm X 7.0 mm Lead Count: 48 Lead Pitch: 0.5 mm PCD3 PCD4 PCD5 PCD6 PCD1 PCD0 11 12 13 14 C 46 PCD2 PCD7 PCD6 45 PCD1 PCD7 44 PCD0 48 43 OSC 47 40 15 10 9 2 1 7 42 GND REGCLK 41 AEN 37 38 39 RESDRV SA1 SA2 25 26 SA3 SA4 GND SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8 SA9 SA11 PCA1 PCA2 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 INT IRQ12 PCA3 29 PCA5 PCA4 PCA6 -IOWR PCA7 PCA8 PCA9 -IORD IOCS0 PCA10 PCA11 3 2 4 4k7 R2 PCA0 PCA6 PCA12 CS PCA11 GND VCC PCA5 IRQ2 GND PCA4 PCA3 PCA2 PCA1 PCA0 GND RESDRV +5V -5V DRQ2 -12V 5 IC1 has Pin to Pin Connection to IC4. PCA0 GND PCA1 5 4 PCA15 IOCS2 52 3 2 51 48 IOCS1 50 49 47 RESDRV NC IRQOUT5 GND IOCS2 SA15 VCC IORW IORD IOCS0 IOCS1 RSTDRV SD7 SA9 SD6 SA10 SD5 SA4 IRQOUT4 SD4 SA14 IRQOUT3 SD3 IRQIN0 IRQOUT2 NC IRQOUT1 SD0 SD1 SD2 IRQOUT0 NC 6 8 7 9 PCA14 10 VCC IORD SRDY +12V GND IRQ15 11 PLCC 52 Lead Count: 52 GND 13 14 22 D2 D1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 IC2 D3 I/O8 I/O9 VCC D4 CLK M N G1 G2 CLR 74HC173 IC3 CLK/I0 I1 I/O7 I2 I3 I/O6 I/O5 I4 I5 I/O4 I/O2 I6 I/O1 I/O3 I8 I/O0 I7 I9 I11 I10 GND GND 42 43 44 45 46 PCD0 PCD1 PCD2 PCD3 PCD4 PCD5 PCD6 PCD7 PCD5.OE = /PCA0 PCD5 PCD7.OE = /PCA0 PCD7 = /INTIH ; = /INTIS ; 4 3 CHECK INTDIS RESIH RESIS D 5 PCD[7..0] XALE XRD XWR CSI RESIS 23 24 25 26 27 CSH XWR XRD XALE PCD4 PCD5 PCD7 REGCLK RESIH CSH XWR XRD XALE VCC 6 28 21 CSI PCD[7..0] 20 IRQOUT ; 16 19 ; 18 & /IOCS0 & /IORD ISAC AD[7..0] ALES RDS WRS CSS RESIS ISAC HSCX AD[7..0] ALEH RDH WRH CSH RESIH HSCX INTIS BCL IOM[1..4] BCL INTIH IOM[1..4] SA1 SA2 SA3 GND SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8 SA11 PCA1 21 PCA2 22 PCA3 23 PCA4 24 25 PCA5 26 PCA6 28 PCA7 29 PCA9 31 PCA10 32 PCA8 30 PCA11 33 W e d n esday, February 19, 1997 HSCX TE S0 Board with reduced logic Document Number ISA Bus and Logic Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS Title Size B Date: E E Sheet 1 VCC VCC of R1 X Rev INTIH INTIS 10k R3 10k 3 PRELIMINARY 17 & PCA1 ; ; ; D & /IOCS0 & / IOWR; ; & /IOCS0 & /IORD & /IOCS0 ; & /IOCS0 & /IORD & /PCA1 & PCA1 = /PCA0 PCD4.OE = /PCA0 XALE & PCA1 ; & CSH & /IOCS0 & /IOWR & /IOCS0 & /IORD & XALE + /XALE & /PCA1 & /PCA1 ; = PCA0 = PCA0 = PCD7 = /CSH /REGCLK= /PCA0 /IRQOUT = INTIH & INTIS & /INTDIS CSI CSH /XWR /XRD & PCA1 PALCE22V10_PLCC 41 OSC GND 39 = CHECK ; 38 PCD4 37 AEN 34 35 36 Lead Pitch: 1.27 mm 11 6 GND IRQ7 12 NM95MS16V CHECK -MEMW IRQ5 13 IRQOUT6 IRQOUT7 SA12 OSC 12 IOWR IRQ4 15 SA13 DO AEN INTDIS 7 IRQ3 16 CS DI SK GND Body Size: 19.0 mm X 19.0 mm 9 GND 27 IOCS0 1 IRQ10 17 14 IRQ11 20 19 18 PCA12 CS PCA13 PCA0 SA0 B 40 INTIH NC -MEMR GND VCC GND NM95MS16V -IOWR IRQ14 VCC 10 -IORD -DACK3 DRQ3 DRQ1 -DACK1 -DACK0 SYSCLK IRQ7 IRQ6 IRQ5 IRQ4 IRQ3 TC -DACK2 BUSALE +5V OSC GND IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ15 +5V GND A C INTIS IC4 IRQ12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PCB_A J1B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PCB_B J2B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INT 2 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 PCB_D 4 3 2 1 A B C D 1 1 2 2 3 RESH INTH ALEH WRH RDH CSH AD[0..7] Body Size: 16.6 mm X 16.6 mm Lead Count: 44 Lead Pitch: 1.27 mm AD[0..7] Body Size: 10.0 mm X 10.0 mm Lead Count: 44 Lead Pitch: 0.8 mm RESH INTH ALEH WRH RDH CSH I C 5 h a s P in t o P i n C o n n e c t i o n t o I C 6 . 3 GND AD0 AD1 4 GND 20 42 43 AD1 AD0 AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 23 24 25 26 27 5 4 3 2 1 AD2 22 44 AD3 21 AD2 AD4 5 4 3 25 17 18 28 19 7 6 8 AD5 AD3 GND GND AD6 C3 220p AD0 6 AD1 AD2 31 32 7 30 8 AD0 29 9 AD1 28 AD4 AD2 27 AD5 AD3 26 AD6 AD4 10 AD5 22 23 33 24 12 11 13 AD6 AD7 AD3 GND 4 D1 D0 VSS CTSA RTSA DUA DDA VDD VCCH D2 STBA BCLA IC5 D3 CTSB RTSB DUB DDB FSCA D4 P S B21525N D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 STBB BCLB A2 A3 P-LCC-44 A4 VDD NC NC VDD NC NC FSCB A5 A6 CS RD/IC1 WR/IC0 ALE/IM0 INT IM1 RES PSB21525N VDD IC6 DDA RTSA DUA CTSA VSS D2 STBA BCLA D0 D3 CTSB RTSB DUB DDB FSCA D4 D1 P S B21525H P-MQFP-44 D5 D6 D7 A0 A1 A2 STBB BCLB A3 A4 NC FSCB A5 A6 NC CS RD/IC1 VDD NC NC VDD WR/IC0 ALE/IM0 INT IM1 RES PSB21525H L1 10u VCC 5 C2 100n GND DD FSC DU BCL IOM3 IOM4 BCL IOM1 IOM1 IOM1 IOM4 41 GND VCCH VCCH GND 9 10 11 35 36 34 16 13 15 14 33 32 31 39 40 30 37 38 29 VCCH GND 2 14 17 15 16 40 41 IOM3 39 IOM4 VCCH BCL 21 20 19 38 37 36 44 1 35 42 43 34 VCCH 18 GND IOM3 12 5 IOM[1..4] 6 6 IOM[1..4] BCL 7 Sheet 2 8 8 of 3 PRELIMINARY 7 Wednesday, February 19, 1997 HSCX TE S0 Board with reduced logic Document Number HSCX TE PSB21525 Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS Title Size B Date: X Rev A B C D A AD[0..7] 1 INTS GND C4 GND IC7 PSB2186H 45 46 47 48 49 53 3 NC NC NC NC NC FSC1 FSC 4 IOM[1..4] IOM[1..4] 5 INTS 6 GND 7 IC7 has Pin to Pin Connection to IC8 except of Pin 20. Pin 20 of IC6 is not connected and Pin 20 of IC7 is connected to VCC. IC8 53 60 62 ALE FSC1 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC DCL RST BCL Lead Pitch: 0.5 mm PSB2186 P-TQFP-64 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 3 4 15 17 18 19 20 31 32 2 3 4 5 9 15 17 18 SX2 SX1 NC 1 27R/24R 3 19 1 C10 SR1 3 1 2 SR2 47p 47p GND GND C13 1 5 9 ISAC-S TE PSB 2186 31 32 7 W e d n esday, February 19, 1997 Sheet VDD VDD VDD VSSA VSSD VSSD VSSD SR2 SR1 SX2 SX1 SDS1 IDP1(DU) HSCX TE S0 Board with reduced logic Document Number IDP0(DD) CS WR A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 EAW AD0/D0 AD1/D1 AD2/D2 AD3/D3 AD4/D4 AD5/D5 AD6/D6 AD7/D7 XTAL1 R6 R4 Transformator R9 1k8 R11 Date: B Size Title Siemens AG, HL CT SYS BS 1k8 27R/24R 24R with Pulse Choke and XTAL2 Lead Count: 64 RD Body Size: 10.0 mm X 10.0 mm NC 37 NC 38 NC 39 NC AD0 40 NC AD1 41 NC AD2 42 INT PSB2186T 8 26 54 27 29 28 30 64 63 55 AD3 43 56 AD4 44 12 AD5 11 AD6 XTAL1 AD7 XTAL2 49 ALES RESIS CSS RDS WRS CH9 CH10 48 BCL TRAFO1 1 12 GND 47 DCL DD DU 4 9 6 7 TRAFO2 D2 D6 D8 D10 GND 46 IOM2 IOM1 58 BCL 59 7 IOM3 IOM4 24 52 25 CH5 CH13 CH6 4 9 6 7 PE68995 D1 D7 D9 D12 45 SDS1 CHOKE1 2 4 CH7 CH8 CH14 6 8 D5 PE68995 SX1 1 3 5 7 D3 R8 CH11 22 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH9 VCCI CH10 CH11 1 51 1 8k2 VCCI CH12 SX2 4 2 CH12 12 23 SR2 GND GND 10u VCCI GND C6 100n 5 3 PE65554 50 VCC GND D4 SR1 L2 C8 10n 1 2 4 5 3 6 TRAFO4 VAC L4097-X029-80 6 TRAFO3 16 14 57 6 61 10 13 21 GND CH5 CH13 CH6 CH7 CH14 CH8 D11 36 DCL BCL IDP0(DD) IDP1(DU) SX1 SX2 SR1 SR2 VSSD VSSD VSSD VSSA VDD VDD C9 56p C11 56p R10 8k2 6 PRELIMINARY 5 35 NC CHOKE2 1 2 4 5 C12 10n GND VAC L4097-X029-80 4 34 NC 10 9 7 6 ZKB402/103-80 3 33 NC CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 62 NC Body Size: 14.0 mm X 14.0 mm Lead Count: 64 PSB2186H P-MQFP-64 Lead Pitch: 0.8 mm 60 INT ALE RST CS RD WR A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 EAW AD0/D0 NC 37 AD1/D1 NC 38 AD2/D2 36 39 NC AD0 40 AD3/D3 AD4/D4 AD5/D5 AD6/D6 AD7/D7 XTAL1 XTAL2 NC AD1 41 2 8 26 54 27 29 28 30 51 50 AD2 42 220p 64 63 55 AD3 43 56 AD4 11 12 44 AD5 XTAL1 AD6 AD7 7.68MHz XTAL2 NC 39p X1 39p R5 100R R7 100R 35 ALES RESIS CSS RDS WRS AD[0..7] C5 GND C7 GND AR1 2 T23-A230 AR2 2 T23-A230 Connect AR1(2) and AR2(2) (GND EARTH) to bracket 2 Do not populate. optional. AR1, AR2, R5, R7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C1 3 Siemens 34 WJ1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0R R12 For EMI purpose only. GND PC Shield. 33 B C D 1 FSC IOM2 IOM1 8 59 DD IOM4 IOM3 BCL DCL DU SR1 SX2 GND 24 SR2 SX1 52 16 22 14 VCCI GND GND 23 57 6 61 10 13 21 20 of 8 3 25 7 58 3 X Rev A B C D 4 3 2 1 A B ISABUS Signals: DATA : PCD0, PCD1, PCD4, PCD5, PCD6, PCD7 ADDRESS : PCA0, PCA1 OTHER : RESDRV Control Bus ISAC, HSCX: XALE, XWR, XRD PnP: IOSC0, IRQOUT HSCX: CSH, RESH, INTIH ISAC: CSI, RESI, INTIS B PCD7 = CHECK ; PCD7.OE = /PCA0 & PCA1 & /IOCS0 & /IORD ; PCD5 = /INTIH ; PCD5.OE = /PCA0 & PCA1 & /IOCS0 & /IORD ; PCD4 = /INTIS ; PCD4.OE = /PCA0 & PCA1 & /IOCS0 & /IORD ; XALE = /PCA0 & /PCA1 & /IOCS0 ; /XRD = PCA0 & /PCA1 & /IOCS0 & /IORD ; /XWR = PCA0 & /PCA1 & /IOCS0 & /IOWR ; CSH = PCD7 & XALE + /XALE & CSH ; CSI = /CSH ; /IRQOUT = INTIH & INTIS & /INTDIS ; /REGCLK= /PCA0 & PCA1 & /IOCS0 & / IOWR; A PCD6 PCD1 PCD0 11 12 13 14 2 1 7 PCD7 GND REGCLK 9 10 15 PCA0 4 3 2 RESDRV PCA1 5 1 IORD 6 8 7 IOWR INTIS 9 IOCS0 CHECK 10 INTIH INTDIS 11 13 D2 D1 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 C D3 IC1 D4 CLK M N G1 G2 CLR 74HC173 IC2 4 3 CHECK INTDIS RESIH RESIS 24 5 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 I/O8 I/O9 D PCD[7..0] XALE XRD XWR CSI RESIS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 CSI CSH XWR XRD XALE PCD4 PCD5 PCD7 REGCLK XWR XRD XALE PCD[7..0] 15 D ISAC AD[7..0] ALE RD WR CS RESET {Value} HSCX AD[7..0] ALE RD WR CS RESET {Value} INT INT Sheet E VCC E VCC 1 HL CT SYS BS, Bernd Brachmann Wednesday, February 19, 1997 simple logic Document Number HSCX S0 RESIH CSH GND IRQOUT 12 14 VCC 6 I7 VCC I8 I/O1 CLK/I0 I9 I/O0 GND I10 I11 PALCE22V10 Date: A Size Title SIEMENS AG PALCE22V10 is printed as DIP-Package. Choose PLCC for your layout. C R? INTIS R R? INTIH R of 1 A Rev 4 3 2 1