10-Element Bar Graph Array Technical Data HLCP-J100 HDSP-4820 HDSP-4830 HDSP-4832 Features Description * Custom Multicolor Array Capability * Matched LEDs for Uniform Appearance * End Stackable * Package Interlock Ensures Correct Alignment * Low Profile Package * Rugged Construction * Large, Easily Recognizable Segments * High ON-OFF Contrast, Segment to Segment * Wide Viewing Angle * Categorized for Luminous Intensity * HDSP-4832/4836/4840/4850 Categorized for Dominant Wavelength * HLCP-J100 Operates at Low Current Typical Intensity of 1.0 mcd at 1 mA Drive Current These 10-element LED arrays are designed to display information in easily recognizable bar graph form. The packages are end stackable and therefore capable of displaying long strings of information. Use of these bar graph arrays eliminates the alignment, intensity, and color matching problems associated with discrete LEDs. The HDSP4820/4830/4840/4850 and HLCPJ100 each contain LEDs of one color. The HDSP-4832/4836 are multicolor arrays with High Efficiency Red, Yellow, and High Performance Green LEDs in a single package. CUSTOM MULTICOLOR ARRAYS ARE AVAILABLE WITH MINIMUM DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR AGILENT SALES OFFICE FOR DETAILS. Package Dimensions 25.40 (1.000) MAX. 0.38 (0.015) 1. DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES). 2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMEMSIONS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 3. HDSP-4832/-4836/-4840/-4850 ONLY. 10.16 (0.400) MAX. 5.08 (0.200) Applications * * * * * Industrial Controls Instrumentation Office Equipment Computer Peripherals Consumer Products 2.54 (0.100) DATE CODE PIN ONE MARKING 1.52 (0.060) LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY HDSP XXXX XYY 0.61 (0.024) COLOR BIN (NOTE 3) 6.10 0.25 (0.240 0.010) 5.08 (0.200) ZW 2.54 0.25 (0.100 0.010) 4.06 (0.160) MIN. 0.38 (0.015) 7.62 0.38 (0.300 0.015) 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings[7] Red AlGaAs Red HER Yellow Parameter HDSP-4820 HLCP-J100 HDSP-4830 HDSP-4840 Average Power 63 mW 37 mW 87 mW 50 mW Dissipation per LED (TA = 25C) Peak Forward Current 150 mA[1] 45 mA[2] 90 mA[3] 60 mA[3] per LED DC Forward Current 30 mA[4] 15 mA[4] 30 mA[5] 20 mA[5] per LED Operating -40C to +85C -20C to +100C -40C to +85C Temperature Range Storage Temperature -40C to +85C -55C to +100C -40C to +85C Range Reverse Voltage per 3.0 V 5.0 V 3.0 V LED Lead Soldering 260C for 3 seconds[8] Temperature (1.59 mm (1/16 inch) below seating plane)[6] Green HDSP-4850 105 mW 90 mA[3] 30 mA[5] -20C to +85C Notes: 1. See Figure 1 to establish pulsed operating conditions. Maximum pulse width is 1.5 ms. 2. See Figure 2 to establish pulsed operating conditions. Maximum pulse width is 1.5 ms. 3. See Figure 8 to establish pulsed operating conditions. Maximum pulse width is 2 ms. 4. Derate maximum DC current for Red above TA = 62C at 0.79 mA/C, and AlGaAs Red above TA = 91C at 0.8 mA/C. See Figure 3. 5. Derate maximum DC current for HER above TA = 48C at 0.58 mA/C, Yellow above TA = 70C at 0.66 mA/C, and Green above TA = 37C at 0.48 mA/C. See Figure 9. 6. Clean only in water, isopropanol, ethanol, Freon TF or TE (or equivalent), or Genesolve DI-15 (or equivalent). 7. Absolute maximum ratings for HER, Yellow, and Green elements of the multicolor arrays are identical to the HDSP-4830/4840/ 4850 maximum ratings. 8. Maximum tolerable component side temperature is 134C during solder process. Internal Circuit Diagram 1 2 3 a b c 20 19 18 4 d 17 5 e 16 6 7 8 9 10 f g h i j 15 14 13 12 11 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Function Anode a Anode b Anode c Anode d Anode e Anode f Anode g Anode h Anode i Anode j Pin 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Function Cathode j Cathode i Cathode h Cathode g Cathode f Cathode e Cathode d Cathode c Cathode b Cathode a 3 Multicolor Array Segment Colors Segment a b c d e f g h i j HDSP-4832 Segment Color HER HER HER Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green HDSP-4836 Segment Color HER HER Yellow Yellow Green Green Yellow Yellow HER HER Electrical/Optical Characteristics at TA = 25C[4] Red HDSP-4820 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)[1] Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength [2] Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED[5] Temperature Coefficient VF per LED Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin AlGaAs Red Symbol IV PEAK d VF VR VF /C RJ-PIN Min. 610 3 Typ. Max. 1250 655 645 1.6 12 -2.0 300 Units cd nm nm 2.0 V V mV/C C/W/LED Test Conditions IF = 20 mA IF = 20 mA IR = 100 A HLCP-J100 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)[1] Symbol IV Min. 600 Typ. Max. 1000 Units cd 5200 Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength [2] Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED[5] Temperature Coefficient VF per LED Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin PEAK d VF VR VF /C RJ-PIN 5 645 637 1.6 1.8 15 -2.0 300 Test Conditions IF = 1 mA IF = 20 mA Pk; 1 of 4 Duty Factor nm nm V 2.2 V mV/C C/W/LED IF = 1 mA IF = 20 mA IR = 100 A 4 High Efficiency Red HDSP-4830 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)[1,4] Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[2] Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED[5] Temperature Coefficient VF per LED Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin Yellow Symbol IV PEAK d VF VR VF /C RJ-PIN Min. 900 3 Typ. Max. 3500 635 626 2.1 30 -2.0 300 Units cd nm nm 2.5 V V mV/C C/W/LED Test Conditions IF = 10 mA IF = 20 mA IR = 100 A HDSP-4840 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)[1,4] Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[2,3] Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED[5] Temperature Coefficient VF per LED Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin Symbol IV PEAK d VF VR VF /C RJ-PIN Min. 600 581 3 Typ. Max. 1900 583 585 2.2 40 -2.0 300 Units cd nm 592 nm 2.5 V V mV/ C C/W/LED Test Conditions IF = 10 mA IF = 20 mA IR = 100 A Green HDSP-4850 Parameter Luminous Intensity per LED (Unit Average)[1,4] Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength[2,3] Forward Voltage per LED Reverse Voltage per LED[5] Temperature Coefficient VF per LED Thermal Resistance LED Junction-to-Pin Symbol IV PEAK d VF VR VF/ C RJ-PIN Min. 600 3 Typ. Max. 1900 566 571 2.1 50 -2.0 300 577 2.5 Units cd nm nm V V mV/C C/W/LED Test Conditions IF = 10 mA IF = 10 mA IR = 100 A Notes: 1. The bar graph arrays are categorized for luminous intensity. The category is designated by a letter located on the side of the package. 2. The dominant wavelength, d, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device. 3. The HDSP-4832/-4836/-4840/-4850 bar graph arrays are categorized by dominant wavelength with the category designated by a number adjacent to the intensity category letter. Only the yellow elements of the HDSP-4832/-4836 are categorized for color. 4. Electrical/optical characteristics of the High-Efficiency Red elements of the HDSP-4832/-4836 are identical to the HDSP-4830 characteristics. Characteristics of Yellow elements of the HDSP-4832/-4836 are identical to the HDSP-4840. Characteristics of Green elements of the HDSP-4832/-4836 are identical to the HDSP-4850. 5. Reverse voltage per LED should be limited to 3.0 V max. for the HDSP-4820/-4830/-4840/-4850/-4832/-4836 and 5.0 V max. for the HLCP-J100. 5 100 1000 10000 DC OPERATION 2 1 1 10 tP - PULSE DURATION - SEC IDC MAX - MAXIMUM DC CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA 40 R J-A = 600C/W 35 RED 25 20 15 AlGaAs RED 10 5 0 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 PEAK - RELATIVE EFFICIENCY (NORMALIZED TO 1 AT 20 mA FOR RED: AT 1mA FOR AlGaAs RED) Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - Red. 30 1000 10000 DC OPERATION Figure 2. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - AlGaAs Red. 1.2 1.1 AlGaAs RED RED 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 IPEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs. Ambient Temperature. TJMAX = 100C for Red and TJMAX = 110C for AlGaAs Red. Figure 4. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 1.4 160 140 RED 120 100 80 60 40 AlGaAs RED 20 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 5. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 20 RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY (NORMALIZED TO 1 AT 1mA) RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY (NORMALIZED TO 1.0 AT 20 mA) 100 tP - PULSE DURATION - s IF - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA 10 TE 1 3 RA 1 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDC MAX SH 1.5 E EFR f-R z H 100 Hz 300 Hz 1K 2 4 Hz TE RA 3 5 z SH 6 5 4 10 9 8 7 6 10 K OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDC MAX E EFR f-R Hz 100 Hz 300 z KH 8 Hz 1K z 3KH 15 12.5 10 3KH IPEAK MAX RATIO OF MAXIMUM OPERATING PEAK CURRENT TO TEMPERATURE IDC MAX DERATED MAXIMUM DC CURRENT 20 10 IPEAK MAX RATIO OF MAXIMUM OPERATING PEAK CURRENT TO TEMPERATURE IDC MAX DERATED MAXIMUM DC CURRENT Red, AlGaAs Red 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 IF - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current - Red. 10 5 2 1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 5 10 20 IF - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current - AlGaAs. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. 6 IPEAK MAX RATIO OF MAXIMUM OPERATING PEAK CURRENT TO TEMPERATURE IDC MAX DERATED MAXIMUM DC CURRENT HER, Yellow, Green 20 15 GREEN 12 10 8 OPERATION IN THIS REGION REQUIRES TEMPERATURE DERATING OF IDC MAX HER fRE 6 FR YELLOW ES 4 H 30 z 0H z Hz 1K KH Hz 3K 10 2 T E Hz RA 1 0 0 3 1.5 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 DC OPERATION tP - PULSE DURATION - SEC Figure 8. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration - HER/Yellow/Green. IDC MAX - MAXIMUM DC CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA R J-A = 600C/W 35 GREEN/HER 30 GREEN 25 HER YELLOW 20 YELLOW 15 10 5 0 15 PEAK - RELATIVE EFFICIENCY 1.6 40 1.5 YELLOW SERIES 1.4 HER SERIES 1.3 GREEN SERIES 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 95 IPEAK - PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT - mA TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - C Figure 10. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current. 90 4.0 GREEN SERIES 80 70 60 YELLOW SERIES 50 40 30 HER SERIES 20 10 0 1.0 RELATIVE LUMINOUS INTENSITY IF - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 9. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs. Ambient Temperature. TJMAX = 100C. 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 VF - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V Figure 11. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 IF - FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT - mA Figure 12. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current. For a Detailed Explanation on the Use of Data Sheet Information and Recommended Soldering Procedures, See Application Note 1005. 7 Electrical/Optical These versatile bar graph arrays are composed of ten light emitting diodes. The light from each LED is optically stretched to form individual elements. The Red (HDSP-4820) bar graph array LEDs use a p-n junction diffused into a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaAs substrate. The AlGaAs Red (HLCP-J100) bar graph array LEDs use double heterojunction AlGaAs on a GaAs substrate. HER (HDSP-4830) and Yellow (HDSP4840) bar graph array LEDs use a GaAsP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. Green (HDSP-4850) bar graph array LEDs use liquid phase GaP epitaxial layer on a GaP substrate. The multicolor bar graph arrays (HDSP-4832/4836) have HER, Yellow, and Green LEDs in one package. These displays are designed for strobed operation. The typical forward voltage values can be scaled from Figures 5 and 11. These values should be used to calculate the current limiting resistor value and typical power consumption. Expected maximum VF values for driver circuit design and maximum power dissipation may be calculated using the VFMAX models: Standard Red HDSP-4820 series VFMAX = 1.8 V + IPeak (10 ) For: IPeak 5 mA AlGaAs Red HLCP-J100 series VFMAX = 1.8 V + IPeak (20 ) For: IPeak 20 mA VFMAX = 2.0 V + IPeak (10 ) For: IPeak 20 mA HER (HDSP-4830) and Yellow (HDSP-4840) series VFMAX = 1.6 + IPeak (45 ) For: 5 mA I Peak 20 mA VFMAX = 1.75 + IPeak (38 ) For: IPeak 20 mA Green (HDSP-4850) series VFMAX = 2.0 + IPeak (50 ) For: IPeak > 5 mA Where: IVAVG is the calculated time averaged luminous intensity resulting from IFAVG. IFAVG is the desired time averaged LED current. IFAVG DATA SHEET is the data sheet test current for IVDATA SHEET. peak is the relative efficiency at the peak current, scaled from Figure 4 or 10. IV DATA SHEET is the data sheet luminous intensity, resulting from IFAVG DATA SHEET. For example, what is the luminous intensity of an HDSP4830 driven at 50 mA peak 1/5 duty factor? Figures 4 and 10 allow the designer to calculate the luminous intensity at different peak and average currents. The following equation calculates intensity at different peak and average currents: IFAVG = (50 mA)(0.2) = 10 mA IVAVG = (IFAVG/IFAVG DATA SHEET)peak)(IVDATA SHEET) IVAVG = (10 mA/10 mA) (1.3)(3500 cd) = 4550 cd IFAVG DATA SHEET = 10 mA peak = 1.3 IV DATA SHEET = 3500 cd Therefore www.semiconductor.agilent.com Data subject to change. Copyright (c) 1999 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5954-0869, 5954-8465 5963-7037E (11/99)