Specifications and information are subject to change without notice
WJ Communications, Inc • Phone 1-800-WJ1-4401 • FAX: 408-577-6621 • e-mail: sales@wj.com • Web site: www.wj.com Page 1 of 8 May 2006
¼ Watt, High Linearity InGaP HBT Amplifier Product Information
The Communications Ed
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Product Features
• 60 – 3500 MHz
• +24.7 dBm P1dB
• +40.5 dBm Output IP3
• 20.4 dB Gain @ 900 MHz
• 16.5 dB Gain @ 1900 MHz
• +5V Single Positive Supply
• Lead-free/Green/RoHS-
com p li a nt S OT -8 9 Package
• Final stage amplifiers for
• Mobile Infrastru cture
• Defense / Homeland Security
Product Description
The AH118 is a high dynamic range driver amplifier in a
low-cost surface mount package. The InGaP/GaAs HBT is
able to achieve high performance across a broad range with
+40.5 dBm OIP3 and +24.7 dBm of compressed 1dB
power. The AH118 is available in a lead-free/green/RoHS-
compliant SOT-89 package. All devices are 100% RF and
DC tested.
The AH118 is targeted for use as a driver amplifier in
wireless infrastructure where high linearity and medium
power is required. Internal biasing allows the AH118 to
maintain high linearity over temperature and operate
directly off a single +5V supply. This combination makes
the device an excellent candidate for transceiver line cards
in current and next generation multi-carrier 3G base
Functional Diagram
1 23
Function Pin No.
Input / Base 1
Output / Collector 3
Ground 2, 4
Specifications (1)
Parameter Units Min Typ Max
Operational Bandwidth MHz 60 3500
Test Frequency MHz 1900
Gain dB 13.5 16.5
Input Return Loss dB 12
Output Return Loss dB 20
Output P1dB dBm +23 +24.7
Output IP3 (2) dBm +39.5 +40.5
IS-95A Channel Power
@ -45 dBc ACPR dBm +18
wCDMA Channel Power
@ -45 dBc ACLR, 2140 MHz dBm +16.7
Noise Figure dB 4.3
Operating Current Range mA 140 160 175
Device Voltage V +5
1. Test conditions unless otherwise noted: 25ºC, Vsupply = +5 V, in tuned application circuit.
2. 3OIP measured with two tones at an output power of +11 dBm/tone separated by 1 MHz. The
suppression on the largest IM3 product is used to calculate the 3OIP using a 2:1 rule.
Absolute Maximum Rating
Parameter Rating
Operating Case Temperature -40 to +85 °C
Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C
RF Input Power (continuous) +15 dBm
Device Voltage +6 V
Device Current 220 mA
Junction Temperature +250 °C
Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage.
Typical Performance (3)
Parameter Units Typical
Frequency MHz 900 1900 2140
S21 - Gain dB 20.4 16.5 16.3
S11 - Input R.L. dB -15 -12 -15
S22 - Output R.L. dB -12 -20 -16
Output P1dB dBm +24.2 +24.7 +24.7
Output IP3 dBm +40 +40.5 +40.5
IS-95A Channel Power
@ -45 dBc ACPR, dBm +18.2 +18
wCDMA Channel Power
@ -45 dBc ACLR dBm +16.7
Noise Figure dB 4.0 4.3 4.8
Supply Bias +5 V @ 160 mA
3. Typical parameters reflect performan ce in a tuned application circuit: Vsupply = +5 V, 160 mA,
+25 °C
Ordering Information
Part No. Description
AH118-89G High Linearity InGaP HBT Amplifier
(lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant SOT-89 package)
AH118-89PCB900 900 MHz Evaluation Board
AH118-89PCB1900 1900 MHz Evaluation Board
AH118-89PCB2140 2140 MHz Evaluation Board