Preliminary Technical Data EVAL-AD76XXEDZ
Rev. PrB | Page 3 of 23
Figure 1 shows the EVAL-AD76XXEDZ evaluation board.
When used in stand-alone mode or in conjunction with the
EVAL-CED1Z, the gate array, U10, provides the necessary
control signals for conversion and buffers the ADC data. The
evaluation board is a flexible design that enables the user to
choose among many different board configurations, analog
signal conditioning, reference, and different modes of
conversion data.
Conversion start (CNVST) controls the sample rate of the ADC
and is the only input needed for conversion; all SAR timing is
generated internally. CNVST is generated either by the gate
array or externally via J3 (SMB) and setting JP22 in the external
(EXT) position. The evaluation board is factory configured for
the CNVST range shown in Table 1. Externally generated
CNVST should have very low jitter and sharp edges for the
maximum dynamic performance of the part. Since CNVST
jitter usually results in poor SNR performance, it is
recommended to use the on-board CNVST generation
whenever possible.
The master clock (MCLK) source for the gate array is generated
from the CED capture board or from U12, the 40MHz local
oscillator selectable when using the accompanying software.
The range for CNVST in
Table 1is a ratio generated from this master clock. In stand-
alone mode, other clock frequencies can be used to change the
gate array generated CNVST by this ratio. However, other
timings will be affected – namely the slave serial clock (SCLK)
interface. In serial slave mode, SCLK = MCLK.
While the ADC is converting, activity on the BUSY pin turns on
the LED, D2. Additionally, the BUSY signal can be monitored
test point TP1. Buffered conversion data (BD) is available at
U10 on the output bus BD[0:15] on the 40-pin IDC connector
P2, and on the 96-pin connector P3. When operating with the
CED, data is transferred using a 16 bit bus and corresponding
word and byte modes selectable with the software. For the 18 bit
converters two consecutive 16 bit words are read, however, the
ADC data is still read into the gate array as 18 bits. Additionally,
BD is updated on the falling edge of BBUSY on P3-C17, and on
the rising edge of DBUSY on P2-33. When either parallel or
serial reading mode of the ADC is used, data is available on this
parallel bus.
When using Serial Mode, serial data is available at T3, T4, T5,
and T6 (SDOUT, SCLK, SYNC and RDERROR) and buffered
serial data is output on TP17, TP18, and TP19 (SCLK, SYNC,
and SDOUT). When using Slave Serial Mode, the external serial
clock SCLK applied to the ADC is the MCLK, U12, frequency
(40MHz). Refer to the device specific datasheet for full details
of the interface modes.
The analog inputs amplifier circuitry (U6, U7 and discretes)
allows configuration changes such as positive or negative gain,
input range scaling, filtering, addition of a DC component, use
of different op-amp and supplies depending on the ADC. The
analog input amplifiers are set as unity gain buffers at the
factory. The supplies are selectable with solder pads and are set
for the ±12V range.
Table 1 shows the analog input range for the available
evaluation boards.
The default configuration for the single ended (SE) unipolar
ADCs sets U6 at mid-scale from the voltage divider (VCM *
R6/(R6+R7)) and U7 at mid-scale from the voltage divider (VCM
* R29(R29+R60)) for the differential unipolar ADCs.
For the bipolar devices (AD7663, AD665, AD7671), the buffer
output is centered at 0V (mid-scale) as these boards are
configured for the +/-5V input range. Note the input impedance
is 1k ohm (R6, R29 =1k ohm to GND). To use another input
range, the solder pads S[7:1] need to be reconfigured.
These input configurations allows a transition noise test
(histogram) without any other equipment. In some applications,
it is desired to use a bipolar or wider analog input range, for
instance, ± 10V, ± 5V, ± 2.5V, or 0 to -5V. For ADCs which do
not use these input ranges directly, simple modifications of the
input driver circuitry can be made without any performance
degradation. Refer to the datasheet under the Application Hints
section for component values or to application note AN594 on
the product web page for other input ranges.
Note that the AD7663, AD7665, and AD7671 evaluation boards
are factory configured for the +/-5V range. For different ranges,
the board needs appropriate solder pad configurations.
For dynamic performance, an FFT test can be done by applying
a very low distortion AC source.
The evaluation board ground plane is separated into two
sections: a plane for the digital interface circuitry and an analog
plane for the analog input and external reference circuitry. To
attain high resolution performance, the board was designed to
ensure that all digital ground return paths do not cross the
analog ground return paths by connecting the planes together
directly under the converter. Power is supplied to the board
through P3 when using with the EVAL-CED1Z
Using the evaluation board as stand-alone does not require the
CED nor does it require use of the accompanied software.
When the CONTROL input to the gate array is LOW, which is
pulled down by default, the gate array provides the necessary
signals for conversion and buffers the conversion data.