Description of Pin Functions
Pin Name Function
Analog input; range =GND≤V
2 DB0 TRI-STATE data output — bit 0 (LSB)
3 DB1 TRI-STATE data output — bit 1
4 DB2 TRI-STATE data output — bit 2
5 DB3 TRI-STATE data output — bit 3
WR-RD Mode
WR: With CS low, the conversion is
started on the falling edge of WR.
Approximately 800 ns (the preset internal
time out, t
) after the WR rising edge, the
result of the conversion will be strobed
into the output latch, provided that RD
does not occur prior to this time out (see
Figures 3, 4 ).
RD Mode
RDY: This is an open drain output (no
internal pull-up device). RDY will go low
after the falling edge of CS; RDY will go
TRI-STATE when the result of the
conversion is strobed into the output latch.
It is used to simplify the interface to a
microprocessor system (see Figure 2 ).
7 Mode Mode: Mode selection input — it is
internally tied to GND through a 50 µA
current source.
RD Mode: When mode is low
WR-RD Mode: When mode is high
8RD WR-RD Mode
With CS low, the TRI-STATE data outputs
(DB0-DB7) will be activated when RD
goes low (see Figure 5 ). RD can also be
used to increase the speed of the
converter by reading data prior to the
preset internal time out (t
,∼800 ns). If this
is done, the data result transferred to
output latch is latched after the falling
edge of the RD (see Figures 3, 4 ).
RD Mode
With CS low, the conversion will start with
RD going low, also RD will enable the
TRI-STATE data outputs at the completion
of the conversion. RDY going TRI-STATE
and INT going low indicates the
completion of the conversion (see Figure
Pin Name Function
9 INT WR-RD Mode
INT going low indicates that the
conversion is completed and the data
result is in the output latch. INT will go
low, ∼800 ns (the preset internal time out,
) after the rising edge of WR (see Figure
4); or INT will go low after the falling
edge of RD , if RD goes low prior to the
800 ns time out (see Figure 3). INT is
reset by the rising edge of RD or CS (see
Figures 3, 4 ).
RD Mode
INT going low indicates that the
conversion is completed and the data
result is in the output latch. INT is reset by
the rising edge of RD or CS (see Figure
10 GND Ground
11 V
(−) The bottom of resistor ladder, voltage
range: GND≤V
(+) (Note 5)
12 V
(+) The top of resistor ladder, voltage range:
(Note 5)
13 CS CS must be low in order for the RD or
WR to be recognized by the converter.
14 DB4 TRI-STATE data output—bit 4
15 DB5 TRI-STATE data output—bit 5
16 DB6 TRI-STATE data output—bit 6
17 DB7 TRI-STATE data output—bit 7 (MSB)
18 OFL Overflow output — If the analog input is
higher than the V
(+), OFL will be low
at the end of conversion. It can be used to
cascade 2 or more devices to have more
resolution (9, 10-bit). This output is always
active and does not go into TRI-STATE as
DB0–DB7 do.
19 NC No connection
20 V
Power supply voltage
1.0 Functional Description
The ADC0820 uses two 4-bit flash A/D converters to make
an 8-bit measurement (Figure 1 ). Each flash ADC is made
up of 15 comparators which compare the unknown input to a
reference ladder to get a 4-bit result. To take a full 8-bit
reading, one flash conversion is done to provide the 4 most
significant data bits (via the MS flash ADC). Driven by the 4
MSBs, an internal DAC recreates an analog approximation
of the input voltage. This analog signal is then subtracted
from the input, and the difference voltage is converted by a
second 4-bit flash ADC (the LS ADC), providing the 4 least
significant bits of the output data word.
The internal DAC is actually a subsection of the MS flash
converter. This is accomplished by using the same resistor
ladder for the A/D as well as for generating the DAC signal.
The DAC output is actually the tap on the resistor ladder
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