ULTRA PRECISION CHIP RESISTORS M DELAY LINES M COILSM RESISTORSM M CAPACITORSM BLU SERIES L T t Type BLU1206A H Industry's widest range of precision chip resistors! H Tolerance to 0.01%, TCR to 5 ppm/C H Wattage rating up to 1W H Non-standard values available on custom basis RCD's BLU-CHIP resistors feature top performance at an economical price! RCD's expertise in the field of ultra-precision resistors since 1973, combined with the latest in automated chip resistor production equipment, enables precision chip resistors at prices comparable to lower grade devices. The BLU-chip design features excellent stability levels, low noise and voltage coefficient, as well as low inductance and capacitance. Numerous values available from stock. Consult factory for availability of non-standard values. CUSTOM OPTIONS H Option P: Pulse resistant design H Option M: Matched sets H Option ER: Burn-In for Hi-Rel applications H Option W: Lead-free terminations H Option A: Marking of resis. code (3 or 4 digits). Opt. A isn't available on BLU0201 or BLU0402. RCD Type Max. Max. P o w er Working Overload @ 70C Voltage* Voltage1 BLU0201 .05W 15V 30V BLU0402 .062W 25V 50V BLU0603 .1W 75V 150V BLU0805 .125W 100V 200V BLU1206 .25W 100V 200V BLU1210 .33W 100V 200V BLU2010 .5W 150V 300V BLU2512 1.0W 200V 400V W TC R (PPM/C) Standard Resistance Range1 Dimensions .01% -.05% .1% -0.25% 0.5% -1% N/A N/A 10 - 3K 10 - 3K 10 -15K 10 -15K 10 -24K 10 -24K 10 -33K 10 -33K 100 -10K 100 -10K 10 -33K 10 -33K 10 - 36K 10 - 36K N/A 100 - 10K 10 - 10K 10 - 100K 10 - 51K 10 - 332K 10 - 100K 10 -1M 10 -200K 10 - 2M 100 -330K 10 -2M 10 -33K 10 - 2M 10 - 36K 10 - 2M 33 - 22K 10 - 22K 10 - 10K 10 - 1M 10 - 51K 10 - 360K 10 - 100K 4.7 - 1M 10 -200K 4.7 - 4.7M 100 -330K 10 - 4.7M 10 - 33K 10 - 4.7M 10 - 36K 10 - 4.7M 25,50 100 10 25,50,100 10 25,50,100 5, 10 25,50,100 5, 10 25,50,100 5, 10 25,50,100 10 25,50,100 10 25,50,100 L W T t .020.004 [.5.1] .040.004 [1.0.1] .063.008 [1.6.2] .079.006 [2.0.15] .126.006 [3.2.15] .126.006 [3.2.15] .197.008 [5.2] .248.008 [6.3 .2] .01.002 [.25.05] .020.002 [.5.05] .031.006 [.8.15] .050.006 [1.25.15] .063.006 [1.6.15] .098.008 [2.5.2] .098.008 [2.5.2] .126.008 [3.2 .2] .014.004 [.35.1] .014.004 [.35.1] .018.006 [.45.15] .018.006 [.45.15] .020.006 [.50.15] .024.008 [.61.2] .024.008 [.61.2] .024.008 [.61.2] 01.005 [.25.12] .01.005 [.25.12] .012.008 [.3.2] .014.008 [.30.2] .020.010 [.51.25] .020.010 [.51.25] .024.008 [.61.2] .024.008 [.61.2] *Maximum working voltage determined by E= PR, E should not exceed value listed. Increased voltage ratings available. 1 Extended range available, consult factory. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Requi rements C haracteri sti cs (5-25ppm)* Test Method CONSTRUCTION S hort Ti me Over Load 0.1% Rated W x 2.5, 5 seconds at 25C (not to exceed Max Overload Voltage) Resi stance to S olderi ng Heat 0.05% 260 5C , 3 seconds Resistor element Marking avail. (specify Opt.A) Hi gh Temperature E xposure 0.1% 100 hours @ +125C Thermal S hock 0.1% -55C to +125C , 0.5 hours, 5 cycles Moi sture Resi stance 0.2% Mi l-S TD -202 M.103 95% RH 1000 hrs Load Li fe (1000 hours) 0.1% Rated W per Mi l-P RF-55342 E xtended Li fe (10,000 hrs) 0.25% Rated W per Mi l-P RF-55342 S olderabi li ty 95% (Mi n.) MIL-S td-202, Method 208 S helf Li fe 100 ppm/year (Max.) Room Temp. & Humi di ty, No-Load D i electri c Wi thstandi ng Voltage 250V (100V 0402 & 0603) 60 S econds, termi nal to cerami c *The typical Environmental Seal Alumina Substrate Inner Electrode Nickel Barrier Solder Plating R level of chips with 50- 100ppm TCR is double that of chips with 5 to 25ppm DERATING CURVE P/N DESIGNATION: - 1002 - B RCD Type Option Codes: W, P, M, ER, A (leave blank if standard) 4-Digit Resistance Code: 3 signif. digits & multiplier (10R0=10, 1000=100, 1001=1K) Tolerance Code: F=1%, D=0.5%, C=0.25%, B=0.1%, A=0.05% Q=0.02%, T=0.01% Packaging: B = Bulk, T = Tape & Reel Temp. Coefficient: 5=5ppm, 10=10ppm, 25=25ppm, 50=50ppm, 101=100ppm T 25 Resistors may be operated up to full rated power with consideration of mounting density, pad geometry, PCB material, and ambient temperature. 120 % OF RATED POWER BLU1206 100 80 60 40 20 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) 120 130 140 RCD Components Inc., 520 E. Industrial Park Dr., Manchester, NH, USA 03109 Tel: (603) 669-0054 Fax:(603) 669-5455 E-mail:sales@rcdcomponents.com www.rcdcomponents.com FA013A Specifications subject to change without notice 150