Subject to change without notice * (c) Hans Turck GmbH & Co.KG 2002 * Edition: Hans Turck GmbH & Co.KG * Postfach * D-45466 Mulheim an der Ruhr * Telefon 02 08/49 52-0 * Telefax 02 08/49 52-264 Photoelectric sensor diffuse mode sensor S18SN6DLQ M18 x 1 37 24/8 selectable light or dark operation or light operation with alarm function M12 x 1 connector operational voltage 10..0.30 VDC degree of protection IP69K Wiring diagram LED GN 78,7 + BN (1) LED YE WH (2) M12 x 1 BK (4) BU (3) BN (1) Type Ident-No. S18SN6DLQ 3844500 WH (2) Operating mode Type of light Wave length Sensing range [mm] Operating temperature Diffuse mode sensor IR 880 nm 2... 300 mm -40 ...+ 70 C BU (3) Rated operational voltage (DC) UB 10... 30 VDC Rated operational current (DC) Ie 150 mA No-load current I0 25 mA Short-circuit protection Reverse polarity protection Output function Switching frequency Max. switch-on delay Overload trip point yes, cyclic yes connection programmable, NPN 160 Hz 100 ms >220 mA Housing style Dimensions Housing material Lens Degree of protection cylindrical/thread; S18 78,7 mm plastic, PBT Plastic, Acryl IP68 - IP69K Supply voltage indication Switching status indication Error indication Alarm indication LED LED LED LED green yellow green flashing yellow flashing * BK (4) + *Alarm The emitter and receiver are incorporated in a single housing. The light reflection of the target is detected and triggers the sensor to switch. Thus the switching distance depends largely on the reflectivity of the target. Excess gain curve Excess gain in relation to the distance 100 10 DL D 1 1 10 100 1000 mm Subject to change without notice * (c) Hans Turck GmbH & Co.KG 2002 * Edition: * 12.04.2004 Hans Turck GmbH & Co.KG * Postfach * D-45466 Mulheim an der Ruhr * Telefon 02 08/49 52-0 * Telefax 02 08/49 52-264