
28F008/ 800B3, 28F016 /16 0B3, 28F320B3, 28F6 40B3
18 Aug 2005 Intel® Advanc ed Boot Block Flash M emo ry (B3) Datasheet
52 Order Numbe r: 290580 , Revision: 020
10.1.2 Output Disable
When OE# is at a logic-high level (V IH), the flas h memory d evice outputs are d isab led. Out put pin s
are p la ce d in a h igh -impedance state.
10.1.3 Standby
Des electin g the fla sh memory devic e by br inging CE# to a logic-high level (V IH) places the d evice
in st andby mode. S tandby mode substantia lly reduces device power consumption, without any
latency for subsequent read accesses. In standby mode, outputs are placed in a high-impedance
state independent of OE#. If deselected during Program or Erase operation, the flash memory
device continues to consume active power until the Program or Er ase operation is complete.
10.1.4 Deep Power-Down / Reset
From read mode, RP# at VIL for time tPLPH does the following:
•Desele cts the flash mem ory.
•Pl aces outpu t drivers in a hi gh -imped anc e s t at e.
•Tu r ns of f all in ternal circui ts.
•After a return fro m reset, a time tPHQV i s requi red unt il the in iti al re ad-acc ess ou tput s are vali d.
•After a return from reset, a delay (tPHWL or tPHEL) is required before a write can be initiated.
Af ter th i s w ak e-up interv al, normal operation is restored. The CUI reset s to read-array mode, and
the St at u s Regi ster is s et to 80 H . Figure 14 “Deep Power-Down/Reset Operations Waveforms” on
page 48 (A) illustr ates this case.
If RP# is taken low for time tPLPH during a Program or Erase operation, the operation aborts. The
me mory contents at the aborte d loca tion (for a progra m) or block (for an erase) are no long er valid,
because the da ta m ight b e partially erased or written.
The abort process uses the following sequence:
1. When RP# goes low, the flash memory device shuts down the operation in p rogress, a process
t h at takes time t PLRH to co mplete.
2. After this tim e tPLRH, the flash memory device either reset s to read-arra y mo de (if RP# has
gone high during tPLRH, see Figure 14 “Deep Power-Down/Reset Operations Waveforms” on
pa g e 48 ( B)), o r ent e r s r es e t m o d e ( if RP# is stil l log ic lo w a f te r tPLRH, see Figure 14 “Dee p
Power-Down/Rese t Operations Waveforms” on page 48 (C)).
3. In both cas es , after returning fr om an aborted operation, the releva nt time t PHQV or tPHWL/
tPHEL must elapse before initiating a Rea d or W ri te operation, as discussed in the prev ious
paragraph. However, in this case, these delays are referenced to the end of tPLRH rather than
when RP # goes high.
As with any automated device, RP# must be asserted during system reset. When the system
f inishes reset , the processor exp ects to rea d fr om the fla s h memory. Automated flash memories
pr ovide status informatio n when read during program or Block-Erase ope rations. If a CPU reset
occurs with no flas h memory reset, proper CPU init ializat ion cannot occur, because the flas h
me mory migh t be providing status information instead of array data.
Intel® Flash memo ries allow pr oper CPU initialization afte r a system reset, using the RP# input. In
th is application, RP# is controlled by th e same RESET # signal that rese ts the system CPU.