REVISIONS PART NO. MCEP Series ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 EPI PCB Layout Schematic (Typical) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Positions Available Dimensions: Millimetres (Inches) Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Jagan 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 1 OF 6 REVISIONS PART NO. MCEP Series ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 EPM PCB Layout Schematic (Typical) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Positions Available Dimensions: Millimetres (Inches) Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Veena 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 2 OF 6 REVISIONS PART NO. MCEP Series ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 Specifications: Mechanical: Maximum operating force Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Mechanical life : : : : 800 gf -20C to +85C -40C to +85C 2,000 cycles : : : : : : 2,000 cycles 25 mA, 24 V dc 100 m at 500 V dc 100 M at 500 V dc 500 V ac/1 minute Single pole and single throw Electrical: Electrical life Rating Maximum contact resistance Maximum insulation resistance Dielectric strength Circuit Materials: Cover Base Stem Contact Terminal : UL 94V-0 Nylon high temperature thermoplastic Colour : Black : UL 94V-0 Nylon high temperature thermoplastic Colour : Black : UL 94V-0 Nylon high temperature thermoplastic Colour : White : Alloy copper with gold cladding : Brass with gold cladding Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Veena 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 3 OF 6 REVISIONS PART NO. MCEP Series ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 Reflow Temperature Profile Soldering Process: Wave soldeing: Recommended solder temperature at 500F ( 260C) maximum of 5 seconds for through hole type Hand soldering: Use a soldering iron of 30 watts, controlled at 350C approximately maximum 5 seconds while applying Reflow soldering: When applying reflow soldering, the peak temperature or the reflow Oven should be set at 260C maximum Do not wash the switch except top tape sealed type, which suitable for spray cleaning method from top of the s/w Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Veena 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 4 OF 6 REVISIONS PART NO. ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED MCEP Series DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 Specification Table Number of Positions Dimensions (A) Dimensions (B) 2 4.98 (0.196) 2.54 (0.1) MCEPI-02 4 10.06 (0.396) 7.62 (0.3) MCEPI-04 6 15.14 (0.596) 12.7 (0.5) MCEPI-06 8 20.22 (0.796) 17.78 (0.7) MCEPI-08 10 25.3 (0.996) 22.86 (0.9) MCEPI-10 2 4.98 (0.196) 2.54 (0.1) MCEPM-02 4 10.06 (0.396) 7.62 (0.3) MCEPM-04 6 15.14 (0.596) 12.7 (0.5) MCEPM-06 8 20.22 (0.796) 17.78 (0.7) MCEPM-08 10 25.3 (0.996) 22.86 (0.9) MCEPM-10 Part Number Dimensions : Millimetres (Inches) Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Veena 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 5 OF 6 REVISIONS PART NO. MCEP Series ECN # REV DESCRIPTION - A RELEASED DRAWN DATE Ashok 19/01/12 CHECKD DATE APPRVD DATE Jagan 19/01/12 Farnell 02/02/12 Part Number Explanation: MC EP I - Type End-Stackable Piano Type Dip Switch Terminal Type Actuator Type Terminal Type Actuator Type Number of Positions - 02 Number of Positions : I = Through Hole Type : M = SMT Type : = Long Actuator : 02, 04, 06, 08, 10 Positions Important Notice : This data sheet and its contents (the "Information") belong to the members of the Premier Farnell group of companies (the "Group") or are licensed to it. No licence is granted for the use of it other than for information purposes in connection with the products to which it relates. No licence of any intellectual property rights is granted. The Information is subject to change without notice and replaces all data sheets previously supplied. The Information supplied is believed to be accurate but the Group assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness, any error in or omission from it or for any use made of it. Users of this data sheet should check for themselves the Information and the suitability of the products for their purpose and not make any assumptions based on information included or omitted. Liability for loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the Information or use of it (including liability resulting from negligence or where the Group was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict the Group's liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence. Multicomp is the registered trademark of the Group. (c) Premier Farnell plc 2012. TOLERANCES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. DRAWN BY: Ashok CHECKED BY: DATE: 19/01/12 DATE: Veena 19/01/12 APPROVED BY: DATE: 02/02/12 DRAWING TITLE: Dual In Line Switches - Piano Type SIZE A DWG NO. SCALE: NTS M10000816 U.O.M.: mm (Inches) REV ELECTRONIC FILE A EPI(M)-V_DWG SHEET: 6 OF 6