Ine, PIN diode limiters are built to protect sensitive circuit elements such as receiver front ends or detectors. They reduce high power inputs to a low level that can be tolerated by the next component. Limiters may be categorized as conventional or feedback types. The family of conventional limiters typically exhibits leakage levels up to +20dBm with recovery times less than 40nsec. These models handle up to 100W peak power levels and cover the frequency range form 100MHz to 26GHz. Custom models with higher power handling are available. Features: Low Insertion Loss e Low Leakage Power Circuit Protection e High CW Power Handling e Hermetically Sealed Modules e Assorted Package Styles Custom Designs Available Peak cw Maximum Maximum Frequency : Input _ Input Flat Leakage Flat Leakage Range Part Power Power (Peak Power) | (CW Power) (GHz) Number (Watts) (Watts) (+dBm) (+dBm) 0.1-1.4 ACLM4538 100 2 20 18 05-2 ACLM4530 100 2 20 18 0.1-4 ACLM4637_s 100 2 20 17 1-4 ACLM4581 100 2 20 Te 2-4 ACLM4531 100 2 20 17 05-6 ACLM4700 100 2 20 17 2-6 ACLM4540 100 2 20 17 0.5-8 ACLM4606 100 2 20 7 1-8 ACLM4597 100 2 20 17 4-8 ACLM4532 100 2 20 1 2-12 ACLM4535 100 2 21 18 8-12 ACLM4533 100 2 21 18 0.5- 18 ACLM4601 100 1 21 18 2-18 ACLM4537 100 q 21 18 8-18 ACLM4539 100 1 21 18 18-26 ACLM4765. 100 4 23 ai NOTES: 1) CW leakage is measured at 1W input. PIN DIODE LIMITERS Maximum Insertion Loss (dB) 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 08 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.5 2) Higher power handling available. Contact the factory to discuss specific requirements. 3) Power handling is linearly derated from full power at +25C to zero power at +150C Maximum VSWR 1.4:1 1.41 1.4:1 1.41 1.4:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 1.5:1 16:1 1.6:1 1.6:1 1.9:1 1.9:1 1.9:1 2.0:1 Standard Case Styles C3 C3 C3 cs C3 c3 C3 c3 C3 c3 C3 C3 C36 C36 C36 C36 Optional Case Styles C36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 36,C37 C36,C37 36,C37 C36,C37 C36,C37 C3,C37 C3,C37 C3,C37 611 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, NJ 07724 tel: 732-460-0212 fax: 732-460-0214 www.advanced-control.comAdvanced Control Components fine, ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS: MIL-E-5400, MIL-STD-202, MIL-E-16400 Operating Temp: -65C to +125C Storage Temp: -65C to +150C Humidity: MIL-STD-202F, M103, Cond B Shock: MIL-STD 202F, M213, Cond B Altitude: MIL-STD 202F, M105, Cond B Vibration : MIL-STD-202F, M204, Cond B Thermal Shock: MIL-STD 202F, M107, Cond A Temperature Cycle: MIL-STD 202F, M105C, Cond D SMA MALE (INPUT) 1.3240.020 90.312 SMA FEMALE (OUTPUT) CASE STYLE C3 Part Number Ordering Information: @0.100+0.005 THRU (2) PLCS. SCREENING : Standard Screening: Internal Visual per MIL-STD 883, Method 2017 Temperature Cycle: -65C to +100C, 10 cycles Optional High-Rel Screening (Ref MIL-PRF 38534): Internal Visual per MIL-STD 883, Method 2017 Stabilization Bake per MIL-STD 883, Method 1008 Temperature Cycle per MIL-STD 883, Method 1010 Constant Acceleration per MIL-STD 883, Method 2001 Burn-in per MIL-STD 883, Method 1015 Leak Test per MIL-STD-883, Method 1014 External Visual per MIL-STD 883, Method 2009 SMA MALE INPUT FEMALE OUTPUT @0.100+.005 THRU (2) PLCS. CASE STYLE C36 1.282+0.010 0.525 FEMALE OUTPUT CASE STYLE C37 Example: ACLM4533C3R1K ACLM4533: Conventional limiter, 8 12GHz C3: Package type R: Reversed connectors (omit for standard configuration) 1K: 1kW peak power handling (omit for standard 100W peak power handling) LM-0303B 611 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, NJ 07724 tel: 732-460-0212 fax: 732-460-0214