SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL I. Power section Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Values IGBT VCES VCC 1) Operating DC link voltage VGES IC Ts = 25 (70) C Inverse diode IF = -IC Ts = 25 (70) C IFSM Tj = 150 C, tp = 10ms; sin I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 C, 10ms Tj , (Tstg) Visol rms, AC, 1min per AC terminal, rms, Ts = IAC-terminal 70C, Tterminal <115C Characteristics Symbol IGBT Ts = 25C unless otherwise specified Conditions Conditions Units 1700 1200 20 2000 (1500) V V V A 1500 (1120) 17280 1493 -40...+150 (125) 4000 A A kA2s C V 400 A SKiiP 3 SK integrated intelligent Power 2-pack SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL Preliminary data Case S43 Ts = 25C unless otherwise specified min. typ. max. Units IC = 1200A, Tj = 25 (125)C; 1,9 (2,2) 2,4 V - measured at terminal VCEO Tj = 25 (125) C; at terminal 1,0 (0,9) 1,2 (1,1) V - rCE Tj = 25 (125) C; at terminal 0,8 (1,0) 1,0 (1,3) - m ICES VGE=0,VCE=VCES,Tj=25(125) C 4,8 (288) mA - - IC=1200A, Vcc=900V 968 mJ - - Eon + Eoff Tj=125C Vcc=1200V 1428 mJ - - LCE top, bottom 3 nH - - CCHC per phase , AC side 6,8 nF - - RCC-EE terminal-chip, Tj=25 C 0,13 - - m Inverse diode IF= 1200A; Tj = 25(125) C VF = VEC 1,6 (1,5) V - 2,0 measured at terminal VTO Tj = 25 (125) C 1,1 (0,8) 1,3 (1,0) V - rT Tj = 25 (125) C 0,4 (0,6) 0,6 (0,8) - m IC=1200A Vcc=900V 172 mJ - - ERR Tj=125C Vcc=1200V 204 mJ - - Mechanical data Mdc DC terminals, SI Units 6 8 Nm - Mac AC terminals, SI Units 13 15 Nm - 3,1 kg w - - SKiiP 3 System w/o heat sink w heat sink 9,7 kg - - Thermal characteristics (PX16 heat sink with fan SKF16B-230-1); "s" reference to heat sink; "r" reference to built-in temperature sensor (acc. IEC 60747-15) RthjsIGBT per IGBT 0,015 C/W - - Rthjsdiode per diode 0,029 C/W - - Zth Ri (mK/W) (max. values) taui(s) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 IGBTjr 5,6 6,0 6,4 0,0 363,0 0,18 0,04 1,0 diodejr 10,0 8,4 14,8 14,8 50,0 5,0 0,25 0,04 heatsinkra 3,1 17,3 3,7 0,9 230 78 13,0 0,4 VCEsat Features * SKiiP technology inside * Trench IGBTs * CAL HD diode technology * integrated current sensor * integrated temperature sensor * integrated heat sink * IEC 60721-3-3 (humidity) class 3K3/IE32 (SKiiP 3 System) * IEC 68T.1 (climate) 40/125/56 (SKiiP 3 power section) * UL recognized File no. E63532 (SKiiP 3 power section) 1) with assembly of suitable MKP capacitor per terminal (SEMIKRON type is recommended) 8) AC connection busbars must be connected by the user; copper busbars available on request This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. by SEMIKRON 030606 B 7 - 19 SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL SKiiP 3 SK integrated intelligent Power SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL Preliminary data II. Integrated gate driver Absolute maximum ratings Symbol VS2 ViH Term unstabilized 24V power supply input signal voltage (high) dv/dt VisolIO secondary to primary side input / output (AC, rms, 2 s) partial discharge extinction voltage, rms, QPD 10 pC; output 1 / output 2 (AC, rms, 2s) switching frequency operating / storage temperature VisolPD Visol12 f Top (Tstg) Gate driver features * CMOS compatible inputs * wide range power supply * integrated circuitry to sense phase current, heat sink temperature and DC-bus voltage (option) * short circuit protection * over current protection * over voltage protection (option) * power supply protected against under voltage * interlock of top/bottom switch * isolation by transformers * fibre optic interface (option for GB-types only) * IEC 68T.1 (climate) 40/85/56 (SKiiP 3 gate driver) Value 30 15 + 0,3 Unit V V 75 4000 kV/s V 1500 V 1500 6 - 40 ... + 85 V kHz C Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25 C) Symbol VS2 IS2 ViT+ ViTRin Cin td(on)IO td(off)IO tpERRRESET tTD IanalogOUT IS1out ITRIPSC Ttp UDCTRIP Values Term min typ max. supply voltage non stabilized 13 24 27 VS2 = 24V 324 + 45*f / kHz + 0,00011 * (IAC/A)2 input threshold voltage (High) 11,2 - - input threshold voltage (Low) - - 5,4 input resistance - 10 - input capacitance - 1 - input-output turn-on propagation time - 1,1 - input-output turn-off propagation time - 1,1 - error memory reset time - 9 - top/bottom switch: interlock time - 3,3 - max. 5mA ; 8 V corresponds to - 2000 - 15 V supply voltage for external - - 50 components; max load current over current trip level ( Ianalog OUT = 10V) - 2500 - over temperature protection 110 - 120 not UDC-protection ( Uanalog OUT = 9V) imple - - (option for GB types) mente d Units V mA V V k nF s s s s A mA A C V For electrical and thermal design support please use SEMISEL. Access to SEMISEL is via SEMIKRON website This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. B 7 - 20 030606 by SEMIKRON