SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL
by SEMIKRON 030606 B 7 19
I. Power section
Absolute maximum ratin
sTs = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Symbol Conditions Values Units
VCES 1700 V
VCC 1) Operating DC link voltage 1200 V
VGES ± 20 V
ICTs = 25 (70) °C 2000 (1500) A
Invers e diode
IF = -ICTs = 25 (70) ° C 1500 (1120) A
IFSM Tj = 150 °C, tp = 10m s; sin 17280 A
I2t (Diode) Diode, Tj = 150 °C, 10ms 1493 kA2s
Tj , (Tstg) -40...+150 (125) °C
Visol rms, AC, 1min 4000 V
IAC-terminal per AC terminal, rms, Ts =
70°C, Tterminal <115°C 400 A
Characteristics Ts = 25 °C un less othe rwise spe cified
Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Units
VCEsat IC = 1200A, Tj = 25 (125)°C;
measured at terminal 1,9 (2,2) 2,4 V
VCEO Tj = 25 (125) °C; at terminal 1,0 (0,9) 1,2 (1,1) V
rCE Tj = 25 (125) °C; at terminal 0,8 (1,0) 1,0 (1,3) m
=25(125) °C 4,8 (288) mA
IC=1200A, Vcc=900V 968 mJ
Eon + Eoff T
=125°C Vcc=1200V 1428 mJ
LCE top, bottom 3nH
CCHC per phase , AC side 6,8 nF
RCC´-EE´ terminal- chip, Tj=25 °C 0,13 m
Invers e diode
VF = VEC IF= 1200A; Tj = 25(125) °C
measured at terminal 1,6 (1,5) 2,0 V
VTO Tj = 25 (125) °C 1,1 (0,8) 1,3 (1,0) V
rTTj = 25 (125) °C 0,4 (0,6) 0,6 (0,8) m
IC=1200A Vcc=900V 172 mJ
ERR Tj=125°C Vcc=1200V 204 mJ
Mechanical data
Mdc DC terminals, SI Units 6 8Nm
Mac AC terminals, SI Units 13 15 Nm
wSKiiP 3 System w/o heat sink 3,1 kg
w heat si nk 9,7 kg
Thermal characteristics (PX16 heat sink wi th fa n SKF16B- 230-1); "s" referen ce
to heat sink; "r" referen ce to built-in t emperature sensor (acc. IEC 6074 7-15)
RthjsIGBT per IGBT −−
0,015 °C/W
Rthjsdiode per dio de −−
0,029 °C/W
Zth Ri (mK/W) (max. values) taui(s)
1234 1 2 3 4
IGBTjr 5,6 6,0 6,4 0,0 363,0 0,18 0,04 1,0
diodejr 10,0 8,4 14,8 14,8 50,0 5,0 0,25 0,04
heatsinkra 3,1 17,3 3,7 0,9 230 78 13,0 0,4
SK integrated intelligent
SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL
Preliminary data
Case S43
SKiiP technology inside
Trench IGBTs
CAL HD diod e techn ology
integrated current sensor
integrated temperature sensor
integrated heat sink
IEC 60721-3-3 (humidity) class
3K3/IE 32 (SKiiP 3 System)
IEC 68T.1 (climate) 40/ 125/56
(SKiiP 3 power se ction)
UL recognized File no. E63532
(SKiiP 3 power se ction)
1) with assembl y of suitable MKP
capacitor per terminal
(SEMIKRO N type is
8) AC connection busbars must
be connected by the user;
copper bus bar s avai labl e on
This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee,
expr esse d or implied is made regarding deliver y, performance or suitability.
SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL
B 7 20 030606 by SEMIKRON
SKiiP 3
SK integrated intelligent
SKiiP 2013GB173-4DL
Preliminary data
II. Integrated gate driver
Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Term Value Unit
VS2 unstabilized 24V power supply 30 V
ViH input signal voltage (high) 15 + 0,3 V
dv/dt secondary to primary side 75 kV/µs
VisolIO input / output (A C, rms, 2 s) 4000 V
VisolPD partial di schar ge extinction voltage,
rms, QPD 10 pC; 1500 V
Visol12 output 1 / output 2 ( A C, rms, 2s) 1500 V
f switching frequency 6 kHz
Top (Tstg) operating / stora ge temperature - 40 ... + 85 °C
Electrical characteristics (Ta = 25 °C) Values
Symbol Term min typ max.Units
VS2 supply voltage non stabilized 13 24 27 V
IS2 VS2 = 24V 324 + 45*f / kHz + 0,00011 * (IAC/A)2mA
ViT+ input t hreshold voltage (High) 11,2 V
ViT- input t hreshold voltage (Low) 5,4 V
Rin input r esistance 10 k
Cin input c apacitance 1 nF
td(on)IO input- output turn-on propagation t ime 1,1 µs
td(off)IO input-output turn-off prop agation time 1,1 µs
tpERRRESET error memory reset time 9 µs
tTD top/bottom switch: interlock time 3,3 µs
IanalogOUT max . 5mA ; 8 V corresponds to 2000 A
IS1out 15 V sup ply voltage for external
compo nents; max l oad current ––50mA
ITRIPSC over current trip level ( Ianalo
OUT = 10V) 2500 A
Ttp over temperature prot ection 110 120 °C
UDCTRIP UDC-protection ( Uanalog OUT = 9V)
(option for GB types)
For ele ctrical and thermal design support ple ase use SE MISEL. Access to SEMISE L is via SEMI KRON website
Gate dri ver features
CMOS compatible inputs
wide range power supply
integrated circuitry to sense
phase current, heat si nk
temperature and DC-bus voltage
short circuit prot ection
over c urrent pr otection
over v oltage protect ion (option)
power supply protected agai nst
under voltage
interlock of top/bottom switch
isolation by transformers
fibre op tic int erfa ce (option for
GB-types only)
IEC 68T.1 (climate) 40/85/56
(SKiiP 3 gate driver )
This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee
expr esse d or implied is made regarding deliver y, performance or suitability.