CS-series Process Analog I/O Units CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CSM_CS1W-PROCESS_DS_E_2_1 Provides the functionality of isolators, power supplies, signal converters, and other devices. * The Analog Input Unit converts analog input signals such as 1 to 5 V or 4 to 20 mA into digital values, and takes the values scaled in industrial units, and transfers it to the CPU Unit as the process value. Because of this, no ladder program is required at the CPU Unit for scaling. * The Analog Output Unit converts analog output set values from the CPU Unit to analog output signals CS1W-PDC55 CS1W-PTS55 CS1W-PTS56 such as 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V, and outputs them. * The built-in functions, such as measurement value alarms, rate-of-change calculations, and square roots, have enabled major savings in cost and space compared with previous systems. * High-resolution Models and 8-point Input Models are also available. By combining the Units, logging/monitoring systems can be constructed, or the Units can be used together with LCBs/LCUs to construct complete process control systems. * Parameters can be easily displayed and set in an easy-to-understand form without special tools. Features Process Analog Input: * Up to eight analog inputs can be connected for each Unit. * There is isolation between input channels, so unwanted circuit paths between thermocouple inputs can be prevented. (Except for CS1W-PTR01/ 02) * Output scaling (32,000) * Process value alarms (HH, H, L, LL) * Input disconnection alarm * Rate-of-change calculation and alarm * Top/bottom/valley hold (CS1W-PTS11/PTS12/PDC11 only) Process Analog Output: * Up to four analog set values can be output for each Unit. * All outputs are isolated. * Output rate-of-change limit * Output high/low limits * Output scaling (32,000) * Control output answer input (CS1W-PMV01 only) Isolated-type Pulse Input: * Provides up to four pulses from a device such as a displacement flowmeter. The accumulated value can also be calculated at the same time and transferred to the CPU Unit at each cycle. (CS1W-PPS01) 1 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV System Configuration These Process Analog I/O Units belong to the CS-series Special I/O Unit group. * They can be mounted to CS-series CPU Racks or Expansion I/O Racks. * They cannot be mounted to C200H CPU Racks, Expansion I/O Racks, or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Racks. The number of Units that can be mounted to one Rack (either a CPU Rack or Expansion I/O Rack) depends upon the maximum current supplied by the Power Supply Unit and the current consumption by the other Units. There are no restrictions on Rack position. Note: I/O addresses for Special I/O Units are allocated according to the unit number set on the switches on the front panel, and not according to the slot position in which they are mounted. CS-series CPU Rack CPU Unit I/O Unit Power Supply Unit CS-series Expansion I/O Rack #1 I/O Unit CS-series Expansion I/O Rack #2 I/O Unit A maximum of 7 Expansion I/O Racks can be mounted. CS-series Expansion I/O Rack #7 I/O Unit 2 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Ordering Information Process Analog I/O Units Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Units Unit type Product name Input points Signal range selection Isolated-type Thermocouple 4 inputs Input Units CS1 Special I/O Units I/O type Conversion speed B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, WRe5-26, PLII, 100 mV 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs Set 4 inputs separately R, S, K, J, T, L, B for each 8 inputs input R, S, K, J, T, L, B B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, 80mV 4 inputs 250 ms/4 inputs 250 ms/8 inputs External connection Removable terminal block No. of unit numbers allocated 1 150 ms/4 inputs Current consumption (A) 5V Model Standards 24V 0.12 0.08 CS1W-PTS11 0.25 - CS1W-PTS51 0.18 0.06 CS1W-PTS55 0.15 0.15 CS1W-PTS01-V1 UC1, N, CE UC1,CE Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Units Unit type Product name Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Units CS1 Special I/O Units Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Units (Ni508.4 ) Input points Signal range selection I/O type Conversion speed (resolution) External connection No. of unit numbers allocated Current consumption (A) 5V Model 4 inputs Pt100, JPt100, Pt50, Ni508.4 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs 0.12 0.07 CS1W-PTS12 4 inputs Pt100, JPt100 250 ms/4 inputs 0.25 - CS1W-PTS52 8 inputs Set separately for each 4 inputs input Pt100, JPt100 250 ms/8 inputs 0.18 0.06 CS1W-PTS56 Pt100, JPt100 100 ms/4 inputs 0.15 0.15 CS1W-PTS02 4 inputs Ni508.4 100 ms/4 inputs 0.15 0.15 CS1W-PTS03 Removable terminal block Standards 26V UC1, N, CE 1 UC1, CE Isolated-type DC Input Units Unit type Product name Isolated-type DC Input Unit Input points Signal range 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 4 inputs 0 to 10 V, 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V, 1.25 V 8 inputs 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 4 inputs 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 5 V, 0 to 10 V, 10 V Isolated-type 2-Wire CS1 Transmitter Special Input Unit I/O Units Conversion speed (resolution) External connection No. of unit numbers allocated Current consumption (A) 5V Model 26V 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs 0.12 0.12 CS1W-PDC11 250 ms/8 inputs 0.18 0.06 CS1W-PDC55 100 ms/4 inputs 0.15 0.16 CS1W-PDC01 0.15 0.16 CS1W-PTW01 Removable terminal block Standards UC1, N, CE 1 4 inputs 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V 100 ms/4 inputs Power Transducer Input Unit 8 inputs 0 to 1 mA, 1 mA 200 ms/8 inputs 0.15 0.08 CS1W-PTR01 Analog Input Unit (100 mV) 8 inputs 0 to 100 mV, 100 mV 200 ms/8 inputs 0.15 0.08 CS1W-PTR02 UC1, CE 3 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Isolated-type Analog Output Unit Unit type Product name Output points Signal range selection Isolated-type Analog Output 4 inputs Unit CS1 Special I/O Units Signal range 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V Set separately for each input 4 inputs 0 to 10 V, 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 5 V, 0 to 1 V, 1 V Conversion speed (resolution) External connection No. of unit numbers allocated 100 ms/4 inputs Current consumption (A) 5V 0.15 Removable terminal block Model 26V 0.16 CS1W-PMV01 1 40 ms/4 inputs Standards UC1, CE 0.12 0.12 CS1W-PMV02 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit Unit type Product name Input points External connection No. of unit numbers allocated Current consumption (A) 1 0.20 5V Model Standards 26V Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit CS1 Special I/O Units 4 pulse inputs Removable terminal block 0.16 CS1W-PPS01 UC1, CE International Standards * The standards indicated in the "Standards" column are those current for UL, CSA, cULus, cUL, NK, and Lloyd standards and EC Directives as of the end of September 2008. The standards are abbreviated as follows: U: UL, U1: UL (Class I Division 2 Products for Hazardous Locations), C: CSA, UC: cULus, UC1: cULus (Class I Division 2 Products for Hazardous Locations), CU: cUL, N: NK, L: Lloyd, and CE: EC Directives. * Ask your OMRON representative for the conditions under which the standards were met. 4 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV General Specifications The specifications shown in the following table apply to all the CS-series Process Analog I/O Units. For specifications specific to each Unit, refer to the explanations of the individual units. Item Specification Applicable PLC CS-series PLCs Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Structure Backplane-mounted, single slot size Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Weight 450 g max. External connection terminals * CS1W-PTS55/-PTS56/-PDC55 24-point removable terminal block (with lever) (M3 screws, Tightening torque: 0.5 N*m) * Other Units 21-point removable terminal block (M3 screws, Tightening torque: 0.5 N*m) Unit number switch setting 00 to 95 Self-diagnosis function Results of self-diagnosis shown on indicators. Mountable Racks CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack Maximum number of Units 80 Units (10 Units x 8 Racks) Confirm that the total current consumption of all the Units (including the CPU Unit) mounted to a single CPU Rack or Expansion Rack does not exceed the maximum power supply capacity of the Power Supply Unit. Ambient operating temperature 0 to 55C Ambient operating humidity 10% to 90% (with no condensation) Current consumption Name Current consumption (power) Model CS1W-PTS01-V1 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit 5V 0.15 A (0.75 W) 26 V 0.15 A (3.9 W) CS1W-PTS11 0.16 A (0.60 W) 0.08 A (2.08 W) CS1W-PTS51 0.25 A (1.25 W) Not used. CS1W-PTS55 0.18 A (0.90 W) 0.06 A (1.56 W) Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100) CS1W-PTS02 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.15 A (3.9 W) Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Ni508.4) CS1W-PTS03 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.15 A (3.9 W) Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100, Pt50, Ni508.4) CS1W-PTS12 0.12 A (0.60 W) 0.07 A (1.82 W) Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100) CS1W-PTS52 0.25 A (1.25 W) Not used. CS1W-PTS56 0.18 A (0.90 W) 0.06 A (1.56 W) Isolated-type 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit CS1W-PTW01 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.16 A (4.2 W) CS1W-PDC01 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.16 A (4.2 W) CS1W-PDC11 0.12 A (0.60 W) 0.12 A (3.12 W) CS1W-PDC55 0.18 A (0.90 W) 0.06 A (1.56 W) Power Transducer Input Unit CS1W-PTR01 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.08 A (2.1 W) Analog Input Unit (100 mV) CS1W-PTR02 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.08 A (2.1 W) Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit Isolated-type Analog Output Unit CS1W-PPS01 0.20 A (1.00 W) 0.16 A (4.2 W) CS1W-PMV01 0.15 A (0.75 W) 0.16 A (4.2 W) CS1W-PMV02 0.12 A (0.60 W) 0.12 A (3.2 W) (Reference) Maximum current and total power supplied Maximum current supplied (power) Power Supply Unit 5V 26 V 24 V Maximum total power C200HW-PA204 4.6 A (23 W) 0.6 A (15.6 W) None C200HW-PA204C 4.6 A (23 W) 0.6 A (15.6 W) None 30 W 30 W C200HW-PA204S 4.6 A (23 W) 0.6 A (15.6 W) 0.8 A (19.2 W) 30 W C200HW-PA204R 4.6 A (23 W) 0.6 A (15.6 W) None 30 W C200HW-PD024 4.6 A (23 W) 0.6 A (15.6 W) None 30 W C200HW-PA209R 9 A (45 W) 1.3 A (33.8 W) None 45 W C200HW-PD025 5.3 A 1.3 A None 40 W CS1D-PA207R 7 A (35 W) 1.3 A (33.8 W) None 35 W CS1D-PD024 4.3 A (21.5 W) 0.56 A (14.6 W) None 28 W CS1D-PD025 5.3 A 1.3 A None 40 W 5 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS01-V1 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTS01-V1 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit provides four direct thermocouple inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS01-V1 4 thermocouple inputs (K, J, B, E, N, R, S, T, or mV) Specifications Item Specifications Model number CS1W-PTS01-V1 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms, cold junction sensor errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor types Thermocouple B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T or -80 to 80 mV. (Set separately for each of four inputs.) Input ranges The input range can be set within any of the measurable input ranges shown in Table 1 (below). Note: Internally, inputs are processed in five ranges (refer to Table 2 below), so accuracy and resolution accord with these internal ranges. Scaling in industrial units Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (with the minimum and maximum values set). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Output limits Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Note: Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Thermocouple: K; input range: 0 to 500C; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500C. DM Area settings are as follows: Thermocouple: 3 (0003 hex) Input signal maximum: 5000 (1388 hex) Input signal minimum: 0 (0000 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 6 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications 0.1% (of internal range full span) As shown in the following equation, the accuracy depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. Accuracy (25C) Accuracy = 0.1% x Temperature coefficient Internal range span (electromotive force conversion) Set input range span (electromotive force conversion) 0.015% /C, for any of internal range numbers 0 to 4. 1/4,096 (of internal range full span) As shown in the following equation, the resolution depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. Resolution Resolution = 1 4096 x Internal range span (electromotive force conversion) Set input range span (electromotive force conversion) Cold junction compensation error 1C, at 20 10C Warmup time 45 min Maximum signal input -80 to 80 mV Input impedance 20 k min. Input disconnection detection current 0.1 A (typical) Response time 1 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 150 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Disconnection detection Detects disconnections at each input and turns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 5 s The process value overrange direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input range; low: -15% of set input range) Function Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 16), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. Isolation Between temperature inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Thermocouple Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 150 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories Two cold junction sensors (installed in terminal block) 7 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Sensor Types and Input Ranges The temperature sensor (thermocouple) type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The input range can be set anywhere within the measurable input ranges shown in Table 1. Table 1: Measurable Input Ranges Sensor type B DM Area setting 0 Measurable input range (See note.) 0 to 1,820C E 1 -270 to 1,000C J 2 -210 to 1,200C K 3 -270 to 1,372C N 4 -270 to 1,300C R 5 -50 to 1,768C S 6 -50 to 1,768C T 7 -270 to 400C mV 8 -80 to 80 mV Note: Set the input range in the DM Area within this range. Inputs are processed internally in five progressive ranges (numbers 0 to 4), as shown in the following table. Table 2: Internal Ranges Thermocouple electromotive force Internal range number Internal range span 0 -80 to 80 mV 160 mV 1 -40 to 40 mV 80 mV 2 -20 to 20 mV 40 mV 3 -10 to 10 mV 20 mV 4 -5 to 5 mV 10 mV Therefore, the accuracy and resolution are determined by the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span (electromotive force converted value). For the internal range, a larger number is selected when both the minimum and maximum values of the range fall within that next range. For example, suppose that the thermocouple type is K and the set input range is 0 to 800C. The electromotive force for K 0 to 800C is 0 to 33.277 mV. Since both the minimum and maximum values fall within the limits for internal range No. 1 (-40 to 40 mV), that range will be selected. The following table shows the set input ranges corresponding to the internal range numbers 0 to 4. Table 3: Set Input Ranges Corresponding to Internal Ranges Sensor type Measurable Input range Internal range No. 0 Internal range No. 1 Internal range No. 2 Internal range No. 3 -80 to 80 mV -40 to 40 mV -20 to 20 mV -10 to 10 mV Internal range No. 4 -5 to 5 mV B 0 to 1,820C Not used. Not used. 0 to 1,820C 0 to 1,496C 0 to 1,030C E -270 to 1,000C -270 to 1,000C -270 to 537C -270 to 286C -270 to 153C -94 to 80C J -210 to 1,200C -210 to 1,200C -210 to 713C -210 to 366C -210 to 186C -100 to 95C K -270 to 1,372C -270 to 1,372C -270 to 967C -270 to 484C -270 to 246C -153 to 121C N -270 to 1,300C -270 to 1,300C -270 to 1,097C -270 to 584C -270 to 318C -270 to 171C R -50 to 1,768C Not used. -50 to 1,769C -50 to 1,684C -50 to 961C -50 to 548C S -50 to 1,768C Not used. Not used. -50 to 1,769C -50 to 1,035C -50 to 576C T -270 to 400C Not used. -270 to 400C -270 to 385C -270 to 213C -166 to 115C mV -80 to 80 mV -80 to 80 mV -40 to 40 mV -20 to 20 mV -10 to 10 mV -5 to 5 mV Note: With Thermocouple Input Units, process values can be scaled in industrial units for the set input range. It is possible to set the process value scaling higher than the resolution, but it will cause the values to be unstable. 8 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram CS1W-PTS01-V1 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit N.C. B1 N.C. B2 N.C. B3 1+ B4 2+ B5 3+ B6 4+ B7 N.C. B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C. A2 CJ1+ A3 CJ1- A4 1- A5 2- A6 3- A7 4- A8 CJ2+ A9 CJ2- A10 N.C. A11 N.C. Thermocouple Input No. 1 (See note 4.) Thermocouple Input No. 4 (See note 4.) Thermocouple Input No. 2 Thermocouple Input No. 3 Note: 1. Cold junction sensors are installed between A2 and A3, and between A8 and A9 when the product is shipped. Do not remove them when using the Unit. If they are removed, temperatures cannot be measured correctly because there will be no compensation. 2. Use the same cold junction sensors that come with the Unit, and leave them just as they are. They are provided specifically for this Unit and its circuitry, and temperatures cannot be measured correctly if they are switched around or if another Unit's sensors are used in their place. 3. For unused input terminals, short-circuit the positive and negative sides (e.g., terminals A4 and B4 for input No. 1) of the thermocouple inputs with the lead wire. 4. When connecting input No. 4, remove the cold junction sensor between CJ2+ and CJ2-, and then reconnect it after the input is connected. Attempting to connect the input without removing the cold junction sensor may result in damage to the sensor. Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PTS01-V1 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit A2 Upper cold junction sensor Amplifier circuit 1+ B4 1- A4 2+ B5 Amplifier Input No. 1 A/D converter Amplifier Input No. 2 2- A5 3+ B6 3- A6 4+ B7 4- A7 Isolation circuit Amplifier Isolation circuit Amplifier Isolation circuit Input No. 3 Input No. 4 Isolation circuit Multi-gain amplifier circuit Digital computation circuit Connector Thermocouples Multiplexer A3 5 V DC To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC A8 Amplifier circuit Lower cold junction sensor A9 9 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS11 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTS11 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit provides four direct thermocouple inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS11 4 thermocouple inputs (B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, WRe5-26, PL II, mV) 10 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS11 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms, cold junction sensor errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, rate-of-change input range, scaling of rate-of-change data, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Expansion Control/ Monitor Area 35 words/Unit CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit: Designations and flags for beginning or resetting the hold function selection, adjustment period control, etc. Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit: Adjustment period notices (with each input), peak and bottom values, top and valley values Expansion Setting Area 46 words/Unit CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit: Expansion Control/Monitor Area settings, adjustment period control, peak and bottom detection, top and valley detection Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor types The sensor type, input range, and scaling can be set individually for each of 4 inputs, which are each selectable from B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, WRe5-26, PL II, and mV. Scaling Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (individually for each of the 4 inputs, with the minimum and maximum values set). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.05% (Depends on the Sensor used and the measured temperature. Refer to Accuracy by Sensor Type and Measured Temperature Range on page 13 for details.) Temperature coefficient 0.01% /C (For full scale of electromotive force. See note.) Resolution 1/64,000 Cold junction compensation error 1C, at 20C10C Warmup time 45 min Maximum signal input 120 mV Input impedance 20 k min. Input disconnection detection current 0.1 A (typical) Response time 100 ms (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for 100 mV step input and with moving average for 4 samples) Conversion period 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs. Can be switched in DM Area words allocated to the Unit as a Special I/O Unit. Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Disconnection detection Detects disconnections at each input and turns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input range; low: -15% of set input range) Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 128), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. Adjustment period control When zero/span adjustment is executed, the date is internally recorded at the Unit. When the preset zero/span adjustment period and number of days notice have elapsed, this function turns ON a warning flag to give notice that it is time for readjustment. Peak and bottom detection This function detects the maximum (peak) and minimum (bottom) analog input values, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF, and stores them in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Top and valley detection This function detects the top and valley values for analog inputs, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF, and stores them in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Function Isolation Between inputs and PLC signals, and between inputs: Isolation by transformer for power supply, and by photocoupler for signals. Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. 11 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Thermocouple Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption (supplied from Power Supply Unit) 5 V DC at 120 mA max., 26 V DC at 80 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories Two cold junction sensors (mounted to terminal block) Note: The method for calculating the error in temperature measurements, including the temperature coefficient, is given below. The "full scale of electromotive force" is the difference between the high limit and low limit converted to electromotive force for each thermocouple. Example Ambient temperature: 30 C Temperature Sensor: K thermocouple (-270 to 1,372 C) Measured temperature:500 C From electromotive force table -270 C: -6.458 mV 1,372 C: 54.86 mV Full scale: 61.344 Electromotive conversion of temperature coefficient: 61.344 mV x 0.01%/C = 6.13 V/C Error in electromotive force at 30C: 6.13 V/C x (30C - 25C) = 30.65 V/C Temperature difference between measurement point and terminals on Unit (ambient temperature) (based on ambient temperature of 30 C and Measured temperature of 500 C): 470 C Electromotive force per C at a measured temperature of 470 C (from the electromotive force tables for a K thermocouple): 43 V/C Error in temperature coefficient: 30.65 V / 43 V/C = 0.7C Error in measured temperature = Accuracy Error from temperature coefficient + Error in cold junction compensation = 0.8C + 0.7C + 1.0C = 2.5C Sensor Type and Input Range The Temperature Sensor type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The input range can be set anywhere within the measurable input ranges shown in the following table. Accuracy and resolution, however, are not determined from the set input range, but rather from the measurable input range shown in the following table. Therefore, accuracy and resolution do not change even when a narrow input range is set. Sensor type DM Area setting Measurable input range B 0 0 to 1,820C E 1 -270 to 1,000C J 2 -210 to 1,200C K 3 -270 to 1,372C N 4 -270 to 1,300C R 5 -50 to 1,768C S 6 -50 to 1,768C T 7 -270 to 400C mV 8 -100 to 100 mV L 9 -200 to 900C U 10 -200 to 600C WRe5-26 11 0 to 2,300C PLII 12 0 to 1,300C 12 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Accuracy by Sensor Type and Measured Temperature Range Sensor type Temperature range Standard accuracy Details B 0 to 1,820C 1.8C (0.1%) 400 to 800C: 3C Less than 400C: Accuracy is not specified. E -270 to 1,000C 0.6C (0.05%) -250 to 200C: 1.2C Less than -250C: Accuracy is not specified. J -210 to 1,200C 0.7C (0.05%) K -270 to 1,372C 0.8C (0.05%) -250 to 200C: 2C Less than -250C: Accuracy is not specified. N -270 to 1,300C 0.8C (0.05%) -200 to 150C: 1.6C Less than -200C: Accuracy is not specified. R -50 to 1,769C 1.8C (0.1%) 0 to 100C: 2.5C Less than 0C: Accuracy is not specified. S -50 to 1,769C 1.8C (0.1%) 0 to 100C: 2.5C Less than 0C: 3.2C T -270 to 400C 0.35C (0.05%) -180 to 0C: 0.7C -200 to -180C: 1.3C Less than -200C: Accuracy is not specified. L -200 to 900C 0.5C (0.05%) U -200 to 600C 0.4C (0.05%) -100 to 0C: 0.5C Less than -100C: 0.7C More than 2,200C: 1.4C WRe5-26 0 to 2,315C 1.2C (0.05%) PLII 0 to 1,395C 0.7C (0.05%) Terminal Block Diagram Thermocouples A4 B5 No. 2 input A5 B6 No. 3 input A6 B7 No. 4 input A7 Amplifier circuit A/D converter Photocoupler Isolated power supply circuit Amplifier circuit A/D converter 5 VDC Photocoupler Isolated power supply circuit Amplifier circuit 26 VDC A/D converter Connector No. 1 input Isolated power supply circuit Input selector B4 Digital circuits Photocoupler Isolated power supply circuit Amplifier circuit A/D converter Photocoupler Amplifier circuit Lower A8 A9 Amplifier circuit Photocoupler A2 A3 A/D converter Upper Multiplexer Cold junction sensors Isolated power supply circuit 13 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS51 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTS51 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit provides four direct thermocouple inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS51 4 thermocouple inputs (K, J, L, R, S, T, B) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS51 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H), conversion data enabled flags, sensor errors, cold junction sensor errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), process value alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value. Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor types The sensor type be set individually for each of 4 inputs, which are each selectable from K, J, L, R, S, T, B. Data storage in the CIO Area The actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary or BCD values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. Accuracy (25C) (See note.) With Celsius selected: 0.3% of PV or 1C, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. With fahrenheit selected: 0.3% of PV or 2F, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. However, the accuracy of K and T at -100C or lower and L is 2C 1 digit max. The accuracy of R and S at 200C or lower is 3C 1 digit max. The accuracy of B at 400C or lower is not specified. PV: Process value data Temperature characteristic Refer to Temperature Characteristics According to Thermocouple Type on page 16. Warmup time 30 min Conversion period 250 ms/4 inputs. Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Sensor error detection Detects sensor error at each input and turns ON the Sensor error Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a sensor error occurs can be specified. (High: Set input range +20C or +20F; low: Set input range -20C or -20F) 14 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Functions Specifications Process value alarm Process value 2-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. External alarm outputs: One per input (H or L). External alarm outputs NPN outputs (with short-circuit protection) External power supply voltage: 20.4 to 26.4 V DC Max. switching capacity: 100 mA (for one output) Leakage current: 0.3 mA max. Residual voltage: 3 V max. Isolation Between inputs and PLC signals: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals. Between each input: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals. Insulation resistance 20 M max. (at 500 V DC). Between all output and NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and all output terminals Between all external DC terminals (input, output, and NC terminals) and FG plate Between all input and output terminals and all NC terminals Dielectric strength Between all output and NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) 2,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and all output terminals Between all external DC terminals (input, output, and NC terminals) and FG plate 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all channels 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Seven LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Thermocouple Input Unit, errors related to the CPU Unit, and four indicators for external alarm outputs.) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.4 ms Current consumption (supplied from Power Supply Unit) 5 V DC at 250 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Note: The heat generated by a Unit will dramatically change the accuracy specifications when more than one C200HW-PA209R or CS1W-ID291 Unit is mounted side-by-side. The following accuracy specifications apply under such conditions. With Celsius selected: 0.3% of PV or 1.3C, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. With Fahrenheit selected: 0.3% of PV or 3F, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. However, the accuracy of K and T at -100C or less and L is 3C 1 digit max. The accuracy of R and S at 200C or less is 4C 1 digit max. The accuracy of B at 400C or less is not specified. 15 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Sensor Type and Input Range The Temperature Sensor type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The measurable data range is 20 digits wider than the sensor input range. C Setting F BCD Input 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. BCD 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. 0 K: -200 to 1300C (-300 to 2300F) FF38 to FFFF to 0514 (-200 to -1 to 1300) F200 to 1300 (-200 to 1300) 8200 to 1300 (-200 to 1300) FED4 to FFFF to 08FC (-300 to -1 to 2300) F300 to 2300 (-300 to 2300) F300 to 2300 (-300 to 2300) 1 K: 0.0 to 500C (0.0 to 900.0F) 0000 to 1388 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 2328 (0.0 to 900.0) 0000 to 9000 (0.0 to 900.0) 0000 to 7999 (See note 3.) (0.0 to 799.9) 2 J: -100 to 850C (-100 to 1500F) FF9C to FFFF to 0352 (-100 to -1 to 850) F100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) 8100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) FF9C to FFFF to 05DC (-100 to -1 to 1500) F100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 8100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 3 J: 0.0 to 400.0C (0.0 to 750.0F) 0000 to 0FA0 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 1D4C (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 4 T: -200 to 400C (-300 to 700.0F) F999 to 4000 F830 to FFFF to 0FA0 (See note 3.) (-200.0 to -0.1 to 400.0) (-99.9 to 400.0) A000 to 4000 (-200.0 to 400.0) F448 to FFFF to 1B58 (-300.0 to -0.1 to 700.0) F999 to 7000 (See note 3.) (-99.9 to 700.0) B000 to 7000 (-300.0 to 700.0) 5 L: -100 to 850C (-100 to 1500F) FF9C to FFFF to 0352 (-100 to -1 to 850) F100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) 8100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) FF9C to FFFF to 05DC (-100 to -1 to 1500) F100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 8100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 6 L: 0.0 to 400.0C (0.0 to 750.0F) 0000 to 0FA0 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 1D4C (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 7 R: 0 to 1700C (0 to 3000F) 0000 to 06A4 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 0BB8 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 8 S: 0 to 1700C (0 to 3000F) 0000 to 06A4 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 0BB8 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 9 B: 400 to 1800C (See note 2.) (750 to 3200F) 0190 to 0708 (400 to 1800) 0400 to 1800 (400 to 1800) 0400 to 1800 (400 to 1800) 02EE to 0C80 (750 to 3200) 0750 to 3200 (750 to 3200) 0750 to 3200 (750 to 3200) Note: 1. If the indication range is exceeded, a sensor error will occur and the sensor error bit will turn ON. The process value will be clamped at the lower or upper limit of the indication range, depending on the setting for data direction at sensor error. 2. The lower limit for B thermocouples is 0C/F. 3. The indicator range for BCD display will be clamped at the lower (or upper) limit in the region between the lower (or upper) limit of the setting range and the point where a sensor error occurs. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15): Lower limit = -99.9, Upper limit = 999.9. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost bit (bit 15): Lower limit = -799.9, Upper limit = 799.9. Temperature Characteristics According to Thermocouple Type Thermocouple R S B K J T L Temperature range Set value error when ambient temperature changes by 1C 0 to 200C 0.43C 200 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,700C 285 ppm of PV 0 to 200C 0.43C 200 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,700C 285 ppm of PV 400C or less Not specified. 400 to 800C 0.43C 800 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,800C 285 ppm of PV -200 to -100C 0.29C -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 1,300C 285 ppm of PV -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 850C 285 ppm of PV -200 to -100C 0.29C -100 to 400C 0.11C -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 850C 285 ppm of PV 16 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV The measured temperature error is calculated as shown in the following example. Item Details Ambient temperature 30C Thermocouple type K Measured temperature (PV) 500C Reference accuracy (25C) 0.3C of PV or 1C, whichever is greater, 1 digit. In this example, 1.5C. Temperature characteristics 400 to 1,300C: 285 ppm of PV. In this example, 285 ppm x 500C = 0.143C. Change in ambient temperature 5C (25 to 30C). Overall accuracy = Reference accuracy + Temperature characteristic x Change in ambient temperature = 1.5C + 0.143C x 5 = Approx. 2.2C 1 digit. Terminal Connection Diagram No. 2 thermocouple input 2- B1 2+ B2 CJ B3 CJ B4 4- B5 4+ B6 L ALM2 B7 L ALM4 B8 0V B9 N.C. B10 Cold junction sensor No. 4 thermocouple input External alarm outputs A1 N.C A2 1- A3 1+ A4 N.C. A5 N.C. No. 1 thermocouple input A6 3- A7 3+ A8 ALM1 L A9 ALM3 L A10 24V A11 N.C. No. 3 thermocouple input External alarm outputs Note: Action for Unused Input Terminals * Short-circuit the positive (+) and negative (-) sides of the thermocouple input section using a lead wire. For example, short terminals A3 and A2 for No. 1 thermocouple input. * Cold junction sensors are mounted before shipment. If one of the cold junction sensors is disconnected, cold junction compensation will stop and correct measurement of temperatures cannot be made. Always make sure the cold junction sensors are connected when using the Units. * Cold junction sensors are calibrated separately for each Unit and connected circuit, so correct temperatures will not be measured if a cold junction sensor from another Unit is used or if the two cold junction sensors in a Unit are swapped. Use the cold junction sensors as they are provided, without making any changes. * Do not connect anything to NC terminals. Do not use NC terminals as relay terminals. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. 17 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D B2 No. 2 input B4 Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D A7 No. 3 input A6 Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D B6 No. 4 input B5 Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Reference power supply Photocoupler Reference power supply Photocoupler Reference power supply 5 VDC Digital circuits Connector A3 No. 1 input A2 Isolation circuit Input Circuits Photocoupler Reference power supply Photocoupler Cold junction sensors B3 B4 Reference power supply Photocoupler Output Circuits A10 24V A8 L ALM1 B7 Internal Circuit L ALM2 A9 L ALM3 B8 L ALM4 B9 0V Output Display LED 18 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS55 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTS55 Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit provides 8 direct thermocouple inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS55 8 thermocouple inputs (K, J, L, R, S, T, B) 19 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS55 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H), conversion data enabled flags, sensor errors, cold junction sensor errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), process value alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value. Expansion Setting Area 1 word/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Thermocouple Input Unit: Process Value Alarm Number of temperature sensor inputs 8 Temperature sensor types The sensor type be set individually for each of 8 inputs, which are each selectable from K, J, L, R, S, T, B ("Not used" can be selected). Data storage in the CIO Area The actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary or BCD values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. Accuracy (25C) With Celsius selected: 0.3% of PV or 1C, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. With fahrenheit selected: 0.3% of PV or 2F, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. However, the accuracy of K and T at -100C or lower and L is 2C 1 digit max. The accuracy of R and S at 200C or lower is 3C 1 digit max. The accuracy of B at 400C or lower is not specified. PV: Process value data Temperature characteristic Refer to Temperature Characteristics According to Thermocouple Type on page 21. Warmup time 30 min Conversion period 250 ms/8 inputs. Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Sensor error detection Detects sensor error at each input and turns ON the Sensor error Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a sensor error occurs can be specified. (High: Set input range +20C or +20F; low: Set input range -20C or -20F) Functions Process value 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Two alarms per input (H, L) can be output to addresses in the CIO Area specified in the Expansion Setting Area. Process value alarm Isolation Between inputs and PLC signals: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals. Between each input: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals. Insulation resistance 20 M max. (at 500 V DC). Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all external DC terminals (input and NC terminals) and FG plate Between all input and all NC terminals Dielectric strength Between NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) 2,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all external DC terminals (input and NC terminals) and FG plate 1000 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all channels 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Unit, errors related to the CPU Unit) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.4 ms Current consumption (supplied from Power Supply Unit) 5 V DC at 180 mA max. 26 V DC at 60 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. 20 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Sensor Type and Input Range The Temperature Sensor type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The measurable data range is 20 digits wider than the sensor input range. C Setting F BCD Input 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. BCD 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. 0 K: -200 to 1300C (-300 to 2300F) FF38 to FFFF to 0514 (-200 to -1 to 1300) F200 to 1300 (-200 to 1300) 8200 to 1300 (-200 to 1300) FED4 to FFFF to 08FC (-300 to -1 to 2300) F300 to 2300 (-300 to 2300) F300 to 2300 (-300 to 2300) 1 K: 0.0 to 500C (0.0 to 900.0F) 0000 to 1388 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 5000 (0.0 to 500.0) 0000 to 2328 (0.0 to 900.0) 0000 to 9000 (0.0 to 900.0) 0000 to 7999 (See note 3.) (0.0 to 799.9) 2 J: -100 to 850C (-100 to 1500F) FF9C to FFFF to 0352 (-100 to -1 to 850) F100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) 8100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) FF9C to FFFF to 05DC (-100 to -1 to 1500) F100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 8100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 3 J: 0.0 to 400.0C (0.0 to 750.0F) 0000 to 0FA0 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 1D4C (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 4 T: -200 to 400C (-300 to 700.0F) F830 to FFFF to 0FA0 (-200.0 to -0.1 to 400.0) F999 to 4000 (See note 3.) (-99.9 to 400.0) A000 to 4000 (-200.0 to 400.0) F999 to 7000 F448 to FFFF to 1B58 (See note 3.) (-300.0 to -0.1 to 700.0) (-99.9 to 700.0) B000 to 7000 (-300.0 to 700.0) 5 L: -100 to 850C (-100 to 1500F) FF9C to FFFF to 0352 (-100 to -1 to 850) F100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) 8100 to 0850 (-100 to 850) FF9C to FFFF to 05DC (-100 to -1 to 1500) F100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 8100 to 1500 (-100 to 1500) 6 L: 0.0 to 400.0C (0.0 to 750.0F) 0000 to 0FA0 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 4000 (0.0 to 400.0) 0000 to 1D4C (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 0000 to 7500 (0.0 to 750.0) 7 R: 0 to 1700C (0 to 3000F) 0000 to 06A4 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 0BB8 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 8 S: 0 to 1700C (0 to 3000F) 0000 to 06A4 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 1700 (0 to 1700) 0000 to 0BB8 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 0000 to 3000 (0 to 3000) 9 B: 400 to 1800C (See note 2.) (750 to 3200F) 0190 to 0708 (400 to 1800) 0400 to 1800 (400 to 1800) 0400 to 1800 (400 to 1800) 02EE to 0C80 (750 to 3200) 0750 to 3200 (750 to 3200) 0750 to 3200 (750 to 3200) Note: 1. If the indication range is exceeded, a sensor error will occur and the sensor error bit will turn ON. The process value will be clamped at the lower or upper limit of the indication range, depending on the setting for data direction at sensor error. 2. The lower limit for B thermocouples is 0C/F. 3. The indicator range for BCD display will be clamped at the lower (or upper) limit in the region between the lower (or upper) limit of the setting range and the point where a sensor error occurs. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15): Lower limit = -99.9, Upper limit = 999.9. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost bit (bit 15): Lower limit = -799.9, Upper limit = 799.9. Temperature Characteristics According to Thermocouple Type Thermocouple R S B K J T L Temperature range Set value error when ambient temperature changes by 1C 0 to 200C 0.43C 200 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,700C 285 ppm of PV 0 to 200C 0.43C 200 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,700C 285 ppm of PV 400C or less Not specified. 400 to 800C 0.43C 800 to 1,000C 0.29C 1,000 to 1,800C 285 ppm of PV -200 to -100C 0.29C -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 1,300C 285 ppm of PV -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 850C 285 ppm of PV -200 to -100C 0.29C -100 to 400C 0.11C -100 to 400C 0.11C 400 to 850C 285 ppm of PV 21 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV The measured temperature error is calculated as shown in the following example. Item Details Ambient temperature 30C Thermocouple type K Measured temperature (PV) 500C Reference accuracy (25C) 0.3C of PV or 1C, whichever is greater, 1 digit. In this example, 1.5C. Temperature characteristics 400 to 1,300C: 285 ppm of PV. In this example, 285 ppm x 500C = 0.143C. Change in ambient temperature 5C (25 to 30C). Overall accuracy = Reference accuracy + Temperature characteristic x Change in ambient temperature = 1.5C + 0.143C x 5 = Approx. 2.2C 1 digit. Terminal Connection Diagram No. 4 thermocouple input No. 3 thermocouple input No. 2 thermocouple input No. 1 thermocouple input N.C. B1 N.C. B2 1+ B3 2+ B4 3+ B5 4+ B6 5+ B7 6+ B8 7+ B9 8+ B10 N.C. B11 N.C. B12 A1 CJ1+ A2 CJ1- A3 1- A4 2- A5 3- A6 4- A7 5- A8 6- A9 7- A10 8- A11 CJ2+ A12 CJ2- Cold junction sensor Cold junction sensor No. 8 thermocouple input No. 7 thermocouple input No. 6 thermocouple input No. 5 thermocouple input Note: * Set the Sensor type in Setting Group 2 in the DM Area to "Not used" for any thermocouple inputs that are not used. * Cold junction sensors are mounted before shipment. If one of the cold junction sensors is disconnected, cold junction compensation will stop and correct measurement of temperatures cannot be made. Always make sure the cold junction sensors are connected when using the Units. * Cold junction sensors are calibrated separately for each Unit and connected circuit, so correct temperatures will not be measured if a cold junction sensor from another Unit is used or if the two cold junction sensors in a Unit are swapped. Use the cold junction sensors as they are provided, without making any changes. * Do not connect anything to NC terminals. Do not use NC terminals as relay terminals. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. 22 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram Amplifier circuit A2 B6 No. 4 input Amplifier circuit A6 Double integral A/D Double integral A/D Reference power supply No.2 input Reference power supply Photocoupler No.3 input Reference power supply 26 VDC Reference power supply Photocoupler 5 VDC Cold junction sensors A1 Amplifier circuit A2 Double integral A/D Reference power supply No.2 input Photocoupler Digital circuits No.3 input Photocoupler Photocoupler Connector B3 No. 1 input Isolation circuit Input Circuits No.6 input Photocoupler No. 5 input Amplifier circuit A7 B10 No. 8 input Amplifier circuit A10 Double integral A/D Double integral A/D Reference power supply No.7 input Photocoupler Photocoupler Reference power supply Photocoupler No.6 input Reference power supply Cold junction sensors A11 Amplifier circuit A12 Double integral A/D Reference power supply No.7 input Reference power supply Isolation circuit B7 Photocoupler 23 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS02 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100 or JPt100) Overview The CS1W-PTS02 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit provides four direct platinum resistance thermometer inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS02 Four resistance thermometer inputs (Pt100 or JPt100) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS02 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms, cold junction sensor errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor types Pt100 (JIS, IEC) or JPt100 Input ranges The input range can be set within any of the measurable input ranges shown in Table 1 (below). Note: Internally, inputs are processed in five ranges (refer to Table 2 below), so accuracy and resolution accord with these internal ranges. Scaling in industrial units Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (individually for each of 4 inputs, with the minimum and maximum values set). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Output limits Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Note: Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Sensor type: Pt100; input range: 0 to 500C; industrial unit scaling: 0.0 to 500C. DM Area settings are as follows: Sensor type: 0 (0000 hex) Input signal maximum: 5000 (1388 hex) Input signal minimum: 0 (0000 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 24 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications The greater of the following: 0.1% (of internal range full span) or 0.1C As shown in the following equation, the accuracy depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. Accuracy (25C) Accuracy = 0.1% x Temperature coefficient Internal range span Set input range span or 0.1C, whichever is greater. 0.015% /C, for any of internal range numbers 0 to 4. 1/4,096 (of internal range full span) As shown in the following equation, the resolution depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. Resolution Resolution = 1 4096 x Internal range span Set input range span Sensing method 3-wire method Allowable lead wire resistance 20 max. per wire Input detection current 0.25 mA Warmup time 10 min Response time 0.5 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 100 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Disconnection detection Detects disconnections at each input and turns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 1 s The process value overrange direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input range; low: -15% of set input range) Function Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 16), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. Isolation Between temperature inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Resistance Thermometer Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 150 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 25 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Sensor Type and Input Range The resistance thermometer type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The input range can be set anywhere within the measurable input ranges shown in Table 1. Table 1: Measurable Input Ranges Sensor type DM Area setting Measurable input range (See note.) Pt100 0 -200 to 850C JPt100 1 -200 to 500C Note: Set the input range in the DM Area within this range. Internally inputs are processed in five progressive ranges (numbers 0 to 4), as shown in the following table. Table 2: Internal Ranges Internal range number Temperature range Span 0 -200 to 850C 1,050C 1 -200 to 438C 638C 2 -200 to 211C 411C 3 -100 to 104C 204C 4 -51 to 52C 103C Therefore, the accuracy and resolution are determined by the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. For the internal range, a larger number is selected when both the minimum and maximum values of the range fall within that next range. For example, suppose that the sensor type is Pt100 and the set input range is -100 to 400C. Since both the minimum and maximum values fall within the limits for internal range No. 1 (-200 to 438C), that range will be selected. Note: With Resistance Thermometer Input Units, process values can be scaled (e.g., 0% to 100%) in industrial units for the set input range. It is possible to set the process value scaling higher than the resolution, but it will cause the values to be unstable. Terminal Connection Diagram CS1W-PTS02 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Unit Resistance thermometer No. 2 input N.C. B1 N.C. B2 N.C. B3 2A B4 2B B5 2b B6 N.C. B7 N.C. B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C. A2 1A A3 1B A4 1b A5 3A A6 3B A7 3b A8 N.C. A9 4A A10 4B A11 4b Resistance thermometer No. 1 input Resistance thermometer No. 3 input Resistance thermometer No. 4 input Note: 1. Wire the same length to A, B, and b, so that the impedance will be the same. In particular, do not short circuit between B and b at the terminal block. 2. For unused input terminals, short-circuit between A-B and B-b (e.g., A2-A3 and A3-A4 for input No. 1) of the resistance thermometer inputs with the lead wire. 26 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PTS02 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit Input No. 1 B A Resistance thermometer 1B A3 1b A4 2A B4 Resistance thermometer Isolation circuit 470 Amplifier Standard resistance Constant current circuit Constant current circuit Input No. 2 B A Constant current circuit A2 2B B5 2b B6 3A A5 Isolation circuit 470 Standard resistance Amplifier 3B 3b A6 A7 A/D converter Digital computation circuit Constant current circuit Constant current circuit Input No. 3 B Multi-gain amplifier circuit Isolation circuit 470 Standard resistance Amplifier Connector Resistance thermometer 1A Multiplexer A 5 V DC Constant current circuit To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC A Resistance thermometer 4A Constant current circuit A9 Input No. 4 B 4B A10 4b A11 470 Standard resistance Isolation circuit Amplifier Constant current circuit 27 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS03 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Ni508.4) Overview The CS1W-PTS03 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit provides four direct Ni thermometer inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS03 Four resistance thermometer inputs (Ni508.4 ) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS03 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor types Ni508.4 Input ranges The input range can be set within a range of -50 to 150C (variable setting). Note: Internally, inputs are processed in the above range (refer to Table 2 below), so accuracy and resolution accord with this internal range. Scaling in industrial units Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (with the minimum and maximum values set). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Output limits Input range and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Note: Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input range: -50 to 100C; industrial unit scaling: -50.0 to 100.0C. DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal maximum: 1000 (03E8 hex) Input signal minimum: -500 (FE0C hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 1000 (03E8 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: -500 (FE0C hex) 28 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications The greater of the following: 0.2% (of internal range full span) or 0.2C As shown in the following equation, the accuracy depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. Accuracy (25C) Internal range span Accuracy = 0.1% x Temperature coefficient or 0.2C, whichever is greater. Set input range span 0.015% /C, for any of internal range numbers 0 to 4. 1/4,096 (of internal range full span) As shown in the following equation, the resolution depends on the ratio of the internal range span to the set input range span. Resolution Resolution = 1 4096 x Internal range span Set input range span Sensing method 3-wire method Allowable lead wire resistance 20 max. per wire Input detection current 0.25 mA Warmup time 10 min Response time 0.5 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 100 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Disconnection detection Detects disconnections at each input and turns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 1 s The process value high/low direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input range; low: -15% of set input range) Function Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 16), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. Isolation Between temperature inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Resistance Thermometer Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 150 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 29 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Sensor Type and Input Range The input range is set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. It can be set anywhere within the measurable input range shown in Table 1. Measurable Input Range Sensor type Ni508.4 Measurable Input range (See note.) -50 to 150C Note: Set the input range in the DM Area within this range. Even if the input range is set more narrowly than the range of -50 to 150C, internally inputs will be processed according to the internal range shown in the following table. Internal range Internal range temperatures -50 to 150C Internal range span 200C Therefore, the accuracy and resolution are determined by the ratio of the internal range span to the set input range span. Example: Even if the set input range is -50 to 100C, internally inputs will be processed according to the internal range of -50 to 150C. Note: With Resistance Thermometer Units (Ni508.4), process values can be scaled (e.g., 0% to 100%) in industrial units for the set input range. Generally, however, set the same values for process value scaling in industrial units as for the set input range. It is possible to set the process value scaling higher than the resolution, but it will cause the values to be unstable. Terminal Connection Diagram CS1W-PTS03 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Unit N.C. Resistance thermometer Input No. 2 N.C. B2 N.C. B3 2A B4 2B B5 2b B6 N.C. B7 N.C. B8 N.C. B9 N.C. A1 N.C. A2 1A A3 1B A4 1b A5 3A A6 3B A7 3b A8 N.C. A9 4A A10 4B A11 4b B1 B10 Resistance thermometer (Ni508.4 ) Input No. 1 Resistance thermometer Input No. 3 Resistance thermometer Input No. 4 Note: 1. Wire the same length to A, B, and b, so that the impedance will be the same. In particular, do not short circuit between B and b at the terminal block. 2. For unused input terminals, short-circuit between A-B and B-b (e.g., A2-A3 and A3-A4 for input No. 1) of the resistance thermometer inputs with the lead wire. 30 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PTS03 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Ni508.4) A2 Input No. 1 B A Resistance thermometer 1B A3 1b A4 2A B4 Resistance thermometer 470 Standard resistance Isolation circuit Amplifier Constant current circuit Constant current circuit Input No. 2 B A Constant current circuit 2B B5 2b B6 3A A5 470 Standard resistance Isolation circuit Amplifier 3B 3b A6 A7 A/D converter Digital computation circuit Constant current circuit Constant current circuit Input No. 3 B Amplifier circuit 470 Standard resistance Isolation circuit Amplifier Connector Resistance thermometer 1A Multiplexer A 5 V DC Constant current circuit To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC A Resistance thermometer 4A A9 Constant current circuit Input No. 4 B 4B A10 4b A11 470 Standard resistance Isolation circuit Amplifier Constant current circuit 31 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS12 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100, Pt50, Ni508.4) Overview The CS1W-PTS12 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit provides four direct resistance thermometer inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS12 Four resistance thermometer inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100, Pt50, or Ni508.4) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS12 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms, adjustment period end/notices. DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, rate-of-change input range, scaling of rate-of-change data, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value. Expansion Control/ Monitor Area words 35 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Hold function selection start/reset, adjustment period control, control bits Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: Adjustment period warnings/notices, peak and bottom values, top and valley values Expansion Setting Area words 46 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Expansion Setting Area settings, adjustment period control, peak and bottom detection, top and valley detection Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor type Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100, Pt50, Ni508.4 Sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Scaling Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (with the minimum and maximum values set by user) (4 inputs set separately.). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Output limits Accuracy (25C) The greater of the following: 0.05% or 0.1C 32 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Temperature coefficient Pt100: JPt100: Pt50: Ni508.4: 0.009%/C 0.01%/C 0.02%/C 0.012%/C Resolution 1/64,000 Sensing method 3-wire method Allowable lead wire resistance 20 max. per wire Input detection current 0.5 mA Warmup time 10 min Response time 100 ms (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input and with moving average for 4 samples) Conversion period 20 ms/4 inputs or 10 ms/2 inputs, selectable in DM Area words allocated to Unit as a Special I/O Unit. Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Disconnection detection Detects disconnections at each input and turns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input range; low: -15% of set input range) Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 128), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s are available). Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s are available, shared with process value alarm). Adjustment period control When zero/span adjustment is executed, the date is internally recorded at the Unit. When the preset zero/span adjustment period and the notice of days remaining have elapsed, this function turns ON a warning flag to give notice that it is time for readjustment. Peak and bottom detection Detects the maximum (peak) and minimum (bottom) analog input values, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF. These values are stored as the peak and bottom values in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Top and valley detection This function detects the top and valley values for analog inputs, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF. These values are stored as the top and valley values in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Function Isolation Between temperature inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Power supply isolated by transformers, signals isolated by photocouplers. Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Resistance Thermometer Input Unit, and errors detected at the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 120 mA max., 26 V DC at 70 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None Sensor Type and Input Range The resistance thermometer type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The input range can be set anywhere within the measurable input ranges shown in the following table. Accuracy and resolution, however, are not determined from the set input range, but rather from the measurable input range shown in the following table. Therefore, accuracy and resolution do not change even when a narrow input range is set. Sensor type Pt100 DM Area setting Measurable input range 0 -200 to 850C JPt100 1 -200 to 500C Pt50 2 -200 to 649C Ni508.4 3 -50 to 150C 33 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram N.C. No. 2 Resistance thermometer input N.C. B2 N.C. B3 2A B4 2B B5 2b B6 N.C. B7 N.C. B8 N.C. B9 N.C. A1 N.C. A2 1A A3 1B A4 1b A5 3A A6 3B A7 3b A8 N.C. A9 4A A10 4B A11 4b B1 B10 No. 1 Resistance thermometer input No. 3 Resistance thermometer input No. 4 Resistance thermometer input Note: * Wire the same length to A, B, and b, so that the impedance will be the same. In particular, do not short circuit between B and b at the terminal block. * For unused input terminals, short-circuit between A-B and B-b (e.g., A2-A3 and A3-A4 for input No. 1) of the resistance thermometer inputs with the lead wire. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. Terminal Block Diagram A 1A A2 Resistance thermometer B Constant current circuit 510 1B A3 1b A4 Amplifier circuit A/D converter Isolation circuit Photocoupler Reference resistance 26 VDC B4 Resistance thermometer B A 510 2B B5 2b B6 3A A5 Resistance thermometer B A6 3b A7 4A A Resistance thermometer A9 A10 4b A11 A/D converter Constant current circuit Photocoupler Amplifier circuit A/D converter Isolation circuit Digital circuits Photocoupler Reference resistance Constant current circuit 510 4B Amplifier circuit 5 VDC Isolation circuit Reference resistance 510 3B B Constant current circuit Connector 2A Input selector A Amplifier circuit A/D converter Isolation circuit Photocoupler Reference resistance 34 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS52 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100) Overview The CS1W-PTS52 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit provides four direct platinum resistance thermometer inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS52 Four platinum resistance thermometer inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS52 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H), conversion data enabled flag, sensor errors. DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), process value alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value. Number of temperature sensor inputs 4 Temperature sensor type Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100 The same sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are used by all inputs. Data storage in the CIO Area The actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary or BCD values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. Accuracy (25C) 0.3% of PV or 0.8C, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. (0.3% of PV or 1.6F, whichever is greater, 1 digit max.) PV: Process value data Temperature characteristics Refer to Temperature Characteristics According to Platinum Resistance Thermometer Type on page 37. Sensing method 3-wire method Input detection current 1 mA Influence of conductor resistance 0.4C/ max. Conversion period 250 ms/4 inputs Warmup time 10 min Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Sensor error detection Detects sensor error at each input and turns ON the Sensor error Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a sensor error occurs can be specified. (High: +20 digit of set input range; low: -20 digit of set input range) 35 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Function Specifications Process value alarm Process value 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s are available). External alarm outputs NPN outputs (with short-circuit protection) External power supply voltage: 20.4 to 26.4 V DC Max. switching capacity: 100 mA (for one output) Leakage current: 0.3 mA max. Residual voltage: 3 V max. Isolation Between inputs and PLC signal: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals Between each input: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals Insulation resistance 20 M max. (at 500 V DC). Between all output and NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and all output terminals Between all external DC terminals (input, output, and NC terminals) and FG plate Between all input and output terminals and all NC terminals Dielectric strength Between all output and NC terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) 2,000 V AC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and all output terminals Between all external DC terminals (input, output, and NC terminals) and FG plate 1,000 V AC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all channels 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Seven LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Unit, errors detected at the CPU Unit, and four indicators for external alarm outputs.) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.4 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 250 mA max Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Sensor Type and Input Range The Platinum Resistance Thermometer type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The measurable data range is 20 digits wider than the sensor input range. C F BCD Setting Input 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. BCD 16-bit binary Leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15) indicate minus sign. Leftmost bit (bit 15) indicates minus sign. 0 Pt100: -200.0 to 650.0C (-300.0 to 1200.0F) F999 to 6500 F830 to FFFF to 1964 (See note 2.) (-200.0 to -0.1 to 650.0) (-99.9 to 650.0) A000 to 6500 (-200.0 to 650.0) F999 to 9999 F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to -0.1 to 1200.0) (-99.9 to 999.9) B000 to 7999 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to 799.9) 1 JPt100: -200.0 to 650.0C (-300.0 to 1200.0F) F999 to 6500 F830 to FFFF to 1964 (See note 2.) (-200.0 to -0.1 to 650.0) (-99.9 to 650.0) A000 to 6500 (-200.0 to 650.0) F999 to 9999 F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to -0.1 to 1200.0) (-99.9 to 999.9) B000 to 7999 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to 799.9) 2 to 9 Do not set. Do not set. Note: 1. If the indication range is exceeded, a sensor error will occur and the sensor error bit will turn ON. The process value will be clamped at the lower or upper limit of the indication range, depending on the setting for data direction at sensor error. 2. The indicator range for BCD display will be clamped at the lower (or upper) limit in the region between the lower (or upper) limit of the setting range and the point where a sensor error occurs. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15): Lower limit = -99.9, Upper limit = 999.9. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost bit (bit 15): Lower limit = -799.9, Upper limit = 799.9. 36 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Temperature Characteristics According to Platinum Resistance Thermometer Type Platinum Resistance Thermometer Pt100 JPt100 Set value error when ambient temperature changes by 1C Temperature range -200 to 200C 0.06C 200 to 650C 285 ppm of PV -200 to 200C 0.06C 200 to 650C 285 ppm of PV The measured temperature error is calculated as shown in the following example. Item Details Ambient temperature 30C Platinum Resistance Thermometer Pt100 Measured temperature (PV) 500C Reference accuracy (25C) 0.3C of PV or 0.8C, whichever is greater, 1 digit. In this example, 1.5C. Temperature characteristics 200 to 650C: 285 ppm of PV. In this example, 285 ppm x 500C = 0.143C. Change in ambient temperature 5C (25 to 30C) Overall accuracy = Reference accuracy + Temperature characteristic x Change in ambient temperature = 1.5C + 0.143C x 5 = Approx. 2.2C 1 digit. Terminal Connection Diagram No. 2 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input No. 4 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input External alarm outputs 2b B1 2B B2 2A B3 4b B4 4B B5 4A B6 L ALM2 B7 L ALM4 B8 0V B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C A2 1b A3 1B A4 1A A5 3b A6 3B No. 1 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input No. 3 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input A7 3A A8 ALM1 L A9 ALM3 L A10 24V A11 N.C. External alarm outputs Note: * Wire the same length to A, B, and b, so that the impedance will be the same. In particular, do not short circuit between B and b at the terminal block. * For unused input terminals, connect approximately 100 between the platinum-resistance thermometer input terminals A and B and short terminals B and b with a lead wire. If resistance is not connected between terminals A and B and terminals B and b are shorted or if terminals A and B and terminals B and b are left open, the alarm output will turn ON and the ALM indicator will light. * Do not connect anything to NC terminals. Do not use NC terminals as relay terminals. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. 37 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram 1A A4 B 1B 1b A3 A2 A 2A B3 Resistance thermometer B A 2B 2b B2 B1 3A A7 Resistance thermometer B 3B 3b A6 A5 A 4A B6 Resistance thermometer B 4B 4b B5 B4 Amplifier circuit Amplifier circuit Reference power supply Double integral A/D Photocoupler Reference power supply Double integral A/D Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Photocoupler 5 V DC Reference power supply Digital circuits Connector A Resistance thermometer Isolation circuit Input Circuit Photocoupler Reference power supply Photocoupler Output Circuit A10 24V A8 L ALM1 B7 Internal Circuit L ALM2 A9 L ALM3 B8 L ALM4 B9 0V Output Display LED 38 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS56 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit (Pt100, JPt100) Overview The CS1W-PTS56 Isolated-type Resistance Thermometer Input Unit provides 8 direct platinum resistance thermometer inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PTS56 8 platinum resistance thermometer inputs (Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTS56 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Resistance Thermometer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H), conversion data enabled flag, sensor errors. DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), process value alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value. Expansion Setting Area 1 word/Unit CPU Unit to Resistance Thermometer Input Unit: Process Value Alarm Number of temperature sensor inputs 8 Temperature sensor type Pt100 (JIS, IEC), JPt100 The same sensor type, input range, and scaling to industrial units are used by all inputs. Data storage in the CIO Area The actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary or BCD values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. Accuracy (25C) 0.3% of PV or 0.8C, whichever is greater, 1 digit max. (0.3% of PV or 1.6F, whichever is greater, 1 digit max.) PV: Process value data Temperature characteristics Refer to Temperature Characteristics According to Platinum Resistance Thermometer Type on page 41. Sensing method 3-wire method Influence of conductor resistance 0.4C/ max. Input detection current 0.5 mA Warmup time 10 min Conversion period 250 ms/8 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle 39 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Sensor error detection Detects sensor error at each input and turns ON the Sensor error Flag. Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max. The process value overrange direction for when a sensor error occurs can be specified. (High: +20 digit of set input range; low: -20 digit of set input range) Function Process value 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s are available). Two alarms per input (H, L) can be output to addresses in the CIO Area specified in the Expansion Setting Area. Process value alarm Isolation Between inputs and PLC signal: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals Between each input: Transformer for power supply and photocoupler for signals Insulation resistance 20 M max. (at 500 V DC). Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and FG plate Dielectric strength Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and FG plate 1,000 V AC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all channels 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Unit, errors detected at the CPU Unit) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.4 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 180 mA max. 26 V DC at 60 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Sensor Type and Input Range The Platinum Resistance Thermometer type and input range are set in the allocated words in the DM Area for every four inputs. The measurable data range is 20 digits wider than the sensor input range. C Setting F BCD Input 16-bit binary F@@@ indicates minus sign. Leftmost bit indicates minus sign. BCD 16-bit binary Leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15) indicate minus sign. Leftmost bit (bit 15) indicates minus sign. 0 Pt100: -200.0 to 650.0C (-300.0 to 1200.0F) F830 to FFFF to 1964 (-200.0 to -0.1 to 650.0) F999 to 6500 (See note 2.) (-99.9 to 650.0) A000 to 6500 (-200.0 to 650.0) F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 F999 to 9999 (-300.0 to (See note 2.) -0.1 to 1200.0) (-99.9 to 999.9) B000 to 7999 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to 799.9) 1 JPt100: -200.0 to 650.0C (-300.0 to 1200.0F) F830 to FFFF to 1964 (-200.0 to -0.1 to 650.0) F999 to 6500 (See note 2.) (-99.9 to 650.0) A000 to 6500 (-200.0 to 650.0) F448 to FFFF to 2EE0 F999 to 9999 (-300.0 to (See note 2.) -0.1 to 1200.0) (-99.9 to 999.9) B000 to 7999 (See note 2.) (-300.0 to 799.9) 2 to 9 Do not set. Do not set. Note: 1. If the indication range is exceeded, a sensor error will occur and the sensor error bit will turn ON. The process value will be clamped at the lower or upper limit of the indication range, depending on the setting for data direction at sensor error. 2. The indicator range for BCD display will be clamped at the lower (or upper) limit in the region between the lower (or upper) limit of the setting range and the point where a sensor error occurs. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost 4 bits (bits 12 to 15): Lower limit = -99.9, Upper limit = 999.9. For 0.1C/0.1F indication with minus sign indicated by leftmost bit (bit 15): Lower limit = -799.9, Upper limit = 799.9. 40 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Temperature Characteristics According to Platinum Resistance Thermometer Type Platinum Resistance Thermometer Pt100 JPt100 Set value error when ambient temperature changes by 1C Temperature range -200 to 200C 0.06C 200 to 650C 285 ppm of PV -200 to 200C 0.06C 200 to 650C 285 ppm of PV The measured temperature error is calculated as shown in the following example. Item Ambient temperature Details 30C Platinum Resistance Thermometer Pt100 Measured temperature (PV) 500C Reference accuracy (25C) 0.3C of PV or 0.8C, whichever is greater, 1 digit. In this example, 1.5C. Temperature characteristics 200 to 650C: 285 ppm of PV. In this example, 285 ppm x 500C = 0.143C. Change in ambient temperature 5C (25 to 30C) Overall accuracy = Reference accuracy + Temperature characteristic x Change in ambient temperature = 1.5C + 0.143C x 5 = Approx. 2.2C 1 digit. Terminal Connection Diagram No. 1 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input 1A B1 1B B2 1b B3 No. 3 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input 3A B4 3B B5 3b B6 No. 5 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input 5A B7 5B B8 5b B9 No. 7 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input 7A B10 7B B11 7b B12 A1 2A A2 2B A3 2b A4 4A A5 4B A6 4b A7 6A A8 6B A9 6b A10 8A A11 8B A12 8b No. 2 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input No. 4 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input No. 6 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input No. 8 Platinum-resistance Thermometer input Note: * Wire the same length to A, B, and b, so that the impedance will be the same. In particular, do not short circuit between B and b at the terminal block. * Set the Sensor type in Setting Group 2 in the DM Area to "Not used" for any thermocouple inputs that are not used. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. 41 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram B1 B 1B 1b B2 B3 Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Reference power supply No. 2 input Reference power supply Photocoupler No. 3 input Reference power supply A 4A A4 Resistance thermometer B A 4B 4b 5A A5 A6 B7 Resistance thermometer B A 5B 5b B8 B9 8A A10 Resistance thermometer B 8B 8b Amplifier circuit A11 A12 Amplifier circuit Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Double integral A/D Double integral A/D Reference power supply 24 V DC 5 V DC Photocoupler Reference power supply Photocoupler Reference power supply No. 2 input Photocoupler No. 3 input Photocoupler Digital circuits Connector 1A No. 6 input Photocoupler No. 7 input Photocoupler Photocoupler No. 6 input Reference power supply No. 7 input Reference power supply Isolation circuit A Resistance thermometer Isolation circuit Input Circuit 42 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PDC01 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PDC01 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit provides four DC signal inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PDC01 Four DC inputs (-10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, -5 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, user-set V range, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PDC01 Applicable PLC CS-series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), input errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Input signal type, scaling of process values in industrial units, square root function enable, rate-of-change value range, rate-of-change scaling, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rateof-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of inputs 4 Input signal type 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 10 V, -5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V, or 10-V user-set range. The 10-V user-set range can be specified within -10.000 to 10.000 V. User-defined scaling in industrial units Scaling required for the above input signals, such as 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V. (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (4 inputs set separately.) Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the process value data is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Square root extraction 5) Output limits Accuracy (25C) Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Note: Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input signal type: 4 to 20 mA; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500 m3/h (after square root extraction). DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal type: 5 (0005 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 0.1% of full scale For the 10-V user-set range, however, as shown in the following equation, the accuracy depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the user-set range span. Accuracy = 0.1% x Internal range span User-set range span 43 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Temperature coefficient Specifications 0.015% /C with respect to full scale. For the 10-V user-set range, however: 0.015% /C with respect to the internal range. 1/4,096 of full scale For the 10-V user-set range, however, as shown in the following equation, the resolution depends on the ratio of the selected internal range (0 to 4) span to the user-set range span. Resolution 1 Resolution = 4096 x Internal range span User-set range span Input signal range For inputs of 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 5 V: -15 to 115% For inputs of -10 to 10 V or -5 to 5 V: -7.5 to 107.5% For 10-V user-set range: -7.5 to 107.5% of internal range Input impedance For current input: 250 For voltage input: 1 M min. Warmup time 10 min Response time 0.5 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 100 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input error detection Checks are conducted for only 4 to 20 mA and 1 to 5 V. Error detected when under -17.2% (1.25 mA, 0.3125 V) or over 112.5% (22 mA, 5.5 V). Operation at input disconnection 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V: Process value of -15% stored. 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V: The same value is stored as when 0 V or 0 mA is input. Input disconnection overrange time Approx. 1 s Function Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of past process values (1 to 16), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, L, LL), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. When the process value scaling maximum value is A and the minimum value is B: Output = Square root (A-B) (Input-B) +B Dropout: Output approx. 7% maximum linear (output = input) characteristics Note: The square root function is only enabled when the maximum scaling value is greater than the minimum value. Note: When square root processing is being performed, set the maximum and minimum scaling values to the values required after square root processing of the current or other input values. Isolation Between analog inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Direct Current Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 160 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 44 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Accuracy and Resolution for 10 V User-set Range With the 10-V user-set range, the input signal zero and span can be set anywhere within the range -10.000 to 10.000 V. Internally, however, inputs are processed in five progressive ranges (numbers 0 to 4), as shown in the following table. Table 1: Internal Ranges Internal range number Measurable voltage Internal range span 0 -10.000 to 10.000 V 20.000 V 1 -5.000 to 5.000 V 10.000 V 2 -2.500 to 2.500 V 5.000 V 3 -1.250 to 1.250 V 2.500 V 4 -0.625 to 0.625 V 1.250 V Therefore, the accuracy and resolution of the set range span are determined by the ratio of the internal range (0 to 4) span to the set input range span. For the internal range, a larger number is selected when both the minimum and maximum values of the range fall within that next range. For example, suppose that the set input range is 0.000 to 3.000 V. Since both the minimum and maximum values fall within the limits for internal range No. 1 (-5.000 to 5.000 V), that range will be selected. Terminal Connection Diagram Voltage input Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device Current input + - + - + - + - V1 B1 COM1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C. A2 I1 A3 N.C. A4 I2 A5 N.C. A6 I3 A7 N.C. A8 I4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. V1 B1 COM1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C. A2 I1 A3 N.C. A4 I2 A5 N.C. A6 I3 A7 N.C. A8 I4 A9 N.C. + Current output - device + Current output - device + Current output - device + Current output - device A10 N.C. A11 N.C. Note: In both of the above cases, leave all unused inputs open between the positive and negative terminals (e.g., between B1 and B2 for voltage input No. 1). 45 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram 1 M Input No. 1 A2 V1+ B1 COM1 B2 250 1 M Isolation circuit Multiplexer I1+ Amplifier Multi-gain amplifier circuit A/D converter 1 M Input No. 2 Input No. 3 A4 V2+ B3 COM2 B4 I3+ A6 V3+ B5 COM3 B6 250 1 M Isolation circuit Digital computation circuit Amplifier 1 M 250 1 M Isolation circuit Amplifier Connector I2+ 5 V DC To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC I4+ Input No. 4 A8 V4+ B7 COM4 B8 Current input 1 M 250 1 M Isolation circuit Amplifier Voltage input (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) In+ In+ + Current output Vn+ + COMn + Voltage output + Vn+ COMn 46 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PDC11 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PDC11 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit provides four direct-current inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PDC11 4 DC inputs (4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, -5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PDC11 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), disconnection alarms, cold junction sensor errors, adjustment period end/notice DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Input signal type, scaling of process value in industrial units, process value alarm setting (L, H), inrush input upper limit, inrush input upper limit time, zero/span adjustment value, Square root function. Temperature input signal type, input range (user set), scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, rate-of-change input range, scaling of rate-of-change data, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value Expansion Control/ Monitor Area 35 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Bits for beginning or resetting the hold function selection, adjustment period control, control bits Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit to CPU Unit: Adjustment period notices, peak and bottom values, top and valley values, integral values Expansion Setting Area 46 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Expansion Setting Area settings, adjustment period control, peak and bottom detection, top and valley detection, integral value calculation Number of inputs 4 Input signal type 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, -10 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, -5 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V (separate for each input), and 10-V user-set range (specified range within -10.000 V to 10.000 V) Scaling Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (4 inputs set separately.) Data can be converted at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Square root calculation 5) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.05% 47 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Temperature coefficient 0.008%/C Resolution 1/64,000 For 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 0 to 1.25 V inputs: -15 to 115% Input signal range For -10 to 10 V, -5 to 5 V, -1.25 to 1.25 V inputs: -7.5 to 107.5% Input impedance For current inputs: 250 (typical) For voltage inputs: 1 M min. Warmup time 10 min Response time 100 ms (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for 10 V step input and with moving average for 4 samples) Conversion period 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs, selectable in words allocated to the Unit as a Special I/O Unit. Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input error detection Check only for 4 to 20 mA and 1 to 5 V. Error detected for -17.2% (1.25 mA, 0.3125 V) or less and 112.5% (22 mA, 5.5 V) or more. Operation at input disconnection For 4 to 20 mA and 1 to 5 V: Stores -15% process value. For all other ranges: Stores same process value as 0-V or 0-mA inputs. Input disconnection detection delay time Approx. 1 s. Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the past specified number of process values (1 to 128 can be specified), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (LL, L H, HH), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s are available, shared with process value alarm). When the maximum value for process value scaling is A and the minimum value is B, Output = Square root calculation Function (A - B) x (input - B) + B Drop-out: Output approx. 7% max. linear (output = input) characteristic Note: 1. The square root function can only be used when the maximum scaling value is greater than the minimum scaling value. The square root will not be found if the maximum is smaller than the minimum. 2. When the square root function is used, set the scaling values after square root calculation (e.g., for flow rates or other values) for the process value scaling A and B settings. Adjustment period control When zero/span adjustment is executed, the date is internally recorded at the Unit. When the preset zero/span adjustment period and the notice of days remaining set in the Expansion Setting Area have elapsed, this function turns ON a warning flag to give notice that it is time for readjustment. Peak and bottom detection Detects the maximum (peak) and minimum (bottom) analog input values, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF. These values are stored as the peak and bottom values in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Top and valley detection This function detects the top and valley values for analog inputs, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF. These values are stored as the top and valley values in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area. Integral value calculation This function calculates the analog input value's time integral. The integral value is calculated and output to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area when the Integral Value Calculation Start Bit in the Expansion Control/Monitor Area is turned ON. Isolation Between inputs and between inputs and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler. Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between all inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Direct Current Input Unit, and errors detected at the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 120 mA max., 26 V DC at 120 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories Short bars (for current input) 48 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Accuracy and Resolution in 10-V User-set Range The 10-V user-set range allows the input signal's input range to be set to any range within -10.000 V to 10.000 V. Accuracy and resolution, however, are not determined by the input range, but rather by the measurable input range (-10.000 V to 10.000 V). Therefore, accuracy and resolution do not change even if a narrow input range is set. Terminal Connection Diagram Current inputs Voltage Inputs CS1W-PDC11 Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device + - + - + - + - V1 COM1 V2 COM2 V3 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 CS1W-PDC11 A1 N.C. A2 I1 A3 N.C. A4 I2 A5 N.C. A6 I3 A7 N.C. A8 A9 A10 A11 Current output device Current output device Current output device Current output device I4 N.C. N.C. N.C. + - + - + - + - V1 B1 COM1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 N.C. A2 I1 A3 N.C. A4 I2 A5 N.C. A6 I3 A7 N.C. A8 I4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. Note: * In both of the above cases, leave all unused inputs open between the positive and negative terminals (e.g., between B1 and B2 for voltage input No. 1). * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. * Always short-circuit the V and I terminals when using current input. * Be sure to tighten the short bars to a torque of 0.5 N.m. Loose short bars may result in conversion errors. PDC11 terminal block Current output device Current output device Current output device Current output device + - + - + - + - NC V1+ I1+ COM1 NC V2+ I2+ COM2 NC V3+ I3+ COM3 NC V4+ I4+ COM4 NC Short bars NC NC NC NC 49 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram B1 I1+ A2 COM1 B2 Isolation circuit 250 1 M Amplifier circuit V1+ A/D converter Photocoupler 26 VDC 1 M I2+ B3 A4 Isolation circuit 250 1 M COM2 B4 Amplifier circuit V2+ A/D converter Photocoupler Input selector Digital circuits Connector 5 VDC 1 M I3+ B5 A6 Isolation circuit 250 1 M COM3 B6 Amplifier circuit V3+ A/D converter Photocoupler 1 M I4+ B7 A8 Isolation circuit 250 1 M COM4 B8 Amplifier circuit V4+ A/D converter Photocoupler 1 M 50 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PDC55 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PDC55 Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit provides 8 direct-current inputs, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. All inputs are isolated. System Configuration CS1W-PDC55 8 DC inputs (0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PDC55 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H), conversion data enabled flags, input errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Input signal type (separate for each input), process value alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, Square root function. Expansion Control/ Monitor Area 1 word/Unit CPU Unit to Isolated-type Direct Current Input Unit: Process value alarms Number of inputs 8 Input signal type 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 1 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA (separate for each input). ("Not used" can be selected). Scaling Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (8 inputs set separately.) Data can be converted at 0% to 100%. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the actual process data in the input range is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Scaling 2) Zero/span adjustment 3) Square root calculation 4) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.3% of full scale Temperature Characteristics For voltage inputs: 100 ppm/C of full scale. For current inputs: 120 ppm/C of full scale. Resolution 1/16,000 of full scale Input signal range For all inputs: -5 to +105% Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 8 inputs. Note: Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input signal type: 4 to 20 mA; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500 m3/h (after square root extraction). DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal type: 3 (0003 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 51 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Input impedance For current inputs: 250 (typical) For voltage inputs: 1 M min. Warmup time 10 min Conversion period 250 ms/8 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input error detection Detects sensor error at each input and turns ON the Sensor error Flag. The process value overrange direction for when a sensor error occurs can be specified. (High: 105% of input range; low: -5% of input range) Process value alarm Process value 8-point alarm (L H), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Two alarms per input (L, H) can be output to addresses in the CIO Area specified in the Expansion Setting Area. When the maximum value for process value scaling is A and the minimum value is B, Function Square root calculation (Supported only when input is 1 to 5 v or 4 to 20 mA.) Output = (A - B) x (input - B) + B Drop-out: Output approx. 7% max. linear (output = input) characteristic Note: 1. The square root function can only be used when the maximum scaling value is greater than the minimum scaling value. The square root will not be found if the maximum is smaller than the minimum. 2. When the square root function is used, set the scaling values after square root calculation (e.g., for flow rates or other values) for the process value scaling A and B settings. Isolation Between inputs and between inputs and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler. Insulation resistance 20 M max. (at 500 V DC). Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and FG plate Dielectric strength Between all input terminals and external AC terminals (Power Supply Unit) Between all input terminals and FG plate 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA Between all channels 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz 1 min., detection current: 1 mA External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Direct Current Input Unit, and errors detected at the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.4 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 180 mA max., 26 V DC at 60 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. 52 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram Voltage Inputs CS1W-PDC55 + Voltage output device - + Voltage output device - + Voltage output device - + Voltage output device - V1+ B1 I1+ B2 COM1 B3 V3+ B4 I3+ B5 COM3 B6 V5+ B7 I5+ B8 COM5 B9 V7+ B10 I7+ B11 COM7 B12 A1 V2+ A2 I2+ A3 COM2 A4 V4+ A5 I4+ A6 COM4 A7 V6+ A8 I6+ A9 COM6 A10 V8+ A11 I8+ A12 COM8 + Voltage - output device + Voltage - output device + Voltage - output device + Voltage - output device Current inputs CS1W-PDC55 + Current output device - + Current output device - + Current output device - + Current output device - V1+ B1 I1+ B2 COM1 B3 V3+ B4 I3+ B5 COM3 B6 V5+ B7 I5+ B8 COM5 B9 V7+ B10 I7+ B11 COM7 B12 A1 V2+ A2 I2+ A3 COM2 A4 V4+ A5 I4+ A6 COM4 A7 V6+ A8 I6+ A9 COM6 A10 V8+ A11 I8+ A12 COM8 + - Current output device + - Current output device + - Current output device + - Current output device Note: * In both of the above cases, leave all unused inputs open between the positive and negative terminals. * Always short-circuit the V and I terminals when using current input. * Be sure to tighten the short bars to a torque of 0.5 N.m. Loose short bars may result in conversion errors. * Always ground the GR terminal on the Power Supply Unit of the PLC. * If the input device uses a voltage generator, temperature compensator, or similar device, then ground the input device if it has a ground terminal. 53 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV B1 B2 Amplifier circuit B3 Double integral A/D Reference power supply No. 2 input Reference power supply Photocoupler No. 3 input Reference power supply No.4 input A5 A6 Amplifier circuit A7 Double integral A/D 24 V DC Reference power supply 5 V DC Photocoupler No. 2 input Photocoupler B7 B8 Amplifier circuit B9 No.8 input A10 A11 A12 Amplifier circuit Double integral A/D Double integral A/D Photocoupler No. 3 input Photocoupler Digital circuits No. 6 input Photocoupler Reference power supply No. 7 input Photocoupler Photocoupler No. 6 input Reference power supply No. 7 input Reference power supply Isolation circuit No.5 input Reference power supply Connector No.1 input Isolation circuit Terminal Block Diagram 54 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTW01 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTW01 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit provides up to four inputs for unified signals (4 to 20 mA) from a transmitter, with no external DC power supply, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. System Configuration CS1W-PTW01 Four 2-wire transmitter inputs (4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTW01 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H), input errors DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit: Sensor type, scaling of process value data to be stored in allocated words in CIO area, square root function enable, rate-of-change value range, rate-of-change scaling, number of items for moving average, process value alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of inputs 4 Sensor type Unified signal from transmitter (4 to 20 mA), 4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V User-defined scaling in industrial units Scaling required for 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V. (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (4 inputs set separately.) Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the process value data is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Square root extraction 5) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.2% of full scale Temperature coefficient 0.015%/C of full scale Resolution 1/4,096 of full scale Input signal range -15 to 115% Sensor type and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 4 inputs. Note: Sensor type and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input signal type: 4 to 20 mA from 2-wire transmitter; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500 m3/h (after square root extraction). DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal type: 0 (0000 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 55 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Power supply for 2-wire transmitter Output voltage: 24 V DC 15% for each input (without load) Current capacity: 22 mA max. for each input Short-circuit control current: 22 to 27 mA Allowable short-circuit time: Ambient temperature less than 40C: No limit Ambient temperature 40 to 55C: 10 min or less Input impedance 4 to 20 mA for 2-wire transmitter: 250 ; 4 to 20 mA: 250 ; 1 to 5 V: 1 M min. Warmup time 10 min Response time 0.5 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 100 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input error detection Error detected when under -17.2% (4 to 20 mA: 1.25 mA; 1 to 5 V: 0.3125 V) or over 112.5% (4 to 20 mA: 22 mA; 1 to 5 V: 5.5 V). Operation at input disconnection Process value of -15% stored. Input disconnection overrange time Approx. 1 s Function Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values (1 to 16), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Rate-of-change calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s). Rate-of-change alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available. When the process value scaling maximum value is A and the minimum value is B: Output = Square root (A-B) (Input-B) + B Dropout: Output approx. 7% maximum linear (output = input) characteristics Note: 1. The square root function is only enabled when the maximum scaling value is greater than the minimum value. 2. When square root processing is being performed, set the maximum and minimum scaling values to the values required after square root processing of the current or other input values. Isolation Between inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 160 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 56 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram 2-Wire Transmitter Input CS1W-PTW01 Isolated-type 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit V1 A1 P1+ A2 I1 A3 P2+ A4 I2 A5 P3+ A6 I3 A7 P4+ A8 I4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. + B1 COM1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 - + - 2-wire transmitter No.1 2-wire transmitter No.2 2-wire transmitter No.3 2-wire transmitter No.4 + - + - Current Input (No Power Supply Necessary) CS1W-PTW01 Isolated-type 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit V1 COM1 B1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 P1+ A2 I1 A3 P2+ A4 I2 A5 P3+ A6 I3 A7 P4+ A8 I4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. + - + - + - + - Current output No.1 device Current output No.2 device Current output No.3 device Current output No.4 device Voltage Input CS1W-PTW01 Isolated-type 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device Voltage output device + - + - + - + - V1 B1 COM1 B2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 V3 B5 COM3 B6 V4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 P1+ A2 I1 A3 P2+ A4 I2 A5 P3+ A6 I3 A7 P4+ A8 I4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. Note: In all of the above cases, leave all unused terminals open (e.g., terminals A1, A2, B1, and B2 for input No. 1). 57 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PTW01 Isolated-type 2-Wire Transmitter Input Unit P1+ A1 +24-V transmitter power supply 1 M A2 V1 B1 COM1 B2 P2+ A3 Isolation circuit 250 Multiplexer I1 Input No. 1 Amplifier 1 M +24-V transmitter power supply Amplifier circuit A/D converter 1 M A4 I2 Input No. 2 V2 B3 COM2 B4 P3+ A5 Isolation circuit 250 Amplifier Digital computation circuit 1 M +24-V transmitter power supply 1 M A6 V3 B5 COM3 B6 Isolation circuit 250 Amplifier Connector I3 Input No. 3 5 V DC 1 M To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC P4+ A7 +24-V transmitter power supply 1 M I4 A8 Input No. 4 V4 B7 COM4 B8 Amplifier 1 M 2-Wire Transmitter Input + 2-wire transmitter - Isolation circuit 250 4-mA to 20-mA Input Pn+ Pn+ (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) In Vn (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) COMn 1-V to 5-V Input + Current output - Pn+ (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) In Vn COMn In + Voltage output - Vn COMn 58 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTR01 Power Transducer Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PTR01 Power Transducer Input Unit provides up to eight inputs of 0 to 1 mA or -1 to 1 mA from power transducers, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. System Configuration CS1W-PTR01 Eight power transducer inputs (0 to 1 mA or -1 to 1 mA) Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTR01 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Power Transducer Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H) DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Power Transducer Input Unit: Input signal type, scaling of process value in industrial units, process value alarm setting (L, H), inrush input upper limit, inrush input upper limit time, zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of inputs 8 Input signal type Either 0 to 1 mA or -1 to 1 mA. User-defined scaling in industrial units Scaling required for the above input signals. (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (8 inputs set separately.) Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the process value data is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Inrush input limit 5) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.2% of full scale Temperature coefficient 0.015%/C of full scale Resolution 1/4,096 of full scale Input signal range For 0 to 1 mA: -15 to 115%; for -1 to 1 mA: -7.5 to 107.5% Input impedance 100 (typical) Warmup time 10 min Response time 1.2 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 200 ms/8 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 8 inputs. Note: Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input signal type: 0 to 1 mA from power transducer; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500 W. DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal type: 0 (0000 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) 59 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Input error detection None. Operation at input disconnection Process value corresponding to 0 mA stored. Inrush input limit Function When the process value is increased from 2% or less, the inrush input limit function limits the increase for a set time. (It is available only for inputs of 0 to 1 mA.) This function can be used to prevent sudden process value increases due to inrush currents caused by motor startup and so on. Upper limit value: -32,000 to 32,000 Upper limit time: 0 to 100 s Process value alarm Process value 2-point alarm (H, L), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the past four process values (every 200 ms), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Isolation Between inputs: No isolation Between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs and internal PLC signals Dielectric strength Between inputs and internal PLC signals: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Power Transducer Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 80 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 60 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PRT01 Power Transducer Input Unit 1- A2 2+ B1 Input No. 2 2- B2 3+ A3 Input No. 3 3- A4 4+ B3 Input No. 4 4- B4 5+ A5 Input No. 5 5- A6 6+ B5 6- B6 7+ A7 Input No. 6 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit Isolation circuit A/D converter Digital computation circuit Connector A1 Multiplexer 1+ Input No. 1 5 V DC To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit Input No. 7 7- A8 8+ B7 8- B8 Input No. 8 100 Filter circuit 100 Filter circuit 26 V DC 61 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTR02 Analog Input Unit (100 mV) Overview The CS1W-PTR02 Analog Input Unit provides up to eight inputs of 0 to 100 mV or -100 to 100 mA, and sends the data to the CPU Unit each cycle. System Configuration CS1W-PTR02 Eight DC inputs (0 to 100 mV or -100 to 100 mV) 62 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PTR02 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit Analog Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (L, H) DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Analog Input Unit: Input signal type, scaling of process value in industrial units, process value alarm setting (L, H), inrush input upper limit, inrush input upper limit time, zero/span adjustment value, etc. Number of inputs 8 Input signal type Either 0 to 100 mV or -100 to 100 mV. User-defined scaling in industrial units Scaling required for the above input signals. (Any minimum and maximum values can be set.) (8 inputs set separately.) Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the process value data is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Scaling 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) Inrush input limit 5) Output limits Accuracy (25C) 0.2% of full scale Temperature coefficient 0.015%/C of full scale Resolution 1/4,096 of full scale Input signal range For 0 to 100 mV: -15 to 115%; for -100 to 100 mV: -7.5 to 107.5% Input impedance Balanced: 1 M min. (typical); unbalanced: 20 k (typical) Warmup time 10 min Response time 1.2 s (travel time from input 0% to 90%, for step input) Conversion period 200 ms/8 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Input error detection None Operation at input disconnection Undefined Inrush input limit Function Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are separate for each of the 8 inputs. Note: Input signal type and scaling to industrial units are set in the DM Area. Example: Input signal type: 0 to 100 mV; industrial unit scaling: 0 to 500. DM Area settings are as follows: Input signal type: 0 (0000 hex) Industrial unit maximum value stored: 500 (01F4 hex) Industrial unit minimum value stored: 0 (0000 hex) When the process value is increased from 2% or less, the inrush input limit function limits the increase for a set time. (It is available only for inputs of 0 to 100 mV.) This function can be used to prevent sudden process value increases due to inrush currents caused by motor startup and so on. Upper limit value: -32,000 to 32,000 Upper limit time: 0 to 100 s Process value alarm Process value 2-point alarm (H, L), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Mean value processing (input filter) Calculates the moving average for the past four process values (every 200 ms), and stores that value in the CIO Area as the process value. Isolation Between inputs: No isolation Between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler. Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs and internal PLC signals. Dielectric strength Between inputs and internal PLC signals: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current: 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Analog Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 80 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 63 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram 1+ A1 1- A2 2+ B1 2- B2 3+ A3 3- A4 4+ B3 4- B4 5+ A5 5- A6 6+ B5 6- B6 Input No. 1 Input No. 2 Input No. 3 Filter circuit Isolation circuit Filter circuit A/D converter Filter circuit Input No. 5 Input No. 6 Filter circuit Filter circuit Connector Input No. 4 Multiplexer Digital computation circuit Filter circuit 5 V DC To CPU Unit Isolated power supply circuit 26 V DC 7+ A7 7- A8 8+ B7 8- B8 Input No. 7 Input No. 8 Filter circuit Filter circuit 64 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit Overview The CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit provides up to four pulses from a device such as a displacement flowmeter, and sends scaled instantaneous values (pulses/time unit) to the CPU Unit each cycle. The accumulated value can also be calculated at the same time and transferred to the CPU Unit at each cycle. System Configuration CS1W-PPS01 Four pulse inputs from a device such as a displacement flowmeter Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PPS01 Applicable PLC CS-series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit 10 words/Unit Special I/O Unit Area Pulse Input Unit to CPU Unit: All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), accumulated values, Accumulation Reset Bit DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units Number of pulse inputs 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Pulse Input Unit: Instantaneous value conversion coefficient, instantaneous value scaling, pulse weight, number of values for moving average, instantaneous value alarm settings (LL, L, H, HH), zero/span adjustment, etc. 4 Voltage input, no-voltage semiconductor input, contact input (selected individually for each of 4 inputs, according to connection terminals) No-voltage semiconductor input: Connected to voltage input terminals (between Fn+ and COMn). Maximum coefficient speed: 20,000 pulses/s (duty ratio: 50%) Detection voltage: 4 V DC Short-circuit current between terminals: 1.2 mA DC ON resistance: 0.8 k max. OFF resistance: 5.0 k min. Pulse input type Voltage input: Connected to voltage input terminals (between Fn+ and COMn). Waveform: Square wave Maximum coefficient speed: 20,000 pulses/s (duty ratio: 50%) ON voltage: 0 to 1 V OFF voltage: 3 to 30 V Contact input: Connected to contact input terminals (between Sn+ and COMn). Maximum coefficient speed: 20 pulses/s (duty ratio: 50%) Detection voltage: 8 V DC Short-circuit current between terminals: 2.4 mA DC ON resistance: 0.8 k max. OFF resistance: 5.0 k min. 65 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Sensor power supply For no-voltage semiconductor inputs, etc., a 12-V DC power supply can be provided for the sensors that are the pulse sources. Output voltage: 12 V DC 15% Current capacity: 30 mA max. Limit current when short-circuited: 31 to 55 mA Allowable short-circuit time: No limit Accumulation conversion period 100 ms/4 inputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Function Instantaneous value output Conversion to instantaneous values This function can be used to count the number of pulses per time unit, and to convert the values to instantaneous values (pulses x pulse weight / time unit). Any of the following can be selected as the time unit: 1 s, 3 s, 10 s, 30 s, or 60 s. (The time unit is set in the DM Area.) Note: 1. Errors and fluctuations will increase when the input signal pulse rate is low, so specify a longer time unit. 2. The instantaneous value is only refreshed at intervals of the time unit set. Therefore, when the Unit is restarted, the instantaneous value will be 0000 until the time set as the time unit has elapsed. 3. When pulse weight conversion is used for accumulated values, the number of pulses obtained by multiplying the actual number of input pulses by the pulse weight (0.1000 to 3.2000) for one time unit is used. Instantaneous value scaling This function can be used for scaling instantaneous values (pulses x pulse weight/time unit), i.e., setting data with respect to a maximum value, and storing them in the allocated words of the CIO Area. * When instantaneous value (pulses x pulse weight/time unit) is 100% input: Can be set from 0.001 pulses/time unit to 32,000 pulses/time unit. * Maximum value for Instantaneous value scaling (industrial units): Scaling of the above instantaneous value (100% input) is possible from -32,000 to 32,000 (8300 to FFFF, 0000 to 7D00 hex). Note: When pulse weight conversion is used for accumulated values, scaling is already performed for each pulse, so an exponent of 10 of the industrial unit is set in the instantaneous value (pulses x pulse weight per time unit) for a 100% input. Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the instantaneous value (pulses x pulse weight/time unit) is stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area. 1) Mean value processing 2) Instantaneous value scaling 3) Scaling 4) Zero/span adjustment 5) Output limits Example 1: To obtain a pulse input of 0 to 2,000 pulses/ s for a flow of 0 to 300.0 ml/s: Time unit: 1 s Instantaneous value 100% input: 2,000 Maximum value for instantaneous value scaling (industrial units): 3,000 Example 2: When pulse inputs at 0 to 2,000 pulses/s are obtained for a flowrate of 0 to 300.0 ml/s, and the pulse weight function is used for totaling: There are 0.15 ml per pulse, so the pulse weight = 0.15. For a flowrate of 0 to 300.0 ml/s, 0 to 2,000 x 0.15 = 300 pulses/s. Therefore, Time unit: 1 s Instantaneous value 100% input: 300 Maximum value for instantaneous value scaling (industrial units): 3,000 Mean value Calculates the moving average for the specified number of past instantaneous values (1 to 16), processing (input filter) and stores that value in the CIO Area as the instantaneous value. Function Instantaneous value alarm Instantaneous value 4-point alarm (HH, H, L, LL), hysteresis, and ON-delay timer (0 to 60 s) are available. Pulse weight conversion Performs scaling for a single pulse. Use for the accumulated value when the pulse weight (weight/pulse) is a fraction (not an exponent of 10). (See note.) The pulse weight (0.1 to 3.2) is multiplied by the actual number of pulses input. This number of pulses is used as the input for conversion to instantaneous values (pulses x pulse weight per time unit) and the input for totaling prior to stepdown. Example: When the pulse weight from the flowmeter is 0.26 ml/pulse, the pulse weight is set to 0.26. When one pulse (0.26 ml) is input, it is treated as a 0.26 pulse, and when two pulses (0.52 ml) are input, they are treated as a 0.52 pulse. The weight per pulse becomes 1 ml, so to calculate in the CPU Unit the simple (unscaled) value in industrial units (ml) based on the accumulated value from the Pulse Input Unit (value in words n+5 to n+8), the value can be calculated simply using 1 ml/pulse. Note: When the accumulated value from the Pulse Input Unit in the CPU Unit is not used (i.e., when only the instantaneous value is used), pulse weight conversion is not required. Use instantaneousness value scaling to convert to industrial units. Accumulated value The accumulated number of pulses (0 to 9,999 pulses) for each input is stored in the allocated words of the CIO Area. When 9,999 is exceeded, the value returns to 0 and starts counting again. Note: When pulse weight conversion is used, the accumulated value for the number of pulses obtained by multiplying the actual number of input pulses by the pulse weight (0.1000 to 3.2000) is used. Stepdown When the accumulated value is used, this function prevents accumulated value overflow by reducing the number of input pulses. The actual number of input pulses is multiplied by one of four factors (x1, x0.1, x0.01, or x0.001), and the number of input pulses accumulated is then based on that value. Note: This stepdown function operates only for accumulated values, and not for instantaneous values. When the pulse weight conversion function is used, it uses for the number of pulses obtained by multiplying the actual number of input pulses by the pulse weight (0.1000 to 3.2000). Accumulated output Isolation Between inputs and between input terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between inputs Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. 66 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Pulse Input Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Sensor input connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 200 mA max., 26 V DC at 160 mA max. Warmup time 10 min Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None 67 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram No-voltage Semiconductor Input Voltage Input CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 F1 B1 COM1 B2 F2 B3 COM2 B4 F3 B5 COM3 B6 F4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 Contact Input A1 P1+ A2 S1 A3 P2+ A4 S2 A5 P3+ A6 S3 A7 P4+ A8 S4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit Voltage pulse generation A1 P1+ F1 B1 + No.1 A2 S1 COM1 B2 - A3 P2+ F2 B3 + No.2 A4 S2 COM2 B4 - A5 P3+ F3 B5 + No.3 A6 S3 COM3 B6 - A7 P4+ F4 B7 + No.4 A8 S4 COM4 B8 - A9 N.C. N.C. B9 A10 N.C. N.C. B10 A11 N.C. 3-wire Sensor Input CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit CS1W-PPS01 Isolated-type Pulse Input Unit No.2 No.1 F1 B1 COM1 B2 F2 B3 COM2 B4 F3 B5 COM3 B6 F4 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 P1+ S1 P2+ No.2 Internal power supply No.1 Internal power supply F2 S4 N.C. N.C. N.C. B3 COM2 B4 P3+ P4+ B1 COM1 B2 S2 S3 F1 F3 Internal power supply No.3 No.4 COM3 B6 F4 Internal power supply B5 B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 A1 P1+ A2 S1 A3 P2+ A4 S2 A5 P3+ A6 S3 A7 P4+ A8 S4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. No.4 No.3 Note: In all of the above cases, leave all unused inputs open between the terminals (e.g., between B1 and B2 for no-voltage semiconductor input No. 1). 68 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram +12-V sensor power supply A1 P1+ 4.7 k S1+ A2 F1+ B1 Input No. 1 4.7 k Pulse Isolation circuit 4.7 k COM1 B2 P2+ A3 Pulse counter +12-V sensor power supply 4.7 k S2+ A4 F2+ B3 Input No. 2 4.7 k Pulse Isolation circuit 4.7 k COM2 B4 P3+ A5 Digital computation circuit +12-V sensor power supply S3+ A6 F3+ B5 Input No. 3 Connector 4.7 k 4.7 k Pulse Isolation circuit 4.7 k 5 V DC B6 COM3 Isolated power supply circuit P4+ A7 S4+ A8 F4+ B7 To CPU Unit 26 V DC +12-V sensor power supply 4.7 k 4.7 k Input No. 4 Pulse Isolation circuit 4.7 k B8 COM4 Contact Input (for Metal Contacts) (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) Pn+ Voltage Pulse Input (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) Sn+ Contact Fn+ COMn + Pulse output - Sensor Power Supply (Connected to 3-wire Sensor) (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) Pn+ Pn+ Sn+ Sn+ Fn+ COMn + Pulse output - Fn+ COMn 69 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PMV01 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit Overview Each cycle, the CS1W-PMV01 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit converts up to four analog output set values from the CPU Unit to either 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V, and outputs them. It can also provide answer back for checking actual output values. System Configuration CS1W-PMV01 Control terminal Control terminal Four analog outputs (4 to 20 mA, 1 to 5 V) Control terminal Control terminal Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PMV01 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit CPU Unit to Analog Output Unit: Analog output values for each output Analog Output Unit to CPU Unit: Answer input values for each output, output disconnection DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Analog Output Unit: Output hold for when CPU Unit error occurs, high/low limit values, rate-of-change limit values (positive and negative directions), number of values for answer input moving average, zero/span adjustment for control outputs and answer inputs, etc. Number of outputs 4 Output signal types Either 4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V (separate for each of the four outputs). Switched according to the connection terminals. User-defined scaling in industrial units None Data storage in the CIO Area 0 to 4,000 (0000 to 0FA0 hex), fixed 0: 4 mA or 1 V; 4,000: 20 mA or 5 V The values derived from carrying out the following processing in order of the values in the allocated words in the CIO Area are output in analog. 1) Output hold 2) Rate-of-change limit 3) Zero/span adjustment 4) High/low limits Therefore, the values after processing are confirmed by analog inputs. Accuracy (25C) When 4 to 20 mA: 0.1% of full scale When 1 to 5 V: 0.2% of full scale Temperature coefficient 0.015%/C of full scale Resolution 1/4,000 of full scale Warmup time 10 min Output response time 0.2 s (travel time from output 0% to 100%, for step output) D/A conversion period 100 ms/4 outputs Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle 70 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Output signal range Approx. -20 to 115% Allowable load resistance When 4 to 20 mA: 404 max. (when output range is -20 to 115%) or 458 max. (when output range is -20 to 100%) (Refer to note.) When 1 to 5 V: 250 k max. Output impedance When 1 to 5 V: 250 (typical) Voltage when open between terminals Approx. 15 V Answer input function The actual analog output values (4 to 20 mA or 1 to 5 V) from the Unit's output terminals can be read. Data stored to allocated words of CIO Area: 0 to 4,000 (0000 to 0FA0 hex), fixed. (When 4 mA or 1 V: 0; when 20 mA or 5 V: 4,000) Accuracy: 0.2% of full scale Resolution: 1/2000 Temperature coefficient: 0.015%/C Current output disconnection detection function When the actual output of 4 to 20 mA from the Analog Output Unit's output terminals is 0.5 mA or less, it is regarded as an external output circuit current loop disconnection, and the Output Disconnection Flag turns ON. Rate-of-change limit This function can be used to control the speed of up and down changes in analog output values. Output high/low limits This function can be used to place high and low limits on analog output values. Output hold This function holds the analog output value to the previous value or to a specified preset value when any of the following CPU Unit errors occurs, and outputs the analog output value in the CIO Area when the error is cleared. * CPU Unit fatal error (including FALS execution) * CPU error in CPU Unit * All outputs turned OFF with Output OFF Bit Function Isolation Between outputs and between output terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between outputs Dielectric strength Between outputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Analog Output Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Output connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 150 mA max., 26 V DC at 160 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None Note: The following diagram shows the relationship between the allowable load resistance and the current output. Current output 22.4 mA (115%) 20 mA (100%) 0.8 mA (-20%) Allowable load resistance () 404 458 71 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Output Values According to CPU Unit Status Analog output values from the Analog Output Unit will be as shown in the following table, depending on the status of the CPU Unit. CPU Unit status Analog output values from Unit Fatal error (including FALS(007) execution) CPU error The output hold function holds the previous value or a specified preset value. All outputs turned OFF with Output OFF Bit Change of operation mode from RUN or Monitor to Program (See note.) When the CPU Unit's I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12) is OFF. The output value in the CIO Area is cleared, and that value (0000 hex) is output refreshed. When the CPU Unit's I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12) is ON. The output value in the CIO Area is held at the value prior to the operation mode change, and that is output refreshed. Fatal error or CPU standby after turning ON the power supply Either 0 mA or 0 V is output. Special I/O Unit cyclic refresh disabled Outputs can be refreshed by means of IORF(097) in the ladder diagram program. Note: Regardless of the CPU Unit's operation mode (including Program Mode), the analog output value in the allocated words of the CIO Area is always output refreshed. As shown in the above table, however, when the operation mode is changed to Program Mode, the analog output value in the CIO Area is either cleared or held depending on the status of the CPU Unit's I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12). In particular, be careful when this flag is ON, because the value prior to the mode change will be held and that value will be output refreshed. Terminal Block Diagram Voltage Output Current Output CS1W-PMV01 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit No.2 A1 V1- B1 COM1 B2 V2- B3 COM2 B4 V3- B5 COM3 B6 V4- B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 A3 A4 - A5 A6 - A7 A8 N.C. No.3 P1+ P2+ - + N.C. P3+ - + - N.C. P4+ N.C. N.C. A10 N.C. B10 Load Load resistance + - V1- B1 COM1 B2 V2- B3 COM2 B4 V3- B5 COM3 B6 V4- B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. Load Load resistance + N.C. A9 A11 No.4 No.1 Load A2 - No.2 Load No.1 - CS1W-PMV01 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit N.C. No.4 No.3 A1 P1+ A2 N.C. A3 P2+ A4 N.C. A5 P3+ A6 N.C. A7 P4+ A8 N.C. A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. + + + + B10 Load resistance Load resistance Note: In both of the above cases, short-circuit all unused inputs between V@ and COM@ (e.g., between terminals B1 and B2 for output No. 1) with the lead wire. 72 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Block Diagram CS1W-PMV01 Analog Output Unit Output multiplexer Isolated output circuit A1 P1+ B1 V1- B2 COM1 A3 P2+ B3 V2- B4 COM2 A5 P3+ B5 V3- B6 COM3 A7 P4+ B7 V4- B8 COM4 250 Output No. 1 Isolated input circuit D/A converter Isolated output circuit 250 Output No. 2 Isolated input circuit To CPU Unit Connector Input multiplexer A/D converter Digital computation circuit Isolated output circuit 250 Output No. 3 Isolated input circuit 5 V DC Isolated output circuit Isolated power supply circuit Output No. 4 Isolated input circuit 26 V DC 4- to 20-mA output 250 1- to 5-V output Short-circuit between terminals Vn- and COMn-. (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) Pn+ Vn- COMn (n: Input Nos. 1 to 4) Pn+ + Current input - Vn- + Voltage input - COMn Short-circuit wiring 73 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PMV02 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit Overview Each cycle, the CS1W-PMV02 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit converts up to four analog output set values from the CPU Unit to analog voltage signals and outputs them. System Configuration CS1W-PMV02 Control terminal Control terminal Control terminal Four analog outputs (0 to 10 V, 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 5 V, 0 to 1 V, 1 V) Control terminal Specifications Item Specifications Model CS1W-PMV02 Applicable PLC CS Series Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I/O Rack or SYSMAC BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.) Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumption and power consumption range) Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.) Areas for data exchange with CPU Unit Special I/O Unit Area 10 words/Unit CPU Unit to Analog Output Unit: Analog output values for each output Analog Output Unit to CPU Unit: None DM Area words allocated to Special I/O Units 100 words/Unit CPU Unit to Analog Output Unit: Output hold for when CPU Unit error occurs, high/low limit values, rate-of-change limit values, zero/span adjustment for control outputs, etc. Number of outputs 4 Output signal types 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 1 V, -10 to 10 V, -5 to 5 V, -1 to 1 V (Each output point can be set individually.) User-defined scaling in industrial units Scaling is possible for each of the above signal types individually. (The data corresponding to the minimum and maximum output values can be set freely.) Data storage in the CIO Area 32,000 (8300 to FFFF hex, 0000 to 7D00 hex) Accuracy (25C) 0.1% of full scale Temperature coefficient 0.015%/C of full scale Resolution -10 to 10 V, -1 to 1 V: 1/16,000 of full scale 0 to 10 V, 0 to 1 V, -5 to 5 V: 1/8,000 of full scale 0 to 5 V: 1/4,000 of full scale Warmup time 10 min Output response time 50 ms max. (travel time from output 0% to 90%, for step output) D/A conversion period 40 ms/4 outputs Maximum output delay time Output response time + conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle Output signal range -15 to 115% (-7.5 to 107.5% for 10-V and 1-V ranges) Allowable load resistance 10 k min. 74 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Item Specifications Output impedance 0.5 max. Voltage when open between terminals - Answer input function None Current output disconnection detection function None Rate-of-change limit This function can be used to control the speed of up and down changes in analog output values. Output high/low limits This function can be used to place high and low limits on analog output values. Output hold This function holds the analog output value to the previous value or to a specified preset value when any of the following CPU Unit errors occurs. Normal operation is restored when the CPU Unit error is cleared. * CPU Unit fatal error (including FALS execution) * CPU error in CPU Unit * CPU Unit's load interrupted Function Isolation Between outputs and between output terminals and PLC signals: Isolation by transformer and photocoupler Insulation resistance 20 M (at 500 V DC) between outputs Dielectric strength Between outputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leakage current 10 mA max. External connections Terminal block (detachable) Unit number settings Set by rotary switches on front panel, from 0 to 95. Indicators Three LED indicators on front panel (for normal operation, errors detected at the Analog Output Unit, and errors related to the CPU Unit). Front panel connector Output connector terminal block (detachable) Effect on CPU Unit cycle time 0.3 ms Current consumption 5 V DC at 120 mA max., 26 V DC at 120 mA max. Dimensions 35 x 130 x 126 mm (W x H x D) Note: The height including the Backplane is 145 mm. Weight 450 g max. Standard accessories None Output Values According to CPU Unit Status Analog output values from the Analog Output Unit will be as shown in the following table, depending on the status of the CPU Unit. CPU Unit status Analog output values from Unit Fatal error (including FALS(007) execution) CPU error The output hold function holds the previous value or a specified preset value. All outputs turned OFF with Output OFF Bit Change of operation mode from RUN or Monitor to Program (See note.) When the CPU Unit's I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12) is OFF. The output value in the CIO Area is cleared, and that value (0000 hex) is output refreshed. When the CPU Unit's I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12) is ON. The output value in the CIO Area is held at the value prior to the operation mode change, and that is output refreshed. Fatal error or CPU standby after turning ON the power supply 0 V is output. Special I/O Unit cyclic refresh disabled Outputs can be refreshed by means of IORF(097) in the ladder diagram program. Note: Regardless of the CPU Unit's operation mode (including Program Mode), the analog output value in the allocated words of the CIO Area is always output refreshed. As shown in the above table, however, when the operation mode is changed to Program Mode, the analog output value in the CIO Area is either cleared or held depending on the status of the I/O Memory Hold Flag (A500.12). In particular, be careful when this flag is ON, because the value prior to the mode change will be held and that value will be output refreshed. 75 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Terminal Connection Diagram CS1W-PMV02 Isolated-type Analog Output Unit + V1L B1 COM1 B2 V2L B3 COM2 B4 V3L B5 Load - COM3 B6 V4L B7 COM4 B8 N.C. B9 N.C. B10 + A1 V1H A2 COM1 A3 V2H A4 COM2 Load A5 V3H A6 COM3 A7 V4H A8 COM4 A9 N.C. A10 N.C. A11 N.C. - B terminals: 0 to 1 V, 1 V; A terminals: 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 10 V, 5 V Note: 1. Although signals 1/10 of the size of the A-row terminal output signals are output to the B terminals, simultaneous use of A (L) and B (H) terminals of the same number is prohibited. 2. Do not connect V@@ and COM@@ for all unused output numbers. Terminal Block Diagram Isolated power supply circuit Amplifier circuit A1 V1H Amplifier circuit B1 V1L Amplifier circuit A3 V2H Amplifier circuit B3 V2L Amplifier circuit A5 V3H Amplifier circuit B5 V3L Amplifier circuit A7 V4H Amplifier circuit B7 V4L A2 COM1 Output No. 1 Photocoupler D/A converter Isolated power supply circuit B2 COM1 A4 COM2 Output No. 2 Photocoupler D/A converter Isolated power supply circuit B4 COM2 A6 COM3 Output No. 3 Photocoupler 26 V DC Connector 5 V DC D/A converter Isolated power supply circuit B6 COM3 A8 COM4 Output No. 4 Photocoupler Digital computation circuit D/A converter B8 COM4 76 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Nomenclature and Functions CS1W-P@@0@/1@/51/52 With Terminal Block mounted (Side view) Model number Terminal Block Unit number switch Fastening screws (black M3 screws) Terminal Block (M3 screws) Backplane fastening screw Terminal number/symbol (Varies depending on the Analog I/O Unit model.) CS1W-PTS55/56, PDC55 (Side view) With Terminal Block mounted Model number Terminal Block Unit number switch Fastening screws (black M3 screws) Lock lever Terminal number/symbol (Varies depending on the Analog I/O Unit model.) 77 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Front Panel LED Indicators CS1W-P@@0@/1@ CS RUN ERC ERH LED RUN (green) ERC (red) ERH (red) Meaning Operating Error detected by Unit Error in the CPU Unit Indicator Operating status Lit Operating normally. Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with the CPU Unit. Lit Data setting is out of range in the DM Area. Not lit Operating normally. Lit Error has occurred during data exchange with the CPU Unit, or Analog I/O Unit's unit number is set incorrectly, or there is a mounting error. Not lit Operating normally. CS1W-PTS55/56, PDC55 CS RUN ERC ERH LED Meaning RUN (green) Operating ERC (red) Error detected by Unit ERH (red) Error in the CPU Unit Indicator Operating status Lit Operating normally. Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with the CPU Unit. Lit Sensor error has occurred or data setting is out of range in the DM Area. Not lit Operating normally. Lit Error has occurred during data exchange with the CPU Unit, or Analog I/O Unit's unit number is set incorrectly, or there is a mounting error. Not lit Operating normally. CS1W-PTS51/52 PTS51 RUN ERC ALM1 ALM2 LED CS ERH ALM3 ALM4 Meaning RUN (green) Operating ERC (red) Error detected by Unit ERH (red) Error in the CPU Unit ALM1 to External alarm outputs ALM4 (yellow) Indicator Operating status Lit Operating normally. Not lit Unit has stopped exchanging data with the CPU Unit. Lit Sensor error has occurred or data setting is out of range in the DM Area. Not lit Operating normally. Lit Error has occurred during data exchange with the CPU Unit, or Analog I/O Unit's unit number is set incorrectly, or there is a mounting error. Not lit Operating normally. Lit External alarm output ON Not lit External alarm output OFF 78 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Unit Number Switches The CPU Unit and Analog Input Unit exchange data via words allocated to the Analog Input Unit as a Special I/O Unit. Words are allocated to Special I/O Units in both the CIO Area and the DM Area. The words that each Analog I/O Unit uses are determined by the setting of the unit number switches on the front panel of the Unit. Unit number switches Unit No. CIO Area addresses DM Area addresses 0 CIO 2000 to CIO 2009 D20000 to D20099 1 CIO 2010 to CIO 2019 D20100 to D20199 2 CIO 2020 to CIO 2029 D20200 to D20299 3 CIO 2030 to CIO 2039 D20300 to D20399 4 CIO 2040 to CIO 2049 D20400 to D20499 5 CIO 2050 to CIO 2059 D20500 to D20599 6 CIO 2060 to CIO 2069 D20600 to D20699 7 CIO 2070 to CIO 2079 D20700 to D20799 8 CIO 2080 to CIO 2089 D20800 to D20899 9 CIO 2090 to CIO 2099 D20900 to D20999 10 CIO 2100 to CIO 2109 D21000 to D21099 to to to n CIO 2000 + n x 10 to CIO 2000 + n x 10 + 9 D20000 + n x 100 to D20000 + n x 100 + 99 to to to 95 CIO 2950 to CIO 2959 D29500 to D29599 Note: If two or more Special I/O Units are assigned the same unit number, a "UNIT No. DPL ERR" error (in the Programming Console) will occur (A401.13 will turn ON) and the PLC will not operate. 79 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Dimensions (Unit: mm) CS1W-P@@0@/1@/51/52 101 130 35 126 Terminal Block Dimensions 8.23 7.62 7.62 92.660.1 6.4 4.5 8.4 17.8 80 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV CS1W-PTS55/56/PDC55 125 101 2.4 6 130 35 Terminal Block Dimensions 7.62 6.4 96.47 10 18.6 81 CS1W-PTS/PDC/PTW/PTR/PPS/PMV Related Manuals Cat. No. Model Application Contents CS/CJ-series Analog I/O Units Operation Manual Information on using the Analog I/O Units. Provides information on using the CS/CJ-series Analog Input, Analog Output, and Analog I/O Units. WS02-CXPC1-EV7 CX-Programmer Operation Manual (Version 7.@) Information on using the CX-Programmer (programming software for a personal computer running Windows). Describes how to use the CX-Programmer. CQM1H-PRO01 CQM1-PRO01 C200H-PRO27 + CS1W-KS001 CS/CJ-series Programming Console Operation Manual Information on using the Programming Console. Describes how to use the Programming Console. W368 CS1W-PTS@@/ PTW@@/PDC@@/ PTR@@/PPS@@/ PMV@@ CJ1W-PTS@@/ PDC@@/PH41U W446 W341 Manual name 82 Read and Understand This Catalog Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments. Warranty and Limitations of Liability WARRANTY OMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY OMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY. In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted. IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY, REPAIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESS OMRON'S ANALYSIS CONFIRMS THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERLY HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOT SUBJECT TO CONTAMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR. Application Considerations SUITABILITY FOR USE OMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products. At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses listed may be suitable for the products: Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or uses not described in this catalog. Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate industry or government regulations. Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property. Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products. NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCTS ARE PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM. PROGRAMMABLE PRODUCTS OMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof. Disclaimers CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONS Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the products may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased products. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Dimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown. PERFORMANCE DATA Performance data given in this catalog is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and Limitations of Liability. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions. 2012.9 In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation Company http://www.ia.omron.com/ (c)Copyright OMRON Corporation 2012 All Right Reserved. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Omron: CS1W-PTS01-V1 CS1W-PDC55 CS1W-PTS11 CS1W-PTS52 CS1W-PTS12 CS1W-PDC11 CS1W-PMV01 CS1W-PTS03 CS1W-PDC01 CS1W-PTS02 CS1W-PTR02 CS1W-PMV02