Item Specifications
Model CS1W-PTS11
Applicable PLC CS Series
Unit type CS-series Special I/O Unit
Mounting position CS-series CPU Rack or CS-series Expansion Rack (Cannot be mounted to C200H Expansion I /O Rack or SYSMAC
BUS Remote I/O Slave Rack.)
Maximum number of Units 80 (within the allowable current consumptio n and power consumption range)
Unit numbers 00 to 95 (Cannot duplicate Special I/O Unit numbers.)
Areas for data
exchange with CPU
Special I/O Unit Area
10 words/Unit
Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit:
All process values, process value alarms (LL, L, H, HH), rat e-of-change values, rate-of-change alarms (L, H),
disconnection alarms, cold junction sensor errors
DM Area words
allocated to Special
I/O Units
100 words/Unit
CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit:
Temperature sensor type, input range (user set), scalin g of process value d ata to be stored in allocated words in CIO
area, rate-of-change in put range, scal ing of rate-of-change data, number of items fo r moving average, process va lue
alarm setting (LL, L, H, HH), rate-of-change alarm setting (L, H), zero/span adjustment value, etc.
Expansion Control/
Monitor Area
35 words/Unit
CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit:
Designations and flags for beginning or reset ting the hold function selection, adjustment period control, etc.
Thermocouple Input Unit to CPU Unit:
Adjustment period notices (with each input), peak and bottom values, top and valley values
Expansion Setting
46 words/Unit
CPU Unit to Thermocouple Input Unit:
Expansion Control/Monitor Area settings, adjustment perio d control, peak and bottom detection, top and valley
Number of temperature sensor inputs 4
Temperature sensor types The sensor type, input range, and scaling can be set individually for each of 4 inpu ts, which ar e each sel ectable fr om
B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, WRe5-26, PL II , and mV.
Scaling Data to be stored in the allocated words in the CIO area must be scaled (individually for each of the 4 inputs, with the
minimum and maximum values set). Data can be stored at 0% to 100%.
Data storage in the CIO Area The value derived from carrying out the f ollo wing pr ocessi ng in orde r of t he act ual process da ta in t he input ran ge is
stored in four digits hexadecimal (binary values) in the allocated words in the CIO Area.
1) Mean value processing → 2) Scaling → 3) Zero/span adjustment → 4) Output limits
Accuracy (25°C) ±0.05% (D epends on the Sensor used and the measured temperature. Refer to Accuracy by Sensor Type and
Measured Temperature Range on page 13 for details.)
Temperature coefficient ±0.01% /°C (For full scale of electromotive force. See note.)
Resolution 1/64,000
Cold junction compensation error ±1°C, at 20°C±10°C
Warmup time 45 min
Maximum signal input ±120 mV
Input impedance 20 kΩ min.
Input disconnection detection current 0.1 μA (typical)
Response time 100 ms (travel time from input 0% to 90%, f or ±100 mV step input and with moving average for 4 samples)
Conversion period 20 ms/4 inputs, 10 ms/2 inputs. Can be switched in DM Area words allocat ed to the Unit as a Special I/O Unit.
Maximum time to store data in CPU Unit Conversion period + one CPU Unit cycle
Disconnection detection
Detects disconnections at each input and t urns ON the Disconnection Detection Flag.
Hardware detection time: Approx. 0.5 s max.
The process value overrange direction for when a disconnection occurs can be specified. (High: 115% of set input
range; low: −15% of set input range)
Mean value
processing (input
Calculates the moving average for the specified number of process values ( 1 to 128), and stores that value in t he CIO
Area as the process value.
Process value alarm Process value 4-point alarm (HH, H, LL, L), alarm hysteresis, and ON-del ay timer (0 to 60 s) are available.
calculation Calculates the amount of change per comparison time interval (1 to 16 s).
alarm Rate-of-change 2-point alarm (H, L), alarm hysteresis (shared with process value alarm), and ON-delay timer (0 to
60 s, shared with process value alarm) are available.
Adjustment period
When zero/span adjustment is executed, the date is internally reco rded at the Unit. When the preset zero/span
adjustment period and nu mber of days notice ha ve elapsed, t his fu nctio n tu rns ON a warning f lag to g ive notice th at
it is time for readjustment.
Peak and bottom
This function detects the maximum (pe ak) and minimum (bottom) analog input values, from when the Hold Start Bit
(output) allocated to the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF, and stores them in the Expansion
Control/Monitor Area.
Top and valley
This function detects the top and valley values for analog inputs, from when the Hold Start Bit (output) allocat ed to
the Expansion Control/Monitor Area turns ON until it turns OFF, and stores them in the Expansion Control/Monitor
Isolation Betwee n inputs and PLC signals, and between inputs: Isola tion by transformer for power supply, and by pho tocoupler
for signals.
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ (at 500 V DC) between inputs
Dielectric strength Between inputs: 1,000 V AC, at 50/60 Hz, for 1 min, leaka ge current 10 mA max.