Approval sheet
Page 6 of 7 ASC_WFxxG_V12 Apr.2011
Temperature cycling
Clause 4.19
1. 30 minutes at -55°C±3°C,
2. 2~3 minutes at 20°C+5°C-1°C,
3. 30 minutes at +155°±3°C,
4. 2~3 minutes at 20°C+5°C-1°C,
Total 5 continuous cycles.
No visible damage.
∆R/R max. J≦ ±(1%+0.1Ω)
F≦ ±(0.5%+0.05Ω)
Load life
Clause 4.25
1000 +48/-0 hours, loaded with RCWV or Vmax in chamber
controller 70±2ºC, 1.5 hours on and 0.5 hours off No visible damage.
∆R/R max. J≦ ±(3%+0.1Ω)
F≦ ±(1%+0.05Ω)
Load life in Humidity
Clause 4.24
1000 +48/-0 hours, loaded with RCWV or Vmax in humidity chamber
controller at 40°C±2°C and 90~95% relative humidity, 1.5hours on
and 0.5 hours off
No visible damage.
∆R/R max. J≦ ±(3%+0.1Ω)
F≦ ±(1%+0.05Ω)
Bending strength
Clause 4.33
Resistors mounted on a 90mm glass epoxy resin PCB(FR4);
bending : 3 mm, once for 10 seconds ∆R/R max. ±(1%+0.10Ω)
Clause 4.32
Pressurizing force: 5N, Test time: 10±1sec. No remarkable damage or
removal of the terminations.
Insulation Resistance
Clause 4.6
Apply the maximum overload voltage (DC) for 1minute R≧10GΩ
Dielectric Withstand
Clause 4.7
Apply the maximum overload voltage (AC) for 1 minute No breakdown or flashover