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WJ Communications, Inc
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High Dynamic Range CATV Amplifier Product Information
Product Features
x 50 – 1000 MHz
x ±0.2 dB Gain Flatness
x +25 dBm P1dB
x-74 dBc CTB / CSO
+39dBmV/channel, 77 channels
x +43 dBm Output IP3
x +77 dBm Output IP2
x Matched amplifiers for a push-
pull configuration
x +5V Single Positive Supply
x MTTF > 1000 years
x CATV Head End Equipment
x CATV Line Amplifiers
x FTTH Repeaters
Product Description
The AH22S is a high dynamic range amplifier targeting
cable TV markets. The combination of gain flatness,
high linearity, and bandwidth makes it ideal for CATV
distribution, cable modem, and laser diode driver
The device uses two matched devices and is ideal for
operation in a push-pull configuration to achieve high
second order linearity. A mature and reliable GaAs
MESFET technology is employed to maximize linearity
at low power dissipation. The dual amplifier is housed in
an industry standard surface-mount SOIC-8 package with
all devices being 100% RF and dc tested. This device is
available in a lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant package
with NiPdAu plating material on the leads. It is
compatible with both lead-free and lead soldering
Functional Diagram
Function Pin No.
Amp 1 Input 1
Amp 2 Input 4
Amp 2 Output 5
Amp 1 Output 8
Ground 2, 3, 6, 7,
Single-ended Device Specifications (1)
Parameter Units
Min Typ Max
Operational Bandwidth MHz 50 1000
Test Frequency MHz 800
Gain dB 13 14.5
Output IP3 (2) dBm +37 +40
Device Current mA 120 160 190
Device Voltage V 5
1. Test conditions unless otherwise noted: 25ºC, Vd = +5 V, 800 MHz on each individual single-
branch amplifier in a 50
test fixture.
2. 3OIP measured with two tones at an output power of +5 dBm/tone separated by 10 MHz. The
suppression on the largest IM3 product is used to calculate the 3OIP using a 2:1 rule.
3. Typical parameters reflect performance in a push-pull application circuit as shown on page 3. Note
that the feedback resistance values are R1 = R2 = 560
4. Balun, board, and connector losses have not been extracted, but typically account of 0.4 dB loss
midband and 1.1 dB loss at 860 MHz.
5. Measured at +39 dBmV/channel, 77 channels Flat Loading.
6. OIP2 is measured at f1 + f2 at +8 dBm / tone.
7. OIP3 is measured at 8 dBm / tone with 10 MHz spacing.
Typical Performance (3)
Parameter Units
Frequency MHz 50 250 450 860
Gain (4) dB 11.3 11.1 11.1 11.1
Input Return Loss dB 10.6 10.4 11.6 15.8
Output Return Loss dB 17.1 15.4 15.4 18.2
CTB (5) dBc -75 -74 -74
CSO (5) dBc -73 -86 -77
XMOD (5) dBc -63 -63 -63
Output P1dB dBm +25.9 +26 +25.5 +24.7
Output IP2 (6) dBm +79 +77 +77 +76
Output IP3 (7) dBm +43 +45 +42 +42
Noise Figure dB 6.1 4.6 4.5 4.2
Device Bias V +5 V @ 320 mA
Absolute Maximum Rating
Parameter Rating
Operating Case Temperature -40 to +85 qC
Storage Temperature -55 to +150 qC
Supply Voltage +6 V
RF Input Power (continuous) +13 dBm
Junction Temperature +220 qC
Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage.
Ordering Information
Part No. Description
AH22S* High Dynamic Range CATV Amplifier
(lead-tin SOIC8 Pkg)
AH22S-G High Dynamic Range CATV Amplifier
(lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant SOIC8 Pkg)
AH22S-PCB Push-pull CATV Evaluation Board
* This package is being phased out in favor of the green package type which is backwards compatible for
existing designs. Refer to Product Change Notification WJPCN06MAY05TC1 on the WJ website.