Instruction Sheet BN $e L\ it BB AM Single Siot PC Cardbus Connector (Rotary Button) 411-5942? YYTWATY FPO A-FAA TASS (O-F YU -RSY) Rev.B 1. fkEMIC 1. Introduction Ly WARD Yb PC A-EAA IAOSEIELCEAIL TIRE DIC, ABEBRA FAL. ES. PEOMPCOMRL. ARSY. RhEVOVk S417 SHICMILTHVET. Please read this sheet carefully before using Single Slot PC Cardbus connector for use right. Right button, bottom mount type product is an example in the illustration on this sheet. 2. AvF Foyt FURR 2. Treatment for Header assembly. 2-1. ROSH 21. Name of the parts. Ce ne enna TS OE tec le Tecan cnenaents| oP ATA ona, any gee ot et Se te Wl HOUSING \SROUND PLATE __ ie F et at TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 2-2. AvF Fy ty FU ORR 2-2. Treatment for Header assembly. (I, AASV-HAORRERL (PT OhIAMEN TUS TRIM TRELT Fel, REPCRUBATRET L, FHI COBRRSY, (UrOSME RIMM SHS RAH BVETF (1) Should be dasign the pattern of P.C Board for our recommended pattern layout, which is on our customer drawing. If the hole diameter or hole position isnt right, bat influsnce for soldering area or the ejector not be set normal cendition to the header. (2) AWA EF CHOLEIZ, NUE YF ORFAMERE KCTS, (2) Should be catch up both side of the housing, when handling the header. Caution EFROBNAABVET NC, AYE FY PTSYE FLHIMSALYC FEL, Not touch the contact tine or ground plate, may connected be deform ther. (3) 42 AA tit Se AS (1 O8 5678) SShBLT FAL. (3) Reflow soldering condition shauld as shown product specification (108-5678). $44 TLoha-492 FUSRRSH BR) TERA AGS 8 Tal:044-844-8079 Fax:044-812-3203 Rev.B COBMALHHILLV REP Ben KY. SRCECRBAHET, BHO AE! SU TIS HR ACBL ApecOSDBRA CRNEU KS. SSTybO FRERAT PSL, HE4E BL MO TITHILG : 0. 15Nm~O. 2Nm( 1. 5~2 Kafeom) ICTHRLILET. (5) When screw lock to the ejector, please support the bottom side of bracket as shown. Screw locked torque : O. 15Nm~O0. 2Nm( 1. S5~2 Kef+cm) ae SUPPORT STAND S4Q LEVpOaFA FUSE PART eR ARSSS Tel044-844-8079 Fax.044-812-3203 Rev.B LOMB S SHC kVR RS BSn ch. BRC BSHNET, BVORELONTSHRARRARIRCSAY Abe ESL, 3 of 4 ne 1996 by AMP Incorporated. All Right Reserved. Released Par EC Fuc0-0816-00ANP Single Slot PC Cardbus Gonnector (Rotary Button) YYAPNADYb PC A-KEAA 2R9H9 (O-SU-HS Y) 411-5942 oET BET ECE VER aa) mE AB LTR REVISION RECORD DR CHK APVD DATE oO REREASED (FJ00-1957-99) 5.Hashimoto K. Asakawa Y- Yamamoto 16 Nov 99 A REVISED (FJ00-0273-00) H.Hoshino J.Tanigawa T. Yamada 14 Feb 00 B REVISED (FJ00-0816-00) H Hoshino Ti Fading (3 aregacane HAY LC S43 TLAAOAIR FU PRARH II) MEARSS8S Tel044-844-8079 Fax:044~812-3203 Rev.B COBB S SHI KVR ER BSenT BY. BRICMCRRSHET, BORE CA SHER SIEM SheCeSl, 4 of 4 Copyright 1996 by AMP Incorporated. All Right Reserved. ae Released Per EC FJO0-0816-00