The ADC121S625 analog-to-digital converter uses a successive approximation register (SAR) architecture based
upon capacitive redistribution containing an inherent sample/hold function. The architecture and process allow
the ADC121S625 to acquire and convert an analog signal at sample rates up to 200,000 conversions per second
while consuming very little power.
The ADC121S625 requires an external reference and external clock, and a single +5V power source that can be
as low as +4.5V. The external reference can be any voltage between 100mV and 2.5V. The value of the
reference voltage determines the range of the analog input, while the reference input current depends on the
conversion rate.
The external clock can take on values as indicated in the ADC121S625 Converter Electrical Characteristics
section of this data sheet. The duty cycle of the clock is essentially unimportant, provided the minimum clock
high and low times are met. The minimum clock frequency is set by internal capacitor leakage. Each conversion
requires 16 SCLK cycles to complete. Short cycling can reduce this to 14 or 15 SCLK cycles, depending upon
whether the clock edge after the fall of CS is a rise or a fall. See the Timing Diagrams.
The analog input is presented to the two input pins: +IN and –IN. Upon initiation of a conversion, the differential
input at these pins is sampled on the internal capacitor array. The inputs are disconnected from internal circuitry
while a conversion is in progress.
The digital conversion result is clocked out by the SCLK input and is provided serially, most significant bit first, at
the DOUT pin. The digital data that is provided at the DOUT pin is that of the conversion currently in progress. It is
possible to continue to clock the ADC121S625 after the conversion is complete and to obtain the serial data least
significant bit first. Each bit of the data word (including the leading null bit) is clocked out on subsequent falling
edges of SCLK and can be clocked into the receiving device on the rising edges. See SERIAL DIGITAL
INTERFACE and timing diagram for more information.
The externally supplied reference voltage sets the analog input range. The ADC121S625 will operate with a
reference voltage in the range of 100mV to 2.5V. However, care must be exercised when the reference voltage
is less than 500 millivolts.
As the reference voltage is reduced, the range of input voltages corresponding to each digital output code is
reduced. That is, a smaller analog input range corresponds to one LSB (Least Significant Bit). The size of one
LSB is equal to twice the reference voltage divided by 4096. When the LSB size goes below the noise floor of
the ADC121S625, the noise will span an increasing number of codes and overall noise performance will suffer.
That is, for dynamic signals the SNR will degrade and for d.c. measurements the code uncertainty will increase.
Since the noise is Gaussian in nature, the effects of this noise can be reduced by averaging the results of a
number of consecutive conversions.
Additionally, since offset and gain errors are specified in LSB, any offset and/or gain errors inherent in the A/D
converter will increase in terms of LSB size as the reference voltage is reduced.
The ADC121S625 is more sensitive to nearby signals and EMI (electromagnetic interference) when a low
reference voltage is used. For this reason, extra care should be exercised in planning a clean layout, a low noise
reference and a clean power supply when using low reference voltages.
The reference input and the analog inputs are connected to the capacitor array through a switch matrix when the
input is sampled. Hence, the only current required at the reference and at the analog inputs is only a series of
transient spikes. The amount of these current spikes will depend, to some degree, upon the conversion code, but
will not vary a great deal.
The current required to recharge the input capacitance at the reference and analog signal inputs will cause
voltage spikes at these pins. Do not try to filter our these noise spikes. Rather, ensure that the transient settles
out during the sample period (1.5 clock cycles after the fall at the CS input).
Lower reference voltages will decrease the current pulses at the reference input and, therefore, will slightly
decrease the average input current there because the internal capacitance is required to take on a lower charge
at lower reference voltages. The reference current changes only slightly with temperature. See the curves,
“Reference Current vs. Sample Rate”, “Reference Current vs. Temperature” and “SNR vs. VREF” in the Typical
Performance Characteristics section.
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