1181 Tap e
Copper Foil with Conductive Adhesive
Data Sheet
Product Description
3M 1181 Ta pe consists of a 1-ounce
deadsoft copper foi l backi ng and a unique
electrically conductive pressure-sensitive
acr yl ic ad h es ive.
• Deadsoft 1-ounce c opper foil bac ki ng
• Conductiv e ac ryl i c adhe si ve
• Supplied on a rem ova ble liner for easy
handl i ng and diecutting
Like al l 3M shieldi ng tape s, 3M 1181 is
ava i la bl e in standa rd and custom widths a nd
le ngths. Standard length is 18 yards.
• Widths f rom 1/ 4” to 23”
• Longer lengths up to seve ral times normal
le ngth, depende nt upon w i dth. Check with
Customer Service.
3M 1181Ta pe is typically used for
appl ications requir i ng exce l lent el ectr i ca l
conduc tivi ty from the application substrate
through the adhe si ve to the f oil bac ki ng.
Common uses include groundi ng and EMI
shie l di ng i n equi pme nt, components, shielded
rooms, etc. The copper foil backing is
solde rable and resists ox i dation and
Shielding Effectiveness
Many fac tors dete r mi ne the true s hiel d i ng
effectiveness of a shielding tape, including
type and thic kness of f oil, adhesive type,
intimacy of c ontact, smoothness of
appl ic ation surfac e, str e ngth and frequency of
the EMI si gnal , e tc. Howeve r , using standard
tests and fixtures, it is possible to determine a
value for the attenuati on.
For 3M 1181 Tape, typica l shielding
effectiveness (far field) is in the range of 60dB
to 80dB (30 MHz to 1 GHz).
Properties Typical Values
Ba c king thickness 11. 4 mil (0,04mm)
Total thickn ess (backing plus adhesive) 22.6 mi l (.066mm)
Breaking strength 1 25 lb./in (44 N/10mm)
Adhesion to steel 1 35 oz/in (3,8 N/10mm)
Electrical resistance through adhesive 2 0.005 ohm
Flame retard anc y 3 Pass
* Footnote: 1. Test meth od AS TM D 1000
2. MIL-STD-202 Method 3 07 maintained at 5 psi (3, 4 N/cm2) measured over 1 in2 surface area. Conductive particles in the adhesive
provide the electrical path between the application substrate and the foil backing.
3. UL-r ecognized fo r flame ret ardancy pe r UL 510, Product Category 0AN Z2, F il e E17385.