MIL.S.19500/24D 18 March 1970 SUPERSEDING MI L-s.19500/24c 14 May 1963 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, TRANSISTOR, PNP, GERMANIUM, POWER TYPE 2N 158 This specifimticm partmenls is mandatory nnd/lgcncics for use of the Department by .11 Ocof Dcfensc. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification 1.2 Physicaf dimetions. covers the detail rcquirermnts for a PNP, germanium, power transistor, See figure 1. 1.3 Maximum ratings. 3EEEEE ~ Derntc linearly 0.283 W~C {or TA >25" C. 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation form a pnrt of the specification to the extent specified herein. for bids or request for propowd, SPECIFICATION MILfTARY i }il L-S-l 9500. %nicond".tor Devices, Gcmral Sp.mificntio" for, FSC 5961 .$.".. L-a. . . ,Ymlu, . . . . . ... .. ." STANDARD ?, OLITARY' ?JII,.STD .750 (Copim for !jernimnduct.r Dwiccs. of specifications, ~tmdards, drawir~s, and publication. specific proc.rernenl required by suppliers in c.nmction functions should k. obtained from the procuring .cti\ity with or m direcwt by tbc contracting 011,..,,) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Ge.mnl. I{cquircmmts 3.2 shall be i. mi.rda.w wilh !IIL-S.19500, Abbreviations, syrnbofs, md de finitimm `flw abbrrvialions, and .s .pccifiml hcrci., symbols, and definitions used herein arc defined in MIL-S. 19500. 3.3 Design, construction, physical dimnsi.n. how. z.d pbysicat dimensions. Trm,t.lots shc.tfbe .[ tbe design, w.structim, and on figure 1. 3.4 Performance chamcteristicm Prrformancr .Itaravtmistims haO be .s specified in tablm 1,11, and 01. 3.5 Marking. Ttw following transi40r at the optiw marking , lied in NIL-S. 19S00 may ix omit ~.d from tbe body of & of th, rmnufmt.rm: (.) Country ./ origin. (b) Nmm(.cturcr's 4. QUALITY idcrttification. ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sampling and inspcctio.. SOmpti.g and inspection shall ht. in accordance wiib 3!IL.S. 19,500, and M specifi~'d b~r?in. 4.2 Qu.difimtio. impectio.. Qu.lificati.. i.sp-.ti.n shall ,romist .1 the ex.mirmti.m and t..sls tiprcificd in tables 1, 0, md 10. 4.3 Quality ccmformance inspection. Qtmlity wmforrnmrc i.,pmlim .hafl c.rwist of group A, B, and C inspection. 4.3.1 Croup .1 ion. Group A in,pc.t ion shall consist of ttw cx.tninali..s a"d twts spmified i. bible 1. 4.3.? croup B in~pcction. GCOIIP B iw~'~ti.rl 51330 ruvl+t of lhc r~amirlation~ and M, specified in tabl. u. 4.3.3 Group c fn$pc~tion. Croup c iw~~ti.:1 .hao <'<>rlsi*i ~~fih(" t'xaminati~na a:ld t=!a specified in table 01, Thu inspection hall b,, cmducted on 11,,,initi.1 1.( nml thm,afler ,WTy 6 months during production. 4.3.4 Iif..tmt, Group B md mtnpl.s .hdl C Iifc-tmt wmplm. %mpbw that haw bccu mbjcctcd t. ~o.p on lw1 to 1,000 Ito.m i" ,,rd.r b. prrdwignat.d, they have p.sncd lb. 340.ho.r group may be mnt inwd .nd shafl rcmair, mbjccted t{, the grmp c 1.BBO-h..r group D. 340.hmr test and during the s.b, B, 340.ho.r to satisfy grtmp C fife-fcst rqukcmmts. criteria, The c.rn.lali.c Tbex acc.ptmnce wahmtion after total .f failtme~ found during i"tcmnl up to 1000 hours mhallbe computed for 1,MtO.ho.r .cceptance criicrim(m. 4.3.3). 4.4 MeOIoda of examination md Id. Methods of .xwnimti.. md 01. 2 and test shalt be as tipccikd in tablm I, O, MI L-s- 19500/24D `o 1 4 -28 ~"MIN l--;+ UNF-2B FULL THREAD +='=j `{ 7 c E DIA + SEE'NOTE 4 2 0 .Id $' r-l .4+' $% ~-- "y 0 I NOTES: 1. Metric equivalents (to the nearest .01 mm)are and are based upon 1 inch = 25.4 mm. 2. Three leads ewallyswced. 3. The lead arra&em-ent sballbe as follow% . . . Bfack Lead 1. . . . . . Collector... Lead 2 . . . . .. White . . . . . . . .. White Lead 3. . . . .. EmiRtir . . . . . ..Rti 4. Tbe collector shailbe electrically comectedto FIGURE 1. Pby6ical dimensions 3 given for general information the case. of transistorty pe 2N158. only I TABLE]. MSLS.1951WZ4D Gm.p,limpmlim AIIL-STD.750 Examination ., Subgroup ?iiual snd Sub,qmup exmmin,tion cofkctm to bw 3001 Mm mnd D, lc = .1.0 vdt~ .Ldlc,tor , 3@s1 to emitter cutoff -"t Mcctor to b- cutoff Currcnl Xfcctnr 3036 3036 3061 to k cu:mf Bim cmd. D, m,\dc C, VCE = .60 \,dc Svbpy Ilk rend. 40 Vdc BVCEO .30 Vdc D; B&ccmd, = 1.5 mAdc IC3D lcm "Ad. Ictlo 1.0 mddx D, 0.5 rddc ).85 Vdc 1.3 Vdc 0.75 Vdc lEBO .30 \,dc 5 3 (n.m,turmd) vdbgc emitter,dhge (mtura!ed) 3C66 T..: ccmd B: `BE 3066 Tat ccmd lB =.0,5 Ad, A, EfE(@ lB=-150m,idc: 3071 Fcmwrd.cwmnt transfer ratio 3076 \,cE = .2 Vdc: lc = .0.5 Ad, `FE ?mward-cwmn L wmafc, r, tio 3076 \,cE = .2 Vdc, Ic = .1.0 Ad. `m. Subgroup cutoff m,\dc; fc = .1.0 IX(4 ,\dc -. 21 10 13 10 J short.armit Fmwrd.cumm ID = -150 -- lc=-l.0,\dc :*,1O. to etitlm WJtq (,.huated) infl.dgml -- .60 Vd< \,c E -- . ~ . \,dc, k rfvcBo Icfs Lb! ccmd. D: VEB current emitter -- mAdc Ic = .2.50 VCB = -"1 kin=, -- VCB = .2 Vdc 10 k cutoff & 3011 10 mni:tm :Cdkctor Unil -- K. 5 2 wltq, lmtidmwn M.. S,mbd 10 ) UEchticd ]m*d.w !-imils .TPD test 3301 t trm,fcr.rati. \!cg =.2 Vdci Ic = .0.5 `h(e k![z 4 Ad. fre.umw TADLEU. Group BiIupTdrm. -- MIL-STD-750 ExmdmJ,ic.n hyicd (kmp.tllm -- `2026 1051 cycling) ffnil 15 2 chock M. x -- 2066 Cdl!erllq' Iwrtnd !ki. 10 I dilmtion, Subgroup S,mbd Detail, Mmhod Subgroup Limi,s .ITD O, I*SI Tc,t T ~x. cmd. B, cxccpt +lfwc 4 -- -- MIW193DW=D Croup TADLfifl. Bimpcli... tin1tcdcd -- -- Limit, M[L-STD-750 Examination or test De,oll, ,.,hd Hi. h. hit -- Subgroup ,c,md 2. Cuntinucd chock (~ass ntrmn) d (kA rare) 056 Test 071 Tat ted ohm mistzllcc con d. A omd. C m H (o, fine c-d. X107 Ids; ~ lab 021 omit him 1036 f3=umd.D; .tm dam A, C. l) m F fm .mditioning td pcinta: CL4kzctor m k cut off Emi :Qr mln.m 1 0S1 to_&c cutoff VCB = .bO Vdc Em cad. \,EB current Forwankment lmder mtio !076 D; cm 1,0 nAdc ESO 0,5 nAdc = .3D Vdc YCE = -2 Vdc, IFS 13 10 lc=.l.OAdc S"bgmup 15 3 2016 t.* Nmqcmdng 5@3 in cd 5 Uowa C, 1 me, Ori.nwi.m: xl.yl,~?.mdzt ibrn Lim, .mi*& Mlslmt fmqmmcy mcekr.ticm w,6 100to !X16 5000 X1. lcmo N% 10G G in ,,* Y1, .arkntid.m: Y2, mdZ1 nd @rim: (Sam as MJbg.aup S.bpql ermimf nhm@h 2) 20 4 (bad fatigx) 2036 Test cad. 1071 Tat cmd. lest cond. -- E nd points: *II (lm! ~ Subgrmy dl .Cmcapk=re "d painw (same li+.lcmp.ilm (n_wr~W fine ;Xlw' Id=: 20 (comma) lIX1 2) 7 6 life 1032 %=+ 'omc'`m =`oh""m (ccc 4.3.4) ma C&c Ida 5 =! `"bw.p Subgroup C m H for A, C, D or F for MIS,.S.i%WF3/24D TAB~.E 11. Croup R inqwtian ilmtinuad Limits MIL.STD-750 Exmnirmtior, or LTPD test, S+py 6. k. U"l t - .~o m4dc lEBO - 10 h FE B so Ml" 1(:RO Cunfinu,d nd ptinls: Ccdkctm to k CUt"fr ~mit!m 3336 cumnt t" k Bim V(:B CU(olr Curlrnt 306 I Mm \E. Fmmktmrr.1 bmifcr 3076 ratio wn,d. l), = .60 r-d. \dc D, mAd, =.30\dc V(:E,.2.\dr: - lc=.l,OAdc Snbp.p Ir.**tafr 10 7 op.tim I 02. life Tc = +(xT ,5%: t,,,, --14 . . . \dc: . PT=7R:tim'=3tOhoum (m $3.4) nd pcin!n (Sam w ,uhgwup 6) TAB1.E 111. Croup C in,pec. t,an .h, ch .) 1 111.. re th. t suit.b c product. can be pm.. red with i !r,,mm mm.aunt of .del,y mnd ,! the 1.,,, c s,. bents .n~ the re~.rn of thic }... .,11 b. .ppr.c,.d, Fold m ,.8 send to ~r,p.r,r,~ act,v,,y (.. ta,, z.,,d an ,,..,,, h,,ee f,. ,..on rerermc ,,de, s,,F.1o ,. corner, CC IF ICATION A TlON ~12 ml (0/ .ab. i,t. r) CITT NO. w AN TIWOF I w w AND STATE PRoOJ RED DOLLAR No UNT 1 hTw!l A1. HAS PRG.c" RELl UNDER A n Q,nEc~ ,0vC9NMCNT CONTRACT PART OF THE SPK I FICATION CREATEO ANY . . ., v, ..".. ,. ",,,..,.0 ".," ""..,, .,,,., . . . ,." .. O SUBCONTRACT pR0BLEM5 OR REWIRED !NTERPRE7AT10N IN PROCIJREMENT IJSE7 ,0,... ,0,",,,,". ,", ,,, ,,, ,".,,,. COWENT5 15 ON THE tiNY SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION c1 CCU51DERED TOO RIGID RC5TR1CTIVE1 O ,,~ RETIREMENT `o IF `,CS-, IN .IIAT ..,1 RWARKS ,,...1 IWITTEO .".. (A II. P. P.,., (Pramt*d BY ,., . . ~, w'31*~'J Ch any .:1.. .rtincnf f O, t. f.,. t,ped d.t. .hich andplac< "... .nd ..y, b. of.. c i. both ," an . ..c1oP. ..11" i.vovi.6 addr<,, Ihi$ ed 117) REPLACES NAVSHIP5FORM,063, $P.. if.i.. 10 P.cP.. DATE .w,." ,, .. S"LLTE z.8. ,iq. clL" .If E1, th.r? J are .ddi -