D0061 Issue 1
Vigortronix, 16 De Havilland Way, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 0YG, UK
Tel. +44 (0)1993 777570 Fax. +44 (0)1993 777580 Web. www.vigortronix.com E-mail: sales@vigortronix.com
Vigortronix is a trading name of Vigortronix (UK) Limited
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5 Watt Miniature
AC-DC Converters
Model: 5 Watt Specication
Pin 1: N
Pin 2: L
Voltage Range 90 - 264VAC / 47 - 63Hz
Current 100mA Max (100VAC) / 70mA Max (240VAC)
Inrush Current 20A Max (100VAC) / 40A Max (240VAC)
No Load power <0.3W Max
Leakage Current 0.3 mA Max
Pin 5: DC+
Pin 4: DC-
Pin 3: N/A
Voltage Accuracy 1%
Ripple <60mV Max (Vp-p)
Noise <1% Vout Max (Vp-p)
Efciency >74%
Minimum Load 0
Over Power Hiccup mode
Over Voltage Hiccup mode
Short Circuit Protection Hiccup mode
Isolation Input to Output 3600Vrms, 5mA 1 Min (4200VAC 2sec)
Operating Temperature -25OC - +70OC (Full Load)
Storage Temperature -40OC - +85OC
MTBF 450,000Hrs @ 25OC (MIL-HDBK-217F)
Weight 17g
Safety Agency Approval EN60950-1, UL , C-UL
EMI Compliance with EN55022 Class B
EMS Compliance with EN55024, EN55014-1, EN55014-2,
EN61000-3-2 Class A, EN61000-3-3