Differential Hall Effect Sensor IC
in CMOS technology
Release Notes: Revision bars indicate significant
changes to the previous edition.
1. Introduction
The HAL300 is a differential Hall switch produced in
CMOS technology. The sensor includes 2 temperature-
compensated Hall plates (2.05 mm apart) with active off-
set compensation, a differential amplifier with a Schmitt
trigger, and an open-drain output transistor (see Fig.
The HAL300 is a differential sensor which responds to
spatial differences of the magnetic field. The Hall volt-
ages at the two Hall plates, S1 and S2, are amplified with
a differential amplifier. The differential signal is
compared with the actual switching level of the internal
Schmitt trigger. Accordingly, the output transistor is
switched on or off.
The sensor has a bipolar switching behavior and re-
quires positive and negative values of ∆B = BS1 – BS2 for
correct operation.
The HAL300 is an ideal sensor for applications with a ro-
tating multi-pole-ring in front of the branded side of the
package (see Fig. 3–1, Fig. 3–2 and Fig. 3–3), such as
ignition timing and revolution counting.
For applications in which a magnet is mounted on the
back side of the package (back-biased applications), the
HAL320 is recommended.
The active offset compensation leads to constant mag-
netic characteristics over supply voltage and tempera-
The sensor is designed for industrial and automotive ap-
plications and operates with supply voltages from 4.5 V
to 24 V in the ambient temperature range from –40 °C
up to 150 °C.
The HAL300 is available in the SMD-package
SOT89B-2 and in the leaded versions TO92UA-3 and
1.1. Features:
– distance between Hall plates: 2.05 mm
– operates from 4.5 V to 24 V supply voltage
– switching offset compensation at 62 kHz
– overvoltage protection
– reverse-voltage protection at VDD-pin
– short-circuit protected open-drain output by thermal
– operates with magnetic fields from DC to 10 kHz
– output turns low with magnetic south pole on branded
side of package and with a higher magnetic flux densi-
ty in sensitive area S1 as in S2
– on-chip temperature compensation circuitry mini-
mizes shifts of the magnetic parameters over temper-
ature and supply voltage range
– the decrease of magnetic flux density caused by rising
temperature in the sensor system is compensated by
a built-in negative temperature coefficient of hystere-
– EMC corresponding to ISO 7637
1.2. Marking Code
Type Temperature Range
HAL300 300A 300K
1.2.1. Special Marking of Prototype Parts
Prototype parts are coded with an underscore beneath the
temperature range letter on each IC. They may be used
for lab experiments and design-ins but are not intended to
be used for qualification tests or as production parts.
1.3. Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ)
A: TJ = –40 °C to +170 °C
K: TJ = –40 °C to +140 °C
The relationship between ambient temperature (TA) and
junction temperature (TJ) is explained in section 4.1. on
page 19.