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The Z02922 is specifically designed for use in embedded modem applications where space, performance, and low power consumption are key requirements. The Z02922 TransPro includes a Quick Connect handshake option that allows the user to make handshakes in 50 milliseconds or less. This feature is especially useful in transaction processing applications such as credit card terminals and network access controllers, where a small amount of data is transmitted. Operating over the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the Z02922 TransProTM meets the modem standards for V.29, V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103. The Z02922 includes automatic handshakes, and also includes manual control over handshake timings. Manual handshake control allows the user to develop handshakes for specific requirements, such as for some point of sale equipment that includes custom handshakes. A typical modem application can be created by simply adding a control microprocessor (Host), phone line interface, and DTE interface (see Figure 1). The Z02922 TransPro performs HDLC framing at all speeds. This capability eliminates the requirement for an external Serial Input/Output (SIO) device for Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) in products incorporating error control. All modulation, demodulation, filtering, A/D and D/A conversion functions for transmit and receive are provided on-chip. Automatic and selectable compromise equalizers are included to optimize performance over a wide range of line types. The Z02922 device compensates for a wide variety of adverse line conditions by using a combination of fixed link, fixed cable, and adaptive equalizers. The Z02922 provides comprehensive selectable and programmable tone generation and detection. All digital I/O signals are TTL compatible. The parallel interface is compatible with standard 8-bit microprocessors, allowing direct access to eight I/O registers and indirect access to the modem RAM. The RAM access capability allows the Host to retrieve diagnostic data, modem/line status and control data, and set programmable coefficients. The serial interface is used for data transfer. All control and status information is transferred by means of the parallel interface. The Z02922 transmit drivers and receive amplifiers can be connected directly to a Data Access Arrangement (DAA) by means of a transformer. Completing this connection reduces the external circuits to a minimum. In addition, the Z02922 offers further system level savings by providing built-in filters for both the Transmitter Analog Output and the Receiver Analog Input, thus eliminating the requirement for external filtering components. The Z02922 device operates on a single +5 VDC power supply. During periods of no traffic, the Host can place the modem into 5.''2 mode, reducing power consumption to less than 1 percent of full load power. 3% = 7UDQVDFWLRQ3URFHVVLQJ0RGHP'DWD3XPSZLWK,QWHJUDWHG$)( Power connections follow conventional descriptions below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efer to the Z02922 Product Update (KWWSZZZVRIWDUWFDSURGXFWVHUUSGI) for software differences between the two ROM code versions. The Product Update also list workarounds for Version 0x3A of the ROM code. For fast results, contact your local ZiLOG sales office for assistance in ordering this part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