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Microwire Serial EEPROM
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Table of Content
1 FEATURES ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 4
3 PIN CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................. 5
4 BLOCK DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................... 6
5 DEVICE OPERATION .................................................................................................... 7
6 TIMING DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................... 9
7 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ............................................................................ 12
8 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................... 13
9 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................... 14
10 ORDERING INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 15
11 PACKAGE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 16
12 REVISION HISTORY.................................................................................................. 18
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Industry-standard Microwire Interface
Wide-voltage Operation
Vcc = 1.8V to 5.5V
1 MHz (1.8V), 2 MHz (2.5V), 3 MHz (5.5V)
Standby current
6uA (max.) 1.8V
Operating current
1mA (max.) 1.8V
User Configured Memory Organization
256x16-bit (ORG = Vcc or Floating) or 512x8-bit (ORG = 0V)
Self timed write cycle: 5 ms (max.)
Hardware and software write protection
Defaults to write-disabled state at power-up
Software instructions for write-enable/disable
CMOS technology
Versatile, easy-to-use interface
Automatic erase-before-write
Programming status indicator
Byte, Word and chip single erasable
Chip select enables power savings
Noise immunity on inputs, besides Schmitt trigger
Endurance: 1 million cycles
Data retention: 100 years
Packages: SOIC/SOP and TSSOP
Lead-free, RoHS, Halogen free, Green
Copyright © 2010 Giantec Semiconductor Inc. (Giantec) All rights reserved. Giantec reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its
products at any time without notice. Giantec products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment
intended for critical medical or surgical equipment, aerospace or military, or other applications planned to support or sustain life. It is the customer's
obligation to optimize the design in their own products for the best performance and optimization on the functionality and etc. Giantec assumes no
liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version
of this device specification before relying on any published information and prior placing orders for products.
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The GT93C66 is 4kb non-volatile serial EEPROM with memory array of 4,096 bits. The
array can be organized as either 512 bytes of 8 bits or 256 words of 16 bits via the ORG
control. Utilizing the CMOS design and process, these products provide low standby
current and low power operations. The devices can operate in a wide supply voltage range
from 1.8V to 5.5V, with frequency up to 3MHz.
When the ORG pin is connected to Vcc or floating, x16 is selected. Conversely, when it
is connected to ground, x8 is chosen.
An instruction Op-code defines the various operations of the devices, including read,
write, and mode-enable functions. To protect against inadvertent data modification, all
write and erase instructions are merely accepted while the device is in write enable mode.
A selected x8 byte or x16 word can be modified with a single WRITE or ERASE
instruction. Additionally, the WRITE ALL or ERASE ALL instruction can program or
erase the entire array, respectively. Once a device begins its self-timed program procedure,
the data out pin (Dout) can indicate the READY/BUSY status by raising chip select (CS).
The devices can output any number of consecutive bytes/words using a single READ
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Table 3.1: Pin Descriptions
Pin Name Descriptions
CS Chip Select
SK Serial Data Clock
DIN Serial Data Input
DOUT Serial Data Output
GND Ground
ORG Organization Select
NC Not Connect
VCC Supply Voltage
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Device Operations
The GT93C66 is controlled by a set of instructions which are clocked-in serially on the Din pin. Before
each low-to-high transition of the clock (SK), the CS pin must have already been raised to HIGH, and the
Din value must be stable at either LOW or HIGH. Each instruction begins with a start bit of the logical “1”
or HIGH. Following this are the Op-code, address field, and data, if appropriate. The clock signal may be
held stable at any moment to suspend the device at its last state, allowing clock speed flexibility. Upon
completion of bus communication, CS would be pulled LOW. The device then would enter Standby mode
if no internal programming is underway.
Read (READ)
The READ instruction is the only instruction that outputs serial data on the DOUT pin. After the read
instruction and address have been decoded, data is transferred from the selected memory array into a serial
shift register. (Please note that one logical “0” bit precedes the actual 8 or 16-bit output data string.) The
output on DOUT changes during the low-to-high transitions of SK (see Figure 3).
The GT93C66 is designed to output a continuous stream of memory content in response to a single read
operation instruction. To utilize this function, the system asserts a read instruction specifying a start
location address. Once the 8 or 16 bits of the addressed register have been clocked out, the data in
consecutively higher address locations is output. The address will wrap around continuously with CS HIGH
until the chip select (CS) control pin is brought LOW. This allows for single instruction data dumps to be
executed with a minimum of firmware overhead.
Write Enable (WEN)
The write enable (WEN) instruction must be executed before any device programming (WRITE, WRALL,
ERASE, and ERAL) can be done. When Vcc is applied, this device powers up in the write disabled state.
The device then remains in a write disabled state until a WEN instruction is executed. Thereafter, the device
remains enabled until a WDS instruction is executed or until Vcc is removed. (See Figure 4.) (Note: Chip
select must remain LOW until Vcc reaches its operational value.)
Write Disable (WDS)
The write disable (WDS) instruction disables all programming capabilities. This protects the entire device
against accidental modification of data until a WEN instruction is executed. (When Vcc is applied, this part
powers up in the write disabled state.) To protect data, a WDS instruction should be executed upon
completion of each programming operation.
Write (WRITE)
The WRITE instruction writes 8 or 16 bits of data into the specified memory location. After the last data bit
has been applied to DIN, and before the next rising edge of SK, CS must be brought LOW. If the device is
write-enabled, then the falling edge of CS initiates the self-timed programming cycle (see WEN). If CS is
brought HIGH, after a minimum wait of 200 ns after the falling edge of CS (tCS) DOUT will indicate the
READY/BUSY status of the chip. Logical “0” means programming is still in progress; logical “1” means
the selected memory array has been written, and the part is ready for another instruction (see Figure 5). The
READY/BUSY status will not be available if the CS input goes HIGH after the end of the self-timed
programming cycle (tWP).
Write All Memory (WRAL)
The write all (WRALL) instruction programs entire memory with the data pattern specified in the
instruction. As with the WRITE instruction, the falling edge of CS must occur to initiate the self-timed
programming cycle. If CS is then brought HIGH after a minimum wait of 200 ns (tCS), the DOUT pin
indicates the READY/BUSY status of the chip (see Figure 6).
Erase (ERASE)
After the erase instruction is entered, CS must be brought LOW. The falling edge of CS initiates the self-
timed internal programming cycle. Bringing CS HIGH after a minimum of tCS, will cause DOUT to indicate
the READ/BUSY status of the chip: a logical “0” indicates programming is still in progress; a logical “1”
indicates the erase cycle is complete and the part is ready for another instruction (see Figure 8).
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Erase All Memory (ERAL)
Full chip erase is provided for ease of programming. Erasing the entire chip involves setting all bits in the
entire memory array to a logical “1” (see Figure 9).
Power-On Reset (POR)
The device incorporates a Power-On Reset (POR) circuitry which protects the internal logic against
powering up into a wrong state. The device will power up into Standby mode after VCC exceeds the POR
trigger level and will power down into Reset mode when VCC drops below the POR trigger level. This POR
feature protects the device being ‘brown-out’ due to a sudden power loss or power cycling.
In order to refrain the state machine entering into a wrong state during power-up sequence or a power
toggle off-on condition, a power on reset (POR) circuit is embedded. During power-up, the device does not
respond to any instruction until VCC has reached a minimum stable level above the reset threshold voltage.
Once VCC passes the POR threshold, the device is reset and enters in Standby mode. This can also avoid any
inadvertent Write operations during power-up stage. During power-down process, the device must enter
into standby mode, once VCC drops below the power on reset threshold voltage. In addition, the device will
enter standby mode after current operation completes, provided that no internal write operation is in
Instruction [2] Start
Bit OP
8-bit Organization
(ORG = GND) 16-bit Organization
(ORG = Vcc or Floating)
Address[1] Data[1] Required
Address[1] Data[1] Required
WDS (Write
1 00 0 0xxx xxxx 12 00xx xxxx 11
WEN (Write Enable) 1 00 1 1xxx xxxx 12 11xx xxxx 11
ERAL (Erase All
1 00 1 0xxx xxxx 12 10xx xxxx 11
WRAL (Write All
1 00 0 1xxx xxxx (D7-D0) 20 01xx xxxx (D15-D0) 27
WRITE 1 01 (A8-A0) (D7-D0) 20 (A7-A0) (D15-D0) 27
READ 1 10 (A8-A0) — 12 (A7-A0) — 11
ERASE 1 11 (A8-A0) — 12 (A7-A0) — 11
1. x = Don't care bit.
2. Exact number of clock cycles is required for each Op-code instruction.
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Fig. 2: Synchronous Data Timing
Fig. 3: Read Cycle Timing
Fig. 4: Write Enable (WEN) Cycle Timing
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Fig. 5: Write (Write) Cycle Timing
1. After the completion of the instruction (DOUT is in READY status) then it may perform another
instruction. If device is in BUSY status (DOUT indicates BUSY status) then attempting to perform another
instruction could cause device malfunction.
2. To determine address bits An-A0 and data bits Dm-D0, see Instruction Set for the specific device.
Fig. 6: Write All (WRALL) Cycle Timing
1. After the completion of the instruction (DOUT is in READY status) then it may perform another instruction. If
device is in BUSY status (DOUT indicates BUSY status) then attempting to p erform another instruction could
cause device malfunction.
2. To determine data bits Dm-D0, see Instruction Set for the appropriate device.
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Fig. 7: Write Disable (WDS) Timing
Fig. 8: Erase (Erase) Cycle Timing
Fig. 9: Erase All (ERAL) Cycle Timing
Note for Figures 8 and 9:
1. After the completion of the instruction (DOUT is in READY status) then it may perform another instruction. If
device is in BUSY status (DOUT indicates BUSY status) then attempting to p erform another instruction could
cause device malfunction.
2. To determine data bits An - A0, see Instruction Set for the appropriate device.
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Table 7.1: Absolute Maximum Ratings [1]
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
VCC Supply Voltage -0.5 to +6.5 V
VP Voltage on Any Pin -0.5 to Vcc + 0.5 V
TBIAS Temperature Under Bias –55 to +125 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature –65 to +150 °C
IOUT Output Current 5 mA
[1] Stress greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent
damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any
other conditions outside those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
Table 7.2: Industrial Operation
VCC Ambient Temperature (TA) Grade
1.8V to 5.5V -40°C to +85°C Industrial (I)
Note: Giantec offers Industrial grade for Commercial applications (0°C to +70°C).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Max. Unit
CIN Input Capacitance VIN = 0V 6 pF
COUT Input /Output Capacitance VOUT = 0V 8 pF
1. Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect these parameters and not 100%
2. Test conditions: TA = 25°C, f = 1 MHz, Vcc = 5.0V.
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Table 8.1: DC Characteristics
TA = –40°C to +85°C for Industrial
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Max. Unit
VOL1 Output LOW Voltage VCC = 1.8V~5.5V, IOL = 100 uA 0.2 V
VOL2 Output LOW Voltage VCC = 2.5V~5.5V, IOL = 2.1 mA 0.4 V
VOH1 Output HIGH Voltage VCC = 1.8V~5.5V, IOH = -0.1mA VCC – 0.2 V
VOH2 Output HIGH Voltage VCC = 2.5V~5.5V, IOH = -0.4mA 2.4 V
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 1.8V to 5.5V 0.7*VCC V
CC +1 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage 1.8V to 5.5V -0.3 0.2*VCC V
ILI Input Leakage Current VIN = 0V to VCC (CS, SK,DIN,ORG) 0 2.5 μA
ILO Output Leakage Current VOUT = 0V to VCC, CS = 0V 0 2.5 μA
Table 8.2: Power Supply Characteristics
(TA = –40°C to +85°C for Industrial)
Symbol Parameter Vcc Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Vcc Supply Voltage 1.8 5.5 V
ISB1 Standby current 1.8
CS = GND, SK = GND, ORG = Vcc or
Floating (x16), DIN = Vcc or GND
— 0.1 1 μA
2.5 — 0.1 2 μA
5.5 — 0.2 4 μA
ISB2 Standby current 1.8
CS = GND, SK = GND, ORG = GND (x8),
DIN = Vcc or GND
— 6 10 μA
2.5 — 6 10 μA
5.5 — 10 15 μA
ICC-Read Read current 1.8 CS = VIH, SK = 1 MHz, CMOS input levels — 0.1 1 mA
2.5 CS = VIH, SK = 2 MHz, CMOS input levels — 0.2 1 mA
5.5 CS = VIH, SK = 3 MHz, CMOS input levels — 0.5 2 mA
ICC-Write Write current 1.8 CS = VIH, SK = 1 MHz, CMOS input levels — 0.5 1 mA
2.5 CS = VIH, SK = 2 MHz, CMOS input levels — 1 2 mA
5.5 CS = VIH, SK = 3 MHz, CMOS input levels — 2 3 mA
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AC Characteristics - Industrial
Table 9.1: AC Characteristics - Industrial
(TA = –40°C to +85°C, Supply voltage = 1.8V to 5.5V)
Symbol Parameter [1] 1.8V Vcc < 2.5V 2.5V Vcc < 4.5V 4.5V Vcc < 5.5V Unit
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
fSCK SCK Clock Frequency 0 1 0 2 0 3 MHz
tR Input Rise Time 10 10 10 ns
tF Input Fall Time 10 10 10 ns
tSKH SK High Time 250 200 200 ns
tSKL SK Low Time 250 200 100 ns
tCS Minimum CS LOW Time 250 200 200 ns
tCSS CS Setup Time 200 100 50 ns
tCSH CS Hold Time 0 0 0 ns
IN Setup Time 100 50 50 ns
IN Hold Time 50 50 50 ns
tPD1 Output Delay to “1” 400 200 100 ns
tPD0 Output Delay to “0” 400 200 100 ns
tSV CS to Status Valid 400 200 200 ns
tDF CS to Dout in 3-state 100 100 100 ns
tWP Write Cycle Time 10 5 5 ms
Notes: 1. The parameters are characterized but not 100% tested.
2. AC measurement conditions:
CL = 100 pF
Input pulse voltages: per VIL and VIH spec
Input rise and fall times: 10 ns
Timing reference voltages: half VCC level
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Industrial Grade: 1.8V to 5.5V, -40°C to +85°C, Lead-free
Product Voltage Range Part Number* Package (8-pin)*
GT93C66 1.8V to 5.5V GT93C66-2GRLI-TR 150-mil SOIC/SOP
GT93C66-2ZLI-TR 3 x 4.4 mm TSSOP
1. Contact Giantec Sales Representatives for availability and other package information.
2. The listed part numbers are packed in tape and reel “-TR” (4K per reel).
3. For tube/bulk packaging, remove “-TR” at the end of the P/N.
4. Refer to Giantec website for related declaration document on lead free, RoHS, halogen free, or Green,
whichever is applicable.
5. Giantec offers Industrial grade for Commercial applications (0°C to +70°C).
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Revision Date Page Descriptions
a0 3/23/2010 All Initial version