III Reference Section
Volume 2 of 2
CP 1430 TF with COM 1430 TF
2The TF Model and TF Services
3TheTF Interface on the
CP 1430 TF
I Basic Information
SINEC is a trademark of Siemens
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
6GK1970-1TA43-0AA1 C79000-G8976-C056 Release 01
7TF Variable Services
8TF Domain and PI Services
Implementing a CIM Network
4Configuring and Testing the
TF Interface
5PG Load
6The Request Editor
II COM 1430 TF Functions
AExample Programs
CTF Error Numbers
FFurther Reading
GCompatibility with CP 143 TF/
IV Appendix
9Supplementary Servic es
10 Non-Open Services for
Serial Transfer
Contents in Volume 1 of 2
2Overview of the CP’s Performance
and Mode of Operation
3Configuring and Pr ogramming
Communication wi th the CP 1430
4Technical des cription and Guide
to Installing the CP 1430 TF
Configuration Software
6Basic Configuration
7Configuring the Transpor t Interface
I Basic Information
II Description
AExample of the Transport Interface
BFurther Information about the
CP 1430 TF
FFurther Reading
GCompatibility with the
CP 143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
III Appendix
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Elektronikwerk Karlsruhe
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
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1Introduction 1-1
1.1 How to Use the Manual 1-2
1.1.1 Recommendations 1-2
1.1.2 Conventions Us ed in the Manual 1-3
1.2 Significance of the SINEC Technological Functions 1-4
I Basic Information
2 The TF Model and the TF Services 2-1
2.1 The Range of P erformance of SINEC TF 2-3
2.1.1 Communication Requi rements 2-3
2.1.2 Overview of the TF Services in SINEC H1-TF 2-4
2.2 SINEC TF Communi cation Model 2-6
2.2.1 Overview of the Architecture 2-6
2.2.2 Application A ssociation 2-8
2.2.3 Client and Server Associations 2-12
2.2.4 VMD Servic es 2-14
2.2.5 Variable Services 2-16
2.2.6 Domain Servic es 2-20
2.2.7 Program Invocati on (PI) 2-25
2.2.8 Serial Transfer 2-27
3 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF 3-1
3.1 The Principle of the TF Connection PLC - CP 3-3
3.1.1 Differences in Handling the Transport and TF Interface 3-3
3.1.2 Overview of the HDB Blocks when Using the TF Interface 3-4
3.1.3 Processing Send/Receive 3-7
3.2 General Client Interface for Calling TF Services 3-10
3.2.1 Job Buffer 3-10
3.2.2 Sequence on the Client Interface 3-14
3.3 General Server Interface 3-18
II COM 1430 TF Functions
4 Configuring and Testing the TF Interface 4-1
4.1 Overview 4-3
4.2 Defining TF V ariable Types 4-4
4.2.1 Edit | Variable Types | Editor 4-6
4.2.2 Edit | Variable Types | Compress 4-9
4.2.3 Multiple Us e of the Type Library 4-10
4.3 Editing Connec tion Blocks 4-10
4.3.1 Edit | ...| Overview 4-11
4.3.2 Edit | ... | Application Ass ociations 4-12
4.3.3 Edit | Connections | File Server App. Assoc. 4-28
4.3.4 Edit | VMD Variables Editor 4-29
4.3.5 Edit | Configure VMD 4-32
4.4 Testing the TF Interface 4-34
4.4.1 Test | Application Associations 4-35
4.4.2 Follow-on Dial og ’Single Status A pplication Association’ 4-38
4.4.3 Follow-on Dialog ’Single Trace Application Association’ 4-41
4.4.4 PI/Domain Status 4-43
4.4.5 Status Displays of the Test Functions 4-44
5 PG Load 5-1
5.1 Overview 5-3
5.1.1 Adapting Programmable Logic Controllers to the
Process wi th PG Load 5-3
5.1.2 Range of Functions 5-5
5.2 Description of the Tool 5-6
Contents B8976075/01
5.3 Functional Description 5-8
5.3.1 System Confi guration and Device Functions 5-8
5.3.2 Configuring Appli cation Associations and
Selection Functions 5-9
5.3.3 Transfer Functions 5-10
5.3.4 Host Functions 5-12
5.4 PG Load - Application 5-14
5.4.1 PG Load | Select 5-14
5.4.2 Configure AA to File Server / Select File Server 5-16
5.4.3 Configure AA to PLC / Select P LC 5-19
5.4.4 Using Transfer Functions 5-21
5.4.5 Using Host Functions 5-24
5.4.6 Converting Files from COM 143 to COM 1430 5-33
6 The Request Editor 6-1
6.1 Overview 6-3
6.1.1 Mode of Operation and Requirements 6-3
6.1.2 Meaning of the J ob Buffer 6-4
6.2 Descripti on of the Request Editor 6-6
6.3 Request-Editor | Select 6-8
6.4 Specifyi ng the Job Buffers for TF Services 6-10
6.4.1 Create Job B uffer 6-10
6.4.2 Type Selection Dialog for TF and Other Services 6-13
6.4.3 Variable Services 6-17
6.4.4 Domain Servic es 6-31
6.4.5 Program Invocati on Services 6-38
6.4.6 VMD Servic es 6-49
6.4.7 Transparent Data Exc hange (non-open services) 6-54
6.4.8 Other Jobs 6-62
6.5 Displaying and Evaluating the Job Buffer Overview 6-71
6.6 Delete Data Block 6-74
6.7 Documenting Job Buffers 6-74
6.7.1 Documentation | All 6-74
B8976075/01 Contents
6.7.2 Documentation | Overview 6-74
6.7.3 Documentation | Job Buffers 6-74
III Reference Section TF Services
7 TF Variable Services 7-1
7.1 Basics of the Variable Services 7-3
7.1.1 Descripti on and Management of Variables 7-3
7.1.2 Scope of V ariables in a SIMA TIC S5
Programmable Logic Controller 7-5
7.1.3 Checklis t for the Application 7-10
7.2 Service Description 7-11
7.2.1 Read Variable (Client) 7-11
7.2.2 Read Variable (Server) 7-17
7.2.3 Write Vari able (Client) 7-18
7.2.4 Write Vari able (server) 7-26
7.2.5 Information Report (Client) 7-27
7.2.6 Information Report (Receiver) 7-33
7.3 Read and Write Variable with the Option of
Addressing v ia a Free Format Address 7-34
7.3.1 Client Interface 7-35
7.3.2 Server Interface 7-40
7.4 TF Data Types in S IMATIC S5 7-41
8 TF Domain and PI Services
Implementing a CIM Network 8-1
8.1 Domain Servic es 8-3
8.1.1 Load Domain Content 8-9
8.1.2 Store Domain Content 8-16
8.1.3 Delete Domain Content (Client) 8-21
8.1.4 Get Domain A ttributes (Client) 8-24
8.1.5 Domain Servic es (Server) 8-30
8.2 Program Invocati on Services 8-31
Contents B8976075/01
8.2.1 PLC Program S tructure, Status Transitions 8-32
8.2.2 General Sequence of a Status Change 8-40
8.2.3 Significance of FB 103 8-42
8.2.4 Start-up, Install ation 8-48
8.2.5 Create Program Inv ocation (Client) 8-49
8.2.6 Create Program Inv ocation (Server) 8-53
8.2.7 Delete Program Inv ocation (Client) 8-54
8.2.8 Delete Program Inv ocation (Server) 8-57
8.2.9 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset, Kill Program
Invocation and Local Program Stop (Cli ent) 8-58
8.2.10 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset, Kill a Program
Invocation (Ser ver) 8-61
8.2.11 Points to Note when Starting and Stopping
the PLC using the System PI 8-62
8.2.12 Get Program Invocati on Attributes (Client) 8-63
8.2.13 Get Program Invocati on Attributes (Server) 8-67
9 Supplementary Services 9-1
9.1 Application A ssociation Management 9-3
9.1.1 Definition of Application Associations 9-3
9.1.2 Connection Establishment 9-6
9.1.3 Connection Termination 9-9
9.1.4 Special Connections 9-10
9.2 VMD Servic es for Virtual Manufacturi ng Devices 9-12
9.2.1 Status of the Virtual Device (Cli ent) 9- 13
9.2.2 Status of the Virtual Device (Server ) 9-15
9.2.3 Unsolicit ed VMD Status (Initiator) 9-19
9.2.4 Unsolicit ed VMD Status (Receiver) 9-20
9.2.5 Identify Vi rtual Manufacturing Device (Cli ent) 9-21
9.2.6 Identify VMD (Server) 9-23
9.3 Configuration Jobs 9-25
10 Non-Open Services for Serial Transfer 10-1
10.1 Overview of the Functions and Services 10-3
B8976075/01 Contents
10.2 Read Byte S tring (Client) 10-5
10.3 Write Byte String (Client) 10-8
10.4 Read/Write Byte String (Server) 10-14
10.5 Transparent Data Exc hange (Client) 10-18
10.6 Transparent Data Exc hange (Server) 10-22
10.7 Addendum to Transpar ent Data Exchange 10-25
10.7.1 Status Wor d of the TRADA on the Serv er 10-25
10.7.2 Example of a Program for Evaluating the
Bits of the A NWZ with TRADA 10-26
IV Appendix
A Example Programs A-1
A.1 Overview and Requirements A-2
A.2 Example 1: Using Variable Servi ces A-4
A.2.1 Task A-4
A.2.2 Defining Variables A-6
A.2.3 TF Services Required A-8
A.2.4 Creating the Client Configuration File A-10
A.2.5 Creating the Server Configuration File A-14
A.2.6 Creating the J ob Buffers with the Request Editor A-18
A.2.7 PLC Programs A-26
A.2.8 Starting Up A-42
A.2.9 Monitoring the Process at the PG A-42
A.3 Example 2: Using the Domain and
Program Invocati on Services A-43
A.3.1 Task for the Domain Services A-43
A.3.2 Tasks for the Program Invocation Services A-44
A.3.3 Preparing Programs and Data A-46
A.3.4 Executing Domain and PI Services A-62
A.4 Example 3: Transparent Data Exchange
with Acknowledgment (T-DQ) A-68
Contents B8976075/01
B Protocol Implementation Conformance
Statements (PICS) B- 1
C TF Error Numbers used by the CP 1430 C-1
C.1 Preface C-2
C.2 Error numbers i n Ascending Order C-3
D Abbreviations D-1
EIndex E-1
F Further Reading F-1
G Compatibility with the CP 143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF G-1
G.1 The CP 143/1430CP G-3
G.1.1 Structure and Functions of the Module G-3
G.1.2 Maximum 2 CPs Requir ed for Backplane Bus
Communication i n the Multiprocessor Mode G-4
G.1.3 Other Changes G-5
G.2 NCM COM 143/1430 TF G-7
G.2.1 Configuring Several Jobs on One Transport Connection G-7
G.2.2 Avoiding Inconsistenci es:
No Automatic Generation of TSAPs G-8
G.2.3 Configuring Multicast Groups G-9
G.2.4 Other Changes in NCM COM 1430 TF G-10
G.2.5 Terms G-12
H Glossary H-1
B8976075/01 Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 How to Use the Manual 1-2
1.1.1 Recommendations 1-2
1.1.2 Text Conventions, Extra Information 1-3
1.2 Meaning of the SINEC Technological Functions 1-4
1 - 1 Volume 2
1.1 How to Use the Manual
1.1.1 Recommendations
The manual consi sts of two volumes and a s upplement.
This second volume of the manual "CP 1430 TF with COM 1430 TF" deals
with the protocol and the services for open, heterogeneous communication
with the CP 1430 TF communications proces sor.
Read the following chapters if...
...you want an overview of the
areas of application of the
CP 1430 TF and how it functions. - Chapters 1, 2 and 4:
Performance and Technic al
Data in Volume 1
- Chapters 1 and 2 in Volume 2
...you want to create PLC
programs and require
communication s ervices. - Chapter 2/Volume 1: What
Types of Communicati on are
- Chapter 3 in Volume 1 and
Volume 2: Principles of the HDB
- Reference Section TF Services
in Volume 2
...you want to configure the CP
for transport services. - Volume 1
...you want to configure the CP
for TF servic es. in Volume 2:
- Chapter 4: Job Configuration
and Test
- Chapter 5 Tools PG Load and
Chapter 6 Request Editor
- Appendix A: Example
...you want to install and start up
the CP. Chapter 4/Volume 1: Installation,
Start-Stop, Connecting a PG,
Introduction B8976075/01
Volume 2 1 - 2
1.1.2 Conventions Used in the Manual
The manual uses the following symbols in the text:
This character indi cates an action for y ou to undertake.
This character highlights important notes and dangers.
This note in the margin indicates the number of a
dialog whic h you can refer to in the supplement.
Prior requirements
To understand the ex amples you should have
STEP 5 pr ogramming experience and
Basic knowledge of using handling blocks (HDBs). A description of the
HDBs can be found in the manual for your programmable logic controller
or in separate descriptions of the HDBs for the programmable logic con-
Training courses
Siemens provides comprehensive training opportunities for SINEC users.
For more detailed i nformation contact your Siemens office.
Order numbers of the products mentioned in this manual can be found in
the appropriate catalogs.
M x-y
B8976075/01 Introduction
1 - 3 Volume 2
1.2 Significance of the SINEC Technological
The SINEC technological functions (TF) form the application interface for
communication in a heterogeneous automation network. They provide the
user with services to allow problem-free interaction between different
automation components (for example PLCs, NC controls, robots, open-loop
controllers, PCs, mini-computers and host computers etc.) in the cell and
area network SINEC H1/H1FO. TF services also allow the exchange of
information (messages) using a standard language. The standardization is
intended to permit the implementation of open systems, minimizing the time
and expense r equired for the software engineering.
Definition based on MMS
The basis on which the TF services are defined is the only international
standard for application protocols in the area of industrial automation: ISO
9506, MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification)
CIM is supported
The SINEC technological functions are a further step in the direction of CIM
(Computer Integrated Manufacturing), i.e. computer controlled, fully
automatic manufacturing, since the integration of automation components in
a CIM network is impossible without c ommunication.
Advantages of SINEC TF
The uniform, standardized language for exchange of information has the
following advantages:
The use of TF services for the exchange of information makes the job of
the programmer much easier. The protocol "hides" the specific charac-
teristics of the end system behind a standardized, uniform representation
of the system and the data. This means that negotiations between pro-
grammers regarding system structures and methods of representation
are no longer necessary. The programmer can concentrate on imple-
menting his own particular tasks.
The simple integration of components of other manufacturers is made
possible by S INEC TF.
Introduction B8976075/01
Volume 2 1 - 4
The protocol is independent of the underlying communication system:
SINEC L2, SINEC H1 or SINEC MAP . This provides flexibility in program
development (the system grows with the requirements of the user) and
also means a reduction of training costs .
Networks can i nterconnected be implemented without problems.
By using SINEC TF, the time and expense of software development can
be greatly reduced.
B8976075/01 Introduction
1 - 5 Volume 2
IBasic Information
2 The TF Model and the TF Services
2.1 The Range of Performance of SINEC TF 2-3
2.1.1 Communication Requi rements 2-3
2.1.2 Overview of the TF Services in SINEC H1-TF 2-4
2.2 SINEC TF Communication Model 2-6
2.2.1 Overview of the Architecture 2-6
2.2.2 Applicati on Association 2-8
2.2.3 Client and Server Associations 2-12
2.2.4 VMD Servic es 2-14
2.2.5 Variable Services 2-16
2.2.6 Domain Servic es 2-20
2.2.7 Program Invocati on (PI) 2-25
2.2.8 Serial Transfer 2-27
2 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
To allow you to use the TF services of the CP 1430 TF, this chapter ex-
plains the communications model and the range of services of the SINEC
technological functions.
If you are familiar with the TF communications model, you can skip this
chapter. The description of the TF services will nevertheless be useful in
helping you to select the ser vices for your tasks.
At the end of this chapter you will have learnt about the following:
the architecture of the communication system
the model of SINEC TF with its objects
the TF services supported by the CP 1430 TF
the terminology us ed in the TF model
the uses of the TF services
the TF services you will be able to use for your task
Only TF functions actually implemented on the CP 1430 TF are described.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 2
2.1 The Range of Performance of SINEC TF
2.1.1 Communication Requirements
Message-oriented Communication
Within industrial communication, a distinction is made between
data-oriented and message-oriented communications protocols. While
data-oriented protocols handle pure bit or byte streams, message-oriented
protocols handle the content. The receiver of a message must perform a
service described in the protocol. Message-oriented communication
therefore goes beyond the simple "transfer of data".
Open Communication
The basic idea behi nd "open communication" i s to allow programmable logi c
controllers of different manufacturers to communicate with each other. By
using a common specification, devices from different manufacturers can be
integrated into one system. The TF specification describes how the
message is exchanged.
It also specifies certain types of message to allow uniform and
comprehensible transfer of service requests.
"Openness" is guaranteed by standardizing services, objects, attributes,
parameters and statuses with SINEC technological functions (TF). The
SINEC protocols allow SIEMENS subnets to be integrated in networks with
the international manufacturing automation protocol (MAP) architecture
therefore allowing an open system.
An Example
A measured value is an object belonging to the class of variables. This
object can be addressed using the variable services "read variable" and
"write variable". The TF services ensure an understandable transmission of
the object regardless of its format and analysis in the end system.
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
2 - 3 Volume 2
2.1.2 Overview of the TF Services in SINEC H1-TF
SINEC TF is made up of the services conforming to MMS and the non-open
services. The latter are only available in the SINEC TF protocol architecture
described here.
TF services
VMD services
With the services for the Virtual Manufacturing Device (VMD),
information about the characteristics and the status of a VMD can be
requested (which services the device can perform, which objects exist
Application as sociation management
Applications wanting to communicate with each other can initiate,
maintain and terminate a logical connection, known as an application
Fig. 2.1: The TF/VMD View of the Real PLC
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 4
Variable services
Variable services are services for writing and reading the values of
variables. These data can range from simple (integer) to complex
(structures). A uniform syntax is defined to describe data structures so
that language barriers occurring in the data type description are avoided
(in the example: the S5 data block can be read in the host computer).
Domain servic es
Domains are task-oriented program or data areas. Using the domain
services, programs and data can be transmitted. The transmission can
also be initiated by a third party, for example to transfer programs from a
file server and load them on a PLC.
Program invoc ation services
The program invocation models an executable program section. Services
are specified for creating, starting, stopping and deleting program
Additional Services only Available for SINEC H1 (non-open services)
Serial transfer
For simple data transfer, the serial transfer services are available. Data
is transferred without address information and without structure
information. This transfer is data-oriented as opposed to
message-oriented as ex plained in the introducti on.
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
2 - 5 Volume 2
2.2 SINEC TF Communication Model
2.2.1 Overview of the Architecture
The diagram below illustrates the architecture of the communication system
with the application above it. The meaning of the layers of the model is
explained i n the introduction in Volume 1 of this manual.
The description in Volume 2 involves the access to communication via the
TF interface. As can be seen in the diagram, not only the application
program in the programmable logic controller, but also the programming
device us es the communications s ervices via the TF interface (PG Load).
Access to the TF Interf ace
Auto mation prog ram o f the
Communication interface
TF interface SINEC TF = MMS
SINEC AP protocol
Trans port proto col complyin g with ISO 8073 3
LLC protocol complying with IEEE 802.2
MAC protocol
and networking complying with IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)
Access to the transport interface
Transport interface
PG Load
Fig. 2.2: Interface and Protocol Profile of the CP 1430 TF Communications Processor
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 6
Key to Figure 2.1 (for descriptions refer to the introduction in Volume 1)
TF: Technological Functions
The SINEC TF interface handles the encapsulation and processing of the
TF PDUs and the service-oriented execution of a job or an acknowledgment
/4/. The SINEC TF interface is designed so that it has no application
protocol-specific elements which cannot be modeled on the MAP 3.0/MMS
application protocol. This means that the user software also runs identically
on the MAP protocol stack providi ng that conformity rules ar e adhered to.
PG Load for
Loading/saving/deleting domains
Host functions
AP: Automation Protocol
SINEC AP handles the protocol for layers 5-7 /3/.
Transport layer for SINEC H1 based on the ISO transport protocol.
MAC: Medi a Access Control
LLC: Logical Link Control
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
2 - 7 Volume 2
2.2.2 Application Association
From the point of view of the user, communication with the application
processes of the communications partners takes place via logical channels
(application associations). These application associations define the view of
the communications partner and its automation task. VMD objects can be
addressed onl y using application associations.
Prior to the communication, the user must specify which automation task is
to be addressed via which application association, for example, the
application association and the name of the variable to be read must be
Initiation, Use and Termination of Application Associations
During the establishment phase, an initiate request is sent to the remote
application process (initiate service). The initiate request includes the
services to be used in the data transfer phase, the maximum frame size,
the number of parallel services (context) and the required type of application
association as well as any other options required.
If the remote application process agrees to the initiate request, it sends a
confirmation to the initiator. Following this, both application processes are in
the data transfer phase and can communicate with each other according to
the agreed restrictions (context).
An application association is terminated by a conclude function. Following
termination, data exchange can only be resumed after the application
association has been initiated (establi shed) again.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 8
SIMATIC S5 and Application Associations
With SIMATIC S5 PLCs, the communication path between two applications
is descri bed by the application assoc iation.
Access to communication in SIMATIC S5 is achieved using the interface
number and job number.
Fig. 2.3: Access by Application Associations to the Transport Services
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
2 - 9 Volume 2
Just as the with transport connections, the parameters for an application
association are stored in connection blocks and in the basic initialization
data on stations X and Z. Taking the situation as illustrated in Figure 2.3 ,
parameters would be stored as shown below:
Connection block
Connection parameters Local parameters
SYSID block
Local station address=X
Application assoc. name
Rem. station address=Z
Remote TSAP=BZ
Fig. 2.4: Connection Block and SYSID Block for Application Associations
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 10
Handling Application Associations with SIMATIC S5
In the client and server role, the CP 1430 provides the following TF
initiate appl ication associ ation
abort applic ation association
In the server role, the following service is provided:
conclude appl ication association
The TF services for managing application associations are executed by the
CP 1430 in the main without being triggered by the user program. The
required parameters for executing the services are entered with COM 1430
when defining the application associations and saved on the
communications processor. Depending on the type of connection (static or
dynamic), the application associations are initiated when the modules are
started or when a job is initiated for productive communication.
An application association can only be initiated after the corresponding
"pneumatic post (transport) connection" has been set up. When initiating the
application association, a series of parameters are transferred which are
significant for a heterogeneous communications network. These indicate
whether non-open services (serial transfer) or variables with a certain
nesting level are supported.
An explicit client interface for initiating and concluding application
associations by the PLC user program is not provided. The PLC user
program can only abort an existing application association by calling the CP
handling block "RESET".
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
2 - 11 Volume 2
2.2.3 Client and Server Associations
The principle
The use of application associations with SINEC TF is based on the
client/server principle. This principl e defines two communications par tners:
A client
is an application process which uses the functions of a virtual
manufacturing device (VMD) of a remote application process.
The server
is the application process that makes the functions of its virtual
manufacturing device (VMD) available to the client. The service can be
requested or may be provided spontaneously (process values may be
"reported" depending on the technological proces s).
A host computer requests the transfer of a process value in a PLC using
the read variable TF service. It uses the application association to the PLC
process in device Y. The PLC process in device Y is the server which
provides the read variable service to the host computer.
Changing Roles of a Process
An application process can function both as client and server. This means
that the process can request services (client) and provide services (server).
This reflects the typical integration of manufacturing devices in the hierarchi-
cal organization of a CIM network.
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Volume 2 2 - 12
The following figure illustrates the layers of a CIM network. Communication
between devices takes place both within a layer and between the different
Client and Server Functions with SIMATIC S5
The TF communications functions of SIMATIC S5 devices are designed to
support client and server functions. For your application, the following is
The client interface, to formulate service requests within the PLC
The server functions for communications services provided in the form of
a CP program to be able to execute TF serv ice requests.
Fig. 2.5: Hierarchic Structure of the CIM Network; Devices with Client and Server Functions
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2.2.4 VMD Services
The virtual manufacturing device (VMD) represents a standardized image of
a programmable logic controller in the form of a model. It is described by
the objects it contains and the characteristics of the physical device, that it
models with a standard view.
The general TF services for virtual manufacturing devices allow a client to
request information about the status or attributes of a virtual manufacturing
device (VMD) on the server. In some circumstances, the server can report
the status to a client without a request (unsolicited). The information can be
processed further on the client, for example to provide an overview of the
whole system s tatus in a control room.
The essential function of the communications processor (CP) is to model
the VMD on the programmable logic controller (PLC) and to execute the
VMD services.
Within SIMATIC S5, each communications processor along with its
programmable controller (the PLC in which the communications processor
is plugged in) is considered as a single VMD. A VMD always contains a
communications processor and (in the case of multiprocessor PLCs) up to
four CPUs. Regardless of the number of CPUs, it is, however, possible to
use several CPs in a PLC rack. Since the communications processors all
operate independently of each other, each can be considered as a VMD
Status (get the status of a virtual device)
Using the "Status" service, a client requests information about the
physical and logical status of the virtual manufacturing device managed
on the server. The server sends the requested information (e.g. whether
the "real" manufacturing device or the communications processor of the
server is in the RUN or STOP mode or whether the PLC and CP are
IDLE) in the acknowledgment.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 14
Unsolicited status (of the virtual device)
With this job, a server program can report the logical and physical status of
the VMD on its own initiative. The CP 1430 can receive this spontaneously
transmitted information (client function) or send the information (as server).
Identify (virtual device)
A client can request information about the attributes of a virtual
manufacturing device (VMD) using the "Identify" service. These attributes
can, for example, include the identifier of the vendor of the manufacturing
device, the device ID (for the CP 1430 the module ID) and the version of
the communications processor.
Get name list and get capability list
The TF services "Get name list" and "Get capability list" are only provided
by the CP 1430 in the server role, since the client role requires mass
memory. The information requested with these services is sent to the client
automatically by the CP 1430 without support of the S5 program. The reply
information sent by the CP 1430 might include, for example, a list of all
communications objects (PI, domain, variable) defined on the server and
managed by it.
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2.2.5 Variable Services
With the variable services and with the standardized transfer of variable
objects (simply known as variables), SINEC TF provides a neutral view of
end system-dependent variables. By using the TF variable services,
variable data c an be exchanged independent of the end system.
The standardized representation of the data types must not be confused
with standardization of the data contents, i.e. the semantics. The
standardization simply involves a conversion of variables to the format of
the end system, both on the client and on the server.
Read Variable
With the "read variable" TF service, a client requests the value of a
variable from the server. The server sends this value in the
Write V ariable
With the "write variable" TF service, the client transfers data to a server.
The server overwrites the variable specified in the job with the value
transferred by the client. The service is acknowledged by the server. The
acknowledgment tells the client whether the service was successful or
Information Report
With the "information report" TF service, the server sends descriptions of
variables and values of variables to the client without an explicit request.
This job is not logically acknowledged (by layer 7). When using this job,
remember that when the service is called in the PLC program, the
communications processor accesses a local object that must be
configured with the COM 1430 package.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 16
Get Variable Attributes
With the "get variable attributes" service the client requests the server to
send information about the attributes of a particular variable (e.g. scope,
description of the variable etc.) in the acknowledgment.
This service is only available from the SIMATIC S5 side with the PLC
operating as a server. The PLC program cannot request this service.
The communications processor can, however, process a job and return
the attributes of a variable defined on it (configured in COM 1430) in the
Variable Characteristics
Variables ar e identified by the foll owing characteristics
Variable name:
Each variable has an identifier (ASCII string), with which the object is
Variable description
The structure des cription of a vari able is entered in an object description.
Variables are assigned to a particular scope. Scope means the
assignment of a variable to a VMD, to an application association or to a
domain which represents a form of "cocoon" around the variable. Access
is only possible to the variable by specifying the name of the "cocoon".
Within a s cope, variable names must be unique
Access rights:
Both read and write access is possible via the network. This means that
the values of variables can be modified by another station on the
network. If this is undesirable, the write access can be disabled.
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SIMATIC S5 and Variables
In a SIMATIC S5 PLC, data of a STEP 5 user program is accessed via
variables that have a name. The following features are used for managing
and handling v ariables in the S5 PLCs:
S5 address :
A variable in the SIMATIC PLC is always at a fixed S5 address. This
address must be located in the data block area (or extended data block
Status word address:
Each variable in the SIMATIC S5 device is assigned a status word
address. This address contains information about access to the variable
via the network.
In the SIMATIC PLC, it is also possible to prevent access to the variable
at certain times by manipulating the status word.
Interface number:
This attribute specifies which interface number must be used on the
communications processor to be able to access the variable.
In multiprocessor PLCs, this allows the variables to be distributed on
various CPUs.
Local and r emote variables
With the attributes listed above, local variables can be defined and
specified. Local variables are objects which exist in the local station.
Other stations can access these objects via the network. Remote
variables are variables on a different device which the local device can
read or write. Structure information must be stored for this access. The
definition of local and remote variables is therefore supported by the
configuration tools.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 18
Static and dynamic variables
Static local variables are programmed with the COM 1430 TF
configuration tool ("VMD variables editor") and with the application
association editor as local application association-specific variables.
Dynamic variables generated as a result of communication are known as
"domain-specific" variables (i.e. variables whose existence depends on
the existence of a domain). These are defined using the PG Load tool
(component of COM 1430 TF).
Variants of Variable Structures
The following variants in the structure description of variables must be
Variable with standard data type: these elements are of a predefined
data type.
Variable record: a list of differently structured components of any type.
Variable array: a list of elements with the same structure.
Access Protection Mechanisms for Variables
In automation systems, access protection is often necessary for the safe
operation of equipment. The CP 1430 TF provides the following types of
access protection:
Explicit protection with a R/W identifier for each individual variable set
when configuring variables.
Implicit protection using the scope of a variable.
Temporary protection by means of the variable status word.
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2.2.6 Domain Services
A CIM network requires not only the transmission of pure data or variable
objects. The domain services make the VMD (the PLC) a flexible device
which can be adapted to the task in hand. This means that programs and
data areas can be exchanged online. Objects (domains) of the device can
be loaded on the device via the communications networks and, if
necessary, saved. The services are kept so flexible that the data must not
necessarily be on the coordinating device (the client) and that a file server
can also be included as a "third party" communications partner.
Domains can be the following:
Logical management units for variables
A domain as a logical management unit defines a scope for variables.
The name of a variable then consists of the domain name and variable
Containers for program code and/or data
A domain can consist of program code or data. In the context of TF,
these contents are transparent, i.e. there meaning is only known to the
applications which use the domain (e.g. not to a file server).
SIMATIC S5 and Domains
A domain normally consists of "STEP 5" blocks, saved by the user in a
program file using the S5-DOS programming package "LAD, CSF, STL".
Additional variables can also be assigned to a domain (see Variables). In
addition to these "loadable" domains, there is also a "static" domain
Up to eight domains can be loaded on a SIMATIC S5 programmable logic
controller in addi tion to the static SIMATIC_S5 domain.
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 20
The static domai n can be used as follows:
1. Archiving
The first time that the "SIMATIC_S5" domain is uploaded, the entire PLC
program is saved, in other words, all blocks are grouped together in this
domain and uploaded. This domain is then available on the PG as a
loadable domain. If a user domain exists, "SIMATIC_S5" is then a dummy
domain without data or program.
2. Using PI s ervices without domai n services
You can use the "SIMATIC_S5" dummy domain. This means that you do
not first have to load a domain before you can use the PI services.
In a SIMATIC S 5 PLC, you can load up to eight domains in addition to the
SIMATIC S5 s tatic domain.
The following TF domain services are supported by the CP 1430 TF:
Download (server func tion)
A host computer (not an S5 PLC) uses this job to download a domain
file to an S 5 PLC.
Upload (server func tion)
A host computer (not an S5 PLC) uses this job to upload a domain file
from an S5 P LC, for example for archiving purposes.
Load domain content (client and server function)
With the TF "load domain content" service, a client requests a server to
load a domain via the application association. The domain is located in a
file stored on the TF file server.
Store domain content (client and server function)
With the TF "store domain content" service, a client requests a server to
save a loaded domain via the application association in a file on the TF
file server.
Delete domain c ontent (client and server function)
With the TF "delete domain content" service, a loaded domain is deleted
in a server. All the variables belonging to the domain are also deleted.
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Get domain attributes (client and server functi on)
A client can request the characteristics of a domain, i.e. its attributes,
with the TF service "get domain attributes". The server sends the
information back to the client in the acknowledgment (e.g. whether the
domain can be del eted or whether it is used by a program invocati on).
The PLC can initiate a load or store service on its own initiative or at the
instigation of a "third party".
In this case the SIMATIC S5 PLC acting as the client triggers the loading of
domains from a TF file server to itself using a special job number (ANR
205). These local services can, however, only be executed by the master
Variables in the ’Domain’ Scope
Variable objects with a domain-specific scope are also generated or deleted
when a domain is loaded or deleted.
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Volume 2 2 - 22
Notes on Applications
Several configurations are possible for the SIMATIC S5 system:
1.) Downloading or uploading from a host
In the simplest case, the domain services are triggered by a device known
as the host device. The S5-DOS program file (name: xxxxxxST.S5D)
contains the program and data blocks to be loaded. TF handles these
blocks as a domain.
The domains must first be defined using the COM 1430 tool PG Load
(transfer function ’ create load file’).
In this c onfiguration, the host can be a PG but not a SIMATIC P LC.
The “download” domain service transfers the domain to the PLC. The
“upload” domain service transfers the domain from the PLC to the host for
archiving. A domain on the PLC can be deleted with the “delete domain”
Fig. 2.6: Domain Services with the PG - ’Download/Upload’
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2.) Third party association with PLC, host and file server
A second configuration can be achieved if a station with a large memory is
used in the network as an archive computer. This archive computer, known
as the "file server" stores the files that will be loaded later as domains.
In this case, the host can be a PG or a SIMATIC PLC.
The host can now request the CP 1430 to load a particular domain from the
TF file server into the programmable controller. The host can also request
the CP 1430 TF to save a loaded domain on a file server or to delete the
domain on the P LC.
This configuration is known as a "third party association" since the host
requests the manufacturing device (PLC) to load data from or on a third
Fig. 2.7: Third-Party Association with PG and File Server
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 24
2.2.7 Program Invocation (PI)
A program invocation is the grouping of all domains into an executable
program. The PI services allow these programs to be controlled. PIs can,
for example, be started or stopped.
When controlling programs using PI services, two aspects must be taken
into account:
System PI
The services control the status of the programmable controller (PLC
User PI
The services control and monitor the user program loaded on the
programmable controller.
PIs have statuses
PI objects are characterized by their statuses and the status changes
brought about by the PI services and by running the program.
Identification and Assignment to Domains
Program invocations are identified uniquely within the VMD by names.
Program invocations existing simultaneously can, if necessary, use the
same domain(s).
The system PI is by definition always present. By addressing this PI,
start/stop instructions can be issued to the PLC. By means of the user PI, a
user program loaded on the PLC is addressed. This user program is formed
by the loaded domains. It is also possible, if the domain services are not
used, to address the PLC user program as a user PI.
B8976075/01 The TF Model and the TF Services
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PI services can be executed by a local programmable logic controller both
on itself and on a remote partner. If the PI services are triggered by the
programmable controller on itself, then a special job number must be used
(ANR 205). These local services can, however, only be executed by the
master CPU.
The Task of the CP 1430 TF
The modeling of the PI services on the SIMATIC S5 PLC is implemented by
the communications processor.
Create PI
With the "create PI" TF service, a client requests a server to generate a
program invocation.
Delete PI
With the "delete PI" TF service, a client requests a server to delete a
program invocation.
Start, stop, reset, resume, abort PI and local program stop
A client uses the "start, stop, reset, resume, abort PI and local program
stop" TF services to control the status of the program invocation in a
Get PI attributes
A client requests the characteristics of a program invocation, i.e. its
attributes using the "get PI attributes" TF service. The server sends this
information back to the client in the acknowledgment (e.g. whether the
program invocation can be deleted or the current status of the program
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 26
2.2.8 Serial Transfer
For simple data transfer, the CP 1430 provides the TF services of the
function class "serial transfer". This function class is distinguished by the
following characteri stics:
Data is exchanged between the client and server without address
information or parameters relating to the meaning of the data.
The serial transfer services are known as "non-open services". They are not
included in the scope of functions of the international standard (MMS
standard) and can therefore not be modeled on MMS services.
Advantages and Restrictions
The serial transfer services allow the greatest freedom in configuring
application associations. The users (programmers) must, however,
negotiate the meaning and further processing of the data.
Compared with direct use of layer 4, when using the serial transfer services,
the user can make use of the TF infrastructure. This ensures, for example,
increased reliability with the logical acknowledgment of messages and the
timed and logi cal monitoring of TF jobs.
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Read/write byte string
The byte string services are used for "unidirectional" data transfer, i.e.
data are transmitted in only one direction: with the "read byte string"
service in the acknowledgment frame, and in the "write byte string"
service with the request frame.
When the "Read byte string" servic e is called, the cli ent requests data
from the server. The request frame itself does not contain any data. The
client recei ves the data from the server i n the acknowledgment.
With the "Write byte string" service, the client transfers data to a server.
The client can dec ide whether the received data s hould be acknow-
ledged or not.
Transparent data exchange
With the "transparent data exchange" service, data exchange can be
bi-directional. Data can be transmitted both in the request frame and in
the acknowledgment. The client can decide whether or not an
acknowledgment is required.
Fig. 2.8: Overview of the Services of Serial Transfer
The TF Model and the TF Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 2 - 28
3 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF
3.1 The Principle of the TF Connection PLC - CP 3-3
3.1.1 Differences in Handling the Transport and TF Interface 3-3
3.1.2 Overview of the HDB Blocks when Using the TF Interface 3-4
3.1.3 Processing Send/Receive 3-7
3.2 General Client Interface for Calling TF Services 3-10
3.2.1 Job Buffer 3-10
3.2.2 Sequence on the Client Interface 3-14
3.3 General Server Interface 3-18
3 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
Volume 1 (Configuring and Programming CP 1430 TF Communication)
explains the basic principles of the PLC-CP connection. This chapter looks
at the PLC-CP connection in terms of the TF interface.
With this information, you will be able to use the next chapters as reference
sections to locate the service descriptions you require for your task.
Further Information
For more information about related topics:
Read Chapter 4 in this Volume about configuring application
Read /7/ about parameter as signment and the use of handling blocks.
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 2
3.1 The Principle of the TF Connection
3.1.1 Differences in Handling the Transport and TF Interface
On the TF interface, just as on the transport interface, you use handling
blocks (HDB s) for transferring jobs and controlling the CP 1430 TF.
Compared with the transport interface described in Volume 1, note the
following differences in the handling of the TF interface:
Job buffers
The TF service associated with a send job is specified in a job buffer.
The job buffers are referenced in the standard handling blocks and
transferred to the CP 1430 TF via the dual-port RAM.
Structured data
Data are not transferred as byte sequences but in a structured form. The
structure information is located either in the configuration in the CP
database or, with simple variables, in the job buffer.
Extended status word
The status word for the TF interface is extended by a third word for TF
error IDs. The meaning of the first two status words remains unchanged
(for selecting the status word, refer to the detailed description in the
Section "Description of the HDB Call Parameters", Page 3-15 ).
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3.1.2 Overview of the HDB Blocks when Using the TF Interface
The following sys tem calls (HDBs) ar e available:
The SEND block is used to transfer a job (with or without user data) to
the CP 1430 TF and to trigger an MMS/TF service.
The SEND_ALL HDB is used to trigger data transfer from the PLC and
Exception with the S5-115U:
This PLC does not have its own SEND_ALL HDB. If the SEND block is
assigned the job number 0, it acts as a SEND_ALL block.
The SEND_ALL must be triggered cyclically on the client
and server, otherwise there is no connection established if
there is a problem on an application association.
The RECEIVE block is used on the CP 1430 TF for the RECEIVE ALL
function, i.e. for tr ansfer of data from the CP 1430 TF to the PLC.
The RECEIVE_ALL HDB is used to trigger data acceptance between the
PLC and CP.
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 4
Exception with the S5-115U:
This PLC does not have its own RECEIVE_ALL HDB. If the RECEIVE
block i s assigned the value 0, i t acts as a RE CEIVE_ALL block.
The RECEIVE_ALL must be triggered cyclically on the client
and server, otherwise there is no connection established if
there is a problem on an application association.
The RESET block resets the application association assigned to the
ANR (job number).
The CONTROL block is used to query the status of a job.
The SYNCHRON block establishes the synchronization between the
PLC and CP 1430 TF.
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The handling blocks are incorporated in special function blocks on the
SIMATIC S5 PLCs. Refer to the following table to see which block contains
which HDB.
Details of the handling blocks of the individual
programmable logic controllers, particularly when the blocks
are integrated in the operating system, can be found in the
descriptions of the specific programmable logic controllers.
and in /7/.
S5-115U/H S5-135 and S5-155U/H
CPU 942
CPU 942R
CPU 943
CPU 944
CPU 945
CPU 922
CPU 928
CPU 948
CPU 948R
CPU 94 6/947
CPU 94 6/947R
SEND FB244 FB120 FB120
RESET FB248 FB124 FB124
SEND_ALL FB244 (ANR=0) FB126 FB126
Table 3.1: HDB Numbers in the Various CPU Types
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Volume 2 3 - 6
3.1.3 Processing Send/Receive
Example of a TF Job - Read and Write Variable
The description of a write and read job i llustrates how this functi ons.
Using the SEND-direct HDB, the user transfers the job buffer to the CP.
This informs the CP 1430 TF that the user wants to send a data record
(write job) or that it is ready to receive a message (read job) and also where
the received data should be stored.
Once the job buffer arrives on the CP 1430, the TF-PDU for the particular
job is created automatically by the CP, at the same it makes sure that no
further job can be triggered with the SEND-direct HDB for this ANR
(ANZW=job active=00X2H).
Read Variable Job (compare Fig. 3.1)
With the read job, the TF-PDU for the specific job is transmitted to the
partner (PLC 2). The CP 1430 TF in PLC 2 evaluates the TF-PDU and
requests the data from the CPU via the background communication
Once the TF-PDU is filled with the required data by the CP 1430 TF, it is
transmitted with a positive acknowledgment to the caller (PLC 1 = service
initiator). The data is then transferred to the CPU using the background
communication (RECEIVE-ALL) and is available on the call interface.
Positiv e acknowledgment:
After successful transfer of the data, "job completed without error"
(=00X4H) is entered in the SEND-direct ANZW and the job can be
triggered again.
Negative acknowledgment:
If a negative acknowledgment is received from the remote partner or if
the data cannot be transferred to the PLC, "job completed with error" is
entered in the SEND-direct ANZW and "remote error" (= 09X8H) is set.
The detailed error ID can then be read from the TF error status word
(ERRCLS/ERRCOD). Following this, the job can be triggered again.
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Fig. 3.1: TF Principle of Communication - Exampe Read Variable
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 8
Write Variable Job
With a write job, the data for transmission is requested by the CP 1430 TF
from PLC 1 using the background communication (SEND-ALL), entered in
the TF-PDU and sent to PLC 2
When the data arrives in PLC 2, it is compared with the configured data
description. Following this, the data is made available to the CPU by the
background communication (RECEIVE-ALL) and transferred to the
appropriate data block in the PLC.
The job is then acknowledged on the call interface. The initiator of the
service ev aluates the acknowledgment and terminates the job accordingly :
Positiv e acknowledgment:
the job was completed successfully and "job completed without error" is
entered in the SEND-direct ANZW= 00X4H, allowing the job to be
triggered again.
Negative acknowledgment:
the job could not be executed. "Job completed with error" is entered in
the SEND-direct ANZW and "remote error" =09X8H, can be found in the
TF error status word (ERRCLS/ERRCOD). The job can then be triggered
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3.2 General Client Interface for Calling TF
3.2.1 Job Buffer
A TF function is called by an application program using the "job buffers".
These job buffers are transferred via the dual-port RAM to the
communications processor using standard handling blocks. The job buffer
itself is used to transfer the parameters required to execute the service
correctly on the communications processor.
Location and Formats
Job buffers must be located in data block or extended data block areas and
are restricted to a maximum length of 256 bytes. Each job buffer consists of
a general s ection and a service-s pecific section.
User Support
With the REQUEST-EDITOR, the S5 user has a tool to support the creation
of job buffers. Using this tool ensures the syntactical correctness of the job
Figure 3.2 illustrates the basic structure of a job buffer using the example of
the variable services.
The general section applies to all TF services. (open and non-open
The structure of the service-specific section of the job buffer differs
depending on the TF service. A detailed description can be found in the
section describing the individual services. The same applies to the services
for simple data transfer supported by the communications processor
(non-open TF services).
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 10
Special Features
It is nevertheless possible to generate job buffers without using the TF
It is also possible to configure certain parameters on the CP 1430 TF (local
and remote definition, see Chapter 4 Configuring and Testing or 4.3.2 Edit |
Application Associations) instead of in the job buffer (PLC program). If you
configure a variable completely, the job buffer only needs to contain the
scope and the object name.
The parameters specified in the job buffers always have
priority over the parameters programmed in COM 1430 TF or
in the COM 1430 tool PG Load.
Fig. 3.2: Structure of the Job Buffer - Example Variable Services
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3 - 11 Volume 2
Description of the General Section
The following descriptions are based on Figure 3.2
Opcode: 2 words, format: KS
In the opcode, the user encodes the required TF service.
The coding is made using four ASCII characters and can be
seen in the following table.
Opcode Meaning
V-RE Read variable
V-WR Wri te variable
V-IN Information report
D-LO Load domain content
D-ST Store domain content
D-DE Delete domain content
D-GE Get domain attributes
P-CR Create PI
P-ST Start PI
P-RE Res ume PI
P-SP Stop PI
P-RS Reset PI
P-AB Kill PI
P-HL Local program stop
P-GE Get P I attributes
P-DE Delete P I
M-ST Status
M-SU Unsolici ted status
M-ID Identify VMD
B-RQ Read byte string
B-WQ Write byte s tring with acknowledgment
B-WO Write byte s tring without acknowledgment
B-WI Query byte string l ength
T-DQ Transparent data exchange with acknowledgment
T-DO Transparent data exchange without acknowledgment
A-CF Configure ANZW [local]
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 12
The meaning of the individual services and how they are modeled on the
SIMATIC PLC is described in the sections of this manual dealing with the
specific services.
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP 1430 TF). This is
specified in multiples of 0.1 sec. If the job is completed
within the spec ified time, the parameter is irrelevant.
The value of the acknowledgment monitoring time at the
application level (layer 7) should be adapted to the "data
retransmission time" of the transport layer (layer 4) so that
there are at least two repetitions before the connection is
terminated on the transport layer (for example if data is lost
due to a distur bance).
If the dwell time of the job elapses without an
acknowledgment arriving, the following actions are initiated
by the CP 1430 TF:
1. The job status is set to "job completed with error" (can be
obtained with a "Control" call in the PLC).
Error number in s tatus word: D
2. If the acknowl edgment arrives later it is ignored.
3. Application association terminated and static association
automatically re-established.
Timeout = 10s
Data retransmission ti me = 0.6 s
reserved: 1 word, not available to the user.
B8976075/01 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF
3 - 13 Volume 2
3.2.2 Sequence on the Client Interface
Parameters for the HDB
The configured job buffer for a TF job is transferred by calling a
SEND-direct HDB in the S5 user program. The call on the interface to the
user program and the relationship to the configured connection block on the
CP 1430 TF ar e illustrated in Fig. 3.1:
Support by the Request Editor
After the job buffers have been configured, the COM 1430 tool TF Request
Editor suppli es the parameters for call ing the SEND-direct job.
Sequence and Messages
After transferring the buffer, the status of the job (status byte in the
dual-port RAM) is set to "job activ e" by the CP 1430.
Depending on the service, the CP 1430 TF requires data from the PLC or
must transfer data to the PLC. To allow for this data transfer, the jobs are
processed by the background communication between the PLC and CP.
This background communication is implemented by calling the SEND-ALL
or RECEIV E-ALL handling block ( see also Fig. 3.1 ).
When the job is completed, the status is set by the communications
processor to "job completed with/without er rors".
The exact sequence of a service is described in detail in the individual
chapters. Segmentation of the data which may be necessary with the "all"
calls is not discussed in these chapters, but is supported by the CP 1430
TF whenever necessary. Segmentation is the transfer of the data field by
field when the data length is greater than the field length specified in the
SYNCHRON HDB for data transfer on the dual-port RAM.
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 14
Description of the SEND HDB Call Parameters
The following parameter descriptions are based on Fi g. 3.1.
SSNR: 0 ... 255, the correct base interface number must be
configured on the CP 1430 TF
ANR: 1 ... 199
Only odd job numbers are permitted for TF jobs (see
"Configuring, Test").
The following job numbers have a special significance:
205: configuration of the local VMD (local job)
218: clock functi ons
ANZW: Status word as specified in the HDB description /7/,
however, extended to three words:
1st and 2nd word
For a detailed description, refer to Volume 1, Appendix C.2
"Content of the status word"
3rd word
If the status "job completed with error" is entered in the 1st
word, the 3rd word is valid and specifies the TF error in
greater detail.
15 0
1st word free Error
management Data
management Status
2nd wor d Length word
3rd word TF error (ERRCLS/ERRCOD)
The TF error number is valid when
Status = Job c ompleted with error
For more information about the status word, refer to Volume
1, Appendix C1/C2.
B8976075/01 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF
3 - 15 Volume 2
The following are distinguished in the error codes:
a) Error in the local protocol handler
b) Error in the remote protocol handler
c) Error for all TF services
d) Error for special TF services (e.g. serial transfer)
In addition to these errors defined in TF, there are also the
e) Errors on the client side (e.g. after analysis of the job
f) Errors that are specified in more detail for the variable
services i n the "access res ult" parameter .
(errcls = 82H, errcod = 4xH)
The possible error codes and the causes of errors are
described in A ppendix C in Volume 2 of this manual.
Selecting the Status Word
The status word specified in the SEND-direct HDBs should
match the status word selected during the configuration of
an application association. If these status words do not
match, the entry in the ANZW of the HDB is incomplete
after the job has been processed. The information about
data management, the transmitted length and the SINEC TF
error word are missing (this information is then in the ANZW
of the configured connection).
Instead of configuring the status word, this can be stipulated
using a configuration job (refer to Chapter 9 “Supplementary
Services" and Chapter 6 ”Request Editor”).
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 16
S5 address: Source address of the job buffer:
QTYP: Type of data block (DB, DX)
DB/DX-Nr.: Number of the data block or extended data
block (1...255)
QANF: Start addr ess of the job buffer
(0...(2043 - length))
QLAE: Length of the job buffer in words
(max. 128 words)
In the following descriptions, the term "data block" means a
DB or if permitted DX.
PAFE Parameter assignment error byte
The possible error codes and the causes of errors are
described in Appendix C.3 ’Parameter Assignment Error
Byte PAFE’, Volume 1.
B8976075/01 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF
3 - 17 Volume 2
3.3 General Server Interface
The Principle of Activating the Server Function
The TF server functions are handled on the CP 1430 largely without support
of the CPU on the programmable logic controller. TF jobs are interpreted by
the CP 1430 and executed with the PLC via the background
communication, so that only a handling block cal l is required.
To transfer current pr ocess values to the CP 1430 TF.
To receive transmitted data in the data areas of the user program.
This applies to:
all TF v ariable services
the general services for virtual manufacturing devices
Configuring Local Variables
Local variables (i.e. variables managed on the CP 1430 in the server role
and which can be read or written) must be configured with the configuration
tool COM 1430 TF:
for application association-specific variables in the application
associations dialog
for VMD-speci fic variables using the VMD variables editor
or with the COM 1430 tool PG Load
for domain-speci fic variables
The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF B8976075/01
Volume 2 3 - 18
Service-specific Selections
The server interface is explained for the specific service. Special features
when using domain and PI services are described in the section "TF
Services for Implementing a CIM Network".
Special Features with Serial Transfer
In contrast to the services mentioned above, with the non-open service
"transparent data exchange", the service request must be transferred to the
programmable logic controller on the server side, since the data can only be
interpreted there. For this reason, a configuration job is necessary on the
server side for the non-open service "Read/write byte string".
This "general i nterface" is explained i n the Chapter "Serial Data Transfer".
B8976075/01 The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF
3 - 19 Volume 2
II COM 1430 TF Functions
4 Configuring and Testing the TF Interface
4.1 Overview 4-3
4.2 Defining TF Variable Types 4-4
4.2.1 Edit | Variable Types | Editor 4-6
4.2.2 Edit | Variable Types | Compress 4-9
4.2.3 Multiple Us e of the Type Library 4-10
4.3 Editing Connection Blocks 4-11
4.3.1 Edit | ...| Overview 4-11
4.3.2 Edit | ... | Application Ass ociations 4-12
4.3.3 Edit | Connections | File Server App. Assoc. 4-28
4.3.4 Edit | VMD Variables Editor 4-29
4.3.5 Edit | Configure VMD 4-32
4.4 Testing the TF Interface 4-34
4.4.1 Test | Application Associations 4-35
4.4.2 Follow-on Dial og ’Single Status A pplic. Associations’ 4-38
4.4.3 Follow-on Dialog ’Single Trace Applic. Associations 4-41
4.4.4 PI-/Domain Status 4-43
4.4.5 Status Bits of the Test Functions 4-44
4 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
This chapter describes the functions, dialogs and parameters of the NCM
COM 1430 TF tool for configuring and testing application associations and
file server application associations.
You can refer to this chapter during confi guration and testing.
During configuration, it is advisable to perform the steps in the order shown
in the foll owing overview.
Further Information
For further information, y ou should read the following:
Chapter 3 ’The TF Interface on the CP 1430 TF’ in this volume about the
functions and modes of the transfer services on the TF interface.
Chapter 6 ’Basic Configuration’ in Volume 1 tells you about the general
steps to be tak en to create a database fil e.
The online help function of NCM COM 1430 TF informs you about the
meaning of input fi elds during configuration.
The margin entries shown on a gray background are references to the
dialogs in the "COM 1430 TF Configuration Tool’ supplement accompanying
this manual.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 2
4.1 Overview
The diagram below is an overview of the steps and functions available for
configuring and operating a TF interface.
Edit | Docume ntation
Tran sfer | FD -> CP
see Volume 1
Conf igure the
TF interface
Load configuration
Test the
TF interface
Edit | Connections
Edit | Configure VMD
Document the
Tes t | Ap plication A ssociati ons
Steps and Corresponding Functions
Edit | VMD Variables Editor
Application Associations
File S erve r App. Assoc.
See Volume 1
Edit | Variable Types
Fig. 4.1: Configuration Steps for TF Services
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 3 Volume 2
4.2 Defining TF Variable Types
The Meaning of the Defined Type
Automation systems often have variables with identical structures that
describe the process variables and process statuses. Defining and entering
the structure descriptions often represents a considerable part of the time
and effort taken for configuring.
Specifying structures in the form of a defined type reduces the time and
effort required for defi ning the variables managed on the CP.
The following example illustrates this advantage: Since the technological
processes ’tank_1’ and ’tank_2’ are the same, the process variables ’status
_tank’ have the identical structure ’tank_status’, that needs to be defined
only once and assigned to the variables.
Fig. 4.2: Relationship Between TF Variables and TF Variable Types
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 4
Defining TF Variable Types with the TF Variables Editor
You can create a library in the CP database file containing the TF-variable
types you require for your application.
NCM COM 1430 TF provides you with the TF variables editor with which
you can define variable types. The library created by this procedure is
stored in the CP block OB14.
Defining Types for Several Devices
The common type definition can, for example, be used both on the PLC at
the process level and on a device at the management level.
You can copy the database block with the type library (OB14) to a different
CP database file using the File | Copy function. This means you can define
types once and use them for the entire system.
The library for TF variable types has capacity for a maximum of 100 type
definitions (0..99) or 800 definition lines. If the variable types contain com-
plex structures, the capacity of the CP block OB14 can be exhausted with
less than 99 type definitions.
Fig. 4.3: Sharing the Type Library in Several Devices
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 5 Volume 2
4.2.1 Edit | Variable Types | Editor
M 2-3-1 Meaning
You define user-defined variable types and save them in a type library
(database bloc k OB 14) of the s elected database file or in the CP database.
When you enter variables, the ’Select’ and ’Help’ functions display not only
the standard variable types but also variable types defined here, along with
the variable type name and variable type number (see below).
Dialog/Input Fields
Vari able t ype na me: Maximum 32 character long name for a variable type.
Type: You specify the structure of a variable type. In the
simplest case, you assign a simple standard type
such as BO (Boolean) or IN 16 (integer 16 bit) to the
variable type. The type definition of a variable type is
analogous to the type definition of a variable (see
Chapter 4.3). Example: definition of a structured
variable type (tank status) and a simple standard type
(temp setpoint).
Fig. 4.4: Example of User-Defined Variable Types
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 6
The following table s hows the possible types.
Note: it is not possible to use a second user-defined type
within a user-defined type.
Offset: The offset field is only an output field. With structured
type definitions, it indicates the relative address of the
data element within the structure. The value
corresponds to the ’S5 address’ output field of the
variable definitions. Since the variable types cannot
be specifically assigned, no block addresses but only
relative word addr esses can be s pecified.
BO Boolean -
BS Bit string Number of valid bits
IN Integer 8 , 16, 32 bits
UN Unsigned integer 8, 16, 32 bits
FP Floatin g point 32 bits
OS Octet string Length in bytes
VS Visible string Length in bytes
TI Time of day 4 bytes generated by the COM
TD Time and date 6 bytes generated by the COM
{ Start of structure Number of components
(cal culate d by th e COM)
} End of structure
AR Field Number of elements in an array
Table 4.1: Variable Types in the TF Variables Editor
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 7 Volume 2
Vari able t ype nu mber: The automatically generated number is displayed
here. You use this number as a reference when
entering TF variables.
If you have entered a new type definition, the variable
type number is only generated after pressing the F7
key (OK ).
Function Keys (with an addi tional or context-specifi c meaning)
FIND With the "FIND" key, you can search for a user-defined
variable type us ing the variable type.
DELETE With the "DELETE" softkey, you can delete the currently
selected variable type. The variable type is deleted from the
displayed list immediately. All other entries including
generated variable ty pe numbers, remain unchanged.
Deleted variable types are simply marked internally as
deleted and continue to take up space in the type library!
The storage space is only deleted physically with the Edit |
Variable Types | Compress function.
For the effects of the variable definitions see dialogs
M 2-4-4.2, M 2-4-4.3 and M 2-5.1):
Variables that used the deleted variable type are now
displayed i n the Type column as ’undefined’.
INSERT This key inserts an empty line at the current cursor position.
You can enter a new variable type in this line. To be able to
insert structured variables, you must insert the required
number of empty lines .
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 8
4.2.2 Edit | Variable Types | Compress
The type library (database block OB 14) has a restricted capacity. Using the
Edit | Variable Types | Compress function you can remove variable types
marked as deleted from the type library and make more space for new type
All variables with the undefined status due to the type being deleted
previously in the type library are removed from the database file or CP
After compressing, all the other entries in the type library, including the
generated variable type numbers, are unchanged.
To prevent you accidentally deleting type definitions, you should follow the
steps outlined below:
Delete the type definitions you no longer require in the TF Variable
Types Editor dialog.
Check the variable definitions in dialogs M 2-4-4.2, M 2-4-4.3 and
M 2-5.1. If you want to retain variables marked as undefined (UN) in the
Type column, assign a new variable type to them or delete the variables
if they are no longer required. The variables you left as undefined are
then deleted during the subsequent compression.
Then select the Edit | Variable Types | Compress function. If variable
definitions with undefined variable type assignments still exist, you will
be prompted to confi rm that y ou want to compress.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 9 Volume 2
4.2.3 Multiple Use of the Type Library
You can transfer the database block OB14 to a different database file or CP
database with the File | Copy function. This allows you to make valid type
definitions throughout the entire system although you only need to enter the
definitions once.
This is an option with which you can be sure that data structures are valid
and consistent throughout the entire system. You can, of course, make
separate type definitions in every singl e database.
Select the File | Copy function.
As the source file, specify the file in which you previously entered the
globally valid type definitions. Select the CP database file containing no
definitions or whose definitions you want to overwrite as the destination
Select the SINGLE function with the F1 key.
Confirm the data transfer only for the CP block OB 14 with YES.
Note: if you overwrite an existing type library with the copy
function, the following situations can arise:
1. Variable definitions with undefined type assignments:
assigned variable type numbers no longer exist in the new
type library.
2. Variable definitions have other structures:
The variable type was changed.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 10
4.3 Editing Connection Blocks
4.3.1 Edit | ...| Overview
M2-4-1 You can obtain information about existing connection blocks with the Edit |
Conn ections | Over view function. The following types ar e displayed:
Transport connections
Datagram services
Application as sociations
File server appli cation associations
To display or modify the configuration data of a connection block displayed
in the li st:
Select the entry with the cursor.
Press the F7 key (OK)
To edit a connection block, you can also select the input dialogs for the
types directly using the NCM COM 1430 TF menu.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 11 Volume 2
4.3.2 Edit | ... | Application Associations
M2-4-2.1 Aims
With the Edit | Connections | Application Associations function or by
selecting a connection block as described in the previous section, you
display the ’Application Associations’ dialog. Here, you assign parameters
for the transport connections.
If you have already created connection blocks for the database file, when
you select the Edit | Connections | Application Associations function, the first
block of the database file is di splayed.
The configuration of variables to define the services with which the
variables are tr ansferred is part of the c onnection configuration.
Essential Basic Configuration
A connection block can only be defined when the database file has been
completely initialized. Refer to the procedure for basic configuration
described in Volume 1, Chapter 6.
Number of Application Associations
A maximum of 16/100 SINEC application associations each with a TF-PDU
size of 1024 bytes can be configured. This number is reduced if you select
a higher value for the TF-PDU size (see Volume 1, Section 4.6).
Some of the entries in this dialog are identical to the parameters for calling
the handling blocks in the STEP 5 user programs.
Configuring Variables
When configuring variables, a distinction is made between the local
definition for server functions (the PLC provides data = variables) and the
remote definition for client functions: (the P LC accesses data = variables):
Local application
Variables are managed in the PLC whose application
associations are being configured. Other
communications partners (PLCs) write or read these
variables (the PLC is server).
Remot e variable s : The PLC whose application associations are being
configured writes, reads or reports variables (the PLC
is cli ent).
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 12
Input Fields for Assigning Parameters to the Interface to the PLC
Appl ication as sociatio n
name: Name of the defined application association (only for
Possible values: 32 ASCII characters
offset: The parameter specifies the interface number offset
or page number via which the communications
channel is addressed. The number is formed from the
base interface number and the selected page. The
PG checks that the interface number is within the
permitted range of values and rejects illegal interface
The number specified here (SSNR = base SSNR +
SSNR offset) must also be specified in the handling
block for connection identific ation.
Possible values: 0..3
ANR: In conjunction with the local interface number, the job
number specifi es the connection block uniquely.
In the control program, the job number and the
interface number must be transferred to the handling
block to identify the connection and the job.
Possible values: 1...199
Only odd job numbers can be assigned for application
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 13 Volume 2
Input Fields for Assigning Parameters to the Interface to the PLC (con-
Stat us wo rd: Status word for the defined job (see: specification of
handling block s)
FW 0...250 or
DB’ < 0...255> ’ < 0...2040>
" "
DB number word number
With client jobs, this status word is transferred by the
CP to the HDBs i n the SEND/RECEIVE-ALL j obs.
The connection status word is used for the client
station, i.e. i s the service initiator.
Three words are required for the status word. It is
advisable to make this status word identical to the
handling block status word.
Structure of the ANZW:
15 0
1st wor d free Error
management Data
management Status
2nd wor d Length word
3rd word TF error (ERRCLS/ERRCOD)
If the address of the ANZW for the connection is
different from that of the ANZW for the HDB, the 2nd
and 3rd words are used exclusively for the
How to use the status word and the meaning of the
individual bits can be found in the descriptions of the
handling block s (see Chapter 3 and /7/).
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 14
Input Fields for Assigning Parameters for Job Processing
TF-PDU size With this parameter, you specify the maximum size of
the buffer used for transfer on the application
Possible values 128...65535
Select the TF-PDU size
- if possible < 1025, if you want to operate the
maximum number of application associations
- however not less than necessary for transferring the
service (header + data information).
Possible values: 128...65535
For more detailed information, refer to Volume 1,
Chapter 4 ’Technical Description and Guide to
Installing the CP 1430 TF’.
Esta blishme nt typ e: A4 = active connection establishment only layer 4
A7 = active connection establishment layers 4 and 7
P4 = pass ive connection establi shment only layer 4
P7 = passive connection establishment layers 4 + 7
D4 = dynamic c onnection establishment only layer 4
D7 = dynamic c onnection establishment lay ers 4 + 7
Connection establishment using only layer 4 should
be selected when there is no application association
management implemented on the partner system. For
more detailed information, refer to Chapter 9
’Applicati on Associations’.
The establishment of a connection is handled
implicitly by the CPs, i.e. there is no explicit job from
the PLC. Connections are established as foll ows:
The CP 1430 initiates connection establishment
during start-up. The resources (buffers) are therefore
always in use.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 15 Volume 2
Input Fields for Assigning Parameters for Job Processing (continued)
The CP 1430 expects a connection request from the
The CP establishes the connection as soon as a job
is pending for the configured connection. Resources
are only used as they are needed.
Multip lex address: Multi plex address of the layer 7 connection
Possible values: 0,...,255
Here, you enter the multiplex address “negotiated”
with the partner application. The multiplex address is
an additional address to identify the peer appl ication.
Since each application association is modeled on its
own transport connection on the CP 1430 TF, the
multiplex address has no meaning in a homogeneous
environment (only CP 1430 TF modules). It is
therefore advisable to leave the multiplex address
setting at 0 i n this situation.
The same multiplex address must be configured on the local
and remote station.
Note the following when converting a COM 143 database to
COM 1430:
If the multiplex function was used in the COM 143 database,
the application associations multiplexed on one TSAP will
be modeled on different transport connections when the
database is converted. After the conversion, the same
TSAPs are assigned to these transport connections!
Modify the TSAPs so that the assignments are unique!
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 16
Transport Addresses - Local Parameters
In these input fields, you address the communications path in the local PLC.
Entries for the TSAP:
When you c all the dialog, the TSAP from the previous dialog is entered.
Displayi ng the TSAP in both hex and ASCII has the fol lowing advantages
- it is easier to enter the TSAP s as an ASCII string
- the TSAPs are not restricted to only ASCII characters.
TSAP (ASC): The TSAP for the local PLC can be entered here in
ASCII characters.
Possible values: max. 8 ASCII characters
TSAP (HEX): The individual bytes of the TSAP ID can be entered
here in hexadecimal notation in groups of two (values
from 00 to FF).
Possible values: max. 8 hex characters
TSAP length: This specifies the number of TSAP characters and
has the default "8". With connections to non-SIMATIC
devices, it may be necessary to specify a shorter
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 17 Volume 2
Transport Addresses - Remote Parameters
In these input fields, you address the communications partner.
MAC address (HEX): This is the physical module address of the remote
If MAC address 00 00 00 00 00 00H is entered for the
RECEIVE job, the address counts as being
unspecified. When the connection is established, any
partner is accepted r egardless of its address .
Entries for the TSAP:
When you c all the dialog, the TSAP from the previous dialog is entered.
Displayi ng the TSAP in both hex and ASCII has the fol lowing advantages
- it is easier to enter the TSAP s as an ASCII string
- the TSAPs are not restricted to only ASCII characters.
TSAP (ASC): The TSAP for the remote PLC can be entered here in
ASCII characters.
Possible values: max. 8 ASCII characters
TSAP (HEX): The individual bytes of the TSAP ID can be entered
here in hexadecimal notation in groups of two (values
from 00 to FF).
Possible values: max. 8 hex characters
TSAP length: This specifies the number of TSAP characters and
has the default "8". With connections to other types of
devices, it may be necessary to specify a shorter
If you specify TSAP length = 0, the TSAP counts as
being unspecified.
An unspecified connection end point must be
configured as passive.
The MAC address must also be unspecified ( address
00 00 00 00 00 00) .
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 18
M2-4-2.1 Function Keys (with an addi tional or context-specifi c meaning)
+1 /-1 With the F1 key "+1"; you display the next connection block,
with F2 "-1", the previous.
INPUT With the F3 key "INPUT", you can enter a new block. An
empty dialog is displayed.
LOC VAR Submenus for variable definitions used for server services
(Read, Write) ( -> M 2-4-4.2).
REM VAR Submenus for remote variable definitions used for client
calls (-> M 2-4-4.3).
DELETE With the F6 key "DELETE", you delete a connection block.
This command must be confirmed again after the PG
OK The F7 key "OK", saves all the parameter settings in the
database file or (in the online mode) directly on the CP
1430. In the offline mode, it is advisable to save the
parameter settings with thi s from time to time whi le editing.
TR PARA You select the follow-on dialog ’Transport Parameters’
M 2-4-2.3.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 19 Volume 2
M2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables
To define or configure local application association-specific variables, you
press the F4 key (LOC VAR) in dialog M 2-4-4.1 to branch to the “Local
AA-specific Variables” dialog.
Here, you define variables and their structures belonging to values in local
data blocks. These variables can only be accessed via the application
association c urrently being configured.
Dialogs/Input Fields
Name: Maximum 32 char acter long identifier for a variable.
Type: This parameter specifies the type of variable. You can
specify user-specific variable types created with the
TF variable type editor or standard variable ty pes.
a) User-defined variable types
You specify the number of the variable type you
defined for this variable. Use the selection key F8!
Apart from the standard types, all user-defined
variable types with their numbers and type identifiers
are displayed.
b) Standard variable types
The first input field (2 characters long) identifies the
actual variable type and the 2nd input field (4
characters long) the variable length.
Example: IN 16
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 20
M2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables (continued)
The following types of variable are permitted:
ACC: Access type:
R only reading possible, no specification means
access not restricted.
BO Boolean -
BS Bit string number of valid bits
IN Integer 8 , 16, 32 bits
UN unsigned integer 8 , 16, 32 bits
FP Floatin g point 32 bits
OS Octet string length in bytes
VS Visi ble string leng th in bytes
TI Time of day 4 bytes generated by COM
TD Time and date 6 bytes generated by COM
{ Start of structure number of components
(cal culate d by COM )
} End of structure
AR field number of elements in an array
Table 4.2: Standard Variable Types
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 21 Volume 2
M2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables (continued)
S5 ADDRESS: Address of the memory area for modeling the value
of the variable on the PLC.
FORMAT: <ORG_identifier> <ERW_identifier> <start
ORG_identifier = DB or DX for data block
ERW_identifier = 0..255 data block number
start addr.= 0..2042 data word number, at which
value of the variable starts.
ANZW: Variable status word: Configured status word for
server functions wi th these variables .
When configuring, you can not only configure the
name and type of the variables and the S5 address at
which the variable is stored by the PLC program, but
also specify an address for a status word. Here, the
PLC program can check information about access to
the variable.
It is, for example, possible for the PLC program to
recognize whether the value of a variable has been
updated by another station or whether there has been
no access.
Using this status word, the PLC program can also
(temporarily) block access to the variable for another
How to use the status word and the meaning of the
individual bits can be found in the descriptions of the
CP handling bl ocks (see Chapter 3 and /7/).
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 22
M2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables (continued)
(Possible v alues: where TYPE = FW , DB, DX
DBNR = 0..255, if TYPE = DB or DX (data block
FWNR = 0..250, if TYPE = FW (flag wor d number)
DWNR = 0..255, if TYPE = DB, DX (data word
DWNR = empty, if TYPE = FW)
The status word as presented here is identical in its
structure to the s tatus words of the handling blocks.
15 0
free E rror management Data management Status management
Length word
SSN R offset: This specifies the CPU in which the variable is
physically located. In the single processor mode the
SSNR offset specified for the connection must be
entered, in the multiprocessor mode, ((CPU no.) -1)
must be entered.
Since in the SIMATIC PLC in a station (e.g.
S5-155 U, S5-135 U) up to four CPUs can operate in
the multiprocessor mode, not only the S5 address but
also the interface via which the CP accesses the
variable (i.e. the physical CPU on which the variable
is located) must be specified when configuring
VMD-specifi c and connection-specific variables.
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4 - 23 Volume 2
M2-4-4.2 Function Keys (with an addi tional or context-specific meaning)
INSERT This key inserts an empty line at the current cursor position.
You can enter a new variable type in this line. To be able to
insert structured variables, you must insert the required
number of empty lines .
DELETE The variable marked by the cursor is deleted. If this variable
is a structure or an array identifier, the whole structure or
array is deleted and the variables definitions are shifted
together to close the gap.
FIND With the "FIND" key, you can search for a variable using
the variable name.
INFO With the "INFO" key, you obtain further information about
the type of the variable currently marked by the cursor (e.g.
the variable type name of self-defined types).
OK The entered data is converted to internal structures. You
exit the dialog, but only after the connection dialog has
been saved.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 24
M2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables - Example
The “Local AA-specific Variables” dialog in the supplement, illustrates the
following example of a variable definiti on.
The variable Status_heating is a structured variable consisting of three com-
Water_temperature: standard ty pe IN 16
Setpoint: standar d type IN 16
Indicators: str ucture, consisting of three components of the type BO
The setting ACC = R means that the structure Status_heating can only be
The structure is mapped on data block 7 s tarting at data word 8.
Flag word 10 is used as the status word for the variable.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 25 Volume 2
M 2-4-4.2 Configuring Local Variables - Entering a Structure
Entry and Calculation of the S5 Address
For structures, you only need to specify the S5 address of the start of the
structure. Where the components of the structure (within a data block) are
actually located is calculated by COM 1430 and displayed the next time you
page through the variables definitions.
The length of structures is also calculated based on the components
entered and dis played next time you call the variable definitions.
The calculation of S5 addresses and structure lengths is only started when
you exit the edit mode with "OK" (F7) since only then are the external ASCII
structures conver ted to the internal representation.
Indented Display
Structure definitions are indented automatically by NCM COM 1430 TF. You
should therefore edi t starting on the left without i ndenting.
The text is displayed indented the next time you enter your data with the
F7 key ’OK’ and then select the dialog again.
The nesting level for variables is restricted to 2.
If an error i s detected, an error message is generated and displayed.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 26
M2-4-4.3 Configuring Remote Variables
Analogous to the application association-specific local variables accessed
by the PLC as server, remote variables can also be configured in COM
1430 TF. These variables can be read or written in the server via the
application association with the PLC in the client role.
The remote variables ar e configured on the devic e which
triggers the v ariable services read and write variable
receives the reported variables
These variable definitions are only necessary and only used by the CP
1430 TF when the variable is not completely specified in the job buffer or
cannot be compl etely specified (e.g. no type specification in the job buffer).
Dialogs/Input Fields
Scop e: Scope of the r emote variable
AA = appl ication association
VM = virtual machine
DO = domain
Name: The meaning is analogous to the definition of local
For a variable with the scope DO = domain, the domain
name must also be entered in the first li ne.
Type: The meaning is analogous to definition of local variables.
S5 address: The meaning is analogous to definition of local variables.
ANZW.: The meaning is analogous to definition of local variables.
SSNR does not need to be specified, since in client jobs, the addressed
variable must always be located in the CPU from which the job was
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 27 Volume 2
4.3.3 Edit | Connections | File Server App. Assoc.
M2-4-3 Meaning
In the “Application Associations to File Server” dialog you can define
so-called "third-party associations". These are connections that are
established implicitly between the CP and a file server after a load
operation is triggered by a host computer .
Dialog Structure
M 2-4-4.1 The dialog is identical to dialog M2-4-4.1 ’Application Associations’,
however, the input fields for SSNR offset, status word, establishment type
and multiplex address are omitted.
Neither local nor remote definitions are possible (function keys F4 and F5).
The establishment type for the server application association is always
"dynamic". The connection establishment request (in order to load a new
domain), is al ways started by the CP 1430 TF.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 28
4.3.4 Edit | VMD Variables Editor
M 2-5.1 Meaning
The VMD Variables Editor option provides functions with which you can
define VMD-speci fic variables.
VMD-speci fic variables can be accessed via any application assoc iation.
VMD-specific variables are stored in a special organization block within the
configured module.
M 2-4-4.2 The structure of the dialog ’VMD-Specific Variables’ is identical to the dialog
’Local A A-specific Variables (see Page 4-20).
The nesting level for variables is restricted to 2!
Creating Groups for the Information Report S ervice
VMD-specific variables can be collected together into groups. Groups are
purely local objects which allow simpler access to all the grouped variables
for the information report service. You obtain the dialog for groups with the
F4 key.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning) :
GROUPS This function allows variables to be grouped together. The
dialog M 2-5.2 ’Group Definitions’ is displayed. (see next
DEL BLK All the VMD-specific variables can be deleted, however, you
will be prompted to confirm your intention DELETE
After deleting the variables, you return to the TF overlay
initial di alog.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 29 Volume 2
OK The variable definitions are converted to corresponding
address directory entries and checked to make sure they
are syntactically correct (parenthesis error, double
declarations). The defined groups are also converted to an
internal structure and checked (unique group names,
existence of all the specified vari able names).
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 30
M 2-5.2 E dit | VMD Variables Editor - Defining Groups
You display the ’Group Definitions’ dialog by pressing function key ^F4 in
the VMD-Specific Variables dialog, dialog M2-5.1.
By defining a group, you can transfer variables collected in groups using the
information report ser vice.
Input Field s:
Group na me: 8 character long ASCII string, must be unique per
(left and
right column)
The free 32 character long fields are for variable
names. Only complete structures or arrays can be
accessed using the structure names or array names.
Note that the variable names must be entered line by line
alternating columns and not one complete column and then
the other.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning)
INPUT A dialog with empty fields is displayed in which a new group
can be defined.
DEL GRP The currently displayed group is deleted.
DEL VAR The variable entry at the current cursor position is deleted.
OK Any changes you have made are entered and the dialog is
exited. The data are only converted to the internal
representation when you exit the VMD dialog, since you can
still c hange the variables defini tions.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 31 Volume 2
4.3.5 Edit | Configure VMD
M 2-6 The ’Configure VMD’ function is used to specify the master CPU for domain
and PI services in the multiprocessor mode.
The master CPU is the CPU via which the PG functions "PLC start" and
"PLC stop" are executed.
The function allows up to four CPUs to be selected and assigned to the
VMD. If more than one CPU is selected, the field COR is automatically
The currently selected CPU is displayed inversely on the screen. CPUs that
have been clicked (selected) are displayed with a heavier margin. You
select a CPU using the function k eys.
Default: CPU 1 and CP are selected.
(The CP cannot be deleted and is only included to illustrate
the complete confi guration.)
Note: COR and CP are not input fields.
If you press F7 = OK, at least one CP U must be selected.
Meaning of the Input Fields:
Master CPU: An x must only be entered in one of these four fields. If you
enter a second x, the first one is automati cally deleted.
address This specifies the path via which the CP can reach the
CPU. If you do not make an entry, this means that the CPU
can be reached via the "swing cable" without the MUX.
The entry can be made for each selected CPU (even if only
one is selected). Values between 1 and 38 are possible. An
entry is only obligatory if more than one CPU is selected.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 32
M 2-6 Edit | Configure VMD (continued)
The information about the configuration is only generated after it has been
selected by the user. If the information does not exist, a CP uses the
default setting.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning) :
INCL/DEL Include or remove a CPU
<---------- Select the previous CPU
----------> Select the next CPU
PRESETS Create presets
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 33 Volume 2
4.4 Testing the TF Interface
The following dialogs are available for testing the TF interface:
Total Status Application Associations
M 5-2.1 This display provides you with an overview of the current status of all the
configured connection blocks of the TF layer. These include application
associations and file server application associations.
Single Status Application Associations
M 5-2.2 You can run diagnostics on an application association you selected in the
overview dis play Total Status Appli cation Associations.
(To select an application association, move the inverse bar with the cursor
You obtain the following extra information:
Display of a connection error
Hex codes are decoded in plain text
Complete address i nformation
Single Trace Application Association
M 5-2.3 You can run diagnostics on an application association you selected in the
overview display Total Status Application Associations. Each status change
leads to a new entry in the trace list.
You obtain the following extra information c ompared with Total Status:
Display of a connection error
Registration of the job history
You can check that the data and job transfer on the CPU-CP interface and
to SINEC H1 is functioning correctly.
The ONLINE test functions can be run both on the AS511
and the SINEC H1 interface. The test functions affect the
processing of the communications services. Due to its low
transmission rate of 9.6 Kbps, the AS511 interface delays
the communication on the TF interface.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 34
4.4.1 Test | Application Associations
M 5-2.1 Meaning and Functions
With the Test | Application Associations function, you select the ’Total
Stat us Ap plicatio n Ass ociati ons’ di alog.
The PG fetches information from the CP 1430 about all configured
application associations and file server application associations and displays
them with their current status in a table. A maximum of 13 single statuses
can be dis played at one time.
Upda ting t he Displ ay
To update the displ ay, follow the steps bel ow:
Select a job you want to have updated the cursor.
Press the F4 key SELECT. The job is then marked in the Sel column
with ’x’.
Repeat this for all other jobs you want to have updated.
Activate the update function with the F1 key. Only the selected jobs are
then displayed. All jobs whose jobs status changes while the update
function is active are marked with ’ x’ in the Chge column.
Output Fields
Operat ing mode: Information about the CP status (RUN, STOP, IDLE)
Local MAC ad dress: Phy sical module address of the local PLC.
Sel.: This column indicates the entries selected for
continuous updating. You can toggle the updating
(ON/OFF) with the F1 key.
POS : Consecutive number of the j ob in the table.
SSN R offset: Interface number offset of the job.
ANR : Job number
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 35 Volume 2
AA-ID: Displays an application association identifier that is
transferred by the underlying transport layer when an
attempt is made to open a transport connection.
If the displayed value changes continuously, you can
see that no connection is established.
AA stat us: Displays the status of an application association. (see
Table 4.3)
TF job: Displays the type of job specified in the job buffer.
Opcode as shown i n Table 4.4
J status Displays the status of the job processing.
see Table 4.5
J error TF errors that occur red during j ob processing.
See Appendix C ’TF Error Numbers used by the CP
Chge: This column indicates the jobs whose status has
changed since the last status query. The status query
begins at the point in time when the updating of the
job display was activated.
The following applic ation associations ar e predefined and always displ ayed:
ANR 205: Job number for local jobs sent to the CP 1430 TF by
the local P LC program.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 36
ANR 206: Job number for the predefined application associations
(server side - see Section. 9.1.4 "Special Application
Associations"), for example, used by PG Load for load
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
UPD ON Toggles the updating of jobs selected with the
SELECT key on and off.
SING STAT The follow-on dialog ’Single Status Application
Association’ M 5-2.2 is selected.
TRACE The follow-on dialog ’Single Trace Application
Association’ M 5-2.3 is selected.
SELECT You select a job marked by the cursor.
DESELECT You deselect a ‘selected’ job marked by the cursor.
RETURN You terminate the test session.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 37 Volume 2
4.4.2 Follow-on Dialog ’Single Status Application Association’
M 5-2.2 Meaning and Functions
The "F2" key in the "Total Status Application Associations" dialog displays
the follow-on dialog "Single Status A pplication Association" .
The PG fetches information from the CP 1430 about a configured
application association and displays detailed information about it along with
its current status.
In contrast to the overview, you can identify the application association
uniquely using the address information. Status information is also displayed
in plain text.
Upda ting t he Displ ay
Just as in the Total Status you c an continuously update the s tatus display.
Press the F1 k ey to toggle between a s tatic and an updated display .
Output Fields:
AA ty pe.: The job is one of the following types:
- App. Ass.: application association
- File Server: dynamic load connection to the file
- Predefined: predefined static connection, for
example for P G Load services.
Operat ing mode: Information about the CP status (RUN, STOP, IDLE)
MAC addr ess: Physical modul e address of the local P LC.
SSN R offset: Interface number offset of the job.
ANR : Job number.
J type : Job type:
Client (with odd ANR)
Server (with even ANR)
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 38
TF job: Displays the type of job specified in the job buffer.
Opcode as shown i n Table 4.4
J status Displays the status of the job processing.
see Table 4.5
J error TF errors that occur red during j ob processing.
See Appendix C ’TF Error Numbers used by the CP
Appl . ass. name: Displays the application association name if
AA stat us: Displays the status of the application association.
see Table 4.3
AA ID: Displays an application association identifier that is
transferred by the underlying transport layer when an
attempt is made to open a transport connection.
If the displayed value changes continuously, you can
see that no connection is established.
Est ty pe Displays the establishment type selected for the
application assoc iation:
- active
- passive
TF PDU size: The TF PDU size selected for the application
Job watchd og time : Displays the watchdog time set for the current job.
This time is known as the timeout on the job buffer
interface (see also Chapter 6 Request Editor). When
this time expires without the communication partner
responding, the job is terminated and a message is
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 39 Volume 2
Local parameters: Configured local TSAP address of this application
Remote parameters: Configured remote MAC address and TSAP address
of this appli cation association.
Function Keys (additional or with context-specific meaning):
UPD ON Toggles the updating of jobs selected with the
SELECT key on and off.
MANUAL With this key, you can stop the automatic processing
of a TF job on the CP. Pressing the key again moves
the job on one s tep.
To reactivate the automatic processing, press the
ESC key.
RETURN You terminate the test session.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 40
4.4.3 Follow-on Dialog ’Single Trace Application Association
M 5-2.3 Meaning and Functions
The "F3" key in the "Total Status Application Associations" dialog displays
the follow-on dialog "Single Trace Application Associations".
Using the trace functions, status changes on a selected application
association can be written to a trace buffer and displayed on the PG in
chronological order. This function allows you to follow the history of the
selected appl ication association.
Upda ting t he Displ ay
Just as with Total Status, you can also continuously update the status
Press the F1 key to continue or stop the recording of status information.
Disabling the recording or pressing the UPD OFF key only
produces a reaction after 20 seconds if no job is active.
Trace Buffer Overflow
If the CP 1430 is not able to enter all the status changes in the trace buffer
(overflow), thi s is indicated on the PG.
Output Fields:
Operat ing mode: Information about the CP status (RUN, STOP, IDLE)
Local MAC ad dress: This is the physical module address of the local PLC.
SSN R offset: Interface number offset of the job.
ANR: Job number
Pos: Consecutive number
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 41 Volume 2
AA ID: Displays an application association identifier that is
transferred by the underlying transport layer when an
attempt is made to open a transport connection.
If the displayed value changes continuously, you can
see that no connection is established.
AA stat us: Displays the status of an application association. (see
Table 4.3)
TF job: Displays the type of job specified in the job buffer.
see Table 4.4
J status Displays the status of the job processing.
see Table 4.5
J error TF errors that occur red during j ob processing.
See Appendix C ’TF Error Numbers used by the CP
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
UPD ON Toggles the updating of jobs selected with the
SELECT key on and off.
RETURN You terminate the test session.
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 42
4.4.4 PI/Domain Status
M 5-3 With the Test | PI and Domains function, you obtain a display of the current
statuses in the program invocation (PLC) and the domains in the
"PI/Domain St atus" dialog.
PI status:
Using the PI services, a communications partner, for example a host
computer, can trigger start/stop functions on the PLC. The effects of
such control func tions can be seen usi ng this test function.
Domain status:
Using the domain services (see also PG Load), programs and data are
loaded on the PLC and managed as domains. The status of these do-
mains is displayed here.
Output Fields:
invocation Predefined (system-PI = PLC_START_STOP) or
user-defined name of the current program invocation.
PI status Displays the status of the PI named as the program
invocation. You can update the status continuously with the
F1 key.
No. Consecutive number of the displayed domain information.
Domain na me Predefined (static domain = SIMATIC_S5) or user-defined
name of the domain di splayed in the line.
Domai n status Displays the status of the domain. You can update the
status continuously with the F1 key.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
UPD ON You toggle between a static display and a display updated
when the status c hanges.
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 43 Volume 2
4.4.5 Status Displays of the Test Functions
AA status
display Meaning
0000HI nitializ ation phas e active
0100HTransport connection establishment active
0101HTransport connection establishment active (again)
0200HAwaiting AA establishment
0201HAwaiting AA establishment (again)
0300HC onnec tion e stabli shed
0500HTransport connection abort after timeout
0501HT ransport con nection ab ort after bu s problem
0502HT ransport con nection ab ort after pr otocol err or
0503HTransport connection abort from partner
0F00HDatabase defective or no memory
1000HI nitializ ation phas e active
1100HTransport connection establishment active
1101HTransport connection establishment active (again)
1200HA ctiva ting A A esta blishme nt
1201HA ctiva ting A A esta blishme nt (ag ain)
1300HC onnec tion e stabli shed
1500HTransport connection abort after timeout
1501HT ransport con nection ab ort after bu s problem
1502HT ransport con nection ab ort after pr otocol err or
1503HTransport connection abort from partner
1F00HDatabase defective or no memory
2000HI nitializ ation phas e active
2100HTransport connection establishment active dyn
2101HTransport connection establishment active (again)
2102HTransport connection establishment active dyn
2200HAwaiting AA establishment
2201HAwaiting AA establishment (again)
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 44
display Meaning
2202HA ctiva ting A A esta blishme nt dyn
2300HC onnec tion e stabli shed
2400HD eacti vating AA es tablis hment d yn
2500HTransport connection abort after timeout
2501HT ransport con nection ab ort after bu s problem
2502HT ransport con nection ab ort after pr otocol err or
2503HTransport connection abort from partner
2F00HDatabase defective or no memory
F000HUnknown initialization
FF00HType of connection not defined
Table 4.3 Status Displays AA status
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 45 Volume 2
TF jobs
Opcode Job
A-IA Initialize application association
A-AA Abort ap plication association
A-CF Configure ANZW
ABOR Abort
B-RQ Read byte string
B-WQ Write byt e string wit h acknowled gment
B-WO Write byt e string wit hout acknow ledgment
B-WI Query byte st ring leng th
CONN Connect
D-LI Initiate up/download
D-LS UP/download segment
D-LT Termin ate up/ downlo ad
D-UI Request upload sequence
D-US Upload segment
D-UT Terminate upload sequence
D-LR Request download sequence
D-UR Request upload sequence
D-LO Load domain content
D-ST St ore do main con tent
D-DE Delete domain content
D-GE Get domain attributes
P-CR Create program invocation
P-DE Dele te progra m invo cation
P-GE Get program invocation attributes
D-CA Ge t capability list
IDLE Job not active
M-ST Stat us (of virtual de vice)
M-GN Get name list
M-ID Identify (virtual device)
M-SU Unsolicited status
NOID Unknown TF function
P-ST Start PI
P-SP Stop PI
P-RE Resume PI
P-RS Reset PI
P-AB Kill PI
P-HL Local pr ogram stop
T-DQ Transparent data exchange with acknowledgment
T-DO Transparent data exchange without acknowledgment
V-RE Read variable
V-WR Write variable
V-IN Information report
Table 4.4: Opcodes for TF Jobs
TF Interface Configuration, Test B8976075/01
Volume 2 4 - 46
J status
display Meaning
0000HNo job exists
0001HNo job processing at present time
0008HJob to remote station
0009HReply to job from remote station
0010HA waiting jo b from remote stat ion
0011HJ ob receive d from remote st ation
0012HA cknowl edgment r eceive d
0040HSend direct received from PLC
0048HAwaiting send-all trigger
0049HS end-a ll act ive
004AHData from send-all received
0050HA waitin g receive di rect trigg er
0051HR eceiv e-direct activ e
0052HA ck. recei ved from receiv e-direct
0058HA waiting re ceive-al l trigger
0059HR eceive- all active
005AHA ck. recei ved from receiv e-all
0060HI nitiat e error outp ut
0061HE rror output act ive
0062HA ck. o f erro r outp ut rece ived
Table 4.5 J Status Displays
B8976075/01 TF Interface Configuration, Test
4 - 47 Volume 2
5 PG Load
5.1 Overview 5-3
5.1.1 Adapting Programmable Logic Controllers to the Process 5-3
5.1.2 Range of Functions 5-5
5.2 Description of the Tool 5-6
5.3 Functional Description 5-8
5.3.1 System Confi guration and Device Functions 5-8
5.3.2 Configuring Appli cation Associations and
Selection Functions 5-9
5.3.3 Transfer Functions 5-10
5.3.4 Host Functions 5-12
5.4 PG Load - Application 5-14
5.4.1 PG Load | Select 5-14
5.4.2 Configure AA to File Server / Select File Server 5-16
5.4.3 Configure AA to PLC / Select P LC 5-19
5.4.4 Using Transfer Functions 5-21
5.4.5 Using Host Functions 5-24 Load PLC 5-27 Save PLC 5-30
5.4.6 Converting Files from COM 143 to COM 1430 5-33
5 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
The PG Load tool provides useful and user-friendly functions with which you
can address programmable logic controllers (PLCs) via the TF interface
conforming with the MMS standard.
PG Load is also required to structure a PLC with domain and program
invocation objects in keeping with the TF services.
This chapter tells you how to use the PG Load tool for the following
To supply PLCs with programs either directly using the TF domain servi-
ces or dynamically via file servers and so keep up to date with the cur-
rent tasks in the process.
To monitor and control PLCs using the TF pr ogram invocati on services.
The tool is integrated in COM 1430 TF. You can activate it with the menu
item "Util ities".
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 2
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Adapting Programmable Logic Controllers to the Process
with PG Load
Domain and PI Services
The SINEC technological functions include not only variable services but
also domain and program invocation services, as follows:
A domain c orresponds to a loadable data area in a PLC.
Single domains are collected together to form a program invocation (PI),
that represents an ex ecutable program for an automation task.
Program invocations can be monitored and controlled with the PI servi-
If the algorithmic sequence of an automation task is always the same and
only the parameters and data/variables change from time to time (red,
green, blue cars), then the program can be structur ed as follows:
the algorithmic sequence in a "program" domain
the changing par ameters in thei r own "parameter" domain.
Depending on the requirements, the program domain can be combined with
one or more parameter domain(s) to form an executable PLC program.
B8976075/01 PG Load
5 - 3 Volume 2
Using Domain and PI Services without Programming
With the PG Load tool, you use "off-the-shelf" load and control programs
and with them the facilities of the domain and PI services without needing
to program. With the PG Load user interface, you simply specify the
connections for data exchange and select objects for the transfer (domains)
to the controller (PIs).
The PG Load host functions allow you to intervene in the running of the
PLC using the PG Load user interface and so you implicitly use the TF
Structuring the PLC with PG Load for TF Services
PG Load is responsible for forming domains from blocks and generating
loadable domain files. PG Load is therefore needed for PLC structuring in
the sense of the TF services.
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 4
5.1.2 Range of Functions
TF Services under PG Load
The PG Load program supports the following domain and program
invocation services:
Domain servic es:
uploading a domai n from the PG into a file server (triggered by the
downloading a domai n from the file server to the PG (triggered by
the PG)
triggering the l oad sequence in the P LC from a file server or PG (trig-
gered by the PG)
triggering the uploading from the PLC into a file server or PG (trigge-
red by the PG)
deleting domains in the PLC.
Program invoc ation services:
start program invocation
stop program inv ocation
create program invocation
delete program inv ocation
TF Services and the SIMATIC S5 View
PG Load is designed for the domain and PI model on which a SIMATIC S5
programmable logic controller is modeled.
The following rules apply to domains and P I services
A PLC c ontains up to 8 dynamic and 1 static domain.
A domain consists of any combination of blocks. It is useful to separate
blocks containing program (logic) and those containing parameters
A PLC consists of two PIs: a system PI and an application-specific PI.
The application-speci fic PI includes all the domains loaded on the PLC.
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5.2 Description of the Tool
The structure of PG Load is reflected in the menu:
With the Select function, you select the files for configuring application
Transfer Functions
Transfer functions are used to transfer load files between the PG and file
server. Load files contain the program and data blocks put together to form
PG Load
Transf er Funct ions
Host Fu nction s
AA: PG -> File Server
CP143 Domain Converter
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 6
Host Functions
With the host functions, you have direct control over a PLC addressed via
an application association. You can therefore use the TF program
invocation services without needing to write programs.
AA: PG -> File Server
You specify the application association between the PG and TF file server.
You can transfer load files to the TF file server on these application
With PLC application associations you specify a connection between the
PG and the specified PLC. You use the application associations to transfer
host commands (PI services).
CP 143 Domain Converter
Domain files created with COM 143 can be converted to the COM 1430
You can display or print the application associations configured with PG
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5.3 Functional Description
5.3.1 System Configuration and Device Functions
This section des cribes the use and func tions of PG Load.
To simplify the explanation, the following networ k of devices is assumed.
Programming Device PG
The PG is integrated in the automation system via SINEC H1. With PG
Load it is responsible for controlling the PLC program and data supply and
for monitoring the PLC programs (host function).
Prog rammable Logic Controllers PLC 1 to n
Programmable logic controllers are responsible for controlling the process.
PLCs are supplied with programs and data (domains) either on their own
initiativ e or instigated externally ( PG Load).
Fig. 5.1: Example of a Network when using PG Load
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Volume 2 5 - 8
TF File Server 1..M
TF file servers are devices with capacity for storing the programs and data
required on the PLCs. In special cases, a PG can also be used as a file
server. PG Load supports the situation in which the PG is used both for the
PG Load functions and for data storage as a file server.
5.3.2 Configuring Application Associations and Selection Functions
Aims and Procedure
The logical partners, i.e. the PLCs and file servers can be defined using a
connection editor. The connection definitions are written as connection
blocks in a file for the PLC application associations and file server
application associations.
Existing application associations can be selected in the current connection
file and can be stipulated as defaults for transfer and host functions.
PLC Application Associations (Application Association PG->PLC)
PLC application associations are connections between the PG and a PLC.
These connections are used to transfer jobs for file server access and PI
service j obs.
Configuring a PLC application association simply involves specifying the
MAC address of the partner a connection name used locally on the PG.
The local and remote TSAPs are formed implicitly. (the local and remote
TSAP of the predefined application association is: S5_STF -> see Section
9.1.4). Jobs on this application association can be displayed with the test
functions of COM 1430 TF.
The connection blocks for PLC application associations are stored in a file
with the name: <xxxxxxCP.LOD> (xxxxxx is any 6-character long ASCII
character string).
TF File Server Application Associations
TF file server application associations are connections between a PG and a
file server. The PG and TF file server can exchange load files using transfer
B8976075/01 PG Load
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The connection blocks for PLC application associations are stored in a file
with the name: <xxxxxxPG.LOD> (xxxxxx is any 6-character long ASCII
character string).
5.3.3 Transfer Functions
Support of Data Storage
The transfer functions support the conversion and transfer of S5 program
files to the TF file server. They also support retransfer and reconversion
when the programs require modification with the programming tools (LAD,
CSF and STL).
Fig. 5.2: Direction of the Transfer Functions in a Network
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Volume 2 5 - 10
The Following Functions are Available
Transferring domains
from the PG to a
file server.
Domains on the PG are transferred to a file server
for data storage.
An S5 program file is converted and transferred to
the server along with local variable definitions (if
they exist) as a loadable "domain file" using the
upload function.
Transferring domains
from the fil e server
to the PG
Domains on the file server are transferred to the
PG with the load domain TF service.
The received data are converted to a program file
and, if applicable, a variables file that can be pro-
cessed with " S5 resources" (LAD, CSF, STL).
The name of the v ariables file is < xxxxxxST.VAR>.
This is generated automatically by the tool from
the name of the program file.
The conversion functions can also be started separately. This means it is
possible to store data on the PG (PG is file server) when transfer to a
different file server is not required.
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5.3.4 Host Functions
Whereas the functions introduced so far are used to prepare the system
and the PG, the host functions support the s ystem during operation.
The Following Functions are Available:
Load PLC: One or a maximum of two domains in a dialog can
be transferred from the file server to a CPU of the
PLC (the fi le server can also be the local PG).
Situation a: third-party configuration
If the connection name of the server is not "PG", a
PLC (destination station) is instructed to load the
domains from the file server.
Situation b: PG = file server
If, however, the connection name of the server is
"PG", the domains are transferred directly from the
PG to the PLC = destination station
Save PLC: A PLC domain can be saved on the file server.
This means that the PG instructs the PLC to send
the data to the server. The connection name is
handled in the same way as in the load PLC
The distinction between a third-party configuration
and PG=file server is analogous to the load PLC
Delete PLC: Domains in the PLC are deleted provided they are
marked as deletable and their current status al-
lows them to be deleted.
Create/delete PI: A program invocation is created from the domains
on the CP or it is deleted.
Start Program: The domains grouped to form a program invoca-
tion are started.
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 12
Stop Program: If a program invocation with the specified name is
running, it will be stopped.
The following diagram illustrates the host functions:
Note: The PG load program only operates via the integrated
Ethernet interface, i .e. CP 141, CP 1413.
Fig. 5.3: Direction of the Host Functions in a Network
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5.4 PG Load - Application
5.4.1 PG Load | Select
The connection files specify the destination devices that can be accessed
with PG Load. The first task to perform with PG Load is therefore to specify
these connection fi les.
After selecting PG Load | Select the following dialog appears.
Fig. 5.4: Initialization Dialog
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Volume 2 5 - 14
Input Field s:
Conn ection file
(file server): Depending on the functions you require, you can
specify a connection file for TF server application
associations wi th the format:
Dr: = A ...N
where <XXXXXX>: = can be freely selected.
The suffix PG.LOD is fixed and cannot be changed.
Conn ection file
(PLC) Here, you specify the connection file for PLC
application as sociations.
Format :
Dr: = A ...N
where <XXXXXX>: = can be freely selected.
The suffix CP.LOD is also fixed and cannot be
B8976075/01 PG Load
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5.4.2 Configure AA to File Server / Select File Server
With PG Load | AA: PG -> File Server you can configure file server
application associations.
File server application associations, in this case, are connections be-
tween a PG and a f ile server.
Input Field s:
AA name: Name of the file server application association (must
be unique for the file) This is used to select the file
servers in the "Transfer Functions" dialog.
Possible values : 32 characters
Local TSAP: Service access point of the PG on which domains will
be loaded or from whi ch they will be s aved.
Remote TSAP: Service access point of the file server.
Fig. 5.5: Application Association Dialog TF File Server
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Volume 2 5 - 16
Representation and input of the TSAP:
Length: This field has the default "8" entered. If you require
connections to non-SIMATIC S5 stations it may be
necessary to specify shorter lengths.
Possible values: 1 character
HEX: The individual bytes of the TSAP ID must be entered
in hexadecimal format in groups of two (values from
00 to FF). The groups of two are easier to read if
they are separated by blanks.
Possible values: 8 bytes
ASCII: The TSAP ID entered in the hex field is displayed
here as an ASCII string. Blanks and non-interpretable
characters are displayed as underscores. A TSAP ID
entered here in ASCII characters is displayed in the
HEX field in hexadecimal notation.
Possible values: 8 characters
Length: 5 HEX: 31 32 33 34 35
ASCII: 12345
The distinction between hex and ASCII has two
- TSAPs can be entered conveniently as an ASCII
- The TSAP ID is not restricted to only ASCII
Remote MAC
address: The default Ethernet address 080006010000 is
displayed, this can, however, be modified.
Possible values: 12 characters
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Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
F1, F2
+1, -1 With these function keys, you can load and edit the next or
previous connecti on block in the fil e.
INPUT You can set up a new connection block. An empty
“Configure AA to File Server / Select Server” dialog is
displayed. The only available function keys are then F7 OK
and F8 SELECT/HELP. With F7 OK, the new connection
block is entered but not yet saved. The data are saved by
pressing F7 again as described below.
DEL AA The currently dis played connection block c an be deleted.
DEL FILE You can delete the whole connection file. You will first be
prompted to confirm y our intention: delete yes/no?
OK The currently displayed application association is selected
and is used as the default for subsequent functions. You
exit the dial og, all changes are s aved.
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5.4.3 Configure AA to PLC / Select PLC
With PG Load | AA: PG -> PLC, you can configure PLC application
PLC application associations are connections between the PG and a PLC.
These connections are used to transfer jobs for file server access and PI
service j obs.
Input Field s:
AA name: Name of the application association to the PLC (must
be unique for the file).
Possible values. 32 characters
MAC addr ess: The default MAC address 080006010000 is
displayed, this can, however, be modified.
Possible values: 12 characters
Fig. 5.6: Application Association Configuration / PLC Selection
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Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
F1, F2
+1, -1 With these function keys, you can load and edit the next or
previous connecti on block in the fil e.
INPUT You can set up a new connection block. An empty
“Configure AA to PLC / Select PLC” dialog is displayed. The
only available function keys are then F7 OK and F8
SELECT/HELP. With F7 OK, the new connection block is
entered but not yet saved. The data are saved by pressing
F7 again as described below.
DEL AA The currently dis played connection block can be deleted.
DEL FILE You can delete the whole connection file. You will first be
prompted to confirm y our intention: delete yes/no?
OK The currently displayed application association is selected
and is used as the default for subsequent functions. You
exit the dial og, all changes are s aved.
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5.4.4 Using Transfer Functions
The transfer functions support the conversion and transfer of S5 program
and data files to the TF file server. They also support retransfer and
reconversion when the programs require modification with the programming
tools (LAD, CSF and STL).
SEND: Transfer Domains from the PG to a File Server.
Specifying the name of the S5 program file on the PG determines the
domain to be s ent.
The destination is the file name specified using the conventions of the file
server. The connection to the destination is established by selecting the
destination station in the connection file for the file server.
Domain-specific variables that can be defined with the PG load system are
part of the load file. You can define variables using this dialog by calling the
variables editor for domain-specific variables. The variables are stored in a
file whose name is derived from the name of the S5 program file:
If you want to load a domain that was created for the CP 143
with COM 143, and it contains variables, the domain must be
converted to the CP 1430 format using the
PG LOAD | CP 143 Domain Converter function (see Section
FETCH: Transfer Domains from the TF File Server to the PG
Specifying the server file determines the domain to be transferred with the
fetch function. The destination is the local S5 program file.
Domain-specific variables, which can also be defined with the PG Load
program, are automatically transferred along with the domain and
reconverted into the file <xxxxxxST.VAR>.
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The input dialog for the transfer functions:
Input Field s::
Dest station
(file server): In this case, the logical partner name of the last
selected TF file server application association is
With F7, (FILESERV) you can page through the
connection file and select a new partner = destination
File name : File under which the load file will be stored (in the
syntax of the destination system) on the server
(destination) station.
Possible values: max. 64 characters
Local S5
program file: Name of the program file from which the load file will
be generated.
Fig. 5.7: Transfer Functions for Load Files
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Volume 2 5 - 22
Comment: Freely selectable character string, e.g. for
documentation or for admi nistration functions.
Possible values: max. 128 characters
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning) :
VAR TYPE Analogous to the COM function, you c an edit variable types.
M 2-3-1 This is described in Chapter 4
VARIABLES Analogous to the COM function (VMD variables editor), you
can define domain-specific variables, to be stored in the
variables file.
displayed. In terms of use and possible inputs, the dialog
corresponds to the COM dialog M2-5.1 (see accompanying
supplement with COM 1430 TF dialogs) and Chapter 4
’Configuring VMD-S pecific Variables’.
SEND Transfer load file to the specified serv er.
CREATE The load file is created from the specified local "S5 file" and
from the variables fi le (if it exis ts).
FETCH The specified load file is fetched from the file server or from
the PLC and stored on the PG under the name specified for
the local S5 file.
CR S5FILE An S5 program file is created from a load file and any
existing variables are converted to a v ariables fi le.
FILESERV With this function, the servers entered in the connection file
(file server) are displayed. The selected server is displayed
in the ‘Dest station’ output field.
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5.4.5 Using Host Functions
Whereas the functions introduced so far (connection configuration and
transfer functions) are used to prepare the system and the PG, the host
functions support the automation system during operati on.
You call the host functions by selecting PG Load | Host Functions and the
dialog below is displayed
Input Field s:
Stat ion (PLC ): The destination station (PLC) to which the following services
refer. You can s elect a station with F7.
Possible values: max. 32 characters
Fig. 5.8 Input Dialog - Host Functions
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Volume 2 5 - 24
invocation name: Name to which PI services for program control selected with
the keys F4 to F6 refer:
- create program invocation,
- delete program invocation,
- start program
- stop program
Possible values: max. 32 characters
Along with THE user PI on the PLC, which may or may not
exist, there is also a system PI. This system PI can be
controlled with the PI name PLC_START_STOP.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
LOAD Load a PLC (-> nex t dialog PG Load Load P LC)
SAVE Save the domains of a PLC (-> next dialog PG Load Save
DELETE Delete all the domains in the PLC (confirmation prompted)
START/STP Create/delete a program invocation. If you select the system
PI this means start/stop the PLC.
START PRG The program invocation with the specified name is started
on the PLC from the existing domains.
STOP PRG Providing a program invocation with the specified name
exists in the PLC, it is s topped (if possible).
Only one (application-specific) program invocation can exist
at any one time on the PLC.
STATION With this function key you can page through the PLC
connection fil e to find a required des tination station.
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Errors and messages:
"Program inv ocation does not exist":
the PI specified in the PLC does not exist.
"A program invocation exists already":
when starting a program, there is already a PI in the PLC.
"No program invocation exists" :
when stopping a program, there is no PI.
"No domain(s) loaded":
when starting a program there are no domains loaded in the PLC.
"Function impossible: domain status = ?":
when starting a program or deleting the PLC, the domains are not in the
correct status.
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 26 Load PLC
One or a maximum of two domains in a dialog can be transferred from the
file server to a CPU of the PLC (the file server can also be the local PG).
You display the "PG Load - Load PLC" dialog with the F1 key in the "PG
Load Host Functions" dialog.
Output Fields:
PLC appl. assoc.: Name of the application association to the PLC to be
loaded with domains. The displayed PLC application
association was selected in the initial dialog for host
Possible values: (32 characters)
Fig. 5.9: Load PLC Dialog
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Input Field s:
File server
appl. assoc.: Application association name of the server from which the
domains will be loaded, (must be configured on the CP).
Possible values: 32 characters
Situation a: thi rd-party configuration
If the application association name of the server is not "PG",
a PLC (destination station) is instructed to load the domains
from the file server.
Situation b: PG = file server
If, however, the application association name of the server
is "PG", the domains are transferred directly from the PG to
the PLC = des tination station.
(The name of the fil e is then <xxxxxx>S T.S5D).
(DOMAIN): Name of the program domain to be loaded.
Possible values: 32 characters:
Save d in
file: Name of the server file in the syntax of the ser ver syst em.
Possible values: 64 characters:
(DOMAIN): Name of the data domain to be loaded.
Possible values: 32 characters:
Save d in
file: Name of the server file in the syntax of the ser ver syst em.
Possible values: 64 characters:
CPU no. With the CPU number, you specify the CPU in the
programmable logic controller in which the domains will be
In single proces sor operation: the value is always 1
In the multiprocessor mode this is the slot number of the
CPU (1 to 4).
PG Load B8976075/01
Volume 2 5 - 28
The load file must be generated explicitly.
If a loadable file (xxxxST.DOM) was created from an S5 file
(xxxxST.S5D) then this loadable file is loaded on the PLC. If
you make changes in the S5 file, and if no loadable file is
regenerated, these changes are ignored when the PLC is
The standard function blocks integrated in the operating
system (e.g. send and receive blocks in the S5-115U) must
not be included in the load file.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
OK The specified domains are loaded from the server into the
destination station via the specified PLC configuration.
The PLC configuration is entered in the capabilities list of
the "load domain content" job and is interpreted there by the
CP. During a job, a message is displayed to indicate which
job is c urrently being processed.
B8976075/01 PG Load
5 - 29 Volume 2 Save PLC
A PLC domain can be saved on the file server. This means that the PG
instructs the PLC to send the data to the server. The application association
name is handled in the same way as in the load PLC function.
You display the "PG Load - Save PLC" dialog with the F2 key in the "PG
Load - Host Functions" dialog.
Output Fields:
PLC appl. assoc. Name of the application association to the PLC from
which the domains will be saved. The displayed PLC
application association was selected in the initial
dialog for host func tions.
Possible values: (32 characters)
Fig. 5.10: Save PLC Dial og
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Volume 2 5 - 30
DOMAIN name: Name of a domain existing on the destination station.
The domain displayed here can be saved. You select
a domain on the destination station with function keys
F1 or F2.
Input Field s:
File server-
appl. assoc.: Name of the application association to the server on
which the domain will be saved.
(The application association must be configured on
the CP)
Possible values: 32 characters
Situation a: thi rd-party configuration
If the application association name of the server is
not "PG", a PLC (destination station) is instructed to
load the domains from the file server.
Situation b: PG = file server
If, however, the connection name of the server is
"PG", the domains are transferred directly from the
PLC to the PG = destination station.
(The name of the fil e is then <xxxxxx>S T.S5D).
The PLC configuration (CPU number) is omitted, since the CP records the
configuration when the PLC is loaded. The PLC’s domain must then be
saved using the same resource.
Save in file: Name of the file in the syntax of the server system. If
the file is to be stored on the PG, the name is
<xxxxxxST.S5D> and an S5-DOS file is automatically
Possible values: (64 characters)
If a domain was loaded on the CPU via the CP 1430 using
Load PLC, and then further blocks added there using
LAD/CSF/STL, these additional blocks are not saved with the
Save PLC function.
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Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
+1 Selects the next domain found in the destination station.
-1 Selects the previous domain found in the destination station.
OK The specified domains are transferred from the source
station (PLC) to the server.
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Volume 2 5 - 32
5.4.6 Converting Files from COM 143 to COM 1430
If you want to load a domain that was created for the CP 143 with COM
143, and it contains variables, the domain must be converted to the CP
1430 format using the Utilities | PG Load | FD(CP143)->CP(FD1430) function.
The following dialog is then displayed:
Input Field s
Source: Here, you specify the drive and file name of the COM 143
domain file.
Dest: Here, you specify the drive and file name of the COM 1430
domain file and the variable file. The domain file can then
be used directly as a loadable file. The variable file can be
processed with the variables editor that can be called in the
Transfer Functions dialog.
Fig. 5.11: Converting Domain Files
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6 The Request Editor
6.1 Overview 6-3
6.1.1 Mode of Operation and Requirements 6-3
6.1.2 Meaning of the J ob Buffer 6-4
6.2 Description of the Request Editor 6-6
6.3 Request-Editor | Select 6-8
6.4 Specifying the Job Buffers for TF Services 6-10
6.4.1 Create Job B uffer 6-10
6.4.2 Type Selection Dialog for TF and Other Services 6-13
6.4.3 Variable Services 6-17
6.4.4 Domain Servic es 6-31
6.4.5 Program Invocati on Services 6-38
6.4.6 VMD Servic es 6-49
6.4.7 Transparent Data Exchange
(non-open services) 6-54
6.4.8 Other Jobs 6-62
6.5 Displaying and Evaluating the Job Buffer Overview 6-71
6.6 Delete Data Block 6-74
6.7 Documenting Job Buffers 6-74
6.7.1 Documentation | All 6-74
6.7.2 Documentation | Overview 6-74
6.7.3 Documentation | Job Buffers 6-74
6 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
The Request Editor tool supports you when creating job buffers required for
programming TF communications services on your SIMATIC programmable
logic control ler.
This chapter explains the range of functions of the tool and how to use it. It
is intended for first-time users and as a source of reference when
configuring the various TF services.
The chapter contains the following information:
The structure of j ob buffers.
The structure of the tool.
The steps necessary for creating and documenting job buffers.
How to make modi fications.
The layout of the dialogs for the job buffers of the individual TF services.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 2
6.1 Overview
6.1.1 Mode of Operation and Requirements
Creating Job Buffers
With the graphics-oriented user interface of the Request Editor, (similar to a
control system flowchart), you enter the communications parameters in the
job buffers for the individual services. The tool enters these job buffers in
the selectable data blocks. Using the transfer functions, you can then load
these data blocks on the PLC. The transfer functions are part of the STEP5
basic package (LAD, CSF, STL).
Integration in SINEC NCM
The tool runs as a component of the COM 1430 TF configuration
environment under SINEC NCM. With its user interface resembling a control
system flowchart, the parameters of the individual services are entered and
the corresponding job buffers stored in a data block of an S5 program file.
NCM Conventions
When using this tool, the general rules for handling the NCM user interface
The most important features ar e as follows:
The screen is divided into a dialog header, dialog area, message line
and function key menu.
The functions of the tool can be called using the COM 1430 TF menu
Help texts can be called us ing the help key or function key ->F8.
Input options c an be displayed using the selection key F8.
A First Impression
To gain a first impression, start the tool on your PG and select the available
functions one after the other.
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6.1.2 Meaning of the Job Buffer
Requesting Communications Services
Job buffers are used in the PLC to describe a communications service
requested by a PLC program. In its communications job, the PLC program
refers to the data block containing the job buffers. To specify the job, the
program also refers to the data word within the data block at which the
required job buffer is located.
Referencing the Job Buffers when Programming the PLC
When configuring the job buffers, the Request Editor specifies the
parameters required in the PLC program to formulate the communications
job. This information can be documented and is therefore available for
programming the PLC.
Explanation of the Structure of the Data Block with Job Buffers
To help you understand the inputs you can make using the tool, the basic
structure of a data block and the job buffer s it contains is explained below.
The following aspects are important:
1. The length of each job buffer is stored in words before the job buffer.
2. Each job buffer begins with a fixed structure
- Opcode (2 words, 4 characters)
- Timeout (1 word, 16 bit fixed point), pos sibly reserved
- Reserve (1 word)
3. The structure following this is adapted dynamically to the type. The
length of the s tructure depends both on the type and the parameters.
4. No job buffer can exceed the maximum length of 256 bytes.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 4
Overview of the Structure
Number of Buffers
A data block can contain several job buffers. The number of job buffers in
the DB is limited by its length (2042 words). The typical length of a job
buffer is 10 to 20 words.
Fig. 6.1: Structure of a Data Block with Job Buffers
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6.2 Description of the Request Editor
The procedures supported by the Request Editor tool can be seen in the
menu structure.
With the menu items, you can obtain the following functions:
You select an S5 program file and a data block to which the job buffers you
then edit are assigned.
Create Job Buffer
You create the job buffers using the type selection dialog.
Job Buffer Overview
This function provides you with a general overview of the job buffers
configured in the program file.
Delete Job DB
The configured data block can be deleted.
The configuration data are displayed or printed out.
Requ est Edito r
Create Job Buffer
Job Buffer Overview
Delete Job DB
Job Buffers
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 6
Using the Request Editor
To create job buffers with the Request Editor tool, follow the sequence
outlined below:
Specify the S5
program file and data
block S ection 6.3
Docu ment the job
Sect ion 6.7
Util ities | Requ est Edito r->
Delete Job DB
Job Buffers
Specify job buffers
for TF services
Section 6.4 .. 6.6
Steps and Corresponding Functions
Job Buffer Overview
Create Job Buffer
Start the tool
Transfer data
blocks to the PLC Function of S5DOS-KOMI
Fig. 6.2: Configuring TF Job Buffers
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6.3 Request-Editor | Select
The first step is to select an S5 program file and a data block using this
function. Al l the job buffers you then define are assigned to this data block.
The setup dialog has the following layout:
Input Field s:
FILE: Specifies the S5 program file to which the job buffer will be
assigned. If the file does not exist it is created. If the
specified file is read-only, an appropriate message is
displayed in the message line. In this case, no new job
buffers can be edited, but only existing buffer s output.
Fig. 6.3: Request Editor Initialization
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 8
BLOCK: 1st input field:
Specifies the type of block containing the job buffer or that
will contain the job buffer.
Possible values: DB, DX
(In the following descriptions, both block types are simply
described as " data blocks".
default: DB
2nd input field:
Number of the data block containing the job buffer or that
will contain the job buffer. If the data block does not yet
exist in the program file, it is created. In this case the
following mess age is displayed in the message line:
Neither a data block preheader nor comment block is
created or managed.
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
OK Enters the data you have input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 9 Volume 2
6.4 Specifying the Job Buffers for TF Services
6.4.1 Create Job Buffer
Depending on the status of the program file you selected in the initialization
dialog, you obtain either an empty dialog or the input dialog of an existing
job buffer.
The input dialog appears as follows:
If there is no job buffer in the selected DB, the following message is
displayed in the message line:
NO JOB BUFFER EXISTS. In this case, select the function key F3 (NEW)
to input a job buffer
If the data block exists, but does not contain a job buffer, the following
message is output:
Fig. 6.4: Input Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 10
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning):
+1 Finds the next j ob buffer in the data block and displays it.
-1 Finds and displays the previous j ob buffer.
NEW Input of a new job buffer at the end of the current data
Next dialog: ty pe selection (see next s ection).
If the selected data block cannot accept any more job
buffers, but sufficient space would result from compressing
the block (see below), the following message appears:
If compressing the block would still not provide sufficient
space for a further job buffer, the following message is
EDIT Allows you to modify an existing job buffer. The original job
buffer is deleted automatically and a new buffer appended
to the end of the bl ock.
This changes the call parameters of the "SEND DIR" for
triggering the service.
DELETE Deletes the current job buffer from the data block. To
prevent the remaining job buffers in the data block from
being shifted together, the job buffer is not deleted but
declared invali d, it can nevertheless no longer be restored.
To prevent you accidentally deleting a job buffer, you must
confirm the prompt: del ete (YES/NO)
You remain in the input dialog.
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 11 Volume 2
COMPRESS Compresses the selected data block. This means that all
invalid job buffers are removed and the valid job buffers are
shifted together. The following message then appears in the
message line:
CAUTION: X-REF (start address of job buffer) WILL
xxx indicates the number of free bytes in the data block. To
prevent accidental compressing of the data block, you must
confirm your intention. On completion of the function, the
following text appears in the message line:
If the data block does not contain any invalid job buffers,
the following text appear s in the message line:
If there are one or more invalid job buffers in the data block,
but compressing does not mean that further job buffers can
be accepted, the fol lowing text appears in the message line:
Following this, you can decide whether you want to
compress the data block or abort the functi on.
OK Completes the entry of new job buffers and writes the data
block back to the program file.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 12
6.4.2 Type Selection Dialog for TF and Other Services
The type selection dialog provides you with an overview of the job types
available for communication.
This dialog is displayed by selecting Request Editor | Create Job Buffer and
pressing the NEW function key.
Select the TF service you require or the type of function by positioning the
cursor on the appropriate field and pressing return or by clicking on the field
with the mouse. The selected field is displayed on a gray background.
Press the OK key to confirm your selection and you then move on to the
specific dialog for entering a job buffer.
Function Keys (with an addi tional or context-specifi c meaning):
OK Generates a j ob buffer for the currently sel ected function
Next dialog: depends on the function selected
Fig. 6.5: Type Selection Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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The following TF ser vices and job types ar e available:
Variable Services
READ VARIABLE Read the current value of a variable from another
WRITE VARIABLE Transfer the current value of a variable to another
REPORT Spontaneous transmission of the current value of a
variable to another station without being triggered by
the other station and without being acknowledged by
the other station.
At the end of the list in the sel ection dialog:
WRITE Transfer the current value of a variable to another
station identifi ed by the free format address.
READ Read the current value of a variable identified by the
free format address.
Domain services
CONTENT Load a program or parameters of a program in the
local CPU or in a remote CPU from the file server.
CONTENT Save a program or parameters of a program of the
local CPU or a remote CPU on a file server (also
known as upload domain).
CONTENT Delete a program or parameters of a program in the
local or remote CPU.
ATTRIBUTES Request the attributes of a program or of parameters
of a program from another CP U.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 14
Program invocation services
CREATE PI Assignment of one or more domains to form an
executable program invocation in the local or remote
START PI The previously created program invocation is
changed to the "RUN" status, i.e. the program now
runs in the local or remote CPU
STOP PI The previously started program invocation is stopped
again in the l ocal or remote CPU.
RESUME PI The previously stopped program invocation is started
again in the l ocal or remote CPU.
RESET PI The previously stopped program invocation is
changed to the deletable status in the local or remote
a) if PI re-usable -> to IDLE state
b) if PI not re-usable -> to unrunnable state
KILL PI Instant termination of a program invocation in the
local or remote CPU.
DELETE PI A previously reset program invocation is deleted in
the local or remote CP U.
STOP The local program invocation is stopped by the user
program (transition from r unning to stopped).
ATTRIBUTES Request the attributes of a program invocation from a
different CPU.
VMD services
STATUS Request the status (physical and logical) of another
STATUS Send the local station information (physical and
logical) spontaneously to another station without
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 15 Volume 2
being triggered externally and without requesting
IDENTIFY Request information about the type and
characteristics of a remote station.
Transparent data exchange (non-open services)
STRING Read a byte string from another station.
STRING Transfer a byte string to another station.
STRING LENGTH Request the number of bytes accepted by the partner
during the last write byte string job to be transferred
to the PLC (l ocal job).
DATA EXCHANGE Trigger the non-open TF service "transparent data
Other jobs
ANZW ( local) Transfers the configuration parameters for an
application assoc iation to the local CP 1430.
Select a function with the cursor keys, the currently selected function is
displayed inversely on the dialog.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 16
6.4.3 Variable Services
Read Variable
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Acknowledgment monitoring time for the job in units
of 0.1 sec. default: 10 sec. If the job is not completed
within this time, the CP aborts the job. If you do not
enter a value in the field, the CP assumes that no
time monitoring is required for the job.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS The address in the S5 system at which the value of
the requested variabl e will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Example: DB 12 0
Fig. 6.6: Read Variable Dialog
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6 - 17 Volume 2
It is not possible to specify the length, this is
determined implici tly by the type of v ariable.
The address is input as normal in COM configuration
by separating the individual parameters of the S5
address with blanks.
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
SCOPE: Specifies the validity of the requested variable in the
other system.
Permitted entries (default: VM):
VM: VMD-specific
The requested variable is valid throughout the other
station (no restr ictions).
DO: domain-specific
The requested variable is only valid in the other
station within the area specified by the "domain
AA: applic ation association-spec ific
The requested variable is only accessible in the other
station via a particular application association. The
application association is identified by the SEND-DIR
call parameters "SSNR" and "ANR" when the job
buffer is transferred.
VAR ID: The name of the requested variable in the other
DOM ID: This parameter is only specified if the "SCOPE =
DO". It identifies the domain to which the variable is
assigned via scope.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 18
VARIABLE TYPE: Specifies the type of the requested variable.
1st input field:
Input of the basic type, see table.
2nd input field:
Specifies the data format type
(specification as in COM 1430 TF).
default: IN 16
NUMBER: Number of elements in arrays
Default: 1 (no array )
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Complex or structured variables (structures or arrays) and
user-defined variable types must be configured with COM
variable definitions. Use the "remote definitions" of
variables. In the Request Editor, you must do the following:
- enter blanks in the variable type field.
- specify DB no. = 0 to indicate that the destination address
is configured on the CP.
The variable is then configured in the appropriate
application association in the REMOTE DEFINITIONS dialog.
When you press F7 to enter your data, the Request Editor
will, if applicable, display a message to indicate that a
variable must be configured.
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 19 Volume 2
The table lists the types that can be specified under variable type:
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning) :
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
type Data format Meaning Corr. to
S5 type
BO No entry Boolean -
IN 8
Integer, 8 bits
Integer, 16 bits
Integer, 32 bits
UN 8
Unsigned, 8 bits
Unsigned, 16 bits
Unsigned, 32 bits
FP 32 Floati ng point number in
MC5 format, 32 bits KG
TI 4 Time, 4 bytes format see below -
TD 6 Time with date format see below -
BS n Bit str ing, n = number of bits in string KM
OS n Octet string, n = number of bytes in string KY
VS n Visibl e string, n= number of bytes in string KS
Table 6.1: TF Type and Meaning
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 20
Example of Using a "HELP" Menu
This section is intended as a reminder of the help and selection functions
which make configuration easier and ensure the correctness of entries.
To illustrate these functions, it is assumed that you want a job buffer for the
read variable service.
You want to make an entry in the "VAR TYPE" input field and you cannot
remember the abbreviations for the types (press the SELECT key on the
PG). By moving the inversely displayed line in the help window with the
cursor up and cursor down keys, you can select the required type and enter
it in the field by pressing the enter key or carriage return key. The help
window then dis appears.
For the second input field specifying the type, a selection window is
displayed to help you make the input, only the options allowed for the
selection made in the first window are displayed.
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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Write Variable
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for read variable.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the user program
has stored the value of the variable to be sent.
Source type:DB, DX, DA
DB no.:0,1..255
Example: DB 12 0
It is not possible to specify the length, this is
determined implici tly by the type of v ariable.
Fig. 6.7: Write Variable Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 22
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
SCOPE: Specifies the validity of the requested variable in the
other system.
Permitted entries VM, DO, AA (default: VM)
VM: VMD-specific
The variable to be written is valid throughout the
other station (no restrictions).
DO: Domain-specific
The variable to be written is only valid in the other
station within the area specified by the "domain
AA: applic ation association-spec ific
The variable to be written is only accessible in the
other station via a particular application association.
The application association is identified by the
SEND-DIR call parameters "SSNR" and "ANR" when
the job buffer is transferred.
VAR ID: The name of the requested variable in the other
DOM ID: This parameter is only specified if the "SCOPE =
DO". It identifies the domain to which the variable is
assigned via scope.
VARIABLE TYPE: Specifies the type of the requested variable.
1st input field:
Input of the basic type, see Table 6.4.
2nd input field:
Specifies the data format
(specification as in COM 1430 TF)
default: IN 16
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 23 Volume 2
NUMBER: Number of elements in arrays
default: 1 (no array )
Complex or structured variables (structures or arrays) and
user-defined variable types must be configured with COM
variable definitions. Use the "remote definitions" of
variables. In the Request Editor, you must do the following:
- enter blanks in the variable type field.
- specify DB no. = 0 to indicate that the destination address
is configured on the CP.
The variable is then configured in the appropriate
application association in the REMOTE DEFINITIONS dialog.
When you press F7 to enter your data, the Request Editor
will, if applicable, display a message to indicate that a
variable must be configured.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Note on the source type "DA":
This means that the user program stores the value of the variables after the
parameters. In this case, the parameters "DB no" and "start" are invalid.
Since the job buffers have different lengths depending on the length of the
variables and domain names, the complete S5 address of the variables is
output after you press F7 (OK). (Output field "S5 ADDRESS OF THE
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device. Next
dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 24
Information Report
Input Field s:
SCOPE: Specifies the validity of the requested variable in the
local system.
Permitted entries VM, DO, AA (default: VM)
VM: VMD-specific
The variable to be reported is valid throughout the
local stati on (no restrictions).
Fig. 6.8: Information Report Dialog
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6 - 25 Volume 2
DO: domain-specific
The variable to be reported is only valid in the local
station within the area specified by the "domain
AA: applic ation association-spec ific
The variable to be reported is only accessible in the
local station via a particular application association.
The application association is identified by the
SEND-DIR call parameters "SSNR" and "ANR" when
the job buffer is transferred.
VAR ID: Name of the variable to be reported in the local
If multiple access = YES, the group name is
displayed her e.
DOM ID: The parameter is only specified when "SCOPE =
DO". It indicates the domain to which the variable is
assigned via the scope.
MULTIPLE ACCESS If you specify "yes" here, several variables are sent in
a message. In this case the variable group must be
configured in the COM in the "Group Definitions"
dialog (VMD variables editor).
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device. Next
dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 26
Free Format Write
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT Same as for read variable.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS: Address in the local S5 system at which the user
program has stored the value of the variable to be
Source type:DB, DX, DA
DB no.:1-255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.9: Write Free Format Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 27 Volume 2
SCOPE Specifies the area in which the variable to be written
is vali d in the other system.
Permitted entry: VM
The requested variable is valid throughout the whole
station (no restr ictions).
VARIABLE TYPE Specifies the type of the requested var iable.
Permitted entry: OS 1...4086
1st input field
specifies the basic type
always "OS"(octet string)
2nd input field
length of the type specified in the 1st input field
Octets = number of bytes in user data string.
ADDRESS You can define a maximum of 32 characters for a
free format address. The entry is made in
hexadecimal (see also function description of
free-format write in S ection 4.3.1).
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Follow-on dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 28
Free Format Read
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT Same as for read variable.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the value of the
read variable wi ll be stored.
Source type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1-255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.10: Read Free Format Variable Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 29 Volume 2
SCOPE Specifies the area in which the requested variable is
valid in the other system.
Permitted entry: VM
The requested variable is valid throughout the station
(no restriction).
VARIABLE TYPE Spec ifies the type of the requested variable.
Permitted entry: OS 1...4086
1st input field
specifies the basic type
always "OS"(octet string)
2nd input field
length of the type specified in the 1st input field
Octets = number of bytes in string
ADDRESS You can define a maximum of 32 characters for a
format-free address. The entry is made in
hexadecimal (see also function description free format
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 30
6.4.4 Domain Services
Load Domain Content
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Acknowledgment monitoring time for the job in units
of 0.1 sec. Default: 10 sec. If the job is not completed
within this time, the CP aborts the job. If you do not
enter a value in the field, the CP assumes that no
time monitoring is required for the job.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
DOM ID: The domain (group of blocks) is managed on the
destination system using this name.
FILE SERVER: Specifies the name of the application association to
be established to the file server.
Fig. 6.11: Load Domain Content Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 31 Volume 2
FILE NAME: The file specified here contains the domain to be
OTHER STATION: Specifies the number of the CPU in which the domain
will be l oaded in the other station (SIMA TIC S5).
Permitted entries: 1..4
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 32
Store Domain Content
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for load domain
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
DOM ID: The domain specified here will be stored on the file
FILE SERVER: Specifies the name of the application association to
be established to the file server.
FILE NAME: The domain will be stored on the file server under the
name specified here.
Fig. 6.12: Store Domain Content Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 33 Volume 2
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job
buffer in the main memory of the programming
Next dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 34
Delete Domain
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for load domain
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
DOM ID: The domain specifi ed here will be deleted.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job
buffer in the main memory of the programming
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.13: Delete Domain Content Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 35 Volume 2
Get Domain Attributes
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for load domain.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
DOM ID: The attributes of the domain specified here are
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the requested
domain attributes will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.14: Get Domain Attributes
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 36
LENGTH: The "length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written by the CP into the data block.
The value -1 means that all data of the
acknowledgment can be entered.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job
buffer in the main memory of the programming
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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6.4.5 Program Invocation Services
Create PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Acknowledgment monitoring time for the job in units
of 0.1 sec. Default: 10 sec. If the job is not completed
within this time, the CP aborts the job. If you do not
enter a value in the field, the CP assumes that no
time monitoring is required for the job.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME: The created program invocation is assigned the name
specified here.
Fig. 6.15: Create PI Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 38
DOM ID 1 - 8:Name of the domain belonging to the program
invocation. For SIMATIC S5, up to eight domain
names are possible. Input fields can, however, also
remain empty. Remember that if you use longer
names, the maximum length of a job buffer (256
bytes) must not be exceeded. The Request Editor
monitors this and displays the message "JOB
BUFFER TOO LONG!" if this limit is exceeded.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 39 Volume 2
Start PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME:The program invocation with this name will be started.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.16: Start PI Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 40
Stop PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME:The program invocation with this name will be
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.17: Stop PI Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 41 Volume 2
Resume PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME: The program invocation with this name will be
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.18: Resume PI Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 42
Reset PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME: The program invocation with this name will be reset.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.19: Reset PI Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 43 Volume 2
Kill PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME:The program invocation with this name will be
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.20: Kill PI Dia log
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 44
Delete PI
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME: The program invocation with this name will be
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.21: Delete PI Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 45 Volume 2
Local Program Stop
Input Field s:
PI NAME:The program invocation with this name will be
stopped. (local job; for more information see page
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.22: Local Program Stop Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 46
Get PI Attributes
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT:Same as for create PI.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
PI NAME:The attributes of the program invocation specified
here are requested.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the requested PI
attributes will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.23: Get PI Attributes Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 47 Volume 2
LENGTH The "length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written by the CP into the data block.
The value -1 means that all data of the
acknowledgment can be entered.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 48
6.4.6 VMD Services
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Acknowledgment monitoring time for the job in units
of 0.1 sec. Default: 10 sec. If the job is not completed
within this time, the CP aborts the job. If you do not
enter a value in the field, the CP assumes that no
time monitoring is required for the job.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the requested
status information wi ll be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Fig. 6.24: Status Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 49 Volume 2
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
LENGTH The "length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written by the CP into the data block.
The value -1 means that all data of the
acknowledgment can be entered.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 50
Unsolicited Status
For the "unsolicited status" service, no entry is required in the dialog. The
Request Editor simply generates the required buffer in the job data block
and display s the address of the job buffer .
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
Fig. 6.25: Unsolicited Status Dialog
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 51 Volume 2
Identify VMD
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for status
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the requested
information will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.26: Identify VMD Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 52
LENGTH: The "length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written by the CP into the data block.
The value -1 means that all data of the
acknowledgment can be entered.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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6.4.7 Transparent Data Exchange
(non-open services)
Read Byte String
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT:Acknowledgment monitoring time for the job in units
of 0.1 sec. Default: 10 sec. If the job is not completed
within this time, the CP aborts the job. If you do not
enter a value in the field, the CP assumes that no
time monitoring is required for the job.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
Fig. 6.27: Read BS Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 54
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the requested
byte string will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:1..255
LENGTH: The "length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written by the CP into the data block.
Possible values: 1 .. 2043
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 55 Volume 2
Write Byte String
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for read byte string.
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the user program
stored the byte string to be sent.
Source type:DB, DX, DA
DB no.:0,1..255
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Fig. 6.28: Write BS Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 56
Note on the source ty pe "DA":
This means that the user program stored the byte
after the parameters in the job buffer. In this case, the
parameters "DB no" and "Start" are invalid. If you
press the function key F7 (OK) the complete S5
address of the byte string is displayed (output field
LENGTH: The "length" parameter specifies the number of data
words contained in the byte string.
ACKNOWLEDGE This input field is used to specify the service to be
triggered in more detail.
Permitted entries:
The "write byte string with acknowledgment" service
is triggered.
The "write byte string without acknowledgment"
service is triggered.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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Get Byte String Length
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for read byte string
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the length of the
byte string that could be accepted by the other station
during the last "write byte string" job will be stored.
One word is always required.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:0,1..255
Fig. 6.29: BS Length Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 58
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 59 Volume 2
Transparent Data Exchange
Input Field s:
TIMEOUT: Same as for read byte string
For more information about TIMEOUT see page 3-13.
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the user program
stored the user data to be sent.
Source type:DB, DX, DA
DB no.:0,1..255
SOURCE LEN The "SOURCE LEN" parameter specifies how many
user data bytes the job contains.
Note on the source ty pe "DA":
This means that the user program stored the byte
after the parameters in the job buffer. In this case, the
Fig. 6.30: Transparent Data Exchange
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 60
parameters "DB no" and "Start" are invalid. If you
press the function key F7 (OK) the complete S5
address of the byte string is displayed (output field
ADDRESS Address in the S5 system at which the data in the
acknowledgment will be stored by the CP.
Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:1..255
Start: 0..2042
DEST LEN: The "D length" parameter specifies how many data
words can be written to the data block by the CP.
The value -1 means that all the data of the
acknowledgment can be accepted.
ACKNOWLEDGE This input field is used to define the service to be
triggered in more detail.
Permitted entries:
The "TRADA with acknowledgment" service is
The "TRADA without acknowledgment" service is
Output Fields:
After entering the data with F7, the parameters of the last edited job buffer
are displayed on the dialog. In addition to this, call parameters for the
"SEND DIR" c all to trigger the servic e are also display ed.
Function Keys:
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 61 Volume 2
6.4.8 Other Jobs
Configure ANZW (local)
With this function, a job buffer for transferring configuration parameters to
the local network interface is generated. This job buffer is also transferred to
the CP with a SEND-DIR job.
Parameters are entered in the job buffer depending on the selections you
make from the four available parameter sets. In the status column, the
Request Editor indicates whether or not the parameter is contained in the
job buffer.
Fig. 6.31: Configure ANZW Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 62
Function Keys:
ANZW You can input the address of the status word to be
addressed in client jobs on the application association used
with the SEND direct. The address transferred with a
configuration job has priority over the address configured in
the COM 1430application association confi guration.
Next dialog: s ee subfunction F1
S_ADD REA You can input the address in the S5 system at which the
data for the "read by te string" job are stored
Next dialog : see subfunction F2
D_ADD WRI You can input the address in the S5 system at which the
CP stores the byte string contained in the TF-PDU in a
"write byte string indication".
Next dialog: s ee subfunction F3
STATUS You can input the address in the S5 system at which the
CP will store the data for an "unsolicited VMD status
Next dialog: s ee subfunction F4
OK Completes the input and stores the newly edited job buffer
in the main memory of the programming device.
Next dialog: Input
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 63 Volume 2
Configure ANZW (local)
Subfunction F1: status word for client jobs
You select the address of the status word to be addressed on the
application association for SEND direct in client jobs. The address
transferred with a configuration job has priority over the address configured
in the COM 1430 application association configuration.
Input Field s:
ANZW ADDR Address of the status word to be addressed on the
application association for SEND direct in client jobs.
This consist of the following:
Anzw type: FW, DB, DX
Anzw no.: FW number or DB/DX number
DW no: data word number for
ANZW type = DB or DX
Fig. 6.32: Status Word for Client Jobs Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 64
FW 100, if flag word 100 to 102 is to be used as the
status word.
DB 20 10, if data block 20, data words 10-12 are to
be used as the status word.
Function Keys:
OK The parameters are entered in the job buffer. If you do not
make an entry in the input field and the parameter already
exists, it i s deleted from the job buffer .
Next dialog: c onfigure ANZW (local).
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 65 Volume 2
Configure ANZW (local)
Subfunction F2:Source address for read byte string (server):
The function is used to input the address in the S5 system at which the
data for the "read byte string indication" are stored You also specify the
status word to be used with such jobs.
Input Field s:
ADDRESS: Source type:DB, DX
DB no.:1..255
SOURCE LEN The "SOURCE LEN" parameter specifies how many
data words will be entered in the job acknowledgment
by the CP.
Fig. 6.33: Source Address Read BS Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 66
ANZW ADDRESS Address of the status word for such jobs. The entry is
the same as for the ANZW parameter.
Function Keys:
OK The parameter is entered in the job buffer. If you do not
make an entry in the input field and the parameter already
exists, it i s deleted from the job buffer .
Next dialog: c onfigure ANZW.
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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Configure ANZW (local)
Subfunction F3:Destination address for write byte string
The function is used to input the address in the S5 system at which the CP
stores the byte string contained in the TF-PDU in a "write byte string
indication". Y ou also specify the status word to be used wi th such jobs.
Input Field s:
ADDRESS Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:1..255
DEST LEN: The "DEST LEN" parameter specifies the maximum
number of words the by te string can contain
ANZW ADDRAddress of the status word for such jobs. The entry is
the same as for the ANZW parameter.
Fig. 6.34: Dest. Address Write BS Dialog
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 68
Function Keys:
OK The parameters are entered in the job buffer. If you do not
make an entry in the input field and the parameter already
exists, it i s deleted from the job buffer .
Next dialog: c onfigure ANZW
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
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Configure ANZW (local)
Subfunction F4: Destination address for unsolicited VMD status
The function is used to input the address in the S5 system at which the CP
will store the data for an "unsolicited VMD status indication" You also
specify the status word to be used with such jobs.
Input Field s:
ADDRESS Dest. type:DB, DX
DB no.:1..255
ANZW ADDRESS Address of the status word for such jobs.
Function Keys:
OK The parameters are entered in the job buffer. If you do not
make an entry in the input field and the parameter already
exists, it i s deleted from the job buffer .
Fig. 6.35: Unsolicited VMD Status
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 70
6.5 Displaying and Evaluating the Job Buffer
With the Request Editor, you can display a list of the job buffers contained
in the selected data block. Each output line corresponds to a job buffer in
the data block.
Output Fields:
OPCD Displays the selected service contained in the job
buffer. The abbreviations for the service are explained
in the following table.
S5 ADDR. JOB B. Displays the data block number and data word
number in the data block.
NAME/INDEX Displays a job-specific name such as variable name
or program invocation name.
Fig. 6.36: Overview Display
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 71 Volume 2
S5 ADDRESS Displays the source address for calling "SEND DIR"
to trigger the ser vice
The S5 address contained in the job buffer is
displayed. With variables services, this is the source
or destination address of the variables. Since there is
no S5 address contained in certain job buffer types,
this display may be omitted.
Overview of the OPCD abbreviations
OPCD Meaning
V-RE Read Variable
V-WR Write Variable
V-IN Information Report
D-LO Load Domain Content
D-ST Store Domain Content
D-DE Delete Domain Content
D-GE Get Domain Attributes
P-CR Create Program Invocation
P-ST Start Program Invocation
P-RE Resume Program Invocation
P-SP Stop Program Invocation
P-RS Reset Program Invocation
P-AB Kill Program Invocation
P-DE Delete Program Invocation
P-HL Local Program Stop
P-GE Get Program Invocation Attributes
M-ST Status
M-SU Unsolicited Status
M-ID Identify VMD
B-RQ Read Byte String
B-WQ Write Byte String with Ackno wledgmen t
B-WO Write Byte String without Acknowledg ment
B-WI Request Byte String Length
T-DQ Tran sparen t Data Exch ange wi th Acknow ledgme nt
T-DO Tran sparen t Data Exch ange wi thout Ac knowled gment
A-CF Configure ANZW [local]
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 72
Function Keys (with an additional or context-specific meaning) :
FIND Using the cursor keys (up/down) you can mark a job buffer
in the dialog (line displayed inversely) and select it with the
function key F4 or F7.
OK With this function, you can select the marked job buffer for
display or processing.
Explanation of the example::
1. Read the variable "PRESSURE_IN_STEAM_CHAMB ER"
The variable is defined in data block 31 from data word 10 and occupies
two words (the type in the job buffer is floating point). The job buffer was
created in data block 10 beginning at data word 1. When this service is
triggered, 29 words must be transferred to the CP.
2. Write the variable "SE TPOINT_FOR_PRESSURE"
This variable must be programmed with the COM. The job buffer was
created in data block 10 beginning at data word 31. When the service is
triggered, 24 words must be sent to the CP.
3. Start the program "PRESSURE_CONTROL_PROGRAM"
The job buffer was created in data block 10 beginning at data word 56.
When the service is triggered, 17 words must be sent to the CP. There
is no S 5 address in the job buffer.
B8976075/01 The Request Editor
6 - 73 Volume 2
6.6 Delete Data Block
You can delete a data block completely. When you use this function, all the
information about the j ob buffers in the selec ted data block is l ost.
6.7 Documenting Job Buffers
Using the documentation functions, you can display or print the
configuration data. The output depends on the selections you make in the
dialog in which you specify the configuration environment.
The functions always relate to the currently selected program file and
selected data block.
6.7.1 Documentation | All
Both the job buffers and the overview list are output.
6.7.2 Documentation | Overview
You obtain a printout of the overview list. The explanation of the individual
fields can be found in the function des cription "Job Buffer Over view".
6.7.3 Documentation | Job Buffers
The job buffers for the selected program file and the selected data block are
output in a format based on the representation on the dialog.
The Request Editor B8976075/01
Volume 2 6 - 74
III Reference Section
7 TF Variable Services
7.1 Basics of the Variable Services 7-3
7.1.1 Descripti on and Management of Variables 7-3
7.1.2 Scope of Variables in a SIMATIC S5 Programmable
Logic Controller 7-5
7.1.3 Checklis t for the Application 7-10
7.2 Service Description 7-11
7.2.1 Read Variable (Client) 7-11
7.2.2 Read Variable (Server) 7-17
7.2.3 Write Vari able (Client) 7-18
7.2.4 Write Vari able (Server) 7-26
7.2.5 Information Report (Client) 7-27
7.2.6 Information Report (Receiver) 7-33
7.3 Read and Write Variable wit h the Option of
Addressing via a Free Format Address 7-34
7.3.1 Client Interface 7-35
7.3.2 Server Interface 7-40
7.4 TF Data Types in SIMATIC S5 7-41
7 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
This chapter contains the information you require to use the variable
You can us e this chapter in two ways :
as a tutorial for configuring and programming variables and variable ser-
vices ( Section 7.1 Basics with Checklist)
as a source of reference when programming variable service jobs (Secti-
on 7.2 Service Description)
You can decide which services you require for your task based on the
description i n Chapter 2 "The TF Model and the TF Services".
Overview of the services:
The following servic es are described for the initiator:
Read variable
and how to configur e remote variable definitions
Write v ariable
and how to configur e remote variable definitions
Information report
and how to configur e local variables
Read and write variable with free format address es
For the server, the scope-specific configuration of variables (local variables)
is described.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 2
7.1 Basics of the Variable Services
7.1.1 Description and Management of Variables
Variables are unstructured or freely structured data objects of the
application system which can be read or written with the variable services.
Describing variables
The structure of these data objects must be formulated in a type
description. The type description is required both on a client and on the
server in a network.
PLC is server:
The type description is stored on the CP 1430 by configuring with the
COM 1430 TF tool. Configuring involves the local variables since the
source of the variable to be read or the destination of the variable to be
written is on the local device.
The real variables themselves or the buffer for the variables must be
available in the data area of the application program.
PLC is client:
The type description is either transferred to the CP in the job buffer or is
stored by configuring with the COM 1430 TF tool. Configuring involves
remote variables, since the source of the variables to be read or the
destination of the variables to be written is on the partner.
A buffer must be available for the read or written data in the user
program (DB, DX block).
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 3 Volume 2
Special Feature of the Information Report Service
When reporting a variable, the initiator of the transfer is the device on which
the variable object was configured as a local object. The initiator of the job
is therefore the device with the "server" role.
To be able to receive reported variable values, the variable must be
configured as a remote object on the recei ver.
Client: Significance of the Job Buffer for the Variable Description
In the job buffers, only simple types (basic data types) and arrays of simple
types are supported. These can be coded in four words. If more complex
variables are involved, the user must configure this in COM 1430 TF (TF
definitions). If the variable is configured, the four words in the job buffer
have the val ue 0.
The following more complex data types are supported but must be
configured for the client access:
Structures with c omponents of the basic data type
Structures with components containing s tructures wi th components of the
basic type
Structures containi ng components that are arrays of a basic type
Arrays with elements that are structures whose components are of the
basic data type
Arrays whose elements are arrays containing elements of a basic data
Note: detailed information about the type description can be found at the
end of this chapter.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 4
7.1.2 Scope of Variables in a SIMATIC S5 Programmable Logic
Each variable is assigned a scope. This allows remote access to the
variable on the PLC (via the network) to be restricted. The following scopes
are possi ble:
Since in SIMATIC S5 a programmable logic controller always represents
a VMD, this scope means that the variable is valid and known in the
whole station. Access to the variable is permitted via every application
association regardless of whether a particular program or particular pro-
gram section (domain) is loaded. A VMD-specific variable is visible from
every station, i.e. every station can access this variable via any applicati-
on association.
Global lists or variables accessed by different programs in the PLC.
Server configuration:
VMD-specific variables are configured with COM 1430 TF using the fun-
ction VMD variable editor (local variables).
Client configuration:
On the client, the variable must be configured if it is more complex (data
type description > 4 words). The variable is, however, configured for the
application association as a remote variable.
Domain-specific variables are also assigned to the whole VMD and valid
within it. The existence of such variables, however, depends on whether
a particular program or particular program section (domain) is loaded.
Domain-specif ic variables are al ways assigned to a s pecific program. Ac -
cess to domain-specific variables is possible via all application associati-
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 5 Volume 2
Domains can be understood as a "cocoon" around an application pro-
gram for a specific automation task. Domain-specific variables are then
local variables belonging to this application program and are protected
by the domain "cocoon".
Server configuration:
The type description of the domain-specific variables is only required
when the domain is loaded on the PLC. For this reason, the type confi-
guration must be made with the COM 1430 TF tool PG Load. PG Load
generates and loads domains.
Client configuration:
On the client, the variable must be configured if it is more complex (data
type description > 4 words). The variable is, however, configured for the
application association as a remote variable.
c) Application association-specific:
Application association-specific variables are assigned to a particular
application association. The variable is only visible via this application
association, i.e. it is only possible to access the variable via this applica-
tion association. Access does not depend on a particular program being
The application association is capable of allowing access to one of se-
veral tasks on a VMD. The use and access to data areas can therefore
be restricted to a specific task by means of a application association-
specific assignment.
Server configuration:
Application association-specific variables are configured using the sub-
function local variables during application association configuration with
COM 1430 TF.
Client configuration:
If the variable is more complex (data description > 4 words) a variable
configuration is necessary on the client. The variable is configured for
the applicati on association as a remote variable.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 6
Fig.7.1 provides an example of a complete virtual device, two domains, a
program invocation and assigned variables.
There are two application associations to the virtual device: application
association 1, application association 2.
The variables "AA 11" and "AA 12" have an application association-specific
scope and are assigned to application association 1. Access to these
variables is only possible via application association 1.
The variables "VD1" and "VD2" have the VMD-specific scope. Access to
these variables is possible via application association 1 and application
association 2.
Within the virtual device, there are two domains, domain "John" and domain
"Mike". The two variables "DOMA1" and "DOMA2" have the domain-specific
scope and are assigned to the domain "John". Access to these variables is
possible both via application association 1 and application association 2 by
Fig. 7.1: Example of VMD Structure
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 7 Volume 2
specifying the domain name "John" and the variable name "DOMA1" or
The domains "John" and "Mike" are used by the program invocation
"ARTHUR". The program invocation "ARTHUR" can be addressed both via
application association 1 and application association 2.
The services address the object of the server since the object really exists
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 8
Access to variable objects
The key to accessing an object and object description is the name for
logical addressing (possibly also access via address without scope). These
names are listed on the VMD in the object description. Access is controlled
and restricted by the scope and the application association.
Figure 7.2 illustrates the ways of accessing a variable using a name.
For reporting variable values, domain-specific or VMD-specific variables can
also have more than one application association available. Which of these
application associations is used is specified by the SSNR/ANR of the SEND
Fig. 7.2: Access to Variables Dependent on Scope
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 9 Volume 2
7.1.3 Checklist for the Application
This checklist specifies the steps you must take when using the variable
Initiating jobs for variable services means the following:
Configuring the job buffer (request editor or direct programming of the
blocks in S TEP 5 LAD/CSF/STL).
Specifyi ng the variable definition ( data type description):
- with simple variables (max. 4 data words) in the job buffer
- with complex variables by configuring on the CP 1430.
Referencing the job buffer in the HDB program call.
Integrating the HDB s and the status evaluati on in the PLC program.
Using variable services with the PLC in the server role means the fol-
Specifying the variable definition (data type description) by configuring
on the CP 1430.
Integrating the HDBs (SEND ALL and RECEIVE ALL) and the status
evaluation in the PLC program.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 10
7.2 Service Description
7.2.1 Read Variable (Client)
With the "read variable" service, a client application can read a variable on
a server. The data of the variable are transferred from the server to the
client in the acknowledgment and entered under the local S5 address of the
client (data bl ock).
If the description of the data type requires more than 4 data words, the data
description of the variable must be configured as a remote variable on the
CP of the c lient.
"Read" Job Buffer
Fig. 7.3: Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Variable Service "Read"
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 11 Volume 2
Call Description
General Section:
Opcode V-RE
Timeout 1 word, for mat: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP 1430). This is
specified i n multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
S5 Address:
Description of the local destination address for the service.
Identifier 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
DB for data block
DX for extended data block
DB no. 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 0-255
Meaning: DB or DX number
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
DW no. 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 0 - 2042
This is an offset within the data block or extended data
block. The "length" parameter required for the complete
definition of an S5 address is not specified. This is
calculated in the CP from the type information for the
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 12
Data Type Description:
This defines the data type of the addressed TF object. In the job buffers,
only simple types (basic data types) and arrays of simple types are
supported. These can be coded in four words. If the variable is more
complex, the user must configure it c ompletely in COM 1430 TF.
Data type: 1 word, format: KS
Permitted values: see Table 7 -3, page 7 -41 .
Data format: 1 word, format: KF
Permitted values: see Table 7 -3, page 7 -41 .
Note on configured variables:
Enter the followi ng for configured variables:
DB no. = 0
DW no. = 0
Specific ation of the data type = i rrelevant
Remote Object Description:
A network object is defined by the name and scope, i.e. a variable name,
for example, must be specified here in the job buffer. In one job, the
SIMATIC PLC acting as client can only ever access one variable.
Scope: 1 wor d, format: KS
Possible values: VM, DO, AA
VM: VMD-speci fic
The variable is known and valid throughout the whole
destination station.
DO: Domain-specific
The variable is only valid in a particular domain in the
destination station. In this case, the name of the domain
must also be specified.
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7 - 13 Volume 2
AA: Application association-specific
The specified variable is only valid for the application
association identified by the interface number/job number.
Length: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values:
High byte: 0
Low byte: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
variable name).
name: n bytes, format: KS
If the length of the variable name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
Length: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values:
High byte: 0
Low byte: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
domain name; only with scope=DO).
name: m bytes, format KS
If the length of the domain name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 14
Sequence Description (Read, Positive Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.4: Sequence Description (Read, Positive Acknowledgment)
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7 - 15 Volume 2
Sequence Description (Read, Negative Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.5: Sequence Description (Read, Negative Acknowledgment)
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 16
7.2.2 Read Variable (Server)
The TF variable service "read variable" is interpreted and executed in the
server communications processor largely without the support of the CPU of
the programmable logic controller. In the PLC program, only the CP
handling bloc ks "SEND ALL" and "RECEIVE A LL" must be call ed.
The variables to be read, must be configured as local variables specifying
the scope.
If the requested variable type does not match the configured variable type,
the CP 1430 generates a negative acknowledgment.
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7 - 17 Volume 2
7.2.3 Write Variable (Client)
With the "write variable" service, a client application can write to a variable
on a server. The data of the variable are transferred from the client to the
server and entered in the local variable on the server by overwriting the
existing content.
If the description of the data type requires more than 4 data words, the
description of the data type of the variable must be configured on the CP
1430 as a remote variable.
"Write" Job Buffer
Fig. 7.6: Job Buffer for TF Variable Service "Write"
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 18
Call Description
General Section:
Opcode: V-WR
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
S5 Address:
Description of the local source address or indicates that the data are in the
Identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX, DA
DB for data block
DX for extended data block
DA for data in the job buffer
Note on the "DA" identifier:
Apart from the TF service specification and the required parameters, the
S5 user program can also transfer the data completely to the CP. This is
possible when the specified S5 address is a data source. This allows a
considerable increase in the data throughput, as can be seen in the
description of the sequence. When using this facility, remember that a
job buffer must not exceed 256 bytes. The data must follow on immedi-
ately after the last valid parameter of the job buffer.
If the DA i dentifier is specified the next two words are i nvalid.
DB no.: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 0-255
Meaning: DB or DX number
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 19 Volume 2
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
DW no.: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0 - 2042
This is an offset within the data block or extended data
block. The "length" parameter required for the complete
specification of an S5 address is not specified. This is
calculated in the CP 1430 from the type information for the
Data Type Description:
This defines the data type of the addressed TF object. In the job buffers,
only simple types (basic data types) and arrays of simple types are
supported. These can be coded in four words. If the variable is more
complex, you mus t configure this as a remote variable.
Data type: 1 word, format: KS
Permitted values: see Table 7 -3, page 7 -41,
specification: 1 word, format: KF
Permitted values: see Table 7 -3, page 7 -41,
Note on configured variables:
Enter the following for configured variables:
DB no. = 0
DW no. = 0
Specification of the data type = irrelevant
Remote Object Description:
A network object is defined by the name, i.e. a variable name must be
specified in the job buffer. In one job, the SIMATIC PLC acting as client can
only ever access one variable. According to the conventions of TF, you
must also specify the scope.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 20
Scope: 1 wor d, format: KS
Possible values: VM, DO, AA
VM: VMD-speci fic
The variable is known and valid throughout the whole
destination station.
DO: Domain-specific
The variable is only valid in a particular domain in the
destination station. In this case, the name of the domain
must also be specified.
AA: Application association-specific
The specified variable is only valid for the application
association identified by the interface number/job number.
Length: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values:
High byte: 0
Low byte: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
variable name)
name: n bytes, format: KS
If the length of the variable name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
Length: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values:
High byte: 0
Low byte: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
domain name; only when scope = DO).
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 21 Volume 2
Domain name: m bytes, format KS
If the length of the domain name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
Data with Identifier DA:
Data If the source identifier is DA, the CP 1430 expects the
current values of the data to be transmitted according to the
data type descripti on.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 22
Sequence Description (Write, Positive Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.7: Sequence Description Write with Source ID "DB" or "DX"
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 23 Volume 2
Sequence Description (Write, Positive Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.8: Sequence Description Write with Source ID "DA"
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 24
Sequence Description (Write, Negative Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.9: Sequence Description (Write, Negative Acknowledgment)
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7 - 25 Volume 2
7.2.4 Write Variable (server)
The TF variable service "write variable" is interpreted and executed in the
server communications processor largely without the support of the CPU of
the programmable logic controller. In the PLC program, only the CP
handling bloc ks "SEND ALL" and "RECEIVE A LL" must be call ed.
The variables to be written, must be configured as local variables specifying
the scope.
If the requested variable type does not match the configured variable type,
the CP 1430 generates a negative acknowledgment.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 26
7.2. 5 I nformat ion Rep ort (C lient)
With the information report service, an application can send a variable
unsolicited to a another application. The data of the variable is tr ansferred in
the job and entered in the buffer made available by the receiver.
With this service, the data description of the variable must be configured as
a local variable (with scope) on the CP of the client. On the receiver, the
variable must be configured as a remote variable.
It is also possible to group variables together during configuration and to
specify such a group in the job. This makes it possible to transfer several
variables i n one job.
"Inf ormati on Report " Job Bu ffer
Fig. 7.10: Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Variable Service "Information Report"
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 27 Volume 2
Call Description
General Section:
Opcode V-IN
Local Object:
For the "information report" service, with which a local object (or its value) is
transferred to another s tation, the local object is described by the name.
Scope: 1 wor d, format: KS
Possible values: VM, DO, AA
VM: VMD-speci fic
The variable is known and valid in the whole VMD
DO: Domain-specific
The variable is only valid in a particular domain in of the
local VMD In this case, the name of the domain must also
be specified.
AA: Application association-specific
The specified variable is only valid for the application
association identified by the interface number/job number.
Group ID/
Length: 1 word, format: KY
High byte = group ID
Possible values: 0 to 1
If you select gr oup ID = 0, only one single variable is
involved, otherwis e several variables are reported with one
call. The following name is then not interpreted as a
variable name but as a group name. You group v ariables
under a "group name" using COM 1430 TF. In this case,
the domain name in the job buffer does not exi st.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 28
Low byte = length
Possible values: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
variable name or group name)
Group names are r estricted to a maximum of 8 characters.
/group name:
n bytes, format: KS
For the “Information Report” service, with which a local
object (or its value) is transferred to another station, the
local objec t is described by its name.
If the length of the variable name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
Length: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values:
High byte: 0
Low byte: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes (length of the
domain name)
name: m bytes, format KS
If the length of the domain name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 29 Volume 2
Sequence Description (Information Report, Positive Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.11: Sequence Description Information Report (Positive Acknowledgment)
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 30
Fig. 7.12: Reporting Several Variables in One Call
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7 - 31 Volume 2
Sequence Description (Information Report, Neg. Acknowledgment)
Fig. 7.13: Sequence Description Report (Negative Acknowledgment)
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 32
7.2.6 Information Report (Receiver)
The TF variable service "information report" is interpreted and executed in
the receiving communications processor largely without the support of the
CPU of the programmable logic controller. In the PLC program, only the CP
handling bloc ks "SEND ALL" and "RECEIVE A LL" must be call ed.
The variables to be reported must be configured as remote variables on the
receiver s pecifying the sc ope.
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 33 Volume 2
7.3 Read and Write Variable with the Option of
Addressing via a Free Format Address
The free format read/write service provides a more flexible form of access
to variables.
This means the following:
A direct and therefore more efficient access to the source or destination
data area on the partner PLC is possible.
Flexible adaptation to the address format of the partner device is possi-
The variable does not need to be configured on the server.
The use of this service is, however, restricted compared with access using
a name.
Variable access cannot be differentiated and there is therefore no ac-
cess protection using a scope (t he scope is always VMD-specific).
The transferred variables always have the type identifier octet string, i.e.
differentiation according to a task-oriented variable structure is not possi-
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 34
7.3.1 Client Interface
Client Interface
The option of addressing via the free format address is permitted for
variables of the octet string type. The service supports access to complete
variables of up to 32 characters.
Write job buffer
Fig. 7.14: Address Buffer for Variable Services Read and Write with Free Format Ad-
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 35 Volume 2
Call Description
General section:
Opcode: V-WR, V-RE
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
S5 address:
Description of the local source address or indicates that the data is in the
job buffer (for V-WR) or description of the local destination address (for
Identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX, DA
DB for data block
DX for extended data block
DA for data in the job buffer (only with V-WR)
Note on identifier "DA":
Apart from the TF service specification and the required parameters, the S5
user program can also transfer the data completely to the CP 1430. This is
possible when the specified S5 address is a data source. This allows a
considerable increase in the data throughput, as can be seen in the
description of the sequence. When using this facility, remember that a job
buffer must not exceed 256 bytes. The data must follow on immediately
after the las t valid parameter of the job buffer.
If the DA identifier is selected, the next two words are invalid
DB no.: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 1-255
Meaning: DB or DX number
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 36
Only data blocks not reserved as system DBs by the CPU
(such as DB1) can be used as the S5 address.
DW no.: 1 word, for mat: KF
Possible values: 0 - 2042
Offset within the data block or extended data block.
Data Type Description:
The data type is an octet string, the length is determined by the data block
limit, in other words a maximum of 2043 words.
Data type: 1 word, format: KS
Permitted value: "OS"
specification: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1 to 4086
Length of the octet s tring in words.
Remote Object Description:
The free format address can be freely defined by the user. For
communication between an S5 PLC and an S5 PLC, select a structure as
described on page 7-38.
Scope: The scope is always VM.
length: 1 word, format: KY
High byte = identifier
Identifier 12H indicates the job read/write variable with free
format addressing.
Low byte = length
Possible values: 1 to 32
Specifies the number of following valid bytes of the free
format address an.
With S5:
length = 8 for type 0 (see Fig. 7.15)
length = 11 for type 1 (see Fig. 7.16)
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 37 Volume 2
Free format
address: n bytes, format: KH
A free format, that can be freely defined by the user,
depends on the destination device. If the length of the free
format address is odd, the last byte has no significance.
Data with Identifier DA:
If the source identifier is DA, the CP expects the current values of the data
to be transmitted according to the data type description. The sequence
descriptions correspond to those of the services "Read variable" and "Write
variable" wi th object addressing.
Free Format Address:
The structure of the free format address is represented in the diagrams for
communication between SIEMENS programmable controllers. The free
format address with a status word is used by the S5 program for
coordination when several PLC cycles are required for the data exchange
between the CPU and CP 1430.
Fig. 7.15: S5-Specific Free Format Address in Job Buffer without Status Word
Fig. 7.16: S5-Specific Free Format Address in Job Buffer with Status Word
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 38
For communication between SIEMENS programmable
controllers and a non-SIMATIC unit, the free format address
can have a different structure.
Type ID: 1 byte, format: KY ( high byte)
Possible values: 0/1
Identifier to indic ated whether or not the S5 address is
used with ANZW.
CPU No.: 1 byte, format: KY (low byte)
Possible values: 1 to 4
Meaning: specifies the CPU no. in which the variable will
be written.
Org identifier : 1 byte, for mat: KY (high byte)
Possible values: 01,10
Meaning: address to which the variable will be written
10 for extended data block (DX)
01 for data bloc k (DB)
DB No: 1 byte, format: KY (low byte)
Possible values: 1 to 255
Meaning: if DB/DX, data block number to which the
variable will be written; otherwise no si gnificance.
Start address: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0 to 2047
Meaning: start address from which the variable will be
stored in the data block.
Number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1 to 2048
Meaning: number of data values to be transferred.
Status word:
Type: 1 by te, format: KY (high byte)
Possible values: 01,02,03,255
Meaning: type of status word (see Table 7.5).
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 39 Volume 2
DB no.: 1 by te, format: KY (low byte)
Possible values: 0 to 255
Low byte: DB or DX number
Start address: 1 byte, format: KY (high byte)
Possible val ues: 0 to 255 ( DW), 1 to 255 (flag ar ea)
Area for storing the status word
7.3.2 Server Interface
At the server end, only the required SEND-ALL and RECEIVE-ALL calls
must be inc orporated.
Variables do not need to be configured.
Status word Type Values
Type Flag area
DW in DB area
DW in DX area
No status word
DB number DB-Nr.
irrelevant with type
= flag area
0 to 255
0 to 255
DW number Flag word no.
DW-Nr. 1 to 255
0 to 255
Table 7.2: Status Word
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 40
7.4 TF Data Types in SIMATIC S5
In this section, you will find an explanation of the data descriptions used
with SIMATIC S5. You will require this information to use the variable
services and for configuring variables using the COM 1430 TF configuring
type Data format Meaning Corr. to
S5 type
BO no entry Boolean -
IN 8
Integer, 8 bits
Integer, 16 bits
Integer, 32 bits
UN 8
Unsigned, 8 bits
Unsigned, 16 bits
Unsigned, 32 bits
FP 32 Floating point number in
MC5 format, 32 bits KG
TI 4 Time of day, 4 bytes, format see below -
TD 6 Time of day with date, format see below -
BS n Bit string, n = number of bits in string KM
OS n Octet string, n = number of bytes in string KY
VS n Visible string, n= number of bytes in string KS
AR Array Number of elements in an array
Table 7.3: TF Type and Meaning
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 41 Volume 2
Explanation of the TF types and representation of the types in
1. BO: Boolean
Boolean variables are modeled on the CP on a data word in the data
The following values are permitted:
0H -> "false"
0H -> "true"
2. IN: Integer 8/16/32
The TF data type integer 8 (representation 1 byte, range of values
(-128 to +127)) and the TF data type integer 16 is modeled by the CP on
a data word in a data block (format KF). The TF-data type integer 32 is
modeled by the CP on two data words in a data block.
3. UN: Unsigned 8/16/32
The TF data type unsigned 8 (representation 1 byte, range of values 0 to
+255) and the TF data type unsigned 16 are is modeled by the CP on a
data word in a data block (format KH). The TF data type unsigned 32 is
modeled by the CP on two data words in a data block (format KH).
4. FP: Floating point number
Floating point numbers are modeled by the CP on KG in the SIMATIC
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 42
5. TI, TD:Time of day, time of day with date
Formats in the PLC for representing the TF formats time of day and time
of day with date, are as shown below: (Note: S5=8 bytes; network=6
Permitted values : Weekday 0 Monday
seconds units: 0 to 9 1 Tuesday
seconds tens 0 to 5 2 Wednesday
minutes units: 0 to 9 3 Thursday
minutes tens 0 to 5 4 Friday
hours units : 0 to 9 5 Saturday
hours tens 0 to 1/0 to 2 (see note) 6 Sunday
days units 0 to 9
days tens 0 to 3
months units: 0 to 9
months tens 0 to 1
years units 0 to 9
years tens 0 to 9
factor (*10 ms): Factor (BCD-coded) * 10 ms
Note on hours tens: Bit 15: 1: 24 hour format
0: 12 hour format
Bit 14:
0: AM
1: PM
when converting the TF time representation to the PLC time format used
here, the CP always uses the 24 hour format.
s*10 s*1 factor (*10 ms )
h*10 h*1 min*10 min*1
day*10 day*1 weekday 0
year*10 year*1 month*10 month*1
Bit 15 Bit 0 Time of d ay
(4 bytes) Time of day
with date
(8 bytes)
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 43 Volume 2
Every completed binary date is a valid date in the range
01.03.1984 to 29.02.2084.
Before a date is transmitted it is "normalized".
35.12.93 becomes 04.01.1994
35.14.93 becomes 07.03.1994
00.01.93 becomes 31.12.1992
00.00.93 becomes 30.11.1992
61.01.84 becomes 01.03.1984 but 60.01.84 becomes 29.02.1984
The individual numbers are BCD-coded, i.e. numbers between 0 and 9
are "normal". However non-normal values are also accepted. A BCD
number always becomes 10*X+Y.
F1H becomes 15*10 + 1 = 151
ABH becomes 10*10 + 11 = 111
FFH bec omes 15*10 + 15 = 165
Times are also normalized in a similar way to dates. This means that more
than 59 minutes can be added to an hour.
A day consists of 86400 seconds. If a time and date are transmitted
together and if the time is greater than or equal to the time 86400 seconds,
this is converted to days and automatically added to the date.
Only normalized dates and times are received. The procedure allows the
user to transfer a time (base time and [optional date] plus delta time in BCD
arithmetic) extremely simply. The user is not concerned with the
normalization, s ince the date is always received in a normaliz ed form.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 44
6. BS: Bit string
The "bit string" data type is modeled on the type "KM" known in the
SIMATIC PLC. If the number of valid bits can be divided by 16 (number
of bits in a data word, it is modeled immediately on the resulting number
of data words. Otherwise, the string is extended to the next word limit,
and the bits appended must not be used in the PLC program.
BS types are stored as shown below:
Bit 15 ... 8 7 ... 0
DWn8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 161514131211109
n+1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
7. OS: Octet string
The octet string represents a string of bytes (with any content). It is
modeled on the SIMATIC format (KY). An octet string with the length n
occupies n/2 data words in the PLC, if n is an odd number, then (n-
1)/2+1 data words are occupied and the last low byte is invalid.
8. VS: Visibl e string
The handling in the CP is the same as with the octet string data type,
however, the range of values is restricted to representable ASCII charac-
ters complyi ng with ISO 646 (format KS).
All string types are stored in the SIMATIC PLC in ascending
memory addresses. This means with data blocks that first
the high byte (this is located at the lower memory address)
and then the low byte is written to.
The format and type conversions specified here are also carried out at the
server interface, so that the user is unaware of differences in the data
B8976075/01 TF Variable Services
7 - 45 Volume 2
The definition of the data base types is made in the first and second data
word of the type description. In this case, the third and fourth data words
are irrelevant. Arrays of data base types are defined by the user entering
the ASCII characters "AR" (for array) in the first data word of the type
description in the job buffer and the number of elements in the array
(repetition factor) in the second data word. The third and fourth data words
contain the definition of the data type of the array elements.
TF Variable Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 7 - 46
8 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a
CIM Network
8.1 Domain Services 8-3
8.1.1 Load Domain Content 8-9
8.1.2 Store Domain Content 8-16
8.1.3 Delete Domain Content (Client) 8-21
8.1.4 Get Domain A ttributes (Client) 8-24
8.1.5 Domain Servic es (Server) 8-30
8.2 Program Invocation Services 8-31
8.2.1 PLC Program S tructure, Status Transitions 8-32
8.2.2 General Sequence of a Status Change 8-40
8.2.3 Significance of FB 103 8-42
8.2.4 Start-up, Install ation 8-48
8.2.5 Create Program Inv ocation (Client) 8-49
8.2.6 Create Program Inv ocation (Server) 8-53
8.2.7 Delete Program Inv ocation (Client) 8-54
8.2.8 Delete Program Inv ocation (Server) 8-57
8.2.9 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset, Kill Program Invocation
and Local P rogram Stop (Client) 8-58
8.2.10 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset,
Kill a P rogram Invocation (Server) 8-61
8.2.11 Points to Note when Starting and Stopping the PLC
using the S ystem PI 8-62
8.2.12 Get Program Invocati on Attributes (Client) 8-63
8.2.13 Get Program Invocati on Attributes (Server) 8-67
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
In this chapter you will find information required for using domain and PI
You can decide which services you require for your task based on the
description i n Chapter 2 "The TF Model and TF Ser vices".
Domain services support you in task-oriented structuring of your automation
task and supply ing the PLC with currently required data and program code.
PI services support you in all phases of operation with the programmable
logic control ler.
The VMD object "program invocation" is closely linked with the VMD object
domain. Both objects describe a specific view of the same physical object
or parts of the same physical object.
In SIMATIC S5 this means the following:
The PLC is represented by two program invocations, a system PI and a
user PI. These PIs can be controll ed using the PI s ervices.
The user PI includes the domains assigned to it when it is generated
and within a P LC there can be up to eight loadable domains.
The system PI covers the whole PLC. It is only used to start and stop a
PLC using the PI functions.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 2
8.1 Domain Services
A domain in the SIMATIC S5 programmable logic controller is always part
of a (or even the whole) PLC program. A domain always consists of one or
more blocks.
The following domain s ervices are availabl e for the SIMATIC S5 PLC:
load domain c ontent
store domain content
delete domain c ontent
get domain attributes
Gene rating Domai ns
To create a domain, two steps are necessary, as follows:
Creating the blocks (OB, PB, FB ...) and storing them in a block file
using the STEP 5 basic package LA D, CSF, STL.
Grouping the blocks to form a domain using the COM 1430 tool PG
A domain is assigned to a CPU when the domain is loaded on the PLC.
The additional information "dynamic" means that the domain is loaded by a
host using the TF services. When domains are discussed in this chapter,
they are always dynamic domains.
The function of the PG Load tool is described in Chapter 5 in this manual.
Defining domains
Which blocks are assigned to a domain is decided by the user. In practice,
the blocks are grouped together to handle a definable automation task so
that it is possible to adapt the program to the process by loading new
domains as required.
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8 - 3 Volume 2
Domains could be distributed on a CPU, for example, so that one domain
contains the actual PLC program (OBs, FB, PBs, SBs and DBs) while
another domain contains the parameters for the PLC program (normally
only DBs). If a modification is then made, normally only a parameter record
must be exchanged and not the whole PLC program (e.g. changing the
product from red to green cars only requires a different parameter and not a
different program). This division is, however, not mandatory and is not
checked by the communications processor. It is also possible to split the
PLC program so that not the whole program is contained in one (loadable)
domain, but part is always loaded on the PLC (possibly even in an
EPROM). Once again, the user can decide on the most suitable strategy.
Number of Domains
The communications processor supports a maximum of eight dynamically
loadable domains.
Local Services
Every domain service can also be triggered locally (job number 205).
Static Domain SIMATIC_S5
Under certain circumstances, you may not wish to use the domain services
but nevertheless want to control the program using PI services. In this case,
the static domain with the name SIMATIC_S5 is available.
This static domain can be used as follows:
1. Archiving
The first time the "SIMATIC_S5" domain is uploaded, the complete PLC
program is saved, i n other words, all the blocks are grouped together i n
this domain and uploaded. This domain can then be handled on the PG as
a loadable domain. If a user domain exis ts, "SIMATIC_S5" is a dummy
domain without data or program.
2. Using PI s ervices without domai n services
You can use the dummy domain “SIMATIC_S5” to create a user PI, in
other words you do not have to load a domain to use the PI services.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 4
In a SIMATIC S 5 PLC, up to eight domai ns can be loaded in addi tion to
the static SIMATIC S5 domain.
Note that PI and domain services are not permitted with
SSNR 232, 236 and 244.
Checklist for using Domain Services
Using domain services means the following:
Structuring domains, i.e. deciding which program or data sections
(blocks) must be loaded or exchanged at what time.
Defining variables belonging to a domain and configuring them as
domain-specific variables using the PG Load tool.
Grouping the required blocks to loadable domains using the PG Load
Clarifying the system configuration in which the loadable domains will be
managed. Will there be a third-party association (host - PLC - file
Configuring application associations for transmitting the domain services.
If third-party associations are to be used, file server application
associations must also be configur ed.
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8 - 5 Volume 2
Domain services can be activated directly or indirectly. A host computer
(e.g. PG, PC or PLC) can control the loading or archiving of a station (e.g.
PLC) using domain services. This situation is illustrated by the following
The host computer can, however, also request the second station to load
itself from a third station (e.g. a file server) or to save the domains on a
third station. This is known as a third-party association. Before loading
blocks, the station to be loaded establishes a communications link with the
file server. This situation is illustrated by the following figure
Fig. 8.1: Loading the Local PLC
Fig. 8.2 Loading a Further PLC (third-party association)
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 6
Third-party associations are supported by the CP.
This results in the following sequence between the devices:
Fig. 8.3 Load Sequence with/without Third-Party Association
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8 - 7 Volume 2
The sequence of the upload sequence (archiving) is as follows:
For all domain services, the CP requires the "swing cable".
This means that load services and the PG functions on the
backplane bus cannot be used simultaneously. If this is
attempted, one of the two jobs will be rejected.
Fig. 8.4 Upload Sequence with/without Third-Party Association
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 8
8.1.1 Load Domain Content
Using the "load domain content" service, a PLC program can load a domain
from a file server (i.e. load part of the PLC program). The destination station
can either be a different network station or the PLC’s own station.
The PLC loads a domain in its own station by using the send direct job with
job number 205.
Loading a domain first initiates a compress memory function on the AS511
interface to the CPU.
"Load Domain Content" Job Buffer
Fig. 8.5 Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Service "Load Domain Content"
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8 - 9 Volume 2
Call Description
General section
Opcode = D- LO
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). Remember that
the time required for loading depends on the length of the
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section
Number of
capabilities: Format: KF
Possible values: 0...4, 1
Default: 0
0: no capabilities specified, i.e. the domain is loaded in CPU
1 (only permitted for single processor operation) (default)
1: a capability is specified that will be used by the domain.
With SIMATIC PLCs, the capability is always the CPU
number in which the domain will be loaded.
It is, however, possible to specify more than one capability if
this is required in the destination station. If the SIMATIC S5
PLC is operating as the server, this job request is
acknowledged negatively.
Length of
domain name: Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following domain name
Domain name: Format:KS
Name of the domain to be loaded.
If the length of the domain name is odd, the last byte has
no significance.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 10
Length of
file name. Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte 1...64
Meaning: length of the file name (including path)
File name. Format: KS
Meaning: name of the file on the file server
containing the domai n. If the length of the file name
is odd, a "padding"byte must be added.
Length of name of
appl. ass. Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1...32
Meaning: length of the application association to the
file server.
Name of appl.
ass. Format: KS
Meaning: name of the application association v ia
which the fil e server can be obtained by the
destination station (third-party association). If the
length of the file name is odd, a "padding"byte must
be added.
Length of capability: Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1...?
Meaning:length of the fi rst capability.
For SIMATIC S5: low byte =1
The first capability describes the CPU belonging to
the domain.
Capability: Format: KS
Meaning: specifies the capability
For SIMATIC S5: s pecifies the CPU number (1, 2, 3,
4) in which the domain is to be loaded.
The job buffer in the diagram only contains one capability, since only one is
necessary for SIMATIC S5. When generating the buffer with the TF editor,
only one capability can be specified. If more are required for application
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associations to other systems, the capabilities list and the number can be
increased. The job buffer must not, however, exceed a length of 256 bytes.
Sequence description "load-domain-content"
Fig. 8.6 Sequence "Load-Domain-Content" (local PLC)
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 12
Sequence description "load domain content"
Fig. 8.7 Sequence "Load-Domain Content" (second PLC)
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8 - 13 Volume 2
Points to Note with Load Domain Content:
Stipulating the CPU route for loading
The "capabilities list" parameter informs the CP for which CPU the domain
is intended. The CP expects the CPU number in the capabilities list. If no
capabilities list is specified, CPU number 1 is assumed. There are the
following possible "routes" to the PLC that the user must select:
Direct, i.e. v ia the AS 511 connecti on ("swing cable") to the PLC
Route via PG Mux/COR
In the multiprocessor mode, the VMD configuration must be defined
using the COM 1430 function Edit | VMD Variables Editor.
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Volume 2 8 - 14
Assigning domains to a CPU
A maximum of eight loaded dynamic domains is supported by the CP. The
distribution of the domains on the CPUs (1...4) can be decided by the user.
The capabilities list informs the CP of the CPU in which the domain is to be
Block allocations must be unique
If a domain contains a block that is also part of another domain loaded in
this CPU, the loading function is aborted. Blocks contained in the PLC that
do not belong to another domain are overwritten.
Managing domains on the CP
The data structures required to manage the domain are stored on the CP.
They are stored in battery-backed areas and are retained if there is a power
Configuring and establishing the file server application association
M2-4-5 The application association to the file server specified by the "application
association name" parameter is set up by the CP (see Section 9.1.4 Special
connections). This is not defined in the same way as a normal application
association, but in COM 1430 in the "file server application associations"
After the loading sequence is complete, the file server application
association i s terminated again and the load j ob acknowledged.
Domains must not contain blocks that exist in the EPROM of
the destination PLC (e.g. HDBs on the S5-115U).
The loading of a domain is initiated by compressing the PLC on the AS511
interface to the CPU.
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8 - 15 Volume 2
8.1.2 Store Domain Content
Using the "store domain content" service, the content of a (loaded) domain
can be archived on a file server. The domain can either exist locally (Figure
8.8) or in a remote PLC (Figure 8.9).
Fig. 8.8 Archiving a Domain of the Local PLC
Fig. 8.9 Archiving a Domain of a Remote PLC
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 16
The domain is remote
The application association to the second PLC is identified by the call
parameters "SSNR" and "ANR" of the "send-direct" call to transfer the job
The domain is local
The archiving of a local domain is achieved by using the VMD configuration
job number (205).
You can archive the entire PLC content using the SIMATIC_S5 standard
"Store Domain Content" Job Buffer
Fig. 8.10 Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Service "Store Domain Content "
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8 - 17 Volume 2
Call Description:
General section:
Opcode D-ST
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section
Length of dom.
Name: Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following domain name
Domain name: Format: KS
Meaning: Name of the domain to be archived, if the length
of the domain name i s odd, the last byte has no significace.
Length of
file name. Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0,
low byte: 1...64
Meaning: length of the following file name (including path)
File name: Format: KS
Meaning: name of the fi le on the file s erver that wi ll contain
the domain
Length of
app. ass.
Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1...32
Meaning: length of the name of the application association
to the file s erver
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 18
Name of appl.
ass.: Format: KS
Meaning:name of the appl. ass. via which the file server
can be obtained by the dest. station (thir d-party
Sequence Description "Store Domain Content"
Fig. 8.11 Sequence ’Store Domain Content (second PLC)
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 19 Volume 2
Fig. 8.12 Sequence ’Store Domain Content’ (local PLC)
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Volume 2 8 - 20
8.1.3 Delete Domain Content (Client)
This job deletes a domain identified by the domain name. It can be loaded
either locally or on a remote PLC.
"Delete Domain Content" Job Buffer
Call Description
General section:
Opcode D-DE
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section
Length of
domain name: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of fol lowing domain name.
Domain name: Format: KS
Meaning: name of the domai n to be deleted, if the length of
the domain name is odd, the last byte has no significance.
Fig. 8.13 Structure of the Job Buffer "Delete Dom ain"
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8 - 21 Volume 2
Sequence Description "Delete Domain Content"
Fig. 8.14 Sequence "Delete Domain" (other PLC)
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 22
While the "delete domain" job is being processed, it is possible that
domain-specific variables of other domains (loaded after the domains being
deleted) are briefly not recognized. If the user program accesses these
domain-specif ic variables during this time, access is denied.
The reason for this is that when domains are deleted, the memory for
storing domai n-specif ic variables is optimized
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8 - 23 Volume 2
8.1.4 Get Domain Attributes (Client)
This service requests the attributes of a particular domain. Domain
attributes are information about capabilities, status information and
information about the P I assignment.
On receiving the job, the server checks whether or not the domain with the
domain name exists. If no domain exists with this name, a negative
acknowledgment i s sent.
Job buffer "get domain attributes"
Call Description
General section:
Opcode D-GE
Timeout: 1 wor d, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Fig. 8.15 Job Buffer "Get Domain At tributes"
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 24
Job-related section
Dest. ID 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: S5 destination address, at which the information
about the attributes of the domain will be stored.
DB number 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
Meaning: DB or DX number
DW number 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Meaning: offset within the data block or extended data
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area in whi ch the domain
attributes can be stored; the value -1 indicates that all the
domain attributes sent in the acknowledgment from the DW
number up to the end of the data block can be accepted.
Length of
domain name: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following domain name
Domain name: n bytes, format: KS
Name of the domain. If the length of the domain name is
odd, the last by te has no significanc e.
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8 - 25 Volume 2
Sequence Description "Get Domain Attributes"
Fig. 8.16 Sequence Description (Get Domain Attributes, Positive Acknowledgment)
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 26
Fig. 8.17 Sequence Description (Get Domain Attributes, Negati ve Acknowledgment)
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8 - 27 Volume 2
Structure of the reply data
The reply data stored at the S5 address specified in the job buffer have the
following struc ture:
Fig. 8.18 Structure of the Reply Data
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 28
Meaning of the individual parameters in the reply data:
Service ID
25h (for unique as signment of the reply to the requested service)
Number of capabi lities:
number of the entries contained in the capabilities list parameter
Multiple us e:
specifies whether the domain can be used by more than one program
invocation at any time, for SIMATIC S 5 stations always "fals e"
Domain status:
0 the domain does not exist
1 the domain is being loaded, the CP is currently processing data
2 the domain i s loaded
3 the domain i s loaded and assigned to a program invocation (in use)
4 the domain is loaded but the loading sequence is not yet completed
5 the loading procedure for the domain was aborted
6 (reserved)
7 the domain i s being generated
8 the domain i s being loaded, the interfac e module is waiting for data
9 the loading sequence is being terminated
10 the domain is being assigned to a program invocation
11 the domain is being assigned to a further program invocation
(not with SIMATIC S5)
12 the domain is being released by a program invocation,
however, it remains linked into another program inv ocation
(not with SIMATIC S5)
13 the domain is being released by a program invocation and is
changing to status 2
14 the domai n is being deleted
15 The loading procedure was aborted, the domain is being deleted.
Statuses 7...15 are only temporary, i.e. between a job currently processed
and the correspondi ng reply.
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Deletable with TF services:
Specifies whether the domain can be deleted with the "delete domain
Upload procedures:
Specifies whether the domain is currently being archived on a file server. If
this parameter is "true" the domain cannot be deleted at the present time.
Number of program i nvocation names:
Number of elements in the program invocation_list, with SIMATIC S5, a
maximum of one.
Program invoc ation_list:
Contains the names of the program invocations currently occupying the
domain, with S IMATIC S5, a maximum of one.
Capability list:
List of the capabilities used by the domain, for SIMATIC S5 the CPU
number which the domain is loaded is specified (see also job description
"load domain content").
8.1.5 Domain Services (Server)
On the server, the service is executed automatically in the CP without
support of the PLC program. The tables or data structures addressed are
only in the address area of the CP and contain the domain and PI object
attributes known i n the CP.
The swing cable is required for this service.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 30
8.2 Program Invocation Services
The program invocation services support you in controlling the programs
which process the automation tasks in the programmable logic controllers.
With these services you can control the functions of these devices
dependent on their processing status.
These services are available for PLCs in the client and server roles.
In the client role, the PLC functions as a host computer requesting status
changes in the monitored device by means of service jobs.
In the server role, a PLC reacts to the instructions contained in the service
job. The CP is responsible for keeping the PI statuses up to date in the PI
management, interpreting the instructions and checking that they are
permitted. The ins tructions must then be conver ted in the PLC user pr ogram
and acknowledged. After the acknowledgment, the CP notes the status
change in i ts PI management.
The following services are supported (in each case both on the client and
Create PI
Delete PI
Start PI
Stop PI
Resume PI
Reset PI
Kill PI
Local program stop (only server function -> local service)
Get PI attributes
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 31 Volume 2
8.2.1 PLC Program Structure, Status Transitions
In the SIMATIC S 5 PLC there are two program i nvocations defined:
The system PI (PLC_S TART_STOP)
The system PI represents the PLC with its global start/stop procedure.
The system PI ensures that the status of the whole device is
independent of the statuses of the user PI. No status of a user PI can,
for example, automatically cause a PLC stop.
The user PI
The user PI includes all the domains defined on the PLC. Remember
that apart from the blocks grouped to form domains, other blocks can
exist on the PLC. The separate view of the user PI and the system PI
allows non-domain blocks to be run i ndependent of the user PI.
Number of Domains
Up to eight domains (sets of blocks) can be stored on a SIMATIC S5 PLC.
Along with any permanently loaded blocks (option) these domains perform
the actual PLC program. A "program invocation" (PI) as available in the TF
model for sequential control of an application process, is always formed by
the domains loaded in the PLC. The modeling of possible program
invocation statuses is explained in the following sections.
Dynamic and Static Domains
Normally, the user PI represents the domains that can be loaded using the
loadable domains . These are also known as dy namic domains.
A static domain has been defined for the special situation where the user
wishes to control the program using PI services but is not using the domain
services. The static domain includes the PLC blocks not explicitly assigned
to a domain. By generating a PI related to this static domain, PI services
can be used with the blocks of this "pseudo" domain.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 32
PI status Management
The management of the TF-PI statuses (see illustration) is performed by the
CP alone. The PLC program is informed of status change requests by PI
jobs, for example, a request to the application to change to the stop status).
The PLC user program executes the service by changing the status as
requested and acknowledging the request according to the process status.
Note: Due to its coordinating role, the client is also known as a host
computer in conjunction with the PI services.
PI Status Indication using FB 103 (PI-ZUSTD)
The information about the actual PI status and any status change requested
by the host computer is passed on by a standard function block (FB
PI-ZUSTD), that can either be loaded permanently in the PLC or be part of
a domain. This block can be called in any program branch by the
application program.
The standard function block FB 103 (FB PI-ZUSTD) is supplied with COM
1430 TF.
Status Transitions
The PI status changes defined in TF can be seen in the Fig. 8.19. Whether
or not a status transition requested by the host computer is permitted is
checked in the CP.
Multiprocessor Mode
In the multiprocessor PLC, the view of the PLC via the system PI and the
user PI remains unchanged. The number of possible domains also remains
unchanged. The information depends on the number of CPUs i n operation!
In the multiprocessor mode, the only difference is that a master CPU must
be specified with which the CP executes the system PI functions
(START/STOP PLC). The master CPU is specified using the COM 1430 TF
configuration tool, with the function VMD Configuration.
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Explanation of the status transitions::
1 Start job
2 Start acknowledgment (posi tive)
3 Start acknowledgment (negative, non- destructive)
4 Start acknowledgment (negative, des tructive)
5 Stop job
6 Stop acknowledgment (positive)
7 Stop acknowledgment (negative, non-destructive)
8 Stop acknowledgment (negative, destructive)
9 Resume Job
10 Resume acknowledgment (positive)
Fig. 8.19 Status Diagram of a Program Invocation
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 34
11 Resume acknowledgment (negative, non-destructive)
12 Resume acknowledgment (negative, destructive)
15 Kill acknowledgment (posi tive)
16 Reset job
17 Reset acknowledgment (positive; if PI is re-usable)
18 Reset acknowledgment (positive; if PI not re-usable)
19 Reset acknowledgment (negative, non-destructive)
20 Reset acknowledgment (negative, destructive)
21 Local program stop
22 Create_P I job
23 Create_PI acknowl edgment (positive)
24 Create_PI acknowl edgment (negative)
25 Delete_PI job
26 Delete_PI acknowledgment (positiv e)
27 Delete_PI acknowledgment (negative)
The term "destructive" in this situation means that the P I can then no longer
be used.
Description of the PI Statuses for the System PI
The system PI controls the START/STOP response of the PLC. The
following service jobs are possible:
A resume PI job generates a PLC start on the AS511 interface, but does
not influence the status of the user PI.
A stop PI job generates a PLC stop on the AS511 interface, but does
not influence the status of the user PI.
Further status changes of this system PI are not allowed and are
acknowledged negati vely.
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8 - 35 Volume 2
Description of the PI Statuses for the User PI
Some of the effects of PI jobs on the user process must be programmed in
the PLC. After the application has requested a specific PI status (FB 103)
the status change is triggered and after acknowledgment, it is entered in the
status management of the CP.
PI non-
existent A program invocation has not been created.
PI idle The PI has been created, the actual user process has,
however, not yet started. This status follows a create PI job.
PI starting The process controlled by the PLC program will be started.
In this status, the user program can, for example, make
certain preparations to allow the transition to the "running"
status. The change of status (to running or unrunnable) is
triggered by the user program (acknowledgment of the start
PI job).
PI running The user process has started and is being controlled by the
PLC program.
PI stopping The process controlled by the PLC program will stop. In this
status the user program can for example make certain
preparations to allow the transition to the "stopped" status.
The change of status (to stopped or unrunnable) is triggered
by the user program (acknowledgment of the PI start job)
PI stopped The process controlled by the PLC program is (temporarily)
stopped. As can been seen from the PI status diagram, the
process can be completely stopped in this status (for
example because another program is to be loaded) or can
be resumed by a command from the host computer, i.e. can
change back to the "running" status. When in the "running"
status, the change to stopped can also be caused by a local
event (see description of FB "PI-ZUSTD").
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 36
PI resuming The process controlled by the PLC program will be resumed
after a temporary stop. The change from this status (to
running or stopped/unrunnable) is triggered by the user
program (acknowledgment of the resume PI job).
PI resetting The process will be returned to the idle state by the user
program. Changing from this state to the idle or
stopped/unrunnable status is triggered by the user program
(acknowledgment of the reset PI job).
PI unrunnable The "unrunnable" status means that an event has occurred
during the control of the process that prevents further
processing. This may, for example, be the result of one of
the following causes :
- the host computer has sent an abort request
- the user program acknowledges a status transition
"negative, des tructive".
P1 - P4 The statuses P1 to P4 are managed by the CP. They are
decision phases on the CP when the CP decides which of
the alternative statuses will result from a status request. The
user program has no influence on these transitions.
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8 - 37 Volume 2
Checklist for using PI services
Using PI services means the following:
In the PLC wi th the server role:
Configure an application association for transferring the PI services (it
may be possible to use the predefined application association S5_TF;
refer to Section 9.1.4 Special Connections.
Assign the data and program blocks to domains (refer to domain
services and the PG Load tool).
Specify the reactions to PI jobs in the PLC user program, i.e. what it
means to resume, reset, start or stop a PI etc.
Call the function block for the status request (FB 103) in the PLC
Evaluate the status information in the PLC program and if applicable
send an acknowl edgment from the PLC program.
In the PLC with the client role:
Configure an application association for transferring the PI services (it
may be possible to use the predefined application association S5_TF;
refer to Section 9.1.4 Special Connections.
Send PI jobs via handling blocks if status changes are required in the
server PLC .
Evaluate status information, i.e. the acknowledgments of the server PLC
in the PLC program.
For all domain services, the CP requires the "swing cable".
This means that load services and the PG functions on the
backplane bus cannot be used simultaneously. If this is
attempted, one of the two jobs will be rejected.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 38
Note that PI and domain services are not permitted with
SSNR 232, 236 and 244.
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 39 Volume 2
8.2.2 General Sequence of a Status Change
The description of the sequence of a status change illustrates the
interaction of the user program on the PLC and the status processing on
the CP. The steps from the arrival of the PI job on the CP until the new
status is acknowledged are descr ibed.
The following steps are run through on the CP 1430:
Request received
Requested status change checked for consistency
If status change not allowed, negative acknowledgment and abort
New status entered in the DB-RAM. The transmission of an
acknowledgment i s not time-monitored
If applicabl e, wait for acknowledgment from the user program
The following steps are run through on the programmable logic
Check the PI status with FB "PI-ZUSTD" call. Processing of a program
section dependent on the PI status
If a status with an acknowledgment request is set in the PI status, the
user program reacts as follows:
It recognizes the request and prepares the process for a new status
(Running, Stopped, Idle). It acknowledges the job positively.
If the process is already in the status requested by the host computer, or
it is not possible to change to this status, the job must be acknowledged
negatively (by calling FB "PI-ZUSTD").
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 40
Interface of the PLC Program to the PI Services on the Server Side
Fig. 8.20 General Sequence (no error) of a Status Change
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8 - 41 Volume 2
8.2.3 Significance of FB 103
The function block "PI-ZUSTD" (FB 103) is used to inform the user program
of the current status of the program invocation and therefore represents the
interface of the user program to the program invocation services of SINEC
Block Function
The block executes two different functions: read PI status or send
acknowledgment. The function block is processed dependent on the result
of logic operation (RLO), as follows :
Call when
RLO = 0:
The PI status is read and stored at the specified S5 address
Call when
RLO = 1:
The user wants to acknowledge a PI status, either positively or
negatively. The FB reads the acknowledgment at the specified S5
address and then writes the new PI status at this address.
Block Interface
As can be seen in the diagram illustrating the general sequence of a status
change, the block requires various parameters:
Fig. 8.21 Call Parameters of the Status Function Block "PI-ZUSTD"
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 42
Description of the Interface Parameters
1. SSNR (interface number)
The value spec ified here has the same significance as when calling a
handling block and determines the page via which the PI status in the
CP can be scanned. This value is also the value ass igned to the
application associ ation on which the host computer triggers the PI
services. The base interface number of the module must be set
according to the value used here.
Special feature in multiprocessor PLCs: as with communication via
handling blocks, the interface number is determined by the slot on the
CPU. This means that the CPU in slot n (n=1..4) obtains the PI s tatus
via interface number n-1 (+ base interface number). The interface
module ensures that the same PI status is read in all CPUs .
2. Q/ZT (source/destinati on type)
Depending on the function of the block, this parameter specifies the S5
source or S 5 destination type to be used by the block.
DB data bloc k area
DX extended data block area
FW flag area
3. DBNR (data block number)
If Q/ZT = DB or DX: 1...255
If Q/ZT = FW: invalid.
4. Q/ZA (source/destinati on start)
This parameter specifies the start address within the selected area.
If Q/ZT = DB or DX: 0...2042
If Q/ZT = FW: 1...255
Since one word of the block is always required, no length needs to be
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 43 Volume 2
5. PAFE (parameter assignment error)
Parameter assi gnment error, 1 byte
The block transfers any errors that may occur to the user program at
the FB output (byte parameter) s pecified by this addr ess (see following
List of possible error messages and their causes:
00h no error occurred
11h parameter "Q/ZT" not correctly enter ed, i.e. not DB/DX/FW
21h access to addres s not possible, e.g. DB does not exist
31h area too small, i .e. DW does not exist
41h parameter Q/ZA is greater than 255
51h RLO = 1, but no acknowledgment requested
61h CP/PLC not synchr onized
71h access to DPR not possible, interface does not exist
81h interface not ready
91h interface overloaded
A1h free
B1h free
C1h interface not acknowledging
D1h free
E1h free
F1h free
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 44
S5 Files of the Function Block "PI-ZUSTD" (FB 103)
PLC CPU S5 file Library number
S5-115 U/H CPU 942A/B
CPU 942 R
CPU 943A/B
CPU 944A/B
S5CI50ST.S5D P71200-S 5103-C-2
CPU 945 ----- -------- -- ------ -------- -
S5-135 U
S5-155 U/H CPU 922
CPU 928A/B S5CI29ST.S5D P71200-S 9103-C-1
CPU 946/947
CPU 946/947 R
CPU 948
CPU 948 R
S5CI69ST.S5D P71200-S 6103-C-1
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 45 Volume 2
Format and Significance of the Supplied PI Status:
In the following statuses, the user program must generate an
In all other statuses the user program must not generate an
Significance of the acknowledgment bits
Bits 8 and 9 = 0:
The status transition will be executed (pos. acknowledgment).
Bit 8 = 1, bit 9 = 0:
The status transition will not be executed, the PI is to remain in the old
status (negative, ac knowledgment, non-destructive).
Bit 8 = 0 or 1, bit 9 = 1:
The PI must be brought to the "unrunnable" status (negative
acknowledgment, destructive).
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 46
Significance of the CP status
Bit 14 = 1, bit 15 = 0: CP stopped
Bit 14 = 0, bit 15 = 1: CP in run mode
Bit 14 = 1, bit 15 =1: CP and PLC not synchronized
Notes on the Sequence in Multiprocessor PLCs:
The PI status is valid for the entire PLC
In a multiprocessor PLC, the CP ensures that the same PI status is always
read out in all CPUs. The user must make sure that the "SSNR" parameter
is specified correctly when FB "PI-ZUSTD" is called (= CPU number - 1).
In the statuses in which an acknowledgment is required, the user must
make sure that the acknowledgment is only triggered when all the CPUs
require the status change. The CP itself can only accept one
Note on the system PI
Since the CP starts and stops the PLC (with the "resume PI" and "stop PI"
services for the system PI) the CP must know the configuration of the PLC.
This is achieved in the configuring phase with COM 1430 TF using the
VMD Configuration function with which the user defines a "master CPU"
that is controlled via the CP. At this stage, the user also specifies how the
CPU is to be started and stopped.
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8 - 47 Volume 2
8.2.4 Start-up, Installation
The installation on a SIMATIC PLC that will later be controlled within a
system by a host computer using TF services (particularly with the aid of
domain and PI services) must be performed as follows:
The domain must already have been generated with the COM 1430 tool
PG Load. The PG (as an aid to installation) transfers the files as "load
files" to a file server on completion of the programming (or after changes
in the program).
The PLC should only contain blocks that are not contained in a domain
(if these blocks do exist in a domain, they will be overwritten when the
domain is loaded).
The use of variables services is not dependent on the existence of domains
or PIs. Only the definition and access to domain-specific variables require
that the domain ex ists.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 48
8.2.5 Create Program Invocation (Client)
This service allocates one or more domains to a program. This can be in a
remote station (identified by SSNR/ANR) or in the local station (ANR =
"Create Program Invocation" Job Buffer
Fig. 8.22 Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Service "Create Program Invocati on"
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 49 Volume 2
Call Description
General section:
Opcode P-CR
Timeout: 1 wor d, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section:
Length of
PI name 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following PI name
PI name 1 word, format: KS
Meaning: name of PI to be created. If the length of the
name is odd, a padding byte is appended.
Number of
domains 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1..8
Meaning: specifies the number of domains to be collected
together in a P I. In the job buffer itsel f, the number of
domain names is only limited by the maximum length of the
job buffer.
Length of
domain name 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following domain name
domain name 1 word, format: KS
Meaning: name of the domai n, if the length is odd, a
padding byte is appended.
The parameters length of domain name and domain name are repeated as
often as specified by the "number of domains"
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 50
Job sequence "create program invocation"
Fig. 8.23 Sequence "Create Program Invocation "
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8 - 51 Volume 2
The PLC triggers the creation of a PI in itself by sending the job buffer with
the VMD confi guration job number (205).
Fig. 8.24 Sequence "Create Program Invocation" on Local PLC
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 52
8.2.6 Create Program Invocation (Server)
This section describes the handling of the service on the server and the
conditions that must be met.
Preparations on the interface module:
Domains are loaded
No user PI exists (PI status = non-existent)
A data structure is set up to manage the PI. The PI status is stored in all
four pages of the dual-port RAM.
The PLC is started as stipulated in the configuration ("swing cable",
PG-MUX, dual-port RAM)
The PI status "idle" is entered (= 2)
Acknowledgment of the TF job
Note on loaded domains:
If no dynamic domains were loaded, i.e. the CP is not explicitly informed of
domains, a so-called "static domain" is supported. In this case, the
computer (or another client) must enter the following in the list of domains
of the "create P I" TF servic e:
Number of domains : 1
Length of domain name: 10
Domain name: SIMATIC_S5
This domain name is also supplied in the reply in the "get name list" service
if no other domain is loaded. It cannot be deleted with TF services
This allows a SIMATIC S5 PLC to be controlled using PI services without
requiring the TF transfer services.
Note on domain statuses:
A domain specified with "create PI" changes to the "in use" status. It cannot
be deleted in this status.
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8 - 53 Volume 2
8.2.7 Delete Program Invocation (Client)
This service deletes a previously created PI in the local or in a remote
Since only one user PI can exist on a SIMATIC S5 PLC at any one time,
the user PI in the SIMATIC S5 PLC must be deleted before a new PI with a
different structur e can be generated.
"Delete PI" Job Buffer
Call Description
General section:
Opcode P-DE
Timeout: 1 wor d, format: KF
Meaning: specifies the maximum length of time the user
program will wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e.
the maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is
specified i n multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Fig. 8.25 Structure of the Job Buffer for TF Service "Delete Program Invocat ion"
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 54
Job-related section:
Length of
PI name 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following PI name
1 word, format: KS
Meaning: name of the P I to be deleted. If the l ength of the
PI name is odd, a padding byte is appended.
Sequence Description "Delete PI"
Fig. 8.26 Sequence ’Delete Program Invocation’
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 55 Volume 2
Fig. 8.27 Sequence ’Delete Program Invocation’ (on Local PLC)
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 56
8.2.8 Delete Program Invocation (Server)
Effects on the user PI in the SIMATIC S5 PLC:
The TF job is acknowledged by the PC providing the current status
allows such a status change.
After this job, the PI management once again allows a create PI job for a
user PI.
The domains used by the PI change from the "in use" status to the "ready"
status; if required, they can also be deleted.
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 57 Volume 2
8.2.9 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset, Kill Program Invocation and
Local Program Stop (Client)
Depending on the current status, the jobs cause status changes in the
system or us er PI.
Only the jobs resume PI and s top PI are permitted for the s ystem PI.
Job buffer: "start_PI", "stop_PI", "resume_PI", "reset_PI", "kill_PI"
and "local program stop"
Note: local program stop does not have a timeout parameter since it is only
Call Description
General section:
Opcode P-ST (star t program)
P-SP (stop program)
P-RE (resume program)
P-RS (reset program)
P-AB (ki ll program)
P-HL (local program stop)
Fig. 8.28 Structure of the Job Buffer
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 58
Timeout: 1 wor d, Format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section:
Length of
PI name: Format: KY
Possible values: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following PI name
PI name Format: KS
Meaning: name of PI to be processed, if the length of the
PI name is odd, a padding byte is appended.
Sequence description "start_PI", "stop_PI", "resume_PI", "reset_PI",
The sequence for starting, stopping, resuming, resetting and killing a
program invocati on is the same for creating the PI.
The syntax ID execution argument and length execution argument
parameters required for the "start PI" and resume PI" services are
preassigned the v alue 0 by the CP.
Sequence description "local program stop"
The user program can trigger the transition of the PI from running to
stopped (see status diagram of a program invoc ation page 8-35).
The transition takes place without a job from the network, i.e. without an
explicit "stop PI" job from a client. The intermediate status "stopping" is
This can, for example, be useful when the user process must be retriggered
by the host computer each time it has worked through its task (e.g.
manufacturing a part).
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 59 Volume 2
The status transition is triggered by the user program sending a job buffer
as a local job with the job number 205.
Fig. 8.29 Sequence "Local Program Stop"
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 60
8.2.10 Start, Stop, Resume, Reset, Kill a Program Invocation (Server)
The services are executed in the interface module as described in the
Section "General Sequence of a Status Change", Section 8.2.2
Note the information about handling the user program in Section 8.2.3
’Interface of the P LC Program to the PI S ervices on the Server’.
With the following results as the current status, the user program must
generate an ack nowledgment:
Based on this acknowledgment, status changes are entered into the status
management. The actual effects in the PLC user program must be
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 61 Volume 2
8.2.11 Points to Note when Starting and Stopping the PLC using the
System PI
The stop system PI service brings about a transition from RUN to STOP on
the PLC. The resume system PI service brings about a transition from
STOP to RUN on the PLC. The type of startup selected by the CP 1430 is
always a cold restart.
The "synchron" handling block call required to synchronize the CP with the
CPU must only be called in the cold restart branch when the CP status "not
synchronized" is indicated. You can find out about this status by calling FB
If you nevertheless call the synchron block although the PLC and CP are
synchronized, a cold restart is executed on the CP which means that the
MMS/TF service "Create PI" which triggered the cold restart can no longer
be acknowledged.
If the system PI is changed to the "PI stopped" status with
the stop PI service, and if this service does not operate on
the predefined application association, the CP 1430 TF does
not permit the association to be initiated again after
termination until the CP 1430 TF returns to the RUN mode.
It is therefore advisable to use only the predefined
application association for the stop system PI and start
system PI services (see Section 9.1.4 "Special
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 62
8.2.12 Get Program Invocation Attributes (Client)
This service allows the PI attributes such as PI status or domain
assignment to be requested (both local and remote).
Job buffer "get PI attributes"
Call Description
General section:
Opcode P-GE
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Meaning: specifies the maximum length of time the user
program will wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e.
the maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is
specified i n multiples of 0.1 sec.
For more information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Fig. 8.30 Structure of the Job Buffer "Get PI Attributes"
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 63 Volume 2
Job-related section:
Dest ID: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: S5 destination address at which the information
about the attributes of the PI will be stored.
DB number: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
Meaning: DB or DX number
DW number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Meaning: offset withi n the data block or ex tended data
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area in whi ch the PI
attributes can be stored; the value -1 means that all the
data in the ack nowledgment from the DW number to the
end of the data block can be accepted.
Length of
PI name: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..32
Meaning: length of the following PI name
PI name: 1 word, format: KS
Meaning: name of PI, if the length of the PI name is odd,
the last byte has no significance.
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 64
Sequence Description " Get PI Attributes"
The sequence of the "get PI attributes" service is analogous to the
sequence of the "get domain attributes" TF service.
Structure of the Reply Data
The reply data stored by the CP at the S5 address specified in the job
buffer has the following structure:
Fig. 8.31 Structure of the Job Buffer "Get PI Attributes"
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 65 Volume 2
Significance of the Individual Parameters in the Reply Data:
Service ID:
2Dh (to assign the reply to the requested service unequivocally)
PI status:
Value MMS status Status description
1 unrunnable the program invocation was aborted or is in a
status caus ed locally by an exc eptional situation in
which it can no longer be started.
2 idle: the PI has been created
3 running the user process has started
4 stopped the user process was stopped
5 starting the user process is in the start-up routi ne
6 stopping the user pr ocess is in the stopping phase
7 resuming the user process had s topped and is now star ting
up again.
8 resetting the user process was stopped and is being reset so
that it can then be deleted
- non-existent i f no PI with this name exists a negative
acknowledgment is returned with E RRCLS and
Deletable with TF services
If this parameter = TRUE, it means that the program invocation can be
deleted using the "delete program invocation" service. Otherwise this is not
TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network B 8976075/01
Volume 2 8 - 66
Multiple us e
If this parameter = TRUE, it means that the program invocation can be
started again following the reset carried out with the "reset program
invocation" service. Otherwise this is not possi ble.
Number of domain names
Specifies the number of the domains belonging to the PI.
Execution argument:
the execution argument can be used to start an action on the server. The
definition and execution are not specified by TF.
The following
applies to
The "syntax_ID_execution_argument" has the value
252 or 0. This defines a visible sting as the type for
the execution argument.
"Length of the execution argument" for SIMATIC
applications is always 0.
The execution argument itself is not used in SIMATIC
Domain list
List of the domain names belonging to the program invocation.
Special feature with the job "get attributes of a system PI"
Before this service is executed, the current PLC status (RUN/STOP) is
8.2.13 Get Program Invocation Attributes (Server)
The service is executed on the server without support of the PLC program.
The tables and data structures addressed are in the address area of the CP
and include the domain and PI object attr ibutes known in the CP.
B 8976075/01 TF Domain and PI Services Implementing a CIM Network
8 - 67 Volume 2
9 Supplementary Services
9.1 Application Association Management 9-3
9.1.1 Definition of Application Associations 9-3
9.1.2 Connection Establishment 9-6
9.1.3 Connection Termination 9-9
9.1.4 Special Connections 9-10
9.2 VMD Services for Virtual Manufacturing Devices 9-12
9.2.1 Status of the Virtual Device (Cli ent) 9- 13
9.2.2 Status of the Virtual Device (Server ) 9-15
9.2.3 Unsolicit ed VMD Status (Receiver) 9-19
9.2.4 VMD Status melden (Empfänger) 9-20
9.2.5 Identify Vi rtual Manufacturing Device (Cli ent) 9-21
9.2.6 Identify Vi rtual Manufacturing Device (Server ) 9-23
9.3 Configuration Jobs 9-25
9 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
This chapter provides you with the information required for handling the
following s ervices:
Application as sociation management
VMD services
Configuration jobs
In a network with SIMATIC S5 PLCs, the CP relieves you of much of the
handling of application associations during the operational phase. The CP
establishes the application associations based on the configuration
information during the start-up or as necessary. Information in this chapter
about application association management is only required in exceptional
cases when connecting two systems of other manufacturers.
Using the VMD services you can clarify the availability and capabilities of
the communicating devices.
Configuration jobs are used to supply application associations with certain
parameters during the operating phase independent of the configuration.
Supplementary Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 9 - 2
9.1 Application Association Management
The TF services for managing application associations provide the
infrastructure required for communication on the application layer (layer 7)
of the OSI reference model. The management of the corresponding
transport connections (connections on layer 4) are also handled by the
application association management. These services are executed
automatically by the CP 1430 (with the exception of the "abort application
association" service based on the configuration information.
Service Jobs for Non-SIMATIC Connections
Due to the implicit execution of the services for application association
management, S5 applications do not normally require access via a program
interface. The "application association management services" described in
this section are only required when linking up with non-SIMATIC systems.
9.1.1 Definition of Application Associations
Application associations are defined in the COM 1430 TF "Fefinitions"
dialog and stored in the connection blocks of the CP.
The global and local parameters of the connection block are essential for
application association management. (See the introduction in Volume 1 and
Chapter 2 of thi s manual).
Global Param eters
Definition of the layer 4 connection with the parameters
local TSAP
remote TSAP
remote MAC address
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 3 Volume 2
Local parameters
Definition of the application association (layer 7) and modeling of the virtual
circuit on the S IMATIC S5 PLC
multiplex address
application association name
interface number
job number
status word (can be modified later using a configuration job)
-> see also the request editor tool)
type of connection establishment
Type of Connection Establishment
Using the "type of connection establishment" the system planner can
decide whether the connection is established only as far as layer 4 or up
to layer 7. The conditions for establishment are also stipulated, i.e. how
and when the connection should be established
In concrete terms this means that if a connection is required to a system
in which application association management functions are not imple-
mented, the connection is established only as far as layer 4. All commu-
nications partners must be capable of this connection establishment.
This is, for example, the case when a connection is required between
the CP 1430 and CP 535 with the AP protocol handler SINEC AV/S5.
Normally, establ ishment up to layer 7 should be selected.
The following types of establishment must be di stinguished:
static active
The CP establishes a permanent connection during start up.
static passive
The CP is ready to positively confirm a connection request
for the configured appl ication associ ation.
The CP establishes a connection as soon as there is a job
for the configured appl ication associ ation.
The recommended type of connection establishment for various services is
listed in the following table:
Supplementary Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 9 - 4
Connection Establishment for TF services
Service Type of establishment
Non-open services
(transparent data exc hange,
read/write byte string)
Layer 4
Variable services Layer 7
Domain services Layer 7
PI services Layer 7
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 5 Volume 2
9.1.2 Connection Establishment
The connection is established implicitly by the CP based on the
configuration information.
The establishment of connections is only completely transparent for the
PLC program. The connection establishment is triggered by the CP and not
by an application program on the PLC. Only the dynamic connections
(priority 3 and 4) are triggered indirectly by the PLC when a TF job is
triggered. Nevertheless, even in this case there is no specific job for
triggering connection establishment. This is always in conjunction with a
client job ( not configuration jobs).
During the start-up on the module, the establishment of all priority 2
connections (establishment "ACTIV E" or "PASSI VE") is ini tiated.
Layer 4
The establishment of the transport connection is made by the transport
software using the appropriate layer calls (e.g. open, connection request).
CP 1430 transport software: RTS
Layer 7
The establishment of the layer 7 connection is only possible when the layer
4 connection establishment was successful.
Since the "initiate application association" service contains specific
implementation parameters, these are explained in detail. These parameters
are sent to the partner when the connection is established. They are fixed
by the CP and cannot be modified by programming or configuring
(exception max_recei ve_buffer_calling)!
Service ID
always "FALSE""
Value: 0FFH
Supplementary Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 9 - 6
Meaning: any number of server jobs per application association can be
managed in the CP at one time.
Value: 1H
Meaning: the remote VMD must expect a maximum of one server job on an
application association at one time.
Meaning: the maximum length of a TF-PDU can be selected by the user in
COM 1430 TF for all application associations when the module is initialized.
The value is entered in the connection block.
Non_open_services_c alling
Value: 0000 0000 0000 0111B
Meaning: the following non-open TF services are supported:
read byte stri ng
write byte string
transparent data exc hange
Value: 2H
Meaning: the CP supports variables up to the following complexity:
arrays of arrays of basic data types
arrays of structures of basic data types
structures of structures of basic data types
>Value: 1H
Meaning: exactl y one syntax field foll ows
Value: 0H (assigned by TF)
Value: 5H
Coding: 28 CA 22 02 01 (hex.)
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 7 Volume 2
Value: 0FH
Version number_proposition
Value: 1H
Value: 0000 0000 0101 1111
Data type "ARRAY" is supported
Data type "STRUCTURE" is supported
Access to variables using a name is supported
Access to variables using an address is supported
Third-party association for loading domain is supported
Meaning: all TF services of level 1 are supported (see appendix "CP 1430
Product Data Sheet"). If a third-party association is involved, only the
necessary servic es are required.
These values are proposed in the "initiate application association" TF-PDU.
When the CPU sends the acknowledgment, it negotiates that the partner
settles for thes e values.
The specific implementation parameters are supplied by the
CP 1430 and do not need to be set by the user.
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Volume 2 9 - 8
9.1.3 Connection Termination
A TF application association is terminated by the "conclude application
association" service that requires no parameters other than the service
Following the termination of the layer 7 connection, the layer 4 connection
is also terminated.
The PLC program can trigger connection termination explicitly with a reset
call (handling block) with the corresponding job numbers. This can, for
example, be necessary when an TF service was triggered without timeout
monitoring and was not completed.
With priority 3 jobs, the connection remains terminated until it is triggered
again by the PLC program. Priority 2 connections are re-established
immediately by the CP.
A "reset all job" (job number 0) to terminate all connections is not permitted.
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9 - 9 Volume 2
9.1.4 Special Connections
Application Associations to a File Server
To load or store domains, the "third-party association" is supported by the
CP 1430 TF. This means that after a host computer has triggered a load
procedure (load domain content, store domain content) the CP itself
establishes the connection identified by the "application association name"
Up to 16 different file server application associations can be defined, of
which a maximum of one can be established at any time.
The type of connection establishment for file server application associations
is always "dynamic". Variable definitions are not possible. The assignment
of the connections to the end system is not specified explicitly for these
associations, but is transferred by the user in the capabilities list when the
load function is triggered.
The TF file server application association does not have an ANR assigned
to it. It is displayed by the test functions of COM 1430 TF under application
associations (without ANR) and can be tested with single status or trace.
Predefined Application Association
The CP 1430 TF provides a non-configurable standard connection for
loading services and for program invocation services, for which the following
parameters are selec ted:
local TSA P: S5_STF (length 6)
remote TSAP: S5_STF (length 6)
remote MAC address : unspecified
MUX address: 0
With this connection endpoint (ANR 206), the CP 1430 TF waits for the
application association to be initiated by any partner (establishment type P7
static), such as the PG with PG Load for load services or host functions
(application as sociation PG-PLC when configur ing PG Load).
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Volume 2 9 - 10
This predefined application association is always displayed in the test
functions under application association with ANR 206 (server) and for local
client jobs (ANR 205).
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9.2 VMD Services for Virtual Manufacturing
The general TF services for virtual manufacturing devices allow a client to
request information about the status or attributes of the virtual
manufacturing device (VMD) in the server. The server can also indicate the
status to a client without being requested. The information can then be
further processed at the client, for example to provide a supervisory control
center with an overview of the whole status of the plant.
The following services are available:
Status (of a VMD)
Unsolicited status (of a VMD)
Identify (VMD)
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Volume 2 9 - 12
9.2.1 Status of the Virtual Device (Client)
Using the "status of the virtual device" service, a client requests information
about the physical and logical status of the virtual manufacturing device
managed in the server. The server sends the requested information in the
acknowledgment (e.g. whether the "real" manufacturing device or the
communications processor of the server is in the RUN or STOP mode or
whether the PLC and CP are synchronized or not.
Job buffer "VMD-Status"
Call Description
General section
Opcode M-ST
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For further information about timeout see page 3 - 13.
Fig. 9 - 1 Structure of the Job Buffer "VMD Status"
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9 - 13 Volume 2
Job-related section
Dest. ID 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: destination address at which the information
about the status wi ll be stored.
DB number 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
Meaning: DB or DX number
DW number 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Meaning: offset withi n the data block or ex tended data
Length 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area in whi ch the VMD
status can be stored; the value -1 means that all the data
in the acknowledgment from the DW number to the end of
the data block can be accepted.
Sequence Description
The sequence of the "VMD status" service is analogous to the sequence of
the "read" TF variable service.
Requesting the status of the VMD in the local PLC (job number = 205) is
not possible.
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Volume 2 9 - 14
9.2.2 Status of the Virtual Device (Server)
The service is executed by the communications processor without the
support of the PLC. However, the status of the PLC is also included in the
data of the repl y.
Structure of the reply data
The reply data stored by the CP at the STEP 5 address specified in the job
buffer has the following structure:
Service ID:
0h (to ass ign the reply to the r equired service unequivoc ally)
status 1 byte, for IDs see page 9 - 17
status 1 byte, for IDs see page 9 - 17
Length loc.
expansion 1 by te, range of values 0 .. 128
Meaning: length of the local expansion in bits
expansion Format: KM (8 words)
Meaning: The meaning of the local expansion depends on
the particular appl ication associ ation.
Fig. 9 - 2 Structure of the Reply Data in the Data Block
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9 - 15 Volume 2
VMD Status Indication:
1. The AS 511 master connector is plugged in or PG functions are possible
via the dual -port RAM ( with swing cable)
PLC status/
CP status PLC in RUN PLC in STOP
CP in RUN state changes
state changes
logical s tatus
physical status
CP in STOP limited services
limited services
logical s tatus
physical status
limited services
state changes
logical s tatus
physical status
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Volume 2 9 - 16
2. No AS 511 master connector plugged in and no PG functions via the
dual-port RAM (swi ng cable)
PLC status/
CP status PLC in RUN PLC in STOP
CP in RUN limited services
support servic es
logical s tatus
physical status
CP in STOP limited services
limited services
logical s tatus
physical status
limited services
limited services
logical s tatus
physical status
1. PLC in RUN, CP in RUN, master connector:
all TF s ervices permitted, fully functional
2. PLC in RUN, CP in RUN, no master connector:
no domain or PI services possible
3. PLC in Stop, CP i n RUN, master connector:
only domain and PI services and information services (status, name list
etc.) permitted, no variable services, no non- open services
4. PLC in Stop, CP in RUN, no master connector:
only information services allowed
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 17 Volume 2
5. CP in stop:
only status and identify VMD permitted (regardless of PLC mode and the
configuration with the master connector). The CP must first be switched
to the run mode or at least brought to the "CP/PLC not synchronized"
status before other TF services are permitted.
6. PLC in stop, CP /PLC not synchronized master connector:
only domain services and the services "create PI"/"delete PI" and infor-
mation services (status, name list etc.) permitted, no variable services,
no non-open services.
7. PLC in stop, CP /PLC not synchronized no master connector:
only information services permitted.
8. PLC in run, CP /PLC not synchronized, master connector:
only domain services and the services "create PI"/"delete PI" and infor-
mation services (status, name list etc.) permitted, no variable services,
no non-open services.
9. PLC in run, CP /PLC not synchronized:
no master connector only information services permitted.
Coding of the parameters "logical status" and "physical status":
logical status: state changes allowed 00h
no state changes allowed 01h
limited services permitted 02h
supported services permitted 03h
physical status: operati onal 10h
partially operational 11h
inoperable 12h
needs commissioning 13h
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Volume 2 9 - 18
9.2.3 Unsolicited VMD Status (Initiator)
Spontaneous indication of the status of the local VMD to another partner.
Job buffer "unsolicited VMD status"
Call description
General section:
Opcode M-SU
Job-related section:
Length of local
expansion 1 wor d, format: KY (low byte)
Possible values: 0..128
Meaning: the parameter length_of_local_expansion
specifies the number of left-justified bits in the "local
expansion" parameter.
Fig. 9.3 Structure of the Job Buffer "Unsolicited Status"
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9 - 19 Volume 2
expansion: 1 word, format: KM (8 words)
Meaning: the significance of the local expansion is fixed
depending on the particular application.
The TF parameters "logical status" and "physical status" are inserted by the
CP itsel f. The table of statuses is described in the pr evious section.
Sequence Description
The sequence of the "unsolicited VMD status" service is analogous to the
sequence of the "information report" TF variable s ervice.
9.2.4 Unsolicited VMD Status (Receiver)
To allow the frame to be processed correctly on the receiver, the CP must
be informed of the location of the recei ved data with a configuration j ob.
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Volume 2 9 - 20
9.2.5 Identify Virtual Manufacturing Device (Client)
With this service, a client can request information about the attributes of the
virtual manufacturing device (VMD) from a server.
"Identify Virtual Device " Job Buffer
Call Description
General section:
Opcode M-ID
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For further information about timeout see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section:
Dest. ID: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: address at which the information about the
identity of the remote station will be stored.
Fig. 9.4 Structure of the Job Buffer " Identify"
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9 - 21 Volume 2
DB number: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
DW number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area in which the
information contained in the acknowledgment can be stored;
the value -1 means that all the data in the acknowledgment
from the DW number to the end of the data block can be
Sequence Description
The sequence of the "identify virtual device" service is analogous to the
sequence of the "read" TF variable service.
The service c annot be used on the local PLC.
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Volume 2 9 - 22
9.2.6 Identify VMD (Server)
The service is executed by the CP without support of the PLC. However,
the attributes of the PLC are contained in the data of the reply.
Structure of the Reply Data
The reply data stored by the CP 1430 TF at the S5 address specified in the
job buffer has the following structure:
Service ID:
2h (to assign the reply to the requested service unequivocally)
length of the manufac turer’s identifier contained i n the reply data
Fig. 9.5 Structure of the Reply Data in the Data Block
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9 - 23 Volume 2
length of the dev ice identifier contained i n the reply data
length of the v ersion contained in the reply data
number of elements in the syntax list of the reply data
in the syntax list, the server enters the number of syntaxes it supports
If the remote partner is a SIMATIC PLC, the following values are contained
in the repl y.
Length of manufacturer’s ID: 0BH
Manufacturer’s ID: SIEMENS AG
Length of devic e ID: 0FH
Device ID: 6GK1 1430 0Ax 00
Length of version: 12H
Version: V¬ x,y¬ ¬¬/¬<date>
The version consi sts of 18 characters
(including blanks)
x,y; current vers ion ID of the CP 1430
The parameter <date> contains the
data the module fil e was created
specified by the user when entering
Number of sy ntax: 0H
Protocol information:
The CP 1430 TF does not support any CS_parameters (Companion
Standards) that may occur with the TF services (variable services, general
services, domain and program services).
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Volume 2 9 - 24
9.3 Configuration Jobs
Using the configuration jobs, an S5 program can assign certain parameters
to an application association. This means that the parameters do not need
to be programmed, but can be passed on to the CP 1430 TF while it is
running. The configuration only ever applies to the connection specified by
the HDB call parameter "SSNR/ANR". The PLC program triggers
configuration jobs once again using job buffers. These can be transferred to
the CP 1430 TF at any time after start up.
Special note:
If the status of the job (can be ascertained by calling the control HDB) is
"job terminated with error" with the error number 0, this means that the
connection has been re-established. In this case previously transferred
configuration parameters are invalid.
Configuration parameters are valid as long as the
connection is established. The parameters transferred with a
configuration job always have priority over programmed
The following connection-specific parameters can be configured by the PLC
1. Status word for PLC client jobs
For client jobs (odd ANR) the communications processor requires infor-
mation about the status word assigned by the user, also for calling the
SEND-DIR to trigger the job. To inform the CP, the parameter type AN
(status word for P LC client jobs) is used.
Note: the status word can also be configured.
2. Source address for server job "read byte s tring"
To be able to execute an incoming "read byte string" job, the CP must
know the S5 address of the required byte string.
Parameter type: B L
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 25 Volume 2
3. Destination address for server jobs "wri te byte string"
To be able to execute an incoming "write byte string" job, the CP must
know the S5 address of the byte string to be written.
Parameter type: B S
4. Destination address for server jobs "unsol icited VMD status i ndication"
To be able to process an "unsolicited VMD status indication" job in the
CP that was received without being triggered by the PLC, the PLC pro-
gram must have an S5 destination address available at which the data
contained in the job are stored. The structure of the data stored by the
CP 1430 TF in the PLC is the same as for the reply data of the "VMD
status" s ervice. The service i dentifier is 1H.
Parameter type: MS
Job buffer "configure ANZW [local]"
Fig. 9.6 Structure of the Job Buffer "Configure ANZW (local)"
Supplementary Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 9 - 26
Call Description
General section:
Opcode A-CF
No. of
parameters: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1..4
Meaning: up to 4 par ameters can be transferred
type 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: AN, BL, BS, MS
Meaning: specifies the parameter to be configured
S5 address:
dest. ID: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: source/des tination address identifier for
configuring the address for the services
read/_write_byte_string. Invalid for parameter type "AN"
DB no. 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 0..255
Meaning: data block number for the parameter types "BL",
"BS" and "MS", value 0 only allowed for parameter type
DW no.: 1 word, for mat: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Length: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area to be transferred
with the "read byte string" service or that must be made
available for the "write byte string" service. The value -1
means that all data can be accepted (only permitted for
parameter type "BS")
B8976075/01 Supplementary Services
9 - 27 Volume 2
For parameter type "MS" this parameter is invalid. In this
case the length is implicitly 11 words.
Status word
identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: FW, DB , DX
Meaning: status wor d type
specification 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: block number
low byte: DW number, FW number
Fig. 9.7 Sequence: "Configure ANZW (local)"
Supplementary Services B8976075/01
Volume 2 9 - 28
10 Non-Open Services for Serial Transfer
10.1 Overview of the Functions and Services 10-3
10.2 Read Byt e String (Client) 10-5
10.3 Write Byte String (Client) 10-8
10.4 R ead/Write Byte String (Server) 10-14
10.5 T ransparent Data Exchange (Client) 10-18
10.6 Transparent Data Exchange (Server) 10-22
10.7 Addendum to Transparent Data Exchange 10-25
10.7.1 Status Wor d of the TRADA on the Serv er 10-25
10.7.2 Example of a Program for Evaluating the
Bits of the A NWZ with TRADA 10-26
10 - 1 Volume 2
Topics in this Chapter
This chapter will familiarize you with the so-called non-open services.
The serial transfer services are known as "non-open services". They are not
included in the scope of functions of the international standard (MMS
standard) and can therefore not be modeled on MMS services.
You should only consider using these services when you do not require the
conformity with devices of other manufacturers that can be achieved with
the open services.
Above all, you should check whether the characteristics and concept of the
variable services or the domain services would not in fact be better for your
communication task. The non-open services are used primarily with existing
The serial transfer function class is distinguished by the following
Data are exchanged between the client and server without address
information or parameters relating to the meaning of the data.
The following non-open s ervices are supported by the CP:
Read byte string (client + server)
Write byte string (client + server)
Transparent data exchange (client + server)
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 2
10.1 Overview of the Functions and Services
Applications making use of serial transfer have already negotiated the
structure and content of the data. In the frame itself, no further information
is transmitted apart from the length specification and the data itself.
Since no address information is transferred, only one data area (source or
destination) can be identified via an application association.
Read/Write Byte String
The byte string services are used for "unidirectional" data transfer, i.e. data
are transmitted in only one direction: with the "read byte string" service in
the acknowledgment message, and in the "write byte string" service with the
job message.
By calling the "read byte string" service, the client requests data from the
server. The job frame itself must not contain data. The client obtains the
data from the server in the acknowledgment.
With the "write byte string" service, the client transfers data to a server. The
client can decide whether or not an acknowledgment is required.
Transparent Data Exchange
With the "transparent data exchange" service, data exchange can be
bi-directional. Data can be transmitted both in the job message and in the
acknowledgment. The client can decide whether or not an acknowledgment
is required.
Segmented jobs are not supported on either the c lient or server.
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10 - 3 Volume 2
Advantage and Restrictions
The serial transfer services provide the greatest degree of freedom when
configuring communication associations. The user (programmer) must,
however, negotiate the meaning and processing of the data.
Compared with direct use of layer 4, the user can make use of the TF
infrastructure with the serial transfer services. This ensures for example
increased reliability with the logical acknowledgment of messages, the time
and logical monitoring of TF jobs.
Job PDU Acknowledgment PDU
STF service
Read byte string Data request frame Acknowledgment frame
with requested data
Write byte string Data frame Acknowledgment frame
without data
Transparent Data frame Acknowledgment frame
with or without data
data exchange or no acknowledgment
or no acknowledgment
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 4
10.2 Read Byte String (Client)
Request transfer of a data area.
"Read Byte String" Job Buffer
Fig. 10.1 Structure of the Job Buffer "Read Byte String"
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10 - 5 Volume 2
Call Description
General section:
Opcode: B-RQ
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For further information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Job-related section:
Dest. identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: S5 address at which the byte string read out will
be stored.
DB number: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 1..255
Meaning: DB or DX number
DW number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Meaning: offset withi n the data block or ex tended data
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043
Meaning: length of the data block area in whi ch the byte
string can be written.
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 6
Sequence of "read byte string"
If the job cannot be processed without errors (not illustrated here) this is
indicated to the user in the status word (see description "write byte string").
Fig. 10.2 Sequence "Read Byte String"
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10 - 7 Volume 2
10.3 Write Byte String (Client)
Transfer a data area to the partner
Job buffer "write byte string "
Call Description
General section
Opcode: B-WQ ("write byte string with acknowledgment")
B-WO ("write byte string without acknowledgment")
Timeout: 1 wor d, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec.
For further information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
Fig. 10.3 Structure of the Job Buffer "Write Byte String"
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 8
Job-related section
Source ID: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX, DA
Meaning: S5 source address at which the byte string to be
written is stored.
DB for data block
DX for extended data block
DA for data i n job buffer
Note on the "DA" identifier
Apart from the TF service specification and the required
parameters, the S5 user program can also transfer the data
simultaneously to the CP. This is possible when the
specified S5 address is a data source. This allows a
considerable increase in the data throughput, as can be
seen in the description of the sequence (see detailed
description of the services). When using this facility,
remember that a job buffer must not exceed 256 bytes. The
data must follow on immediately after the last valid
parameter of the job buffer .
DB number: Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
Invalid with source ID DA
DW number: Format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Invalid with source ID DA
Length: Format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043
Meaning: length of the data block area to be tr ansferred
with the service.
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10 - 9 Volume 2
Sequence of "write byte string"
Fig. 10.4 Write Byte String with Acknowledgment (Example: Source ID = DA)
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 10
Fig. 10.5 Write Byte String without Acknowledgment (Example: Source ID = DB/DX)
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The situation in which the job could not be completed without errors is not
represented here, but is indicated to the user as with the other services by
setting the error identifier (TF error occurred) in the status word and
entering the parameters "ERRCLS" and "ERRCOD" of the reply in the third
word after the status word address.
The situation in which the server is unable to accept the data completely
(ERRCLS = 2AH, ERRCOD = 1H) is a special case. To allow the client to
determine how many bytes have been accepted in the server, it can trigger
a (local) "request byte string length" job (see below), by specifying an S5
destination address at which the parameter "number of accepted data" in
the server is to be stored. This job must always be triggered when the
parameter mentioned above is to be transferred to the PLC and is then
always vali d for the last "wri te byte string" job tri ggered by the client.
The service is only executed locally and is only useful when a "write byte
string" with acknowledgment (B-WQ) was started immediately before.
The "request byte string length" is triggered as with all client jobs by a job
buffer, whose structure is illustrated in the following diagram. Following this,
the sequence is illustrated based on an example.
Fig. 10.6 Structure of the Job Buffer "Request Byte String Length"
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 12
Fig. 10.7 Write Byte String with Ack. if Error Occurs, (Exam ple: Source ID = DA)
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10 - 13 Volume 2
10.4 Read/Write Byte String (Server)
Both these services are interpreted and executed in the CP on the server
side, largely without support of the PLC CPU. All the CP handling blocks
"SEND-ALL" and "RECEIVE-ALL" required as DMA substitutes must be
called i n the PLC program.
The assignment of the data to an S5 address must be configured for these
services (see also "configuration jobs"). This means that before the CP can
process this type of service, an appropriate configuration job must be
triggered local ly on the link.
To allow server processing of a "read byte string" job, the source of the
data is specified in the configuration job. For the server processing of a
"write byte string" job, the destination of the data is specified in the
configuration job. The configuration job must be transferred to the
communications pr ocessor as a cl ient job with a "SE ND DIRECT" job.
Job buffer "configure ANZW" for the server handling of "write/read
byte string" jobs
Fig. 10.8 Structure of the Job Buffer "Configure ANZW"
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 14
Call description
General section
Opcode: A-CF
Job-related section
Number of
parameters: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 1..4
Meaning: up to four parameters can be transferred
type: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: BL, BS
Meaning: specifies the parameter to be configured.
BL: source address for "read byte string" server job
BS: source addr ess for "read byte string" server job
S5 address
identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: source/des tination address identifier for
configuring the addres s for the read/write byte stri ng
DB no.: 1 wor d, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0
low byte: 1..255
Meaning: data block number for the parameter types "BL",
DW no: 1 wor d, format: K F
Possible values: 0..2042
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area to be tr ansferred
with the "read byte string" service or to be made available
for the "write by te string" service. The value -1 means that
B8976075/01 Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer
10 - 15 Volume 2
all the data c an be accepted (only permitted for parameter
Status word ANZW identifier
Format: KS
Possible values: FW, DB , DX
Meaning: status wor d type
ANZW specification
Format: KY
Possible values: high byte: block number
low byte: DW number, FW number
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 16
Fig. 10.9 Sequence: "Configure ANZW" (Server) for "Read/Write Byte String"
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10.5 Transparent Data Exchange (Client)
A data area is transferred to the partner with the implicit request to send a
reply with data.
"Transparent Data Exchange" Job Buffer
Fig. 10.10 Structure of the Job Buffer "Transparent Data Exchange"
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Volume 2 10 - 18
Call Description
General section
Opcode: T-DQ ("transparent data exchange with acknowledgment")
Opcode = T-DO ("transparent data exchange without
Note: If the client receives an acknowledgment with data
length zero after a job with acknowledgment, this is
indicated by the SINEC TF error number 3028.
Timeout: 1 word, format: KF
Specifies the maximum length of time the user program will
wait for an acknowledgment for the service (i.e. the
maximum dwell time of the job in the CP). This is specified
in multiples of 0.1 sec. If the job is completed within the
specified ti me, the parameter is irrelevant.
For further information about timeout, see page 3 - 13.
S5 source address
Source ID: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX, DA
Meaning: address at which the data to be transmitted are
DB for data block
DX for extended data block
DA for data i n job buffer
Note on the "DA" identifier
Apart from the TF service specification and the required
parameters, the S5 user program can also transfer the data
simultaneously to the CP. This is possible when the
specified S5 address is a data source. This allows a
considerable increase in the data throughput, as can be
seen in the description of the sequence (see detailed
description of the services). When using this facility,
remember that a job buffer must not exceed 256 bytes. The
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data must follow on immediately after the last valid
parameter of the job buffer .
DB number: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 1..255
Invalid for source ID DA
DW number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Invalid for source ID DA
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: 1..2043
Meaning: length of the data block area to be tr ansferred
with the service.
S5 destination address
Dest. identifier: 1 word, format: KS
Possible values: DB, DX
Meaning: Address at which the data in the acknowledgment
will be stored. This address can also be invalid (DB no. =
0). In this case, no data can be expected in the
DB number: 1 word, format: KY
Possible values: high byte: 0, low byte: 0..255
DW number: 1 word, format: KF
Possible values: 0..2042
Length: 1 wor d, format: KF
Possible values: ..2043, -1
Meaning: length of the data block area in which the data in
the acknowledgment will be stored; the value -1 indicates
that all the data in the acknowledgment from the DW
number to the end of the data block can be accepted.
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Sequence of "transparent data exchange"
If the source identifier in the job buffer is "DA", then the SEND-ALL block
call is omitted in the sequence illustrated here.
For the service without an acknowledgment request (T-DO), or if the
acknowledgment does not contain data or the destination identifier in the
job buffer is invalid, then the RECEIVE-ALL block call is omitted in this
Fig. 10.11 Transparent Data Exchange with Source ID "DB" or "DX"
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10.6 Transparent Data Exchange (Server)
For the non-open TF service "transparent data exchange" the service
request must be passed on to the PLC program, since the data can only be
interpreted there. To allow for this, the parameter and data section of the
TF-PDU is preceded by a "job header" i n which the service is described and
passed on to the PLC.
Structure of the job header (three words)
In the opcode, the CP informs the PLC CPU of the required service as
non-open TF services
0B00: transparent data exchange without acknowledgment
0B01 tr ansparent data exchange with acknowl edgment
The 2nd word i n the job header is reser ved (value 0 is entered) i t contains a
response c ode in the reply.
In the "length" parameter, the interface module informs the PLC how many
valid bytes (without header) were transferred to the PLC.
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Fig. 10.12 Sequence "General Server Interface"
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If the job does not require an acknowledgment, the status word is set to
"job disabled" on completion of the receive job.
For a job with an acknowledgment, the PLC program must generate a reply
that is transferred to the CP with a send direct call. The sending of the
acknowledgment by the PLC program is not time-monitored by the CP. The
first three words of the PLC acknowledgment must once again be contained
in a job header, in which the second word contains a response code. The
first word of the job header is taken from the j ob.
If the PLC wants to acknowledge the job positively, the response code is 0.
Otherwise, error codes according to the AP protocol (ERRCLS, ERRCOD)
are entered in this word. The response code is entered in the AP header by
the CP. If data bytes are to be transmitted in the acknowledgment, these
must be located immediately after the job header, the length of the data (in
bytes) must be located in the third wor d of the job header.
If the acknowledgment does not contain data, the send direct call by the
PLC program must have a length = 3. In the third word of the job buffer, the
length = 0 must be entered (no data in acknowledgment).
If the length of the frame to be transmitted exceeds the frame length
negotiated between the PLC and interface module during the course of a
handling block call (send-dir, receive-dir), the segmentation is automatically
carried out by the CP and entered in the status word to inform the PLC
If the length of the data to be transmitted exceeds the frame length set in
the synchron HDB, the handling blocks SEND or RECEIVE-ALL must
continue to be called in the cyclic PLC program. The PDU length must not
be less than the number of data bytes to be transmitted. If all the data are
accepted with a RECEIVE-DIRECT, remember that the maximum number
of data to be received is not limited by the length specified for the handling
Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer B8976075/01
Volume 2 10 - 24
10.7 Addendum to Transparent Data Exchange
10.7.1 Status Word of the TRADA on the Server
The table illustrates the time sequence of the transparent data exchange
service with/without acknowledgment and the status word on the server can
be seen in greater detail.
When configuring the server, remember the header required for the receive
and transmit buffers.
Status ANZW wi thout ackn. ANZW with ackn.
After cold restart 0A 0A not defined at
present 0A0A not defined at
After connection
establishment 0E0A 0E0A
After connection
termination 0A0A 0A0A
After trigger from c lient 00x3 00x3
Data reception trigger ed 00x2 00x2
Data all rec eived 0E xA 0Ex4
Ackn. triggered by
server omitted 00x2
Ackn. transmitted omitted 0E0A
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10.7.2 Example of a Program for Evaluating the Bits of the ANWZ
with TRADA
Coordination of the status word corresponds to the normal status word
evaluation. This basic state (0E0A) is a self-protection mechanism of the
CP so that jobs cannot be connected to the passive ANR without the CP
being informed.
The following bit evaluation is suitable both for the TRADA with and without
acknowledgment. The parameters for the direct blocks must be adapted to
the situation.
The example was written for an S5 115U programmable logic controller but
could easi ly be ported to other PLC ty pes.
Segment 1 0000
0005 : Bi t evaluation of the server
0006 : ANZW with the non-open
0007 : SINEC TF service TRADA
0008 : - ANZW for RCV-D and SNDD-D
0009 : selected the same (not absolutely
000A : necessary)
000B : - Run through CONTROL for this ANR
000C : at the beginning
000D :
000E : =================================
000F : System status bytes and control
0010 : for the user:
0011 : FY 80.0 = 1 => trigger RCV-D
0012 : FY 80.1 = 1 => trigger SND-D
0013 : FY 80.2 = 1 => run RCV
0014 : FY 80.3 = 1 => run SND
0015 : FY 80.7 = 1 => user acknowledgment
0016 :
0017 :
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0018 : FY 81 internal edge ANZB
0019 :
001A : FW 82 ANZW of the HDB
001B : FW 84 length word of the HDB
001C : FW 86 SINEC TF error word if
001D : connection status word is the same
001E :
001F :
0020 :O F 1.0
0021 :ON F 1.0
0022 :JU FB 247
0023 NAME :Update CONTROL status word
0024 :KY 0,0
0025 :KY 0,2
0026 ANZW :FW 82
0027 PAFE :FY 5
0028 :
0029 :
002A :A F 83.0 Handshake useful &
002B :A F 83.1 J ob active &
002C :AN F 83.3 Job complete without error
002D :S F 80.0 -> RCV-D c an be triggered
002E :S F 81.0
002F :
0030 :A F 80.7 Acknowledgment for the trigger
0031 : must be provided by the user
0032 :A F 81.0
0033 :R F 80.7
0034 :R F 80.0
0035 :R F 81.0
0036 :JC FB 245
0037 NAME :RECEIVE to trigger data reception
0038 SSNR :KY 0,0
0039 A-NR :KY 0,2
003A AN ZW :FW 82
003C DBNR :KY 0,3
003D ZANF :KF +0
003E ZLAE :KF + 103
003F PAFE :FY 5
B8976075/01 Non-Open Services - Serial Transfer
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0040 :
0041 :
0042 :AN F 83.0 Handshake not useful and &
0043 :AN F 83.1 Job not active &
0044 :AN F 83.3 Job complete without error
0045 :S F 80.1 ->SND-D can be triggered
0046 :S F 81.1
0047 :
0048 :A F 80.7 Acknowledgment for trigger
0049 : must be provided by user
004A :A F 81.1
004B :R F 80.7
004C :R F 80.1
004D :R F 81.1
004E :JC FB 244
004F NAME :SEND SND-D to trigger acknowledgment
0050 SSNR : KY 0,0
0051 A-NR : KY 0,2
0052 ANZW : FW 82
0053 ZTYP : KS DB
0054 DBNR : KY 0,2
0055 ZANF : KF +0
0056 PAFE : FY 5
0058 :
0059 :
005A : JU FB 25 Call ALL blocks since
005B NAME :ALL bit evaluation follows
005C :
005D :A F 83.6 Data accepted
005E :R F 83.6
005F :R F83.4
0060 :S F 80.2 Identifier for the user that the data
0061 : have been acc epted completely
0062 :
0063 : A F 83.5 Data transfer successful
0064 :R F 83.5
0065 :R F 83.4
0066 :S F 80.3 Identifier for the user that the data
0067 : were transferred completely
0068 :
0069 :BE
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FB 25
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 :JU FB 244
0006 NAME :SEND SEND-ALL for segmenting
0007 SSNR : KY 0,0
0008 A-NR : KY 0,0
0009 ANZW : FW 100
000A ZTYP : KS
000B DBNR : KY 0,0
000C ZANF : KF +0
000D ZLAE : KF + 0
000E PAFE : FY 5
000F :
0010 :JC FB 244
0011 NAME :RECEIVE RCV -ALL for segmenting
0012 SSNR : KY 0,0
0013 A-NR : KY 0,0
0014 ANZW : FW 102
0015 ZTYP : KS
0016 DBNR : KY 0,0
0017 ZANF : KF +0
0018 ZLAE : KF + 0
0019 PAFE : FY 5
001A :
001B :BE
The data blocks must have the appropriate headers.
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IV Appendix
A Example Programs
A.1 Overview and Requirements A-2
A.2 Example 1: Using Variable Services A-4
A.2.1 Task A-4
A.2.2 Defining Variables A-6
A.2.3 TF Services Required A-8
A.2.4 Creating t he Cl ient Configuration File A-10
A.2.5 Creating the Server Configuration File A-14
A.2.6 Creating the Job Buffers with the Request Editor A-18
A.2.7 PLC Pr ograms A-26
A.2.8 Starting Up A-42
A.2.9 Monitoring the Process at the PG A-42
A.3 Example 2: Using the Domain and Program
Invocation Services A-43
A.3.1 Task for the Domain Services A-43
A.3.2 Tasks for the Program Invocation Services A-44
A.3.3 Preparing Programs and Data A- 46
A.3.4 Ex ecuti ng Domain and PI Services A-62
A.4 Example 3: Transparent Data Exchange
with Ac knowledgment (T- DQ) A-68
A - 1 Volume 2
A.1 Overview and Requirements
This chapter is intended to familiarize you with the TF interface on the
SINEC H1 bus system for SIMATIC S5. Emphasis is on the services and
the parameter assignment for the CP 143 using the software package
COM 143.
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the services by creating
a small communications system. The example leads step by step to the TF
Example 1: using variable services to transfer process values to a host
computer and to supply a programmable logic controller (VMD) with cur-
rent control information. The function of the monitoring computer is hand-
led by a second PLC.
Example 2: using domain and program invocation services to adapt PLC
programs to process requirements dynamically and to control the pro-
Example 3: transparent data exchange for simple transfer of data without
structural information between S5 PLCs.
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 2
It is assumed that you are familiar with the CP handling blocks. The CP
handling blocks are standard function blocks allowing the use of the
communi cati ons fun ctio ns of the PLC pr ograms.
The following minimum hardware must be available:
2 programmable logic controllers (e.g. S5 155 U) with memory and addi-
tional 15 V modules in the power supply.
2 CP 1430 TF communications processors
2 programmers (e.g. PG 730/PG 750)
The following software packages are also required:
PG software for the STEP 5 programming language,
handling blocks for your PLCs.
the example files supplied with COM 1430 TF.
Note that the lists of function and data blocks shown in this
chapter are intended to illustrate the text. The actual values
are in the example files on the diskette. Use these files to
assi gn parame ters to t he PLC!
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 3 Volume 2
A.2 Example 1: Using Variable Services
A.2.1 Task
In this example, the TF variable services are used to exchange structured
data between two stations a programmable logic controller and a monitoring
computer. Two SIMATIC PLCs are used as the stations. The host operates
as the client and the PLC as server.
Server PLC
The following simulation exists on the server PLC.:
There is an array of five process values, each of which is represented as a
whole number (integer 16). The following process is simulated in an FB:
Each of the analog values is incremented by a fixed value at a certain time
interval. When the preset upper limit is reached, each process value once
again assumes the preset default value (lower limit). The graph of the
process values is ther efor e a sawtooth funct ion.
The variables that can be influenced by the process control include the time
interval and the upper and lower limits of the analog values.
Client PLC
The client PLC, here the monitoring computer, has the following tasks:
You want to monitor and influence the process in the server from the client
The values transferred by the server are stored in a data block and can be
monitored at a PG.
In addition to this, the client PLC program must be able to preset the
process parameters of the server PLC (write a variable) at the request of
the use r (sett ing a bi t in th e flag).
In the same way, the client must be able to read the title of the simulation in
the server.
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Volume 2 A - 4
These requirements produce the following sequence of events for storing
the data and using the variable services:
Control process
Monitor process
Process values
Data area for process control and
process management (variables are
de clared as VMD -spec ific )
Process names
Proce ss parameters
Process data area
(variables are declared as AA-specific)
Serve r PLC
Client PLC
Process values
Process names
Process parameters
Monitoring computer Programmable logic controller
Control programs (OBs, FBs, PBs)
PG for
process monitoring
Fig. A.1: Example Configuration for Stage 1 - Variable Services
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A - 5 Volume 2
Tasks of the Client PLC and TF Services Used:
Read process name (TF service: read variable)
Write process parameters (TF service: write variable)
Task of the server PLC and TF Services Used:
Report process values (TF service: information report)
A.2.2 Defining Variables
Based on the tasks described above, the data definitions discussed below
are necessary and must be defined and in some cases configured for TF
The following objects are stored on the server PLC:
5 Process values
These are of the type "integer 16", and are therefore whole numbers and
are stored in the data block in 16-bit representation. The 5 process valu-
es are stor ed as a n ar ray of 5 wh ole numb ers.
The scope of the process values is application association-specific, so
that the values can be only accessed via one application association.
Process parameters
The following parameters are stored to control the process:
Rate of change (type: integer 16). This parameter specifies the rate at
which the process values will change. This is the same rate for all
process values. To simplify programming, the value specified for the rate
of change is decremented once per PC cycle until it reaches the value
zero. Following this, the process values are updated and the process
cycle begins again.
Upper limits (type: array with 5 elements of type integer 16):
For each process value, an upper limit is fixed in an array of 5 elements,
and must not be exceeded.
Lower limits (type: array with 5 elements of type integer 16):
An array of 5 whole numbers specifies the values at which the process
values should start (default values).
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Volume 2 A - 6
This produces the following data structure:
The scope of the process parameters is selected as VMD-specific. since
it is assumed that the data areas for managing and controlling the PLC
process are maintained as global data (VMD) on the PLC.
Process name
This object contains a title for the current process. The object is of the
type "visible string" (i.e. "KS" for SIMATIC S5) and consists of 32 char-
The scope of this object is also selected as VMD-specific, since the
process title and the process parameters belong to the process control
and process monitoring data area.
Dat a transfer
The current process values are to be reported to the client by the server
cyclically as often as possible, so that the client always has an up-to-date
process image of the server.
On the other hand, the PROCESS PARAMETERS and the PROCESS
NAME are transferred on the initiative of the host.
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A.2.3 TF Services Required
To transfer the data required for the tasks between the two devices, the
following TF services are required:
Read variable
The proce ss name must be read by th e client.
Configuration on the server:
The process name is VMD-specific and must be configured in COM
Configuration on the client:
Since the process name is a simple data type (string with 32 ASCII
characters), no configuration is necessary. A corresponding job buffer
must simply be created for the PLC program
Writ e variable
The process parameters must be written to the server PLC by the client.
Configuration on the server:
The process parameters are VMD-specific and must be configured in
COM 1430.
Configuration on the Client:
Since this variable is of a complex type (structure) and a complete
description of the variables in the job buffer is not possible, this variable
must be configured as a "remote object" (i.e. an object that is not
defined on the local machine, but on a remote machine). This definition
is made in COM 1430 when defining the application association via
which th e variable will be writ ten.
In addition to this, a job buffer containing the name of the variable must
also be defined to trigger the service in the client PLC program.
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Volume 2 A - 8
Information report
The program in the server PLC reports the process values to the client.
Configuration on the Server:
Since the process values are local objects in the server with the
"application association-specific" scope of validity, they must be
configured in COM 1430 as application association-specific, local
To trigger the service, a job buffer must be created in the PLC program.
Configuration on the Client:
To process the indication in the client, the process values must be
configured as remote objects. These are defined when configuring the
application association via which the values are indicated.
The listed services must be executed via an application association. This is
estab lish ed acti vely by the client. This means that th e establishment type on
the client must be "A7" and "P7" on the server.
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A.2.4 Creating the Client Configuration File
Start COM 1430 as described in the Section ’Introduction to the
Configuration Software NCM/COM 1430’. If you have worked through the
example of configuring the transport interface in Volume 1, Chapter 5, you
are already familiar with the next two steps in basic configuration.
Specifying the configuration environment
M 1-1 Select the File | Select function to specify the configuration environment.
Make the following entries or accept the proposed values if they are
suitable i n the ba sic Se ttin gs dialog:
CP type: CP1430
Database file: ABSPL.CLT
Enter your selections with the F7 key.
CP Basic Configuration - CP Basic Init ialization Dialog
M 2-1 The next step is to create the SYSID block
Select the Edi t | CP Init function. In the dialog displayed, you will see the
CP type and the name of the selected database file.
Some of the fields already have defaults entered or are purely display
Make the following entries:
To address the PLC on SI NEC H1:
MAC address: 08000601B010
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 10
Select productive communication on interface 0 with the following set-
Base SSNR: 0
communication: P for SSNR-OFFSET 0
The "Firmware version" field is only a display field.
To identify the PLC in the system, select a suitable text, for example:
designation Testsystem
Enter the current date in the "Date created" field (free format).
Complete your entries with F7 (OK). The file ABSPL1.CLT is then set
up on the hard disk. This completes input of the data specific to the CP
1430 and you now only need to assign parameters to the connection
Answer the prompt about overwriting the module file with YES (if it
appears). The basic configuration data are now saved on the hard disk.
Now select the Edit | Connections | Transport Connections function to
configure the connection block for the transport connection.
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 11 Volume 2
Configuring the Application Association
M2-4-4.1 You now specify the application association and its assignment to the
transport connection
Make your entries according to the section of dialog shown below.
Now press the F6 key (REM VAR) to call the dialog for configuring
remote variables.
COM 1430 TF (EXIT)
Appl ication Associati ons So urce: C :ABSPL.CL T
Ap pl. asso c. name :App. as s. PLC-PL C
SS NR : 0 ANR :1
St atus wor d : FW 100
TF -PDU siz e : 1024
Es t. type (A4/A7/D4 /D7/P4/P 7) : A7
Mu ltiplex address : 00
Tran sport ad dresses
Loc . parame ters : Rem. pa rameters :
MAC addre ss (HEX) : 080 00601B03 0
TSA P (HEX): 43 4C 49 45 4E 54 20 20 TSAP (HEX ):53 45 52 56 45 52 20 20
TSA P length :8 TSAP leng th:8
M 2-4-4.2
Re m ote Variables
M 2-4-2.3
Transport P arame ters
Fig. A.2: Application Association Definition
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 12
Configuring the application association-specific variables
M2-4-4.3 You now configure the variables managed on the partner device which are
to be accessed by the PLC configured here using write or read jobs. The
variables which report information on the initiative of the server PLC must
also be specified here.
Make the entries according to the section of dialog shown below.
Complete your entries with F7 (OK). You return to the application
association configuration dialog.
Complete your input by pressing F7 (OK). Confirm the prompt about
entering the data with YES.
Fig. A.3: Remote Definition
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 13 Volume 2
A.2 .5 C rea tin g th e Se rver Co nfi gur atio n Fi le
Carry out the basic configuration the same way as for the client PLC. The
name of the file in this case is "ABSPL.SRV".
The MAC address is 08000601B030.
For this connection, a local application association-specific object will be
defined in the next step (PROCESS VALUE).
Following this, the VMD-specific variable structure PROCESS
PARAMETERS must be configured.
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Volume 2 A - 14
Configuring an application association
M2-4-4.1 You now specify the application association and its assignment to the
transport connection.
Make your entries based on the section of dialog shown below.
Now press F5 (LOC VAR) to call the dialog for configuring local
COM 1430 TF (EXIT)
Application Associations Sour ce: C:ABSPL.SRV
Appl. assoc. name :App. ass. PLC-PLC
SSNR : 0 ANR :1
Status word : FW 100
TF-PDU size : 1024
Est. type (A4/A7/D4/D7/P4/P7) : P7
Multiplex address : 00
Transport addresses:
Loc. parameters : Rem. para meters :
MAC address (HEX): 08000601B010
TSAP (HEX): 53 45 52 56 45 52 20 20 TSAP (HEX): 43 4C 49 45 4E 54 20 20
TSAP length:8 TSAP length :8
M 2-4-4.2
Remote Variables
M 2-4-2.3
Tra n s po rt Pa ramet e rs
Fig. A.4: Application Association Definition (Server)
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Configuring application Association-Specific Variables
M2-4-2.3 You now configure the variables managed on the server and accessed by
the client with read or write jobs. The variables reported on the initiative of
the server PLC must also be specified..
Make your entries based on the section of dialog shown below; first for
Complete your input with F7 (OK). You return to the application
association configuration dialog.
Complete your input with F7 (OK). Confirm the prompt about entering
data with YES.
Fig. A.5: Local Variable Definition
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Volume 2 A - 16
Configuring VMD-specific variables
M2-5.1 You now define the structure PROCESS PARAMETERS. This is a
VMD-specifi c variable.
Select the Edit | VMD Vari ables E ditor function.
Complete the dialog as shown below..
After inputting the data, complete the entry by pressing F7 (OK).
Confirm the prompt about entering the data with YES.
Fig. A.6: Local Variable Definition - Process Parameters
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A - 17 Volume 2
A.2.6 Creating the Job Buffers with the Request Editor
Client PLC
To create the job buffers, you must start the Request Editor with
Reques t Editor | Select.
You should first create the job buffers for the PLC program of the client.
The program file in our example is BSPC@@ST.S5D. The job buffers are
st ored in DB 2 0.
Complete the dialog, as shown below:
Request Editor Initialization ...
Fig. A.7: Request Editor - Client PLC
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Volume 2 A - 18
Creating the Job Buffer
First you must select the TF service to be defined in the job buffer. To
do this , select Request Editor | Create Job Buffer functi on key F3 - NEW.
The foll owing s election lis t is the n displayed:
Select the job type ’read variable’. The appropriate dialog is then
Fig. A.8: Request Editor Service Selection
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A - 19 Volume 2
Job Buffer for the TF Service ’Read Variable’
Enter the variables as shown in the section of dialog below for the
variable PROCESS NAME.
After entering the data, you return to the overview by pressing F7 (OK)
and F3 (NEW).
Then select the job type ’write variable’.
Fig. A.9: Job Bu ffer- Re ad Varia ble
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 20
Job Buffe r for t he TF Serv ice ’Wri te Vari able’
Enter the values according to the section of dialog shown below for the
Fig. A.10: Job Buffer - Write Variable
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A - 21 Volume 2
Printout of the Job Buffer
Once you have created the job buffers, you can use the menu function
Req.Editor | Documentation | Overview to print out the job buffers and
Fig. A.11: Job Buffer - Printout
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 22
Server PLC
The next step is to create a job buffer for reporting the process values in
the prog ram file of the server.
The program file will be called BSP1S@@ST.S5D. The job buffer will be
entered in DB 20.
Enter the data as shown below.
Request Editor Setup ...
Fig. A.12: Request Editor - Initialization of Server PLC
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 23 Volume 2
Job Buffer for the TF Service ’Information Report
Enter the values according to the section of dialog shown below for the
Fig. A.13: Job Buffer - Info rmation R eport
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 24
Printout of the Job Buffer
Once you have created the job buffers, you can use the menu function
Req.Editor | Documentation | Overview to print out the job buffers and
Fig. A.14: Job Buffer - Printout
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 25 Volume 2
A.2.7 PLC Programs
The following pages contain printouts of the PLC blocks that must be
created for the simulation.
The program structure is illustrated in the two following diagrams.
Following this, the data and function blocks are listed.
In both files, DB 20 contains job buffers created with the TF DB editor. The
preheader of these blocks is not created automatically. You must create this
yourself to make the blocks easier to read. The preheader is, however, not
The other data blocks contain the data structures recognizable from the
configuring of the modules.
The example programs were written for an S5-135U, If you
use other PLC types (S5-115U and S5-155U/ CPU 946/47),
you must copy the appropriate handling blocks (HDBs) into
the program files and adapt the HDB c alls.
Note that the lists of function and data blocks shown in this
chapter are intended to illustrate the text. The actual values
are in the example files on the diskette. Use these files to
assi gn parame ters to t he PLC!
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 26
Client PLC (host)
Fig. A.15: Program Structure of the PLC Programs on the Client PLC
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 27 Volume 2
Ser ver PLC (progr amma ble logic con troll er)
Fig. A.16: Program Structure of the PLC Programs on the Server PLC
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 28
PLC pr ogra m on the cl ien t
DB10 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KF = + 00018; Process value 1
1: KF = - 00020; \=\ 2
2: KF = + 00015; \=\ 3
3: KF = + 00002; \=\ 4
4: KF = - 00041; \=\ 5
5: KF = + 00050; Update factor
6: KF = + 00050; Process upper limit 1
7: KF = + 00060; \=\ 2
8: KF = + 00070; \=\ 3
9: KF = + 00080; \=\ 4
10: KF = + 00090; \=\ 5
11: KF = + 00000; Process lower limit 1
12: KF = - 00020; \=\ 2
13: KF = + 00000; \=\ 3
14: KF = - 00040; \=\ 4
15: KF = - 00050; \=\ 5
DB11 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KS = ;
12: KS = ’;
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 29 Volume 2
DB20 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN = 52 / 62
0: KH = 0014;
1: KS = ’ V-RE’;
3: KF = + 00100;
4: KH = 0000;
5: KS = ’ DB’;
6: KY = 000,011;
7: KF = + 00000;
8: KS = VS;
9: KF = + 00032;
10: KS = ’ ’;
11: KF = + 00000;
12: KS = ’ VM’;
13: KY = 000,011;
14: KS = ’ PROCESS NAME ’;
20: KY = 000,022;
21: KS = ’ V-WR’;
23: KF = + 00100;
24: KH = 0000;
25: KS = ’ DB’;
26: KY = 000,010;
27: KF = + 00005;
28: KS = ;
29: KF = + 00000;
30: KS = ’ ’;
31: KF = + 00000;
32: KS = ’ VM’;
33: KY = 000,016;
42: KY = 255,255;
43: KS = ’TF_EDIT’;
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 30
FB 10 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 50
SEGMENT 1 0000
NAME :VAR-DIEN Variables services of client
0005 : see also:
0006 : TF instructions for S5;
0007 : 1.1.4 Variables Services
0008 :
0009 :A F 14.0 The current process name can be
000A :R F 14.0 read using flag bit 14.0;
000B : the bit is set to 1 here;
000C : DB11 from DW0 onwards
000D : Start the READ VAR service
000E :
000F :JU FB 180 Read process name from server
0010 NAME : SEND
0011 SSNR : KY 0,0
0012 A-NR : KY 0,1
0013 ANZW : FW 100 Specify in configuration
0014 QTYP : KS DB
0015 DBNR : KY 0,20
0016 QANF : KF +1 Taken from configuration
0017 QLAE : KF +19 Taken from configuration
0018 PAFE : FY 106
0019 :
001A :
001B :A F 14.1 The current process parameters
001C :R F 14.1 can be written using flag bit 14.1.
001D :
001E :
001F : Start the WRITE VAR service
0020 :
0021 :JU FB 180 Write parameters in server
0023 SSNR : KY 0,0
0024 A-NR : KY 0,1
0025 ANZW : FW 100
0026 QTYP : KS DB
0027 DBNR : KY 0,20
0028 QANF : KF +21 Taken from configuration
0029 QLAE : KF +21 Taken from configuration
002A PAFE : FY 106
002B :
002C :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 31 Volume 2
PA G E 1
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Check the PLC-PLC AA
0001 :JU FB 184
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 A-NR : KY 0,1
0005 ANZW : FW 100
0006 PAFE : FY 106
0007 :
0008 : Transfer the job buffer for
0009 : receiving the process name
000A : or for sending the process
000B : parameters to the CP;
000C : depends on FY14
000D :JU FB 10
000F :
0010 :O F 0.0 SEND ALL for the
0011 :ON F 0.0 background communication
0012 :
0013 :JU FB 180
0015 SSNR : KY 0,0
0016 A-NR : KY 0,0
0017 ANZW: FW 110
0018 QTYP : KS NN
0019 DBNR : KY 0,0
001A QANF : KF +0
001B QLAE : KF +0
001C PAFE : FY 114
001D :
001E :O F 0.0 RECEIVE ALL for the
001F :ON F 0.0 background communication
0020 :
0021 :
0022 :
0023 :JU FB 181
0025 SSNR : KY 0,0
0026 A-NR : KY 0,0
0027 ANZW : FW 115
0028 ZTYP : KS NN
0029 DBNR : KY 0,0
002A ZANF : KF +0
002B ZLAE : KF +0
002C PAFE : FY 119
002D :
002E :BE
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 32
OB 20 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 13
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :JU FB 185
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
OB 21 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 13
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :JU FB 185
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 33 Volume 2
OB 22 B:BSPC@@ST.S5D LEN= 13
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :JU FB 185
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 34
PLC program on the server
DB10 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KF = + 00000; Process value 1 (default values)
1: KF = + 00000; \=\ 2
2: KF = + 00000; \=\ 3
3: KF = + 00000; \=\ 4
4: KF = + 00000; \=\ 5
5: KF = + 00500; Update factor
6: KF = + 00100; Process upper limit 1
7: KF = + 00110; \=\ 2
8: KF = + 00120; \=\ 3
9: KF = + 00130; \=\ 4
10: KF = + 00140; \=\ 5
11: KF = -00140; Process lower limit 1
12: KF = -00130; \=\ 2
13: KF = -00120; \=\ 3
14: KF = -00110; \=\ 4
15: KF = -00100; \=\ 5
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 35 Volume 2
DB11 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN=21 /4
0: KS = ’sawtooth function ’; 32 ASCII characters
12: KS = ’ ’; are available for the process name
DB20 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN=23 /20
0: KH = 000D;
1: KS = ’V-IN’;
3: KF = +00100;
4: KH = 0000;
5: KS = ’VB’;
6: KY = 000,011;
13: KH = FFFF;
14: KS = ’TF_EDIT’;
PB 10 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 11
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Jump block that calls the
0001 : simulation blocks.
0002 :JU FB 10
0004 :
0005 :BE
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 36
FB 10 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 107
SEGMENT 1 0000
NAME :SIMUL1 Sawtooth function
0005 :
0006 :C DB 10 Initialize current DB
0007 :
0008 :L KH 0005 5 processes to be simulated;
000A :T FW 10 fixed value!
000B :
000C :L DW 5 Test, whether FW 12 is in
000D :L FW 12 valid area
000E :<F FW12 update factor
000F :JC =M010
0010 :L KH 0000
0012 :> = F FW12 = 0 (not negative value)
0013 :JC =M020
0014 :
0015 M010 :L DW 5 Initialization
0016 :T FW 12 - Load update factor in FW 12
0017 :L KH 0000 - Preset process values with 0
0019 :T DW 0
001A :T DW 1
001B :T DW 2
001C :T DW 3
001D :T DW 4
001E :
001F :
0020 M020 :L FW 12 Scan whether update factor
0021 :L KH 0000 is already 0:
0023 :> F = 0 -> update process values
0024 :JC =M030 != 0 -> decrement update factor
0025 :
0026 :
0027 :L DW 0 Update process 1
0028 :ADD KF +2 Add constant value
002A :L DW 6 Process upper limit (PU)
002B :TAK
002C :> = F PU reached?
002D :JC =M040
002E :L DW 11 Process lower limit (PL)
002F M040 :T DW 0 Update process value
0030 :
0031 :L DW 1 Update process 2
0032 :ADD KF +4 Add constant value
0034 :L DW 7 Process upper limit (PU)
0035 :TAK
0036 :> =F PU reached?
0037 :JC =M041
0038 :L DW 12 Process lower limit (PL)
0039 M041 :T DW 1 Update process value
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 37 Volume 2
003A :
003B :L DW 2 Update process 3
003C :ADD KF +5 Add constant value
003E :L DW 8 Process upper limit (PU)
003F :TAK
0040 :> = F PU reached?
0041 :JC =M042
0042 :L DW 13 Process lower limit (PL)
0043 M042 :T DW 2 Update process value
0044 :
0045 :L DW 3 Update process 4
0046 :ADD KF +7 Add constant value
0048 :L DW 9 Process upper limit (PU)
0049 :TAK
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 38
FB 10 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 107
004A :> = F PU reached??
004B :JC = M043
004C :L DW 14 Process lower limit (PL)
004D M043 :T DW 3 Update process value
004E :
004F :L DW 4 Update process 5
0050 :ADD KF +9 Add constant value
0052 :L DW 10 Process upper limit (PU)
0053 :TAK
0054 :>=F PU reached?
0055 :JC = M044
0056 :L DW 15 Process lower limit (PL)
0057 M044 :T DW 4 Update process value
0058 :
0059 :
005A :L DW 5 Update the update factor
005B :T FW 12
005C :JU = ENDE
005D :
005E :
005F M030 :L FW 12 Dec rement update factor
0060 :ADD KF -1
0062 :T FW 12
0063 :
0064 :
0065 ENDE :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 39 Volume 2
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 :
0006 :JU FB 120
0008 SSNR : KY 0,0
0009 A-NR : KY 0,1 Send "INDICATE" job buffer
000A ANZW : FW 100
000B QTYP : KS DB Current PLC connection
000C DBNR : KY 0,20
000D QANF : KF +1
000E QLEN : KF +12
000F PAFE : FY 106
0010 : 5 process values are
0011 :BE transferred in two words
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Jump file to call the
0001 : simulation
0002 :JU PB 10
0003 :
0004 :O F 0.0 Cyclic indication of process
0005 :ON F 0.0 data to the PLC remote partner
0006 : (RLO = 1)
0007 :JC FB 11
0009 :
000A :O F 0.0 SEND ALL for transferring
000B :ON F 0.0 the process data
000C :
000D :JU FB 126
000F SSNR : KY 0,0
0010 A-NR : KY 0,0
0011 ANZW : FW 110
0012 PAFE : FY 114
0013 :
0014 :O F 0.0 RECEIVE ALL for receiving
0015 :ON F 0.0 process parameters from
0016 : the remote partner
0017 :JU FB 127
0018 NAME :REC-A
0019 SSNR : KY 0,0
001A A-NR : KY 0,0
001B ANZW : FW 115
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 40
001C PAFE : FY 119
001D :
001E :BE
OB 20 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 13
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Synchronization PLC-CP
0001 :JU FB 125
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
OB 21 B:BSP1S@ST.S5D LEN= 13
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :JU FB 125
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :JU FB 125
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 41 Volume 2
A.2.8 Starting Up
To start up, the configuration data must be transferred to the PLCs. Use the
following functions:
Transfer | FD->CP for th e fil es
ABSPL.CLT -> client PLC and ABSPL.SRV -> server PLC
The load function under S5DOS-KOMI to transfer the PLC data base
created wi th the REQUEST-EDITOR.
A.2.9 Monitoring the Process at the PG
To monitor the process, the PG must be online with the CPU of the client.
This connection can be established by the AS 511 interface or via the
SINEC H1 bus.
Using the function "FORCE VAR", you can monitor the current process
values and the status of the application association (status word). In
addition to this, you can also read the process name and write the process
FW 100 Status word for the job (job number 1)
FW 102 Length word for this job
FW 104 TF error number, if a T F error oc curs
FY 14 Bit 0 Read the process name
Bit 1 W rite the process para meter s
DB 10
DW 0 to 4 Current process values from the server
DW 5 to 15 Process parameters transferred to the server
DB 11
DW 0 to 15 After reading, the process name is stored here
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 42
A.3 Example 2: Using the Domain and Program
Invocation Services
The server PLC program written for the first example can be used in
modified form in the second example. First, the additional tasks are
A.3.1 Task for the Domain Services
The Task
The server PLC simulates a certain process response by incrementing
process values on the PLC with a selectable rate of rise until a certain limit
value is reached (sawtooth function). It is now assumed that a different
manufa ctur ing pr ocess with a differen t proce ss resp onse is to be moni tore d.
This process response is a continuous rise and fall in the process values
(delta function). The PLC program must therefore be able to change its
simulated process response when requested to.
The So lut ion
The solution to this task is provided by the domain services. They permit
lo adabl e prog ram s ect io ns t o be def ine d.
The program developed in the first example for the server PLC is extended
by a further simulation in the second example. The program and data
sections responsible for the sawtooth are taken out and copied. The copy is
changed so that a delta function is implemented.
Loading and Activating the Simulation
To be able to load and activate the required process simulation on the PLC,
domain services are used. These are available under the program package
PG Load on the programmer and can be activated in various dialogs. A PG
is also connected to the system via a SINEC-H1 connection and used as
the host computer in the example.
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 43 Volume 2
A.3.2 Tasks for the Program Invocation Services
The Task
It must be possible to influence the running of the simulation program using
the host. Certain status requests must be transferred to the PLC to the
simul ation program reac ts wit h certai n actions .
The following program invocation (PI) statuses are requested and the PLC
must respond with the specified actions:
The simulation is not intended to run. This means that PB 10 must not
be called
In this status, all process values must be set to the default (0).
Following this, the transition is acknowledged positively.
The simulation process is run without any restrictions.
The simulation is to be stopped, the transition must be acknowledged.
As Stopping
The So lut ion
The program invocation services allow the process to be combined with a
status. With these services, the status information can be transferred and
the required actions triggered on the PLC.
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 44
The program invocation services can be called directly using the PG Load
package in various dialogs. The PG connected to the system via the SINEC
H1 connection is used to control the PLC simulation with the PG Load
Overview of the device configuration
Control process
Monitor process
Process values
Process names
Proce ss parameters
Server PLC
Client PLC
Process values
Process names
Process parameters
Monitoring device PLC
Control programs for simulation
Program invocation PI
Control (basic) programs
PG as host and
File server
Loading and
controlling with PG
sawtooth Domain
PG for
process monitoring
Fig. A.17: Device Configuration in Example 2
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 45 Volume 2
A.3.3 Preparing Programs and Data
The sections of the program responsible for the simulation must be
removed from the program file "BSP1S@ST.S5D" and stored in the file
"SIMUL1ST.S5D". These involve the blocks:
PB 10 call block
FB 10 act ua l si mul ati on
DB 10 process values/process parameters
DB 11 process name.
These four blocks must once again be contained In the program file
"SIMUL2ST.S5D" that will contain the delta function, and FB 10 modified
accordingly. The name is replaced by "DELTA FUNCTION".
The program files "SIMUL1ST.S5D" and "SIMUL2ST.S5D" can be loaded
al tern at ivel y as do mai ns i n th e se rve r st ati on.
All other blocks from the program file "BSP1S@ST.S5D" are transferred to
the new program "BSP2S@ST.S5D".
To integrate the program invocation services, a control sequence is
programmed in FB 1 that allows a specific program section to be called
depending on the status of the program invocation generated by the host
computer. The status of the program invocation is scanned using FB 103
(FB PI-ZUSTD). If the invocation is to change to a different status, this can
also be achieved with this block (acknowledgment).
The following pages contain the blocks of the three program files that exist
for the server in the second example.
Notes on the restart blocks (OB 20, 21, 22).
In contrast to the first example, when using the program invocation services
in the cold restart branch (OB 20, 21), the block for synchronization (FB
SYNCHRON) must not necessarily be called. A new synchronization must
only be carried out if the CP 1430 is in the non-synchronized status. The
CP status can also be scanned using FB PI-ZUSTD.
In the warm restart branch, following power down, synchronization must
always be ca rried out.
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 46
The following diagram illustrates how the domain is taken from the original
pr ogra m fi le o f t he serv er P LC.
Fig. A.18 Taking the Domains out of the Original Program File of the Server PLC
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 47 Volume 2
DB20 B:BSP2S@ST.S5D LEN= 23 /20
0: KH = 000D;
1: KS = ’V-IN’;
3: KF = +00100;
4: KH = 0000;
5: KS = ’VB’;
6: KY = 000,011;
13: KH = FFFF;
14: KS = ’TF_EDIT’;
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 :
0006 :A F 0.0 RLO = 0; PI status scan
0007 :AN F 0.0
0008 : See also:
0009 : TF instructions for
000A : S5; function block
000B : "PI-ZUSTD" (FB103)
000C :JU FB 103
000E SSNR : KY 0,0
000F Q/ZT : KS FW
0010 DBNR : KY 0,0
0011 Q/ZA : KF + 60 Status in FW60
0012 PAFE : FY 62
0013 :
0014 :A F 61.0 PI status = UNRUNNABLE
0015 :JC = ENDE
0016 :
0017 :A F 61.1 PI status = IDLE
0018 :JC = ENDE
0019 :
001A :A F 61.2 PI status = RUNNING
001B :JC PB 10 Jump block for calling
001C : the simulation
001D :A F 61.2
001E :JC = ENDE
001F :
0020 :A F 61.3 PI status = STOPPED
0021 :JC = ENDE
0022 :
0023 :A F 61.4 PI status = STARTING
0024 : If the STARTING status
0025 : is activated, the process
0026 : data are preset with a
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 48
0027 : fixed value.
0028 :JC FB 12
002A :A F 61.4 There is an acknowledgment
002B : to the PI status scan
002C :JC FB 13
002E :A F 61.4
002F :JC = ENDE
0030 :
0031 :A F 61.5 PI status = STOPPING
0032 : There is an acknowledgment
0033 : t o the PI status scan
0034 :JC FB 13
0036 :A F 61.5
0037 :JC = ENDE
0038 :
0039 :A F 61.6 PI status = RESUMING
003A : There is an acknowledgment
003B : to the PI status scan
003C :JC FB 13
003E :A F 61.6
003F :JC = ENDE
0040 :
0041 :A F 61.7 PI status = RESETTING
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 49 Volume 2
0042 : There is an acknowledgment
0043 : t o the PI status scan
0044 :JC FB 13
0046 :
0047 ENDE :BE
FB 11 B:BSP2S@ST.S5D LEN= 23
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 : Send "INDICATE" job buffer
0006 :JU FB 120
0008 SSNR : KY 0,0
0009 A-NR : KY 0,1
000A ANZW : FW 100 Specified in the configuration
000C DBNR : KY 0,20
000D QANF : KF + 1 Taken from configuration
000E QLAE : KF + 12 Taken from configuration
000F PAFE : FY 106
0010 :
0011 :BE
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 : S et process values to default
0006 :C DB 10
0007 :L KH 0000
0009 :T DW 0
000A :T DW 1
000B :T DW 2
000C :T DW 3
000D :T DW 4
000E :L KF +500
0010 :T DW 5
0011 :
0012 :BE
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 50
SEGMENT 1 0000
0005 :
0006 :O F 0.0 RLO = 1
0007 :ON F 0.0
0008 : Acknowledge PI status
0009 :JU FB 103
000B SSNR : KY 0,0
000C Q/ZT : KS FW
000D DBNR : KY 0,0
000E Q/ZA : KF + 60
000F PAFE : FY 62
0010 :
0011 :BE
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 : There is no evaluation
0002 : of the PI statuses
0003 :JU FB 1
0005 :
0006 :O F 0.0 There is no cyclic indication
0007 :ON F 0.0 of process data to the PLC
0008 : remote partner (RLO = 1)
0009 :JU FB 11
000B :
000C :O F 0.0 SEND ALL for transferring the
000D :ON F 0.0 process data
000E :
000F :JU FB 126
0011 SSNR : KY 0,0
0012 A-NR : KY 0,0
0013 ANZW : FW 115
0014 PAFE : FY 119
0015 :
0016 :O F 0.0 RECEIVE ALL for transferring
0017 :ON F 0.0 process parameters of
0018 : t he remote partner
0019 :JU FB 127
001B SSNR : KY 0,0
B8976075/01 Example Programs
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001C A-NR : KY 0,0
001D ANZW: FW 120
001E PAFE : FY 124
001F :
0020 :BE
OB 20 B:BSP2S@ST.S5D LEN= 27
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :A F 0.0 RLO = 0; PI status scan
0002 :AN F 0.0
0003 :
0004 :JU FB 103
0006 SSNR : KY 0,0
0007 Q/ZT : KS FW
0008 DBNR : KY 0,0
0009 Q/ZA : KF + 60
000A PAFE : FY 62
000B :
000C :A F 60.6 Scan CP status
000D :A F 60.7 - not synchronized
000E :
000F :JC FB 125
0011 SSNR : KY 0,0
0012 BLGR : KY 0,0
0013 PAFE : FY 2
0014 :
0015 :BE
OB 21 B:BSP2S@ST.S5D LEN= 27
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :
0001 :A F 0.0 RLO = 0; PI status scan
0002 :AN F 0.0
0003 :
0004 :JU FB 103
0006 SSNR : KY 0,0
0007 Q/ZT : KS FW
0008 DBNR : KY 0,0
0009 Q/ZA : KF + 60
000A PAFE : FY 62
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 52
000B :
000C :A F 60.6 Scan CP status
000D :A F 60.7 - not synchronized
000E :
000F :JC FB 125
0011 SSNR : KY 0,0
0012 BLGR : KY 0,0
0013 PAFE : FY 2
0014 :
0015 :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 53 Volume 2
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 :Synchronization PLC-CP
0001 :JU FB 125
0003 SSNR : KY 0,0
0004 BLGR : KY 0,0
0005 PAFE : FY 2
0006 :
0007 :BE
Simulation of the sawtooth function:
DB10 B:SIMUL1ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KF = + 00000; Process value 1 (Default values)
1: KF = + 00000; \=\ 2
2: KF = + 00000; \=\ 3
3: KF = + 00000; \=\ 4
4: KF = + 00000; \=\ 5
5: KF = + 00500; Update factor
6: KF = + 00100; Process upper limit 1
7: KF = + 00110; \=\ 2
8: KF = + 00120; \=\ 3
9: KF = + 00130; \=\ 4
10: KF = + 00140; \=\ 5
11: KF = - 00140; Process lower limit 1
12: KF = - 00130; \=\ 2
13: KF = - 00120; \=\ 3
14: KF = - 00110; \=\ 4
15: KF = - 00100; \=\ 5
DB11 B:SIMUL1ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0 : KS = ’Sawtooth function ’; 32 ASCII characters are
12 : KS = ’ ’; available for the process name
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 54
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Jump block that calls the
0001 : simulation blocks.
0002 : JU FB 10
0004 :
0005 :BE
SEGMENT 1 0000
NAME :SIMUL1 Sawtooth function
0005 :
0006 :C DB 10 Initialize current DB
0007 :
0008 :L KH 0005 5 processes to be simulated;
000A :T FW 10 fixed value!
000B :
000C :L DW 5 Test whether FW12 is in
000D :L FW 12 valid area
000E :<=F FW12 update factor
000F :JC =M010
0010 :L KH 0000
0012 :>=F FW12 = 0 (not negative value)
0013 :JC =M020
0014 :
0015 M010 :L DW 5 Initialization
0016 :T FW 12 - Load update factor in FW12
0017 :L KH 0000 - Preset process values with 0
0019 :T DW 0
001A :T DW 1
001B :T DW 2
001C :T DW 3
001D :T DW 4
001E :
001F :
0020 M020 :L FW 12 Scan whether the update factor
0021 :L KH 0000 is already 0:
0023 :>=F = 0 - update process values
0024 :JC = M030 != 0 - decrement update factor
0025 :
0026 :
0027 :L DW 0 Update process 1
0028 :ADD KF +2 Add constant value
002A :L DW 6 Process upper limit (PU)
002B :TAK
002C :> =F PU reached?
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 55 Volume 2
002D :JC =M040
002E :L DW 11 Process lower limit (PL)
002F M040 :T DW 0 Update process value
0030 :
0031 :L DW 1 Update process 2
0032 :ADD KF +4 Add constant value
0034 :L DW 7 Process upper limit (PU)
0035 :TAK
0036 :> =F PU reached?
0037 :JC =M041
0038 :L DW 12 Process lower limit (PL)
0039 M041 :T DW 1 Update process value
003A :
003B :L DW 2 Update process 3
003C :ADD KF +5 Add constant value
003E :L DW 8 Process upper limit (PU)
003F :TAK
0040 :> =F PU reached?
0041 :JC =M042
0042 :L DW 13 Process lower limit (PL)
0043 M042 :T DW 2 Update process value
0044 :
0045 :L DW 3 Update process 4
0046 :ADD KF +7 Add constant value
0048 :L DW 9 Process upper limit (PU)
0049 :TAK
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 56
004A :> = F PU reached?
004B :JC = M043
004C :L DW 14 Process lower limit (PL)
004D M043 :T DW 3 Update process value
004E :
004F :L DW 4 Update process 5
0050 :ADD KF + 9 Add constant value
0052 :L DW 10 Process upper limit (PU)
0053 :TAK
0054 :> = F PU reached?
0055 :JC = M044
0056 :L DW 15 Process lower limit (PL)
0057 M044 :T DW 4 Update process value
0058 :
0059 :
005A :L DW 5 Update update factor
005B :T FW 12
005C :JU = ENDE
005D :
005E :
005F M030 :L FW 12 Decrement update factor
0060 :ADD KF -1
0062 :T FW 12
0063 :
0064 :
0065 ENDE :BE
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 57 Volume 2
Simulation of the delta functi on
DB10 B:SIMUL2ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KF = + 00000; Process value 1 (Default values)
1: KF = + 00000; \=\ 2
2: KF = + 00000; \=\ 3
3: KF = + 00000; \=\ 4
4: KF = + 00000; \=\ 5
5: KF = + 00500; Update factor
6: KF = + 00100; Process upper limit 1
7: KF = + 00110; \=\ 2
8: KF = + 00120; \=\ 3
9: KF = + 00130; \=\ 4
10: KF = + 00140; \=\ 5
11: KF = -00140; Process lower limit 1
12: KF = -00130; \=\ 2
13: KF = -00120; \=\ 3
14: KF = -00110; \=\ 4
15: KF = -00100; \=\ 5
DB11 B:SIMUL2ST.S5D LEN= 21 /4
0: KS = ’Delta function’; 32 ASCII characters are available
12: KS = ’ ’; for the process name
SEGMENT 1 0000
0000 : Jump block that caused the
0001 : simulation blocks
0002 :JU FB 10
0004 :
0005 :BE
SEGMENT 1 0000
NAME :SIMUL2 Delta function
0005 :
0006 :C DB 10 Initialize current DB
0007 :
0008 :L KH 0005 5 processes to be simulated;
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 58
000A :T FW 10 fixed value!
000B :
000C :L DW 5 Test whether FW12 is in
000D :L FW 12 valid area
000E : < F FW12 > update factor
000F :JC =M010
0010 :L KH 0000
0012 :>=F FW12 = 0 (not negative value)
0013 :JC =M020
0014 :
0015 M010 :L DW 5 Initialization
0016 :T FW 12 - Load update factor in FW 12
0017 :L KH 0000 - Preset process values with 0
0019 :T DW 0
001A :T DW 1
001B :T DW 2
001C :T DW 3
001D :T DW 4
001E :
001F :
0020 M020 :L FW 12 Scan whether the update factor
0021 :L KH 0000 is already 0:
0023 :> F = 0 - update process values
0024 :JC =M030 != 0 - decrement update factor
0025 :
0026 :
0027 M021 :L DW 0 Update process 1
0028 :AN F 14.0 Rising or falling edge?
0029 :JC = M040 = 0 - process value falling
002A : = 1 - process value rising
002B :ADD KF +2 Add constant value
002D :L DW 6 Process upper limit (PU)
002E :<=F PU reached?
002F :JC =M041
0030 :R F 14.0 From here, falling edge
0031 :L DW 0
0032 M040 :ADD KF -2 Subtract constant value
0034 :L DW 11 Process lower limit (PL)
0035 :> F PL reached?
0036 :JC =M041
0037 :S F 14.0 From here, rising edge
0038 :JU =M021
0039 M041 :TAK Update process value
003A :T DW 0
003B :
003C :
003D M022 :L DW 1 Update process 2
003E :AN F 14.1 Edge rising or falling?
003F : JC =M042 = 0 - process value falling
0040 : = 1 - process value rising
0041 :ADD KF +4 Add constant value
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 59 Volume 2
0043 :L DW 7 Process upper limit (PU)
0044 :<=F PU reached?
0045 :JC =M043
0046 :R F 14.1 From here, falling edge
0047 :L DW 1
0048 M042 :ADD KF -4 Subtract constant value
004A :L DW 12 Process lower limit (PL)
004B :>F PL reached?
004C :JC = M043
004D :S F 14.1 From here, rising edge
004E :JU = M022
004F M043 :TAK Update process value
0050 :T DW 1
0051 :
0052 :
0053 M023 :L DW 2 Update process 3
0054 :AN F 14.2 Edge rising or falling?
0055 :JC = M044 = 0 - process value falling
0056 : = 1 - process value rising
0057 :ADD KF +5 Add constant value
0059 :L DW 8 Process upper limit (PU)
005A :<=F PU reached?
005B :JC = M045
005C :R F 14.2 From here, falling edge
005D :L DW 2
005E M044 :ADD KF -5 Subtract constant value
0060 :L DW 13 Process lower limit (PL)
0061 :> F PL reached?
0062 :JC =M045
0063 :S F 14.2 From here, rising edge
0064 :JU = M023
0065 M045 :TAK Update process value
0066 :T DW 2
0067 :
0068 :
0069 M024 :L DW 3 Update process 4
006A :AN F 14.3 Edge rising or falling?
006B :JC =M046 = 0 - process value falling
006C : = 1 - process value rising
006D :ADD KF +7 Add constant value
006F :L DW 9 Process upper limit (PU)
0070 :< = F PU reached?
0071 :JC = M047
0072 :R F 14.3 From here, falling edge
0073 :L DW 3
0074 M046 :ADD KF -7 Subtract constant value
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 60
0076 :L DW 14 Process lower limit (PL)
0077 :>F PL reached?
0078 :JC = M047
0079 :S F 14.3 From here, rising edge
007A :JU = M024
007B M047 :TAK Update process value
007C :T DW 3
007D :
007E :
007F M025 :L DW 4 Update process 5
0080 :AN F 14.4 Edge rising or falling?
0081 :JC = M048 = 0 - process value falling
0082 : = 1 - process value rising
0083 :ADD KF +9 Add constant value
0085 :L DW 10 Process upper limit (PU)
0086 : <=F PU reached?
0087 :JC = M049
0088 :R F 14.4 From here, falling edge
0089 :L DW 4
008A M048 :ADD KF -9 Subtract constant value
008C :L DW 15 Process lower limit (PL)
008D :> F PL reached?
008E :JC = M049
008F :S F 14.4 From here, rising edge
0090 :JU = M025
0091 M049 :TAK Update process value
0092 :T DW 4
0093 :
0094 :
0095 :L DW 5 Update update factor
0096 :T FW 12
0097 :JU =ENDE
0098 :
0099 :
009A M030 :L F W 12 Decrement update factor
009B :ADD KF -1
009D :T FW 12
009E :
009F :
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 61 Volume 2
A.3.4 Executing Domain and PI Services
The server PLC is set to STOP at the PG and an overall reset carried
The file "BSP2S@ST.S5D" i s transferred to the server PLC.
In this status, no domain is loaded and no program invocation created.
Monitoring the Processes
As described in the first example, the process is monitored at a PG
connected ONLINE to the client station.
From the process values (e.g. whether or not they change) you can
recognize the current status of the process in the server.
By reading the process name, you can also determine which process is
currently loaded. As in the first example, you can preset the process
Loading Domains, Handling the Program Invocation
As already explained, a PG serves as the host to be able to manipulate
doma ins and PIs.
In the server PLC, an AS 511 cable connection between the CP 1430
and PLC-CPU must be established ("swing cable").
The "PG Load" package is started on the host PG equipped with a
SINEC H1 in terface module
In the initialization dialog form, you specify the name of a file containing
the information about the PG connection to the required PLC (in this
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 62
After selecting the function PG Load | PLC Links, you can input the
MAC address of the server PLC. The additional name of the application
association allows you to display the currently selected PLC application
association in the PG Load package.
After storing the information with "OK" (F7) and pressing F1, you return to
the basic dialog.
Fig. A.19: PG Load Configure AA to PLC / Select
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 63 Volume 2
Generating Loadable Domains
Before an S5-DOS program file can be transferred to the PLC using the
domain services, a load file must first be generated
To do this, select the function Transf er | PG Load | Tr ansf er Fu nctions .
In the next dialog (Transfer Functions) , you enter the name of the local
S5-DOS program file (SIMUL1ST.S5D) from which the load file is
generated with "CREATE" (F4)
Follow the same procedure with the file SIMUL2ST.S5D.
Generating load files produces files with the names "SIMUL1ST.DOM" or
"SIMUL2ST.DOM" on the local drive. The program files remain unchanged.
When you exit the dialog, you return to the main menu.
Fig. A.20: PG Load Transfer Functions
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 64
Loa di ng Do mai ns
Now select the function Utilities | PG Load | Host Fun ctions.
By pressing LOAD in the currently displayed dialog, call the dialog PG
Load Load PLC.
First, the file "SIMUL1ST.S5D" should be loaded as a domain in the server
Enter the following parameters:
File server appl. assoc.:
"PG" as the server application association: this means that the load file
exists on the PG and will be loaded from the PG to the PLC. The name of
the domain o n the server s tation wi ll be "SAWTOOTH".
Saved in fi le
As file name, use the name of the local program file (not the name of the
load file), i.e. " SIMUL1ST.S5D".
Fig. A.21: PG Load /Load PLC
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 65 Volume 2
The other input fields remain unchanged or empty.
Fig. A.22 Input Dialog - Host Functions
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 66
If you press the "OK" key (F7), the file is transferred to the PLC as a
If you press "RETURN" (F8) you exit the dialog form and return to the
dialog PG Load Host Functions:
Controlling the System
With this dialog displayed, you can control the system by selecting the
required program statuses and transferring them to the PLC. The reaction of
the process simulated on the PLC can be monitored using the displays on
the monitoring device.
The function keys and their significance in controlling the example process
are described below.
In this dialog (PG Load Host Functions), the function keys have the
following effects:
DELETE The domains on the PLC are deleted.
START/STP Depending on the PLC mode, a program invocation (PI) is
created or deleted.
If you delete a PI, the PLC changes to the STOP mode.
If you create a PI, the PLC changes to the RUN mode, the
PI is in the IDLE status.
After creating a PI, process parameters can be set by the
client PLC or the process name can be read. The process
values are indicated by the server to the client, however,
since the process has not yet started, the process values do
not change.
START PRG The PI is changed to the STARTING status. The PLC
program in the server sets the process values to the default,
acknowledges the STARTING or RESUMING status and the
process begins. This can be monitored at the PG of the
CLIENT stati on.
The PI is then in the RUNNING status.
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 67 Volume 2
The PI is changed to the STOPPING status. The PLC
program in the server acknowledges this transition
immediately and the PI changes to the STOPPED status.
This can be monitored at the client, since the process
values no longer change from this point onwards.
STAT ION Using this key, you can select the next connection in the
connection file (SERVER CP.LOD). Since there is only one
connection in this example, the key does not have any
You can press keys F5 and F6 alternately. The process is then started and
stopped alternately.
When the process is stopped, you can delete the PI with F4. After this, the
domain can then be deleted with F3 and the other simulation (e.g. "DELTA")
can be loaded.
Fig. A.23: Transparent Data Exchange with Acknowledgment
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 68
A.4 Example 3: Transparent Data Exchange
with Acknowl edgment (T-DQ)
The Task
You want to exchange data without checking the transfer and without
transmitting structural information as simply as possible within a SIMATIC
In concrete terms, in this example 18 data words are transferred from PLC
1 DX 10 to PLC2 DB 20 and in the opposite direction (acknowledgment) 7
data words fr om PLC 2 DB 21 to PLC 1 DX 1 1.
The So lut ion
The ’Transparent data exchange’ services allow data transfer under such
Implementation: "Transparent data exchange with acknowledgment" (TDQ)
This communications service transfers data from the client to a server and
from the server to the client in the acknowledgment.
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 69 Volume 2
Usi ng t he conf ig urat io n to ol
The following example illustrates the configuration steps required.
To configure this service, you require the two software packages COM
1430, TF editor and "LAD, CSF, STL" which are started on the PG 685 or
PG 675 under S5-DOS. Within COM 1430 TF, the Request Editor is also
used when creating job buffers.
COM 1430 TF
Using COM 1430, you assign the station address to the CPs and set up an
application association (logical connection layer 7) between CP 1 and CP 2
(layer 4 is also possible).
Request Editor
With the Request Editor, you create the job buffer T-DQ for the client.
Using the transfer functions of S5DOS-KOMI you transfer the job buffer
from the PG to the client (PC 1) and write a user program with handling
blocks in the client (PLC1) and in the server (PLC2) that triggers the job
and transfers the data between the CP and PLC.
The values used for this example can be found in Fig. 23 .
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 70
Configuration procedure
To configure the "transparent data exchange service", proceed as follows:
1. With the COM 1430 package
Set up station address (6 bytes long MAC address) in both CP 1 and
CP 2 if this does not yet exist. (Here you require the online mode)
Select: Edit | CP Init (CP in STOP state)
Set up application association (logical connection layer 7a) from CP 1
to CP 2.
Select: Edit-> Connections-> Appl. Associations
Enter the following parameters i n the dialog f or the clie nt (CP1):
SSNR (same as SSNR o f SYNCHRON in PLC 1)
ANR. ( only use odd job numbers)
ANZW (FW, occupies three words)
Est type (A7) CP 1 activates the connection
Multiplex address ( 0)
AA name ( only f or informati on)
Remote MAC address ( address of CP 2)
Enter the followin g parameters in the di alog f or the s erver (CP2)
SSNR (same as SSNR o f SYNCHRON in PLC 2)
ANR. ( only use odd job numbers)
ANZW (FW, occupies three words)
Est. type (P7)
Multiplex address ( 0)
AA name ( only f or informati on)
Remote MAC address ( address of CP 1)
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 71 Volume 2
2. Wi th the Re quest Editor
Set up the job buffer T-DQ for the CLIENT (PLC 1) as follows:
Load the Request Editor with Req.Ed itor | Select.
Specify the program file in the initial dialog and select the data block
that will contain the job buff ers.
Confirm your entries and select Req.Editor | Create Job Buffer.
Select transparent data exchange and enter the following parameters:
- source address (data block)
- source length (length of the user data)
- dest. address (data block)
- dest. length (length of the user data)
After you have input the data, press the F7 key (OK).
A job buffer is set up, that you must load in PLC 1 (the CLIENT). Transfer
this data block with LAD, CSF, STL.
3. Wi th LAD, CSF, STL ( S5DOS-KOMI)
Follow the procedure below for PLC 1 (CLIENT) :
Program OB 20, OB 21, OB 22, SYNCHRON blocks if they do not yet
exist (see VOLUME 1)
Transfer the job buffer you created with the TF editor to PLC 1
Program SEND DIRECT, that transfers the job buffer to the CP. Use
the job number (ANR) you selected in the connection block for CP 1.
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 72
Fig. A.24: Transparent Data Exchange between two S5 PLCs
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 73 Volume 2
Program RECEIVE ALL and SEND ALL that transfer the data between
the CP and PLC.
The data block for the data source and for the data
de sti nat ion must exi st .
Follow the procedure below for PLC 2 (SERVER):
Program OB 20, OB 21, OB 22, SYNCHRON blocks if they do not yet
exist (see VOLUME 1)
Program RECEIVE DIRECT that transfers the receive job to the CP.
Select job number ANR+1, as selected in the connection block for CP
2. In this standard function block, you specify the S5 address of the
destination data block. In the destination data block, you must enter a
job header consisting of three words.
Word 0 S ervi ce I D: B 0 0 1 h
Word 1 Reserved
Word 2 Length of the useful data
Word 3 D ata
Example Programs B8976075/01
Volume 2 A - 74
Program SEND DIRECT that transfers the acknowledgment to the CP.
Select job number ANR+1 as selected in the connection block for CP 2.
In this standard function block, you specify the S5 address of the
source data block. In the source data block, you must enter a job
header consisting of three words.
Word 0 S ervi ce I D: B 0 0 1 h
Word 1 Reserved
Word 2 Length of the useful data
Word 3 D ata
Program the RECEIVE-ALL and SEND-ALL HDBs that transfer data
between the CP and PLC.
B8976075/01 Example Programs
A - 75 Volume 2
B Protocol Implementation Conformance
Statements (PICS)
B8976075/01 PICS
B - 1
The protocol implementation conformance statements (PICS) provide you
with further information about implementing TF (scope and complexity) with
the CP 1430. This information is necessary if you want to implement a
connection to a non-SIMATIC system. Using the protocol implementation
conformance statement, y ou can determine the following:
which services the CP 1430 supports and
at which degr ee of complexity the s upported services are avail able.
The CP 1430 impl ements the following TF functions:
Explanation of the notation:
X means s ervice implemented as client and server
S means s ervice implemented as server
C means service implemented as client.
PICS B8976075/01
B - 2
PICS 1: Ser vices CP 1430 TF
Serial transfer
read byte string
write byte string
transp arent data e xchang e
Time fu nctions
query ti me
set time
transf er time
Variable services
information report
get va riab le attri butes
Domain services
initia te up/ downloa d
up/download segment
terminate up/download
requ est up load s equenc e
upload segm ent
requ est upload seq uence resp onse
reques t downloa d sequence
requ est up load s equenc e
load d omain c ontent
store do main content
delete domain conte nt
get domai n attribut es
B8976075/01 PICS
B - 3
PICS 1: Ser vices CP 1430 TF
Program invocation services
create program invocati on
delete progr am invoca tion
get prog ram invoc ation
General ser vices for vi rtual devi ces
status of vi rtual device
information report
get name li st
identify virtual device
get ca pabili ty lis t
Application association management
initiate application association
conclude application association
abort ap plicatio n associat ion
PICS B8976075/01
B - 4
PICS 3a: Complexity
Basic data types a) Boolean
b) bit st ring
c) in teger
d) unsi gned
e) floa ting poi nt
f) octe t string
g) visi ble string
h) time of day
i) time an d date
Arrays Arrays of basic data types X
Struc tures S tructur es of basic data typ es X
Named va riable A ll scopes defin ed by TF
Unname d variable
Transi tions betw een
hierar chical level s
(= nesting)
Number of al ternat e
accesses Number of alternate access
defin itions in a jo b only as serv er =1
List of va riables Num ber of variabl es in a job >=1
object description to
access descr iption
in job
The o bject desc riptions in th e server hav e as
maximum th e complexit y of the access de finition s in the
B8976075/01 PICS
B - 5
C TF Error Numbers used by the CP 1430
C.1 Preface C-2
C.2 Error Numbers in Ascending Order C-3
C - 1 Volume 2
C.1 Preface
This appendix describes the error numbers and the causes of errors that
can occur when operating the CP 1430. The error numbers consist of the
parameters ERRCLS and ERRCOD of the AP protocol. There are two
possible reasons for errors occurring:
The CP 1430 receives a job from the PLC (S5 as client) that is either
incorrect or cannot be executed at the present time. The job is acknow-
ledged negatively to the PLC (job terminated with error) without a TF-
PDU being transferred.
The CP 1430 receives a TF indication (S5 as server) that is incorrect or
cannot be executed. The CP 1430 sends a reply with the corresponding
error number back to the client.
The error number is made available to the user either via the test functions
in COM 1430 or at the client end by transferring it to the PLC. When the
error number is transferred to the PLC, it is written to the second word after
the programmed or configured status word. It remains entered here until it is
overwritten by the application or by a second error number. An error
number is transferred to the PLC in the foll owing situations:
When an error occurs in a job from the PLC.
When a TF reply i s received with ERRCLS and ERRCOD.
When the access result is negative in a read or write reply. In this case,
the value 8240 H (response) or 3040 H (request) is added to the access
result to create the error number.
In section A.2, the error numbers are arranged in service groups. Each
service group is assigned an abbreviation to identify it. In section A.3, the
error numbers are arranged in ascending order. The abbreviated identifier is
also shown as a cross reference.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 2
C.2 Error numbers in Ascending Order
The following pages list the error numbers in ascending order. The error
numbers are followed by a cross reference to the service group in which the
error can occur . The abbreviations are as fol lows:
NONS Non-service dependent errors
GEN Errors in general services
APPL Errors in application association management
VAR Errors in the variable services
DOM Errors in the domain services
PI Errors in the program invocation services
SER Errors in serial transfer
CONF Errors in configuration
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 3 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
00000HNONS No error
00881HNONS The job was aborted locally and not executed.
009C2HNONS TF service not impl emented or unknown.
01041HNONS There are no resources available for the current
02041HNONS The monitoring time between issuing the request
and the reply has elapsed
02843HNONS The negotiated PDU length is too short for the
current job
029C2HNONS Protocol error: In the AP header or the received
indication, the PDULG is not 22 + PARLG +
029C3HNONS Protocol error:
1. The PDU length is too short for the current job
2. DATLG does not match the length of data
expected for the job.
029C4HNONS Protocol error: the parameter length in the AP
header of the indication is inconsistent with the
lengths in the PDU.
029C5HGEN, VAR The negotiated PDU length is too short for the
02A01 SER More data are to be read or wr itten than
permitted by the configured length or current
length of the data bl ock in the PLC.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 4
number Service
group Meaning
02A02 SER Less data are to be read or written than permitted
by the configur ed length.
02A04 SER Access to the PLC is not possible s ince no S5
address is configured.
03001HNONS The job is not long enough for all the parameters
belonging to it.
03002HNONS The job contains an illegal opcode Opcode.
03003HGEN, VAR,
CONF The S5 address specified in the job buffer
contains illegal parameters:
1. The code is not DB DX or DA
2. The data block number is 0
03004HCONF The status word specified in the job buffer
contains illegal parameters:
1. The code is not DB or DX.
2. The data block number is 0.
3. The sum of the s tart address and length is
greater than the maximum data block length.
03005HVAR The data are in the job buffer, and the job buffer
is not long enough.
03006HVAR The coding of the data type in the job buffer is
03007HVAR The coding of the scope in the job buffers is
03008HVAR The variabl e or group name in the j ob buffer is
incorrect (e.g. too long).
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 5 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
03009HPI,DOM The domain name in the job buffer is incorrect
(e.g. too long).
0300AHDOM The file name in the job buffer is incorrect (e.g.
too long).
0300BHDOM The logical partner name in the job buffer is
incorrect (e.g. too long).
0300CHPI The program invocation name in the job buffer is
incorrect (e.g. too long).
0300DHDOM The capabilities length in the job buffer is
incorrect (e.g. too long).
03010HVAR The variable in the job buffer is not configured in
the remote definitions .
03011HVAR Nothing is configured in the remote definitions
under the scope specified in the job buffer.
03012HVAR The variable in the job buffer is not configured
03013HVAR Nothing is configured l ocally under the sc ope
specified i n the job buffer.
03014HVAR Multiple variable ac cess; the group specif ied in
the job buffer does not exist or is empty .
03015HPI The domain name does not exist in the job buffer.
03017HCONF The job buffer contains an unknown configuration
parameter (wrong coding).
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 6
number Service
group Meaning
03018HGEN The local extension in the job buffer is too long.
03019HVAR The value of the "box identifier" specified in the
job buffer does not correspond to the TF identifier
for addressing via the free format address.
0301FHPI The local stop (P-HL) is not permitted with this
job number.
03021HVAR Conversion error converting floating point from TF
format: the TF number is larger than the range
that can be represented in MC 5.
03022HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from MC 5 format to TF format: the date in the
PLC has illegal values (e.g.: 33.1.89 or 17:62).
03023HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from TF format to MC 5 format: the time is
greater than 24 hours or the date is after
03024HVAR Conversion error with integer 8 or unsigned 8.
The data word in the PLC contains a v alue for
integer 8 les s than -128 or greater than +127 or
with unsigned 8 greater than 255.
03025HSER Error in the data transfer from the PLC to the CP
(e.g. data block does not exist).
,SER Error i n the data transfer from the CP to the PLC
(e.g. data block does not exist).
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 7 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
,SER The data to be transferred to the PLC from the
confirmation are l onger than the data area made
available on the PLC based on the job buffer
03028 TRADA A TRADA with acknowledgment was issued, the
data length in the acknowledgment is however 0.
03030HVAR Protocol: The parameter header of the r eceived
confirmation contains illegal val ues.
03032HVAR Access to a variable is currently disabled (e.g.
because it i s being accessed v ia a different
03037HVAR Data type inconsistent: the data type received
with the acknowl edgment does not correspond to
the data type expec ted for the variable.
03038HVAR Protocol error in a received confirmation. The
attributes belonging to the variables are
03039HVAR The interface via which the variable is to be
accessed i s not synchronized.
0303FHVAR Error in module.
03040 V AR Access to a non-existent object or to an object
configured under a different scope.
03041HVAR 1. Error in data transfer from CP to PLC
(e.g. data block does not exist).
2. The data from the c onfirmation to be
transferred to the PLC ar e longer than the data
area specified i n the job buffer.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 8
number Service
group Meaning
03042HVAR Access to a variable is currently disabled (e.g.
because it i s being accessed v ia a different
03043HVAR The variable c an only be read and not wr itten to.
03044HVAR Variable access via name: the variable does not
exist (has not been configured).
03045HVAR Variabl e access via address : the variable does
not exist (has not been configured).
03046HVAR The type of variable is not supported.
03047HVAR Inconsistent data types:
1. The data type configured for a variable does
not match the type description received i n the
2. An error occur red converting from TF to MC 5
format or vice-versa.
03048HVAR Inconsistent attr ibutes:
1. the received indication contains inconsistent
attributes (e.g. the l ength of the variables data
block is shorter than the number of type
2. When addressing using the free format
address the scope is not VM or an illegal
alternate access has been attempted.
03049HVAR 1. The type of variables access i s not supported.
2. The interface via which the variable is to be
accessed is not synchronized, or not configured.
3. The CPU number of the format-free address is
greater than 4 (CPU number 4).
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 9 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
03061HVAR Conversion er ror converting floating poi nt 32 from
TF format: the TF number i s larger than the
range that can be represented in MC 5.
03062HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from MC 5 format to TF format: the date in the
PLC has illegal values (e.g. 17:62 or 33.11.92)
03063HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from TF format to MC 5 format: the time is
greater than 24 hours or the date is after
03064HVAR Conversion er ror with integer 8 or unsigned 8.
The data word in the PLC contains a v alue for
integer 8 les s than -128 or greater than +127 or
with unsigned 8 greater than 255.
03068HVAR Conversion er ror converting Boolean from MC 5
format to TF format.
03069HVAR Conversion er ror converting Boolean from TF
format to MC 5 format.
0306AHVAR Conversion error converting visible string from
MC 5 format to TF format.
0306EHVAR Conversion error converting visible string from TF
format to MC 5 format.
051C1HNONS TF service is not permitted in the current CP
061C1HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, ROSCTR has an illegal value.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 10
number Service
group Meaning
061C2HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, MODFR1 has an illegal value.
061C3HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, MODFR2 has an illegal val ue (not 0).
069C1HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, MP XADR has an illegal value.
069C2HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, P ROTID has an illegal v alue.
069C3HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, COMCLS has a value that is not
069C4HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, COMCOD has a value that is not
069C5HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, TACTID has an illegal value (not 0) or
has a value that is not supported.
069C6HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, TAS QNR has an illegal value (not 0).
069C7HNONS The received indication was not negotiated when
the application association was initiated.
08000HAPPL Negativ e acknowledgment of conclude application
08001HAPPL Initiating an application association not possible
at present.
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 11 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
08100HAPPL Application association already initiated when
initiate appli cation association job i ssued..
08102HDOM 1. The appl ication association to the file server
was aborted.
2. The connection on which the load job was
requested has broken down.
08201HGEN, VAR The start object specified in the indication is
unknown or does not exist.
08205HPI,DOM PI:
Attempt to create a program invocation when a
program invocation already exists.
Load request: a domai n with this name already
08206HCONF Pr otocol error:
The entries for class or scope are illegal.
08210HDOM 1. The fi le server indicated the end of the file
although data are s till expected.
2. The domain to be l oaded contains PLC block s
that already exis t in another domain.
3. The content of the domai n is inconsistent (e.g.
less variables than specified).
08240 V AR Access to a non-existent object or to an object
configured under a different scope.
08241HVAR 1. Error in data transfer from CP to PLC
(e.g. data block does not exist).
2. The data from the c onfirmation to be
transferred to the PLC ar e longer than the data
area specified i n the job buffer.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 12
number Service
group Meaning
08242HVAR Access to a variable is currently disabled (e.g.
because it i s being accessed v ia a different
08243HVAR The variable c annot be accessed. The followi ng
reasons are possible:
1. The variable was configured as ‘read only’.
Write access is rejected.
2. Bit 7 is set in the variable status word. Neither
write nor read ac cess is possi ble.
08244HVAR Variable access using name: The variable does
not exist, or i s not configured.
08245HVAR Variable ac cess using address: The v ariable does
not exist, or i s not configured.
08246HVAR The type of variable is not supported.
08247HVAR Inconsistent data types:
1. The data type configured for a variable does
not match the type description received i n the
2. An error occur red converting from TF to MC 5
format or vice-versa.
08248HVAR Inconsistent attr ibutes:
1. the received indication contains inconsistent
attributes (e.g. the l ength of the variables data
block is shorter than the number of type
2. When addressing using the free format
address the scope is not VM or an illegal
alternate access has been attempted.
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 13 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
08249HVAR 1. The type of variables access i s not supported.
2. The interface via which the variable is to be
accessed is not synchronized, or not configured.
3. The CPU number of the format-free address is
greater than 4 (CPU number 4).
08261HVAR Conversion er ror converting floating poi nt 32 from
TF format: the TF number i s larger than the
range that can be represented in MC 5.
08262HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from MC 5 format to TF format: the date in the
PLC has illegal values (e.g. 17:62 or 33.11.92)
08263HVAR Conversion error converting time or time and date
from TF format to MC 5 format: the time is
greater than 24 hours or the date is after
08264HVAR Conversion er ror with integer 8 or unsigned 8.
The data word in the PLC contains a v alue for
integer 8 les s than -128 or greater than +127 or
with unsigned 8 greater than 255.
08268HVAR Conversion er ror converting Boolean from MC 5
format to TF format.
08269HVAR Conversion er ror converting Boolean from TF
format to MC 5 format.
0826AHVAR Conversion error converting visible string from
MC 5 format to TF format.
0826EHVAR Conversion error converting visible string from TF
format to MC 5 format.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 14
number Service
group Meaning
08300HPI The PLC type is not supported (e.g. S5-100).
08301HDOM 1. The CP has insufficient buffer s pace (request
fields) for the load function.
2. There is not enough memory in the PLC for
the blocks (compress).
08304HPI,DOM PI:
1. Error in serial transfer via the 511 interface to
the PLC.
2. The serial interface is not plugged into the
PLC-CPU configured as master.
There is not enough space left in the back ground
memory to store the file.
1. The serial 511 c onnection to the PLC cannot
be switched through.
2. Physical error accessing the PLC via the serial
3. Logical or pr otocol error accessing the PLC via
the serial connec tion.
08305HGEN Star t resource unknown.
08310HPI,DOM The syntax of the file name is not correct.
08311HDOM Reading and writing the domain not possible.
08400HDOM 1. Protocol error handling the upload/load
function with the file server
2. No load function was started for the domain
specified i n the indication.
3. The received indi cation contains an HLM ID for
which no upload sequence was started.
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 15 Volume 2
number Service
group Meaning
08402HPI The service is not permissible i n the current
program invocation status (e.g. starting in the
"unrunnable" st atus)
08405HPI,DOM Acces s to the program invocation is not possible
at present since it is already occupied by a
different connection.
Access to the domain is not possible at present
since the module is already being accessed.
8700 PI,DOM 1. Interruption or c ommunication error between
CP and CPU ( e.g. no swing cable).
2. When loading a domain, attempt to load a
block that al ready exists on the PLC.
3. Not enough memory for variables or type
definitions when loading.
4. The variablen block to be loaded is incorrect
(e.g. format conversion 143->1430 not performed).
08701HGEN Acces s to extended object cl ass is not supported.
DOM Access to list of domain-specific variables: the
domain is unknown.
08703HPI,DOM The domain must not be deleted.
08710HDOM The indication does not contain a domain name.
08800HAPPL 1. A local extension i s not supported when
initiating an application association.
2. The version number during initiation is 0.
08801HAPPL Conclude application associ ation not possible,
acknowledgments s till expected.
TF Error Numbers B8976075/ 01
Volume 2 C - 16
number Service
group Meaning
08810HAPPL 1. Ini tiating an application as sociation, the
number of syntax i s 0.
2. No syntax accepted when initiating an
application assoc iation.
09041HNONS, VAR Protocol error:
1. PARLG is 0 in the header, so that ther e is no
service ID.
2. The contents of CO MCLS, COMCOD and
ROSCTR in the AP header do not match the
service ID.
09044HNONS TF service is unknown.
09045HNONS TF service not negotiated when initiating the
application assoc iation.
09046HAPPL Establishment already active when initiate
application assoc iation job issued.
091C1HNONS Protocol error: i n the header of the received
indication, S GSQNR has an illegal value (not 0).
0A041HNONS The application association is being terminated
so this request will no longer be processed.
0A042HNONS The application assoc iation is no longer
B8976075/01 TF Error Numbers
C - 17 Volume 2
D Abbreviations
ANR Job number (for handling blocks)
ANZW Status word
AP Automation protocol layers 5 to 7 of the ISO/OSI reference
AS 511 511 interface, protocol for the communication between PLC
and PG
ASCII American Standard Code of Information Interchange
B Block; unit of a CP database; e.g. connection block
BCD Binary coded decimal
BE Block end
CC Central controller
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
COM Abbreviation for programming software for SIMATIC S5 CPs
COR Coordination module
CP Communications Processor
CPU Central Proces sing Unit
CSF Control System Flowchart, graphical representation of
automation tasks wit h symbol s
D - 1
CSMA/CD Carrier s ense multi ple access with coll ision detect
DA Destinatio n Address
DB Data blo ck
DCE Data Communicati on Equipment
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Standards
DIR Directory of data medium and files
DMA Direct Memory Access
DOS Operating system
DP Distributed peripherals
DPRAM Dual Po rt RAM
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
DW Data word (16 bit s)
DX Extended data block
EG/EU Expansion unit
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
F Flag bit
FB Fu ncti on blo ck
FD Floppy Disk (data medium)
Abbreviations B8976075/01
D - 2
FD Flag double word
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FO Fibre Optic
FW Flag word
FY Flag byte
GRAPH 5 Software package for planning and programming sequence
HDB Handling blocks
IB Input byte
IEC Int er nati ona l El ec tron ic s Co mmis si on
IEEE Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ISO International Standardization Organization
IW I nput word
KOMI Comma nd inter pret er
LAD Ladder Diagram, graphical representation of the automation
t ask w it h sym bol s of a c ircu it diag ram
LAN Local Area Network
LED Lig ht Emi tti ng D iod e
B8976075/01 Abbreviations
D - 3
LEN Length of a block
LLC Logical Link Control
LLI Lower Layer Interface
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Medium Access Control
MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol
MMS Manufacturing Message Specification
MSB Most significant bit
NCM Network and Communication Management
OB Organization block
OSI Open System Interconnection
OW Word from the extended peripherals
OY Byte from the extended peripherals
PAFE Parameter assignment error
PB Program block
PC Personal Computer
PCI Protocol Control Information (for coordinating a protocol)
PDU Protocol Data Un it (fra mes co nsisti ng of PCI a nd SDU)
PG Pr ogramming d evic e
Abbreviations B8976075/01
D - 4
PI Program i nvocati on
PI Process image
PII Process image of the inputs
PIQ Process image of the outputs
PLC Programmable controller
PRIO Priority
PW Peripheral word
PY Peripheral byte
QB Outp ut byte
QW Output word
RAM Random Access Memory
RLO Result of logic operation (code bits)
SA Source Address
SAA System Application Architecture
SAP Service Access Point. Logical interface points on the
interface between the layers via which the PDUs are
exchanged between service users.
SB Sequence block
SDU Service Data Unit. Information about the service used and
the user data contained within it.
B8976075/01 Abbreviations
D - 5
SINEC Siemens network architecture for coordination and
SINEC AP SINEC aut omati on protoc ol
SINEC H1 SINEC bus system for industrial applications based on
SINEC H1FO SINEC bus system for industrial applications based on
CSMA/CD wit h fiber optics
SINEC TF SINEC tec hnologi cal functions
SS NR I nter face nu mber
STEP 5 Programming language for programming programmable
cont rollers of the SIMATIC S 5 range
STL Statement List, STEP 5 method of representation as a
series of mnemonics of PLC commands (complying with
DIN 19239)
Sub-D Subminiature D (connector)
SYM Symbolic addressing
SYSID Block for system identificati on
S5-KOMI S5 co mmand in terprete r
S5-DOS/MT S5 operating system based on FlexOS
TF Technological functions
TSAP Transport Service Access Point
TSAP-ID Transport Service Access Point Identifier
Abbreviations B8976075/01
D - 6
TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit (size of the block of data
transferred by the transport system)
TSDU Transport Service Data Unit (size of the block of data
transferred to the transport system with a job for
transportation via a transport relation)
TSEL Transport selector, term used as an alternative for TSAP-ID
VMD Virtual Manufacturing Device
B8976075/01 Abbreviations
D - 7
E Index
to variables 7-9
Access rights 2-17
free format 7-38
variables 7-9
configuring 4-13
ANZW 4-23
configuring 4-14
extended for TF 3-3
specifying /selecting 3-16
see application program
Application as sociation 2-4, 2-8, 9-4
configuring 4-12
configuring the name 4-13
configuring the type of establishment 4-15
definition 9-3
establishment/termination 2-8
handling with S 5 PLC 2-11
management (overview) 2-4
with S5 PLC 2-9
Application as sociation management 9-3
overview 2-4
Application as sociations
type of connecti on establishment 9- 4
Application pr ogram
TF architectur e 2-6
Basic configuration 4-12
in the example of the transport interface A-10
E - 1 Volume 2
Capability 8-11
Capability list 8-30
support by TF 1-4
see also c lient/server associati on
Client interface
calling TF services 3-10
messages 3-14
sequence 3-14
Client-/Server as sociation
functions in S5 2-13
Client/server association
example 2-12
principle 2-12
message-oriented 2-3
open 2-3
requirements 2-3
see also j ob buffer
see also P LC
Compress memory 8-9
Configuration job 9-25
local variables 3-18
special 9-10
Connection block 9-3
Connection establishment 9-6
dynamic 9-4
layer 4 9-6
layer 7 9-6
static active 9-4
static passive 9-4
Connection termination 9-9
Courses 1-3
Index B8976075/01
Volume 2 E - 2
Data type
bit string 7-45
Boolean 7-42
floating point 7-42
integer 7-42
octet string 7-45
time and date 7-43
unsigned 7-42
visible string 7-45
Defining groups 4-31
assignment to CPU 8-15
attributes 8-24
block allocation 8-15
definition in S5 8-3
dynamic 8-32
generating 8-3
in S5 PLC 2-20
managing on the CP 8-15
services 2-5, 2-20, 8-1 - 8- 68
static 8-32
Domain list 8-67
Domain servic es
checklis t for application 8-5
delete domain services 8-21
see also domain
example A-43
get domain attributes 8-24
load domain content 8-9
modes 8-6
store domain content 8-16
third party association 8-6
Dual-port RAM 3-10
Example programs A-1
B8976075/01 Index
E - 3 Volume 2
File server appl. ass. 9-10
configuring and establishing 8-15
type of establishment 4-28
File server appli cation association 5-16
Free format address 7-34
Group ID
see group name
Group name 4- 29, 4-31, 7-28
call parameter description 3-15
example of appli cation 3-7
parameter assignment 3-14
tool to support parameter assignment 3-14
Installation 8-48
Interface number
see SSNR
Job buffer 3-10
compressing 6-12
creating with supporting tools 3-10
creating with the editor 6-4
general section 3-12
structure 3-10, 6-4
Job number
see ANR
Index B8976075/01
Volume 2 E - 4
Language standardization
aims 1-4
Load sequence 8-7
MAC 2-7
SINEC integration 2-3
basis of defi nition for TF 1-4
see TF model
Multiprocessor mode 8-47
PI view 8-33
VMD configuration 4-32
NCM 6-3
Nesting level 4-29
Non-open services 10-1
Number of appli cation associations 4-12
Open communication
see communication
PG Load 3-11, 5-1
function 5-3
host functions 5-7, 5- 12
system configuration 5-8
TF architectur e 2-6
transfer functions 5-6, 5-10
PI object descripti on 2-25
B8976075/01 Index
E - 5 Volume 2
on the S5 PLC 2-25
sequence of status change 8- 40
services 2-5, 8-1 - 8-68
status coding 8-46
status indication 8-33
status management 8-33
system PI 2-25
user PI 2-25
PI serv ices 8- 31
checklis t for application 8-38
create PI ( server) 8-53
example A-43
get PI attributes 8-63
kill PI (client) 8-58
local program s top (client) 8-58
see also P I
reset (client) 8-58
resume PI (client) 8-58
server function 8-31
standard function block 8-45
start PI (cl ient) 8-58
stop PI (client) 8-58
delete 5-12
in client/server association 2-12
load 5-12
program structure 8-32
save 5-12
start/stop 5-12
starting the program 5-12
stopping the program 5-13
PLC-CP connection
principle 3-3
Predefined appl ication association 9-10
Program invoc ation
see PI
Programmable logic controller 2-12
Protocol 2-3
Index B8976075/01
Volume 2 E - 6
server interface 3- 18
server interface 3- 18
Request Editor
functions and mode of operation 6-3
Scope 2-17
application as sociation-specific 7-6
configuring remote v ariables 4- 27
domain-specific 7-5
example 7-7
see also v ariable
variable acces s 7-9
VMD specific 7-5
with free format read/write 7-37
Segmentation 3-14
SEND-All HDB 3-4, 3- 18
Serial transfer 2-27, 10-1
advantage and restrictions 10-4
example A-68
job header 10-22
overview 2-5
read byte string (client) 10-5
read/write byte string (server) 10-14
transparent data exchange (Client) 10-18
transparent data exchange (server) 10-22
write byte string ( client) 10-8
see also c lient/server associati on
Server function 3-18
activating 3-18
Server interface 3-18
B8976075/01 Index
E - 7 Volume 2
see also TF services
overview 1-4
advantages 1-4
architecture 2-6
communication model 2-6
SSNR 4-23
configuring 4-13
Standard function block
for PI services 8-33
PI services 8-45
Start-up 8-48
START/STOP response 8-35
Status diagram
PI 8-34
Status transitions 8-32
Structures 7-4
Swing cabl e 8-8, 8-38 - 8-39
Symbols 1-3
field size 3-14
System PI 2-25, 8-35, 8- 47
PI /domain status 4-43
TF i nterfac e 4-34
TF connection 3-3
TF interface 3-1 - 3-19
configuring and testi ng 4- 1
testing 4-34
TF model
introduction 2-1 - 2-28
TF services
call on the client interface 3-10
example programs A-1
overview 2-4
Index B8976075/01
Volume 2 E - 8
under PG Load 5-5
TF-file server AAs
configuring and creating 4-28
Third party association 2-24, 8-6
Timeout 3-13
PG Load 5-1
Trace buffer 4-41
Transparent data exchange
example of evaluating the status bits 10-25
Type description 7-41
complexity 7-4
free format read/write 7-37
PLC as client 7-3
PLC as server 7-3
read variable 7-12
see variable
write variable 7-20
Type selection dialog 6-13
Upload sequence 8-8
User memory module
see also E PROM
User PI 2-25, 8-36
statuses 8-36
access pr otection 2-19
access r ight 2- 17
basics of the services 7-3
characteristics 2-17
complexity 7-4
configuring with s cope 7-5 - 7- 6
example of defini ng A -6
in an S5 PLC 2-18
interface number 2-18
Local 2-18, 4-12, 7-3
B8976075/01 Index
E - 9 Volume 2
local (configur ing) 4-20 - 4-23, 4-25, 4-29
local configuration example 4-25
name 2-17
remote 2-18, 4-12, 7- 3
remote (configuring) 4-27
S5 address 2-18
scope 2-17, 7-5
service description 2-16
services 2-5, 2-16, 7-1 - 7- 46
status word address 2- 18
see also ty pe description
Variable description 2-17
Variable name 2-17
Variable services
check list for application 7-10
example A-4
free format read/write 7-34
information report 7-9, 7-27
see variable
write (client) 7-18
Variable type
array 2-19
record 2-19
standard data type 2-19
configuring 4-32
in S5 PLC 2-14
services 2-4, 2-14
Variables Editor 4-29
VMD servic es 9-12
identify VMD 9-21
unsolicited VMD status 9-19
see also V MD
VMD status 9-13
Index B8976075/01
Volume 2 E - 10
F Further Reading
/1/ Wege zur offenen K ommunikation
Das ISO-Referenz modell im Umfeld der Kommunik ation
Siemens AG DÖA PM Order no.: U 1474- J-Z72-11984
/2/ [ISO/IEC 9506-1] Information Processing Systems Open Systems In-
terconnection - Manufacturing Message Specification, Part 1: Service
/3/ Kerner H. Rechnernetze nach OSI
ISBN 3-89319-408-8
/4/ Guidelines for installing the SINE C H1 bus system
SIEMENS AG, Order no.: AR 463-220
/5/ Guidelines for installing theSINEC H1FO bus system
SIEMENS AG, Order no.: AR 464-220
/6/ SINEC TF user interface
User Interface for the SINEC Technological Functions
SIEMENS AG, Order no.: 6GK1971-1A B00-0AA1 Release 02
/7/ Handling blocks are described in the following:
For S5-115 part of the device manual
Order no.: 6 ES 5998-3-UFX 1 for CPU 945
Order no.: 6 ES 5998-0-UFX 3 for CPU 941 - CPU 944
For S5-135 can be ordered as package: HDB softwar e + description
Order no.: 6 ES 5842-7-CB 01 for CPU 928A/B - CPU 948
For S5-155 can be ordered as package: HDB softwar e + description
Order no.: 6 ES 5846-7-CA 01 for CPU 946 / 947
F - 1
/8/ Manual for SINEC H1 Triaxial Networks
Siemens AG, Order no.:6GK1 970-1AA20-0AA1 Release 03
/9/ SINEC H1FO Network Manual
Siemens AG, Order no.: HIR: 943 320-011
Further Reading B8976075/01
F - 2
G Compatibility with the CP 143 TF / NCM
COM 143 TF
G.1 The CP 143/1430 G-3
G.1.1 Structure and Functions of the Module G-3
G.1.2 Max imum 2 CPs Required for Backplane Bus
Communication i n the Multiprocessor Mode G-4
G.1.3 Other Changes G-5
G.2 NCM COM 143/1430 TF G-7
G.2.1 Confi guring Several Jobs on one Transport Connection G-7
G.2.2 Avoiding Inconsistencies:
No Automatic Generation of TSAPs G-8
G.2.3 C onfiguring Multicast Groups G-9
G.2.4 Other Changes in NCM COM 1430 TF G-10
G.2.5 Terms G-11
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 1 Volume 1
Topics in this Chapter
The CP 1430 TF is designed so that it is largely compatible with the CP
143 TF module. This means the following:
Applications written for the CP 143 can continue to be used without
modification wi th the CP 1430.
The CP 1430 provides improved performance and configuration is
simpler with the NCM COM 1430 TF configuration tool.
Databases created with NCM COM 143 can be converted easily with the
converter supplied wi th NCM COM 1430 TF.
The following sections provide detailed information about the improvements
and changes.
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 2
G.1 The CP 143/1430CP
G.1.1 Structure and Functions of the Module
DIL Switch and
Jumpers In contrast to the previous communications
processors, the CP 535 and CP 143 TF, no DIL or
jumper settings ar e necessary with the CP 1430 TF.
Det ection of the
The selected type of attachment, SINEC H!/H1FO or
industrial twisted pair is recognized automatically by
the CP 1430 TF.
Memory Cards
In contrast to the EPROMs used with the CP 143, S5
memory cards are i nserted into the CP 1430 TF.
Parameter Limits The CP 1430 TF is available as a basic and an
extended version. Compared with the basic version
and the CP 143 TF, the extended version has
different parameter limits in terms of transport
connections and application associations. For more
detailed information, refer to Volume 1, Chapter 4 of
the manual.
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 3 Volume 1
G.1.2 Maximum 2 CPs Required for Backplane Bus Communication
in the Multiprocessor Mode
CP 143 TF:
3 CPs are required
for 4 CPUs
Using the CP 143, three CPs were required for this
configuration. Backplane communication was only
possible using interface numbers 232 and 236. An
extra CP was necessary to handle the productive
CP 1430 TF: 2 CPs
are enough
for 4 CPUs
The backplane bus communication and the productive
communication in multiprocessor operation can be
handled by two CP 1430 modules. This is achieved
using the additional base interface number 244 that is
reserved for backplane communication of up to 4
A higher number of CPs is only necessary when
several H1 bus segments are being used.
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 4
G.1.3 Other Changes
Accuracy of
the Hardware Clock The accuracy of the integrated hardware clock of the
extended version of the CP 1430 TF is 1 ms
compared with 10 ms for the CP 143 TF.
’Node Initialization’
Still Exists
After Deleting
After the database has been deleted, the CP 1430 TF
still retains the previously loaded/configured
initialization data. After a restart, the CP changes to
the RUN state and can also be reached using bus
selection and the MAC address. On the CP 143 TF, a
node initialization was necessary whenever the
database was deleted.
Type Check With variables of the type visible string (VS), the CP
checks that the values of the bytes are valid. The
range of validity is ASCII and corresponds fully to the
range that can be represented with the S5 format KS.
Values outside this range cause conversion errors
(TF error 826A/826B or 306A/306B).
Checking the
Value and
Time Variables
Any values can be specified for the variable types TI
(time of day) and TD (time and date) (for example
values higher than 23 for hours and values greater
than 59 for seconds and minutes).
If the value exceeds the range, the program attempts
a carry, incrementing the next higher unit. If no carry
is possible, an error message is generated (TF error
On the CP 143, time variable values are not
converted and must be specified correctly.
System PI and
System Domain The system PI and domain PI are connected. In
contrast to the CP 143 TF, this is indicated when the
PI/domain attributes ar e read.
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 5 Volume 1
To allow a user PI to use the system domain, its
parameter ’multiple use’ was set to TRUE.
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 6
G.2 NCM COM 143/1430 TF
G.2.1 Configuring Several Jobs on One Transport Connection
Several Jobs
per TSAP Depending on the mode of the transport connection,
up to 4 jobs can be assigned per TSA P.
On a full duplex connection, for example, one SEND
and one RECEIVE job can be assigned.
NCM COM 143 TF In NCM COM 143 TF, you can select the number of
jobs in a follow-on dialog of the Edit | S5-S5 Links
function. To configure further jobs, you then return to
the basic dialog to configure the next jobs.
Procedure in
In NCM COM 1430 TF, you can select the number of
jobs in the Transport Connection dialog. You
configure other jobs for the same TSAP in the same
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 7 Volume 1
G.2.2 Avoiding Inconsistencies:
No Automatic Generation of TSAPs
CP 1430 TF When configuring connections on the CP 1430 TF,
you only need to specify the transport address (MAC
address and TSAP).
CP 143 TF With the CP 143, you also had to specify the job and
interface number. This meant that inconsistencies
were possible i n the local and remote databas e files.
No G enerat ion
of TSAPs It is, however, no longer possible for the program to
propose an automatically generated, default remote
TSAP during configuration of the CP 1430 TF.
To make editing easier, the values of the MAC
address and the TSAPs from the last configuration
are retained in the dialog when you create a new job.
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 8
G.2.3 Configuring Multicast Groups
Definition The Multicast mode, allows connectionless
transmission of single frames to all the stations with
the selected multicast address and reception of
frames from partners sending with this multicast
Stations with the same multicast address are known
as a multicast group.
Configuring with
NCM COM 143 TF Multicast groups were defined explicitly in NCM COM
143 by specifying a multicast group number. This
multicast group was used locally to form the MAC
Configuring with
NCM COM 1430 TF Multicast groups are now defined using the menu
option Edit | Connections | Datagram Services. No
additional multicast group numbers are assigned. A
station is assigned to a multicast group by the entry
in its MA C address, as follows:
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 9 Volume 1
G.2.4 Other Changes in NCM COM 1430 TF
The CP 143
Database can be
The database of the CP 1430 is not compatible with
that of CP 143. A converter is available with which
CP 143 databases can be converted to the CP 1430
No Password There is no pas sword on the CP 1430.
Parameter Defaults
in Configuration
The default values are selected so that
communication with CP 143 or CP 1413 TF modules
configured with the default values of their COMs
(NCM COM 143 or COML 1413 TF) is possible.
TF-PDU Size Values between 128 and 65536 can be selected as
the TF-PDU size.
Size of the
Database Functions are available for querying and adapting the
size of the database.
Domains To allow use of the TF domain services, domains
created with COM 143 TF can be converted to the
format of COM 1430 TF.
Name of the
Database File The names of the database files created with COM
1430 TF begin with the letter A.
Variables Type
Editor You can create a library in the database for the TF
variable types you require for your automation tasks.
NCM COM 1430 TF provides a TF variable type
editor, with which you can define TF variable types.
The library is saved in the CP block OB 14.
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 10
Test Functions The error messages of COM 1430 TF differ from
those of COM 143 TF.
The TF error messages are identical, however,
several new ones have been added.
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 11 Volume 1
G.2.5 Terms
Previously used term New term
S5-S5 link Transport connection
Module (file) Database (file)
B8976075/01 Compatibilit y with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF
Volume 1 G- 12
Compatibility with CP143 TF / NCM COM 143 TF B8976075/ 01
G- 13 Volume 1
H Glossary
Application association
An application association is a connection for communication using TF
Application layer
The application layer is layer 7 in the ISO/OSI reference model for open
systems interconnection. The task of the application layer is to provide
uniform access to the services of the lower layers.
Backplane bus communication
Backplane bus communication allows Pg functions to be executed online on
the path "PG - SINEC H1 - CP - parallel PLC back plane bus - CPU".
Configuration software for SINEC CPs.
Conf iguration data
Parameters that can be set and loaded on the CP with the NCM COM 1430
configuration software and that control the way in which the CP operates.
Communications processor (network interface card).
CP block
A CP block is a software block belonging to the CP database. CP blocks
contain the configuration data required for a CP mode. CP blocks are
managed in the CP database file on the PG. They can be loaded singly or
with the entire CP database file (transfer functions) and can be copied (file
CP database
The complete set of configuration data of the CP 1430 is known as the CP
database. On the PG, the CP database is maintained in the database file.
Bus acc ess technique compl ying with IEEE 802.3.
H - 1
A datagram is a data frame sent to
one partner (datagram to a single address)
several partners (multic ast datagram)
all partners (broadcast datagram)
without a connection being established in advance. On the CP 1430 TF,
datagram jobs must be configured on the transpor t interface.
Datagram services
Datagram services allow a connectionl ess transmission of s ingle frames to
one partner (datagram to a single address)
several partners (multic ast datagram)
all partners (broadcast datagram)
Database file
The CP database i s managed in the database fil e on the PG.
This is a communications object consisting of a continuous memory area
with a fixed length that can contain both data and program. Domains are
used to supply devices with the required data and programs.
Domain services
Application service group providing services for uploading and downloading
File server application association
Identifies an application association between a PLC and a file server on
which PLC programs are stored.
File server application associations are configured with NCM COM 1430 TF.
Handling block (HDB)
HDBs are standard function blocks that allow the data exchange with
modules capable of page addressing (dual-port RAM).
Job buffer
Job buffers are used in the TF services on the PLC to describe a
communication service requested in the PLC program.
Glossary B8976075/01
H - 2
MAC address
Address to distinguish stations connected to a common medium (SINEC
Medium access control
Controls to coordinate the access to a common transmission medium.
Memory Card
Simatic memory card for the CP 1430 complying with the PCMCIA
SINEC management products.
PG Load
Tool belonging to the NCM COM 1430 TF configuration software for
addressing and c ontrolling PLCs via the TF interface.
Program invocation (PI)
Communication object with which a program in a programmable logic
controller can be addressed.
Request editor
Tool belonging to the NCM COM 1430 TF configuration software for
creating job buffer s.
Product name for networks and network components from Siemens.
MMS-compatible appl ication services i n SINEC.
A station is identified by a MAC address on SINEC H1.
TF interface
The TF interface is the access to the SINEC TF services of the application
layer conforming with MMS. The TF interface presents itself to the control
program in the form of handling blocks (HDBs).
B8976075/01 Glossary
H - 3
TF variable type
Variable types are structure descriptions of variables that can be used as
often as required. There are standard variable types such as INTEGER or
BOOLEAN and self-defined variable types (structures).
In NCM COM 1430 TF, you can use the varaibale type editor to define the
variable types you require.
Transport layer
The transport layer is layer 4 of the ISO/OSI refernce modue for open
system interconnection. The task of the transport layer is the reliable
transfer of data (raw information) from device to device. Both transport
connections and connectionless ser vices (datagram serivic es) can be used.
Transport interface
The transport interface on the CP provides access to the
connection-oriented and connectionless services of the transport layer. The
transport interface presents itself to the control program in the form of
handling blocks (HDBs).
Transport connection (in CP/COM 143 previously S5-S5 link)
Variables are unstructured or structures data objects of the application
system with which can be written or read with the variable services.
Variable services
Application s ervice group for transferring ( reading or writing) variables.
Virtual manufacturing device (VMD)
A standardized image of a programmable logic controller in the form of a
model. It is described by the objects it contains and the characteristics of
the physical device. The practical use of such a model is that it allows a
standardized interface to query the device status and device properties
(VMD services).
VMD services
Standardized interface for querying device status and properties.
Glossary B8976075/01
H - 4