Rev. C | October 2015 www.issi.com - SRAM@issi.com
Electrical Characteristics (ALL)
Parameter Rating
Voltage to Any Ball Except VDD, VDDQ Relative to VSS -0.5V to (4.0V or VDDQ + 0.3V, whichever is less)
Voltage on VDD Supply Relative to VSS -0.2V to + 2.45V
Voltage on VDDQ Supply Relative to VSS -0.2V to + 2.45V
Storage Temperature (plastic) -55°Cto + 150°C
Operating Temperature -40°C to + 85°C
Soldering Temperature and Time
10s (solder ball only) + 260°C
Table 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses greater than those listed may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a
stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other
conditions above those indicated in this specification is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
Description Conditions Symbol MIN MAX Unit Note
Supply Voltage VDD 1.7 1.95 V
I/O Supply Voltage VDDQ 1.7 1.95 V
Input High Voltage VIH VDDQ-0.4 VDDQ+0.2 V 1
Input Low Voltage VIL -0.2 0.4 V 2
Output High Voltage IOH = -0.2mA VOH 0.8 VDDQ V
Output Low Voltage IOL = +0.2mA VOL 0.2 VDDQ V
Input Leakage Current VIN = 0 to VDDQ ILI 1 uA
Output Leakage Current OE#=VIH or
Chip Disabled ILO 1 uA
Operating Current Conditions Symbol Typ MAX Unit Note
Asynchronous Random
Chip enabled,
IOUT = 0
IDD1 -70 30 mA 3
PAGE READ IDD1P -70 20 mA 3
Standby Current VIN=VDDQ or 0V
CE# = VDDQ ISB 180 uA 4
Table 5. Electrical Characteristics and Operating Conditions
Operating Temperature (–40ºC < TC < +85ºC)
1. Input signals may overshoot to VDDQ + 1.0V for periods less than 2ns during transitions.
2. Input signals may undershoot to VSS – 1.0V for periods less than 2ns during transitions.
3. This parameter is specified with the outputs disabled to avoid external loading effects.
User must add required current to drive output capacitance expected in the actual system.
4. ISB (MAX) values measured with PAR set to FULL ARRAY at +85°C. In order to achieve low
standby current, all inputs must be driven to either VDDQ or VSS. ISB might be set slightly
higher for up to 500ms after power-up, or when entering standby mode.