T3 Mapper MegaCore Function
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 544-7000
February 20, 2001
User Guide
Version 1.0
ii Altera Corporation
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Altera, APEX, APEX 20K, APEX 20KE, MegaCore, MegaWizard, OpenCore, Quartus, and Quartus II are trademarks and/or
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Copyright 2001 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
Altera Corporation iii
About this User Guide
User Guide
This user guide provides comprehensive information about the Altera®
T3 Mapper MegaCore® Function (T3MAP).
Table 1 shows the user guide revision history.
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Table 1. Revision History
Revision Date Description
0.01 January 22, 2001 Initial beta release of this document
1.00 February 20, 2001 Initial release of this document
iv Altera Corporation
About this User Guide T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
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Altera Corporation v
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide About this User Guide
The T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide uses the
typographic conventions shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Conventions
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rThe angled arrow indicates you should press the Enter key.
fThe feet direct you to more information on a particular topic.
vi Altera Corporation
About this User Guide T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
& Acronyms
AHDL Altera Hardware Description Language
AIRbus Access to Internal Registers interface
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CDR Clock Data Recovery
CPU Central Processing Unit
EDA Electronic Design Automation
ESB Embedded System Block
FIFO First In First Out
IP Intellectual Property
LE Logic Element
LSb Least Significant bit
LSB Least Significant Byte
Mbps Megabits per second
MSb Most Significant bit
MSB Most Significant Byte
NDF New Data Flag
OOF Out Of Frame
PC Personal Computer
POH Path Overhead
RX Receive
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope
STS-1 Synchronous Transport Signal level 1
T3FRM T3 Framer MegaCore Function
TOH Transport Overhead
TX Transmit
UTOPIA Universal Test & Operations Physical Interface for ATM
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
Altera Corporation vii
User Guide
General Description .........................................................................................................................9
MegaWizard Generated Files .................................................................................................9
Features ...........................................................................................................................................10
EXTRACT ................................................................................................................................10
INSERT ....................................................................................................................................10
Functional Description ..................................................................................................................12
EXTRACT ................................................................................................................................12
T3 Data Rate ....................................................................................................................12
Data Byte Acceptance ....................................................................................................13
Destuffing ........................................................................................................................13
T3 Extraction ...................................................................................................................13
INSERT ....................................................................................................................................13
T3 Bit Acceptance ...........................................................................................................13
Asynchronous Mapping ...............................................................................................13
Stuffing ............................................................................................................................14
Interfaces & Protocols ....................................................................................................................14
Midbus .....................................................................................................................................14
Receive Direction ...........................................................................................................15
Transmit Direction .........................................................................................................15
AIRbus .....................................................................................................................................16
T3 Mapper Interface ..............................................................................................................17
Receive .............................................................................................................................17
Transmit ..........................................................................................................................17
Performance ....................................................................................................................................17
I/O Signals ......................................................................................................................................18
Software Interface ..........................................................................................................................20
Memory Map ..........................................................................................................................20
Registers ..................................................................................................................................20
INSERT Block Register Description ............................................................................21
INS_CTRL - MAP_INSERT Control - h0 .................................................. 21
INS_STAT - MAP_INSERT Status - h1 ..................................................... 21
INS_IS - MAP_INSERT Interrupt Status - h2 ........................................... 21
INS_IE - MAP_INSERT Interrupt Enable - h3 ......................................... 21
INS_OH - MAP_INSERT Overhead Communications Insert - h4 ....... 21
EXTRACT Block Register Description ........................................................................22
EXT_CTRL - MAP_EXTRACT Control - h5 ............................................. 22
EXT_STAT - MAP_EXTRACT Status - h6 ............................................... 22
EXT_IS - MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Status - h7 ...................................... 22
viii Altera Corporation
Contents T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
EXT_IE - MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Enable - h8 .................................... 22
EXT_OH - MAP_EXTRACT Overhead Communications Extract - h9 22
EXT_FIFO_HIGH - MAP_EXTRACT FIFO High Mark - hA ................ 23
EXT_FIFO_LOW - MAP_EXTRACT FIFO Low Mark - hB .................... 23
Getting Started
Test-drive a T3MAP .......................................................................................................................25
Design Walkthrough .....................................................................................................................25
Obtaining & Installing the T3MAP .............................................................................................26
Installing the MegaCore Files ...............................................................................................26
Generating a Custom T3MAP ......................................................................................................27
Implementing the System .............................................................................................................27
Compiling & Performing Place & Route ....................................................................................27
Performing Synthesis Compilation & Post-Routing Simulation .....................................27
Using Third-Party EDA Tools ......................................................................................28
Using the Quartus II Software .....................................................................................28
Functional Simulations Using Visual IP Models .......................................................29
Downloading & Installing Visual IP Software ..........................................................29
Licensing & Configuring a Device ..............................................................................................29
Altera Corporation 9
User Guide
The T3 Mapper MegaCore® Function (T3MAP) uses the MegaWizard®
Plug-Inwithin the QuartusII software to generate variants in VHDL,
AHDL, or Verilog HDL, which you can instantiate into your design.
Table 1 shows the optional features available for the T3MAP.
(1) The numbers for LEs and ESBs are approximate as of Feb. 20, 2001. Users are strongly advised to run the
MegaWizard Plug-In and Quartus II software to see exact numbers for the T3MAP.
MegaWizard Generated Files
When you finish going through the wizard, it generates the following
One of the following filesdepending on your EDA tool selection
is used to instantiate a T3MAP into your design:
An AHDL text design file (.tdf);
A VHDL design file (.vhd);
A Verilog design file (.v);
Sample Verilog instantiation of Black Box (_inst.v);
Black Box module (_bb.v);
Symbol files (.bsf) for the Quartus II software are used to instantiate
the T3MAP into a schematic design;
An encrypted HDL netlist file (.e.vqm.v).
Table 1. Optional Features Note (1)
Options Parameters Choices LEs ESBs
Basic Configuration 875 2
10 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
The T3MAP complies with all applicable standards, including:
Telcordia, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport
Systems: Common Generic Criteria, GR-253-CORE, Issue 2,
Revision 2, January 1999.
The T3MAP does not support the following features:
SONET/SDH line and path overhead processing;
T3 framing, including overhead processing;
Translation of maintenance signals between T3 and SONET
(translation should be performed by software between the
T3FRM and the SONET overhead blocks);
Automatic resynchronization after SONET new pointer, or NDF
events. (The T3MAP requires a soft restart.)
Features The T3MAP interfaces to a data bit stream at a data rate of 44.736 Mbps
+/- 895 bpsvia bit stuffingto accommodate standard T3 rates. While
it is expected that the T3 input stream will be within the standard limits of
44.736 Mbps +/- 895 bps, the T3MAP supports rates between 44.712 Mbps
and 44.784 Mbps.
The T3MAP supports STS-1, STS-3, and STS-12 data paths. It comprises
two major blocks, EXTRACT and INSERTillustrated in Figure 1.
Supports the standard T3 rate via adaptive control of the external
VCOillustrated in Figure 2.
The FIFO buffer is 32 bytes deep.
Accepts data bytes from a SONET framer
Performs destuffing
Extracts a raw T3 bit stream, and forwards it optionally to a T3FRM
Performs asynchronous mapping
Uses a 32-byte FIFO buffer
Performs payload bit stuffing
Provides payload bytes to a SONET framer
Accepts a T3 bit stream that is either raw or from a T3FRM
Altera Corporation 11
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
Figure 1 illustrates the T3MAP, including the Midbus and AIRbus
Figure 1. Block Diagram
T3 Mapper
T3 Mapper
T3MAP (T3 Mapper)
12 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Figure 2 shows the T3MAP providing asynchronous mapping of T3 data
over STS1FRM. It also depicts the interface to an external VCO, for the
purpose of adjusting the ds3_txclk clock.
Figure 2. Core Clocking
Notes :
(1) The T3 Mapper also supports the STS-3 and STS-12 framers.
(2) For a more detailed view of the Midbus see Figure 1.
T3 Data Rate
The T3MAP provides support of the standard T3 rates by maintaining
adaptive control of an external VCO. In this case, a Phase Lock Loop (PLL)
is formed using the FIFO buffer fill status as the phase comparator. The
FIFO buffer stores extracted T3 data from the SONET SPE. The low-pass
filter and VCO are external to the core. A software programmable
thresholdeither EXT_FIFO_HIGH or EXT_FIFO_LOWwill assert
either vco_increase or vco_decrease when the number of bytes in
the FIFO buffer is below or above those software registers. This indicates
a change is required in the T3 clock rate, ds3_txclk. See Core Clocking
on page 12.
vco_decrease indicates the 32-byte FIFO buffer is emptying and the
clock should decrease.
vco_increase indicates the 32-byte FIFO buffer is filling and the
clock should increase.
T3MAP (T3 Mapper)
Altera Corporation 13
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
Data Byte Acceptance
The T3MAP accepts data bytes from a SONET framer via a Midbus
interface. See Midbus on page 14 for more details.
The destuffing mechanism compensates for the frequency differences
between the SONET and T3 data paths.
T3 Extraction
The T3MAP extracts a T3 bit stream from the input SONET SPE. The
T3MAP is also capable of forwarding the T3 bit stream to a T3FRM
(optional). The EXTRACT block extracts the two overhead
communications bits from the SPE and stores them in a register
(EXT_OH). The EXTRACT block synchronizes with the Midbus when the
EXTRACT software enable (CTRL_ENABLE) register is asserted.
Synchronization status, for the EXTRACT block, is kept in the EXT_STAT
T3 Bit Acceptance
The T3MAP accepts a raw T3 bit stream, or takes T3 data from the T3FRM
with the overhead intact (optional).
Asynchronous Mapping
In order to generate an output conforming to T3-SPE mapping, the
INSERT block takes data from an internal 32-byte deep FIFO buffer
containing T3 data collected from the T3 Mapper interface.
The INSERT block also inserts the two software programmable overhead
communication bits (INS_OH) into the SPE payload where designated by
the T3-SPE standard. The INSERT block synchronizes with the Midbus
when the INSERT software enable (CTRL_ENABLE) register is asserted.
Synchronization status of the INSERT block is kept in the INS_STAT
14 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
The T3MAP bit stuffing mechanism compensates for the frequency
differences between T3 and SONET data. The T3MAP also handles
SONET positive and negative stuffing. This stuffing action is performed
in the SONET network to compensate for frequency differences within the
SONET network.
SONET positive/negative stuffing, and T3MAP stuffing mechanisms are
independent of each other.
1A SONET NDF or new pointer event requires a soft restart of the
T3MAP. To do a soft restart you need to toggle the INSERT block
control enable register, INS_CTRL - MAP_INSERT Control -
'h0 on page 21, and the EXTRACT clock control enable register,
EXT_CTRL - MAP_EXTRACT Control - 'h5 on page 22. The
NDF state is not detected by the T3MAP, but it reflects a major
movement in the position of the mapped data in the SONET
stream requiring the T3MAP to resynchronize itself to the
Interfaces &
Three interfaces support the T3MAP: the Middle interface (Midbus), the
Access to Internal Registers (AIRbus) interface, and the T3 Mapper
interface. These interfaces are illustrated in Figure 1.
The Midbus interface is a simple synchronous full-duplex data path bus.
The T3MAP Midbus transports data over a single-byte lane in each
direction. The required frequency of the Midbus varies depending on the
SONET framer supportedsee Table 2.
(1) In the case of higher bandwidth interfaces, the signals, txclk_en and rxclk_en,
are used to match the data rate with the clock rate. This column shows the expected
nominal duty cycle of the enable signal.
Table 2. Midbus Clocks
Configuration Clock Rate (MHz) Clock Nominal Enable Rate (1)
(txclk_en or rxclk_en)
STS-1 6.48 Held active every clock
STS-1x3 19.44 Active: 1 in 3 clocks
STS-1x12 77.76 Active: 1 in 12 clocks
Altera Corporation 15
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
In the receive direction (RX), the data is transferred from the Midbus
master to the slave (T3MAP). In the transmit direction (TX), data is
transferred from the slave (T3MAP) to the Midbus master. In each
direction the Midbus can carry eight bits per clock cycle. It includes
midbus receive data (mrxdat[7:0]) and midbus receive enable
(mrxena) lines to indicate a valid data transfer in the RX direction, and
midbus transmit data (mtxdat[7:0]) and midbus transmit enable
(mtxena) lines to indicate a valid data request in the TX direction.
Receive Direction
Figure 3 shows the Midbus signals in the receive direction. The T3MAP
reads data on mrxdat, on the rising edge of rxclk. The following
position indicators are also presented with the data.
mrxval indicates that the following strobes are valid, see Figure 3.
mrxena indicates mrxdat is user payload (PL)
mrxfoh indicates mrxdat is a fixed frame overhead (A1, A2, J0,
Z0, B1, E1, F1) this includes all section and line overhead, and
mrxeoh indicates mrxdat is an embedded frame overhead (J1,
B3) this includes all path overhead.
Transmit Direction
Figure 4 shows the Midbus signals in the transmit direction, which
provide position commands (listed below) that indicate the type of byte
being processed on the next clock pulse.
mtxval indicates that the following strobes are valid, see Figure 4.
mtxena indicates user payload
mtxfoh indicates a fixed frame overhead (A1, A2, J0, Z0, B1, E1,
F1) this includes all section and line overhead, and
mtxeoh indicates an embedded frame overhead (J1, B3) this
includes all path overhead
When enabled (INS_CTRL register) and synchronized (INS_STAT
register) the T3MAP puts valid data on mtxdat on the rising edge of
txclk, following an asserted high mtxval.
16 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the Midbus timing for the T3MAP interfacing to
an STS-1 Framer.
Figure 3. T3MAP Receive Midbus Timing Diagram
Figure 4. T3MAP Transmit Midbus Timing Diagram
The AIRbus interface provides access to internal registers using a simple
synchronous internal processor bus protocol. This consists of separate
read (rdata) and write (wdata) data buses, a data transfer acknowledge
(dtack) signal, and a select (sel) signal. An address bus (addr[3:0])
and read (read) signal indicate the location and type of access within the
block. The rdata buses and dtack signals can be merged from multiple
blocks using a simple OR function. The dtack signal is sustained until the
block sel is removed (four-way handshaking) meaning the AIRbus can
cross clock domain boundaries. The T3MAP is an AIRbus slave with a
data width of eight bits.
1The internal registers are run on the current Midbus clock. Thus,
the EXTRACT side registers are run using rxclk (rxclk_en),
and the INSERT side registers are run with txclk (txclk_en).
fFor more detailed information on the Midbus and AIRbus refer to the
Altera web site at http://www.altera.com/IPmegastore.
mr xda t
mr xeoh
mr x val
A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 P L A2 J0 Z0 Z0 P L J1 P L B1 U U E1 U P L U F1 U U
B3 P L P L
mt xena
mt xeoh
txcl k
A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 P L A2 J0 Z0 Z0 P L
P L B1 U U E1 U P L U F1 U U
B3 P L P L
Altera Corporation 17
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
T3 Mapper Interface
The T3 Mapper interface is used to convey full T3 data. The T3MAP also
provides users with the option of receiving and transmitting framed T3
data from/to a T3 Framer. The DS3 bit stream, including overhead bits, is
then mapped into a SONET framer SPE asynchronously.
A new DS3 bit is expected to be present on the ds3_rxdata signal at the
rising edge of ds3_rxclksee Figure 5.
Figure 5. Receive T3 Mapper Timing Diagram
A new DS3 bit is expected to be present on the ds3_txdata signal at the
rising edge of ds3_txclksee Figure 6.
Figure 6. Transmit T3 Mapper Timing Diagram
Performance Table 3 shows the required speed and estimated gate count of the T3MAP
in an APEX 20KE device.
(1) All LE and ESB numbers are approximate as of Feb. 20, 2001.
(2) If the T3MAP interfaces to an STS-12 line rate the fMAX will be 77.76 MHz.
Table 3. Performance Note (1)
LEs ESBs fMAX (MHz) (2)
875 244.784 required
18 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
I/O Signals Table 4 lists the I/O signals for the T3MAP.
Table 4. I/O Signals
Port Direction Description
RX Signals
rxclk Input Receive data clock
rxclk_en Input Receive clock enable
rxreset_n Input Receive active low reset
TX Signals
txclk Input Transmit data clock
txclk_en Input Transmit clock enable
txreset_n Input Transmit active low reset
Midbus Signals
mrxdat[7:0] Input Midbus receive data
mrxena Input Midbus receive enable
mrxfoh Input Midbus receive fixed overhead
mrxeoh Input Midbus receive embedded overhead
mrxval Input Midbus receive valid data
mtxdat[7:0] Output Midbus transmit data
mtxena Input Midbus transmit enable
mtxfoh Input Midbus transmit fixed overhead
mtxeoh Input Midbus transmit embedded overhead
mtxval Input Midbus transmit valid data
AIRbus Signals
sel Input Select signal. When this signal goes high, it
selects internal registers
read Input Read/write control signal
High: Reads data from data bus
Low: Writes data to data bus
irq Output Interrupt request signal. When the signal is 1,
this indicates an interrupt request
dtack Output Data transfer acknowledge signal that comes
from the internal registers to indicate the internal
registers are ready to send or accept data
rdata[7:0] Output Read data signals from internal register
addr[3:0] Input Register address
wdata[7:0] Input Write data signals to internal register
T3 Mapper Interface Signals
ds3_rxclk Input T3 Mapper Interface receive clock at 44.736 MHz
Altera Corporation 19
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
ds3_rxdata Input T3 Mapper Interface receive dataserial bit
ds3_txclk Input T3 Mapper Interface transmit clock at 44.736
MHz. This clock is controlled by the T3 Mapper
via external VCO
ds3_txdata Output T3 Mapper Interface transmit dataserial bit
vco_decrease Output This pin indicates the extract blocks FIFO buffer
is emptying and the T3 clock rate should be
vco_increase Output This pin indicates the extract blocks FIFO buffer
is filling and the T3 clock rate should be increased
Table 4. I/O Signals
Port Direction Description
20 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Memory Map
All addresses are 8-bit accesses and are shown as hex values. The access
addresses for each register increment by units of 1, since the accesses are
8 bits wide.
The following is a list of access codes used to describe the type of register
Address Register Description
h2 INS_IS MAP_INSERT Interrupt Status
h3 INS_IE MAP_INSERT Interrupt Enable
h4 INS_OH MAP_INSERT Overhead Communications Insert
h7 EXT_IS MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Status
h8 EXT_IE MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Enable
h9 EXT_OH MAP_EXTRACT Overhead Communications
Code Description
RW Read/Write
RO Read-Only
RW1C Read/Write 1 to Clear
RW0S Read/Write 0 to Set
RTC Read to Clear
RTS Read to Set
RTCW Read to Clear/Write
RTSW Read to Set/Write
RWTC Read/Write any value to Clear
RWTS Read/Write any value to Set
RWSC Read/Write Self-Clearing
RWSS Read/Write Self-Setting
UR0 Unused bits/Read as 0
UR1 Unused bits/Read as 1
Altera Corporation 21
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
INSERT Block Register Description
INS_CTRL - MAP_INSERT Control - ’h0
Field Bits Access Function Default
ENABLE 0RW When 0, MAP_INSERT produces static undefined output
(b1111 1111). Initially after rising edge MAP_INSERT will
synchronize to mtxefp, then produce valid output.
INS_STAT - MAP_INSERT Status - ’h1
Field Bits Access Function Default
MAP_SYNC 0RO When asserted, the T3MAP has been synchronized to the
mtxeoh pulse.
INS_IS - MAP_INSERT Interrupt Status - ’h2
Field Bits Access Function Default
FIFO_CORRUPT 1RTC A 1 indicates MAP_INSERTs internal FIFO has either
underflowed or overflowed.
STS_CORRUPT 0RTC A 1 indicates MAP_INSERT has received an
mtxeoh/mtxena pattern that it could not handle (90 ticks
between poh strobes with 84 enable intermediate). A
software resynchronization is required.
INS_IE - MAP_INSERT Interrupt Enable - ’h3
Field Bits Access Function Default
STS_CORRUPT 0RW This is the MAP_INSERT STS_CORRUPT interrupt enable. 0
INS_OH - MAP_INSERT Overhead Communications Insert - ’h4
Field Bits Access Function Default
COMM_INSERT 1:0 RW This register controls overhead communications bits being
inserted into byte C3.
22 Altera Corporation
Specifications T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
EXTRACT Block Register Description
EXT_CTRL - MAP_EXTRACT Control - ’h5
Field Bits Access Function Default
ENABLE 0RW When 0, MAP_EXTRACT produces static undefined output
(b0). Initially after rising edge MAP_EXTRACT will
synchronize to mrxeoh, then produce valid output.
Field Bits Access Function Default
MAP_SYNC 0RO When asserted, the T3MAP has been synchronized to the
mrxeoh pulse.
EXT_IS - MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Status - ’h7
Field Bits Access Function Default
FIFO_CORRUPT 1RTC A '1' indicates the MAP_EXTRACT registers internal FIFO
has either underflowed or overflowed.
STS_CORRUPT 0RTC A '1' indicates MAP_EXTRACT register has received a
mrxeoh/mrxena pattern that it could not handle. A software
resynchronization is required.
EXT_IE - MAP_EXTRACT Interrupt Enable - ’h8
Field Bits Access Function Default
EXT_OH - MAP_EXTRACT Overhead Communications Extract - ’h9
Field Bits Access Function Default
COMM_EXTRACT 1:0 RO These are the overhead communications bits extracted from
byte C3.
Altera Corporation 23
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide Specifications
Field Bits Access Function Default
MARK 4:0 RW This is a threshold value for the number of bytes in the FIFO
buffer. When the number of bytes in the FIFO buffer
exceeds this value, the FIFO buffer is getting full. The
vco_increase signal is then toggled and the ds3_txclk
is increased.
Field Bits Access Function Default
MARK 4:0 RW This is the threshold value for the number of bytes in the
FIFO buffer. When the number of bytes in the FIFO buffer
falls below this value, the FIFO buffer is getting empty. The
vco_decrease signal is then toggled and the ds3_txclk
is decreased.
Altera Corporation 25
Getting Started
User Guide
Getting Started
Test-drive a
This section describes how to obtain a variant from the T3 Mapper
MegaCore® Function (T3MAP). It explains how to install the T3MAP on
your PC, and walks you through the process of implementing the variant
in a design.
You can test-drive a T3MAP using the Altera® OpenCore feature
within the QuartusII softwareto instantiate it, to perform place-and-
route, to perform static timing analysis, and to simulate it using a third-
party simulator, within your custom logic.
Only when you are ready to generate programming files, do you need to
obtain licenses through your local Altera sales representative.
This design walkthrough involves the following steps:
1. Obtaining and installing the T3MAP.
2. Generating a custom T3MAP for your system using the
MegaWizard® Plug-In.
3. Implementing the rest of your system using the AHDL, VHDL, or
Verilog HDL.
4. Compiling your design and performing place-and-route.
5. Licensing the T3MAP to configure the device.
The instructions assume that:
You are using a PC
You are familiar with the Quartus II software
The most current available version of the Quartus II software is
installed in the default location
You are using the OpenCore feature to test-drive a T3MAP, or you
have licensed it.
26 Altera Corporation
Getting Started T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Obtaining &
Installing the
In order to start using the T3MAP, you need to obtain the MegaCore
package from your local Altera representative. The package includes:
MegaWizard Plug-In
Encrypted gate level netlist
Place-and-route constraints (where necessary)
Secure RTL simulation model
Sanity testbench
Midbus and AIRbus Interface Functional Specifications
Data Sheet
User Guide
Installing the MegaCore Files
Use the MegaWizard Plug-In to generate the files and install them on your
PC. The following instructions describe this process.
1Before you can use the MegaWizard Plug-In, your PC must have
Java runtime environment version 1.2 installed. This file can be
downloaded from the Java web site, http://www.java.sun.com.
For Windows, follow the instructions below:
1. Click Run (Start Menu)
2. Type <path name>\<filename>.exe, where <pathname> is the location
of the downloaded T3MAP, and <filename> is the filename of the
T3MAP. Click OK.
3. The MegaCore Installer dialog box appears. Follow the wizard
instructions to finish the installation.
4. After you have finished installing the files, you must specify the
directory in which you installed them as a user library in the
Quartus II software. Search for User Libraries in Quartus II Help
for instructions on how to add these libraries.
Altera Corporation 27
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide GettingGetting Started
Getting Started
Generating a
Custom T3MAP
This section describes the design flow using the Altera T3MAP, and the
Quartus II development system. A MegaWizard Plug-In Manager is
provided with the T3MAP. The MegaWizard Plug-In Managerused
within the Quartus II software allows you to create, or modify design
files to meet the needs of your application. You can use them to instantiate
the T3MAP in your design file.
To create a custom T3MAP using the wizard, follow these steps:
1. Start the MegaWizard Plug-In by choosing the MegaWizard Plug-In
Manager command (File menu) in the Quartus II software. The
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager dialog box is displayed.
1Refer to Quartus II Help for detailed instructions on how to use
the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
2. Specify that you want to create a new custom variant and click Next.
3. On the second page of the wizard, select T3MAP from the T3 folder.
4. Choose the type of output files, specify the folder and name for the
files the wizard creates, and click Next.
5. Select the optional parameters and choices that you require.
6. The final screen lists the design files that the wizard creates. Click
the System
Once you have created your custom T3MAP, you are ready to implement
it. You can use the files generated by the MegaWizard in your design. You
can use the Quartus II software, or other EDA tools to create your design.
Compiling &
Place & Route
You can use the Quartus II software to compile and place-and-route your
design. Refer to Quartus II Help for instructions on performing
compilation. After you have verified that your design is functionally
correct, you are ready to perform system verification.
Performing Synthesis Compilation & Post-Routing Simulation
The Quartus II software works seamlessly with tools from all EDA
vendors, including: Cadence, Exemplar Logic, Mentor Graphics,
Synopsys, Synplicity, and Viewlogic. After you have licensed the T3MAP,
you can generate EDIF, VHDL, Verilog HDL, and Standard Delay Output
Files from the Quartus II software and use them with your existing EDA
tools to perform functional modeling and post-route simulation of your
28 Altera Corporation
Getting Started T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide
Using Third-Party EDA Tools
To synthesize your design in a third-party EDA tool and perform post-
route simulation, follow these steps:
1. Create your custom design instantiating a T3MAP.
2. Synthesize the design using your third-party EDA tool. Your EDA
tool should treat the T3MAP as a black box by either setting
attributes or ignoring the instantiation.
3. After compilation, generate a hierarchical netlist file in your third-
party EDA tool.
4. Open your netlist file in the Quartus II software.
5. Add the pre-synthesized and encrypted .e.vqm.v file from your
working directory.
Using the Quartus II Software
1. Select the Compile mode (Processing menu).
2. Specify the Compiler settings in the Compiler Settings dialog box
(Processing menu), or use the Compiler Settings wizard.
3. Specify the user libraries for the project and the order in which the
Compiler searches the libraries.
4. Specify the input settings for the project. Choose EDA Tool Settings
(Project menu). Select Custom EDIF in the Design Entry/Synthesis
To o l list. Click Settings. In the EDA Tool Input Settings dialog box,
make sure that the relevant tool name or option is selected in the
Design Entry/Synthesis Tool list.
5. Depending on the type of output file you want, specify Verilog HDL
output settings or VHDL output settings in the General Settings
dialog box (Project menu). Use the 1993 VHDL Language option.
6. Add the pre-synthesized and encrypted .e.vqm.v file from your
working directory.
7. Compile your design. The Quartus II Compiler synthesizes and
performs place-and-route on your design, and generates output and
programming files.
8. Import your Quartus II-generated output files (.edo, .vho, .vo, or
.sdo) into your third-party EDA tool for post-route, device-level, and
system-level simulation.
Altera Corporation 29
T3 Mapper MegaCore Function (T3MAP) User Guide GettingGetting Started
Getting Started
Functional Simulations Using Visual IP Models
This section describes Visual IP Model verification and provides
instructions for using Visual IP Models. Figure 1 shows an example Visual
IP Model arrangement.
Figure 1. General Arrangement
1The top level of the Visual IP Model can be treated as a sub-block
of a design, or as the main design unit.
Downloading & Installing Visual IP Software
The Visual IP software facilitates the use of Visual IP simulation models
by allowing waveforms to be viewed using third-party simulation tools.
To view the simulation model, you must have Visual IP software installed
on your system. To download the software, or for instructions on how to
use it, refer to the Altera web site, http://www.altera.com/IPmegastore.
Licensing &
Configuring a
After you have compiled and analyzed your design, you are ready to
configure your targeted Altera semiconductor device. If you are
evaluating the T3MAP with the OpenCore feature, you must license the
function before you can generate programming files. To obtain a licence
contact your local Altera sales representative.
1All current T3MAP variants use a single license with ordering
code: PLSM-T3MAP.
Tb (RTL)
Utility 2
Utility 3
Utility 1
User Design
Visual IP Model
Black Box
Verilog or VHDL Wrapper
Empty I/O Declaration