@ PHOTOINTERRUPTERS (Ta=25C) Detecting] Slit Electro-optical characteristics Model Internal and | width or | Current transfer ratio Response time 2 No connection Features emitting | resolu- | CTR r F . diagram gap tion (%) IF VcE | (us) Ic Re VCE (mm) | (mm) | MIN.) (MA)} (V) | TYP.| (mA) | (Q) | (Vv) rm Subminiature, wide gap, GP1S39 | ere PWB mounting types P 1.5 0.6"' 3.3 4 5 50 | 0.1 |1000;) 5 two-phase output type ~ A . Actuat licabie, with itioning pin, 3) cpisa7 }SI<] | pweimounting type Postioning 20 | 05 | 25/20]| 5 | 3] 2 | too] 2 a = GP1S09 Snap-in mounting type with connector 5.0 0.8 25 | 20 5 3 2 100; 2 2 GP1S73P = Snap-in mounting type with connector 5.0 0.5 2.5 | 20 5 3 2 100} 2 =| Gpis74P Applicable to 3 kinds of thickness of mounting board 5.0 05 25 | 20 5 3 2 400) 2 2 GP1S93 Wide gap, subminiature, low profile (3.1 mm) 2.0 0.3 2.0 5 5 50 | 0.14 |1000; 5 3 GP1S94 _____| Subminiature, wide gap, with positioning pin 3.5 0.3 0.8 5 5 50 | 0.1 |1000) 5 ! Gpisas 4 = <. High resolution, subminiature, thin detector type} 1.6 03 | 10/ 5 | 5 | 35 | 01 |1000; 5 GP1S96 Subminiature, low profile (3.5 x 2.6 x 3.1 mm) 1.0 0.3 | 2.0 5 5 50 | 0.1 11000; 5 High resolution, subminiature, wide gap, GP1S97 with mounting hole, PWB mounting type 22 0.3 1.6 5 5 50 | 0.1 |1000) 5 3 GP1L03 Wide gap, both-side mounting type 10.0 2.0 100 1 2 80 10 100| 2 a = GP1L50 High resolution, both-side mounting type 3.0 0.5 50 1 2 80 2 100} 2 re GP1L51 High resolution, side mounting type 3.0 0.5 50 1 2 80 2 100} 2 S| GPIL52V High resolution, PWB mounting type 3.0 0.5 50 1 2 80 2 100; 2 o 6 GP1L53V _ High resolution, PWB mounting type 5.0 0.5 30 1 2 80 2 100] 2 5 = 2 GP1L55 High resolution, PWB mounting type 2.0 0.15 30 2 2 80 2 100; 2 S| GP1L57 Wide gap, PWB mounting type 10.0 1.8 70 1 2 | 130 2 100) 2 % = Topr: -25 to +86C *1 Reading pitch @ Single phototransistor output type with actuator and 3-pin connector terminal (Ta=25C) Actuator Electro-optical characteristics*' o Internal lever start- Light beam interrupted Light beam uninterrupted = Model No. | connection Features ing torque | Dissipation current | Collector current Dissipation current | Collector current diagram (Initial) icc1 [ Vee | Ict | Veco |] Vo | Icce | Veco | Ice | Vee | Vo MAX. | (mA) | () | (mA) | (Y) | (Vv) | (ma) | (Y) | (mA) | | ) .3 of . 33 =} | * Spring lever type 23 RSE apices: | fm] | eeuator a xtotnnm vax, 8 [mae 88 [wax 5 [mi 8 |S 22 ____ with connector aS # = Topr: -25 to +75C *{ Operating voltage: 4.5 to 5.5 V Notice In the absence of confirmation by device specification sheets, SHARP takes no responsibility for any defects that may occur in equipment using any SHARP devices shown in catalogs, data books, etc. Contact SHARP in order to obtain the latest device specification sheets before using any SHARP device Internet address for Electronic Components Group ntip:/Awww.sharp.co.jp/ecg/